Famous waterfalls. Waterfalls of the world – choosing the most beautiful ones. Angel Falls is considered the highest

Did you know that the height of the tallest waterfall in the world is comparable to the height of 33 nine-story buildings? Interesting Facts Read about the most beautiful waterfalls in the world below.

No. 10. Sutherland Falls, New Zealand

Sutherland Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in Oceania. Its height is 580 meters. The waterfall is located in one of the most picturesque corners of New Zealand - in the Fiordland National Park, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Source of the waterfall - Mountain Lake, which flows into the Arthur River and falls in a powerful stream from the top of the Southern Alps.

No. 9. Dettifoss waterfall, Iceland

Iceland is known for its beautiful waterfalls, lakes, geysers and glaciers. One of the most famous and beautiful waterfalls Iceland has Dettifoss Waterfall, which is considered the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

The waterfall is located in the Jökulsargljuvur National Park, and is a continuation of the Jökulsargljuvur River.

Among the sparse, arid landscape, the waterfall looks like a real miracle. The width of Dettifoss is about 100 m, the height is 44 m (9 m less than Niagara Falls), the average water flow is 193 m³/sec, during floods - up to 600 m³/sec.

No. 8. Gullfoss waterfall, Iceland

Gullfoss waterfall is located in the southwest of Iceland in the canyon of the Hvita River. Gullfoss means “Golden Waterfall”.

Gullfoss is a huge waterfall located on the cliff of a mountain range. The waterfall has a unique shape and structure. It is formed by three separate levels and two cascades. The height of the upper level is 11 meters, and the lower level is 21 m. The depth of the gorge is 70 m.

The volume of water passing through Gullfoss averages 109 m3/sec and rises in summer to 130 m3/sec. During major floods, this figure increases many times over.

No. 7. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

Kaieteur Falls is one of the most powerful and beautiful waterfalls in the world. Kaieteur is located on the Potaro River in Guyana. The height of the waterfall is 226 meters - this is 5 times higher than Niagara Falls, and 2 times higher than Victoria Falls.

No. 6. Yosemite Falls, California

Yosemite Falls is located in California in the eponymous national park. This waterfall is one of the tallest waterfalls in North America and 20th tallest in the world. The height of Yosemite is 739 meters. The height of the upper, reaching the first terrace of the Upper Yosemite Falls, is 435 meters, and the middle and lower waterfalls have heights of 206 and 98 meters, respectively.

No. 5. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel is the tallest waterfall in the world! Angel's height is 979 meters, width - 107 m, flow rate - 300 m3/sec. The waterfall was named after pilot James Angel, who flew over the waterfall in 1933.

The waterfall is located in the Canaima National Park in the tropical forests of Venezuela. The waterfall falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. The height of the water fall is so great that only fog reaches the ground.

No. 4. Sastavci Waterfall, Croatia

Sastavci Waterfall is the largest and most beautiful waterfall in the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Perfectly clear turquoise water falls from a height of 72 meters.

No. 3. Niagara Falls, USA/Canada

Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River, which carries the waters of 4 of the 5 Great Lakes of America. Niagara Falls is considered the most powerful in North America due to the volume of water passing through it.

Niagara Falls consists of three waterfalls: the American Falls (on the American side), the small 20-meter Veil Falls and the Horseshoe or Canadian Falls (on the Canadian side).

The height of the waterfall is 51 meters. The total length of the waterfall is 1150 meters, of which 323 meters are the American Falls and 792 meters are the Horseshoe Falls.

No. 2. Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world! This wonder of the world was discovered by Scottish traveler and African explorer David Livingstone in 1855.

Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River. The width of the waterfall is 1800 meters, height is 107 meters. Hundreds of millions of liters of water per minute crash down to the bottom of the gorge. The noise from the waterfall can be heard at a distance of 20-30 km.

Victoria is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

No. 1. Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

Iguazu consists of 275 waterfalls, with a total width of more than 3 km, and a height of 82 m. The noise from the waterfall can be heard 20-25 km away. Iguazu is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina; two rivers form the waterfall - Iguazu and Parana.

This is a unique sight. The Indians gave the waterfall the name “Iguazu” - “ big water" Among Europeans, it was first discovered by the Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Nunez Casezo in 1541.
Igusau Falls is considered the eighth wonder of the world; tens of thousands of tourists come here every year.

