How many hours by plane to Crimea? What is the best way to get to Crimea and how long does it take? How long does it take to fly to Crimea from Kyiv?

Tourists who have planned a vacation on the Crimean coast of the Black Sea usually face a dilemma - what is the most convenient and profitable way to get to the southern resort?

By and large, all paths are open:

  • Traveling by plane.
  • Train ride.
  • Using your own car.
  • Bus route.

Of course, the choice will depend on the features that are most important for a particular person. Each method has positive and negative sides, so you need to clearly understand what is more important: speed, cost of travel, comfort, the travel process itself, or any other quality of the journey.

The fastest option will be the flight Moscow – Simferopol (Crimea). The comfort level of airliners is much higher than any other type of transport. The time spent on the road will vary depending on the city of departure, because you can fly to Crimea not only from Moscow airports, but also from many large populated areas of our country; it’s just that most Russians use flights from the capital of Russia, planning to swim in the Crimean part Black Sea. In terms of time, direct flights are least likely to fly from:

  • Moscow – the journey will take from 2 hours 20 minutes;
  • St. Petersburg – travel time will be at least 3 hours 10 minutes;
  • Krasnodar is the closest city to Crimea, so the flight from there is only 1 hour and 15 minutes, although there are few direct flights.

The cheapest flights from Moscow to Simferopol this month

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You should take into account the need to arrive at the airport 1.5-2 hours before departure for the check-in procedure and passport control. By registering for a flight online, passengers save time and effort - they can afford to arrive much later, about half an hour before the plane departs, avoid standing in line, and at the same time pre-book a seat in the aircraft cabin.

In addition to direct flights, there are flights with transfers from Moscow to Crimea. Usually their cost is slightly lower, but the total travel time will be longer due to the wait for the connection at the plane change point. The transit travel option is suitable for tourists who have enough free time and want to save on purchasing air tickets. Transfers are carried out in different cities of our country.

Many airliners of different air carriers fly from Moscow to Crimea. You can decide which one to choose by comparing airfare prices and flight schedules.

The following airlines are considered the most famous and reliable:

  • Aeroflot;
  • Nordavia;
  • Nordwind Airlines;
  • Red Wings;
  • Russia;
  • S7 Airlines (Siberia Airlines);
  • Ural Airlines;
  • VIM Airlines;
  • Yamal Airlines;
  • Don-Avia.

The arrival point of all Crimean aircraft is the city of Simferopol. From there it’s as easy as shelling pears to get to any point resort area– dispensaries, sanatoriums, private sector, suburbs and other cities of the Crimean Peninsula.

Standard selections:

  • taxi ordering service;
  • travel by public transport;
  • car rental.

Transport links between Simferopol air harbor and the city, as well as others settlements set up superbly. The routes are served by buses, trolleybuses and a special Fly&Bus express bus:

  • Buses run from the airport to the bus station and minibuses No. 49 – the first ones are cheaper, the second ones are a little faster and run more often.
  • TO railway station There are minibuses and buses No. 98, minibus No. 115, trolleybus No. 9.
  • Exist intercity trolleybuses, delivering passengers to Yalta (No. 55) and Alushta (No. 54).
  • By express train you can get to the most popular resort cities of Crimea - Yalta, Sevastopol, Alushta, Saki, Evpatoria, as well as some sanatoriums. The parking lot is located on the square in front of the airport building, the schedule is tied to the arrival of flights. You can buy tickets online or directly at the airport ticket office, check the schedule on the website or in the arrivals hall. The advantage is the trip without stops.
  • Car rental in Crimea is becoming more and more popular every year. Before renting a car, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the nuances in a detailed article about car rental in Crimea from A to Z .

Not far from the Simferopol air pier, next to the trolleybus ring, there is bus station, which regularly sends intercity buses to different points of the peninsula.

Seven companies located in Terminal A offer car rental. In addition to rent, additional options are considered, the list of which and prices are clarified through websites or from managers.

The taxi dispatcher desk is also located in Terminal A. Payment for the trip is only by meter, tariffs are indicated in the price list. The price per kilometer depends on the class of car - economy, premium economy, business, VIP, minibuses and minivans.

International status was assigned to the Simferopol air harbor after the process of annexing Crimea to Russia. The building has undergone reconstruction and modernization in accordance with international standards. Today, passengers are provided with a full package of necessary services:

  • departure and arrival halls, divided into regular, increased comfort, rooms for conferences, business meetings and work, VIP rooms;
  • shops, catering establishments;
  • information sheets with operators and special booklets with the necessary information;
  • service for passengers with disabilities;
  • travel assistance for parents or persons accompanying groups of children;
  • full luggage service from packaging to storage, as well as a search center for missing items;
  • medical aid station;
  • hotel.

