Treatment of VSD - treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. How to survive a long flight

Publication date: 2013-05-23

Any plane flight in itself is a difficulty for the passenger. A long flight, which disrupts the body’s usual rhythm, often becomes a real test. Of course, it is difficult to fool your biological clock, but to do long stay It is quite possible to be more comfortable and enjoyable on board an airliner. To do this, you need to focus on spending quality time. A good long-haul flight is one that is completely planned in advance.


Preparing for a long flight

Meals before flight

At least a day before departure, you should slightly change your usual diet. An overloaded stomach combined with a tired vestibular apparatus can lead to very unexpected consequences. In this regard, it would be correct to exclude fatty, spicy and salty foods from the menu. Give preference to light meals and nutritious drinks. On high altitude the human body requires more fluid, in addition, the air in the cabin is quite dry due to air conditioning, which also contributes to dehydration.

Sit comfortably in your chair

For comfortable travel You should put all unnecessary things, including outerwear, in the luggage rack in advance. This will make it more convenient for you. Keep only what you want to use during the flight. By the way, things must be removed immediately, since later there may not be room for them (the overhead luggage racks are not numbered, so there is simply no such thing as “your place”).

Take warm clothes with you

Even if it’s already summer outside, take a few warm clothes with you on the flight. Firstly, in the aircraft cabin (at an altitude of several thousand kilometers) the temperature is always several degrees lower, and, secondly, the air is constantly conditioned and sometimes the cooling becomes quite significant. In such cases, a compact blanket, knitted sweater or warm scarf comes in handy.

Comfortable clothes and shoes

Clothes and shoes should be as comfortable and loose as possible. No squeezing elastic bands, belts or corsets. Give preference to natural materials and things that will not restrict your movements. Women are strongly advised not to wear heels during the flight.

Stuffed ears on the plane

During takeoff, many passengers experience stuffy ears. This unpleasant phenomenon is a consequence of the pressure difference in the ear tympanic cavity and the aircraft cabin during climb. The eardrum sag, which is accompanied by a feeling of stuffiness that causes serious discomfort. There is a simple way to combat this: yawn with your mouth wide open, or make a few swallowing/chewing movements. A similar effect can be achieved by consuming lollipops or sucking candies. They are traditionally offered on board the plane, but it is better to bring your favorites to combine business with pleasure.

If this doesn't help, you can try blowing out your ears. To do this, you need to close your mouth, pinch your nose with your hands and try to exhale air through it. Well, the most modern and also preventive method is to use special earplugs that “smooth out” the pressure difference that leads to congestion. These can often be purchased through large online pharmacies.

Gets sick on a plane

According to statistics, more than half of people are susceptible to seasickness. The main reason that a passenger gets motion sickness on an airplane lies in the discrepancy between what the eyes see and what the vestibular apparatus experiences (the airplane is moving, but the person in it observes only a static picture of the cabin, not noticing any movement). In addition, such companions of any flight as fatigue, stress and anxiety only enhance the effect of motion sickness. Here are some tips for those who get motion sickness on a plane:

  • in the chair, maintain a comfortable reclining position;
  • do not concentrate on your feelings when the plane is gaining altitude;
  • do not read to increase eye strain;
  • refrain from alcohol and tobacco (they increase nausea and headaches);
  • drink water exclusively without gases;
  • periodically approach the air conditioner;
  • When checking in at the airport, ask for a seat closer to the middle or beginning of the cabin (there is less vibration and pitching amplitude). It's even better if your seat is located closer to the aisle. We also advise you not to look out the window.

If all this does not help, then you can only rely on modern medications (however, it is worth remembering that many of them cause drowsiness). Before using them, be sure to consult your doctor. We also recommend taking adaptogens. They make it easier to cope with jet lag. However, do not overdo the dosage. In addition, drugs in this group are contraindicated in persons prone to insomnia and hypertension.


Dehydration is one of the main problems of a long flight. It occurs due to too dry air on board the plane and the body’s increased need for fluid at high altitudes. To avoid dehydration, do not hesitate to call the flight attendant every time you feel thirsty. If you want to have your own water bottle, you need to purchase it in advance at the Duty Free store.

In addition, it is recommended to take care of moisturizing the skin and nasal mucosa. A small bottle with special drops and a hydrating (day) cream work well for this. Dry air on board an airplane also causes eye irritation for many. Therefore, it is better to replace contact lenses with glasses during the flight.

