Austria 3 days. Charming vein. Annual events, holidays and non-working days

If you read my previous review, you probably already know that I really liked the capital of Austria. This is a real museum open air, a masterpiece city, a city on the level of space. There are so many beautiful and interesting places in Vienna that you can easily spend a whole month here and discover something new and unknown every day. That is why I decided to split my review of the sights of Vienna into two parts. In the first article that was published on the blog a few days earlier, I wrote about the main attractions of Vienna that are worth visiting on the first day (be sure to read it). Today I will tell you about those places that were left behind the scenes of the previous material (about those places and attractions that I personally left for last). So, what to see in Vienna if you come here for 2,3 or 4 days? Read about this and much more in my new review.


I'll start with her. One of the most beautiful cathedrals in Vienna and at the same time the very attraction that I really should have added to my first (main) review. Honestly, I was even a little worried about this. This building is one of the symbols of the capital of Austria (and is even depicted on the magnet that I brought home from this city). As written on Wikipedia, Emperor Charles VI of Habsburg began to build this Catholic church in honor of his saint Carlo Borromeo, as gratitude for the end of the terrible plague epidemic. Construction began in 1716 and ended 21 years later (this is what I understand, long-term construction). It would be better if they hired some Tajiks. By the way, Emperor Charles died without waiting for the construction to be completed. Subsequently, his father’s plan was brought to completion by his son.

What to see nearby? The building of the Philharmonic Music Society (also known as the Society of Friends of Music).

Vienna Concerthaus...

And the monument to Karl Schwarzenberg that stands nearby.

How to find: Karlsplatz metro station.

My great-grandfather on my mother’s side took part in the battles for the capital of Austria. Therefore, I immediately designated this place as one of the obligatory points of my Vienna program. Because of the sun, which hung directly behind the monument, it was very difficult to photograph it properly. I constantly changed angles, filters, and camera settings. But no way. In the end, it turned out what happened. There are no other photos. Sorry.

As for my personal impressions, I really liked this monument. He looks great. However, I was really surprised by the fact that the Soviet soldier was depicted on the monument with a golden shield and a gilded helmet. I don’t know why, but I smiled unconsciously, imagining Soviet soldiers in golden helmets on the battlefield. Do Austrians even know that gold is a very soft metal? You can't really fight in golden helmets.

This is how I imagine this picture: “Ivan, put on a normal helmet.”

“No, she's ugly. I'll go to the gold one. This is Vienna."

The architects of Vienna generally have some special feelings for this metal. In the capital of Austria, gilded elements are found everywhere. It looks beautiful. But the soldier in the golden helmet still made me smile. As did two young Austrian women who spent a good 10 minutes taking selfies in front of this monument. You should have seen how they pouted their lips. I wish everyone had a gold helmet... In general, it would be great. Look for 3000 likes.

How to find: next to Karlskirche and Karlsplatz.

Vienna University of Economics

When you arrive at this place after a walk through the historical center of Vienna, you get the impression that in just 30 minutes on the metro you have traveled the distance from the 18th century to the 21st. The landscape around is changing dramatically. And ornate town halls, churches and palaces are replaced by real masterpieces of modern architecture.

One of these, for example, is the complex of buildings of the Vienna University of Economics. I do not impose my opinion on anyone, but I will emphasize: my personal delight in this place far outweighed my impressions from visiting, for example, Schönbrunn Palace. This is a real masterpiece. This is how real architecture of the 21st century should be – light, original, futuristic and memorable. For me personally, the complex of buildings of the Vienna University of Economics was a real discovery. I really hope that instead of typical square high-rise buildings, someday such architecture will begin to appear in Belarusian cities. However, see for yourself.

The design of this place belongs to many architects and designers, including the cult author Zaha Hadid (author of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku). In addition to educational buildings, there are exhibition halls, libraries and numerous cafes. I was also struck by the fact that many things here have inscriptions made in Braille (for the blind). Would you like to study at such a university?

How to get there: Messe Prater metro station. Then another five minutes walk.

Vienna Prater Park

This is a local amusement park. It is located just a 10-minute walk from the complex of buildings of the University of Economics. On one side there is a park and a park. But it's worth going here for at least two reasons. The first of them is a huge Ferris wheel, which regularly appears on various postcards and souvenir magnets associated with Vienna.

The second is the Vienna “branch” of the famous Madame Tussauds museum. In Austria it is located in this amusement park. Cool place. After winning the Oscar, Leonardo DiCaprio looks very good. Schwarzenegger too.

