Preparation of reporting documentation about the tourist trip. Methodological recommendations for compiling reports on tourist trips. Standard trip report.

practice report

3.2 Preparation of a report on a tourist trip

Tourist reports are the only source of information about travel areas. When preparing the route, we use the reports of our predecessors. How the report should be compiled:

Text part

The text part of the report should contain the following sections:

1) background information about the trip (1-2 pages);

2) information about the travel area (2-5 pp.) - mandatory for hikes of V-VI categories, for others - as directed by the IWC;

3) travel organization (2-6 pp.);

4) traffic schedule and technical description route (10-20s.);

6) applications (3-5 pp.).

Travel information:

1. Detailed information about the route, the length and duration of the route, a list of its individual stages with different modes of travel (for combined trips);

2. Name and code of the ICC that gave an opinion on the application materials;

3. List of the group indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of each participant, home addresses, tourist experience and responsibilities in the group;

4. Information about the travel area;

5. Brief general geographical characteristics of the area, including description natural features area, data on settlements and means of communication between them, information about local attractions;

6. Tourist characteristics of the area, based on own observations, as well as on materials obtained from other sources.

Travel organization:

Pre-march preparation and training, features of route development, reasons for choosing the main and backup options. When changing the original travel plan, you must indicate the reasons that caused these changes. It also provides information about the route completed by each participant (whether all obstacles were passed).

The section should answer the questions: how was the trip prepared, why was this particular route chosen, how error-free was the initial travel plan?

Traffic schedule and technical description of the route:

Sets forth technical specifications route. This information is presented in table form and is disclosed in the text. Difficult sections of the route (passes, rapids, crossings, places with difficult orientation, etc.) are described in more detail, indicating the group’s actions on them. Particular attention should be paid to the description of measures to ensure safety along the route, as well as methods of orientation in conditions of limited visibility.

The section should answer the question: “How was the route covered by this group?”

The results of the trip are given, conclusions are given on the tactical and technical decisions made during the trip, recommendations for passing the route, individual obstacles, and the most interesting options are offered.

The section should answer the question: “How can this route be done better, easier and more interesting?”


· Lists of personal and group equipment, contents of the first aid kit and repair kit, their weight. Assessing the suitability of equipment used during the trip. Recommendations for equipment and inventory;

· List of food products and food rations on the route, their weight, recommendations on the possibility of replenishing food supplies along the route are provided;

· Total weight of products and: equipment per group and, on average, per participant (not relevant for road trips);

· Cost estimate for travel;

· Transport schedule, operating hours of communication centers, authorities, points medical care and so on.;

· Group diary (or excerpts from it);

· References, list tourist reports and other sources of information used in preparing the trip and writing the report.


Photographs attached to the report should characterize difficult sections of the route, show the group’s actions on them, help subsequent groups navigate the area, confirm the passage of the route by the entire group, and display the nature and attractions of the area.

In photographs intended to make it easier for subsequent groups to navigate the route, a solid line indicates the route taken and a dotted line indicates the recommended route, indicating the direction of travel, overnight stays, main landmarks, names of passes, peaks, rivers, rapids, etc.

Photos must have continuous numbering and text containing the names of the shooting objects and the shooting location.

Cartographic material:

The report is accompanied by an overview map (diagram) of the travel area with the route marked on it, its alternate options, the direction of movement, places of overnight stay (indicating the date of the overnight stop) and the main obstacles and landmarks (thresholds, crossings, passes), places where the main photographs were taken (indicating the photo number).

The map is supplemented with sketches (outlines) of the most difficult sections of the route, indicating ways to overcome or bypass them and the necessary landmarks.

For sparsely populated areas, it is necessary to indicate places of possible refueling and repair of vehicles. If you used a GPS navigator during your hike, be sure to include the track and waypoints in your report. It is better to break the track into days. You also need to remember to indicate the route book number in the title of the report and sign the report.