Drink more water

At a significant altitude, even the healthiest person's blood viscosity increases. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is lack of fluid. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to drink as many non-alcoholic drinks as possible during the flight. This also makes it easier to carry dry air on board. To make the flight easier, you should take at least a few sips of water every 20–30 minutes. Also, before the flight, if there are no contraindications, you can take a simple aspirin tablet. This reduces blood thickness, reduces the risk of blood clots and the stress on the heart.

Alcohol on a plane

Alcohol not only makes you happy and relaxes, but also contributes to dehydration, although during a flight the body’s need for water is already significantly increased. Before you decide to drink something stronger, think carefully, because the state of alcoholic intoxication quickly disappears, but the hangover remains for a long time. The worst thing is if the latter comes while still in the air. Is it worth adding more discomfort to yourself during an already difficult long flight? Read about the rules for drinking alcohol on board an airplane. If you are still determined to choose strong drinks, then it is useful to know the following:

  • the flight itself is a strong load on the cardiovascular system, and drinking alcohol only increases the load on it;
  • At high altitudes, alcohol enters the bloodstream much faster, and accordingly, a person simply gets drunk quickly. Because of this, the risk of getting alcohol poisoning increases by drinking the usual “earthly” dose;
  • Passengers who often fly economy class are, to one degree or another, susceptible to stagnation of the venous circulation of the legs. Alcohol, by causing fluid to leave the body, increases the risk of thrombosis.

Eat fruits and vegetables

We talked about proper nutrition before the flight above. On board an airplane, you should also not indulge in fried or fatty foods. By giving preference to vegetables and fruits, protein-rich nuts and easily digestible dried fruits, you will significantly improve your well-being. It is very useful to take bananas, corn or pineapple with you - they contain melatonin, which is a natural antioxidant and biological sleep regulator.

Remedies for boredom

To prevent passengers from getting bored during the flight, all modern airliners have video panels with a variety of digital content. Choose a movie or show, put on your headphones and have a good time. All this is great, if not for one “but” - most often this content is presented in the language of the country carrying out the transportation. In order not to have to look at the pictures, vaguely guessing the meaning of what is happening, it is worth taking care of your own entertainment in advance. You can take into the cabin a laptop or tablet, a player with audiobooks or your favorite tracks, magazines with crossword puzzles, a Rubik's cube or something from your hobby, provided that it is allowed to be carried on board the plane. The main thing is to check the charge level of digital gadgets before the flight in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

How to fall asleep on a plane

A long flight is ideal if you sleep for most of it. However, falling asleep on an airplane is not so easy - excitement, motion sickness and noise distract you. But there are still a few simple techniques that can help you relax and fall asleep peacefully. The first thing you need to do is get ready to relax - everyone has their own recipes, but most often a cup of aromatic mint or chamomile tea, a little wine or a sedative comes to the rescue. In some cases, a single dose of sleeping pills may be required. Earplugs, a comfortable travel pillow and a soft blanket often help ensure a comfortable sleep. If you can't sleep with the light on, we recommend bringing a sleep mask.

Attention! We recommend that you have your own pillow (the best is a compact inflatable one in the form of a collar; this costs 3-5 euros). Firstly, this item directly touches your skin, which means, for hygiene purposes, it must be individual. Secondly, its absence can not only leave you without sleep, but also lead to more unpleasant consequences - during a long flight without a travel pillow, your neck often goes numb.

If you have a personal pillow, this does not mean at all that the one given by the flight attendant should be neglected. Don’t refuse it, it’s better to put it under your lower back. During a flight, a blanket can often come in handy. Again, it is better for them to cover their legs and body, and throw something from their own outer clothing over their arms and face. Carrying a personal blanket with you is quite expensive. Ask for a pillow and blanket as soon as you get settled on board the plane (sometimes they run out quickly).

Do gymnastics (exercises) on the plane

Spending several hours in the same position is not easy. By the middle of the flight, you may experience slight numbness in your limbs, feel that certain parts of your body are moving, feel pain in your neck or cramps in your legs. To avoid this, you should follow several rules. Try to take off your shoes as soon as you get comfortable in your chair. We advise you to specifically purchase comfortable, lightweight slippers and compression stockings to effectively prevent “long travel syndrome” (such stockings are also called compression socks). You can find them in any pharmacy (it’s better to choose imported ones). Such knitwear costs 15-20 euros.

