Route thirty hike in four days. Hiking routes. Hiking trip in Crimea "From goblin to mermaids"

A walking trip “along route No. 30” is a real active holiday with tents, food cooked over a fire, and backpacks on your shoulders. With all this, the path is quite within the capabilities of those tourists who are going on a long hike for the first time and do not complain about their physical health.

The route starts in the mountainous region of Hadjokh and ends in resort village Dagomys (Sochi). During the hike, tourists will visit alpine meadows, Kuban steppes, deciduous and coniferous forests, and also get acquainted with the nature of the subtropics - and all this in nine days “along route No. 30”.

And now more about the route program:

Rufabgo waterfalls.

First day: the group gathers for train station Krasnodar until 8 am. This will be followed by a transfer through Maykop to the village of Khadzhokh (Kamennomostsky). Those who did not make it to the training camp are met by the instructor in Khadzhokh. On this day the group will get to know the surroundings of the village. The main highlight of these places is rightfully considered the canyon of the Belaya River. Here you can see an amazing view of the river raging at the bottom of the canyon, which can be crossed on hanging bridges. Travelers will also see Rufabgo waterfalls, and the highest of them is the 15-meter Lace. It is in this place, in a picturesque clearing by the river, that the first overnight stay will take place with tents and food cooked over a fire. The length of the path is approximately 8 kilometers.

Second day: in the morning there will be a transfer to the Abadzesh Pass (territory of the Biosphere Reserve). All around are the herbs of the alpine zone, karst sinkholes, the bottom of which is covered with snow even in summer. Then the group smoothly moves towards the Rublenny stream through the pass. Once on the Lagonki plateau, you never tire of admiring the three-thousander Oshten, whose bare slopes create an amazing contrast with the green hills of Lagonaki. The second night of the camp takes place near a stream, in which, by the way, you can swim. The length of the path is 10 kilometers.

Climbing Oshten.

Third day: leaving all their belongings and tents in the camp, tourists go to Mount Oshten (2804 meters), the wild slopes of which are covered in places with snow. It is better to set off as early as possible, since in the afternoon the peak is covered with clouds and it becomes difficult to move. On the way to Oshten, superb landscapes of the Main Caucasus Range open up, and many beautiful flowers grow under your feet (including very rare black tulips). Night rest in the same place. The length of the path is 14 kilometers.

Day four: the group sets off, surrounded by valleys and mountains. Along the Guzeriplsky and Armenian passes, tourists go to the Fisht parking lot, where the Belaya River continues its flow - perfect place for a rest. In addition, those who wish can go on a radial trek to the small Fishta glacier (8 kilometers). The overnight stay will take place at the Fisht tourist shelter.

Lake Psenodakh.

The task of the fifth day is to conquer the Fisht-Oshten pass in the shape of a crescent. The lake itself is shallow, but in one place an interesting funnel has formed with a depth exceeding human height. According to local legend, mountains Oshten, Fisht and Pshekho-Su are brothers. Fisht is the eldest (2867 meters), and Pshekho-Su is the youngest (2744 meters). From the Fisht-Oshten Pass you can see a unique view of the rocky slopes of Mount Fisht and the ridge of the Great Glacier. Night rest - by the lake. The length of the path is 13 kilometers.

The sixth day begins with a transition to the Circassian Pass, on the way to which the tourist group will see a waterfall (200 meters). Passing the “Moonlight Glade”, a view opens to the top of Mount Mavrikoshka and the Circassian Pass (a stele was installed here in memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War). The overnight stay will take place at the Circassian Pass. And believe me, by this time the sleeping bag will seem much more comfortable to you than on the first nights. The length of the path is 11 kilometers.

Mountain wall.

The first half of the seventh day begins with a long descent through a beech forest, which the locals call “fun”. Going down, you feel how the air becomes warmer and thicker (the sea makes itself felt). The descent takes travelers to the Babuk-aul farm. Crossing the cordon, the reserve remains behind, and ahead is the Shahe River with a bridge. This is where the overnight camp will be located. The length of the path is 23 kilometers.

Bridge over river.

Eighth day: the path to the Solokh-Aul farm, near which there is a sea through the almost deserted village of Bzog. Near the river of the same name you can see a small three-stage waterfall. And after walking a little more, the beautiful canyon of the Skalisty stream will open up to your eyes. Numerous streams and waterfalls flow down the walls of the canyon, and their rushing water shimmers in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow.

In the village of Solokh-Aul, anyone can go to the tea museum and hear the story of the exciting fate of I. Koshman, the “father of Krasnodar tea.” In addition, you can ride horses here. There is also a bus from the village to Sochi and Dagomys. The duration of the journey is 23 kilometers.

The ninth day will delight you with the sea. This is the day of the end of “route No. 30” and the return home. Those who wish, of course, can extend their vacation on the sea coast.

The idea of ​​the described hike was as follows: to follow a route from the village in winter that is quite popular and easy to follow in summer conditions. Novoprokhladnoye, Maikop district of the Republic of Adygea to the village. Burny Mostovsky district Krasnodar region. There are a lot of tourists here during the warm season; they come both in spring and autumn; We were guided by the materials of the group that walked this route in November. We chose a slightly colder time of year for the route - new year holidays"16-"17 years (December 28, 2016 - January 4, 2017).

