What entertainment is there in the Dominican Republic? Sights of the Dominican Republic. Sea adventures and entertainment

An island with ideal conditions for unforgettable holiday among luxurious nature and picturesque beaches- This Dominican Republic. Sights attract with their originality, and numerous resorts with the opportunity to spend time surrounded by silence and solitude, among exoticism and pleasant weather.

Dominican Republic on the map

Even being small island state with modest dimensions, it never ceases to be a relevant place to relax.

Where is it located?

The Dominican Republic is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and you can meet it in the vast Caribbean Sea. It's on the second large island this reservoir - Espanola, adjacent to the state of Haiti and occupying eastern part sushi.

The Dominican Republic also owns the territories of several nearby islands.

Geographically, the Dominican Republic is located between North and South America, and next to it are no less popular resorts:

  • Cuba;
  • Jamaica.

Thanks to this, the tourist flow does not dry out all year round, so main source of income countries - the sphere of services, recreation and entertainment.

Main tourist areas

The Dominican Republic is an island with an abundance of a wide variety of places and resorts. The most famous and popular of them are located in eastern part- on the Atlantic coast. For many travelers – fans of beach and active recreation These names are familiar:

  1. Santo Domingo;
  2. Punta Cana;
  3. Boca Chica;
  4. Puerto Plata.

Santo Domingo is capital Dominican Republic and the oldest settlement in South America. The city attracts tourists primarily because it has a rich cultural, historical and artistic heritage.

Once upon a time Santo Domingo was big city New World, and Christopher Columbus walked its streets.

Many unique sights and interesting places can be found in other tourist areas Dominican Republic. Holidaymakers in Punta Cana, La Romana, Cabarete and Boca Chica attract superb beaches, amazingly beautiful nature, sunken ships and historical buildings from colonial times.

Sights - photos with descriptions

Despite the fact that the Dominican Republic and its resorts are considered more beach direction, in its vastness there are amazing places, introducing the life of this country, its history and culture.

Architectural structures

A treasure trove of architectural monuments – Santo Domingo- a city with a rich and ancient history. It has cathedrals, palaces, remains of ancient buildings, historical areas with buildings dating back to colonial times. Walking through these places will allow you to travel back in time - to the 16th-17th centuries, when Spain had claims to these territories.

There are many New World structures left in the center of Santo Domingo, and you can find them in Colonial zone:

  • castle Alcazar de don Diego Colon– a structure from 1510, for the construction of which not a single nail was used;
  • Puerta del Conde– an ancient gate symbolizing protection from invasion.

Getting to know architectural monuments The Colonial Zone is best done independently. In this part of the city, all objects are preserved in the same form in which they were built. There is a special atmosphere at Las Damas street– on the oldest cobbled street in the world. It is decorated with mansions in pastel colors, with baskets of flowers playfully hanging from the walls.

One of the most prominent attractions of the Dominican Republic and its capital is Osama Fortress- the first defensive structure in America. It was built in 1508 to protect against pirates. For four centuries, this bastion served as a military base, and after that it was a prison.

Tourists will be interested National Palace - an impressive and beautiful building in which the President of the Republic works. Within its walls, serious issues are resolved and important meetings are held. The construction of this building was completed in 1947, and a colossal amount was spent on its construction. The house is attractive because it was built in an eclectic style.

The cultural, linguistic and racial differences of the Caribbean representatives can be seen in their appearance.

For a long time, Santo Domingo was the capital of all Spanish colonies in America. Therefore, there are important historical sites on its territory. One of them is royal shipyards- a complex of warehouses, which became the first and only building of its kind with a similar purpose. The building was a kind of customs house through which all goods entering the New World passed.

There is an opportunity to plunge into the colonial past of the Dominican Republic in almost every resort. Puerto Plata has a whole historic district with Victorian buildings - exquisite mansions reminiscent of the wealth of the former inhabitants of slave traders and merchants. The houses are two-story attics with Moorish arches.

