List and location of the largest active volcanoes in the world. List and location of the largest extinct volcanoes in the world

Interactive map active (active) volcanoes allows you to see the degree volcanic activity, the danger of eruptions, and the probability of eruptions online. The map is designed to help travelers and researchers who are going to visit a particular region of the world. Plan your expeditions taking into account existing threats and disasters.

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All dormant, awakening and active volcanoes are divided on the map into 4 threat categories:

1. Green triangle- there are no threats.
2. Yellow triangle– threat of increased activity.
3. Orange triangle– high activity. There is a possibility of an eruption.
4. Red triangle– an eruption with the release of ash, gases, magma.

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A volcanic eruption is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena, which attracts a person’s attention, despite considerable danger. A particularly impressive picture is obtained when observing a night eruption. But for the surrounding wildlife, volcanoes initially bring death. Flowing lava, pyroclastic flows, and volcanic bombs can easily destroy nearby human settlements.

1. Llullaillaco, Argentina and Chile (6739 m)

This active volcano is located on the Chilean-Argentine border, in the Peruvian Andes, in the Western Cordillera range. As well as a few more very high volcanoes it is located in perhaps the driest Atacama Desert in the world, on the high mountain plateau of Puna de Atacama. Its top is covered with eternal snow. Its last explosive eruption occurred in 1877, and it is now in the solfataric stage. Interestingly, in 1999, three mummified children’s bodies were found near the top of the volcano; it is believed that the Incas sacrificed them here about 500 years ago.

2. San Pedro, Chile (6145 m)

This active Andean volcano is located in northern Chile, closer to the Bolivian border. It is located on the edge of the Atacama Desert, northeast of the city of Calama, in the province of El Loa. This stratovolcano is mainly composed of basalts, dacites and andesites. East of San Pedro is a similar volcano, San Pablo, which has a height of 6092 meters. A high saddle stretches between the volcanoes. San Pedro last erupted in 1960. The documented first ascent of this peak in 1903 was made by the Frenchman George Corti and the Chilean Philemon Morales.

3. Cotopaxi, Ecuador (5897 m)

The active Cotopaxi volcano is the highest in Ecuador and the second highest peak in that country. This is one of highest peaks the western extremity of the South American ridge of the Eastern Cordillera. This superactive volcano erupted approximately 50 times after 1738, but went quiet for a long time in 1877. Finally, after more than a century, Cotopaxi erupted again in 2015. Translated from the Quechua language, the name of the volcano can be translated as “smoking mountain.” Its first recorded eruption occurred in 1534, with major ones occurring in 1532, 1742, 1768, 1864 and 1877. Until 1940, there was little activity.
In 1768, the most destructive eruption of Cotopaxi occurred. A huge column of ash and steam rose from its mouth in early April, and on April 4, emissions of lava, sulfur and pyroclastic flows began. As a result of a strong earthquake, the city of Latacunga and nearby settlements were completely destroyed. Products of the volcano explosion were later found hundreds of kilometers away, including on the shore Pacific Ocean and in the Amazon basin.

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4. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (5895 m)

Africa's highest peak, Kilimanjaro, is a potential stratovolcano. The mountain is located in the northeast of Tanzania near the Masai plateau, which itself is raised 900 m above sea level. Volcanologists discovered in 2003 that magma lies beneath the crater main peak Kibo volcano at a depth of only 400 m. Now the volcano is only emitting gases and so far nothing indicates the proximity of an eruption. But there is an opinion that the dome of the volcano may collapse, and then a catastrophe similar to what happened during the eruption of Mount St. Helens could occur. In the past, ground shifts and landslides have already been observed on Kibo, after one of which a “western gap” was formed. Human history does not remember the eruptions of Kilimanjaro, although local legends speak of the prehistoric activity of the now dormant volcano.