The route taken looks like this: village. Novoprokhladnoye - river valley Sakhray - river valley Maly Sakhray - Firsov's glade - Bolshoy Tkhach town - Maly Tkhach town - Asbestnaya town - sk. Devil's Gate - river valley Dodogachey - Agige ridge - Agige town - river valley. Big Dead - lvl. Isthmus - ridge Small Bambak - ridge. Bugunzha - village Stormy. It differs from the line of the planned route only in the descent into the river valley. Bolshaya Mortvaya - initially we planned to walk along the ridge through the town of Agige and the town of Sunduki. The length of the route was 67 km, completed in 6 days. The highest point of the route is Bolshoi Tkhach, 2368 m. The total elevation gain according to the altimeter was more than 3500 m. Almost the entire route was covered in snowshoes.

Route diagram. Circles indicate parking areas.

December 28th
We flew from Moscow to Krasnodar, and from there we took a car to Maykop. The cost of the car is from 2000 to 3000 rubles, apparently, depending on the direction (from Maykop - cheaper). In Maykop we checked into the Shining Hotel. There are not many hotels in Maykop; it is better to book in advance.

December 29th
At 11:00 in Maykop we took a taxi to the village. Novoprokhladnoye, Maykop district. Cost - 1000 rub. Road to the station Dakhovskaya is good, after the exit onto the road to Novoprokhladnoye it is worse, but quite acceptable for any passenger car. We reached Novoprokhladny at 12:30. We left Novoprokhladny along the river valley. Sakhray in the direction of the Kunak clearing, near which we had planned to spend the night. The dirt road goes along the river valley. Sakhray, periodically crossing it ford. Near Novoprokhladny there are two suspended pedestrian bridges across it, the first one, closest to Novoprokhladny, is in a deplorable state. I didn’t dare to walk along it; I forded the Sakhrai. There are several fords upstream, where the river is forded by a dirt road along which timber trucks travel. The river is not frozen, but closer to Novoprokhladny it is too deep to cross with shoes on, so I had to take off my shoes a couple of times. Higher up the valley the river is easily fordable with shoes. Up to level The Brilevo road was well-rolled by timber trucks, but walking on the ruts was inconvenient - it was slippery. We met 4 loaded timber trucks heading towards us. Near ur. Brilevo, apparently, is a small temporary village of lumberjacks. Above lvl. There are ruts along the Brilyovo track, but they are not compacted; it is much more convenient to walk, although there is more snow. Approximately 1 km before the turn towards the Kunak clearing, the tracks end, leaving only the trail. We arrived at our planned overnight stay at 18:00. It was cloudy all day, but warm, the temperature seemed to be just above zero. There wasn't much snow; we didn't wear snowshoes that day. We walked 12 km in a day.

The Sakhray River near Novoprokhladny.

December 30th
The next day we left the parking lot near the Kunak clearing at 12:30 in the direction of the planned parking lot in the area of ​​​​the town of Kolokolnya. There is no longer a road here, only a path, and even it was covered with snow. We followed the tracks of the animals for some time, but soon they went off to the side, so we had to put on snowshoes. The path is very well marked - red and white signs hang on the trees. The path to the Firsov clearing apparently follows an old dirt road; it is almost impossible to lose your way here. After Firsov's clearing there is only a trail, it is much easier to lose it, especially at dusk; as a matter of fact, it was in such conditions that we walked there, periodically losing the path and finding it again. As it rises, the snow becomes more and more. There are no traces of people. We arrived at the parking lot at 19:00. We found a parking spot at the edge of the forest. On this day, the weather was sunny and warm in the morning, clouds appeared in the afternoon. The air temperature is about 0. We walked 6 km. Due to the ascent and fairly deep snow, we walked very slowly.

Climbing to the Bolshoy Tkhach massif. On the left on the tree is a trail marker.

31th of December
Until this morning, everything in our hike was wonderful, but here some problems appeared. It turned out that I somehow used almost an entire 230-gram cylinder of gas yesterday, which we never expected. That is, gas had to be saved in the future. In addition, in the morning it was significantly colder than the previous day, and the gas burned very poorly. If it was possible to get water from the river near the Kunak clearing on the banks of the Small Sahrai, then here it was necessary to melt the snow, which further slowed down the process of cooking. However, after weighing everything and calculating, we decided that nothing critical had happened yet, and we could move on. We left the parking lot at 11:30. Above this place there is practically no forest, and accordingly, there are no trail markings either; We followed the GPS track. After climbing to the ridge of the Bolshoi Tkhach massif, we took off our snowshoes, because... there is little of it on the ridge, and in some places none at all, apparently due to the wind. But this is only on the ridge - there is quite a lot of snow on the traverses. The massif ends in the valley of the Greater Sahrai with a steep cuesta ledge - when walking along the ridge, you need to be careful, especially in windy weather; but it was quiet here. We climbed Mount Bolshoi Tkhach without any problems. Descending from it along the traverse is quite difficult, at least in winter - the rather steep slope and loose snow provide poor grip on the surface, which is why we often fell and slid down the slope. In general, the place is not very pleasant. But after reaching the crest of a small spur near the town of Bolshoy Tkhach, the walk is easy again. We reached the planned parking lot under the Maly Tkhach massif at 19:30. We set up camp at the bottom of the spring valley on the crust. There is water in the spring. Weather: clear before lunch, then partly cloudy; The air temperature is below zero, although the sun is very warm. Route length: 8 km. We spent a lot of time climbing the ridge and especially descending from Big Thach.