If necessary, airport terminal staff will provide any assistance related to flight issues.

The traveler will be able to make the final choice of the airline, date and time of the flight, direct or connecting route when he finds out what the price of tickets for the Moscow – Crimea plane is. After all, the cost is formed under the influence of many factors, which will have to be taken into account when planning a trip to the south.

The cheapest air tickets from Moscow to Simferopol

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1 transfer

2 transfers

A flight to Simferopol is a trip to a resort, so air tickets to this destination, especially in the “high” season, will not be cheap. If you fly to the peninsula at other times of the year, you can easily find fairly budget options.

On average, a round trip in August will cost 14-15,000 rubles in economy class. The cost is indicated for departure on a weekday early in the morning, when booking air tickets 2-3 months before the flight date. On a weekend morning or evening the price will be about 16,000 rubles.

In autumn and winter, you can take a health trip to Crimean sanatoriums, relax, enjoy the fresh air and mild climate; the cold season in Crimea is warmer and easier to bear than in the north of Russia. For round-trip plane tickets you will need to pay only 5-6,000 rubles.

To summarize, it is cheapest to buy air tickets in advance, a couple of months in advance, most convenient way– through Internet resources. A budget option would be flights departing on weekdays at night or in the early morning. You should definitely check the various discounts and promotions offered by airlines in order to attract customers, and also actively use programs for accumulating bonuses, points and miles. With their help, you can pay for flights and improve flight conditions.

Cheap flights to Simferopol

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Mineral water




12.09.2019 10.11.2019

Of course, it is quite possible to travel from Moscow to Crimea by bus or train, but the journey will take tens of times longer. It will be difficult to stay comfortably on a long journey, and no type of transport other than an airliner is capable of delivering passengers to their destination in a couple of hours.

The only advantage will be more cheap price tickets, especially if purchased in advance. Some tourists still choose to travel along the highway or railway, believing that the romance of travel will soften the inconvenience caused. Others choose speed and comfort, using the services of airlines and air transport.

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Crimea: transport from Simferopol airport

It's no secret that most Russians prefer to spend their holidays at sea. Many fly abroad, but many travelers pay tribute Black Sea coast Crimea. The maritime climate, combined with mountain air, an abundance of greenery and a small number of harmful industries that spoil the environment, have a positive effect on health. People who have problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems especially like to come to the peninsula.

Practical round trip flight times are always different, even if the flight is on the same type of aircraft. Also flight time depends on models aircraft, airlines carrying out transportation, air corridors and other factors. Here we have indicated the average time an aircraft spends in the air along the shortest route, excluding transfers, technical and emergency landings. Flights can be direct, charter or with transfers on regular airlines.

Where to get accurate information about the flight time from Moscow to Crimea and find out the flight schedule

if you have itinerary receipt electronic ticket , then it usually indicates the time of departure and arrival, the airport of departure and arrival, and the weight of the luggage. And knowing the time difference, it’s easy to calculate how long to fly between cities.

Most of the tours to mass destinations are organized on charter flights, and their schedule may constantly change. Therefore, please check with travel agency managers or on tour operator websites.

The holiday season is approaching. Potential passengers are interested in how long it takes to fly to Crimea from Moscow. After all, this resort last season became one of the most popular destinations holidays in Russia.

Departures from Moscow are carried out from the following airports:
Landing in Crimea takes place at Simferopol Airport (SIP). Flight time from 2 hours 30 minutes to 2 hours 45 minutes.
Transfers occur in cities such as:
Saint Petersburg;
Istanbul and others.
After Crimea became part of Russia, the airport in Simferopol was reconstructed. Thanks to this, the air hub received international status. Currently the airport does not accept flights from abroad. This is directly related to the bans in Europe.
The airport includes several terminals;
1. Terminal “A” provides services for domestic and international flights;
2. Terminal B is designed exclusively for takeoffs of international flights.
3. Terminal “C” handles departures exclusively for domestic flights.
4. Terminal D is designed for diplomatic flights.
Passengers can use the services paid food, information directory services, TV. In addition, it is possible to expedite control and deliver the passenger to the aircraft on a separate vehicle.
On the territory of the airport there is paid parking. It occupies the bulk of its area. There is a restaurant and cafe nearby. You can relax in a hotel or in a VIP room.
For passengers with disabilities, airport staff can provide special chairs, help with baggage check-in, and provide assistance during boarding and passage. customs control.
Since 2014, the airport began to serve more than 60 flights per day. Among them are flights of Uzbek Airlines, Aeroflot, Dobrolet, Ural Airlines", "Yakutia" and others.

