What seats to choose in the carriage. How to choose the best seats on the train? Car diagrams with seat numbering. Which places should you choose?

Having bought a train ticket, you always wonder what place you got?

Top and bottom shelves, side and non-side... Everyone has different preferences, in general, you can select better and worse places in the reserved seat.

There are only 54 seats in a reserved seat carriage. Unpaired numbers are the bottom shelves. Paired - upper. Seats 1-36 are regular. 37-54 - side.

In my opinion, it’s more pleasant to ride in places that are not on the side than on the side ones. No one walks back and forth next to you. However, if you are traveling close, I still prefer a side seat - you can sit at a table, looking out the window or reading a book, or fold up the table and lie down for a nap. The same cannot be said about the upper side - it is perhaps the most inconvenient. It will be bad for tall people on the side - the “height” of the shelf is about 1.80 m. If on the non-side one you can be bold and put your feet into the aisle, then on the side it is unlikely to work.

The good thing about the top places is that no one bothers you - no one wanders up and down, sits on your shelf, etc. and so on. You can hide in a corner and sleep until your stop. Personally, I prefer this option. However, the top shelf is definitely not suitable for older people. It’s also inconvenient if you don’t want to lie down, but sit - then you’ll have to “strain” the neighbors below.

The lower seats are convenient because you don’t need to climb up, there is a table, and the entire “trunk” under the shelf is at your disposal. (Of course, you can put your bags there, even if you have a top seat, but I don’t think your fellow traveler will like it if you wake him up to pick up your luggage.) On the bottom bunk you will be annoyed by neighbors climbing on top, and perhaps perched for a drink a seagull on your shelf.

I would classify as “bad” places the places near the toilet (seats 33-38). Place 36 has an additional wall (so that your feet do not interfere with opening the door :)). There may be unpleasant odors coming from behind the door, as well as passengers walking back and forth and door slamming (which is often the most annoying thing).

I think places 01-04 and 53-54 are not very good. There are also passengers walking back and forth, you can hear constant conversations from the conductor's compartment and possible rattling of the door (mostly only in winter). Place 53 is sometimes used as a service location.

In the third and sixth “compartments” (seats 9-12, 21-24) there are emergency exit windows and hammers for breaking them. Rarely, but this can also be a plus.

Based on all this, I think that the best thing is the seats in the middle of the car. Whether side or not, upper or lower, depends on everyone’s preferences and travel conditions. Also, as practice shows, the comfort of a trip depends quite heavily on fellow travelers - a trip in the most inconvenient place can turn out to be much more pleasant than in a good place, but with annoying neighbors.

Of course, any journey always begins on the road. Unfortunately, we cannot choose neighbors, but choosing a place is quite possible. In this article we will talk about how to choose a comfortable seat on the train.

Choosing a seat in the carriage

When choosing a seat on the train, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. It is not recommended to choose compartment 9 (near the toilet), as well as 1 compartment, near the conductor and the second toilet. Almost always, tickets for these seats are sold with great difficulty, since they are considered inconvenient. “And what seats are recommended to buy?” - you ask. So, more convenient places are the lower places. The lower shelves are always oddly numbered. Such shelves will be much more convenient and safer than the top shelves.
  2. If you choose a place in compartment carriage, then we do not recommend buying seats in the third and sixth compartments. The fact is that such compartments are equipped with emergency exits, and the windows in them cannot be opened. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable in a compartment with closed windows, especially when it comes to traveling to summer time of the year. Please note that, just like in compartment cars, the seats near the toilet are not comfortable. Of course, the trip will be comfortable if you buy a ticket for the lower berth or a berth in a compartment carriage. Also good option There will be side seats. However, side seats are often purchased when there are no tickets for the lower shelves.
  3. The last upper bunk in a reserved seat carriage has significant differences from other upper bunks in that it has a partition. If you are tall, then you will be very uncomfortable on such a shelf. Also, such a place does not have a step with which you can climb onto the shelf. Seats No. 1, 2, 35 and 36 are a little shorter than others, which is unlikely to appeal to tall people. The most common dimensions of the bottom shelf in a carriage are 177 cm, and the top one is 167 cm. The width is 60 cm.
  4. Many people ask the question: “How to buy a place near an outlet?” However, it is unlikely to work. In a coupe they are located between the 3rd and 4th compartments, as well as between the 7th and 8th.
  5. In the reserved seat, sockets can be found near seats 5,7,8,9,29,30,31,32,41,42,59,60, as well as at the very back of the car near the toilet. However, we do not recommend buying seats at the very back of the car, because in addition to the toilet there is also a garbage bag. However, be prepared for the fact that everyone will be running around your place and constantly asking to charge your phone.