In order not to overshadow the first days of rest with pain in the back and neck, you should go out into the aisle once an hour and do a little gymnastics (exercises). Don’t be shy about this - those who regularly fly by air do it without fail. On Chinese Airlines, for example, during such warm-ups, the flight attendants themselves demonstrate the exercises, and all passengers repeat them together. If your flight does not provide such a demonstration, then rummage through your pocket with brochures - most likely one of them will be devoted to exercises for gymnastics (exercises) on the plane.

When sitting for a long time, the lumbar and cervical spine are particularly strained, so pay close attention to how you sit in the chair. Correct posture is the key to good health. Your feet can be placed on a special footrest, or directly on your own luggage (the higher your feet are relative to the floor, the better).

In particular, people with varicose veins should not forget about warming up their legs. In addition, everyone is recommended to take with them a special cream for tired legs. Talk to your doctor to determine the best product for you.

Getting to know your host country

It is very useful to devote several hours of the flight to getting to know the culture and laws of the country you are going to. For example, learn a couple of common phrases in the local language. This not only helps to pass the time in the air, but also often helps out during the rest.

View from the window

Sometimes the view from an airplane window is so beautiful view on the endless sea of ​​clouds, that you can occupy yourself with its contemplation for a very, very long time. In order for you to have such an opportunity, you need to take care of choosing the appropriate place in advance.

So, useful items are:

  • sleep mask (so as not to be disturbed by light);
  • earplugs (so that noise does not interfere with your rest);
  • a special travel pillow (so that your neck doesn’t hurt after sleep);
  • lollipops or caramel candies (to relieve ear congestion);
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Now there are many different types transport, but plane is more comfortable. After all, you will agree that with its help it is easy to reach even the most distant corner of the world. There is only one thing... Are flights harmful to our health?

It turns out that not everything is so simple. If the flight lasts only half an hour to an hour, then almost no changes occur in the body. Long flights have a significant impact on people.

Plan everything in advance

If you are going on a long trip, plan everything in advance. If a problem arises, don't panic. Panic and nerves will take all your energy, so you will feel terrible.

How to prepare for a long flight?

If you have a tiring flight ahead, let's look at a few rules for preparing for it:

  1. Before departure, be sure to rest.
  2. Do not consume food or alcohol two hours before takeoff.
  3. Dress and put on something light and comfortable.
  4. Take a first aid kit with you (it should contain the necessary medications, for example, if your heart hurts, take Validol), a bottle of water.

The effect of a long flight on the body

The air in the airplane cabin is very dry, so you feel discomfort in your mouth, and the mucous membranes of your eyes and nose also suffer. A person experiences hypoxia; there is no full oxygen saturation. You must use wet wipes, cream or water. People who suffer from bronchitis or asthma should not travel. Also, drinking carbonated water (it is saturated with carbon dioxide, which makes breathing even more difficult) can increase hypoxia.

Due to changes in pressure, swelling of the legs may occur. When constantly sitting in a sitting position, a person experiences discomfort. Stagnation negatively affects not only sick people, but also healthy ones. Therefore, do not be afraid to move around the cabin when this is allowed and try to constantly change your body position. You can do gymnastics while sitting, aimed at improving blood circulation in the hands and feet. Just rotate them one way and then the other. If you are wearing high heels on the plane, be sure to take them off.

Avoid eating foods and carbonated drinks that can cause intestinal upset. It must be remembered that the sitting position of the body does not allow your digestive tract to fully process everything you eat.

Airplane thrombosis

Recently, doctors learned about one disease that can occur during a long flight - airplane thrombosis. The cause of its occurrence is a violation of the venous circulation in the lower extremities of a person.

At first, scientists did not consider this a dangerous consequence, until one happened death. A twenty-five-year-old girl was heading to Los Angeles, she spent thirteen hours on the plane, and after landing she suddenly found herself in the hospital with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The cause of this condition was a blood clot in the leg. Only the girl had never suffered from thrombosis before.

