Airplane El 410. How it is made, how it works, how it works. The airliner's interior: comfortable and inconvenient places

The crew performed a custom flight at the request of the Polar Expeditionary Expedition (Kuiga settlement) along the route Batagai – Magan – Lensk – Kirensk – Irkutsk. There were two service passengers on board. There was no cargo on board, except for the personal belongings of the crew and passengers with a total weight of about 400 kg.
After arriving at the Kirensk airport at 12:37 Moscow time, the crew’s working time was 11 hours 45 minutes, including 6 hours 17 minutes of flight time. The crew, in violation of the flight crew work hours established by the instructions, decided to proceed to Irkutsk. Then, upon receiving information about the closure of the Irkutsk airport due to runway repairs, the crew postponed the flight and was sent by the air traffic controller to the dispensary. The appearance of the crew at the dispensary was not recorded. After the opening of the Irkutsk airport, navigational control of the crew, in the absence of the duty navigator who was on vacation, was carried out by the air traffic controller, who was not trained for this control.
After undergoing a meteorological consultation at 14:50, at 15:06, in violation of working hours, the crew took off from Kirensk to Irkutsk.
When establishing contact with the approach controller at Irkutsk airport, the crew did not report receiving information from the air navigation service (ATIS), and the controller did not require the crew to listen to it and report it. The approach controller gave instructions to descend from 3000 m to 2100 m. After passing the DPRM, the board was transferred under the control of the circle controller, who also did not request a report on receiving ATIS information, and the crew did not report on receiving this information and on the selected approach system. The circle controller gave instructions to descend to a transition level of 1,800 m. The descent took place in normal weather conditions at night.
At the transition level, in violation of the requirements of NPP GA-85, the crew did not set the pressure on the barometric altimeters to the airfield pressure (710 mm Hg) and did not report the airfield pressure setting to the controller. In turn, the circle controller, having not received the report, did not require the crew to confirm the pressure setting.
As a result, the altimeter readings, which remained at a standard pressure of 760 mmHg, differed from the true altitude by 510 m. At the command of the circle controller, the crew continued to descend to 900 m (according to the altimeter readings, the true altitude was 390 m), and performed a third turn , took 700 m (190 m true altitude) and continued the flight to the fourth turn. After the crew reported “235, on the fourth, 700 m,” the dispatcher gave instructions to communicate with the landing controller. The crew did not have time to confirm the command and end of communication. After 2 seconds, at 17:18:10, the plane touched the tops of trees 25-35 m high, located at an elevation of 163 m with a relative elevation above the airfield of 190 m (the threshold of the airfield runway above sea level is 510 m). The crew set the engines to take-off mode, but after 114 m there was a head-on collision with a tree trunk with a diameter of 35 cm (at the point of impact). The plane, descending along a straight trajectory and continuing to collide with large trees (trunk diameters 85-90 cm at the butt, height up to 35 m), stopped 312 m from the place of the first collision with obstacles, collapsed and partially burned. The accident occurred 21 km from the airport with an azimuth of 122° in the area of ​​the fourth turn with MKpos = 297° (52°09’30” N, 104°39’40” E).
At the time of the disaster, the crew's work time was 15 hours 26 minutes, including 8 hours 30 minutes of flight time, which could have affected the safe outcome of the flight due to crew fatigue.
Actual weather at 17:27 – cloudiness 3 points cumulonimbus 1500 m, 10 points average, upper, wind 300° 9 m/s, visibility 10 km, lightning, tendency – hail, frontal thunderstorm, air temperature +21°С, pressure 711 mm Hg.

The cause of the disaster was a violation by the crew of flight rules, which resulted in failure to comply with the requirements of clause 7.6.9 of the NPP GA-85, regarding the installation of airfield pressure altimeters at the transition level, which led to a collision of the aircraft with the earth's surface.
The disaster was accompanied by the controller’s failure to comply with the operating technology, rules and phraseology of radio exchange in terms of failure to receive a message from the crew about receiving ATIS information, failure to issue them a command to listen to it and report on it, failure to receive from the crew the installation of altimeters at the level of transition to airfield pressure.

