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The Czech Republic is unpredictable in autumn!!! We arrived in Prague on sightseeing tour for 7 days. It was cold, but interesting)). In Prague, the temperature during the day was 5+, at night it dropped to -1, and it rained for a couple of days, more like hail. If you are going to the Czech Republic late autumn Keep in mind that the main attractions in Prague are the river, cold and damp. The weather only spoiled us when we had an excursion to Karlovy Vary. Stock up on boots and umbrellas!!!

We bought an excursion tour to Prague from Kyiv for 10 days. Upon arrival in Kyiv, we noticed that there was still snow there. We thought that when we arrived in Europe, the weather would be similar. On the day of arrival there was a little rain outside, but it ended very quickly. There was no snow at all. According to the weather, it was about +12, we didn’t freeze) In the following days, Prague did not please us, as it was already raining. Still, we went on an excursion to Karlovy Vary - it felt like it was not only another province, but it was probably located in another part of the world) Dry, warm and no flies biting) General impression about Prague did not deteriorate, but it is a pity that we did not go on many excursions because of such rainy weather.

My family and I vacationed in Karlovy Vary at the beginning of November. What is characteristic of traveling with Far East by transib. There are snowdrifts all around, people in felt boots and earflaps, bitter frost. I was surprised by the contrast. We left Moscow in snow and rain. And we arrived in almost summer. In Karlovy Vary, the trees are slightly touched with gold, the flower beds are fragrant. Fairy tale. They threw off their sheepskin coats and put on light windbreakers. The sun is shining grace.

Here you can find information about the weather in the Czech Republic by month: average air and water temperatures, average monthly precipitation.

Located in the temperate zone, the Czech Republic has absorbed both marine and continental climatic nuances. Tourists do not have to bother packing jackets, swimsuits and raincoats into suitcases at the same time. Weather relatively the same over a given period of time throughout the country. And therefore the issue of seasonality will be on the agenda.

Weather in the Czech Republic V winter time does not scare off tourists. Yes, there is snow on the ground. Yes, the air temperature can pinch your cheeks with fifteen-degree frost. But on average there is no cold below -5°C here and the Czech Republic is not an average city to which winter has come. This is a fairy tale on the pages of which roses can bloom, the spiers of ancient buildings turn black and the aromas of meat delicacies emanate. Spring Czech Republic blooms and smells. Literally! Spring is not late here; moreover, it can arrive earlier than the calendar date. The weather in the Czech Republic at this time is pleasing with average temperatures up to +15°C and sunny days.

In summer The country is not sweltering in the heat. Weather in the Czech Republic can promise +24°C on average, which is great. It is much more pleasant to walk along the streets warmed by the rays, breathing freshness, and not swirling in dust and smog. The visual content of the Czech Republic is another reason to visit this country.

Autumn Czech Republic shimmers with gold and crimson, but the temperature gradually decreases from +20°C to +7°C. And the rains, you can’t do without them in autumn.

    Weather In January

    Frost and sun, a wonderful day - that’s pretty much how everything happens here in the middle of winter. A warm jacket, a scarf, a light hat and a pair of gloves are the necessary arsenal to feel your best while outdoors. Weather in the Czech Republic in January much more pleasant than the similar Russian one, even thaws up to +4°C on average are likely. Snow can do honor to ancient streets and rooftops, but its absence...

    Weather in February

    Minuses are minuses, but you need to concentrate on the good. Good weather in the Czech Republic in February– this is not only an overcast sky, a cold wind and drizzling rain, but also ongoing ski season coupled with low prices on tours to the Czech Republic! Yes, on the streets of Prague -5°C feels like -10°C due to high humidity, but cozy cafe bars serve hot drinks and hearty Czech cuisine that can warm you up...

    Weather In March

    It's not time to throw off your winter sheepskin coats yet! The sun can be as warm as it wants, but tourists should not be deceived: this +8°C is instantly blown away by a powerful gust of wind. Weather in the Czech Republic in March allows you to breathe in spring, future warmth and renewal. The mountain skiing season is coming to its logical end, but you can still slide down the Czech heights once or twice. In Karlovy Vary the temperature will be...

