How to spend a holiday at home: is it so boring? Rest properly! How to make the most of your vacation? Weekly vacation

During the years of Soviet power, many cartoons, anecdotes, and proverbs appeared on the topic of “rest on vacation” in our country. The triumph of democracy and human values ​​should have pushed this problem aside or completely solved it, but that was not the case. We decided to help those planning a vacation and tell you in this article how to relax on vacation and what to do for it.

Love change!

We all get our hard-earned rest. But does everyone know how to rest properly? A change of environment brings great benefits to the human body and the restoration of mental abilities. You yourself have probably noticed more than once that most of us do not know how to relax on vacation, reducing it simply to two weeks without work.

Hard work for months, many tasks and responsibilities, but the long-awaited time comes, but strength is not restored. This happens because most of us continue to do the same things we did while working. Naturally, a complete transfer of the work process home does not happen, but the habits remain. Instead of a holiday, a person's vacation and rest turn into similar everyday life.

In a frantic rhythm

The pace of life of the modern average city resident cannot be called measured. You have to get out of bed early, get yourself in order, and rush to your place of work. You serve the program, and then you run home, thinking about your household chores as you go. There is a rush at every stage.

You also need to get a lot done over the weekend, because a lot of things have accumulated over the week. The remaining time is spent visiting friends, cultural events or entertainment.

The brain has a hard time. It needs to process a lot of requests, store and retrieve a bunch useful information, take care of future plans. During sleep, complete rest does not occur.

Trip to warm country, where the sea, sun and sand, passes in thoughts about the future. The vacationer hurries to the airport, then to the hotel. Excursions or walks are planned every day to minimum time get to know as many objects as possible. People are in a hurry, plans go wrong, stress accumulates. Added to this are the problems of climate change, burnt backs, food poisoning, loss and theft of things.

Why do vacationers spread their pace of life during their vacation and do not understand how to relax properly? There are several objective reasons.

We dream of getting rid of the monotony of life and finding new experiences. But there is no other time for this, and we have to use every opportunity. Movement stimulates, and simple “doing nothing” brings boredom.

With such activity, you won’t be able to rest well. Along with a lot of new impressions, tension and stress will accumulate. Like a fire that smolders for years, and then suddenly becomes the cause of depression and health problems.

To have a good rest on vacation, slow down during this time. The result will be peace of mind and improved health.

Why do you need a vacation?

Our tragedy is that we do not know how to stop. Every day you have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, surrounded by worries and problems. Vacation and rest for humans were invented so that we could be distracted and take a break. Instead, some are still in a hurry, and in moments of calm they drown out their brains with alcohol.

Taking a break from work and the team for a few weeks helps you relax. However, don't rule out all types of activity. Spend time on a hobby, go for a walk, swim in a pond, visit interesting places that you have been thinking about for a long time. It’s just a matter of small things: slow down and do everything calmly.

How to learn to relax?

  • As the holiday season approaches, think about changing the rhythm of your life. This primarily applies to people who are highly active. Get enough sleep, spend time on the beach, go on excursions, enjoy the scenery, but don’t go against your emotional state.
  • At first, a quiet rest may cause some discomfort. This is a normal phenomenon, because the brain needs time to rebuild. Give him some time and everything will work out.
  • If your main work involves a computer, then get rid of it during your vacation. Let the news and social media they will miss you.
  • Don't make plans for the future. There will be time for this later.
  • Try to drive less, give your body a break from the shock. Alcohol in large quantities is a strong stress for the whole body. You shouldn't empty the bar, even if it's all inclusive.
  • To have a good vacation, you don’t have to travel the whole world. The feeling of joy from every moment of life lies in the depths of our soul and is simply covered on top by constant tension and stress. Visit the places you love and take quality, not quantity. This is the only way to have a good rest on vacation.

Many energetic Russians, especially young ones, at first and then prefer a vacation “at a gallop across Europe.” However, sightseeing at a frantic pace is practically no different from watching a documentary. Interesting place requires slow immersion into the atmosphere. You need to soak it in, feel it.

Beauty can be found far from the usual tourist routes, sometimes right under our noses. Why chase other people's miracles when there is so much nearby?

Don't race for new experiences and information. Relax, give your brain a rest, spend time at home, with close friends, walk in the fresh air. Forget about haste and plans for the future. You still have time to hurry, because the vacation is so short.