As you can see, find a good place It will be very easy in the carriage. Follow the above recommendations and your train trip will be as comfortable as possible.

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Choosing the best seats in the carriage

On all trains, the lower bunks are odd-numbered seats, and the upper ones are even-numbered. On older trains without air conditioning, do not take the 3rd and 6th compartments, as you will not be able to open the window there. In a reserved seat, it is better not to take seats from 37 to 54 - these are side seats, and 37 and 38 are side seats near the toilet. The best places are near the conductor's compartment, there is an outlet nearby.

Save on purchasing train tickets

The earlier you buy a ticket, the cheaper it will cost. For domestic trains, tickets are sold 45 days before departure, and for international (and some Russian) trains - 60 days. The discount can reach up to 50 percent - for example, you can buy a ticket in a compartment at the price of a reserved seat. Seasonal coefficients apply - on holidays and in summer, tickets are approximately 10-20 percent more expensive.

Discounts on upper bunks in compartments

If usually the discount on the upper bunks in a compartment is 10-20 percent, then with the promotion it can reach up to 40 percent, approaching the cost of a reserved seat. As a rule, the discount applies to interregional trains, St. Petersburg and Moscow direction There are separate floating tariffs.

Photo: Vitaly Belousov / RIA Novosti

How to properly charge your phone on a train

It seems that in the reserved seat there is only one socket near the toilet and it is always occupied, but this is not so. Additional sockets are located near the boiler, in the 2nd and 8th compartments (seats 39-40 and 51-52). In the compartment carriage, the sockets are located between the 3rd and 4th compartments, as well as between the 7th and 8th compartments in the corridor. Modern trains have sockets in every compartment.

Take a tee with you, then you can plug your gadget into the outlet, avoiding disputes with your neighbors. The voltage in the car can be unstable, and there is a risk of burning the charger or even the phone itself. To avoid this, you should purchase a surge protector with an extension cord (also called a “pilot”). It has a fuse that will protect the phone from overload.

The conductor must cover the bed linen

In the reserved seat, the conductor is obliged to make bed linen for the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women and passengers with children. The bed in the compartment is already made. A blanket can be requested at any time of the year - it is included in the bedding set. The conductor can also replace old linen with a new set for a fee.

No need to hand in laundry

Yes, many conductors half an hour before the train arrives at the final station require that all passengers hand over their underwear. However, passengers should not do this. It is the responsibility of the guide to monitor the safety of the kits, as well as collect them and hand them over to the laundry.

How to transport a bicycle on a train

On the train long distance a bicycle can be carried as luggage - only in disassembled form, and its size in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 centimeters. In the reserved seat it is more convenient to use the third shelf; four bicycles can be placed there at once. You can also transport the iron horse in a baggage car, but then you will have to arrive in advance and check it in as luggage.

Free on the train

In a compartment and reserved seat carriage, at the request of a passenger, the conductor must provide free of charge: a glass in a cup holder and a spoon, a sewing kit (needles and threads and scissors), a first aid kit and board games (chess, checkers, dominoes). Although a particular carriage may lack some items from this set. In addition, a traveler's kit (toothbrush and paste, soap, wet wipes), newspapers and magazines are free on the branded train.