It was found that the risk of a blood clot remains for four weeks after the plane lands. Basically, according to statistics, the formation of blood clots due to a flight occurs in one case out of six thousand travelers. This risk group includes people who have blood clotting disorders. They themselves may not know about it. But the coagulability of your own blood can be easily checked by taking a general blood test. If the platelet count is higher than normal, such people already belong to the risk group.

Prevention of airplane thrombosis

Having learned about such a problem as aircraft thrombosis, scientists quickly began to look for ways to solve it.

Here are some simple tips to prevent blood clots during a flight:

  1. Wear special stockings during a long flight. They help reduce the risk of blood clots by approximately nineteen times.
  2. Administer low-molecular-weight heparin subcutaneously several hours before departure, but this should only be done as directed by a doctor. There were no cases of thrombosis reported among people who took a dose of heparin. Another option is to take a thinner in tablet form, such as aspirin. Only it gives a less strong effect. In this case, the risk of blood clots is reduced by only one and a half times.
  3. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, tea or smoke during the flight. Since all this has the properties of thickening the blood.
  4. It is necessary to drink a lot of liquid: juices (tomato juice is one of the best) and still water.

P.S. Buy Dramamine anti-motion sickness tablets at the pharmacy. Very relaxing and calming. If you fly in the morning, drink them before bed. And if during the day - 2 hours before the flight. The effect of the pill will begin on the plane.

P.S. Tips from travelers: I would add about shoes, writes olia_shka. - You need to take off your shoes and put on airplane socks. Some airlines provide them, but I got my own and even on short flights I take off my shoes and walk around the cabin in them.

How to behave when landing a plane?

Before boarding the plane, put away all your belongings that you used during the flight and be sure to go to the toilet. This will save you from all unnecessary problems that may arise.

I hope our tips will help you. Have a nice trip!

And more tips from a traveler:

Although the topic is old, it is relevant at all times.
I fly long distances almost constantly. I will say right away that, whenever possible, I prefer a long flight in business class. But since such an opportunity is not always available, and not for everyone, I will share general recommendations from personal experience.

Clothes: This is one of the important factors. Be sure to have something very comfortable in which, taking any position, will not squeeze or tug on anything. If this is not possible, then you can even take something to change into.

Since I have serious problems with veins, compression socks are a MUST (even for those whose legs are fine). Those who have problems are curative, those who do not have problems are preventive. There are just special “flight” socks. Sometimes in economy they give socks... so loose, terry (not to be confused with compression ones - these are just for comfort and we put them on over the “flight ones”). Immediately upon boarding, we take off our shoes and change into these socks. Those for flights must be put on in advance!!! Be sure to have a large empty bag with you to put the shoes and socks you took off. In reality, it happens that we walked all day and then got on the plane. The amber will still stand. By hiding your shoes, you will save both yourself and your NEIGHBORS from unpleasant odors (by the way, I have one or two more bags in reserve, since from time to time I have to offer them to my neighbors. Usually people are understanding and use the “service” without offense!

An inflatable “collar” pillow, “glasses” for sleeping and good earplugs.

Take aspirin before your flight!!!

On the flight, take thermal water with you (small bottles are available for sale), Aquamaris or a domestic equivalent (now available in pharmacies and MUCH cheaper), moisturizing cream (better universal for both the face and hands.. (more is spent on the hands) and Lately, I definitely take either Mezim or Espumisan. Airplane food on a long flight makes my stomach swell (sorry)..well, and Gastal, otherwise it happens...

Indeed, it is better not to drink on a flight, and even better tea than coffee. Drink plenty of REGULAR water.

Take something warm with you on the flight, even if you are flying in the warm season. In general, it is better to wear something with long sleeves made of cotton. It’s easier for the ladies - you can grab some kind of stole, but let the men decide for themselves which analogue of the stole they should choose.
IT IS OFTEN COOL IN A FLIGHT, and it’s better to sleep in such a “climate,” and if anything happens, it’s not difficult to build an additional “pillow.”

Even on a long flight, it would be nice to have some kind of folding toothbrush with you... sometimes they provide it, but often not... and after sleep you really miss this item

Now IMPORTANT tips on long flights from an Aeroflot flight attendant!