The L 410 aircraft - manufactured in Czechoslovakia, is by passenger plane small class. It was developed back in 1966, and in 1969 the first test model took to the skies. Through many modifications and upgrades, the aircraft received excellent technical characteristics for its time. Let 410 began to quickly gain popularity and appeared on almost all continents.

The advantages of the L 410 then included: lightness and maneuverability, ability to land on the ground, comfort and increased load capacity.

general information

The model was in great demand in the Soviet Union, but with its collapse, and the collapse of the socialist camp as a whole, the L 410 was under threat of production closure. The situation was saved by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, which bought half the shares of the manufacturer’s plant and is investing in modernizing the aircraft.

The most common version of the aircraft is L410UVP, which means “short runway" There are about 400 copies of this model in the world. different countries peace. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation plans to widely use the aircraft for domestic passenger transportation. Compared to the An-2, it had greater safety and comfort. Switching to a Czech model was very prestigious.

Having considered the modification of the L-410UVP, we note that it is possible to land on short runways, not only with asphalt, but also with a dirt surface. The aircraft operated quite well on the African continent, when landing on unpaved roads or fields. The chassis is not as strong as that of the Soviet AN-2, but with its two engines, it can be safely operated in any terrain where single-engine aircraft crash.

Also, the L 410 was widely used as a simulator for cadets of military transport aviation schools of the USSR. In particular, this applies to the Balashov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, abbreviated as BVVAUL, located in Saratov region. It was on this machine that the cadets made their first flights.

Aircraft characteristics

The L 410 has a tricycle landing gear with a nose strut. The full assembly cycle is carried out by a Czech company. More precisely, here is the production line for all stages of aircraft construction.

The production version of the L 410 is equipped with 2 GE H80-200 turboprop engines.

The maximum flight range is about 1500 km, and the duration is no more than 5 hours. The capacity of the liner is 19 people, not counting two crew members.

  1. Length – 14.42 meters;
  2. Wingspan – 20 meters;
  3. Aircraft height – 5.83 meters;
  4. Weight without load - 4 tons;
  5. Maximum speed – 335 km/h;
  6. Tank capacity - 1680 liters;
  7. The cabin width is 1.9 meters.

Fuel consumption

Another major advantage is the aircraft's fuel consumption, which is only 250 to 280 liters per hour.

Security Let 410

The L-410 cannot boast of reliability - out of 1,100 aircraft, almost 10% crashed, killing more than 400 people. However, this is due to the fact that over almost half a century of its existence the aircraft was operated in the most merciless manner. If speak about modern model, it is characterized by greater safety due to the latest technical solutions (autopilot, navigation system, collision avoidance system). The engines are also heavily modified.

L410 crash in Khabarovsk region

On November 15, 2017, an L410 plane with 5 passengers and 2 crew members crashed in the Khabarovsk Territory. As a result of the crash of the liner, 6 people died; only a child of about 4 years old managed to escape. An investigation was organized in which this moment Two versions of what happened are being worked out - equipment failure and piloting error. Weather were favorable. So far, the investigation is leaning toward equipment failure, since the crew fought for the plane to the end. A representative of the manufacturer also joined the inspection.

Cost of the L 410 aircraft

The cost of Let 410 in the latest modification reaches 2.4 million euros per unit. However, private advertisements for the sale of this aircraft are often found. The price tag on the secondary market for aircraft reaches about $1 million per copy, depending on age, flight hours and condition.

L-410 UVP-E20 is a universal twin-engine aircraft of Czech production for local airlines, accommodating 19 passengers. Designed for operation on unprepared dirt, grass, snow areas, as well as on airfields with short runways (about 600-700 meters), which, in fact, makes it an aircraft in the “off-road” category. The first flight of the L-410 was made on April 16, 1969. The main customer of the aircraft was the Soviet Union. In addition, the L-410 was also supplied to Bulgaria, Brazil, Hungary, East Germany, Libya, and Poland. Despite the fact that the plant is located in the Czech Republic, it considers itself part of the Russian aircraft industry: the foundations for this were laid during its development and during its long history of operation. As of 2012, more than 400 L-410 aircraft are in operation around the world.

