Icebreaker M Sorkin. "Icebreaker". General impressions

We went to the Icebreaker yesterday.
The impression is not bad - not a masterpiece, of course, but quite a strong domestic work.
Filmed based on a real expedition - the Antarctic drift of "Mikhail Somov" in 1985.

The plot keeps you in suspense and doesn't let you get too bored. There are fewer technical horrors than psychological twists in the relationships of the crew, which is rare for an adventure-geographical film. The pinochet captain sent from Leningrad to replace the old one who had failed is shown quite convincingly. The crested boatswain is very colorful, as is the slippery careerist first mate.

Special effects and catastrophic moments are a B minus, but an A can be given for the scene when Captain 1 falls into the cavity of an iceberg and ends up in the den of a fur seal, who crawls out of it and yells, trying to see out the uninvited guest in a fur hat and sheepskin coat.

The 1985 era, in general, was reproduced quite well, with a B grade.
Of the (small) mistakes, we managed to catch three:

1) The wife of the first captain lands on the deck of an icebreaker (in Antarctica, yikes!) from a helicopter in full Leningrad parade and in a light, stylish outfit worthy of Nevsky Prospect - without any Antarctic bells and whistles,

2) The same journalist wife has a typewriter in her cabin on the Novorossiysk. At this moment the director depicts the horrors of rocking, as essentially a small icebreaker passes through the “roaring forties” of the southern latitudes. And in this rolling motion everyone is thrown from side to side, everyone vomits and falls together, but the machine stands calmly in place, rooted to the spot. At the same time, it is not visually visible that it is somehow secured,

3) After the rescue, when they were already at the equator, mail was dropped from a helicopter. The boatswain is given a fresh newspaper - after all, while drifting, they did not know what was going on in the world (according to the script), and were surprised to learn that there was a new secretary general in the USSR, acceleration and other perestroika. He unfolds Pravda - and there is a photo of Gorby on the front page... with a spot on his forehead. He asks - “Oh, what does he have here???” - and points his finger at his bald spot. Despite the fact that Gorbaty’s spot was retouched in newspapers until 1989, and his bald spot was not marked, as in real life. It was visible on TV, but it was covered up in photographs for the first three years.

The interior of the icebreaker reminded me extremely strongly of something that I had seen myself. The entire film could not get rid of this strange feeling. I walked out of the session and thought intensely - where could I see these lampshades, these ladders, this decoration of the cabins? Why do they seem so familiar to me? And in the morning I remembered - the same! In Murmansk 2010! :)

There was only one anti-Soviet vyser insert - a vile KGB officer who was on the Novorossiysk to rescue an icebreaker captive in the ice, and who harassed the wife of the first captain. No, of course, the bastards must definitely include a member of the NKVD with a pestle in his hand and in a cap with a blue band of a KGB officer! This is such a strong template for our creators :)

The rest is more or less normal.
Of course, sailors will most likely find many more inconsistencies.
But the film is still being made for the general public, so this is all understandable.

Summary. Overall, a must watch. Not a bad film.

Essentially, a nuclear icebreaker is a steamship. The nuclear reactor heats water, which turns into steam, which spins turbines, which excite generators, which generate electricity, which goes to electric motors, which turn 3 propellers.

The thickness of the hull in places where the ice breaks is 5 centimeters, but the strength of the hull is given not so much by the thickness of the plating as by the number and location of the frames. The icebreaker has a double bottom, so if there is a hole, water will not flow into the ship.

On nuclear icebreaker"50 Years of Victory" installed 2 nuclear reactors with a capacity of 170 Megawatts each. The power of these two installations is enough to supply electricity to a city with a population of 2 million people.

Nuclear reactors are reliably protected from accidents and external shocks. Icebreaker can withstand a direct hit to the reactor passenger plane or a collision with the same icebreaker at speeds up to 10 km/h.

Reactors are filled with new fuel every 5 years!