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Municipal government general educational institution

"Bykovskaya secondary school"


about walking tour

weekend in Gorshechensky district

committed by a group of tourists MCOU "Bykovskaya Secondary School" with. Bykovo, Gorshechensky district, Kursk region

Route sheet No. _________

Group leaders:

Yakimova Lyubov Vasilievna

Belykh Lyubov Nikolaevna

Address, phone number of the manager:

With. Bykovo, st. Molodezhnaya 5, apt. 1

tel. 89207059013

With. Bykovo 2014

1. Background information about the hike

1.1 Conducting organization

1.2 General information about the hike

1.3 Area, sub-area (massif) of the trek

1.4 Detailed itinerary

2. Group composition

3. General geographical and tourist characteristics of the area

4. Traffic schedule

5. Technical description of the route

Background information about the hike

Conducting organization:Municipal government educational institution "Bykovskaya secondary school", village. Bykovo, st. Shkolnaya, no. 32, tel. 4713333136

General information about the hike:

Type of tourism




running days


n/a (weekend)


District, sub-district (massif) of the trek:Kursk region, Gorshechensky district

Detailed route:MKOU "Bykovskaya Secondary School",federal highway Kursk-Borisoglebsk, village Yasenki, monument to Viktor Tretyakevich, local history museum MCOU "Yasenovskaya Secondary School", a monument to the soldiers who liberated the village. Yasenki from the Nazi invaders, Bykovo village, Bykovsky forest tract, MCOU "Bykovskaya secondary school"»

Composition of the group



Duty on the hike

Year of birth

Place of work (study)

Experience of participation

Home address

Yakimova Lyubov




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

Bykovo village, st. Molodezhnaya 5, kV.1

White Love




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

village Gorshechnoye, st.

Bykova Natalia

Deputy head



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

village Klyuch. New street. d.

Chirkov Alexey




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

Bykovo village, st. School. d.

Inozemtsev Alexey




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

Bykovo village, st. . d.

Erofeeva Victoria




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

village Klyuch. New street. d.

Kalinina Valeria

Medical instructor



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

Bykovo village, st. Molodezhnaya 4, apt. 1

Kashcheev Alexey

Safety inspector



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

With. Otrada, st.

Zaitseva Irina

Kitchen equipment manager



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

Bykovo village, lane Zeleny d.5

Chigareva Nadezhda




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

Bykovo village, st. Lugovaya 5

Khlyupina Daria

Food manager



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

With. Rivne, st. Molodezhnaya, 2

Durakov Andrey

Equipment manager



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day -

Bykovo village, Lesnaya st. 20

Sidorov Roman

kitchen equipment assistant



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

village Bystrik st. Avant-garde. building 37

Stefanov Alexander

food assistant



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

village Klyuch. Kolkhoznaya st., 2

Krivchenkova Daria




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

Bykovo village, st. Sadovaya, 18

Khaustov Dmitry




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

Bykovo village, st. Lesnaya 20

Krutykh Vladimir




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

per day

Bykovo village, st. Sadovaya 5

Chirkrv Dmitry




"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

Bykovo village, st. Sadovaya 20

Cherkasov Sergey

medical orderly



"Bykovskaya Secondary School"

Bystrik village, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 4

Report storage address:Municipal government educational institution "Bykovskaya secondary school", st. Shkolnaya, no. 32, tel. 4713333136

The hike is reviewed:methodological association of class teachers of the MCOU "Bykovskaya Secondary School"

General geographical and tourist characteristics of the area

Kursk region - subject Russian Federation. In the north the border runs with Oryol region in the northeast - with Lipetsk, in the east - with Voronezh, in the south - with Belgorod, in the southwest and west - with Sumy region of Ukraine, in the north-west - with Bryansk region

Area 29.8 thousand km2.

Center - Kursk.

The region is located on the southwestern slopes of the Central Russian Upland in the Dnieper-Don river basins. Its surface is a hilly plain, heavily indented by ravines and gullies. More than 900 small rivers and streams flow here.

Chernozem soils predominate in the region (60%), they have an amazing natural property - fertility. The rest of the territory is represented by gray forest soils and soils of the ravine-ravine network.

Most of the region is located in the forest-steppe zone, and a smaller part is in the steppe zone. Natural vegetation covers about 23% of the territory, most of the area is plowed and occupied by crops. The forest cover of the region is more than 9%. More than 5 thousand hectares are classified as specially protected areas. The Central Black Earth Biosphere Reserve named after V.V. was created on the territory of the region. Alekhina. There are 58 natural monuments in the region local significance, 6 zoological reserves and 6 medicinal plant reserves.

Gorshechensky district occupies the eastern regional part of the Kursk region with the geographical and administrative center of the village of Gorshechnoye. From the north and west the area borders on Kastorensky. Sovetsky, Timsky and Manturovo districts of their region. From the south by the Starooskolsky district of the Belgorod region and the east by the Nizhnedevitsky district Voronezh region. The territory of the district is 1.4 thousand kV. m (4.7% of the region's territory). The soil cover is represented mainly by leached and typical chernozems. The predominant soils are chernozem - 53.2% and gray forest - 29.7%, soils of steep swampy slopes - 7.4%, floodplain meadow - 5.3%, floodplain wetlands - 2.9%. Natural vegetation occupies 24.6% of the area, of which 9.3% are forests and shrubs, 15.3% are grass stands. The forests are predominantly deciduous: oak, birch, aspen, hazel. There are 10 rivers in the region, the total length of which is 169 km. On the territory of the district there is a section of the Central Black Earth Biosphere Reserve named after V.V. Alyokhina (Barkalovka, area 368 hectares) In the area, deposits of building materials have been explored: clays, loams, tripoli, carbonate rocks, building chalk.