But Ukupnik is not like that. Quickie.

As for the park itself, during the off-season it was a little deserted, and therefore reminded me of the set of some Hollywood horror film. Scary clowns, deserted streets that look like a post-apocalyptic city, and silence hanging over it all.

Under the gray February sky, the remote corners of the park looked eerie. In summer it’s probably a completely different picture here.

DC-Tower, local TV tower, Vienna City and UN City

Don't be alarmed - it's all one place. Arrive at the Kaiserm?hlen VIC metro station and you immediately find yourself in Vienna's skyscraper district. The famous DC-Tower is visible right from the subway platform. Like the other tower - the New Danube residential complex, which stands on the opposite side.

In the evening, in the light of many hundreds of lights, the business center of Vienna looked incredibly beautiful and stylish. If you walk a little forward behind the DC-Tower skyscraper, you can see the sharp needle of the Vienna TV tower.

And if you go in the opposite direction - to the right of the metro station - you will come across another interesting building - the Austrian “UN City”, which is also called the Vienna International Center.

After New York and Geneva, this is the third UN building in the world. Here is one of the offices of the IAEA (nuclear energy agency), the drug and crime commission, as well as the refugee agency. The buildings themselves are made in the shape of the letter Y, but personally that evening they reminded me much more of the Moscow Cosmos Hotel (only cut in half).

Buy a metro pass and go there if you have time. I liked it here.

Vienna gasometers

I found a story about this place on the blog of one of my colleagues, Russian traveler Daniil Privolnov. He liked this complex. But I still have mixed feelings about him. Gasometers and gasometers. Maybe the omnipresent wind, which literally blew me away that day, was to blame?

In a nutshell... Vienna gasometers are four round buildings built at the end of the 19th century to supply the city with gas. A century later, gasometers lost their original function, but they appeared in films (in one of the Bond films in the film “Sparks from the Eyes”). By the way, my favorite James Bond, Timothy Dalton, is starring in this film, so I simply could not help but go here. However, gasometers themselves are interesting not only for this reason. Today they are equipped with residential apartments, which subsequently formed a kind of “city within a city” - with a cinema, an archive and even its own online community (VGazometre). A kind of gated community. Subsequently, a number of works in psychology were even devoted to this phenomenon.

How to get there: Gasometer metro station.

Museum Quarter

We return to the historical center. There are still a few interesting points here that I didn’t tell you about. One of them is the famous museum quarter, which unites several interesting museums. The main building of the complex once served as the imperial stables. Today, exhibition pavilions are located here, which were opened for the first time back in 1921. Even if you, like me, are not particularly fond of all kinds of museums, I still advise you to take a walk here. This Viennese quarter is an excellent example of a skillful combination of modern and classical architecture. What is the MUMOK Museum alone worth?! I called it “Navel”... Funny name.

Speaker in a scarf. Next to one of the museums.

Some kind of art installation. Inside the container is a hefty screen with some old notes.

weed (classical translation) - weed; the colloquial version is to smoke weed (which is like our “puff” or “get high”).

What to see nearby: Auersperg Palace...

Here is this cool statue of a hallucinogenic fairy, enticing some thoughtful guy (who apparently has already “pulled the weeds”) to be close to him.

And the nameless palace is right behind them.

As a bonus, I note that it is next to this building that we have our only free toilet in Vienna.

Votivkirche (Vow Church)

Located in Freud Park, half a kilometer from the Vienna City Hall. I still remember beautiful buildings next to it is some cool two-story bus stop.

University of Vienna

Founded in 1365. One of the oldest universities in Europe. Looks okay. But the Minsk Institute of Management is cooler.

Monument to Liebenberg

Located directly opposite the University of Vienna. Dedicated to the victory over the Turks. Although, how do you say “victory”? Considering the number of Turks and Arabs to whom the government of modern Austria pays reparations in the form of various subsidies and benefits, such a victory seems at best interim. There are a lot of emigrants in Vienna.

Monument to Conchita Wurst's grandfather

It is also a monument to a pregnant man. Located next to the Franciscan Church.

Let's assign it as the last Viennese attraction on our list, since I was already pretty tired while writing these five pages of text. In short, I'll finish. If you know any other interesting sights of Vienna that were not included in either of my two reviews, write in the comments. I think people traveling to Austria will find them interesting to read. By the way, me too.

