How to check in for a plane with a child. Flying with a baby: useful tips for parents. Fixed seats for passengers with children

26.04.2016, 20:42 112638

Checking in for a flight at the airport

Check-in for the flight begins several hours before departure, but in order not to get stuck in traffic jams, it is better to leave for the airport in advance, especially if you are going to the airport on a weekend, during rush hour. Also keep in mind that during busy seasonal airports, a large queue may form at the entrance to the airport during the initial screening of passengers.

As soon as you enter the airport building, look for electronic scoreboard and, if necessary, luggage trolleys.

The electronic board is usually located not far from the entrance to the airport. You need to find your flight on the board - usually the flights on the board are arranged in order of departure. If your flight has not yet been displayed on the board, this means that check-in has not yet begun and you should just wait a little. If check-in for the flight has already begun, you will see a corresponding mark on the board. The check-in counter numbers for your flight will also be indicated there. Prepare your passport, tickets and go to the check-in counters.

Check-in for domestic flights

  • carried out at the domestic air terminal
  • Check-in begins 1.5-2 hours and ends 30 minutes before departure.

Check-in for international flights

  • carried out at the international air terminal
  • starts 2.5-3 hours and also ends 40 minutes before departure time.

Business and First Class passengers always check in at separate counters or out of line. You will be given a boarding pass at the check-in counters. It will contain your seat number on the plane and your gate number. Your luggage will be weighed, a special tag will be attached to it and sent to the conveyor belt, and you will receive a baggage receipt.

On your way to the exit you will need to go through customs and passport control.

Electronic check-in for a plane

How to check in for a flight automatically online

You can check in for a flight online on airline websites, major airports and air ticket sales services. Air passengers flying from almost all major airports now already have this opportunity.

Ticket Aero also provides its customers with the service of online check-in for flights and selection of seats in the aircraft cabin. The service becomes available immediately after the plane ticket is booked.

We will automatically check you in for your flight as soon as online check-in begins. After successful registration, we will send boarding passes by e-mail (you will need this document to board the plane). At the airport you will only need to check in your luggage and board the plane. We will try to seat you by the window or by the aisle if there are free seats.

How to check in for a flight online yourself

Before using the Internet check-in for a flight on the airline or airport website, check the start and end times of check-in. About the exact opening time online registration You can find out on the airline's website or by phone. As a rule, online check-in begins one day before and ends 90 minutes before flight departure.

  1. Go to the website of the airport from which your flight departs.
  2. Open the section on the website called “online registration”, “web registration”, etc.
  3. Find your airline in the list of airlines that allow their passengers to check in online.
  4. In the registration window that opens, fill in the appropriate fields of the form: indicate your flight number, air ticket number, departure date, your passport details, luggage availability, etc.
  5. Check the details entered in the form and select the seat you want to occupy on the plane.
  6. Check in and receive your boarding pass in the form of a barcode on the electronic device (smartphone, tablet, other devices) specified when booking your ticket. During pre-flight security, airport security will scan your boarding pass from the device screen. If desired, you can print out your electronic boarding pass and present it at security.

    Attention! Not installed at all airports in Russia necessary equipment for working with electronic boarding passes. In this case, you must present a printed boarding pass.

If you are traveling with luggage, you can drop it off at the baggage counter designated for self-check-in passengers.

How to check in for a flight using a mobile phone or tablet

If your phone or tablet has internet browser capability, you can also check in for your flight online. Filling out personal data is carried out in the same way as registering using a computer. But in this case, instead of sending the boarding pass for printing, the system will send an SMS to your mobile device, which will contain a matrix (two-dimensional) barcode.

After arriving at the airport, you must present your electronic boarding pass on electronic media or in printed form during security screening.

Electronic check-in at the airport through the terminal

Pass the electronic registration It is also possible directly at the airport, in a terminal specially designed for this purpose. Registration is carried out in the same way as the previous options. You simply enter the required data and receive a ready-made electronic or printed boarding pass.