In Puerto Plata there is an ancient bastion - Fort San Felipe- a structure that served to protect Spanish ships from pirates and corsairs. It was built by order of the Spanish King Philip II in 1577.

Later the fort was turned into a prison, and now it houses museum with interesting historical military artifacts. If you climb one of the towers, you will have a magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean.

In resorts such as La Romana, Boca Chica, Punta Cana, architectural sites are also worth noting old houses, in which colonists or merchants once lived. But still, these places are more famous for their nature and coastline.

Religious buildings

The first churches of America appeared on the territory of the Dominican Republic in colonial times, and many of them have survived to this day. America's First Cathedral located in Santo Domingo. The son of Christopher Columbus, Diego, had a hand in the construction, and the English pirate Francis Drake contributed to the destruction.

Santo Domingo was the capital of the New World, so it was decided that the first religious building would be built in this place. The cathedral was erected in 1544 from golden coral limestone, and was made in the style Gothic and Baroque. Inside the temple there are many different treasures - collections of statues, precious jewelry, dishes and furniture.

National Pantheon– a religious building in the Dominican Republic with interesting and unusual story. Initially, the building served as a church at a Jesuit monastery, but later prominent personalities of the republic began to be buried within its walls.

Bodies are kept in sarcophagi– the founders of the monastery are buried here, as well as the woman who hand-embroidered the country’s flag, and many other people. The entrance to the premises is guarded by a guard of honor.

You can get inside the Pantheon on weekends, but it is very important to follow the dress code (no T-shirts, shorts or short skirts).

Churches and temples Dominicans are also found in other resorts in the country:

  1. Cathedral of San Felipe to Puerto Plata;
  2. Church of Saint Raphael in Boca Chica;
  3. Basilica of Higway in the town of the same name.

On the coast of the Dominican Republic there are authentic chapels with a rich past. Many of them are so charming and romantic that they attract people who want to get married.


In Santa Domingo there is a famous museum - Columbus Lighthouse. This structure does not look like a signal tower at all and is not even located on the seashore.

The building of impressive size, made of white marble, resembles in shape cross, and inside it is a priceless collection of exhibits dedicated to the discovery of America, the life and travels of Columbus, as well as various artifacts of the indigenous population.

According to legend, it is in this museum that they keep remains great navigator. But it is also known that they can be found in Genoa and Seville. No one knows the real burial place, but the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic believe that it was on their land that Christopher Columbus decided to stay.

Of the significant museums of the Dominican Republic, it is worth noting those located in Santo Domingo:

  • Palace Museum;
  • Amber Museum;
  • House Tostado;
  • House of Five Medallions;
  • Museum of Man.

The museum under the open airAltos de Chavon at the resort of La Romana. The exhibition is a replica of a medieval village with houses and narrow cobbled streets, temples, cafes, shops and craft workshops.

It arose in 1980, thanks to the American tycoon Charles Bluhdorn- one of the owners of Paramount Pictures. According to one version, Charles was inspired by this island and its beauty, so he decided to recreate the architecture of the 16th century here so that the people of America could get acquainted with the traditions and culture of the country.

Altos de Chavon is one of the most attractive places in the Dominican Republic. Medieval village in different times inspired directors, actors and rulers with her beauty.

The Duke of Anjou and the heiress of a Venezuelan noble family were married in the local church of St. Stanislaus, and Michael Jackson and Lisa Presley were also married.

Altos de Chavon is located amphitheater with 5,000 seats, where Julio Iglesias, Carlos Santana, Frank Sinatra and other world stars gave concerts. Some scenes from the movie Apocalypse Now were filmed near these places.

What else can a tourist see and where to go?

Dominican Republic, its attractions and interesting places varied. Not only are the beaches beautiful here, but also the architecture, nature and hiking trails. During excursions, tourists also have the opportunity to get acquainted with national cuisine , try cocoa, tobacco products and buy local ones.