BONUS. Bratislava

The most unusual tip on our list. But this was also worth mentioning. If you come to Austria for at least 3-4 days, be sure to think about going to the capital of neighboring Slovakia at least for a day. Vienna and Bratislava are the two closest capitals in Europe. It takes 1.5 hours to travel from one city to another. And travel for many bus carriers operating in this direction costs from 2 to 5 euros. Compared to Austrian prices, this is a ridiculous amount. And in Bratislava itself there is also something to see. Plus, such a trip is also a great opportunity to go shopping. In Slovakia, everything costs two times cheaper than in Vienna. Basically, think about it.

How to save money when traveling to Austria?

Replace hotels with apartments. Most often, they are both cheaper and more comfortable than hotel rooms. Personally, during my trip to Austria I filmed. I looked for options through the AIRBNB website. There are many good offers here.

In addition, if you register on the site using this link, you will immediately receive a small bonus for your first booking. It's a small thing, but nice. You can read how to save a larger amount on this site.

Hotels. If you don’t want to understand all the nuances of renting apartments, but you are somehow more accustomed to living in hotels, you can save a little by booking accommodation through search engine sites. In fact, with their help you can search not just one hotel system, but dozens of sites at once. The thing is that the same room can cost differently on sites such as Booking, Agoda,, Ostrovok, HRS and so on. If you search for a hotel through such search engine sites, you can immediately see where a particular room costs the cheapest. For example, I use the Rumguru website for these purposes. Although there are other sites of a similar nature.

Tickets. The most comfortable and fastest way to get to Vienna is by plane. It’s better to look for tickets through the Aviasales website. Its search form is presented below. The running line indicates the cost of tickets to Vienna from Minsk, Kyiv, Vilnius, Warsaw and Moscow.

Insurance. I write this in almost all my articles: insurance is different from insurance. Therefore, do not grab the first policy you come across near the embassy. Read contracts, compare insurance conditions. The easiest way to do this is through . This is a kind of “hypermarket” of insurance, where policies from different companies are presented. Set the duration of the trip, the country of destination, the age of the travelers - and this system itself will show you the best policy in terms of price and quality ratio. This site mainly presents products from Russian and European companies (including such large companies as Liberty, ERV, VTB-insuranse, etc.). The only negative is that all prices are indicated in Russian rubles. This is inconvenient for me. But in general, I trust this platform more than Belarusian state-owned companies.

  1. Well, we are in the capital of Austria - Vienna. We will explore the sights of Vienna on our own, although there are more than enough offers for Russian-speaking guides. Austria - Member of the European Union since 1995. Austria was almost the very first country in a united Europe to switch to a single currency, the Euro. But Austria is not a member of NATO, nor are Sweden, Switzerland, or Ireland. The language in Austria is German, but with an "Austrian dialect".

    Vienna has a population of about 2 million people; about a quarter of the country's total population lives in the city and its surroundings. Vienna is a European cultural center. The city is located on the Danube River. And in, and in, and in Vienna - the Danube is everywhere. Vienna, along with Geneva and New York, is one of the headquarters of the UN. Year after year, Vienna ranks honorably first (or close to first) in the world in terms of quality of life. They say that it is impossible to piss off the Austrians, they are so balanced. Well, here it is: I don’t know - I didn’t try (I didn’t output).

    According to the territorial structure, Vienna is a circle, in the center of which is the Ring (Ringstrasse) ring line. Statistics show that it is often hot in summer and that Vienna is a sunny city. And so it was. During the entire time we were there, the daytime temperature was steadily in the thirties and not a cloud in the sky.

    We're going to check in right away. We decided all questions regarding searching and booking accommodation in advance.

    Brief summary of the topic (Sights of Vienna):

    We are entering Vienna...

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017

  2. Where is the best place to stay in Vienna relatively inexpensively?

    Hotels in Vienna are not cheap. If you are closer to the outskirts, then you could still find hotel options for four at a more or less reasonable price. There are twenty-three districts in Vienna. It is better and more convenient to stay closer to the center. I think that there is no problem getting to the city center from its outskirts, since the transport network is well developed. But I immediately considered not a hotel, but apartments. This will give us the opportunity to save on the cost of living, live almost in the center and get acquainted with the everyday features of life in the city.

    I looked at different options when choosing where to stay in Vienna. Either the area is incomprehensible, or I can’t get through it due to the price. In the end, I chose the apartments, which are located in modern complex like ours. The buildings of the complex host various exhibitions, events, and conferences. But there is no fuss near the buildings. And people are not particularly noticeable, mainly due to the organization of space. This modern “city within a city” is designed in such a way that all traffic and parking are underground. Underground is a complex system of interchanges, passages to buildings and parking spaces for each sector. By the way, the navigator under these underground junctions does not plot the route, so I had to use my wits. All passages are through electronic keys and buttons, a kind of “smart home”. The apartments were cozy, naturally modern, with all the necessary equipment. At the same time, the equipment is expensive, mostly Miele. And on the first floor of the residential block a sauna and Gym, also, by the way, mega-modern.