Capture water element- not an easy task for a photographer: the camera does not like moisture, and you have to experiment with exposure settings for long shutter speeds. We have prepared ten waterfalls for you that will take your breath away - take up the challenge.

Yosemite, USA

Spring and early summer are the best times to see the cascades of Yosemite Falls in all their glory. Of its three segments, which pour tons of water from terrace to terrace, the most impressive is the top one. The 435-meter powerful but graceful jet is easy to observe from the outside - there are many suitable paths and observation points in Yosemite Park. The lower part is also clearly visible, but photography of the middle part should be left to professional climbers: travelers who are trapped by wet, sharp stones often have to be rescued by helicopter.

Niagara Falls, Canada/USA

The Canadian “Horseshoe” and the American Falls or “Fata”, together forming Niagara Falls, are far from the highest on the planet, even the shortest ones: only 53 meters, and only 21 are visible, and the rest is blocked by piles of stones. But they are capable of dumping up to 6 thousand cubic meters of water per second. Fortunately, gone are the days when you could only look at this fascinating spectacle through a hole in the fence. Now visitors have many viewing angles available.

Dettifoss, Iceland

The “land of ice” with the rise in temperature in spring and summer turns into a land of waterfalls. The ice melts, creating rapid flows of water. Most of them find obstacles and jump off them in waterfalls. Dettifoss in Jökulsárgljúfur National Park is the most powerful in Europe. Not so long ago you could see him in the cinema - in the film “Prometheus” by Ridley Scott.

Iguazu, Argentina/Brazil

The 270 Iguazu Falls are distributed between two countries: Argentine side There are almost 80% of them, but in Brazilian they are more picturesque. Less hackneyed angles can be achieved through a boat ride or rafting adventure. The hit of the complex is the Devil's Throat waterfall (Garganta del Diablo) in the shape of the letter U. Iguazu are considered one of the seven natural wonders light: per hour it drops about 100 million tons of water.

Stirling, New Zealand

Kipling himself called Milford Sound the eighth wonder of the world, and most of those who visited here agree with him: wild nature, the clearest waters of the bay and sparkling waterfalls. Stirling is best viewed from a small cruise ship. He, like his beautiful sister, waterfall Lady Bowen, does not dry out all year round, fed by meltwater from glaciers. The greatest effect is achieved in the spring, when the snow melts, and after heavy rains, when hundreds of streams of water jump along the cliffs.

Kaieteur, Guyana

Although Kaieteur is located in a national park near the Venezuelan border, it is still one of the most inaccessible known waterfalls in the world. Not many spectators make it to this place, where the Potara River tumbles down, surrounded by wet thickets of tropical plants. The 226-meter-high waterfall is five times higher than Niagara and twice as high as Victoria in Africa.

Waterfalls of Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park is a UNESCO natural heritage. 16 transparent turquoise lakes are interconnected by almost a hundred channels and waterfalls, forming picturesque cascades among dense forests. The most famous is the handsome Sastavci, the fruit of the union of two rivers, the Korana and Plitvica, rushing down from a height of 72 m. According to the information posted on the signs, it will take eight hours to walk around all this splendor along the paths. Don’t be fooled: time for thoughtful photography is not included here, so it’s time to get to know each other Croatian waterfalls It’s better to plan for two sunny days.

Maletsunyane, Lesotho

Lesotho is a small enclave inside South Africa. The Maletsunyane River, rushing through green pastures, is thrown off a cliff by a 192-meter waterfall, one of the highest on the continent. At the beginning of summer, below, where the sun's rays do not reach, you can find ice - in winter the waterfall is overgrown with icicles. There are many good angles from the surrounding rocks.

Angel, Venezuela

The main treasure of Canaima National Park is the highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. It falls from the top of the majestic table mountain Auyan Tepui. The water tries to fly 807 meters (the total height of the waterfall is even greater, about a kilometer), but most of it is sprayed, turning into fog. You can get here only by boats and canoes or by small planes - the area is wild, not yet spoiled by civilization. It’s not called “The Lost World” for nothing.