Production site of Aircraft Industries in Kunovice, Czech Republic.
The Aircraft Industries plant, better known under the Let Kunovice brand, is located 300 km from Prague. The plant employs 920 people.
The company produces aircraft through a full production cycle - yes own lines surface treatment of materials, paint and varnish production, machine shop, assembly shops, design office and airport.

L-410 fuselage parts production workshop. The enterprise is expanding and modernizing production - light green equipment is intended for the production of a new generation of the L-410 NG (New Generation) aircraft.
The plant's production capacity is 16-18 new aircraft per year.
About 80% of aircraft are supplied to Russia. Over the past four years, 35 aircraft have been delivered to Russia.

Production of parts on a CNC milling center from the French company Creneau.

Cleaning parts before molding

Forming a part on a press

Punching press

Design documentation - interceptor drawing

Manufacturing of the wing spar on a 5-axis CNC milling center.
The production uses Russian duralumin produced by OJSC Kamensk-Ural Metallurgical Plant. The total share of components from Russia in the L-410 aircraft is about 15% - this is a legacy of the fact that the aircraft was developed by order of the USSR and with the participation of Soviet designers.

Wing panel production

Assembly of the front wing

Checking the quality of riveting on an airplane wing

One L-410 aircraft uses about 185,000 rivets different types and sizes

Riveting work in the middle part of the fuselage

Installation of floor panels

Production of the rear fuselage

Production of engine air intake parts

Production of air intake parts for the CASA CN-235 aircraft within the framework of industrial cooperation.
The plant also cooperates with by Boeing For Boeing aircraft 787.

Assembly conveyor for L-410 UVP-E20 aircraft. Located in one of the newest buildings of the plant, originally designed for the production of L-610.
In one half of the building there are two production lines for new L-410 aircraft, in the second half there is a service workshop for aircraft coming out of service.

There are about 10 aircraft in the assembly shop at the same time. The fuselage, wing, end tanks and tail unit come to the beginning of the line from the paint shop.
At the end of the line are aircraft undergoing flight tests and preparing for delivery to customers.
Over the entire history of its existence, the plant has produced over 1,150 aircraft of the L-410 family.
More than 850 of them were delivered to operators in the USSR.

The process of finishing the luggage compartment of an aircraft in the nose after completing the installation of electrical equipment

Emergency exit door assembly

The nose of the aircraft with serial number 2915. The weather radar antenna is visible.
The forward luggage compartment doors are open.

Installation of avionics in the cockpit. Avionics traditionally include devices from Russian manufacturers

Installation of electrical equipment in the aircraft cabin

Installing Wiring Harnesses

Installation of electrical wires on an aircraft wing in the area of ​​the engine nacelle

Five-blade AV-725 propellers (Avia Propeller) together with a GE H80-200 engine make up the new power plant for the L-410 UVP-E20 aircraft. It has been installed on all new aircraft since January 2013 and is certified by EASA and the Russian AR MAK.
Young people in production are not uncommon, also due to the presence of its own vocational technical school on the territory of the plant.
The average age of the company's employees is 44 years.

Work on the GE H-80 engine, carried out by a representative of GE Aviation Czech, Prague (former Walter plant).

The final installation stage takes about 5 months - this is the most expensive part of production, as within its framework, engines, landing gear and all avionics are installed on the aircraft, where each individual unit can cost 100-250 thousand Euros.
The total duration of the aircraft production cycle from the production of the first components the fuselage takes just under a year to complete flight testing.

Cockpit of the L-410 UVP-E20 aircraft.
The aircraft is fully equipped for instrument flights and has an advanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) and TCAS II. The L 410 is designed in the metric system (rather than inches), which is an exception in Western aviation.

This type of aircraft has been used for many years as a graduation aircraft for pilot training in Sasovsky flight school civil aviation(Ryazan region).