The nature of the Dominican Republic is the real pride of the country. Rivers, lakes, protected areas and parks, lagoons, bizarre flowers, mangroves, secluded islands and mysterious caves are ideal for ecotourism.

Most attractive to walking routes National Park Armando-Bermudez. It is famous for the fact that there are three high peak– La Pelona, ​​La Rusilla, Duarte. The height of the last of them is 3098 meters. This feature attracts fans of outdoor activities and extreme sports enthusiasts.

The park is valuable for its rich and unusual flora and fauna. In its vastness there are endemics, impressive in their diversity. The forests are home to rare species of parrots, woodpeckers, nightingales, trogons, quails and siskins. Among the mammals, it is worth noting wild pigs and rodents, and reptiles include lizards and snakes.

Not inferior in its beauty and fullness other parks:

  1. Los Haitises;
  2. Jaragua;
  3. El Choco;
  4. Jarabacoa;
  5. Los Tres Ojos.

Fans of ecotourism have the opportunity to visit small islands– Catalinita, Catalina, Saona – secluded and quiet areas of land, straight out of tourist brochures.

Excursions and entertainment

It is impossible to imagine getting to know the Dominican Republic without visiting the capital of the island - Santa Domingo. In this city the tour begins with Colonial City and continues to places such as the Cathedral, the Tobacco Museum and the National Pantheon.

Almost all excursion places in Santo Domingo can be visited independently.

One of the most memorable excursions - "on the path of Columbus". During your walk you can meet beautiful places, architectural monuments, colonies that were founded by the great navigator.

Most popular objects:

  • ruins of Fort La Navidad;
  • archaeological park of La Isabela;
  • architecture of Santo Domingo;
  • town of Luperon.

Popular excursions take place around Punta Cana and Cap Cana. The walk takes 5-6 hours, and during it you can see beautiful places near resort area Bavaro, do it bright photos from the coastal cliffs, admire the local architecture and swim in one of the two lagoons.

If you are already bored with standard entertainment, such as restaurants, clubs and discos, then in the Dominican Republic you will definitely find activity to your liking:

  1. buggy safari to Punta Cana;
  2. travel around cable car ziplining in Punta Cana;
  3. visiting an amusement park in Samana, decorated in the style of a popular film "Pirates of the Caribbean";
  4. excursion to La Caleta National Underwater Park in Boca Chica;
  5. dive to the wreck bulk carrier "St. George" in La Romana;
  6. travel to Dolphin Island to Punta Cana;
  7. surveillance humpback whales to the Samana Peninsula;
  8. rafting on the Yaque del Norte River in Puerto Plata.

Look in this video overview of the most popular attractions in the Dominican Republic:

It is the most visited country in the Caribbean and for good reason. Here you will find a variety of activities that tourists who come here enjoy, from surfers to animal lovers, cyclists to cultural enthusiasts and much more. However, unlike other Caribbean countries, the Dominican Republic is large enough to be fully explored in just one trip, so Good THERE have provided a condensed list of some of the best attractions the Dominican Republic has to offer.

1 Whale watching

Samana is home to humpback whales, with approximately 2,000 humpback whales visiting each year between December and March to breed in the warm waters offshore. Research shows that all populations of Atlantic humpback whales come to breed in the waters near the Dominican Republic. Humpback whales can weigh up to 40 tons and perform a variety of acrobatic feats during mating, such as jumping out of the water, and some male whales sing “songs” to attract females to mate.

Samana, Dominican Republic

2 Visit the Zona Colonial

Zone Colonial(Zona Colonial) is a small town located in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. This area is home to many important historical buildings such as cathedral, monastery, university, customs and hospital in the “New World”. In addition to historical sites, Zona Colonial has many restaurants and is also known for its clubs and lively nightlife.

Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

3 Stay in Costa del Coco

Costa del Coco is known in the Dominican Republic as a retreat resort. La Costa del Coco is located at the easternmost tip of the Dominican Republic and is a long coastline white sand and palm trees, home to a vast complex of all-inclusive resorts.