    Weather In April

    Drops are ringing in the courtyard, Gothic spiers touch fluffy clouds, revealing a watercolor blue sky. Weather in the Czech Republic in April– spring-sunny and inspiredly blooming. An average of +14°C is guaranteed, and therefore tourist groups pour into the streets of Prague, wanting to explore the length and breadth of the capital with their feet. To join in and have a good time, a warm jacket is enough (after all...

    Weather In May

    Recently local residents They wrapped themselves in coats, but now... they continue to warm themselves only around the night. Weather in the Czech Republic in May- this is twenty degrees Celsius with a plus sign by lunchtime and a high probability of precipitation, regardless of the time of day or night. Comfortable clothes and shoes, coupled with an umbrella, will allow you to walk around Prague and other Czech cities without fear of getting wet or falling behind on the holiday...

    Weather In June

    Beer drinks are being consumed not only for pleasure, but also for cooling. Daytime temperature that is promised weather in the Czech Republic in June, on average equal to +25°C. The nights are pleasantly fresh +18°C. If the sky is covered with clouds and a thunderstorm thunders, there is no need to be upset - this phenomenon is short-lived within one day. And who is without sin, or rather, without the ubiquitous anticyclones with their baggage of coolness? Such…

    Weather In July

    In fact, it doesn't get any warmer here. Temperature range is from +20°C to +30°C. Weather in the Czech Republic in July- this stuffiness and feeling of heat, when it reaches its apogee - the sky is colored by lightning and the long-awaited rain pours. The combination of thunderstorms and a sultry summer atmosphere is really successful. There are a lot of people at this time, especially on the streets - who would want to look at oil paintings when it’s so...

    Weather In August

    By the end of summer, the country loses a couple of degrees of heat at once. Nevertheless, the most pleasant time of the year lasts and is conducive to long walks on foot. Weather in the Czech Republic in August good for relaxing mineral springs, where the low tide begins and you don’t have to “fight for a place in the sun.” The air is heated to +22°C on average, however, as darkness falls, coolness descends on the cities and can...

    Weather In September

    Children go to school, students move to campuses and the streets become freer. Meanwhile weather in the Czech Republic in September as if created for being outdoors. At first the temperatures are pleasing +24°C, but in the third ten days of the month they drop to +16°C. At night temperatures down to +8°C are likely. Naturally, you can’t do without insulation, because you also want

The Czech climate is determined by air masses that move with Atlantic Ocean. The weather here is unpredictable. A traveler needs to be prepared for any natural vagaries.



On cool evenings, a gentle breeze blows. Sunny days give way to rainy ones. A music festival is held during this period. In Prague the temperature averages +21°C, in Czech resorts - from +22 to +25°C.


Warm day and night. The weather is very changeable. For changing bright sun a thunderstorm may come. The air in the capital warms up to an average of +24°C, at famous resorts- up to +30°C.


Summer doesn't end. The rains begin to fall only towards the end of the month. Sellers of various goods are actively holding sales. The weather forecast for this month is as follows: the average temperature in Prague is +23 °C, in resorts - from +18 to +22 °C.


The sun is as bright as in summer. Gradually the weather gets worse. Thunderstorms occur frequently. At this time, the ancient architecture of the Czech Republic looks special. In the capital, the temperature averages +18 °C, in Czech resorts - from +15 to +20 °C.


The weather is changeable. In the Czech capital, the air temperature warms up to an average of +10 °C. In famous Czech resorts it ranges from +5 to +7°C.


It rarely snows; it rains more often. In Prague the average temperature is +6 °C, in Czech resorts - from +3 to +7 °C.


Autumn weather prevails. In some places you can see green grass. The days are short and the nights are long. Snow falls infrequently. It's raining. festivities and fairs take place, decorated Christmas trees appear. In December in Prague the air warms up to an average of +2 °C. At the country's ski resorts, the temperature situation is as follows: from -1 to -5 °C.

IN Czech Republic Whatever the weather, you can choose activities to suit your taste. Just get ready for new experiences and take a great mood with you!