During my work, I saw a lot and learned a lot. On our board, during multi-hour flights, four people died during a 10-hour flight - because they didn’t get up at all during those 10 hours! And it is necessary get up every hour or two, go to the toilet, stand there for a while, stomp around, and return to your place around, making a circle. And while sitting, you can do “seated yoga” exercises - raise your hands clasped upward and stretch thoroughly, gently massage your ears, arms, fingers, palms, drink a glass of water every 3 hours. Eat little, preferably something light and safe, dry biscuits and cookies are ideal.

From motion sickness mint candies, Barbariski sweets, ginger lozenges, candied ginger help, it is also very good to have a bottle of Spivak mint oil - I sniff it periodically, the smell of mint eliminates motion sickness, and also relieves stress and headaches, which often happens when flying, you can moisten it a cotton swab and put it under your nose, lightly brush it onto your temples for headaches.

From blocked ears- I take candied ginger and sweets with me and chew them during takeoff - it helps with stuffy ears.

Be sure to wear it on a flight comfortable shoes- sneakers, for example, - and clothes - loose trousers, a tracksuit. An airplane is not a fashion show, leave your heels at home, be smart!

Do not use perfumes or eau de parfum, the air on the plane is already very stuffy, have pity on your neighbors sitting next to you.

In airplane skin is very dry, take thermal or rose water in a spray - I just pour high-quality mineral water into an empty spray bottle and spray my face with it on the plane, I also took expensive ones thermal waters, I didn’t notice the difference. Aeroflot allows the transportation of cosmetics in the aircraft cabin in hand luggage, however, please note that the maximum permissible volume of the bottle is 100 ml, otherwise you will have to check it in your luggage. Also take a mini face cream, antibacterial hand wipes, lip balm with a moisturizing effect, I also take shea butter from Spivak for hands and lips. If you wear contact lenses, it is better to replace them with glasses during the flight, otherwise you will experience dry eyes.

Before the flight, take vitamin C, there are often all sorts of things on the plane. And infection because of the stale air.

Take Earplugs or a player with headphones, a special pillow for the neck and a sleep mask will be very useful.

Remember! - you cannot sit still for more than two hours , office workers also need to take this into account. This can cause thrombosis and many, many people die from this! Please take these tips into account!

Health, good luck, and a soft landing!

A long flight takes its toll on your legs
WHO experts, doctors and representatives of 16 airlines around the world gathered in Geneva for a conference on “economy class syndrome” - deep vein thrombosis of the leg, which is increasingly being diagnosed among airline passengers.

“Traveller's thrombosis is a more correct name,” says Dr. John Scurr, an English surgeon who pioneered the study of this type of thrombosis. “Studies have shown that similar effects can result from a long train, bus or car trip, or even a business meeting "

“Traveller's thrombosis” occurs due to the fact that a person remains immobile for a long time in a stuffy room. At the same time, the venous outflow from the legs worsens (in order for blood to move normally through the veins of the legs, contractions of nearby muscles are necessary - they “compress” the veins and “push” the blood higher, to the heart. With the slightest predisposition in the deep veins of the legs, which This is what suffers the most, blood clots form. When the traveler arrives at the place and begins to move, a piece of the blood clot can break off, travel through the bloodstream to the heart, lungs or brain, and get stuck in a smaller vessel, blocking the blood flow. touches the extremely sensitive area of ​​​​the branching of the pulmonary artery, shock will occur, often fatal.

First of all, only long flights lasting more than 8 hours are considered hazardous to health. Since the main precipitating factor for thrombosis is immobility, passengers are strongly advised to at least change the position of their legs from time to time. The ideal option would be to get up and walk from time to time, but this is difficult to do in the cabin of an airplane. Anti-varicose tights or shin wrapping may be of some benefit.

You should not overeat before a flight - otherwise a large volume of blood will flow to the stomach and intestines and blood flow through the veins of the legs will be poor, and this increases the likelihood of blood clot formation. However, Japanese researchers have concluded that eating snacks and soft drinks during a flight increases blood flow to the body and brain.

According to statistics, every fifth person suffers from motion sickness in transport. This condition, associated with increased sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus, is called “motion sickness” or kinetosis. Lethargy, pallor, dizziness, cold sweat, then nausea - these are the symptoms of motion sickness. All this may end in fainting.

We are more susceptible to motion sickness when we are overtired, lack of sleep or nervous. Kinetosis can also be a price to pay for inactivity and lack of training, because the state of the body as a whole also affects the functions of the vestibular apparatus. A seasoned, physically trained person, even with increased sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus, does not experience motion sickness or easily tolerates it. So you should think about preventing motion sickness long before the flight.