Victoria, Zambia/Zimbabwe

During the rainy season, the width of the streams flowing down reaches 1800 meters, creating the most extensive water curtain in the world. The suspension of particles from the breaking Zambeze River is visible from a distance of 40 kilometers. It's worth investing in an aerial view to fully appreciate the majesty of the waterfall. Zambians never accepted the official name after Queen Victoria and continue to call it "Mosi-oa-Tunya" - the smoke that thunders.

Iguazu Falls is a fairly wide and rugged area of ​​falling water. The waterfall is located on the Iguazu River of the same name near the border of the countries of Brazil and Argentina.
It is believed that the formation of the waterfall occurred as a result of a strong earthquake caused by a volcanic eruption, as a result of which large cracks formed in the earth's crust.
During the rainy season in November - March, water flow can reach 12,750 cubic meters per second.
Iguazu Falls consists of many individual waterfalls that are separated by islands, total area a single complex of more than 2700 square meters.
There are a total of 275 waterfalls in this area, the largest is called “Devil's Throat” - the water in this area falls from a height of 80 meters.
In the Guarani language, the term "Iguazu" means "big water". The waterfall was discovered in 1541 by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and has been part of the natural heritage UNESCO world.

The waterfall is located in Africa, on the border of Zambia and Zambezi.
The waterfall was discovered in 1855, after David Livingston first saw this amazing natural phenomenon.
During the Jurassic period (150 - 200 million years ago) volcanic activity led to a thick layer of basalt covering most of the South Africa. As the lava cooled and crystallized, cracks appeared in the hard basalt crust, which were filled with clay and lime. The Zambezi River gradually washed away soft rocks, thus forming the waterfall.

The width of the water fall is 1700 meters, the height is 108 meters, in terms of the volume of falling water (during the rainy season) per unit time, Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall on the planet.
The volume of water ranges from 300 to 9000 cubic meters per second. On average for the year - about 1000 cubic meters per second.

The waterfall is located in the northern United States on the border with Canada.
The height of the waterfall is 53 meters, but the height of the falling water is 21 meters, the width of the main part of the falling water is 323 meters.
The volume of falling water is from 2800 to 5700 cubic meters per second.
In 1954, a landslide occurred - a pile of stones fell from above to the foot of the waterfall, thereby reducing the height of the water fall.

The waterfall is located in the northeast of Iceland, on the Jökulsau au Fjödlum river, and is the largest waterfall in Europe in terms of the volume of falling water - on average, approximately 200 cubic meters per second.
The width of the waterfall is 100 meters, the height of the water fall is 44 meters.

5. Shoshone Falls

The waterfall is located in Idaho, USA on the Snake River. The waterfall is believed to have existed since the end of the last ice age.
The height of the water fall is 64 meters, the width is 305 meters. Due to the fact that in summer a significant part of the river’s water is used to irrigate fields, the waterfall practically disappears. The waterfall has its best views in spring and autumn.

The waterfall is located in the west of Guyana, on the border with Venezuela, on the Potaro River. The height of the water fall is 226 meters, the width of the waterfall is about 100 meters. The maximum water flow is more than 1200 cubic meters per second (average annual flow is about 650 cubic meters). The waterfall is the largest in the world in many ways. But since it is located in a remote area, little is known about it. It is not visited by tourists.

The waterfall is located in the south of Iceland on the Hvitau River. The height of the waterfall is 32 meters, the average water flow is 125 cubic meters per second. But it should be noted that the waterfall consists of two steps, the first 11 meters high, the second 21 meters.

The highest waterfall on planet Earth. The height of the water fall is 979 meters, the height of the continuous water fall is 807 meters.
The waterfall is located in Venezuela on the Churun ​​River.

Yosemite Falls is located in eastern California in the USA on the Merced River. The total height of the waterfall is 739 meters. The waterfall consists of 3 cascades, height upper waterfall is 435 meters, the average is 206 and the lowest is 98 meters.

10. Huang Guoshu Waterfall

Huang Guo Shu Waterfall is located in China on the Baishui River in Guizhou Province. The waterfall consists of a complex of water flows. The main waterfall is 67 meters high and 83 meters wide.