You can read more about how electronic online check-in for a plane takes place.

Air travel is always a hassle associated with packing, waiting for departure and the road itself. Traveling with a child is doubly a hassle, since children endure the wait and the journey more difficult than adults. Well, a flight with a baby risks turning into hell if you don’t prepare for the trip in advance and properly. So, what do you need to consider when preparing to fly with a baby in your arms?

Preparing for a flight with a child and necessary things for the flight

First, it’s worth deciding who the airlines consider to be a baby. Infants are children who are under two years of age at the time of departure. Accordingly, when you clarify information regarding a future flight, look for the section of the site that corresponds to the age of your baby.

Don't forget documents proving that the child is really yours. You won’t be allowed on board without them, even if you don’t need to apply for a separate one for your baby.

A first aid kit when traveling with a child should be stocked in advance with medications that this moment The child takes it if necessary, as well as with specific medications that may be required during the flight: nasal drops to prevent stuffy ears, medications for indigestion and antipyretics. IN hand luggage There must be disinfectant wipes or gel. This is what you need to take on board, and keep the drops “on hand” to instill before takeoff and landing. For further relaxation, consider medications taking into account the characteristics of the region where you are going (tropics, mountains, etc.); it is advisable to discuss all medications with your doctor.

Baby food must be prepared in advance and taken with you from home, even if the airline provides an on-board baby food ordering service. The baby may want to eat even before takeoff, and takeoff may be delayed.

Video - flying with a baby, what to take in your backpack

Take extra diapers and diapers, since it is unknown how the child will react to the stress associated with the flight. The consumption may be higher than usual.

If the baby is almost two years old, then it is worth purchasing a travel potty with spare bags for him. This issue is resolved individually for each person.

Take a few of your favorite toys - this will distract him from the unusual surroundings, prevent whims and make the flight as comfortable as possible.

Be sure to have two sets of clothes - warm and light. Perhaps both will come in handy, since it can be cold at the point of departure and hot in the country of arrival.

Take the mattress from the stroller into the salon - this way the baby will feel more comfortable in your arms.

Don't forget the pacifier - you need to give it during takeoff and landing. Then the baby will not be rocked and his ears will not be blocked.

The nuances of flying with a child under one year old

What is the difference between flying with a baby a few months old and flying with a child one or two years old? Because, under a fortunate combination of circumstances, a 3-6 month old child may simply not notice the flight and sleep the whole way. To do this, you should feed him an hour and a half before setting off, but do not overfeed him, and also take him for a walk in the fresh air, do not limit his activity and desire to move and crawl in, and entertain him in every possible way. Then it is possible that the baby will simply get tired and fall asleep for the next few hours, which will be enough to fly to his destination without any problems.

Airline rules when flying with an infant

Before you set off with a baby in your arms, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules for flying with children of your age category, established by the specific airline you are going to fly on. These rules vary.

Traveling with children under 7 days of birth

Some expressly prohibit infants under one week of age from being carried on board their aircraft. Some require parents to sign a receipt stating their full responsibility for the consequences of the flight on the health and life of the child. They even offer to download the form and fill it out in advance so as not to waste time when checking in for your flight.

Separate seat and tickets

If you are traveling with one baby, you do not need a ticket. Most airlines allow you to carry him for 10 percent of the ticket price in the arms of mom or dad. And some carriers generally only charge airport taxes for a child. If you have two children under 2 years old, then one place in addition to yours will have to be booked and paid for. Check on the carrier's website - each airline has different sizes.

Special chairs

If you decide to book a separate seat for a child aged from six months to two years, make sure in advance that there is a special chair for him. Airline carriers usually do not offer special seats, but a regular car seat is often suitable. Sometimes it is required that a given car seat model be approved for use on airplanes. To confirm permission, a sticker on the seat itself is enough, and samples of stickers can be viewed on the website of the carrier, for example, UIA. If the airline provides special seats for rent, in any case, the need for such a service must be indicated and paid for when booking a ticket.