We were given a short tour of the icebreaker's engine room, photographs of which are below the cut. Plus, I’ll show you where we ate, what we ate, how we rested and the rest of the interior of the icebreaker...

The tour began in the chief engineer's office. He briefly talked about the structure of the icebreaker and where we would go during the excursion. Since the group was mostly foreigners, everything was translated first into English and then into Japanese:


2 turbines, each of which simultaneously rotates 3 generators, producing alternating current. In the background the yellow boxes are rectifiers. Since rowing electric motors operate on direct current, it must be straightened:





Electric motors turning propellers. This place is very noisy and is located 9 meters below the waterline. The total draft of the icebreaker is 11 meters:


The steering gear looks very impressive. On the bridge, the helmsman turns a small steering wheel with his finger, and here huge pistons rotate the steering wheel behind the stern:


And this is the upper part of the steering wheel. He himself is in the water. An icebreaker is much more maneuverable than conventional ships:


Desalination plants:


They produce 120 tons of fresh water per day:


You can taste the water directly from the desalination plant. I drank regular distilled water:


Auxiliary boilers:






The ship has many degrees of protection against emergency situations. One of them is extinguishing fires with carbon dioxide:



Purely in Russian - oil is dripping from under the gasket. Instead of replacing the gasket, they simply hung the jar. Believe it or not, it’s the same at my house. About a year ago the heated towel rail leaked, so I still haven’t replaced it, but just empty a bucket of water once a week:




The icebreaker is operated by 3 people. The watch lasts 4 hours, that is, each shift carries a watch, for example, from 4 pm to 8 pm and from 4 am to 8 am, the next from 8 pm to midnight and from 8 am to noon, etc. Only 3 shifts.

The watch consists of a helmsman who directly turns the wheel, a watchman who gives commands to the sailor where to turn the steering wheel and is responsible for the entire ship, and a watch assistant who makes entries in the ship's log, marks the position of the ship on the map and helps the watchman.

The watch chief usually stood in the left wing of the bridge, where all the equipment necessary for navigation was installed. The three large levers in the middle are the handles of the machine telegraphs, which control the speed of rotation of the screws. Each of them has 41 positions - 20 forward, 20 backward and stop:


Steering sailor. Please note the size of the steering wheel:


Radio room. From here I sent photos:


On an icebreaker great amount gangways, including several representative ones:


Corridors and doors to cabins. I already have the cabins themselves:


The bar where we whiled away the sunny white nights:


Library. I don’t know what books are usually there, because for our cruise the books were brought from Canada and they were all in English:


Icebreaker lobby and reception window:


Mailbox. I wanted to send myself a postcard with North Pole, but forgot:


Swimming pool and saunas:


The Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, in its article on the “fifth five-year plan”, published in the late 70s and early 80s, provides the following interesting facts.

“During the first 2 years of the Five-Year Plan, significant successes were achieved in most sectors of industry, construction, and transport, but they could not overshadow major shortcomings in the life of the country, associated largely with the situation of the personality cult of Stalin. On the economic front, this manifested itself primarily in gross violations and miscalculations in leadership agriculture, which caused serious imbalances in the national economy, a serious lag for the country in agricultural production from pressing economic needs. A number of planning outlines, as practice has shown, were not supported by the necessary economic and organizational measures, some of them were found to be insufficiently realistic."

It turns out that the “cult of personality” did not in any way prevent the USSR from fighting against fascist Europe, against imperialist Japan, or restoring the economy of the Soviet country at an accelerated pace after the war. The “cult of personality of the leader” did not in any way prevent the implementation of the financial reform of 1947, thereby streamlining monetary system countries and cancel cards, the first of those who took part in World War 2 European countries, fill the ruble with gold content, increase its exchange rate to other foreign currencies. And the most interesting thing is that while Stalin was alive, for 5 years from 1947, prices for consumer goods in the USSR decreased annually. After the appointment of the “agriculturalist” Khrushchev to the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, workers saw a decrease in prices only once, back in 1954. This was the seventh in a row and the last price reduction in the USSR.