For those who are susceptible to motion sickness, aerobics, jogging, basketball, volleyball, and football are especially useful. During these sports, sensitivity to motion sickness decreases, and gradual adaptation to stress occurs.

It is also useful to perform special exercises to train the vestibular apparatus. You can include them in your morning exercise routine.

These are various tilts and turns of the head, its smooth rotation from one shoulder to the other; tilts, turns, rotation of the body in different directions. At first, it is recommended to do each movement 2-3 times, then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 6-8 times. Various somersaults and gymnastic exercises on the horizontal bar are also useful.

Don't miss the chance to swing in a hammock or on a swing. Various carousels and attractions also help strengthen the vestibular system.

Economy Class Syndrome

During a long-distance flight, you have to sit still for a long time, sometimes in an uncomfortable position, which leads to venous stagnation. Recently, doctors have started talking about the danger of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can develop on an airplane. After heart attack and stroke, DVT is the third leading cause of death. During a long flight (more than three hours), blood flow in the legs sharply weakens, resulting in an increased risk of thrombosis. Additional risk factors include leg injuries, taking hormonal medications, and hereditary blood clotting disorders. Sometimes it ends tragically - immediately after the flight or several days or even weeks later. Doctors most often make the diagnosis “cardiovascular failure,” but in fact the cause of death turns out to be a small blood clot that blocks the veins.

For those who go on a long flight or trip, compression socks are specially designed. They should be worn instead of regular socks or knee socks. In such socks, even minor movements enhance the “pumping” function of the lower leg muscles, reducing venous congestion.

The smaller the distance between the seats on an airplane, the more uncomfortable the position you have to sit in. Therefore, economy class passengers are more often susceptible to DVT; even the term “economy class syndrome” has appeared. First class passengers have the opportunity to sit much more comfortably.

Those at risk are those who suffer from varicose veins, obesity, the elderly, and pregnant women.

How to prevent DVT?

● If you are over 30 years old, wear elastic tights or bandages before a long flight. Take half an aspirin.

● During the flight, if possible, try to get up and walk more often. When you sit in a chair, move your legs, head, and neck.

● Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee on board, which can cause dehydration and make your blood more viscous.

● Wear comfortable low-heeled shoes on the flight or take off your shoes during the flight.

"Space" sickness

Another problem that can arise during a flight is flatulence. This condition affects not only air passengers, but also climbers when climbing to high altitudes; it is associated with sudden changes in pressure. To avoid flatulence, before going on the road, you should not drink gas-containing drinks or eat foods that cause increased fermentation (legumes, sweets, etc.). Before the flight, you can take 1-2 tablets of activated carbon.

It is better not to drink carbonated drinks during the flight. As for alcohol, you should be careful with it, as its effect increases during the flight. “One hundred grams for courage” taken in the air has a much stronger effect than on the ground.

Where are we going, microbe?

Other problems associated with flying on an airplane arise due to the fact that the air exchange in the cabin is limited - you cannot open the window. But there is an air conditioning system, as a result, microorganisms spread inside the plane very quickly, and their content in the air is high. It is no coincidence that after a flight a runny nose often appears and respiratory diseases develop.

Cleaner air is in the central part of the cabin, so it is better to choose seats there. Before a flight, it is useful to strengthen your immune system in advance by taking vitamins and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Head restraints pose another danger. If for some reason they are not changed, you can become infected with a fungal disease or pediculosis (lice) through them. Make sure the headrest is clean before sitting in the chair.

Note to readers

Here are some more tips to make your flight enjoyable.

>> Don't overeat before your flight, but don't travel on an empty stomach either.
>> Before the trip, don’t be overtired and try to get enough sleep.
>> Do something distracting on the plane - solving a crossword puzzle or talking with fellow passengers. This will prevent you from focusing on possible unpleasant sensations, and perhaps prevent motion sickness.
>> Mineral water, lollipops, sour juices help relieve symptoms of motion sickness.
>> A few hours before the flight, you can take one of the medications that reduce the sensitivity of the vestibular system.
>> Movements from west to east are less well tolerated than from east to west. The plane is moving, catching up with the dawn, night still does not come. In this case, dark glasses or a light-proof bandage will help (on some flights these are given to passengers).
>> During a long flight, a small inflatable pillow that is placed around the neck will also come in handy. Clothes and shoes should be light so that you can relax and feel free.