4 Go Partying in Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic and the most visited city in Caribbean, as well as the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement on the American continent. Here you will find some of the largest and most pristine beaches in the Caribbean, as well as the highest concentration of all-inclusive resorts. The city is a combination of old world colonial charm combined with modern Latin architecture. Santo Domingo is known for having a very vibrant nightlife with a huge number of clubs and lounges to choose from.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

5 Explore the Dominican Alps

Dominican Alps are located 80 km from the capital city of Santo Domingo. This mountain range forms a kind of “spine” of the island. The central part of the Alps is a paradise for nature lovers, there are protected national parks, rivers and valleys. Here you will find the most best views that only the Dominican Republic has to offer. In the mountains you can take a break from the intense heat that accompanies you in the rest of the country. More cool climate stimulates the growth of fruits such as strawberries, which are difficult to find in other parts of the country. The most high mountain, Peak Duarte, green meadows grow here and pine forests, these are rare species in the Caribbean.

Peak Duarte, Dominican Republic

6 Visit Puerto Plata

Puerto Plata- a beautiful area filled with pristine beaches and stunning mountain landscape. In this place you will find the best water activities in the country. Cabarete, one of the cities in this region, is known as the capital of windsurfing, the beaches in this part of the country have waves that attract surfers from all over the world. Puerto Plata is also well known for its vibrant nightlife and very rich culture, and it great place to learn about some of the country's traditions.

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

7 Head to Los Haitis National Park

Haiti translated as " mountainous land", and it is one of the few remaining rainforests in the Dominican Republic. In the park huge amount mangroves covering an area of ​​1600 km². Los Haitis famous large quantity caves, as well as a variety of wildlife such as the (endangered) hawk (endangered), Español piculet, Spanish-speaking woodpecker, Spanish emerald, pelicans, frigate birds, herons and many other majestic birds.

The park's jungle was used in the making of the film Jurassic Park.

The hills in the park can reach 40 meters and offer stunning views, this is information for those who want to try their hand at rock climbing.

Los Haitis National Park, Dominican Republic

8 Attractions on Lake Enriquillo

Lake Enriquillo is the most big lake The Caribbean is home to a diverse array of wildlife such as saltwater crocodiles, pink flamingos and lizards, but the list is certainly not limited to these animals. This is a great place to visit if you are interested in wildlife. We highly recommend that those interested in visiting this place be sure to contact trusted travel agencies as it is quite remote place located almost on the border with Haiti and you still find yourself in dangerous wild nature.

Lake Enriquillo, Dominican Republic

9 Go to Saona Island

Saona - tropical island, located southeast of the Dominican Republic. Saona Island is a great place for a day trip. Around 300 people live here, making it a great place for a quiet and relaxing holiday. You can stroll peacefully along the shore, relax in the shallow waters or sunbathe on the white sand. This is considered one of the most beautiful island excursions that the Dominican Republic offers. Boats depart from Bayahibe every morning, and round trip travel (including hotel pick-up) can range from $50 to $80.

Saona Island, Dominican Republic

10 Swim in the cascades of Damajagua Falls

Damajagua Falls(or 27 waterfalls) are one of the biggest attractions for nature lovers in the Dominican Republic. Every year, more than 50,000 people visit these waterfalls, take photos and swim in the natural pools formed below. A total of 27 waterfalls are found in the northern hills mountain range, which are created by Mother Nature from solid limestone.

Damajagua Falls, Dominican Republic

What to do in the Dominican Republic? Where to go and what to see? This article will talk about the many entertainments of the Dominican Republic.