Be grateful for the quiet moments, try, find the positive in any situation and life will become more harmonious and your health will be strong.

People start dreaming about a summer vacation even during the period winter frosts. Some are going to go to warmer climes, others to the country, others have not yet decided where they will go - does it really matter where, if you can take a break from work and do what you love? But the long-awaited vacation does not save everyone: it often happens that after a two-week break, people return to work even more exhausted and not at all rested. Psychologist Lyudmila Artemyeva tells you how to properly prepare for your vacation and take everything from it!

Get ready for vacation

According to the psychologist, the pledge successful holiday- the right attitude. You need to prepare for your vacation in advance. “First of all, decide where you will go,” Artemyeva advises. - The place should be as comfortable as possible for you. If everyone tells you that you need to go to the seaside or to a specific country, and you just want to be at the dacha, don’t listen to anyone and go to the dacha. This is just your vacation, and you need to spend it the way you want!”

Try to at least roughly plan your vacation time in advance. If you are traveling to another country or city, make a list of places and attractions you want to visit. If you are going to spend your vacation at the dacha, think about what your days will be like: devote time to sports, reading books, picnics and meeting with friends. People who do nothing on vacation do not feel rested. Let your schedule be full: get enough new impressions to last for several more months of work.

Before you go on vacation, complete all your work at work: otherwise you will not be able to relax on vacation, mentally returning to your work responsibilities. If you are planning to leave somewhere, do not forget to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment. When you return to a clean and comfortable home, you will have an inner feeling of harmony and peace.

And finally, get ready for a vacation! “Deal with all your problems before your vacation,” recommends Artemyeva. - These two weeks should be a good rest, and not an escape from difficulties that you will have to return to. If you constantly think about how bad you will feel after returning to your normal life, the vacation will have no effect: it will not give you energy and strength.”

Forget about the phone

In the first days of vacation, the psychologist encourages you not to be too active: get a good night's sleep, go for a walk, and gain strength. Let your body get used to rest! After this, you can rush into vacation headlong - it’s time to do something that you would never do during working days. “Vacation is a time of intense emotions,” reminds Artemyeva. - Skydive, try exotic food, get a temporary tattoo, or just take an open salsa class. You don’t have time for all this on weekdays or even on weekends, when you are busy with household chores. Experience new experiences and you will never regret it!”

One of the main rules have a nice holiday- forget about work. You have every right not to answer calls from your colleagues, and even more so, you shouldn’t try to find out how things are going in the office during a well-deserved rest. If you find yourself cut off from your work process for a week or two, the world will not collapse! And in general, try not to use your mobile phone often - it will not let you rest.

Motivate yourself!

IN last days vacation, don't forget to prepare for work. Spend this time calmly so that you do not have a sudden transition from rest to work. Plan your biggest activity for the middle of your vacation, and before returning to office life, just go to the cinema, meet with friends or family.

Try to bring an unusual souvenir from your vacation - not just a magnet, but some interesting thing: a beautiful figurine, box, accessory. If you spent a vacation in the city, this could be a photograph where you are captured having fun, in the company of friends. “Bring this souvenir to work and put it in a visible place,” advises Artemyeva. - It will remind you of pleasant days and serve as an excellent motivator for further work. Rest properly - and work will be easier for you!”

We are looking forward to our vacation, preparing and making plans, dreaming of having enough rest for the year ahead! But as a result, the day before we try to resolve a bunch of urgent issues at once, while on vacation we regularly check our emails in anticipation of urgent requests, and immediately upon returning we find such a backlog of cases that we immediately get to work with double zeal and full dedication of our accumulated strength. As a result, already on the third day after the vacation it seems as if it never happened at all.

1. Forget about work

At all. Ideally, of course, you should prepare in advance and not leave a lot of unfinished business until the last days before your vacation, so that you can pack your bags and buy beach flip-flops without the nerves. But if this fails, then complete the most important things, and delegate the rest to your colleagues during your vacation and under no circumstances be tempted to update your work email or answer a work call. You also need to be able to rest. For effective relaxation, it is important not only to change the environment, but also to completely forget about work matters. Our brains need time to switch to rest mode, and periodically returning to thoughts about work interferes with this natural process. If the task is serious, you still won’t be able to fully solve it while on vacation, but if it’s something frivolous, then you can easily entrust it to someone else or wait until the end of the vacation.