Northern slope of the Bolshoi Tkhach massif.

The slope of the southwestern exposure of the Bolshoy Tkhach massif.

January 01
We left the parking lot under Maly Tkhach mountain after 10 am. Almost the entire route (with the exception of short sections) to the next stop in the river valley. Shisha walks along traverses, some of which are physically quite difficult to pass. What saves you are animal tracks, which are much easier to follow than pure snow. We didn’t take off our snowshoes that day, with the exception of a small snow-free area under the Devil’s Gate pass. Despite the fact that, like the two previous days, the weather was clear and sunny, on this day a westerly wind appeared, quite strong on the ridge, and it became colder. Looking for good place for parking in the river valley Shisha walked a little further along the path and at about 18:00 stood on the gentle slope of the valley. I don’t have the most pleasant memories associated with this campsite - firstly, spending the night here turned out to be the coldest of the entire trip, and in the morning I was a little cold; secondly, I didn’t set up the tent very well, and moved inside it at night; thirdly, there was no liquid water here. We have come to terms with the need to spend a lot of time preparing food.

Small Thach.

Big Thach.

View of the Devil's Gate from the northwest.

January 02
We left the parking lot on the Shisha River at 11:30, intending to get onto the dirt road at level. Isthmus. This road goes from the village. Stormy, rises to the ridge. Bugunzha, goes along the ridge. Small Bambak to level. The isthmus where it turns south. Before the ascent to the Agige ridge began, we walked quite quickly. However, both the ascent and traverse of the ridge were relatively easy. In the afternoon we reached the town of Agige, however, it was not possible to cross to the other side of the ridge (along the summer trail) here - in winter conditions the pass turned out to be difficult to pass. There was a snowy cornice on the northern side of the pass, which made it difficult to even understand how exactly the trail went there. At the opposite end of the pass we saw a group of people with a tent (3 people). It would be interesting to know who it was. In search of a passage through the city of Aguige, we lost quite a lot of time; it began to get dark, and a very strong wind was blowing on the mountain. We decide not to continue along the traverse towards the town of Sunduki, but to descend into the valley of the river. Big Dead and spend the night there so that the next day you can climb the dirt road. The descent into the valley is not easy - we had to cross frozen waterfalls a couple of times. Having descended into the river valley. Bolshaya Mertvaya, at 19:00 we reached the mouth of the watercourse closest to the dirt road, where we spent the night. Water in the river The Big Dead exists. It was windy and partly cloudy all day. We walked 9 km in a day.

View of the Devil's Gate from the south.

The slope of the southern exposure of the Agige ridge.


January 03
We left the parking lot on the river. Big Dead at 11:00. We set ourselves the goal of getting onto a dirt road and walking along it as far as possible, ideally to the village. Stormy. There were doubts about what the road from Burnoy to the ridge was like in winter. Small Bambak is a normal dirt road in summer, but in winter?.. But first you need to get onto a dirt road, for which it was necessary to climb a small ridge with rather steep slopes and rock outcrops. Of course, there is no path there. This was done in 2.5 hours. As soon as we got out onto the dirt road, 4 people on 2 snowmobiles, heading from Burny, appeared towards us like ghosts. We don’t know who it was and where they were going; they didn’t stop, they just waved to us. This meeting made us very happy, because... this meant that the road further on would be more or less paved. And so it turned out, which allowed us to greatly increase the pace. On the descent from the ridge. Small Bambak was discovered by a Ural, in which, apparently, people with snowmobiles arrived. The car ruts begin here, the road is quite good, well-trodden, although slippery in places. We take off our snowshoes. Let's go quickly; at 21:30 we were in the village. Stormy. We leave for Maykop (the cost of the car is 2000 rubles). The weather that day was the same as the previous one: clear, the air temperature was below zero, and there was a strong wind on the ridge. On this day we walked 24 km.


After two days of rest in Maykop, we left for Moscow.

General notes on the route
We were lucky - there was little snow in the Caucasus this winter. In addition, everything turned out well from the point of view of weather conditions: before our hike there was no snowfall for quite a long time, and during the hike in the mountains the air temperature practically did not rise above zero. All this determined two factors that greatly facilitated the passage of the route:
a) low avalanche danger (in fact, its almost complete absence in many areas);
b) shallow depth of snow cover on ridges, windward areas and slopes facing south.
It is quite possible that in other weather conditions the route would become very difficult and dangerous. The area is considered quite avalanche-prone; there have been cases of avalanches, including fatalities.
The most difficult and dangerous sections of the route, in my opinion, are the descent from the town of Bolshoy Tkhach and the bypass of the town of Agige. The descent from Bolshoy Thach was dangerous for avalanches even in the conditions in which we were there. The slope is steep; wind transport determines the accumulation of snow under the cuesta. As for the city of Aguige, it is generally unclear to me whether it is possible to climb it in winter without climbing equipment. If anyone has had such experience, please share, it’s interesting. It is also worth noting that the slopes of Aguige are quite steep, and it is better not to step on them. In addition to these areas, the following should also be noted, which, in my opinion, can be quite avalanche dangerous if there is a large amount of snow: the traverse of the slope of Maly Tkhach, the traverse of the slope of Asbestnaya, some areas on the traverse of the Agige ridge.
I consider the option that we chose to bypass the city of Aguige to be the most successful in the conditions in which we found ourselves (it was evening, and we had to look for a warm and safe place to camp), however, if we had more time, it would be worth a try descend along the southeastern buttress of the town of Agige to approximately an altitude of 2100 m, and then follow the traverse towards the town of Sunduki. And here is an option for climbing from the river valley. We chose the Big Dead not the most successful one - we climbed along the left side of the valley of the watercourse flowing from the level. The isthmus and flowing into the Great Dead, while on the starboard side there is a dirt road (visible on satellite images).