The first place on our list of entertainment is occupied by a variety of entertainment. Here everyone will find an excursion to their liking. On our website we offer you the following categories of excursions:

  • Boat trips, for lovers of water and comfortable relaxation
  • Culture and history, for lovers of walks and new knowledge
  • Adventure and extreme, for thrill-seekers

Water activities in the Dominican Republic

Near almost every hotel you will be offered banana boat rides, parasailing, snorkeling (snorkeling) and much more. Don't forget to bargain with sellers of marine entertainment;)

In addition, you can dive to the seabed and receive a diver certificate.

Or try your hand at surfing on Macau Beach.

For children and adults, the Dominican Republic offers a good water park on the territory of the La Sirenis hotel. Everyone can come. It's better to visit on weekdays. There are slides and pools for children of all ages. For adults - unlimited beer, hammocks and some very extreme slides! You can order a transfer from Dva Banana.

For tough men, the Dominican Republic offers tough fishing in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. You can catch large fish (marlin, barracuda), and then taste it in a restaurant.

As you can see, the Dominican Republic offers you a huge selection of entertainment for every taste and color!

Oh, there is a wide scope for those who like to party! Let's start with the nightclubs of the Dominican Republic:

Mangu - Mangu (Bavaro)

The club is part of the hotel Occidental Grand in Punta Cana. If you are staying here, visiting the establishment will be free for you. If not, you will have to pay an entrance fee (around $10). The club seats about a thousand people and consists of two floors. Latin and hip-hop music plays on the first floor, while techno-house dominates on the second. Food and drinks can be ordered at the club. You can get to Mangu by taxi or order a transfer to Two Bananas.

Jewel - Jewel (Bavaro)

Two-story club located near shopping center Palma Real. The owner of the club is Akon. I can't help but rejoice at the good sound and interior of the club. Admission is paid. You can get to Jewel by taxi or order a transfer to Two Bananas.

Imagine - Imeijin (Bavaro)

This club is located in a real cave. Variety of music. One hall. It's worth going here because of its unusual location. Where else will condensation from the ceiling drip on you? It is better not to wear high-heeled shoes. Admission is paid. You can get to the club by taxi or order a transfer to Two Bananas.

ORO (Bavaro)

Nightclub located in the Hard Rock Hotel. World celebrities often perform here. Among other clubs it differs the most high prices for alcohol. Admission is paid. You can get to the club by taxi or order a transfer to Two Bananas.

Various drinks (Bavaro)

This is where the real Dominican flavor is, low prices for alcohol and free entry! There are two so-called “drinks” in Bavaro - Go Drink and Shop and Drink. They are located on the same street, a 10-minute walk from each other. What is it? This is a kind of bar-shop-dance floor in the open air. You come, take a table, buy alcohol in the store or order from the bartender and dance. A lot of locals. Everyone is friendly and will be happy to teach you how to dance bachata!


Almost every hotel has its own casino. The average bet in blackjack is $15. In addition, you will be offered Caribbean poker, roulette and many slot machines. Some casinos host Texas Holdem (poker) tournaments. Entrance to the game is $100.

Bavaro has two large casinos - the Hard Rock Hotel and the Tower Casino. You can get to them by taxi. Admission is free. The casino offers liquor, water, coffee and tea. Sometimes they carry snacks.


Have a nice holiday and the most crazy entertainment!

Sincerely, Maxim and Masha Betev

"Organization of recreation from A to Z"

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Located in the eastern part famous island Haiti, the Dominican Republic is considered a country of contrasts – both metaphorically (a mixture of rural and urban life) and geographically. This fantastically beautiful republic is famous luxury resorts, cane plantations, inexpensive hotels and tourist holidays for every taste. What is the best season for a holiday in the Dominican Republic, what is worth seeing, and what are the prices?

The best holiday season in the Dominican Republic - weather, holidays of the Dominican Republic

Given the subtropical humid climate and the presence of soft breezes and trade winds, the heat in the republic is easily tolerated even by children. The rainy season lasts from May to early autumn - at this time showers are frequent but short (mostly in the evening). Rain is also possible in November-December. All other days are dry and sunny. Best time for holidays in the Dominican Republic - from early December to April. Take weather factors into account if you want to attend one of the Dominican holidays.