The main idea of ​​the trip, goals and objectives:

Target - improving the organization and content of training and education of the younger generation through the means of tourism and local history, students acquiring skills in local history and search and research activities.Formation in students of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, the need for sports and respect for nature, through mastering the basics of tourism activities.


  • instilling in schoolchildren patriotism, a careful attitude towards historical, natural and cultural heritage native land;
  • introducing students to local history and search and research activities;
  • improving the moral and physical education of the younger generation;
  • improving the organization of the content of training and education of students using tourism and local history.
  • promote students’ mastery of a system of knowledge and skills in tourism activities;
  • training in safe living conditions wildlife, instilling skills in organizing field life;
  • training in how to provide medical care to yourself and others in various accidents.

The main idea of ​​the trip is to visit the monument to Viktor Tretyakevich, the local history museum of the Moscow Municipal Educational Institution “Yasenovskaya Secondary School”, the monument to fallen soldiers during the war as part of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the route along the village of Bykovo to the Bykovsky Forest tract. This is the main purpose of the trip .

In this regard, the following local tasks of the campaign arose:

  1. Achieve group similarity
  2. Developing skills of mutual assistance and assistance
  3. Development of initial skills and practical training in performing bivouac work, making a fire, transporting a victim, and overcoming local obstacles

Arrival and departure options:

Entrance: school bus– to the Yasenki stop,

Departure: school bus from the stop. Yasenki to the stop. Bykovo

Traffic schedule

Good (clear)




MCOU "Yasenovskaya Secondary School" - a monument to the soldiers who liberated the village. Yasenki from the Nazi invaders

2.0 km.

40 min

On foot

Good (clear)




Stop with. Yasenki-stop with. Bykovo

32.0 km

30 min.





Stop with. Bykovo - tract Bykovsky forest

3.0 km

1 hour

On foot

Good (partly cloudy)




Bykovsky Forest tract - MKOU "Bykovskaya Secondary School"

2, 0

1 hour

On foot

Good (partly cloudy

Technical description of the route

We arrived at the beginning of the route at 10.30, the team consisted of 20 people. After a brief briefing on the order of movement, we set off along the route. On foot, the students walked through the village of Yasenki to the monument to Viktor Tretyakevich and visited the local history museum of the MKOU "Yasenovskaya Secondary School." On the way back, they visited the monument to the fallen soldiers for the liberation of the village of Yasenki and laid flowers.

At 12.30 we reached the second section of the route, which started from the stop in the village of Bykovo and ran along a dirt road along the outskirts of the village and the Bykovo forest. At 13.15 we arrived at the main campsite in the Bykovskaya forest area (initially a mixed forest, then a rare coniferous forest) and made a halt. We worked on the training questions “Bivouac work: choosing a place for a bivouac, setting up a tent, making a fire, cooking” and “Overcoming local obstacles - crossing a log with a self-belay.” We worked on the educational question “Knitting a stretcher from scrap material and transporting the victim.” For lunch we boiled tea over the fire, cooked porridge and made sandwiches.

At 16.30 we moved to the third section of the route through the Bykovsky forest and the village of Bykovo. At 17.15 we arrived at the final destination walking route- MKOU "Bykovskaya Secondary School".

I propose: based on the results of the campaign, the participation of Sergei Cherkasov, Dmitry Chirkov, and Victoria Erofeeva should be counted.

1. Title page (sample see below clause 3.1. of this Appendix)

3. Background information (Sports trip/travel passport)

3.1. Conducting organization (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, www).

3.2.Country, republic, territory, region, district, subdistrict, massif (venue)

3.3.General reference information about the route (in table form).

3.4. Detailed itinerary.

3.5. An overview map of the region showing the route, entrances and exits and emergency exits.

3.6. Defining obstacles of the route (passes, traverses, peaks, canyons, crossings, rapids, vegetation, swamps, scree, sand, snow, ice, water areas, etc.), presented in the form:

3.7. Full name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail of the leader and participants, their experience and responsibilities in the group.