Each airline has its own restrictions on the use of a baby bassinet. In some places it is allowed to use bassinets only on wide-body aircraft, in others only in Business and Premium classes, and in others the cradle will have to be sent to the overhead bin after boarding the aircraft. Information regarding crib rentals must be confirmed at the time of booking. And, if such a service is provided, be sure to order it in advance, since a limited number of such devices can be used on each flight.

Baby strollers

Strollers can only be used before boarding the aircraft and after disembarking. Large strollers are checked in as baggage directly at the boarding ramp, small folding strollers of the “cane” type are sent to the luggage rack until the end of the flight. Check the rates for transporting strollers in advance. Most airlines allow you to carry a foldable stroller for free. But for large ones checked in as luggage, you need to pay based on the total weight of the luggage. More precisely, pay extra for the advantage.

Everyone’s baggage allowance is different: somewhere around 20 kg, somewhere around 23 kg. Also pay attention to the fare you purchased the ticket at. If this was the now fashionable “no luggage” tariff, then you will have to pay extra for a large stroller, regardless of its weight.

Flight nuances not regulated by airline rules

There are flight rules prescribed by airlines, and they must be strictly followed. And there are a lot of nuances and questions that almost all parents have, but these questions are not regulated regulatory framework. So, what nuances may arise during check-in and during the flight?

Skip-the-line registration

Are parents with children under two years old required to skip the line for registration? If this is not stated in the airline's rules, then no. But it’s quite possible to ask the queue for a favor - most likely, you will not be refused. If there are many families with children in the queue, as often happens on charter flights, for example, if you are planning a flight to infant, then you will have to wait in line on a general basis.

Front row seat

Is the airline obligated to seat a family with a baby in the first row, where there is more space for changing clothes, feeding, playing, and so on? Again, if this is not specified by the airline's rules, then no. Some companies charge extra for a front row seat. Or it may happen that there will be more families with babies on board than there are seats in the front row. Therefore, prepare for the fact that you will have a minimum of space.

Recreation room for families with children

Most airports have a separate equipped room where mothers and children can wait for departure in a more comfortable environment than other passengers in the waiting room. But just in case, check on the website which terminal this room is located in, how much an hour of stay costs, what services are provided there, and so on.

Baby food: where to heat it?

Mother and baby rooms usually provide the opportunity to warm up baby food for a baby before departure. A similar service, in theory, should be provided on board the aircraft. However, after many flights stopped serving hot meals, there may be problems with heating. Therefore, check this possibility in advance. If you don’t have it, stock up on thermos flasks and thermal mugs to keep your food at the desired temperature longer.

Airplane safety rules for parents with children

Liquid on board

Food for infants on the plane must be taken with you, packed in an airtight container. Please check with the carrier for the permitted volume of liquid baby food for hand luggage. Despite the fact that no more than 100 ml of liquid is allowed on board, an exception is usually made for children. You can take with you as much food as your child needs for the duration of the flight.

If the total volume of jars and bottles does not exceed 1 liter, then misunderstandings usually do not arise. Attempts to smuggle in multi-liter containers of juice or puree will, of course, be stopped. In some cases, the safety control service may ask parents to personally taste the baby food to ensure that it is, in fact, edible.

Emergency exit seat

What they definitely won’t provide you with is a seat at the emergency exit. There are a lot of restrictions; in this place, not only a child, but even a lady’s handbag cannot be held in your arms. All personal items travel only in the luggage rack. And, in general, they try to give a place at the emergency exit to those who potentially will not slow down the emergency disembarkation process due to their clumsiness, excess weight or advanced age. And ideally, he is able to help open the hatch and organize the evacuation of passengers. It is clear that passengers with children, cradles, chairs, a bunch of diapers, bottles, toys will not be able to be the most efficient and agile in an emergency.