The most famous holidays of the republic:

  • Dominican Carnival. It is held in honor of Independence Day on February 27th. Colorful processions, masquerade, performances, funny fashion shows and music await you throughout February.
  • Carnival Cimarron ("runaway slave"). It is held on Holy Thursday of Easter week in cities such as Elias Piña, Cabral and San Juan de Maguana. The colorful carnival ends on Sunday with the burning of effigies in the cemetery (as a sign of the victory of life over death) and devil masks.
  • Merengue Festival. No less noisy and vibrant than the carnivals of the republic (merengue is the national dance), with fiery dances and Spanish music. The festival lasts 2 weeks, from the end of July, on the Santo Domingo embankment.
  • Festival in Puerto Plata in early October. Local artisans and craftsmen take part in it. At this event you can watch the process of creating souvenirs, communicate with the craftsmen and buy something original for yourself.
  • Latin Music Festival. Spanish artists, music lovers and tourists flock to the Santo Domingo Stadium in June. The festival lasts 3 days.
  • All Saints Day. It is held in the Dominican Republic on November 1 and represents “mystical” entertainment celebrations - noisy parties, monster costumes, etc.

Beach holidays in the Dominican Republic - the best beaches and resorts for a holiday in the Dominican Republic

Probably, anywhere in the Dominican Republic you can find adventures and impressions for the rest of your life.

But For quality service, people usually go to the following parts of the republic:

  • Punta Cana (east of the republic). Here tourists will find thousands of coconut palms, pearly white beach sand, entertainment for every taste, age and budget, parks and views wildlife. A local attraction is Manatee Park. There you can swim with dolphins, get a close look at crocodiles and iguanas, and see a parrot show. Tourists can enjoy many bars, shops and restaurants, best hotels, horseback riding and swimming pools, windsurfing and diving, golf. Coral reefs provide strong protection from sea ​​predators– divers need not be afraid of anything.
  • Juan Dolio. Most of all, the resort is famous for its lagoon, reliably protected by reefs from sharks and other sea monsters, a snow-white beach and a turquoise-emerald sea. Entertainment includes bars with tropical cocktails, diving and windsurfing, billiards with bowling, horses, restaurants with the most exquisite cuisine in the world. Be sure to visit San Pedro de Macoris - the center of the republic with pristine architecture in different styles, and the village of Altos de Chavon, home to Dominican artists. Don't forget about the Three Eyes Cave.
  • Puerto Plata. Or, as this resort is called, the shore of Ambergris (or black amber, of which there is quite a lot here). The Amber Coast attracts vacationers with its white sands, fantastic landscapes and clear water. There is a Botanical Garden with hundreds of exotic plants, famous beach Long Beach, the "remains" of Columbus's house, the Temple of the Americas and the "Taino Indian" museum. IN local restaurants you can eat ginger cakes and Creole crab, in local hotels– relax on an all-inclusive basis.
  • La Romana. This resort is famous for its snow-white soft beaches - truly magical (no one wants to leave such a beach). There is a village of artists here ( medieval style) and an amphitheater, there are valleys with sugar cane plantations and orange trees.
  • Bayahibe. The resort is located next to La Romana. A picturesque fishing village where you can easily take a boat and go to the island of Saona - tourists are waiting there nature reserve(dolphins, old sea ​​turtles, over 100 species of exotic birds, as well as pelicans and flying fish), many strange plants, grottoes with caves in which Columbus sailors lived.
  • Boca Chica. Here for tourists is the smallest and white sand in the republic, a clear and quiet sea, a bay protected by reefs from the wind and predators, amazingly clear water, shallow depths off the coast. Entertainment options include banana boat rides, windsurfing and sailing, water skiing, boat trips, sports competitions, etc.
  • Uvero Alto. The beaches here stretch for 50 km, the coral reefs are the longest in the republic, the landscapes are the most beautiful, with wild areas. As well as numerous palm trees, high service, diving and windsurfing, archery and horseback riding, cooking and painting lessons, swimming with dolphins and restaurants, jeep safaris.
  • Jarabacoa. This resort is surrounded mountain rivers and forests. This is where you can see famous waterfalls Dominican Republic, Duarte Peak and Armando Bermudez Nature Reserve. Entertainment options include natural attractions, eco-tourism, horseback riding and safaris, mountaineering, and trekking.