5. Misti, Peru (5822 m)

This South American volcano is located on southern territory Peru. In winter, its top is covered with snow. Misti is an active volcano; its last, rather weak, eruption was noted in 1985. The shape of the cone suggests that Misti is an ordinary stratovolcano, the eruptions of which alternate between the outpouring of lava and explosions with the release of pyroclastic flows and clouds of ash. The volcano has three concentric craters. According to research by volcanologists, over the last century there have been five weak eruptions of this volcano. But in the 15th century, residents of the city of Arequipa were forced to flee due to the strong eruption of Misti. Not far from the inner crater in 1998, 6 mummified bodies of the Incas and a number of artifacts were found.

6. Orizaba, Mexico (5675 m)

This Mexican volcano is the highest point in the country and the third highest in the whole North America. It belongs to the stratovolcanoes, and its eruptions were recorded in 1537, 1566, 1569, 1613, 1630 and 1687. Last eruption occurred in 1846, which proves that this volcano is one of the most active. From its top you can clearly see the city of Orizaba with a population of more than 117 thousand people and the valley below.

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7. Elbrus, Russia (5642 m)

The highest mountain in the territory modern Russia is the Caucasian stratovolcano Elbrus. Its slopes are covered with glaciers, the melt water from which feeds largest rivers Stavropol Territory and the Caucasus - Malku, Kuban and Baksan. These places are very well inhabited, there is a developed transport infrastructure, therefore the surroundings of Elbrus are very popular among supporters of various species active rest(tourists, climbers, skiers). True, even scientists themselves cannot firmly say whether Elbrus is an extinct or still active volcano. Perhaps he will someday wake up from a long hibernation, or maybe a new volcano will grow somewhere nearby.
The fact that life still glimmers in the depths of Elbrus is evidenced by the fact that in its vicinity there are many thermal springs, the most famous of them is Jila-Su, in which the water has a temperature of +24 degrees. If hot water constantly comes out of the ground, this means that deep in the depths of the volcanic processes continue. In addition, people measured the soil temperature at an altitude of 5621 m (almost at the top), and it turned out to be +21 degrees, while the surrounding air was -20 degrees. That's why green moss grows in some areas here. This is also clear evidence of weak volcanic activity. A number of scientists suggest that in a few hundred, and perhaps thousands of years, Elbrus will wake up again.

8. Popocatepetl, Mexico (5426 m)

This is an active Mexican volcano, whose name is formed by two words from the Nahuatl language: “popoka” means “smoking”, and “tepetl” means “hill”. This is one of the most active Mexican volcanoes. After the beginning of the Spanish colonization of Mexico, it produced over 20 powerful eruptions. Many of its glaciers did not survive until the beginning of the new millennium; instead, in some places there were layers of ice that lava had not yet reached. This even changed the local climate. The volcano began to erupt especially often after 1994, and its last eruption occurred in 2015. A powerful eruption occurred in 2005, when volcanic bombs rose 3 kilometers into the air. In May 2013 there was also a strong eruption, then debris flew 700 m from the crater.

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9. Sangay, Ecuador (5230 m)

This active stratovolcano is located in South America, on the eastern slopes of the Andes in Ecuador. According to scientists, it appeared only 14 thousand years ago. Its first eruption was recorded in 1628, and the last one occurred quite recently - in 2016. After 1934, the volcano began to erupt especially frequently. Its name can be translated as “frightening” or “frightening.” At the top of the volcano there are three craters with diameters of 50-100 meters. Moreover, they are all active.

10. Tolima, Colombia (5215 m)

The Tolima stratovolcano is located in the Colombian department of the same name and is surrounded by national park Los Nevados. This is also a fairly young volcano, about 40 thousand years old. A funnel-shaped crater with a depth of 200-300 m appeared in it quite recently - around 1926. During the Holocene era, this volcano experienced explosive eruptions that varied in power: there were both moderate and Plinian ones. The largest eruption occurred here about 3600 years ago. As for the last two centuries, only small volcanic explosions have been recorded. Over the past decades, the appearance of the volcano has mainly changed due to the movement of glaciers along its slopes. This, in turn, is accompanied by noticeable seismicity and surface activity.