Main routes hiking Russia and CIS countries- this is a selection best routes for tourists who prefer to walk along unknown places of our planet.

Hiking routes - who are they for?

Hiking is a very special type of travel.

Hiking is a special type of travel

Such journeys require remarkable preparation, enormous strength of spirit and will. An ordinary unprepared person, after the first kilometers covered on his own two feet, will think a dozen times whether or not to travel on foot in the future. Previously, I myself walked along some routes, covered dozens of kilometers along them, saw a lot beautiful places, received a huge number of positive emotions. On some hikes I took friends with me; along several routes, where the path was not the longest or most difficult, my friend and I took our classmates.

Hiking Russia

  • Kola Peninsula

The climate of the peninsula ranges from subarctic maritime (northwest of the peninsula) to moderately cold (centre, southwest and east of the peninsula). Most of this territory of Russia is located beyond the Arctic Circle and consists of terraces, mountains (rising more than 800 meters above sea level), depressions, reservoirs (rich in a variety of fish) and plains of numerous lakes and swamps. Climatic conditions The peninsulas provide the opportunity to enjoy the polar day (solstice) in summer, and the aurora in winter.

  • Karelia

This region is called a “pioneer” in active recreation and tourism in Russia. The cleanest air, mixed forests with rich flora and fauna, rivers and lakes attract tourists from all over the world. The climate varies throughout the territory from maritime to continental. The territory of Karelia is composed of hilly plains turning into highlands, lake basins, ramparts (up to 2 km high and up to 200 meters wide), kamas.

  • Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region

The Arkhangelsk region is located along the coast of the Arctic seas, which makes the climate varying from subarctic to maritime to temperate continental. Island part territories and some coastal areas are classified as a district Far North. The territory is a plain with hills on the coast, depressions and lakes in the continental part ( Summer mountains Onega Peninsula), creating chains of mountain ranges, highlands in the south (Konosha-Nyandoma Upland), low mountains with peaks up to 450 meters high in the east (Timan) and plateaus (ridges) in the west of the region (Vetreny Poyas). The region has a huge number of rivers and lakes. Particularly large lakes and rivers are Lacha, Kenozero, Kozhozero and Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen and Pechoga. The forest area of ​​the region is presented in the form of mixed forests. It should be noted that such famous nature reserves as the Pinezhsky Nature Reserve, Vodlozersky Nature Reserve are located here. national park and Kenozersky National Park.

The Komi Republic is a continuous forest area, since forests occupy almost 70% of its entire territory. The famous Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve (the territory is represented by forests that have never been subject to anthropogenic impact from humans) and the Yugyd Va National Park are protected by UNESCO and included in the list of “Virgin Forests” of the Komi Republic. The climate is temperate continental. The terrain is flat, changing in places to mountains, washed by rivers.

  • Leningrad and Vologda regions

The Leningrad region is located on the territory of the Russian Plain, with small hills up to 150 meters above sea level, and lowlands on the coast Lake Ladoga And Gulf of Finland. The climate is Atlantic-continental. Nature - mixed forests, rare species of animals and plants, glacial lakes, rocks, caves and moraine ridges.

The Vologda region is called the region of “white stone cities”, located in the northeast of the East European Plain. The relief is hills, alternating with lowlands and hills. The region is full of lakes, rivers and swamps.

Ural trails

The Urals are a chain of mountains stretching between the East European and West Siberian plains, dividing the continent into Europe and Asia. The climate is sharply continental in the mountains, changing to temperate on the plains. Ural Mountains can be divided into areas:

  • Polar Urals (Konstantinov Kamen mountains and the upper reaches of the Khulga River),
  • Middle Urals (up to the Yurma Mountains)
  • Southern Urals (from the Yurma Mountains to the southern borders of Russia).

The relief of the Urals is plateaus, hills and plains.

Walking through the European territory of Russia

The territory of the European part of Russia is divided into federal districts:

  1. Central,
  2. Northwestern,
  3. Southern
  4. Privolzhsky.

Hiking in Russia is of course not limited to the routes listed below.

Russia has many routes for lovers of hiking tours

But the lion's share of them falls on the European part of Russia. The diversity of natural conditions, large extent, flat nature of the terrain and other indicators of commonality make it possible to combine them into a single hydrographic region. Natural conditions are determined by the extent of the area with the shift geographical landscapes from North to South. Northern part, passing through Kazan - Ufa belongs to the forest zone. The southwestern part is mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, and the north- East End— taiga. The territory is also dominated by forest-steppes, steppes, lakes and swamps. The relief is a hilly plain with small hills over 200 meters above sea level. In the east the plain is bordered Ural ridge, the central part is represented by the Central Russian Upland, in the south the Donetsk Ridge with heights reaching 370 meters above sea level, in the southeast there is a vast depression adjacent to the Caspian Sea (Caspian Lowland) and in the northern part there are the basins of the upper Dnieper, Upper Volga and Kama. The climate is continental, but due to the extent of the region, climatic conditions vary. Climate differences manifest themselves in a change in landscape from taiga in the north and mixed forests in the northwest to steppes and semi-deserts in the south and southeast.