Photo: Oksana Aleshina / Lori Photobank

Take a break from your trip

The passenger has the right to make a stopover for a period of no more than 10 days and extend the validity of the ticket. To do this, you need to present your ticket to the station administration no later than 4 hours from the moment of arrival. But when you resume travel on another train, you will have to pay again for a reserved seat (the cost of a seat in the carriage). This is approximately half the price of the entire ticket.

What to do if you are behind the train

If it suddenly happened that you got off at the station and missed your train, but your things were left in the carriage, there is no need to panic. You need to contact the station manager, he will notify colleagues at the nearest stop along the train's route. There your things will be removed from the train. You must be transported to this station by the next train free of charge and the validity of your ticket extended free of charge.

Don't break the stop valve

Disconnecting the stop valve is allowed only in exceptional cases: to prevent a crash, accident, rolling stock derailment, or loss of life. By current rules a passenger falling behind the train is not a valid reason for releasing the stop valve. Now this is punishable by a fine of three to five thousand rubles.

Prohibition on the train

The consumption of alcoholic beverages on trains is prohibited. Previously, the consumption of beer was allowed on trains, and strong alcoholic drinks in restaurant cars. However, now the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO) completely prohibits the consumption of alcohol. Passengers caught drinking are fined: beer lovers will pay from 100 to 300 rubles, and connoisseurs of stronger drinks - from 500 to 700 rubles.

The sale of strong alcohol in train carriages is prohibited. In the dining car, according to current legislation, you can buy “alcoholic products with an ethyl alcohol content of no more than 16.5 percent,” that is, beer and wine.

Are you planning to go on the road and don’t know which seat or carriage is best to travel in? Before going to the box office to buy tickets, you need to decide on your seats. If you think about buying a ticket in advance, then there should be no problems with the number free seats. This means that you can tell the cashier about your preferences, and he will try to take them into account.

First, decide on the type of carriage. Coupe, reserved seat, SV or seated carriage. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Passengers usually choose the appropriate option depending on their financial situation, physical condition and the presence of children traveling with them. Let's look at each of the types of cars.

  • In a compartment carriage, the contingent is usually calmer and more polite. And there are often fewer passengers there. Which significantly reduces queues to the toilet and for water. There is always a mirror hanging on the door, which is very convenient for putting yourself in order. Maybe the only negative compartment carriage is the price of the ticket. It is almost twice the price for a seat in a reserved seat. If finances allow, it is better, of course, to travel in greater comfort.
  • A reserved seat carriage has quite a few pros and cons. Disadvantages: a large number of people are looking at you, it is uncomfortable to sleep because you have to think about keeping your feet from sticking out beyond the border of the shelf, the condition of such cars is often poor, the toilets are closed at the stations, there are queues in the morning. Of the advantages, I would like to note, of course, reasonable cost ticket There are also folding tables on the side seats, which is very convenient. There are no walls like in a coupe, which opens up more space, etc.
  • An SV carriage or a sleeper is very comfortable and pleasant. There are only 2 shelves, which is very convenient when you are traveling together. Sometimes there is a TV inside the compartment for watching movies. For long trips, a sleeping car is the best choice, unless of course it suits your financial situation.
  • And finally, a seated carriage, which is usually interregional, that is, such trains travel short distances. This carriage does not differ in any amenities; it looks like an ordinary minibus or bus. An acceptable option if you have a short distance to travel and want to spend the least amount of money.

Having decided on the carriage, you need to find out how the seat numbers are distributed in the carriage you have chosen, and what advantages and disadvantages are associated with this.