2. Get enough sleep

When you have only two weeks planned for vacation, you want to immediately invest in them as much rest, emotions, and those personal matters that you don’t have time to do during work. But it is equally important to include mandatory long sleep in this busy schedule of adventures. Otherwise, at the end of your vacation, you risk returning with a whole baggage of emotions and interesting stories, but completely without strength. The human body has a physiological need for rest, and parties until the morning, and long bike races beautiful places This holiday is not included in the concept. To recuperate, you definitely need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. At least these two weeks in a row.

3. See something new and beautiful

Unfortunately, we don’t always spend our holidays in new cities and countries. Sometimes you have to take it to complete renovations, pass exams, or to care for a sick relative. In such cases, vacation is more a necessity than an opportunity to relax. But try to find at least a day or a few hours to visit a new place (a neighboring estate, an area of ​​the city unfamiliar to you, a theater or just a cozy park not far from home). A change of scenery and new experiences will give you strength, at least a little. Again, try to completely discard thoughts about routine during these few hours of searching for new sensations, and then the next day you will definitely wake up cheerful and full of energy!

4. Have fun from the heart

After intense workdays, sometimes you just want to fall out of reality, sleep and not think about anything. Sometimes this is necessary. But it’s much more effective to alternate between recovery and interesting activities on vacation. leisure. During your lazy vacation, you can plan bike rides, games of table tennis and badminton with friends, parties in clubs, or you can go on a lazy-active trip, where you won’t have to invent anything, and the program will already be planned for you in advance. For example, at the Sails Up! Party Yacht Week you will sunbathe on the decks of yachts during the day and then dance in the evenings to open air when there is nothing around except music and the sea. And between parties and sunbathing, scuba diving, fishing and exploring beautiful bays along the route.

5. Find new friends

If you're traveling alone, don't worry! After all, this is a great chance to meet new people and learn many interesting stories. And when you are in good company, still get to know each other, communicate, be open to new things, learn new cultures and customs, and look for new friends with similar interests! It will be more fun to remember travel stories with them later.

6. Return to reality in slow motion

Vacation, like all good things, unfortunately ends quickly. And when returning to your usual work duties, it is important to do this gradually. After all, if you pull the car away sharply, it will stall. It’s the same with you - if you throw all your accumulated strength into work at once, you’ll quickly use it up, but if you add load slowly, returning to your usual routine will be pleasant and comfortable. The quieter you go, the further you'll get!

How many days of vacation are allowed per year?

By general rule the number of paid vacation days per year must be at least 28 (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Is this 28 calendar days or working days? Annual basic paid leave is calculated in calendar days (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, for each working year, the employee is entitled to 28 calendar days.

Dividing vacation into parts

An employee does not have to use all 4 weeks of his/her allotted vacation at one time. Leave can be divided by agreement between the employee and the employer. The division of vacation into parts according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be carried out in such a way that the duration of at least one of the parts is at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If this condition is met, the duration of other parts of the vacation can be an arbitrarily small number of days, including 1 or 2 days.

How long is an employee’s vacation, including weekends and holidays?

Weekends falling within the vacation period are taken into account when calculating its duration and are subject to payment. Let's explain with an example. Manager Ivanov A.K. wrote an application for leave for the period from June 17 to June 23, 2019. June 22 and 23 are days off. Accordingly, the employee must be given leave for 7 days and all 7 days must be paid.

Unlike regular weekends, holidays non-working days are not included in the duration of vacation and are not paid (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Let's go back to the example above. If Ivanov A.K. writes an application for June 6-13 - 8 calendar days, only 7 calendar days will be counted and paid for vacation. Because June 12 is a holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Vacation: number of days according to law and local regulations

The specified duration of vacation - 28 calendar days - is the minimum according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And the employer, on his own initiative, can establish paid leave of longer duration for his employees. The number of additionally provided paid vacation days (in addition to 28) must be specified in the collective agreement, local regulations of the organization (for example, internal labor regulations) or directly in employment contracts with employees.

It is important that the costs of paying for such additional vacation days cannot be taken into account for profit tax purposes (clause 24 of article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Also, personal income tax will need to be withheld from the amount of their payment and insurance premiums will be charged (clause 2 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of Article 420 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Extended leave under the Labor Code 2019: how many days

Who has the right to apply for extended basic leave and how many days of leave should be provided to these persons is indicated in the table.