Southern Siberia

This region of Russia is mountain ranges, forming the watershed of the Irtysh, Yenisei and Ob rivers. Climatic conditions are a transition from sharply continental winters to short, hot summers. The landscape of Southern Siberia can be divided into five relief belts:

  • The Alpine high mountain belt is the most high peaks Altai, Stanovoye Highlands, Tuva and the Barguzinsky ridge with a height of more than 2500 meters with glaciers and snowfields
  • Mid-mountain belt - prevails over most of Southern Siberia, the height of the ridges reaches 2000 meters, and in some places 2200 meters
  • Low-mountain belt - represented by ridges of hills turning into foothill plains. An example is Transbaikalia.
  • Plain - undulating plains on the ridges of Eastern Altai, Sayan and Northern Transbaikalia
  • Intermountain belt of basins - steep slopes of ridges with glaciers

Khabarovsk region

It is located in the eastern part of Russia, washed from the southeast by the Sea of ​​Japan, separated from Sakhalin Island by the Tatar and Nevelsk Straits, and includes several islands. Climatic conditions vary from north to south (from continental to subtropical) depending on proximity to the sea and landscape. The landscape is mountain ranges (Sikhote-Alin, Pribrezhny and Dzhugdzhur) and a plateau up to 2500 m high. The Khabarovsk Territory is unique in that it is a “country of taiga”. Light-coniferous taiga covers almost the entire region from north to south, where it turns into spruce-fir taiga.

The territory of the region is rich in rivers, lakes and waterfalls (more than 100), which indicates the diversity of flora and fauna, nature reserves, caves and archaeological sites. Island part Khabarovsk Territory— light-coniferous and dark-coniferous taiga. The main inhabitants are birds that fly here to reproduce.

Exploring Primorye

The region is located in the southeastern part of Russia and is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. Its territory is represented by lowlands in the west, turning into mountains in the central and eastern parts of the region. Temperate and monsoon climate. The region's attractions include caves and waterfalls, nature reserves and parks (national and natural), rivers and lakes with the purest water. The landscape of the region includes rocky peaks with snow caps, rocky slopes and wooded slopes, smoothly turning into plains, steppes and swamps. The forests are mainly mixed and coniferous-deciduous with interlacing lianas.

Sakhalin island

Sakhalin Island is the most large island Russia along east coast Asia, washed Pacific Ocean, Okhotsk and Seas of Japan. Geographical position The island's climate is temperate monsoon changing to maritime. On the island great amount rivers and streams, lakes and waterfalls, mineral springs With therapeutic mud, volcanoes, sites of primitive inhabitants, natural (Moneron Island) and archaeological (more than 250), monuments (about 1000 objects of cultural and historical heritage) and geothermal springs. The richness of the flora and fauna is amazing.

Kurile Islands

Part Sakhalin region included Kurile Islands, consisting of a chain of small islands (more than 30) with a length of 1200 km. The islands have a maritime climate with high humidity. The territory mainly consists of mountains (volcanoes), mineral springs, natural (Kurilsky Nature Reserve) and archaeological monuments. The length of the islands from north to south represents the diversity of nature. Due to the harsh climate in northern islands the flora is shrubs, and on the southern islands there are coniferous forests and broad-leaved species. One of the attractions southern islands is magnolia and bamboo.


Kamchatka is located on the Kamchatsky Peninsula, which is famous for its volcanoes (more than 1000, of which 29 are active), geysers, and on the islands Karaginsky and Komandorsky. There are many rivers and lakes on the peninsula, which originate at the foot of mountains and glaciers. The peninsula is divided by two ridges: the Sredinny (the longest) and the Eastern, between which is the Central Kamchatka Lowland. The maritime climate predominates on the coast of the peninsula, while the central and northern parts have a continental climate. Vegetable world peninsulas - coniferous and sparse birch forests, cedar and alder dwarf trees, meadows and moss tundra. The animal world is diverse and amazing.

Magadan region, Chukotka

The Magadan region is located along the coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the North-East of Russia. The region is characterized by a subarctic climate, turning into a marine one. The region consists of mountains (in the North they are called Sopki) and plateaus, such as: the Verkhoyansk ridge, the Oymyakon and Upper Kolyma highlands, the Yanskoye, Yukagir and Elga plateaus. The forest occupies most of the territory and consists of evergreen forests and relict poplar forests.

Chukotka is the most severe and mysterious region in the entire territory of Russia. Most of the territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Chukotka is located on the entire Chukotka Peninsula and adjacent islands. Subarctic climate, alternates between marine, on the coast, and continental, during inland areas. Permafrost covers the entire Chukotka region. Most of the peninsula is mountain and arctic tundra with shrubs, lichens, grasses and mosses. Light coniferous and relict poplar forests are occasionally found. The peninsula consists of several natural areas(arctic desert, typical and southern tundra, forest-tundra and deciduous taiga) which explains the great diversity of flora and fauna.