3.8. The address where the report is stored, the availability of video and film materials, including the address of the Internet site where the report is located (if there is one).

3.9. The campaign was reviewed by the ICC with an indication of the authority code.

4.1. General idea of ​​the campaign (travel), strategy and tactics for achieving it, features, novelty, etc.

4.2. Options for entry and exit, location of border zones, nature reserves and other restricted access areas, procedure for obtaining passes, location of PSO, medical institutions and other useful information.

4.3.Emergency exits from the route and its alternate options.

4.4. Route changes and reasons.

4.5. Traffic schedule

It is presented in the form of a table, briefly presenting the main information disclosed in the section “Technical description of the group’s route.” Recommended columns: Travel days. Date of. Section of the route (from - to). Length in km. Pure running time. Defining obstacles on the site. Weather conditions.

4.6. Technical description of the group's route.

The main section in the report. Difficult areas: passes, rapids, crossings, places with difficult orientation, etc. - are described in more detail, indicating the time intervals for their passage and the group’s action on them. Particular attention should be paid to the description of measures to ensure safety on the route - a description of insurance methods when passing obstacles on the route is provided. The text of the “Technical description of the group’s route” must be “linked” to the text “Traffic schedule”, using the dates and days of the journey. When describing the defining obstacles, it is recommended to issue obstacle passports (Section 1. Regulations).

The report must contain confirmation of the facts of the route.

The report must contain confirmation of the facts of the route, which is confirmed by the following documents:

Route book (clause 4.12.) with notes on the passage of control points (receipts with dates, marks of the PSS, organizations, authorities, customs, border guards, etc.);

Control notes from passes, peaks, etc.;

Materials confirming the passage of each participant (vessel) of the tourist route and determining its complexity of technical obstacles:

Photos of group members while passing defining obstacles;

Photographs of participants at key points along the route, if possible with known geographical features in the background;

The provided photo, film and video materials must reflect:

When passing passes and peaks:

Photos of the approaches (view of the obstacle from the ascent and/or descent side) with a drawn route;

Photos of the ascent and descent (sections of different mountainous terrain- rocks, glaciers, overcoming cracks, etc.), reflecting the technical elements used when passing difficult sections, their nature and steepness;

Photographs at the saddle (summit) (identification of the surrounding landscape).

When passing water routes:

Photos of key places of rapids as participants (vessels) pass them;

Films (series of photographs) and video materials confirming the passage of the route and identifying obstacles;

Additional confirmation may be:

GPS markers of coordinates and altitudes of key route points;

Copies travel documents all participants and transport documents;

Information from other groups;

If there is an on-site ICC, its control marks;

Digital photographs must include the date and time taken;

Screen Photos technical means measurements during measurement;

Providing photo, film and video materials (if necessary, at the request of the ICC).

Other methods, not specified here, are also possible to confirm the fact that the participants have completed the route.

To facilitate the work when preparing a report, it is recommended to use the diagrams from the “Manual for preparing reports on hiking trips, travel and sports tours.”

4.7.Potentially dangerous areas (obstacles, phenomena) on the route.

4.8.List of the most interesting natural, historical and other sites along the route.

4.9.Additional information about the hike: geographical and climatic characteristics of the hike area and the associated features of tourists’ actions (if the group has little-known data, in the case of a first ascent or at the request of the ICC), a list of special and features of public and personal equipment, characteristics of vehicles, etc. useful information specific to this type of route.

4.10. Cost of accommodation, food, equipment, means of transportation.

4.12.Copy of the route book.

4.13. Annexes: The report is accompanied by an overview and detailed map route indicating alternate options and emergency exits, photographs of defining obstacles confirming the group’s passage of them, passports of local obstacles passed for the first time. With the written report, an electronic version of the report is provided with a certificate of the completed sports tourist route (Appendix 3.3).

Tourist reports are the only source of information about travel areas. When preparing the route, we use the reports of our predecessors. How the report should be compiled:

Text part

The text part of the report should contain the following sections:

1) background information about the trip (1-2 pages);

2) information about the travel area (2-5 pp.) - mandatory for hikes of V-VI categories, for others - as directed by the IWC;

3) travel organization (2-6 pp.);

4) traffic schedule and technical description of the route (10-20 s.);

6) applications (3-5 pp.).