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June 5th, 12:41

It is no secret that until 1918 the Leninist Party was called the RSDLP(b). Bolsheviks - Lenin's supporters - finally separated from the RSDLP in 1912 at the VI Prague Conference, and began to be called Bolsheviks back in 1903 after voting at the II Party Congress. In order to further isolate themselves from the various socialist, social democratic and workers' parties of Russia and Europe that betrayed the proletariat, the Bolsheviks renamed their party the RCP(b). Thus, Lenin’s party confirmed with its name that it does not intend to stop there (socialism) and will lead Soviet society towards communism.

“The Congress decides to henceforth call our party (the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party of the Bolsheviks) the Russian Communist Party with the addition of “Bolsheviks” in parentheses.
The Congress decides to change the program of our party by reworking the theoretical part or supplementing it with a description of imperialism and the beginning of the era of international socialist revolution.
Then the change in the political part of our program should consist in the most accurate and detailed characterization of a new type of state, the Soviet Republic, as a form of dictatorship of the proletariat and as a continuation of the gains of the international workers' revolution that were begun by the Paris Commune...
In the same spirit and direction, the economic, including the agricultural, as well as the pedagogical and other parts of our program must be reworked. The center of gravity should be an accurate description of the economic and other transformations begun by our Soviet government with a specific statement of the immediate specific tasks set for itself by the Soviet government and arising from the practical steps we have already taken to expropriate the expropriators."

Today, there is still historical confusion in communist theory that prevents various organizations from agreeing on issues of ideology. Did the Soviet government build communism or did it build socialism? Toli communist party strived for the victory of socialism, or the victory of communism? Did Soviet power stop at the first stage of communism, or did the party tear its navel while building communism together with Khrushchev? Did socialism win in our country, or communism, and then suddenly surrendered to capitalism?

The Union of Communists draws the following conclusions from the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism and on the basis of historical experience Soviet Russia and the USSR. After the overthrow of the Provisional Government, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies became the highest authority in the country. The congress formed new bodies of the dictatorship of the proletariat: the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK), chairman L.B. Kamenev and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), headed by Lenin. On October 26, with the “Decree on Land”, and later with other decrees, the Bolsheviks placed an economic basis (public property) under a political superstructure (dictatorship of the proletariat). As the history of the 20th and 21st centuries shows, first the proletariat takes commanding heights, then legislative changes are introduced into the economy.


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June 4th, 14:48

When people look back at Soviet history, they see it as a homogeneous period of 74 years.

They count it from the date of the beginning of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the arrest of the Provisional Government on October 25, 1917, upon the ratification by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on December 12, 1991 of the Belovezhsky Agreement (Agreement on the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), signed by the heads of Russian Federation(RSFSR), Republic of Belarus and Ukraine December 8, 1991). The history of the USSR is somewhat shorter Soviet history. Officially, it originates on December 29, 1922, when the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR was signed at a conference of delegations from the Congresses of Soviets of the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR and ZSFSR. This document was approved on December 30, 1922 1st All-Union Congress of Soviets and signed by the heads of delegations. These are the official dates of the reign of Soviet power.

Everything seems simple and clear. Once upon a time there was the Soviet Union, there was Soviet power, and then, one day, they were no more. Probably most people in modern Russia That’s what they think (bourgeois propaganda plays a big role in imposing such an opinion), and it doesn’t matter whether a person was born during the USSR or after its collapse. But if you carefully study the Soviet period, it turns out that there is no unity or homogeneity in it. In form, it seems, everything is in its place, both the Soviets and the USSR, but in content - not.


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June 2nd, 13:54

Recently, interesting and perhaps even threatening events have been happening in the Middle East. A certain force calling itself the Islamic State is fighting very successfully against the traditional Muslim countries of this region.