Category of workers Number of vacation days according to the Labor Code and other legislative acts
Workers under 18 years of age 31 calendar days. Leave must be granted at any time convenient for the minor (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
Working disabled people with any disability group At least 30 calendar days (Article 23 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ)
Teaching staff 42 or 56 calendar days depending on the position held and the type of educational organization where the teacher works (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3, part 5, article 47 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2015 No. 466)
Researchers with an academic degree — 48 working days for doctors of science;
— 36 working days for candidates of science.
The specified extended leaves are provided to scientific workers holding full-time positions in a scientific institution (organization) financed from the federal budget (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 949)
Workers working with chemical weapons 56 or 49 calendar days depending on the group of work to which the employee’s activities are assigned. The assignment of work to the first or second group depends on the degree of their danger (Article 1, 5 of the Law of November 7, 2000 No. 136-FZ)
Workers of professional emergency rescue services and units 30, 35 or 40 days, depending on the length of continuous work experience in professional emergency rescue services and units (Clause 5, Article 28 of Law No. 151-FZ of August 22, 1995)
Health care workers at risk of human immunodeficiency virus infection 36 working days for employees of healthcare organizations diagnosing and treating HIV-infected people, as well as persons whose work involves materials containing the human immunodeficiency virus, taking into account additional annual leave for work in hazardous working conditions (clause 4 of the Government Decree RF dated 04/03/1996 No. 391)
State civil servants 30 calendar days (Part 3 of Article 46 of the Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ)
Prosecutors, scientific and teaching staff of the prosecutor's office clause 1 art. 41.4 of the Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1).
Employees of the Investigative Committee serving in areas other than those with special climatic conditions 30 calendar days excluding travel time to the place of rest and back in the general case (Part 1 of Article 25 of the Law of December 28, 2010 No. 403-FZ).

Additional leave

Some employees, in addition to the main leave (standard or extended), are also entitled to additional leave. You can read about such a vacation in.

How many days is “northern” vacation according to the law?

How many days does northerners' vacation last? Usually more than for non-northern workers. After all, “northerners”, firstly, are provided with basic annual paid leave - of standard duration or extended in the above cases. And secondly, they are granted additional leave (Article 321 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For workers who work:

  • in the regions Far North- 24 calendar days;
  • in areas equated to regions of the Far North - 16 calendar days;
  • in other regions of the North, where the regional coefficient and percentage increase in wages are established, - 8 calendar days (Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1).

By the way, both regular annual paid leave and extended, as well as additional “northern” leave can be provided to employees in advance (

Limitation of deductions from wages Article 138. Limitation on the amount of deductions from wages To determine the order of vacation periods, employers maintain special schedules. The procedure for drawing up the next vacation schedule for the coming year is established by Art. 123 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The document is drawn up, agreed upon and approved two weeks before the end of the current calendar year. Article 123. Sequence of granting annual paid leave What to do with new employees if the vacation schedule has already been drawn up? There are no restrictions for either the employee or the employer in this situation. The vacation schedule is not adjusted retroactively. Upon written application of a new employee, he is granted the first leave at the time prescribed by law, unless other agreements are determined by the parties to the employment relationship.


Therefore, in 2018, the last day for its signing is December 17. At an enterprise that has a trade union body, it is mandatory to take its opinion into account when drawing up the document.


If it is necessary to transfer vacation days, the changes must be agreed upon with the employees affected by them. Attention! The employer is obliged to give each employee vacation summer time at least once every four years.


If, at the time of drawing up the vacation schedule, the organization has employees who have not worked for six months, it is necessary to plan the time when they can be given compulsory rest after employment for the next calendar year. If an employee has the right to use the first vacation before six months of work and has expressed a desire to take advantage of it, it is necessary to include his vacation in the general schedule.

Can an employer force you to go on vacation?


In exceptional cases, when the provision of leave to an employee in the current working year may adversely affect the normal course of work of an organization or individual entrepreneur, it is allowed, with the consent of the employee, to transfer the leave to the next working year. In this case, the leave must be used no later than 12 months after the end of the working year for which it is granted.

It is prohibited to fail to provide annual paid leave for two years in a row, as well as not to provide annual paid leave to employees under the age of eighteen and employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions. 3. The procedure for calculating vacation days in calendar days is directly enshrined in Art.

120 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:4. An employee has the right not only to be granted leave. but also to replace it with monetary compensation (decided at the discretion of management).