A volcano is a geological formation that is located on cracks in the earth's crust. Through it, volcanic rocks, lava, ash, steam and poisonous gases come to the surface. Scientists are sure that every year 3 new volcanoes appear on our planet. Their total number is huge. More than 600 of them are active active volcanoes. They are found in different parts of the world and pose a serious danger to all living things.

Active volcanoes in Russia

Not all fire-breathing mountains are on land. They are often located underwater. This does not prevent their eruption at all. Fortunately, the most dangerous volcanoes are located far beyond the borders of our country, but we also have such dangerous hills. In this article, we will introduce you to lava-spewing mountains located in our country and abroad that can be dangerous to human life.

Klyuchevsky volcano

It is located near the Bering Sea. This is the largest volcano in Russia. This is a whole complex consisting of 12 cones. The height of the volcano is 4750 meters. It has a crater with a diameter of more than half a kilometer. The mountain has a perfect cone shape. Active volcanoes constantly emit acrid smoke, which can be seen above the Klyuchevsky crater. Sometimes you can see splashes of lava. Volcanologists believe that it appeared more than 5,000 years ago. Over the past three centuries he has been revived more than 50 times. The most powerful eruptions date back to the 19th century.

Volcano Tolbachik

The Klyuchevskaya group includes several volcanoes. One of them is Tolbachik. Its height is 3682 meters. Experts attribute it to the Hawaiian type of volcanoes. It has two cones - Sharp and Flat. Its diameter is about 2 kilometers. The last eruption was in 1976. It is considered the highest in Eurasia.

Ichinskaya Sopka

There are active volcanoes in Russia in Kamchatka. In the center of the peninsula is the Ichinskaya Sopka. This volcano has three cones, they are covered with glaciers, except one, which is active. Its height reaches 3621 meters.

Kronotskaya Sopka

The next mountain spewing lava is located in the east of Kamchatka. Its height is 3528 meters. It is considered to be one of the most large volcanoes Russia. It erupts quite rarely. At its very top you can see ice, and forests grow at its base. Near the volcano there is the famous Valley of Geysers and Kronotskoye Lake.

Koryaksky volcano

Its highest cone reaches a height of 3456 meters. By its type it belongs to stratovolcanoes. To this day, remains of lava and loose rocks are found in the valley of the Koryak Hill.

Volcano Shiveluch

In the north of Kamchatka there is another volcano known to specialists. It's called Shiveluch. The mountain has two cones - Old Shiveluch and Young Shiveluch. The last one is still active. Its height is 3283 meters. This large volcano erupts quite often. The last time this happened was in 1964. Volcanologists are sure that the age of this mountain is more than 60 thousand years.

Volcano Avacha

It is located near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Its height is 2741 meters, the diameter of the crater is four hundred meters. The top of Avacha is covered with glaciers, and dense forests grow at its base. Its last eruption was recorded in 2001.

Volcano Sishel

It is also located in the north of Kamchatka. Shield volcano with a height of 2525 meters. To this day it is considered active, but the date of the last eruption is not known for certain.

Active volcanoes of the world

These mountains, which spew fire and ash, are dangerous due to their direct impact - the release of thousands of tons of burning lava, which can destroy entire cities. In addition, suffocating volcanic gases, the threat of tsunamis, distortion of the terrain and dramatic climate changes pose a great danger.

Merali (Indonesia)

Active volcanoes on the islands of Indonesia are very dangerous. One of them is Merapi. It is the most active: powerful eruptions occur here every six to seven years, and small ones occur almost every year. Smoke appears over the crater almost every day, reminding local residents about an imminent threat.

Merali is famous for the largest eruption that occurred in 1006. The medieval state of Mataram suffered from it. The danger of a volcano is that it is located near densely populated city Yogyakarta.