Natural phenomena such as Northern lights and winter, lasting 10 months, are not found anywhere else.

Caucasus (Western and Eastern parts)

The Caucasus is a mountainous region of Eurasia, located between the Azov, Black and Caspian seas.

You can watch an excellent video about a category 4 hiking trip in the Caucasus.

I have always admired the guys who walk such routes. The landscape of the mountains depends on the height and distance from bodies of water. Starting from swamps and glacial forests in the center and west and moving to high-mountain semi-deserts, steppes and meadows in the south. Mountain forest - fir and spruce forests. Mountain system The Caucasus is divided into three regions:

  1. Western Caucasus (mid-mountain and high-mountain ranges covered with snowfields and glaciers). For example, Arkhyz and Sofia waterfalls),
  2. Central Caucasus (the highest peaks exceeding 5,000 meters above sea level. For example, Elbrus)
  3. Eastern Caucasus (mountains small height, running from the mountain from Kazbek to the Absheron Peninsula).

Hiking – Crimea

The relief of Crimea ranges from plains in the East to hills and mountain ranges in the South-West of the republic. Nature is rich in mixed forests, pine forests, steppes and forest-steppes. Most of the country has a temperate continental climate, turning into a Mediterranean climate. south coast Crimea (Crimean Peninsula).

The main destination of tourism in that region is Crimea. Therefore, it is not surprising that

Tourists in Crimea could always find stunningly beautiful places

and has always been popular. Mountain Crimea is interesting for its historical and archaeological cultural monuments (cities and monasteries in caves, medieval fortresses), palaces, waterfalls, salt lakes (about 50) and landscapes. A distinctive feature of Crimea is the smooth transition from mountains to flat steppes, the change from cool air to sea breeze.

Kazakhstan and Central Asia

The relief of the territory of Kazakhstan is highlands, lowlands, hills and plains with endorheic basins. The climate is mainly sharply continental. The mountain system is represented by the ridges of the Mangystau Mountains, deserts in the Balkhash-Alakol depression, and the Saryarka upland.

We have truly magnificent places in Kazakhstan in their beauty. Having walked many routes, I was convinced of this more than once. I invite everyone to come and see this for themselves.

Most of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts, which indicates an arid climate. IN mountain range Central Asia includes: the Ustyurt plateau, the Turan lowland, the Turgai plateau, the Kazakh small hills, the mountains: Kopetdag, Pamir-Alai, Tien Shan, Dzungarian Alatau, Saur and Tarbagatai. The relief of the territory of Central Asia can be divided according to its constituent states:

  • KAZAKHSTAN: plains from the Volga to Altai and from Western Siberia to the oases and deserts of Central Asia;
  • KYRGYZSTAN: Tien Shan ranges with valleys and basins;
  • MONGOLIA: vast desert and semi-desert plains; in the west and southwest there are mountains; in the southeast the Gobi Desert;
  • TAJIKISTAN: Pamir and Alai Mountains; Fergana Valley (western part) in the north, Kofarnikhon and Vakhsh valleys in the southwest;
  • TURKMENISTAN: hilly or flat sandy desert with dunes, merging into mountains along the border with Iran;
  • UZBEKISTAN: flat sandy deserts with dunes; wide and flat, valleys abundantly irrigated by the Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Zeravshan rivers; Fergana Valley (eastern part) surrounded by the mountains of Kyrgyzstan.

Tien Shan

Tien Shan (“Heavenly Mountains”) is a mountain range located in Middle and Central Asia. The main part of the Tien Shan is located in Kyrgyzstan, the northern and western ranges in Kazakhstan, and the southwestern part of the Tien Shan in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Geographically, the Tien Shan Mountains are divided into regions:

  • Northern (Kyrgyz Range, Kungey-Alatau, Ketmen, Chu-Ili Mountains, Trans-Ili Alatau and Issyk-Kul)
  • Western (Chatkal, Sandalash, Pskem, Maidantal, Ugam, Fergana and Atoynok ranges)
  • Eastern (Kuylyu, Akshiyrak, Dzhetymbel, Naryn-Too, Borkoldoy and At-Bashy ranges),
  • Central
  • Internal (valleys covered with moraine sediments, covered with grass, which creates conditions for pastures (syrts)).

The Tien Shan ranges are characterized by mountain-glacial relief, which indicates a sharply continental climate. Vegetable and animal world individual areas of the Tien Shan Mountains varies significantly depending on climatic and relief features.

Republic of Belarus

The republic is located in Eastern Europe, which indicates a temperate continental climate with mild winters and warm summers. The terrain is flat and in some areas becomes elevated. Nature, rivers and forests, attract tourists from all over the world. The routes pass through nature reserves and national parks with minimal impact on the environment.

The tourist’s path passes along specially equipped trails. Examples are such parks as “Narochansky”, “” and Polessky Reserve.

Carpathians - Ukraine

The Carpathians are a mountain range in Central Europe, passing through states such as Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine (which is why I decided to insert an overview of the Carpathians in this article), Poland, Serbia, Romania and part of Austria, the peaks of which are covered with glaciers. Total length chain is 1600km. The relief is represented by turbulent rivers, forests and meadow valleys.