What should an accountant and HR officer do if an employee does not want to go on vacation?

The entire salary of the vacationer is divided into the required number of months (12 or 3) and divided by 29.6 - the average monthly number of calendar days established by law. The total amount is determined by multiplying the number of vacation days provided by the average daily earnings.

Calculate in a similar way financial compensation for unused annual leave in the event of an employee’s refusal or dismissal. To receive compensation, you must submit an application.

The Labor Code obliges employers to transfer vacation payments three days before the actual start of the vacation period (Article 136). If the last day falls on a weekend, the transfer must be made in advance.
It is prohibited to postpone payment to the next working day. For violation of these rules, the employer bears administrative liability. Article 136.

What to do if an employee does not want to go on vacation

Article 122 establishes that the first paid vacation period is due to an employee after 6 months of continuous cooperation with the employer. He can apply for leave in the 7th working month.

In accordance with Art. 115 the total duration of rest is 28 days. Article 115. Duration of annual basic paid leave With the approval of the employer, the first leave may be granted before six months of work. Article 122.

The employee divides the vacation into parts of less than 14 days

The commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 6 of this article by a person who has previously been subjected to administrative punishment for a similar offense, if these actions do not contain a criminal offense, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period from one year to three years; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities- from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles. 2) According to Art.

If the employee does not want to go on vacation

As a general rule, the total duration of the annual vacation period is 28 calendar days. Certain categories of workers have the opportunity to receive additional days of rest:

  • working under hazardous or difficult conditions;
  • employees of kindergartens, institutions of basic, secondary special and higher education;
  • minor workers;
  • workers working irregular days.

There may be other cases of providing additional days, provided for by federal laws or local regulations.

The employer gives his consent to the employee going on vacation if he has a replacement with another specialist or can do without him temporarily. If a specialist has worked for 6 months, he can receive vacation days in advance, i.e.

greater volume than he actually earned. Previously, such a possibility was out of the question.

Lawyer Alexander Arutyunov: is it possible not to go on vacation?

The procedure for granting annual paid leave to certain categories of employees, regardless of the duration of work at a particular enterprise:

  • citizens under the age of 18;
  • employees who are expecting the birth of a child;
  • employees who adopted children under 3 months of age;
  • other personnel who have privileges granted by federal laws (veterans, spouses of military personnel, part-time workers, etc.).

Attention! Designated categories of employees are given leave based on personal applications indicating and officially confirming their rights to early leave. The employer does not have the right to refuse, even in the event of an urgent production need for them.

Some employers are inclined to take partial vacation after six months of work. However, such a position is misleading.
According to the law, the employer has no grounds to force an employee to take advantage of the right to maternity leave. That is, if a woman has not written a corresponding statement, thereby expressing a desire to continue working, the employer cannot prevent her from doing so.
Maternity leave is a woman’s right, not her responsibility, so she herself has the right to determine when she is ready to use it. At the same time, we must not forget that if a woman goes on maternity leave later than the date indicated on the sick leave, then its period automatically becomes shorter, which entails a reduction in the legal benefit for this circumstance.

Is an employee required to go on vacation for 2 weeks?

Since the first vacation after getting a job can be taken in full, the calculation is based on the number of days the vacationer needs. Payment is made after notifying the employee and before the first day of vacation. The enterprise issues an order containing information about the number of vacation days provided and their dates. The vacationer must familiarize himself with it and sign it. If it is not possible for the employee to familiarize himself with the order in person, a special notification is sent to him. The amount of vacation payments is calculated by the accounting department based on average earnings for Last year work. The calculation may use the previous three working months. Earnings include not only the basic salary, but also all bonus payments, remunerations, and allowances.
Naturally, employers try to avoid such privileges, since the risk that the employee will not return after receiving payment in advance is very high. To protect the employer, the law provides for the possibility of collecting debt from a subordinate for used, paid, but not worked vacation days.

But limiting the amount of the penalty to 20% of earnings does not guarantee full compensation for the damage incurred. The procedure for registration and payment in 2018 The official local document of the organization regulating the procedure for employees going on vacation is the vacation schedule.

It helps ensure the efficient operation of the enterprise and prevents missed legal holidays. After all, the responsibility for monitoring the use of vacation days by staff rests with employers. The schedule is drawn up annually two weeks before the end of the year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


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