Pre-flight preparation. Stanislav Sklenarz is the chief test pilot of the plant.

Under the wing of an airplane, a view of the river. Morava and the town of Uhersky Ostrog

Aircraft L-410 UVP-E20 for French Guiana.
Airplanes for exotic countries often have bright, memorable colors.

Leaving with a turn
Practical ceiling - 8000 meters

Approaching the runway.
The L-410 aircraft can land both on a paved runway and on grass, soil and snow. UVP in the name of the aircraft means the Russian abbreviation “Shortened Takeoff and Landing,” which also recalls the Russian roots of the aircraft.

Castle Novy Svetlov (1480), Bojkowice.

Medieval gothic castle Buchlov (XIII century) is located 10 km from Kunowice.
Buchlov Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in South Moravia – the south-eastern region of the Czech Republic.

Velegrad Monastery (XIII century) is one of the main pilgrimage churches in Czech Republic.
In 863 - 866 Christian saints Cyril and Methodius lived and preached in the city of Velegrad.

A prototype of the L-610M aircraft in Staroe Mesto, installed for viewing at the entrance to the city.

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Let L-410 Turbolet is a passenger and transport aircraft of Czech (Czechoslovak) production, intended for regional transport. It can carry up to 19 passengers or 1.7 tons of cargo. Among the advantages of the model are its reliable design, safety, heat resistance (-50... +50 °C), and the ability to land on a short unpaved runway. The first prototype flew on April 16, 1969, and more than 1,200 units have been produced since production began in 1971. The main buyers of these machines are Russia and the CIS countries. They are also used in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America.

Historical reference

The development of the L-410 aircraft began in the mid-1960s by the Czechoslovak aircraft manufacturer Let Kunovice based on drawings from the Taganrog Beriev Design Bureau. The Soviet airline Aeroflot was looking for a replacement for its aging Antonov An-2 turboprop models. The new aircraft were required to communicate with regional settlements located in different climatic zones - from the tundra to the subtropics. The most important conditions were compactness (capacity up to 20 passengers), high efficiency, short acceleration runway, ability to land on unpaved runways. The turboprop design was perfect for these purposes.

Production was entrusted to the Let company as a member of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance of the socialist bloc. The XL-410 prototype carried out a test flight on April 16, 1969, under the control of factory pilots Vladimir Vlk and Frantisek Svinka. The first copies were equipped with Pratt Whitney Canada PT6-A27 engines and Hamilton Standard three-bladed propellers.

When development of the Czechoslovakian-built Walter M601 engines was completed, the PT6 powerplants were replaced by the M601A (later M601B) and the aircraft received the Avia V508 three-blade propeller. A sample with new equipment was prepared in 1973, and made its first flight in 1974. The model was labeled L-410M. In 1975, deliveries to the USSR began.


The Turbolet belongs to the class of unpressurized all-metal aircraft, for this reason the flight altitude is limited to 4200 km above sea level. The aircraft is capable of flying above 6,000 km, but in this case the use of oxygen masks is required.

Two 3/5 blade turboprop engines are highly efficient and provide sufficient thrust for short-haul takeoffs. However, we had to sacrifice speed - 300-335 km/h in the old versions and 417 km/h in the new NG modification. However, for regional flights this is not critical.

The passenger compartment is compact, 5-7 rows. There are 2 chairs to the right of the aisle, and one to the left. The seats are quite comfortable. At the rear there is a toilet with a washbasin and a mini-wardrobe. There are VIP versions with a sofa (sleeper), soft armchairs, coffee table, TV, kitchen-bar and refrigerator.

Flight safety is ensured by a double hydraulic circuit (main and emergency) and an automatic descent system (availability depends on the modification) in the event of a breakdown of one of the engines. The main electrical system operates at 28 VDC. Anti-icing is provided by front pneumatic deicers, as well as electrically heated propellers, cockpit windshields and receivers. air pressure.


The parameters of L-410 aircraft of various modifications are presented in the table.

Since 2014, a special version of the Let-410 E20 with skis on the chassis has been developed. In April 2017, this modification was successfully tested at a Russian polar station 100 kilometers from North Pole deployed on drifting ice.