Fixed seats for passengers with children

Sometimes the airline clearly limits the list of seats where you can sit with a child in your arms. This happens when there are only a few rows on board, where 3 seats There are 4 oxygen masks. Safety regulations require one oxygen mask per passenger.

Using oxygen masks

If you need to use an oxygen mask during a flight, you must first put the mask on yourself, and then
then - on the child. This is a general rule that you will be familiarized with before your flight. But it’s better if you know about this in advance and don’t ask questions that demonstrate your incompetence. Children may, out of fear, react inappropriately to an attempt to put a mask on them, for example, begin to resist. If an adult is without oxygen at this moment, the strength to fight will quickly run out, and the consequences for the adult and child will be sad. If an adult family member is already wearing a mask, he will be able to deal with the child as quickly as possible.

Video - rules for flying with a child

This general rules preparation for the flight and behavior during the flight, compliance with which provides a fairly large guarantee that the trip with the baby will take place without incident. Have a nice flight!

Online check-in reminder:

Now passengers can avoid wasting their time standing in line at the airport check-in counter. Anyone can check in for a flight before arriving at the airport using a personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or smartphone.

Online registration is quick and easy, taking one to four minutes. In addition, you have the opportunity to independently decide on your seat on the plane. Upon completion of check-in, you will receive a boarding pass on your mobile phone (as SMS) or by email.

Currently, the online registration procedure is especially popular. Most Russian airlines provide this service, saving customers from lengthy check-in at the airport.

The relatively recent appearance of this service has not prevented it from gaining high demand among airline passengers traveling both domestically and transatlantically in such a short period of time.

Main advantages of electronic registration:

    Significant time savings, since there is no need to stand in line for passenger check-in, and the opportunity to choose best place in airplane.

    Self-service baggage check-in. Upon arrival at the airport, the actions with checked baggage will be clear and simple: you either check it in at the check-in counter (without queuing) or leave it at the counter.

    24-hour availability: passengers can check-in for a flight at any convenient time.

What do you need to have on hand to complete online registration?

    Passport data (full name, series and number of passport, by whom and when issued).

    Booking/flight number.

    Electronic ticket number.

If you are traveling with an infant, the choice of seat on the plane will be limited.

After entering all the necessary data into the form, an electronic boarding pass will open. Save and print it as it will be presented upon boarding the plane. Moreover, check-in of hand luggage is not required. But you should pay attention to the cargo registration rules, which may differ depending on the different airlines. If you are traveling by air for the first time, familiarize yourself with what applies to hand luggage, as well as the list of permitted and prohibited items and weight standards.

It is worth noting that the online check-in procedure, its restrictions and rules in most cases are almost the same in all airlines, but it is still better to resolve any issues that arise in advance to avoid unpleasant situations.

If you received an SMS with a check-in notification on your tablet or mobile phone in the form of a barcode, then upon arrival at the airport you will be able to go to a self-check-in terminal equipped with a scanner, present the barcode for scanning and print your boarding pass, or go to the check-in counter and receive your boarding pass .

If you received your boarding pass by email, you just need to print it out. Even if you don't have this opportunity, don't worry. Upon arrival at the airport, go to the check-in counter and inform them that you have already checked in for your flight. Your data is already listed in the airline’s database, but for printing boarding pass it will take a few seconds.

How can you check your luggage in this case?

Most passengers who have resorted to online check-in have the following question: “What to do with baggage check-in upon arrival at the airport?” It turns out that when you check in online, you can immediately check in your luggage, indicating the number of bags that you will take with you on the flight. Also, many airlines provide the opportunity for passengers to pay for checked baggage through their official websites. After checking in your ticket and baggage online, upon arrival at the airport you should go to the Drop Off counter where you can leave your baggage. An airline employee will print out special tags, attach them to the bags, and then place them on the conveyor belt.

Online registration requirements and conditions:

    Check-in must begin 23 hours before departure and end 2 hours before departure.