The first attempt was made in Syria. The attack on government forces led by Bashar al-Assad was unsuccessful. Now ISIS units are also attacking Iraq, which is in disarray and vacillation after a decade of American occupation. The offensive seems to be going quite successfully, ISIS troops are approaching Damascus and Baghdad, and the government troops of Iraq and Syria are not providing them with worthy resistance. Cities fall one after another. ISIS's latest success was the capture of Ramadi.

European countries, including the Russian Federation, talk about a terrible threat that hangs over civilization. They say that these are Islamic extremists who are equally successful in killing traditional Muslims, Christians, and representatives of other faiths. That they destroy Christian shrines and certain Muslim ones too. Mass murders of people are readily demonstrated on the Internet. It seems that this force called ISIS is completely uncontrolled by anyone and is ready to create an Arab caliphate in the Middle East: Iran, Afghanistan and North Africa. It is impossible to really understand what is really going on there and whether there is a threat from the Russian Federation, which is constantly being talked about on all talk shows.


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May 30th, 11:13

2015 05 30 Round table with the participation of Yakov Kedmi, the former head of the Israeli intelligence service "Nativ", Boris Yulin, a military historian, and Mark Sorkin, a member of the organizing bureau of the Union of Communists. Topic: ISIS as a threat to Russia. Also in the program: Russia and Iran is a “love” story? Russia, China, Iran and general missile defense; small Russian army for big country; ISIS tentacles in the Muslim world; how to counter ISIS?

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May 25th, 11:01

Quite a bit of time has passed since the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Second World War. But this event turned out to be so significant that its echoes, like ripples on water, caused an information storm throughout the world.

Judge for yourself, two days after the celebration in the Russian Federation, after a two-year break, US Secretary of State John Kerry showed up. Not finding either the Russian Foreign Minister or the President in Moscow, he skipped after them to Sochi. 4 hours of negotiations with Lavrov, a call to Kyiv warning Poroshenko, then 4 hours of negotiations with Putin. What was discussed during these 8 hour negotiations is unknown. There was no joint statement or press conference.

After the negotiations, Kerry flew to Antalya, where a summit of NATO foreign ministers was taking place at that time. This is where the statement came about the need to force Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements on stabilizing the situation in Ukraine. I would like to remind you that the Minsk agreements are a roadmap for the negotiation process between the DPR, LPR and Kiev. The Russian Federation is not a party to the conflict, but participated in the Minsk negotiations as a mediator country. Subsequent statements by the US State Department on May 12, 13, 14 that Ukraine strictly complies with the Minsk agreements and that in order to force the Russian Federation to peace it is necessary to continue both the sanctions policy and pressure through diplomatic channels.


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May 24th, 14:10

On May 23, a communist press festival was held in Moscow on Sokolnicheskaya Alley. Several parties and organizations of the RKRP-CPSU, OKP, Left Front and others took part in it. Newspaper and book kiosks were organized for visitors, where they could purchase the printed publications they liked, and even get some for free. Those who wished could make donations to help those affected by the fighting in Donbass. On a small stage, party representatives and newspaper editors spoke in front of a small audience, Soviet and patriotic songs were sung, and poetry was read.

I don’t know whether the festival fulfilled its mission, but it is a fact that it took place. Everything went according to “modern communist patterns” - modestly, uncrowded and unnoticed. This state of affairs in the capital cannot but depress the author of these lines. Of course, a festival is not a rally, a rally is not a demonstration, and certainly not a parade, but the appearance of this action turned out to be pitiful rather than combative and rallying. The almost indifferent attitude of passers-by, a small percentage of young people among the organizers and participants of the festival, and so on. I repeat once again, so as not to offend the organizers, who had to work hard to obtain permission from the Moscow authorities to hold this festival in a crowded alley with sound amplification equipment, we do not know the final goals of the festival.

But it’s still interesting, what do the organizers and participants themselves think about the current situation of the communist movement in Russia and about the steps to develop and strengthen it?


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