According to statistics, every fifth person suffers from motion sickness in transport. This condition, associated with increased sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus, is called “motion sickness” or kinetosis. Lethargy, pallor, dizziness, cold sweat, then nausea - these are the symptoms of motion sickness. All this could end in fainting, he writes.

We are more susceptible to motion sickness when we are overtired, lack of sleep or nervous. Kinetosis can also be a price to pay for inactivity and lack of training, because the state of the body as a whole also affects the functions of the vestibular apparatus. A seasoned, physically trained person, even with increased sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus, does not experience motion sickness or easily tolerates it. So you should think about preventing motion sickness long before the flight.

For those who are susceptible to motion sickness, aerobics, jogging, basketball, volleyball, and football are especially useful. During these sports, sensitivity to motion sickness decreases, and gradual adaptation to stress occurs.

It is also useful to perform special exercises to train the vestibular apparatus. You can include them in your morning exercise routine.

These are various tilts and turns of the head, its smooth rotation from one shoulder to the other; tilts, turns, rotation of the body in different directions. At first, it is recommended to do each movement 2-3 times, then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 6-8 times. Various somersaults and gymnastic exercises on the horizontal bar are also useful.

Don't miss the chance to swing in a hammock or on a swing. Various carousels and attractions also help strengthen the vestibular system.

Economy Class Syndrome

During a long-distance flight, you have to sit still for a long time, sometimes in an uncomfortable position, which leads to venous stagnation. Recently, doctors have started talking about the danger of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can develop on an airplane. After heart attack and stroke, DVT is the third leading cause of death. During a long flight (more than three hours), blood flow in the legs sharply weakens, resulting in an increased risk of thrombosis. Additional risk factors include leg injuries, taking hormonal medications, and hereditary blood clotting disorders. Sometimes it ends tragically - immediately after the flight or several days or even weeks later. Doctors most often make the diagnosis "cardiovascular failure", but in fact the cause of death turns out to be a small blood clot that blocks the veins.

For those who go on a long flight or trip, compression socks are specially designed. They should be worn instead of regular socks or knee socks. In such socks, even minor movements enhance the “pumping” function of the lower leg muscles, reducing venous congestion.

The smaller the distance between the seats on an airplane, the more uncomfortable the position you have to sit in. Therefore, economy class passengers are more often susceptible to DVT; even the term “economy class syndrome” has appeared. First class passengers have the opportunity to sit much more comfortably.

Those at risk are those who suffer from varicose veins, obesity, the elderly, and pregnant women.

How to prevent DVT?

● If you are over 30 years old, wear elastic tights or bandages before a long flight. Take half an aspirin.

● During the flight, if possible, try to get up and walk more often. When you sit in a chair, move your legs, head, and neck.

● Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee on board, which can cause dehydration, causing the blood to become more viscous.

● Wear comfortable low-heeled shoes on the flight or take off your shoes during the flight.

"Space" sickness

Another problem that can arise during a flight is flatulence. This condition affects not only air passengers, but also climbers when climbing to high altitudes; it is associated with sudden changes in pressure. To avoid flatulence, before going on the road, you should not drink gas-containing drinks or eat foods that cause increased fermentation (legumes, sweets, etc.). Before the flight, you can take 1-2 tablets of activated carbon.

It is better not to drink carbonated drinks during the flight. As for alcohol, you should be careful with it, as its effect increases during the flight. “One hundred grams for courage” taken in the air has a much stronger effect than on the ground.

Where are we going, microbe?

Other problems associated with flying on an airplane arise due to the fact that the air exchange in the cabin is limited - you cannot open the window. But there is an air conditioning system, as a result, microorganisms spread inside the plane very quickly, and their content in the air is high. It is no coincidence that after a flight a runny nose often appears and respiratory diseases develop.

Cleaner air is in the central part of the cabin, so it is better to choose seats there. Before a flight, it is useful to strengthen your immune system in advance by taking vitamins and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Head restraints pose another danger. If for some reason they are not changed, you can become infected with a fungal disease or pediculosis (lice) through them. Make sure the headrest is clean before sitting in the chair.