Entertainment on vacation in the Dominican Republic - attractions of the Dominican Republic

The most popular attractions of the republic are:

  • Del Este National Park. Unique nature, luxurious beaches, Catalita Island and Las Calderas Bay, mangroves and seabirds.
  • Los Haitises National Park. Here for tourists there are picturesque landscapes with river channels, pelicans and herons, caves with rock paintings, the famous underground river, “shark mouth”, etc. By the way, this is where “Jurassic Park” was filmed.
  • Tres Ojos Cave.
  • Lighthouse Faro Colon. A structure with a sarcophagus in the center - it houses the remains of Columbus (according to his will). There you can also look into the Dominican History Museum.
  • Osama Fortress. Year of construction: 1502-1507. In the courtyard of the building is the Torre del Omenaje tower. It was once used to lock up rebel Indians and, later, prisoners of the republic.
  • Fort Concepion from the 17th century.
  • Cathedral of Santo Domingo - the oldest cathedral, built in the 16th century from coral limestone.
  • Three Eyes Park. Here you should definitely see caves with stalactites, an aquarium and grottoes (at their bottom there are 3 sulfide dark blue lakes), and a zoo.
  • National Botanical Garden.
  • Amber Museum in Puerto Plata.
  • Summit of Monte Isabel de Toros (2621 m) , from the platform of which a fantastic panorama opens. They get to the top by cable car.
  • 3 parks on the Pedernales Peninsula: Yaragua (more than 130 species of birds), Sierra de Baoruca (orchids) and Isla Cabritos (many animals). In the bay you can see groupers, manatees and baleen sharks.
  • Banco de la Plata Marine Reserve. Here you can (throughout February and a couple more weeks in March) watch humpback whales.

Prices for holidays in the Dominican Republic

The currency of the republic (exchanged in banks and hotels) is the Dominican peso. 1 dollar is equal to 45 pesos. Credit cards are applied throughout the republic.

Approximate prices in the Dominican Republic:

For transport:

  • Buses - from 5 to 100 pesos.
  • Minibus taxi – no more than 150 pesos.
  • Metro – 20 pesos.

Prices for excursions:

  • Swim with dolphins in the sea - about 6,000 rubles.
  • Matani Park - about 1200 rub.
  • Laguna Oviedo Park - about 50 rub.
  • Excursion to Santa Domingo - about 800 rub.

Prices in local cafes and restaurants:

  • Seafood dinner for two – about 2000 rub.
  • Lobster - about 700-1300 rub.
  • Beer - about 100 rub.
  • Fish - about 150-400 rub.
  • Alcohol in the bar - about 100 rubles.
  • Lunch at a restaurant for two + a bottle of wine – about 2500-2700 rubles.
  • Pizza – about 450 rub.
  • Cocktail – about 250 rub.
  • Lobster – about 500 rub.

And also:

  • Hotel room – 2000-3000 rub.
  • Sun lounger on the beach – 50-150 rubles/day.

It is not only by the sea that a person who comes on vacation to the Dominican Republic lives. And no matter how gorgeous the Caribbean is, your vacation wouldn't be as great without entertainment. So, what else are we going to do in the Dominican Republic?

The best entertainment in the resorts of the Dominican Republic.

It is quite natural that the main entertainment in Dominican Republic- this is the gorgeous Caribbean Sea. But even such beauty as the delicate turquoise of the crystal clear Caribbean waters can become boring.