Travel information:

1. Detailed information about the route, the length and duration of the route, a list of its individual stages with different modes of travel (for combined trips);

2. Name and code of the ICC that gave an opinion on the application materials;

3. List of the group indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of each participant, home addresses, tourist experience and responsibilities in the group;

4. A brief general geographical description of the area, including a description of the natural features of the area, data on settlements and means of communication between them, information about local attractions;

5. Tourist characteristics of the area, based on own observations, as well as on materials obtained from other sources.

Travel organization:

Pre-march preparation and training, features of route development, reasons for choosing the main and backup options. When changing the original travel plan, you must indicate the reasons that caused these changes. It also provides information about the route completed by each participant (whether all obstacles were passed).

The section should answer the questions: how was the trip prepared, why was this particular route chosen, how error-free was the initial travel plan?

Traffic schedule and technical description of the route:

The technical characteristics of the route are outlined. This information is presented in table form and is disclosed in the text. Difficult sections of the route (passes, rapids, crossings, places with difficult orientation, etc.) are described in more detail, indicating the group’s actions on them. Particular attention should be paid to the description of measures to ensure safety along the route, as well as methods of orientation in conditions of limited visibility.

The section should answer the question: “How was the route covered by this group?”

The results of the trip are given, conclusions are given on the tactical and technical decisions made during the trip, recommendations for passing the route, individual obstacles, and the most interesting options are offered.

The section should answer the question: “How can this route be done better, easier and more interesting?”


· Lists of personal and group equipment, contents of the first aid kit and repair kit, their weight. Assessing the suitability of equipment used during the trip. Recommendations for equipment and inventory;

· List of food products and food rations on the route, their weight, recommendations on the possibility of replenishing food supplies along the route are provided;

· Total weight of products and: equipment per group and, on average, per participant (not relevant for road trips);

· Cost estimate for travel;

· Transport schedule, operating hours of communication centers, authorities, medical aid stations, etc.;

· Group diary (or excerpts from it);

· List of references, list of tourist reports and other sources of information used in preparing the trip and in compiling the report.


Photographs attached to the report should characterize difficult sections of the route, show the group’s actions on them, help subsequent groups navigate the area, confirm the passage of the route by the entire group, and display the nature and attractions of the area.

In photographs intended to make it easier for subsequent groups to navigate the route, a solid line indicates the route taken and a dotted line indicates the recommended route, indicating the direction of travel, overnight stays, main landmarks, names of passes, peaks, rivers, rapids, etc.

Photos must have continuous numbering and text containing the names of the shooting objects and the shooting location.

Cartographic material:

The report is accompanied by an overview map (diagram) of the travel area with the route marked on it, its alternate options, the direction of movement, places of overnight stay (indicating the date of the overnight stop) and the main obstacles and landmarks (thresholds, crossings, passes), places where the main photographs were taken (indicating the photo number).

The map is supplemented with sketches (outlines) of the most difficult sections of the route, indicating ways to overcome or bypass them and the necessary landmarks.

For sparsely populated areas, it is necessary to indicate places of possible refueling and repair of vehicles. If you used a GPS navigator during your hike, be sure to include the track and waypoints in your report. It is better to break the track into days. You also need to remember to indicate the route book number in the title of the report and sign the report.

Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children

"Inzhavinsky regional center of additional education "Raduga"



Type of tourism – water

Age group – 12 – 17 years


With. Karaul, st. Sadovaya, 7

Deputy Head: Kokorev Alexander Vitalievich

Tambov region, Inzhavinsky district,

With. Karaul, st. Caucasus, no. 16.



Background information about the hike

A hike along the Vorona River was carried out with pupils of the Karaul orphanage, studying in the association “Tourists - Water Workers” of the Inzhavinsky RCDO “Rainbow”.

Start of the journey from. Guard. By bus to the village. Parevka, where the children visited the school local history museum and then by bus to the beginning water route- river bank Crow.

Hiking route:

S. Parevka - r. Inzhavino village - Uvorovo city - Muchkapsky village - from Shapkino (Tambov region, Inzhavinsky, Uvarovsky, Muchkapsky district;

Type of tourism - water

Method of transportation: kayaking

Age group - 12-17 years

The total length of the route is 168 km.

Duration - 8 days (active part - 7 days)

The route along the Vorona River was chosen taking into account the composition of the group, the tourist experience of the participants in the hike, their age and physical capabilities. There are a number of interesting excursion points along this route.

objects: school local history museum with. Parevka; O. Ramza; the manorial estate of Petrovo - Solovova (village Karai - Saltyki); reserve

"Voronensky"; estate and park of the Chicheren family; Uvarovo.

The route is not difficult, so it is accessible to first- and second-year students.

Access to the river is by bus, to almost any settlement along the hike route. Along the entire route there are many settlements near the water where you can buy the necessary food products.