    Before you begin online registration, you need to make sure that you have completed e-ticket and booking confirmed.

    Online check-in is available for all passengers, except for the following categories:

Passengers traveling with infants (up to two years old) who do not occupy a separate seat;

Passengers who have warned that they may need health care or special services;

Passengers under 16 years of age traveling without an accompanying person;

Passengers with animals;

Passengers who purchased air tickets through travel agencies;

Passengers carrying special or dangerous cargo;

When purchasing group tickets (more than nine people).

    The weight and dimensions of hand luggage should not exceed the established norm.

    If you are planning to travel with luggage, it is better to check it in at any check-in counter or baggage drop-off counter. You must present your boarding pass upon check-in.

    You must arrive at the boarding gate no later than the time indicated on your boarding pass.

    You must present documents before boarding.

Don't forget that to pass the test passport control and on aviation security, and before boarding you need to show your passport and printed boarding pass.

The topic seems to be eternal and very confusing. However, we assure you, there is nothing complicated about it. Once you figure it out and understand the essence, then you can even advise your loved ones about necessary documents when flying with children.

The main question is whether the flight is domestic or international, in other words, are you flying within the country or flying to another country.

Domestic flights

On domestic Russian flights you do not cross the state border, and therefore do not go through border and customs control.

A child under 12 years of age can only fly accompanied by an adult passenger (that is, an adult or a citizen who, before reaching adulthood, legally acquired full legal capacity, hereinafter referred to as an “adult passenger”). The degree of relationship with the child does not matter. On domestic flights, a child can fly with any adult passenger. No permission from parents or anyone else is needed.

A child over 12 years old can fly independently, without any accompaniment.

Required documents:

Regardless of whether the child is flying accompanied or unaccompanied, during the flight he needs to have the original identity document with him:

  • Child's birth certificate - for children under 14 years of age;
  • Internal passport of the Russian Federation - for children over 14 years of age;
  • Temporary identity document - if instead of a birth certificate or passport, the child was issued a temporary identity document.

It is important to know! You must check in for the flight and board the plane, presenting exactly the document for which the ticket was purchased. It’s a common case that when you issued a ticket you indicated the details of one document, but you are going to fly by presenting another identification document. In such cases, you need to contact the airline in advance to enter the details of the new document into the ticket. The airline is obliged to do this.

1. Is it possible to board a plane with a color copy of it instead of a child’s birth certificate?

No you can not! Original required. However, if you have some kind of emergency and have no other choice, try contacting the airline. Because this domestic flight, you do not cross the border, then only the airline decides whether to let you on board or not. Perhaps they will meet you halfway.

2. The child has a foreign passport, is it possible to issue a ticket for a domestic flight by indicating his details?

A foreign passport proves the identity of a person abroad. Whether it can be used on domestic flights or not is not regulated anywhere. In practice there are many such cases. If, when booking, the system provides the opportunity to select an international passport as a document, then you can choose. For your peace of mind, you can additionally call the airline and clarify. So the answer is probably yes.

3. When purchasing the ticket, the child was under 14 years old, so the ticket was issued on a birth certificate. But upon departure he already has a passport. What should I do?

After receiving your passport, you must contact the airline with a request to enter your passport details into your ticket. They are obliged to do this. You must present your child’s passport to fly; you will not be allowed on board with a birth certificate.

4. The child is 14 years old, but has not yet received a passport. Is it possible to fly with a birth certificate?

No you can not. The day after the birthday, the birth certificate ceases to be a document identifying the child. Within 30 days after turning 14 years old, you must apply to obtain a passport. If, before receiving your passport, the relevant authority issued you a temporary identity document, you can issue a ticket for this document and present it when checking in and boarding the plane. If you bought an air ticket by specifying the details of your birth certificate in advance, and plan to board the plane with a temporary identification document, then, as in the previous example, you should contact the airline in advance with a request to enter the details of the new document into the ticket. The airline is obliged to do this.