Note to readers

Here are some more tips to make your flight enjoyable.

>> Don’t overeat before your flight, but don’t travel on an empty stomach either.
>> Before the trip, don’t be overtired and try to get enough sleep.
>> Do something distracting on the plane, like doing a crossword puzzle or talking with your fellow passengers. This will prevent you from focusing on possible unpleasant sensations, and perhaps prevent motion sickness.
>> Mineral water, lozenges, and sour juices help relieve symptoms of motion sickness.
>> A few hours before the flight, you can take one of the medications that reduce the sensitivity of the vestibular system.
>> Movements from west to east are less well tolerated than from east to west. The plane is moving, catching up with the dawn, night still does not come. In this case, dark glasses or a light-proof bandage will help (on some flights these are given to passengers).
>> During a long flight, a small inflatable pillow that is placed around the neck will also come in handy. Clothes and shoes should be light so that you can relax and feel free.

1. Choose comfortable clothes

If you have a long flight ahead of you and would like to sleep on the plane, wear something similar to pajamas. These clothes should be soft and loose. For both men and women, a T-shirt, old jeans, tennis shoes, and a sweatshirt are ideal for a flight. You should not wear tight synthetic clothing or narrow high-heeled shoes; it is also better to remove belts and ties.

2. Avoid noise

Try to buy special sound-absorbing headphones, put them on before bed, and the noise of the engine, the hum of conversations of hundreds of people, which increases in a limited space, will no longer interfere with your rest. If you can't buy headphones in advance, just use high-quality earplugs.

3. Turn off the light

Don't forget a dark eye mask - it can help even when you can't sleep. It has been verified that a person suffering from insomnia, putting on a mask and finding himself in the dark, falls asleep faster.

4. Drink water

During the flight, the body really needs water. So drink up more water. Avoid alcohol, coffee and tea - these drinks interfere with normal sleep and dehydrate, when your body needs the opposite. Take an empty large bottle and fill it with clean water after checking your luggage, or buy still water before boarding and be sure to empty the container before the end of the flight.

5. Moisturize your skin

Dry interior air can be very harmful to the skin. To prevent your skin from cracking like the ground without rain, apply moisturizer to your face, hands, and lips. Dry air is also harmful to your eyes - if you usually wear contact lenses, then during the flight it is better to replace them with glasses and do not forget to take moisturizing drops into the cabin.

Nothing is more refreshing than a glass of good fruit or vegetable juice. There are usually plenty of kiosks at airports where you can buy it. Juice in a package with sugar and preservatives will not replace freshly squeezed juice, but will only make you thirsty.

7. Use your travel time wisely

If you really love cinema and plan to watch at least three films during the flight, then this will most likely bring you pleasure and brighten up your time. But if you usually stare at the screen simply because you have nothing to do, it’s better to think about your plan of action on the plane in advance. When you feel airborne, don't torture yourself with activities that require attention. If you can handle the flight well, grab a book that you want but don’t have time to read, and you will love long flights.

8. Borrow appropriate place

Before checking in online, choose a seat in the cabin that you like. Do you want to look out the window or do you prefer to sit in the aisle so you can get up at any time?

9. Bring socks with you

Cold feet are not conducive to a pleasant pastime. Often the cabin floor is very cold, so be sure to take a pair of warm, loose socks, preferably without elastic.

10. Earn miles

If you often travel the same route, choose best airline and earn miles. In addition to the fact that you will be able to spend them sooner or later, miles provide serious privileges. For example, the opportunity to board first or VIP treats during the flight will help brighten up a long flight.

11. Eat well

Dull pasta or boring chicken again? Try not to get discouraged by inflight dining. Choose something you haven't tried yet, add more pepper and don't skimp on the sauce, put the bread and butter on a container with a hot dish to warm them up. Don't eat something you can't stand just because you need to eat something. Moreover, now in some airlines you can order a menu long before the flight.

12. Keep a positive attitude

Stop worrying about the time lost on the road, and treat the flight as an opportunity to devote these hours to yourself. Don’t view the flight as a meaningless empty part of the trip, but do what you want to do but don’t have time to do at home. Grab a snack, read a book, meditate, listen to music, emotionally prepare for the upcoming vacation or work - in general, sit back, put your feelings and thoughts in order, and you will appreciate the time spent above ground.


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