Main obstacles: rubble, bridges, remains of bridges, sloughs, fallen trees, shallows.

Goals and objectives of the trip:

· acquaintance with the history of the native land;

· acquiring and consolidating in practice the skills and abilities in water tourism acquired in the classroom;

· teaching children safe behavior in the natural environment;

· improving tourism skills and meeting sports standards;

· improving the health of children and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.


participants of the hike along the river. Crow

date of birth

home address

responsibilities in the group

tourist - I'm prepared

Mednikova Olga

With. Guard

st. Sadovaya,

honey. sister

Suzdaltseva Anastasia


Rasskazov Anton

equipment manager

hike 1 k.s.

Sokolov Vadim

Shcherbakov Alexander

hike 1 k.s.

Taidakova Marina

Taidakova Natalya

food manager

Teplova Antonina

Teplov Semyon


hike 1 k.s.

Trunin Sergey

repair master

hike 1 k.s.

Shapkin Maxim

food manager

hike 1 k.s.

Demidov Dmitry


Popov Alexander

With. Guard

Sadovaya 7


hike 1 k.s.

With. Guard

deputy head

hike 1 k.s.

Brief description of the travel area.

For residents of the Tambov region, accustomed to the flat, monotonous, low Oka-Don Plain, the landscapes of the Vorona River valley, which originate from the Volga Upland, are somewhat unusual. Rivers and steep gullies here cut into squeaks of meters, and there are chalk deposits. Steep and high banks allow you to admire the river valley for kilometers up and downstream. Amazing viewing platforms there are near the villages of Volkovo and Karaula. Walking along the Vorona you can see the habitats of muskrat beavers, fish-breeding reaches and lakes, outcrops of Cenomanian sands and glacial madders, Amur velvet, shrubby steppes with vernal odonis and low sedge.

The Vorona is a right tributary of the Khopr, with a total length of 454 kilometers. The source of the river is at an altitude of about 215 meters above sea level. The Crow crosses the border of the Tambov region at an altitude of 133 meters, the average slope of the river flow is ]6 cm per 1 km. River flow speed Crow 0.2 m per second, on shallow rifts - up to 0.5 m per second. Depth ranges from 10 to 50 m.

The river valley in the upper reaches is deep, in places horse-shaped, the riverbed is wide, winding, and the flow is calm. Gradually the valley expands, the slopes become stepped and high. Forests grow almost all along the slopes of the riverbed, on the floodplain, and on terraces on the steep right bank. There are many lakes in the valley, some of which can be crossed by kayaks. Settlements are almost inaccessible to the water, so a complete illusion of the virginity of nature is created.

On the banks of the Vorona grow oak, pine, birch, alder, aspen, elm, and poplar. The river is home to crucian carp, pike, carp, perch, roach, rudd, gudgeon, and catfish.

one of the most large lakes Ramza region has an area of ​​250 hectares, an average depth of 1.5 m, and 10 holes. The lake is fed by the waters of the Vorona, precipitation, and underground oxen. During high water, the lake basin absorbs a huge mass of water, so below lakes Ramza and Kipets the rise in water is not great. The northern and western shores of the lake are low and swampy, covered with thickets of willows, reeds, reeds, and sedges. South coast rises 7-8 meters above the river, is composed of ancient alluvial sands and is a fragment of the Vorona terrace deeply protruding into the floodplain.

Technical description of the route

First day . A group of tourists gathers at the Karaulsky orphanage at 8.00 and goes by bus to the village. Parevka, where we visited the school local history museum.

At 12.00 o'clock our route begins on the bank of the old bed of the Vorona (Zuyak) along which we go to the island. Ramza. The banks of the old riverbed are swampy, in some places completely overgrown with reeds. Kayaks can only be carried by portage. We move south across the lake and after 50 minutes we reach the island. Kipets. Then along a narrow channel, also overgrown with reeds in places, we flow into the main channel. We stop for the night at about one o'clock, on the left bank near the village. K - Saltyki is not far from the mill. In the evening we examined the remains of the estate of the landowner Petravo-Solovov.

Second day. At 9.00 we got on the water. The current is calm and even; there are a lot of driftwood and fallen trees. After half an hour of walking, we encountered the first large blockage, which we had to carry around along the right bank. Before stopping for lunch, we encountered two more rubble. One of which was dismantled on the left side, and the next one was carried along the left bank. When passing this section of the route, it is necessary to maintain a distance and inspect obstacles. Around noon we passed the “people's bridge” near the village. Balykley. The low bridge can be crossed with great difficulty, better without a crew; for lunch we stopped near the river. Inzhavino village (on the islands) - a large clearing on the right bank.