1. The shortest tram line in the world.
The shortest tram line in the world is in Crimea. Its length is 1800 meters. The branch is located in the boarding house "Beregovoy". Vacationers from the boarding house take a tram to the sea.
2. The most powerful power plant.
Crimea boasts the presence of the most powerful power plant in the world, operating on solar powered. It is located in the village of Perovo. The Austrians built the power plant in 2011. Power – 100 MW.
3. Ice sea baths.
Tourists vacationing in the vicinity of Yalta and Alushta need to be extremely careful. If you decide to plunge into the depths of the sea in May or June, you should be prepared for the fact that the water in the sea will be very cold. Moreover, just yesterday it could have been +23 degrees. A sharp drop in temperature is called low temperature.
The rise of cold deep waters is typical only for May and June. Nizovka does not last more than a few days.
4. Natural anomalies.
There are several dozen places in the world where a tourist will have a hard time getting there. The compass doesn't work here. The arrow rotates in all directions, not showing the exact direction to north. One of these places is located in Crimea. This is a ridge on the Kara-Dag. The compass needle describes a full circle here, preventing the traveler from determining his location.
A similar anomaly is observed on the seabed from the South Coast to the coast of the Caucasus. The nature of such places is explained by the fact that the magnetic background of some areas may exceed the strength of the general field of the planet.
5. Lightning nest.
There is an opinion that lightning does not strike several times in the same place. In fact, this is not true at all. There are many places in the world where discharges occur several hundred times each year. The split stone in the Valley of Ghosts on Demerdzhi should also be considered such places.
The specific composition of the soil with high conductivity or the proximity of groundwater can attract discharges.
What to take with you on a trip to the sea: top 3 things
1. First aid kit
You should approach the collection of your first aid kit very responsibly. In some cases, even a person’s life may depend on how well the medications are selected. Before you start packing your first aid kit, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for importing certain medications into the country. If you are planning a vacation at domestic resorts, there are no prohibitions on the import of medicines.
To make your vacation as comfortable as possible, you will need:
It is better to take an electronic thermometer. Mercury is easy to break, especially on the road, and this is fraught with negative consequences for human health.
cotton wool;
adhesive plaster;
brilliant green;
fever tablets;
allergy medications;
any sorbent ( a budget option- Activated carbon);
hydrogen peroxide;
medications taken as prescribed by a doctor;
burn remedies (ointment).
For families traveling to the sea coast with a child, a special children's first aid kit will be relevant. It should contain similar medications as for adults, the use of which is recommended by the baby’s pediatrician.
2. Personal items.
Don't pack your entire wardrobe in a suitcase. For women, a pair of skirts, shorts, T-shirts, jeans, a light sweater, shoes and a dress + underwear, clothes and a swimsuit will be enough, and for men - sleepwear, shorts, jeans, several T-shirts, a light sweater, shoes, socks and swimming trunks. You should also remember to bring several towels (for body and face), a beach blanket and a towel to take with you to the beach. The number of the latter is calculated based on the number of people.
Of course, you can’t do without personal hygiene items, cosmetics and sunscreen.
3. Documents and equipment.
When going on vacation, you must take with you;
child's birth certificate;
insurance policies;
driver's license;
mobile phones/charger
other devices/charging;
bank cards;

Oh, what a wonderful air early in the morning south coast Crimea. The mixture of something blooming, the sea and morning dew is simply enchanting. It was worth working all year just to breathe a little of this wonderful coolness.

We looked for plane tickets in advance and chose Aeroflot. Economy class tickets were purchased on the official website.

“Sheremetyevo”, as always, was greeted with noise and a mass of people hurrying somewhere. Considering that we had two little daughters with us (2.5 and 5 years old), there were no problems with queues when going through the mandatory procedures. Everyone was allowed on the plane on time, the flight attendants were very friendly, they helped us get settled, and gave the little ones water to drink. The plane is nice inside, clean and tidy. There are no abrasions to the interior; the Airbus is clearly new.

The flight itself along the route (there are no other airports in Crimea) lasted 2 hours 30 minutes, and I must say that the staff did everything possible to make it comfortable. First we were offered drinks (juices, soda). The girls asked for a double portion, and this request was granted. The food was simple - sandwiches and tea or coffee. They didn’t offer special children’s sandwiches, and we didn’t order in advance on the website.

The only incident occurred when the flight attendants handed out children's gifts. A beautiful bag with all sorts of things (pencils, coloring books) went only to the eldest daughter, which caused a small scandal on the part of the youngest. The flight attendants explained the reason simply - gifts for children over 3 years old. Parents' persuasion and children's cries had no effect. Therefore, we had to solve the problems ourselves - divide the contents of the gift between two children.

Let me summarize what I liked and what I didn’t:


  • responsive staff, special attention to passengers with children;
  • clean, new aircraft cabin;
  • good food.

Did not like:

  • a small incident with the distribution of children's gifts, but the flight attendants can be understood, they have instructions.


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