The entire mountain range can be divided into alternating climatic zones: Highlands (cold with high humidity), middle mountains (moderate cold), Carpathian region (warm and moderately humid), Lowlands (high humidity) and Transcarpathia (warm and humid). The climate is generally temperate continental, sometimes warm due to the frequent presence of the Atlantic cyclone.

Well, it seems to me that I covered almost all the main hiking routes Russia and CIS countries. Go, explore, admire the great nature and beautiful views.

If anyone has anything to add, I would also be grateful for comments. And please share the article materials with your friends using the social network buttons.

Soon I will add materials on many walking routes. therefore, subscribe to site updates so as not to miss them.

Some of us have probably already spent the summer relaxing on warm shores and are back to our daily routines. The holiday season is over, but it’s still too early to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink hot chocolate on cloudy autumn evenings! Ahead the Velvet season, which is ideal for hiking: in the fall the healthiest fruits and vegetables ripen, the heat subsides and the air becomes more invigorating and clear.

Where are the best hiking trails in Russia? How to choose equipment and food? How to comfortably endure long transitions? Passion shares tips!

Trekking – tourism without restrictions

The concept of “trekking” (from the English track - path, path) implies a journey on foot, for which no special physical form is required. This is a very affordable look. active rest: You can even go on a trekking trip with children! Participants in such trips spend no more than 3-5 hours a day walking, and the rest of the time they enjoy fresh air, picturesque surroundings, and swimming in rivers and lakes.

Hiking- this is a great way to restore peace of mind, find harmony with the world around you and look at dazzling natural masterpieces.

How to eat healthy while hiking

To prevent hunger or incorrectly selected foods from spoiling the impressions of the hike, food in traveling on foot you need to plan wisely, and not throw the first food you come across into your backpack. The quantity and volume of products will depend on how many days you spend on the road and in what area your route lies. Many tourists, before purchasing food, fill out a “layout” in which they indicate the type of product, its quantity in grams, energy value and an approximate menu for the day. The “layout” is compiled taking into account 5 important factors:

  • daily food consumption is equal to the energy needs of the body (you need to consume and spend approximately the same number of calories, and if you want to lose a little weight during the hike, then get 10-20% less calories from food than you spend);
  • balanced diet: 30% proteins, 30% fats, 40% carbohydrates;
  • saving space in your backpack;
  • long shelf life of products;
  • possibility/impossibility of getting some food on the spot (mushrooms, berries, fruits).

The main source of fuel for our body is carbohydrates. On a long journey, they are the ones you will need first. It is better to choose foods high in complex carbohydrates, since the body will burn them for a long time and will allow you to remain full and full of energy for several hours. In addition, many carbohydrate products travel well and do not spoil along the way. Foods with complex carbohydrates that are suitable for hiking:

  • whole grain bread;
  • durum pasta;
  • vegetables.

It is better to consume simple carbohydrates (for example, dried fruits) half an hour before walking or as a small snack while walking, as they provide an immediate burst of energy. If you don't use up simple carbohydrates right away, they will add to your body's fat mass.

Healthy fats, which our body also needs, can be found in vegetable oil, nuts, hard cheese, and caviar.

In the morning, before you set off, you need to prepare your body so that long walking does not become stressful for it. To do this, you need to thoroughly stretch the joints - hip, knee and ankle. Don't forget to pay attention to warming up your Achilles and hamstring tendons - this will relieve stress on them while walking and prevent injuries. In addition, it is important to carefully stretch and stretch the spine, especially its cervical and lumbar regions. Pavel Fatykhov, international trainer, fitness expert at Herbalife

A little stretching will help relieve tension in your muscles and allow them to relax. After a long walk, your muscles, tendons and fascia will warm up, so stretching will not only be safe, but also most effective. Pavel Fatykhov, international trainer, fitness expert at Herbalife

What to consider when preparing equipment for a hike

The lighter the load on your back, the more comfortable it is for you to walk along hiking trails. Of course, it is important not to forget all the essentials, but every unnecessary kilogram will take away your strength, which ultimately will not allow you to fully enjoy the hike. The maximum weight for a trip lasting 7-14 days is 15 kg or less.

The basis of hiking equipment is a backpack. We advise you not to skimp on its quality, but to choose the most convenient and suitable one for you, and then it will last for many years and will fully recoup its cost. When choosing a hiking backpack, consider several factors:

  • waterproof coating;
  • frame to protect the spine (better built-in than removable);
  • hip belt for balanced load distribution;
  • many pockets and compartments - this will make it easier to get the things you need;
  • not narrow straps;
  • back ventilation system.

When choosing a sleeping bag, it is better to choose artificial fillers High Quality– polargarde, qualophile, hollophile. They retain heat well and do not get wet, which cannot be said about down.

For traveling along hiking trails Light and comfortable tents are designed, which are called trekking tents. Such shelters are designed for spring, summer and autumn with average temperatures and precipitation. If you are planning a vacation in extreme weather conditions, it is better to choose a storm tent.

You will also need dry fuel and hunting matches, a quality knife, basic hygiene products, and a small first aid kit. And, of course, on a rare trip you can do without a map and navigation aids!