After lunch we got on the water at 15.00. The river was meters wide, the current was calm, the banks were steep, especially the left one, overgrown with deciduous forest. During the first 20 minutes. There are baths along the right bank. The river turns are infrequent and sharp. After 50 min. the piles of the old sanatorium bridge, the passage is free. After 15 minutes, s appears. Beautiful, behind him the river flows again through the wooded area. The river narrows to 20 - 30 meters, the current accelerates, and there are many bathing places and vacationers along the banks. On the right bank, out of sight remains the village. Thorn. Closer to 19.00 we stop for the night on the left bank near the village of Krivoluchye (Switzerland).

The third day. We got on the water at 9.00 a.m. Ahead, on the steep right bank, a two-story manor house is visible. The river meanders strongly. The current is strong and there is chalk at the turns.” After half an hour, the river widens to several meters, the current is almost unnoticeable. This section is difficult to navigate with a headwind. Near the village of Volkove the riverbed is heavily overgrown with reeds, and the river narrows. Particularly dangerous are the remains of fishing gear - stakes, iron rods. The fast current carries you to the open shore near the village. Khoroshavki. On the left bank there is a big nice beach. On the opposite, elevated bank are the remains of a forester's house. Further, the river flows through a wooded area. The current is fast, there are frequent turns, and there are a lot of snags. Beaches are common. We stopped for lunch at about 13.00, on the right high bank, local name 2Golden Sands.” There is a large sandy beach here.

At 15.00 we continued the rafting. The character of the river has not changed. An hour later, when approaching the village of Nashchekino, two large beaches, then low wooden bridge, which was surrounded along the left bank. Then the river widens and after a minute we moor to the right bank. The approach point is inconvenient due to the muddy, viscous bottom. But the clearing for parking is very good (stadium), but in the spring, the period is infested with mosquitoes. This is the only parking lot convenient for visiting the Chicherenykh estate.

Here we set up camp. Before dinner we went to the orphanage and visited our friends. Other tourist groups can go to the village. Guard, on an excursion. They can visit the orphanage, in which there is a museum room and not far away the remains of a manorial estate and a park.

Fourth day. We got on the water at 9.00 a.m. After one and a half to two kilometers, the river meanders through the forest again, the bed is quite wide, and the current is fast. After s. There are islands on the river, on the high left bank there is a pine forest, here a stream flows into the river. There are many large sandy beaches. At one of these we stopped for lunch. After lunch we continued our journey. The nature of the river is the same, there are few places for swimming. In front of the village of Pushchino, the Panda River flows into the Vorona. We walk along the village located on the right bank for about half an hour. Further, the right bank becomes steep, from which it opens beautiful view. After 50 min. village of Perevoz. Next to the old destroyed bridge (the remains of which are dangerous), there is a new concrete bridge that can be walked freely. There is a store in the village where you can buy food. Along the village the river is shallow and there is a high probability of running aground. Behind the village there is an extensive rift. We stop for the night in about 20 minutes closer to the left bank on an island with an extensive sandy beach. Above, behind which there is a good, small clearing for parking. Tourists who often walk this route took a liking to this place and built a small bathhouse. Here we decided to stop for the day.

The fifth day is a day's rest.

Sixth day. We got on the water at 9.00 am. The forest grows on the left bank. On the right bank there is first meadow vegetation, and after 1-2 km. thickets of bushes begin. The river is picturesque, winds strongly, and has a good flow. Two and a half hours later, pioneer camps appear. We make a stop in one of them, examine the wooden sculptures, and have lunch on the opposite bank. After lunch, 15-20 minutes later, the city of Uvarovo appears. A serious danger is posed by the remains of the destroyed bridge - wooden piles, reinforcement and a strong current that presses the kayaks to the right bank. Closer to the left bank, passage is not possible due to shallows and shell rock. The surroundings of Uvarov stretch for about an hour, with crowded beaches. After another two hours of walking, we stopped for the night, on the right bank, near the village. Petrovskoye around 19.00.

Seventh day. We got on the water at 9.00 am. The current is good. The river is almost

meanders. The left bank is covered with forest almost throughout the day. The right bank is flat, muddy, and in places overgrown with reeds. There are practically no places for swimming. Before lunch at the village. Moiseev bridge is easily passable. After lunch we started dating sandy beaches, good places for parking. The end of our route is the village of Muchkapsky at the large road bridge. Parking lot behind the bridge, on the right bank, large beach. Here on the shore there is a large bathhouse with a steam room, where we naturally took a swim. We got up for the night early at 15.00 before the village. Chashchino.