This is a modification with a shortened takeoff and landing length, the takeoff length is only 456 m. It differs from the classic version:

  • expanded fuselage;
  • improved braking system;
  • increased wing area;
  • capacity reduced to 15 seats;
  • fixed stabilizer (vertical tail).

The wings are equipped with spoilers and an automatic emergency control system (ABC). They help control the rate of descent (lift) and are triggered in the event of a failure of one of the engines.

The first aircraft were equipped with M601B engines. Later, their own modification of the M601D power plants was developed for them. The model entered production in 1976.


The E series is the most common among UVP modifications. She has:

  • increased maximum take-off weight;
  • more powerful Walter M601E engines;
  • five-blade propellers V510.

The most productive version is the L-410 UVP E20. It allows you to transport 1.8 tons of cargo or 19 passengers. Can be equipped with a pair of Walter M601E (2×750 hp) or GE H80-200 (2×800 hp) engines. External fuel tanks can be installed at the end of the wing. The first flight took place in 1984, serial production started a year later.

Let L-410 NG series

In March 2018, serial production of an improved version of the UVP E-20 began. She received the index L-410NG. The twin-engine turboprop transport/passenger aircraft manufactured by the Czech company Aircraft Industrie received an extended fuselage, which increased the volume of the luggage compartment.

The model is equipped with:

  • more powerful and quieter power plant GE H85-200 with Avia-725 propellers;
  • modern cockpit from Garmin;
  • wings of a new design with built-in fuel tanks.

The new engine meets strict European noise and environmental standards. The carrying capacity was increased by 400 kg, the speed was increased to 417 km/h, and the flight range was a record 2,570 km for this model. The operating altitude remains the same - 4200 m, maximum ceiling - 6096 m. The aircraft can operate continuously for up to 10 hours.


The Czech aircraft manufacturer Aircraft Industrie has created the following Turbolet modifications over the years:

  • L-410A. Basic version with PT6A-27 engines and Hartzell HC-B3TN-3D propellers.
  • L-410AS. Has an updated interior.
  • L-410AB. Equipped with a four-stroke Hartzell HC-B4TN-3 propeller.
  • L-410AG.
  • L-410AF. Photogrammetric option. Delivered to Hungary in 1974.
  • L-410FG. Photogrammetric option.
  • L-410M prototype from 1974. Equipped with Walter M601A engines and Avia V-508 propellers.
  • L-410MA. Equipped with Walter M601B engines and Avia V-508B propellers.
  • L-410MU. Equipped with a device for automatically adjusting descent in the event of failure of one of the engines.
  • UVP prototype. First tested on November 1, 1976.
  • L-410 UVP-E. The first flight was carried out on August 15, 1989 by the crew of Frantisek Srnek and Miloslav Tosovsky.
  • UVP-E9.
  • UVP-E20, certified as L-420 in the USA.
  • L-410T. Transport/sanitary modification.
  • L-410LW with reduced weight.
  • L-420XXL. Transport version with cargo compartment for 3 MD3 (FEDEX) containers or 2000 kg of cargo.
  • L-410NG. Modified version of UVP-E20.


The L-410 Turbolet model turned out to be extremely successful. So much so that it is still produced in various variations. Compact dimensions, short acceleration, flexible requirements for runways, the ability to transport both passengers and cargo, high efficiency, and low operating costs allowed the equipment to gain a permanent foothold in the market of Eastern Europe and especially Russia.

The L-410 is produced by Aircraft Industries (formerly Let Kunovice) from the Czech city of Kunovice. Today the enterprise belongs to the Russian Group of Companies “Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company”. According to available data, about 1,200 units were sold from 1971 to 2016. There are currently about 350 in operation around the world. aircraft of this brand, both in civilian and military versions. Approximately 50 boards are used in Europe.

Several years ago, a project was launched to localize the production of Turbolet in Russia. July 7, 2015 by specialists Ural plant Civil aviation in Yekaterinburg assembled the first aircraft from Czech kits. In the future, it is planned to increase the share of spare parts, components and mechanisms manufactured by domestic manufacturers.