If you want to see something so beautiful that it will take your breath away during your upcoming vacation, then here is our list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

Iguazu Falls , located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, is considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. It has 275 cascades, stretching for two miles along the Iguazu River. This waterfall was formed as a result of a strong volcanic eruption, as a result of which a huge crack formed in the earth's crust. It is simply impossible to describe the beauty and grandeur of this waterfall, as well as the beauty of the untouched tropical nature around. included in the list world heritage UNESCO. Getting to the waterfall is quite easy; there is a well-developed tourism infrastructure, there are many viewing platforms from which you can best see all the beauty of Iguazu. In addition to contemplating the waterfalls, here you can visit the Argentine and Brazilian national natural parks with real untouched jungles.

Angel Falls, Venezuela. This is the highest waterfall in the world, its height reaches 978 meters. A waterfall falls from Mount Tepuy, which translated into Russian means “devil’s mountain.” The height of the fall of the waterfall is so great that the water, not having time to reach the bottom of the waterfall, is sprayed into tiny particles, forming a fog that can be felt many kilometers away. Hiking trails There is no access to the waterfall; you can only get there by air or by river, so tourists are offered organized excursions.

Victoria Falls. The waterfall is located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. This waterfall is the main attraction of South Africa. Victoria Falls is very impressive for tourists, because its width is more than 1,700 meters, and the water falls from a height of about one hundred meters. The spectacle is very beautiful and memorable. During the rainy season, about 10,000 cubic meters of water passes through the waterfall every second. Immediately after the waterfall, a section of the river begins with fairly safe rapids, which attract lovers of rafting on mountain rivers, and in this place even beginner tourists can successfully raft.

Gullfoss waterfall, Iceland. Translated from Icelandic, the name of the waterfall means “golden waterfall”. Indeed, the water of this waterfall looks golden, and there is almost always a rainbow hanging over the waterfall. And in winter, the waterfall is covered in a shell of ice, which is also very beautiful. This waterfall is interesting because it has two levels. At first, the water falls from a height of 11 meters, then it flows calmly, and suddenly it falls again from a height of 21 meters. There are many viewing platforms near the waterfall that are never empty.

Jog Falls - the most interesting and highest waterfall in India. This waterfall has the highest free fall height of water, that is, the water of Jog Falls does not roll over the stones, but freely falls into the reservoir from a height of 253 meters. The waterfall consists of four branches, each of which has its own name. These are Raja, Rocket, Rumbling and Rani. The name refers to the sound water makes when falling. Raja falls down with dignity, Rocket has the largest filling of water that passes at high speed through a small hole, the name Rumbling speaks for itself, and Rani has a winding trajectory reminiscent of a woman's dance (Rani means queen or woman). Any tourist can personally verify that these names correspond to reality.

Located on the border of the USA and Canada, it is one of the most beautiful waterfalls on Earth. Downstream there is a bridge between the two countries, open to both vehicles and pedestrians. In fact, behind the name there are three waterfalls that are perceived as a single whole - Horseshoe Falls, American Falls and Veil. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the waterfall is actively used by power engineers to generate electricity. For tourists, an excellent infrastructure has been created near the waterfall, observation platforms for contemplating Niagara, and in the evening the stunning illumination lights up, created by dozens of multi-colored spotlights with a total power of one and a half million kilowatts. Crowds of tourists admire this amazing spectacle for hours.

Detyan Waterfall located on the border of China and Vietnam. It is one of the most picturesque waterfalls in the world. The most beautiful sight is from May to September, when the water level in Detyan is highest. The height of the waterfall is 75 meters and the width is about 200 meters. It's sad, but every year there is less and less water in the waterfall. Therefore, every person who comes to these places should definitely see Detyan.

Waterfalls always attract the eye - this is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. It’s not without reason that they say that you can look at water and fire endlessly, and when the water rushes down with a roar, the spectacle is mesmerizing. Therefore, many tourists come to see the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, tall and grandiose.

All of them are picturesque and it is not clear whether they decorate the landscape or look beautiful because they are located in places of incredible beauty.

Iguazu Falls

It is located on the border of Argentina and Brazil and is recognized as the largest in the world.

This is not one, but a system consisting of 275 waterfalls. Their height is small, only from 50 to 80 m, and there are even higher ones in the world. But there is no such huge system. The largest one in it is the “Devil’s Throat”, nature created it in the shape of the letter U.