Sakurajima (Japan)

Readers are often interested in the most active volcanoes. It would be more correct to call them the most active. These include Sakurajima, which has been active since 1955. The last eruption occurred in early 2009. Until last year (2014) the volcano was located on a separate island of the same name, but lava flows solidified and connected it to the Osumi Peninsula. People living in Kagoshima City are accustomed to Sakurajima's behavior and are always ready to take refuge in a shelter.

Cotopaxi (Ecuador)

The highest active volcanoes are in America. The record holder for this is Cotopaxi, located 50 km from the city of Quito. Its height is 5897 m, depth 450 m, crater size 550x800 m. At an altitude of 4700 m, the mountain is covered with eternal snow.

Etna (Italy)

This volcano is well known. It has not one main crater, but many small ones. Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe and is constantly active. Its height is 3380 meters, area is 1250 square kilometers.

Small eruptions occur every few months. Despite this, Sicilians densely populate the slopes of the volcano, since these places have very fertile soil (due to the presence of minerals and trace elements). The last eruption occurred in May 2011, with minor emissions of dust and ash in April 2013.

Vesuvius (Italy)

Active volcanoes in Italy are two more large mountains except Etna. These are Vesuvius and Stromboli.

In 79, a powerful eruption of Vesuvius destroyed the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae. Their inhabitants were buried under layers of pumice, lava and mud. Major eruption happened in 1944. Then 60 people died, and the cities of Massa and San Sebastiano were completely destroyed. Scientists estimate that Vesuvius destroyed nearby cities 80 times. Many of the world's active volcanoes are not as well studied as this one. Due to this, researchers consider it the most predictable.

The territory of the volcano is protected. This is a national park that tourists from all over the world love to visit.

Colima (Mexico)

The active volcanoes of this country are represented in our article by Nevado de Colima. Most of the time the mountain is covered with snow. Colima is very active - it has erupted 40 times since 1576. The strongest eruption occurred in the summer of 2005.

Residents of nearby villages had to be evacuated. The ash column shot up to a height of 5 km, causing a cloud of dust and smoke.

Earth is a hot planet. Beneath the thin crust is a core of hot magma. In some places, through cracks in the earth's crust, the heat of the earth's core breaks out, bringing lava, gases and ash to the surface. Over time, at the sites of such emissions, huge masses of ejected matter accumulate and special geological forms are formed - volcanoes.

The largest volcanoes are those that formed particularly large cones, although not necessarily the tallest, and therefore had a particularly large crater or were active for a very long time. Those that continue to act are dangerous for humans. Fortunately, the largest terrestrial volcano, Tamu Massif, discovered in 2013, has long been extinct, otherwise its eruption would have been disastrous for all life on our planet.

Volcanoes are considered active if they are known to have erupted within the last 10 thousand years or have shown signs of volcanic activity, such as emissions of gases and water vapor. The presence of volcanic activity means that a given volcano may begin to erupt again, and therefore requires careful monitoring by volcanologists. There are currently 627 such volcanoes. 4 of the 5 largest volcanoes on the planet are located in the Pacific Ocean (these are parts of the “Ring of Fire” of Pacific volcanoes and seismic zones), and 1 is in Africa.

It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, has a volume of 480 cubic kilometers and is the largest of active volcanoes Kamchatka, as well as the second highest ( 3613 m above sea level), after Klyuchevskaya Sopka. The top of the Ichinskaya Sopka is covered with eternal glaciers.

This is the youngest among the largest active volcanoes, its age is estimated at 10-15 thousand years. Its cone has a complex structure: the base is of a shield type, on top of which is the cone of a younger stratovolcano. The last eruption was recorded in 1740, since then volcanic activity has been weak: small amounts of high-temperature water vapor and volcanic gases are released.

The Galapagos Islands, like the Hawaiian Islands, arose as a result volcanic activity. Most big volcano Sierra Negra (“black mountain”) 580 cc. kilometers is located on the island of Isabela. This is a shield volcano, tall 1,124 m above sea level, and its crater has a diameter 11 km.