  • In reserved seats and compartments, as many people probably already know, odd numbers are the lower seats, and even numbers are the upper ones.
  • The windows in the emergency compartments (3 and 6, both in the compartment car and in the reserved seat car) do not open.
  • The unpleasant side upper place near the toilet is at number 38.
  • In the reserved seat, the upper 36th place is the place where there is a partition, which shortens the shelf, and there is also no handrail for climbing up.
  • Also in the reserved seat seats 1,2,35,36 are 15 cm shorter than all the others.
  • Seats numbered 29-31 are the most comfortable, as they are close to the toilet, but there is no unpleasant smell, and much fewer people pass by there.

Here are some guidelines for choosing the best train seat for you. Read our articles and stay up to date with everything new!

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How to choose the right carriage and seat on the train?

If you buy a ticket at the box office, you can discuss your preferences regarding the selection of a seat in the carriage with the cashier. In the same case, if you purchase a ticket on the website, you will have to make the choice yourself. To do this, you need to first familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of various places. Otherwise, if you encounter them during your trip, you will have to endure inconveniences that could have been avoided.

Car selection

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of cars and classes of service in order to have an idea of ​​​​what level of comfort you will encounter during your trip.

Soft (M), Luxury (L), Compartment (K), Reservoir (P), With seats (S).

Individual air conditioning, shower and toilet are provided only in soft carriages. In all the others, there is a shared air conditioner, no shower, and two toilets per carriage.

The soft and luxury carriages have 2 berths per compartment, and the compartment carriage has 4.

In addition to the type of carriage, it is important to consider the classes of service. There are quite a lot of them, and they differ in the availability and ration of food (hot/cold), the category of bed linen, the presence/absence and configuration of sanitary and hygiene kits, and the provision of newspapers. Moreover, different carrier companies use different designations for service classes, and the same designation class may have different service contents.

Branded trains consist of carriages of new modifications, and include them different types, so you can choose the appropriate option without any problems.

But in a double-decker carriage you can encounter much more inconvenience than it might seem at first glance. There are now twice as many seats as compared to a single-decker carriage, and the number of conductors is the same (the wait for tea is longer, boarding the train is also longer), there is no third upper shelf in the compartment and there is nowhere to put things. Instead of titanium - a regular electric kettle. There are only 3 toilets, a staircase that is not at all easy for older people to climb with luggage, and a low ceiling on the second floor.

Selecting a location

Diagram of a standard Russian carriage

In standard Russian compartment and reserved seat carriages the following rule applies: the lower seats are odd, the upper seats are even.

The side seats in the reserved seat start from 37. Above it are 38, which are located directly next to the toilet. The last upper non-side place (36) also cannot be called comfortable, since there is a toilet behind the wall, and from all other places from which the legs, excuse me, hang, it differs in the presence of a partition and the absence of a step for climbing.

Next to the conductor's compartment there may also be little pleasant things to do. The compartments provided for luggage will probably be occupied by coal, blankets and other things. Arguing with the conductor about this is unlikely to make sense for your calm and comfortable stay on the road. It is better to choose another place in advance.

Tall passengers should take into account that in the reserved seat seats 1, 2, 35, 36 are 15 centimeters shorter than the rest.

Layout of seats in an international carriage

There is one fairly common misconception regarding carriages with seats. These carriages are often confused with general carriages. There is no air conditioning in the general carriage, and 3 passengers are seated on the berth. In cars with seats, on the contrary, they are very comfortable. The arrangement of the seats is reminiscent of placing them on a bus. The seats are soft and can be reclined to take a nap.

In carriages with seats, despite many different modifications, the principle of “odd at the window” remains unchanged. Therefore, if you like to exercise and cannot sit still for a long time, it is better to buy an even seat, it is closer to the aisle.

Even with the current problems, you can always find the option that best suits you. Refusing not convenient place, you can thereby save good location spirit and create a precedent that will encourage the company to pay attention to unclaimed locations in the future and reduce their prices.