Angel is called the tallest on Earth, its height is 979 m, imagine - it is 15 Niagara in height!

It is located in the national natural park Canaima in Venezuela. Thousands of tourists come here specifically to admire the handsome Angel. They say that it got its name in honor of the American pilot Jimmy Angel, who discovered it from above while flying over Venezuela.

Waterfalls of the world - Yosemite

In California (USA) in Yosemite National Park there is one of highest waterfalls, which bears the name of the area where it is located.

In the winter it “falls asleep”, and in the spring it “wakes up” and thousands of tourists flock to it to admire the 739 meters of beauty.


One of the largest waterfalls in Africa, Tugela Falls is located in South Africa.

Its height is 411 m. It consists of five cascades falling from Drakensberg Mountains narrow ribbon. Climb up to observation deck, you need to follow one of the paths, but in fact, along narrow paths and suspended metal stairs.

Waterfalls of Kauai island in Hawaii

Kauai is the oldest among the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago; scientists believe its age is about six million years.

Huge amounts of rainfall destroy rocks and form deep canyons, into which local rivers flow. This is how most of the local waterfalls, which are very picturesque, were formed.

Niagara Falls

It is located on the border of the USA and Canada, which is often forgotten when talking about it. This is written in many places - in the northeastern United States and Canada it is not mentioned.

Its height is small, only 53 m, but it is recognized as the most powerful in the world, given the amount of falling water.

Thousands of tourists come here every year, for whom several observation platforms have been built.

The most beautiful waterfalls – Victoria

Another famous waterfall located in Africa. Locals They gave it their name - Rumbling.

Masses of falling water emit an unimaginable roar and roar. Its height is 108 m and it is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Official name It was given to him by David Livingstone, who visited here, in honor of the British Queen Victoria.


Another waterfall discovered by Livingston is located in the Congo.

Inga's height is 96 m and he is one of the most beautiful and powerful in the world.

Peruvian waterfall Goktu

It's incredible how much there is still unknown on Earth. For example, Goktu in Peru, 771 m high.

You will be surprised, but the world learned about it a little over ten years ago - in 2005. Before that, only local Indians enjoyed its beauty.

Sutherland, N. Zealand

Fantastically beautiful Sutherland waterfall on the island. Southern in New Zealand.

It is considered one of the most romantic, mysterious and beautiful. Imagine a narrow ribbon of water falling from a height of 580 m among rocks covered with dense vegetation!

Kaieteur – Guyana

Another miracle of nature from South America– Kaieteur with a height of 226 m.

It is located in the wild jungle and until the 19th century was unknown to anyone except the local aborigines. Getting here is difficult, but this does not stop numerous travelers; they come in crowds and alone all year round to admire Kaieteur.


The Vinnfossen waterfall (Norway) is recognized as the highest in Europe, its height is 860 m. The stream of water rushing from the peaks is divided into four streams.


Another waterfall on Norwegian soil is Rovijoki, located near the town of Skibotn and the world's northernmost astrophysical observatory.

Dettifoss, Iceland

The Icelandic waterfall Dettifoss is called the most powerful on the Eurasian continent.

With a small height of only 40 m, it throws down about 200 cubic meters of water per second. Dettifoss is located in a picturesque area among rocks, gorges and lakes.

Salto del Laja

Small, only 35 meters, but very picturesque, the Salto del Laja waterfall is located in Chile, where it is called the Chilean pearl.


Zhenzhutan waterfall in Chinese nature reserve incomparable in its beauty.

Imagine at the top high cliff there is a large ledge onto which the waters fall, break and break up into dozens of small streams.

Nuranang Falls, Tawang

The little-known and therefore mysterious Nuranang Falls in India. It is noteworthy that it is formed not by rivers, but by alpine lakes and streams from snow melting in the Himalayas. An almost milky waterfall rushes through green wild forests.

Other waterfalls

Frozen Rideau Falls in Ottawa, Canada.

Brazilian waterfall Cascata Do Caracol in the town of Canela, its height is 131 m.

Ruacana Falls on the border of Namibia and Angola, height 124 m.

New Navajo Falls in Arizona formed after the 2008 flood

Maletsunyane Falls, Lesotho.

All waterfalls are beautiful and everyone deserves to see them. And previously it was written about.


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