We got on the water at 8.00 am. Today we need to get to final destination(at 15.00 a bus should come for us). The current is good, the river winds a little, we are going well. There are many beaches on both sides of the river. By lunchtime the village appears. Shapkino, in front of which big bridge, on the right side of which there is a large nice clearing, for assembling kayaks. While lunch was being prepared, the kayaks were dried and assembled. We loaded the bus and headed home at 16.00.

Material support for the trip.

Equipment supply manager for Rasskazov Anton.

Public equipment.

Group equipment was collected based on a group of 15 people.

Group documents: maps of the Tambov region, travel route map, route schedule, route description, route sheet, extract from the order to go on the route, business trips, road atlas.

Tents - 8 pcs.;

Kayaks - 7 pcs. (triple - 1, double - 6);

Spare parts for kayak;

Fire accessories;

Kitchenware and cleaning supplies;

Emergency kit: hermetically sealed kit for making a fire in two groups;

Camera with accessories;

Compass - 2;

Notepads, pencils, pens;

Repair kit;

First aid kit;


Public equipment was evenly distributed among the canoes.

The group documents were with the commander. Cartographic material from the navigator. Food supplies were distributed by food managers to the crews in advance, according to the days of duty, so that they could pack them. During the trip, fire supplies and cooking utensils are handed over to the crews on duty. Repair kit, first aid kit, emergency

the set was with the tourists in charge of them, as well as the guitar and


All personal equipment is in the kayak of this tourist.

Personal equipment of trekking participants.

Backpack, sleeping bag, mat, jacket, tracksuit, shirts, underwear, woollens, socks, belladonnas, rubber shoes, sun hat, raincoat or cape, gloves, life vest, toiletries, swimsuit, cup, spoon, mug, knife in a case, matches, flashlight, seat, backrest, waterproof bags.

Upon returning from the trip, all public equipment - kayaks, tents, sleeping bags, rugs, life jackets, fireplaces and kitchen utensils - were checked for safety, completeness, repaired, and put in order.

KostrovoySuzdaltseva Anastasia.

For this hike, we collected and repaired the following campfire equipment and equipment: for cooking on a fire - 2 iron racks and a crossbar, a metal grate, three iron hooks to adjust the height of the cooking utensils above the fire. They took 2 axes, a saw, a shovel. All these items were sheathed to ensure the safety of the group during the entire journey and canoe. We also took two pairs of canvas mittens for cooking over the fire.

I collected a set of cooking utensils and kitchen utensils: two buckets with lids, two pots, a ladle, a cutting board, and detergents.

I collected an emergency kit: a large box of matches in a sealed package, a candle, dry fuel - alcohol in a sealed package. Birch bark. All this was also hermetically sealed.

RemmasterTrunin Sergey.

Equipment repair.

To repair camping public equipment in camping conditions, I have assembled a repair kit consisting of tools

repairing the shell and frame of kayaks, tents and personal equipment.

Means for repairing kayak shells were available on almost every vessel. Means for repairing the frame of kayaks and other public and personal equipment were stored centrally, in a single repair kit for the group. To repair the shell of kayaks, tents and personal equipment, I put in the repair kit: nylon and simple threads, sewing

and darning needles, an awl, scissors, coarse sandpaper (waterproof) and a whetstone, gasoline, rubber glue, pieces of thin rubber and rubberized fabric, small pieces of tread, keeper tape, cotton patches. Repairs are speeded up by pre-cleaned patches coated with rubber glue and covered with plastic wrap and rolled up, which I also put in the repair kit. To repair the frame, they put in: a set of tools - a screwdriver, pliers, a file, pieces of duralumin pipes, plates, wiring (aluminum and steel), screws, screws with nuts, rivets, insulating tape. Repairs to frame elements in field conditions are temporary; the real repairs were made upon returning from the trip.

Nurse Olga Mednikova

Organization of provision of first-aid care.

All tourists in our group underwent a medical examination, i.e. everyone is practically healthy and does not have chronic diseases (which can worsen during the hike). Therefore, I was ready to provide first aid for simple diseases, wounds and injuries, and also knew the ways and techniques of removing tourists from life-threatening conditions that can occur in water trip. I also knew that with more serious

symptoms, the victim should be taken to a populated area as soon as possible and, if necessary, given painkillers and mild tranqualizers. It is possible from the nearest one settlement call ambulance transport if time and the patient’s condition permit.


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