Which seats in a reserved seat car are best to take: which ones have sockets, which seat on the train is the lowest and which window does not open in a reserved seat car

Characteristics of reserved seats: numbering, amenities

The reserved seat ranks third in terms of comfort, behind the coupe and SV. One such carriage is designed for 54 passengers, each of whom has an individual shelf. It can be top, bottom or side - each category has 18 places. A section of 2 upper and 2 lower seats forms a separate compartment that does not have a door. Side shelves are located opposite each such opening.

Advice. Remember that the lower shelves are assigned odd numbers (1,3,5, etc.), the upper ones are even numbers (2,4,6, etc.). Places 37 to 54 are side ones.

It is worth keeping in mind that some reserved seat seats have the following features:

  1. Each carriage has a so-called “emergency” sections, the windows in which do not open. There are seats from 9 to 12 and from 21 to 24, as well as 43,44, 49, 50. And if in a compartment car, where in similar rooms (compartments No. 3 and No. 6) there are exactly the same clogged windows, but You can use the air conditioning, but in the reserved seat there is no such service.
  2. To have constant access to the socket without making a corresponding request to the conductor, you need to choose the 2nd or penultimate section of the reserved seat car. These are places 5-8, 29-31, as well as 39, 40, 51 and 52.
  3. Each reserved seat has 4 shelves, which are shorter than the others by about 15 cm. These are places No. 1, 2, 35, 36.
  4. Place 36 is considered one of the most unfortunate for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is a toilet behind the wall, and secondly, there is a partition installed there, against which the passenger’s legs rest (in other cases they stick out into the passage). In addition, this is a high place, but there is no partition to help you climb up.
  5. The luggage compartments of sections that are in close proximity to the conductors may be occupied by coal or blankets. In the “risk zone” are the first places (1-4), as well as the side places 53 and 54.
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You can determine whether your seat will be bottom or top by its number

It is quite logical that the choice of the most convenient seat depends on the personal preferences of each passenger. For example, someone likes to ride only on the lower shelves. In particular, these seats are convenient for older people, obese passengers, mothers with young children who occupy one shelf between them. Some people buy tickets for these seats, fearing that they might fall from the top bunk when the train brakes suddenly. In addition, it is always possible to use a table - behind the scenes, it is the passengers from the lower seats who most often consider it “theirs.” However, you still have to give in to your upstairs neighbors: you may be asked to move to have a snack or just sit.

Another category of people find it more comfortable to ride at the top: none of their fellow travelers will encroach on these places. You can lie down quietly, turn to the wall, read or take a nap. In addition, such places are slightly cheaper than the lower ones. Some passengers prefer upper berths when traveling alone, on an overnight train or short distances.

Advice. If your neighbor on the bottom shelf doesn’t let you go to the table or simply won’t let you sit in your place, contact the conductor. As a last resort, call the train manager.

There is no clause in the transportation rules that forces passengers to “share” the bottom bunk, but at the same time there is a principle that limits each person from abusing their rights. In any case, try to negotiate peacefully.

The side seats are considered by many passengers to be the most uncomfortable. If in the section it is at least somehow possible to organize personal space, then here a person is located practically in the corridor, where someone is constantly walking. However, some find advantages here too. For example, the table is not intended for 4 people, but only for two. True, in this case, the owner of the lower side seat will have to transform his shelf so that his neighbor can have lunch.

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The side seat transforms into a table

If you are still undecided about which seats to choose, reviews and recommendations from passengers will help you decide:

  • seats 35-38 are located next to the toilet, so if you are worried that an unpleasant smell will ruin your trip, do not buy tickets for them;
  • It is quite comfortable to ride in a section located not far from the conductor: the toilet is not far, there is no smell, and tea can be arranged at any time (buy or make it yourself - titanium for heating water is also close);
  • in winter it is better to take seats closer to the center of the car, since at each stop passengers will get off and on, letting in the cold;
  • seats in the middle are also good for those who don’t like people scurrying past: to the toilet or to the vestibule to smoke;
  • places 29 to 31 are located close to the toilet, but the smell is not felt here. But you can always see if there is a queue of people wanting to wash. It is also convenient if you need to take out a child’s potty (so as not to carry it along the entire corridor);
  • if you are traveling together, it is convenient to occupy the upper and lower bunk in the same compartment or even on the side. Then strangers will not encroach on your places.