The last eruption of Sierra Negra occurred in 2005. Then the volcano released such an amount of gases and ash that the volcanic cloud reached a height of 7 kilometers or more.

Volume – more 3,200 cu.m. kilometers. The second largest volcano on the island of Hawaii. His highest point4,205 m above sea level. But if you count from the foot, which is under water, then its height reaches 10,203 m, which makes Mauna Kea the highest mountain on Earth. (For comparison, Everest has a height of 4,150 m from its base to its summit). Unlike its neighbor Mauna Loa, is a stratovolcano, and its viscous lava has formed steep slopes. The last eruption occurred 4,500 years ago, and since then the state of the volcano has been considered “normal” on the danger scale.

Among the aborigines, “White Mountain” (as the name is translated) was considered sacred. Only the highest leaders had the right to climb to its top. The natives collected fruits and hunted in the dense forests on the slopes of the mountain, and made tools and weapons from the volcanic basalt.

The altitude, dry climate and constant wind force make the summit of Mauna Kea one of the best areas on Earth for astronomical observations. Since 1964, 13 telescopes have been installed here. Observations are made at all frequencies - from visible light to radio waves, and Mauna Kea Astronomy Park is one of the largest in the world. However, protests against its location in a unique ecological zone and in a place sacred to indigenous people continue.

Cone volume – 4,800 cubic kilometers. This volcano erupted with thick and viscous lava, which led to the formation of an almost regular steep cone. This type is called a stratovolcano. highest mountain African continent ( 5,895 m above sea level), located in East Africa, between Kenya and northern Tanzania. In Swahili its name means " white mountain": the top of this gigantic two-headed cone, the only one in the equatorial zone of the Earth, is covered eternal ice. Many rivers originate in its glaciers, including the Nile, the greatest river in Africa. In recent decades, they have been melting faster and steadily decreasing.

Europeans discovered this volcano in 1848, since then no activity has been recorded, but Aboriginal legends speak of its eruption about 200 years ago. In 2003, it was discovered that there was molten lava beneath one of its two peaks, with its upper level rising just 400 meters from the surface. Gas emissions, landslides and rock shifts also occur.

The largest active volcano on Earth is located on the island of Hawaii. This volcano is of the shield type: wide, with sloping slopes. Such volcanoes are formed as a result of a long eruption of liquid, flowing lava. The volume of its cone is approximately 75,000 cubic kilometers, of which 84% are under water. Actually, the island itself appeared as a result of eruptions of this and its neighboring volcanoes.

In the Aboriginal language its name means "long mountain". Its mass is so enormous that the earth’s crust at its location bends inward for several kilometers.

Mauna Loa is one of the most active volcanoes. Its last eruption occurred in 1984, and since then it has gradually shown more signs of activity, and another eruption is considered very likely in the foreseeable future.

10 biggest and dangerous volcanoes on the ground.

A volcano is a geological formation that arose due to the movement of tectonic plates, their collision and the formation of faults. As a result of collisions between tectonic plates, faults form and magma comes to the surface of the Earth. As a rule, volcanoes are a mountain at the end of which there is a crater, which is where lava comes out.

Volcanoes are divided into:

- active;
- sleeping;
- extinct;

Active volcanoes are those that erupted in the near future (approximately 12,000 years)
Dormant volcanoes are volcanoes that have not erupted in the near future, but their eruption is practically possible.
Extinct volcanoes include those that have not erupted in the near historical future, but the top has the shape of a crater, but such volcanoes are unlikely to erupt.

List of the 10 most dangerous volcanoes on the planet:

1. (Hawaiian Islands, USA)

Located in the islands of Hawaii, it is one of the five volcanoes that make up the islands of Hawaii. It is the largest volcano in the world in terms of volume. It contains more than 32 cubic kilometers of magma.
The volcano was formed about 700,000 years ago.
The volcano's last eruption occurred in March 1984, and it lasted for more than 24 days, causing enormous damage to people and the surrounding area.