The best hiking routes in Russia

The vast expanses of our country, the diversity of landscapes and climatic zones make it possible to explore thousands of completely different hiking trails. We will talk about some of them:

1. Altai - Mount Belukha

Climbing to highest point Siberia, Mount Belukha (4506 m), will bring a lot of indescribable sensations. If climbing to the top of Belukha is a test for professional climbers, then anyone can enjoy the journey to the picturesque foot of the mountain. Pristine nature, clear and fast rivers, flowering mountain meadows with many medicinal herbs - perfect holiday for those who seek to achieve peace and explore new things.

2. Caucasus – through the rocks to the Black Sea

On the famous route that runs to the Black Sea through Caucasus ridge, bright meadows, enchanting caves and waterfalls, ancient dolmens await you. And after difficult passes and narrow mountain trails You will see a mesmerizing seascape - this moment cannot be described in words!

How to start hiking in the mountains if you have no experience? My answer is simple - you just need to start walking in the mountains! Yes, it's that simple. Even without serious hiking experience, it is very possible to go on your first mountain hike! The only secret is that you need to start with simple, but at the same time very beautiful routes and step by step “upgrade” your tourist experience. On this page I tried to collect those that I have completed hiking trips to the mountains, which do not require serious experience and are quite accessible to any physically healthy person.

Your list of ideas for the first mountain hikes I will divide it into two parts: A) one-day walks in the mountains, B) real multi-day hikes in the mountains, but not requiring any significant tourist experience. So, let's go!

One-day mountain hikes

I recommend starting your experience with the mountains with short one-day walks. In them you will be able to experience the simplest, but at the same time important aspects of mountain hiking. In addition to the significant physical activity and sudden changes in weather that we will encounter, you need to learn how to navigate mountain trails and be able to allocate your own strength for the rest of the route. It’s nice that in order to organize such a trip you don’t even need to take a vacation - with proper planning, even an ordinary weekend will be enough, and if you’re lucky with the weather, you can go on such walks with the whole family and even with small children. The hiking gear you'll need may generally be light hiking boots, a light membrane jacket, and sunglasses (check out my list of essential hiking gear for mountain day trips to help). Below is a list of ideas for such short mountain walks (the links lead to stories about the routes I have completed).

Settled in some Alpine town such as Austrian Innsbruck, Italian Bolzano, French Chamonix or Swiss Zermatt or Grindelwald is not a cheap type of vacation at the current euro exchange rate, but it is the most comfortable way mountain holiday. An unreal network of high-quality mountain trails with easy navigation makes trips to the Alps one of the easiest options for your first acquaintance with the mountains.

My stories about hiking in the Alps on the "Europe" page.

Zabljak, Montenegro

If you want to combine summer family holiday at sea with forays into the mountains, I advise you to pay attention to Montenegro. Hospitable Montenegrins, delicious and healthy Mediterranean food, humane prices by European standards, combined with the opportunity to spend one of the two weeks of your vacation in the mountain town of Zabljak - what could be better!

Read my story about traveling to Montenegro in two parts: sea and mountains.

Elbrus region, Russia

During the youth of our parents Greater Caucasus was the absolute record holder for the traffic of mountain tourists. The “image” of the Elbrus region has been spoiled in recent decades, which in no way detracts from the beauty of these mountains. And even if you “use your head,” walks around the outskirts of Terskol can bring a huge amount of positive emotions, because the mountains here are truly huge! This can be seen, perhaps, only in the Himalayas or the environs of Chamonix.

P.S. Don’t forget that you can visit these mountains not only in summer, but also in winter: story 1 and story 2.

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Alma-Ata (correctly Alma-Ata in Kazakh) is one of the cities in the post-Soviet space in which I would love to live for a couple of years. And no wonder - highest peaks The Tien Shan are visible right from the city center, and the nearest mountain routes can be reached by city bus! Take a look at my story about a hike along the Trans-Ili Alatau to be impressed by the extraordinary beauty of the Tien Shan Mountains and don’t forget about visa-free entry to Kazakhstan for citizens of the Russian Federation, and also the fact that Almaty, in fact, is generally a Russian-speaking city =)

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia

Kamchatka is the dream of any self-respecting tourist. She is away. In fact, on the other side of the earth (the plane flight alone takes about 9 hours!). And despite the fact that my friends and I went through one of my most difficult hikes in Kamchatka, right in close proximity to the “capital” Kamchatka there are several beautiful volcanoes, which anyone can climb even as part of one-day hikes. True, you should be lucky with the weather, so plan on plenty of spare days for changeable Kamchatka =)

Yosemite Park, USA

It is unique both in beauty and in its impact on modern development tourism and mountaineering place in the mountains of California is, of course, very far from us, and obtaining a visa to the USA and the long flight itself seems quite difficult, but believe me, this unforgettably beautiful place with giant waterfalls and giant vertical “walls” is worth it to spend one of your vacations on such a trip!

Like the Sochi region, the Alps are again on my list. It’s surprising that many people don’t know that you can even hike in Switzerland with a tent (my first and second hikes in Switzerland), the main thing is to know the rules. But what’s also great about hiking in the Alps is that you can do a multi-day hike lightly, spending the night in mountain huts, which, however, need to be booked in advance during the peak summer season. Such overnight stays are also not cheap. Nevertheless, this incomparable thrill of a multi-day trip from one mountain valley to another through high mountain passes with views of the highest snow-capped peaks of the Alps, in my opinion it’s worth any money!


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