Advice. If you are afraid of falling off the shelf while the train is braking, take tickets for seats that are closer to the head car.

Second-class car: video

Are you getting ready to travel and don’t know which car to choose on the train? For some, this issue is less important, but if there is still a difference, it is better to contact the cashier in advance in order to have more possibilities for maneuvers and choose the most suitable place.

Most railway carriers are ready to offer passengers several types of carriages. They are distinguished by their comfort and cost.

This carriage has free-standing soft chairs with armrests; the carriage is somewhat similar to the interior of an intercity bus or airplane, but there is much more space.

You can buy a ticket for a seated carriage if the trip lasts several hours and the body does not have time to get tired of the monotonous posture.

Seated carriages may differ in the number of seats, their location and class of service.

Despite the individual seats, the seated carriage will not be best choice for long trips

Econom-class train

This is the most common type of carriage, combining relative comfort with low cost. The carriages have nine compartments, each with six seats. There are no doors between the compartments; they are connected by a common corridor.

Each compartment of the reserved seat carriage is equipped with tables. Third shelves and compartments under the seats allow you to place even the most big luggage without taking up useful space. Old trains with reserved seat carriages may not be the most comfortable for travel. A fully occupied carriage can be cramped and stuffy. But in branded trains reserved seating is much newer and more comfortable: with air conditioning, dry closets and a large number of sockets.

There are separate carriages of the general type - the same reserved seat with three seats on the bottom bunk. Common carriages have several serious disadvantages:

  • reserved seat berths lack a headrest and a soft backrest; sitting on them is not very comfortable;
  • due to the lack of armrests, a feeling of cramping is created;
  • tickets for a general carriage are usually sold without specifying a seat.

General carriages are the least comfortable, but they are cheap.

This type of carriage involves dividing seats into blocks of four each, with a total of 32 or 36 seats. Some carriages can be equipped with an additional compartment for two seats - numbers 37-38. The compartments are completely isolated from each other, the door is locked. Each compartment has a hanger, hooks for clothes, a table, a mirror, and instead of a third shelf there is a special niche for luggage.

Compartment cars are in demand due to their successful combination of comfort and cost. There are not many people in the carriage, there are no extraneous conversations, personal belongings are guaranteed to remain safe. Frequently, carriers hold promotions in which the upper bunks in a compartment cost approximately the same as seats in a reserved seat.

The compartment is comfortable, and you don’t have to worry about the safety of your things

Such carriages are usually equipped in such a way as to create the feeling of being at least in a three-star hotel room. A soft carriage can have from 4 to 6 compartments, which differ in layout and number of berths. Each compartment has a TV, air conditioning, an armchair, a soft sofa, a shower, and a dry closet. Every morning a fresh hot breakfast, a terry towel, and a shower set are brought to the soft carriage. Of course, you have to pay dearly for luxury - a ticket for a soft carriage can cost more than air travel.

You have to pay for convenience

Luxury carriage

SV type cars resemble compartment cars, but are more comfortable. The standard suite has 18 seats, two in each compartment, and no upper shelves. Among the advantages of the suite are the presence of a call button for the conductor, air conditioning, and sometimes even a TV.

Like a soft carriage, a luxury will cost much more than a classic coupe - (by 60-100%).

The choice of carriage on a train should depend on key factors such as cost, duration of the journey and the level of comfort required. If you are not used to noisy companies and value cleanliness and order, you will have to fork out money, especially when you have to travel far. At the same time for short trips and picky passengers have much less expensive offers.


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