2. Taal Volcano (Philippines)

The volcano is located on the island of Luzon, belonging to Philippine Islands. The crater of the volcano rises 350 meters above the surface of Lake Taal and is located almost in the center of the lake.

The peculiarity of this volcano is that it is located in the crater of a very old extinct mega volcano, now this crater is filled with lake water.
In 1911, the most powerful eruption of this volcano occurred - then 1335 people died, within 10 minutes all life around the volcano died at a distance of 10 km.
The last eruption of this volcano was observed in 1965, which resulted in 200 casualties.

3. Volcano Merapi (Java Island)

The name of the volcano is literally Mountain of Fire. The volcano has been erupting systematically for the last 10,000 years. The volcano is located near the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with a population of several thousand people.
It was the most active volcano among the 130 volcanoes in Indonesia. The eruption of this volcano was believed to have led to the decline of the Hindu Kingdom of Matarama. The peculiarity and horror of this volcano is the speed of spread of magma, which is more than 150 km/hour. The volcano's last eruption occurred in 2006 and claimed 130 lives and made more than 300,000 people homeless.

4. Volcano Santa Maria (Guatemala)

This is one of the most active volcanoes of the 20th century.
It is located at a distance of 130 kilometers from the city of Guatemala, and is located in the so-called Pacific. Ring of Fire. The Santa Maria crater was formed after its eruption in 1902. About 6,000 people died then. The last eruption occurred in March 2011.

5. Ulawun Volcano (Papua - New Guinea)

The Ulawun volcano, located in the New Guinea region, began erupting at the beginning of the 18th century. Since then, eruptions have been recorded 22 times.
In 1980, the largest volcanic eruption occurred. The ejected ash covered an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers.
Now this volcano is the highest peak in the region.
The last volcanic eruption occurred in 2010.

6. Galeras Volcano (Colombia)

The Galeras Volcano is located near the border of Ecuador in Colombia. One of the most active volcanoes in Colombia, it has erupted systematically over the past 1000 years.
The first documented volcanic eruption occurred in 1580. This volcano is considered the most dangerous because of its sudden eruptions. Along the eastern slope of the volcano is the city of Paphos (Pasto). Paphos is home to 450,000 people.
In 1993, six seismologists and three tourists died during a volcanic eruption.
Since then, the volcano has erupted every year, claiming thousands of lives and making many people homeless. The last volcanic eruption occurred in January 2010.

7. Sakurajima Volcano (Japan)

Until 1914, this volcanic mountain was located on separate island in close proximity to Kyushu. After the volcano erupted in 1914, a lava flow connected the mountain to the Ozumi Peninsula (Japan). The volcano was named Vesuvius of the East.
He serves as a threat to the 700,000 people of Kagoshima City.
Since 1955, eruptions have occurred every year.
The government even built a refugee camp for the people of Kagoshima so they could find shelter during the volcanic eruption.
The last eruption of the volcano occurred on August 18, 2013.

8. Nyiragongo (DR Congo)

It is one of the most active, active volcanoes in the African region. The volcano is located in Democratic Republic Congo. The volcano has been monitored since 1882. Since the start of observations, 34 eruptions have been recorded.
A crater in the mountain serves as a holder for magma fluid. In 1977, a major eruption occurred, neighboring villages were burned by streams of hot lava. The average speed of the lava flow was 60 kilometers per hour. Hundreds of people died. The most recent eruption occurred in 2002, leaving 120,000 people homeless.

This volcano is a caldera, a formation of a pronounced round shape with a flat bottom.
The volcano is located in Yellow national park U.S.A.
This volcano has not erupted for 640,000 years.
The question arises: How can it be an active volcano?
There are claims that 640,000 years ago, this super volcano erupted.
This eruption changed the terrain and covered half of the United States in ash.
According to various estimates, the volcanic eruption cycle is 700,000 - 600,000 years. Scientists expect this volcano to erupt at any time.
This volcano could destroy life on Earth.


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