What to do on vacation in the Dominican Republic? There are actually quite a lot of options.

So, the 5 most popular entertainments.

1. Snorkeling and diving

Most of the coral reefs around the Dominican Republic have been severely damaged by careless sailors and their boats and anchors. Despite the fact that they have already been reconstructed and restored several times, they, of course, cannot be restored to their original appearance. The only place, where you can still glimpse a pristine coral reef, is located near Puerto Plata.

At the same time, the place is very remote and getting to it on your own is simply unrealistic. Several tour operators in the Dominican Republic organize tours for divers. Ask your hotel guide or at the reception.

Along south coast the best places For snorkeling, Bahia de Neiba is considered just south of Barahona, where manatees love to live, Isla Catalina, small island near La Romana, where, as divers say, local fish are eaten right out of their hands.

Isla Saona is a huge mangrove island with a beautiful reef a little south of Bayahibe and Parque National La Caleta south of Santo Domingo is a very unusual diving site. Department National Parks The Dominican sank the retired ship Hickory at this site in 1984, which became a very famous diving site within a few years and was classified as a reef, providing a home for a variety of sea creatures.

You can get to the reef closest to you either with the help of a tour operator or by booking a tour at your hotel.

2. Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing

Windsurfing is very popular in the north of the country. The resort of Cabarete is especially famous for it. There are plenty of small clubs here where they will give you equipment and train you.

In other regions, this entertainment is only gaining momentum, but it is worth noting that it is very successful.

Kitesurfing will be more attractive for beginners. It requires less study, and the views from it are more breathtaking. Finding a kitesurfing club won’t be difficult either. You can ask the hotel about the nearest one, they will be happy to give you directions to the area.

Surfing is less organized in the Dominican Republic. It will be difficult to find a place where they will give you equipment and training. It is mainly done here by locals and only as a hobby. There are a couple of surf camps in Cabarete. But be careful, there are no lifeguard towers in such places, so to risk surfing in the Dominican Republic you need good preparation.

3. Boating, fishing and whale watching

Boat clubs are very common in the Dominican Republic. Particularly noteworthy are the swimming spots in Luperon, Manzanillo and Samana. Sailing is strongly discouraged in Puerto Turistico and Puerto Plateau - robberies and acts of sabotage often occur during sailing. In such places, it is better to take tours from operators and go sailing with an organized group of tourists.

Most all-inclusive hotels offer deep sea fishing tours. Local ships, as a rule, are very well equipped, and the captains are experienced sailors who know the fishing spots. Fishing in the Dominican Republic has never left anyone indifferent, even avid amateurs and professionals of this pastime.

If the weather at sea leaves much to be desired, go fishing in local lakes and rivers. The best place For fishing on the lake, a place near the city of Cotui is considered. There is a very beautiful water reservoir called Largo Hatillo, surrounded by slopes and hills. The easiest and most proven way to get there is by negotiating with the owner of the Rancho del Largo hotel.

Every winter, more than a thousand humpback whales from around Atlantic Ocean sail to the Dominican shores. Off the coast of Bahia de Samana and Silver Banks Sanctuary, they give birth and raise their babies every year. The best time to watch them is January-February. It sometimes happens that several individuals may arrive in December, and some may be a little late and appear closer to March. Boats with those wishing to observe these majestic animals leave from the city of Samana every day during the peak season. Some operators offer excursions lasting several days with the opportunity to even swim among humpback whales! Ask guides and locals.

4. River activities

Mountain resort of Jarabacoa - main center countries for rafting and kayaking. Some tour operators offer full-day trips to Rio Yaque del Norte with experienced guides. The local rapids are highly praised by rafting enthusiasts. Also, as part of the excursions, you can be offered a week-long kayak tour with accommodation and meals on the river.

Jarabacoa, Cabarete and Las Terrenas can also offer you an exciting adventure - descending from the mountains on an elastic rope along an active 75-meter waterfall, accompanied by experienced guides and insurance.


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