International flights

On international flights everything is much more complicated, since you are crossing the state border of the Russian Federation. You must have not only the documents necessary for registration and boarding the plane, but also documents for passing border control.

Let us immediately note that a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, can travel abroad only with a foreign passport. That is, the child must also have a foreign passport. When booking, tickets are issued using your international passport. You cannot fly abroad with a birth certificate, internal passport or other document that does not prove your identity abroad.

Before reaching the age of majority, a citizen of the Russian Federation can fly abroad:

  • When accompanied by at least one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees;
  • When accompanied by another person or independently with a notarized consent for his departure from at least one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.

Important! A child can leave only if the other parent (adoptive parent, guardian or trustee) has not stated in advance his disagreement with the child leaving. If there is such a ban, then the issue of leaving is decided by the court.

We also remind you that it is mandatory to accompany a child during the flight only up to 12 years of age.

So, we list all the possible options for traveling with a child.

1. One of the parents can fly with a child (no matter what age) abroad. The consent of the other parent is not required for this, even if the parents are divorced. A child cannot travel abroad only if the other parent has previously, in accordance with the procedure established by law, declared his disagreement with the child’s departure.

Required documents:

  • A document proving your relationship with the child, namely, the child’s birth certificate, where your details as a parent are indicated exactly as they are indicated in your passport;
  • If your information in the child’s birth certificate does not match the information in your international passport (let’s say you changed your last name), you must also have a document with you confirming the fact of the change in your full name. This often happens when a woman gets married after giving birth to a child and takes her husband’s surname. The child has one surname, and the mother has a different surname. In this case, you need to have a marriage certificate with you, which indicates the fact of the change of surname. In any other cases of changing your full name, you must have with you an appropriate document confirming the fact of the change.

2. In the case of adoptive parents, guardians and trustees, the rule is the same. One of the adoptive parents (guardians, trustees) can travel abroad with the child without the consent of the other adoptive parent (guardian, trustee), but only if the other adoptive parent (guardian, trustee) has not legally imposed a travel ban in advance child.

Required documents:

  • Foreign passports for yourself and your child;
  • A document confirming adoption, guardianship or trusteeship, in which the full name matches the full name of your international passport;
  • As in the previous case, if you changed your full name after adoption (guardianship or guardianship), you must present a document confirming the fact of the change in your full name;
  • Additionally, it would not hurt to have the child’s birth certificate with you.

3. A child can travel abroad accompanied by any other person (grandmother, uncle, just an acquaintance, etc.) only if there is a notarized consent of at least one of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) for the child to travel abroad, and only if the other parent (adoptive parent, guardian or trustee) has not previously declared a ban on the child’s departure. Formally, the child crosses the border on his own, but if he is under 12 years old, he does not have the right to board the plane without being accompanied by an adult.

Required documents:

  • Child's foreign passport;

4. A child who has reached the age of 12 years can fly abroad independently if there is a notarized consent of at least one of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) for the child to travel abroad, and only if on the part of the other parent (adoptive parent, guardian or trustee) a ban on the child’s departure was not declared in advance.

Required documents:

  • Child's foreign passport;
  • Notarized consent of at least one of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) for the child’s departure, indicating the date of departure and the state (states) he is going to visit.

Some subtleties and practical examples.

1. The child is not a citizen of the Russian Federation; what documents are needed to leave Russia?

In general cases, you need the same documents with which you entered the Russian Federation. In difficult cases, contact the consular department of the embassy of the country of which the child is a citizen.

2. I am a citizen of Ukraine, and my child is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Do I need to get a passport for him?

A child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation must have a foreign passport to leave the Russian Federation. In addition, you must have documents confirming that you are the child's parent.

It should be taken into account that in this article we only touched on the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation. But to enter the country you are traveling to, or the country through which you are traveling to a third country, you may need additional documents (for example, visas).


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