Turbolet is operated by air forces and civil airlines in more than two dozen countries in Europe, Central and South America, South Asia, North and Central Africa. Among commercial air carriers, the following companies have the largest fleet of Let L-410 aircraft (according to data for 2006-2016):

  • "Universal-Avia" - 13 units (Ukraine);
  • Atlantic Airlines de Honduras - 10 (Honduras);
  • SEARCA - 9 (Colombia);
  • “Orenbuzhye” - 7 (Russia);
  • Heli Air - 7 (Greece);
  • "KrasAvia" - 6 (Russia);
  • NHT Linhas Aéreas - 6 (Brazil);
  • South East Asian Airlines - 6 (Philippines);
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise - 5 (Russia);
  • Kin-Avia - 5 (DR Congo).

According to data for 2012-2016, military modifications are in service with the armies of Russia (27 copies), Libya (15), Slovakia (8), Czech Republic (6), Tunisia (3), Bulgaria (2), Honduras (2), Comoros (2), Estonia (2), Bangladesh (1), Djibouti (1), Latvia (1), Lithuania (1), Slovenia (1).

Among them is the Let L-410 aircraft. This is a versatile aircraft with two engines. It is used at short distances. There are only 19 seats in the cabin. It was developed at the Czech factory Let.

Turbolet Let L-410 is the full name of this aircraft. It is convenient in that it can be placed on the most different types sites and runways - unpaved, snowy or not very long. It is used in military and civilian transport.

In the 60s last century In the USSR, the creation of a new type of aircraft that would be used on domestic and short routes was discussed. The first developments have begun at the Beriev Design Bureau. This is how the type appeared Be-30. At the same time, they began to design such a model in the Czech SSR.

The aircraft had to be economical, so they considered using turboprop engines rather than jet engines.

In 1969 The first tests of Czech aircraft began. They used American engines. By the end of the 60s was produced 31 aircraft.

In 1974 L-410M with Czech engines was presented. Five years later, a new, improved modification of this aircraft was released - L-410UVP. It differed from the previous ones in its elongated fuselage, large wings, and vertical tail.

It was certified in the USSR and began to be used

Other modifications to this model were also made. They have Takeoff and landing performance was improved and cabin noise was reduced.

The cockpit of the Let L-410.

Now they are used in flight schools for training in preparation for long-distance flights or military transportation.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, attempts were made to restore the operation of the Let plant. Demand for the L-410 fell and production was slowed. The popularity of this model also decreased because the number of its participation increased. Total 106 cars was lost in this way with the total number of victims 406 people.

In 2013 The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company bought a full stake in the plant, so three years later they decided to produce this aircraft again.

Technical characteristics of the L-410 aircraft

His aerodynamic design is classical. It is a high-wing aircraft with two turboprop engines. Tail he has a single keel.

You can see a photo of the Let L-410 aircraft below.

The length of L-410 reaches 14.4 meters. Wingspan - 20 m. Aircraft height - 8 m. Its maximum take-off weight is 6,600 kg, and landing - 6,400 kg. Empty aircraft weight - 4,150 kg.

It can fly routes with a range up to 1,540 km, and with maximum load - up to 1,040 km. Its cruising speed is 310 km/h, and the maximum is 400 km/h.

The L-410 is flown by two pilots. The salon can fit from 15 to 19(the exact quantity depends on the modification).

Modifications of L-410

One of these types is L-410UVP. The last three letters indicate one of the characteristics of the L-410 aircraft of this modification - “short takeoff and landing”. This is a short-haul aircraft. He soared into the sky in 1976 first time. It was equipped with Soviet-Czech avionics.

The second common model is L-410NG. He has installed integral wing tanks. This made it possible to increase the capacity fuel system, which in turn influenced for flight range.

The engines develop more power, and the cockpit is equipped with avionics to new standards. The volume of the front luggage compartment has also been increased.

By 2017, they want to put this modification into mass production again.


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