The climate is normal for seasonal travel. The weather in Prague varies from month to month, because... it is very far from the equator. Cool average annual temperature ambient temperature during the day is +14.0°C, and at night +6.0°C. The city is the capital of the Czech Republic and it is very visited among tourists. Below is the climate and weather in Prague in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The best months to travel

High season in Prague in June, August, May with excellent weather +18.2°C...+25.5°C. At this time in the capital, in this popular city It rains the least, about 4 days a month, with 66.7 to 83.4 mm of precipitation falling. The number of clear days is from 10 to 18 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Prague are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Prague by month

The warmest weather in Prague by month and in the Czech Republic in general is in August, July, June up to 25.5°C. At the same time, the lowest ambient air temperatures are observed in January, December, February, down to 1.2°C. For lovers of night walks, the indicators range from -2.5°C to 13.5°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

The rainiest periods are August, May, July when there is bad weather for 9 days, up to 94.7 mm of precipitation falls. For those who do not like humidity, we recommend February, January, March; during this period, the average monthly rainfall is only 0 days and the monthly precipitation rate is 19.4 mm.

Rest comfort rating

The rating of climate and weather in Prague is calculated by month, taking into account average temperature air, amount of rain and other indicators. Over the year in Prague, the score ranges from 4.2 in December to 4.8 in August, out of five possible.

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
air at night
Rainy days
January +1.2°C -2.5°C 5 1 day (41.9mm)
February +4.6°C -0.5°C 8 0 days (19.4mm)
March +12.5°C +4.2°C 15 1 day (22.6mm)
April +15.4°C +4.8°C 11 5 days (45.2mm)
May +18.2°C +7.2°C 13 8 days (75.3mm)
June +25.5°C +11.8°C 10 4 days (66.7mm)
July +24.8°C +13.5°C 14 9 days (94.7mm)
August +22.2°C +13°C 18 6 days (83.4mm)
September +19.6°C +9.8°C 11 5 days (50.8mm)
October +14.2°C +7.2°C 13 2 days (39.0mm)
November +8.4°C +4.2°C 9 2 days (24.3mm)
December +1.7°C -0.5°C 5 2 days (29.3mm)

Number of sunny days

The greatest number of sunny days is observed in July, March, August when there are 18 clear days. These months have excellent weather in Prague for walks and excursions. The least sun is in January, December, February when the minimum number of clear days is: 5.

Description of the Czech Republic in winter, helpful information about the weather, water and air temperature in winter in the Czech Republic from “Subtleties of Tourism”

  • Last minute tours to the Czech Republic

The weather in the Czech Republic in winter is much warmer than in Russia. The most severe frosts occur in January and February, when the air temperature drops from -5 °C to -10 °C. By our standards, this is not at all scary, but do not forget - winters in the Czech Republic are wet and cloudy, it often rains or sleet. Therefore, waterproof shoes and clothing are the key to protection against colds. Remember that daylight hours in winter are quite short. In December, the streets are already dark at 16.30, and by the end of winter, twilight comes at 17.30. This is important to consider when going on an excursion.

Most tourists flock to the Czech Republic in winter to ride alpine skiing and snowboarding. Relatively inexpensive compared to other European offers ski resorts attract athletes from all over the world. Good infrastructure, equipment rental (you don’t have to carry heavy equipment), experienced instructors, excellent slopes - all this will make a skier’s vacation a success. The trails in the Orlické Mountains, Jezerské Mountains, Harrachov, Šumava and Jeseniky are excellent for beginners. Perhaps it is in the Czech Republic that you will learn to ride properly; don’t be shy about your first timid attempts.

Combine the pleasure of contemplation beautiful architecture feeling the joy of a successfully purchased handbag is an art that every vacationer should master.

During the Christmas holidays, most tourists go to Prague. During this time, you can not only have time to see all the sights, but also visit great sales. Combining the pleasure of contemplating beautiful architecture with the joy of a well-purchased handbag is an art that every vacationer should master. Keep in mind that most of the attractions in Prague are open in winter, but visiting hours are reduced. And many attractions outside the capital on winter period are closed. But only shopping centers, of which there are many in Prague, work every day! A must visit to the Czech Republic in winter!


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