    So, we need to explore Vienna in three days. What sights to see and where to go - we had some route planned. But after talking with the landlady, we adjusted it a little. Really, run standard route from point A to point B - we will quickly get tired. So we'll just walk around interesting places Vienna.

    The car was left to rest on a private free parking underground, we rested for a couple of hours after the road, we will move around Vienna by public transport. The metro from our “home” was a five-minute walk.

    Our complex:

  3. Metro in Vienna: how to use? Fare

    In this part I’ll tell you a little about what the metro in Vienna is and how to use it to get to the desired station.

    Metropolitan in Vienna - comfortable view transport, includes five lines, differing in color and line number. All of them will one way or another pass through the city center. There is no pomp in the station lobbies. Everything is simple, clear and clean. The metro in Vienna is designated by the letter "U".

    Vienna metro map:

    Until what time does the Vienna metro operate?

    On weekdays, the city of the Austrian capital begins work from five in the morning until midnight. On Saturdays and Fridays, as well as on holidays, the Vienna metro changes its operating hours to around the clock. The decision on the non-stop operating schedule of the Vienna metro on weekends and holidays was discussed and adopted in an official popular referendum of residents. This Austrian “correctness” is present in everything. I was told by the Vienna metro schedule that the operating hours of different lines may differ slightly, this needs to be clarified. And the interval between metro trains in Vienna is slightly longer than in Moscow.

    Austrians believe that their metro is not an expensive pleasure. Let's figure out how much the metro costs in Vienna? One trip will cost €2.2. But buy single ticket We didn't intend to. I was interested in the travel pass option. A metro pass in Vienna is not only convenient, but also significantly more economical than individual tickets. We count from the time of the first entrance to the metro: for a day (24 hours) - €7.6, for two days (48 hours) - €13.3, for three days (72 hours from the moment of the first entrance) - €16.5 . Moreover, these metro passes are valid for any type of public transport: buses, trams, and commuter trains on the "S" lines.

    By the way, this is our metro station, let's go sightseeing in Vienna

    The trailers themselves, note rush hour! Compare with Moscow...

    If you plan to actively use public transport in Vienna, then you definitely need to buy a pass. Just be sure to validate it the first time you enter (validating machines are installed at the entrance to the metro) and do not lose your ticket while using it. Sometimes there are inspectors in subway cars, but we didn’t come across them. But the fine for traveling without a ticket is just over $100 per person. And if there are four of you, and you either forgot to validate the tickets at the entrance or cannot find them, the fine will be more than 400 €, however! And if you do not pay immediately, then within three days the fine increases by 30 percent.

    How to buy a metro ticket in Vienna?

    There are ticket vending machines at every station. The selection menu has Russian! Everything is very simple, so buying a metro ticket in Vienna is no more difficult than in Moscow. We chose the two-day option, which means it will be valid for 48 hours from the first entry.
  4. I don’t really understand what the problem is with Russifying a ticket sales machine if it’s a regular computer with a touch screen. Otherwise, in the Netherlands, Russian letters cannot be found during the day.
  5. Sanctions are to blame!

    The city is both clean and beautiful. I looked at the population - 1.5–1.8 million people have been living there for a hundred years. No demographic shocks.

  6. St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna

    St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna is a landmark and symbol of all of Austria. The cathedral was built in gothic style, height itself high tower more than 130 meters. The cathedral looked like it does now in the 16th century.

    The place where many people begin their acquaintance with the city is St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. The history of the Cathedral began back in 1137, when the Austrian ruler of that time, Leopold XIV, laid the first stone at the foundation. But the first building was destined to burn down, this happened two hundred years later. On the site of the burnt church, a new one was built and consecrated. The day of the consecration of the church is celebrated today on April 23. Austrian rulers replaced each other, and the construction of the church continued for several centuries. Today, the restoration of the Cathedral is being actively carried out. The fact is that lime walls are very susceptible to destruction. Restorers closely monitor this process, sometimes replacing individual coverings or sculptures on the facade.

    Located in the very center of the Austrian capital, the cathedral is beautiful both outside and inside. The interior is decorated with various sculptures, stained glass windows and religious mosaics, and art objects. Under the cathedral is the tomb of the Austrian rulers and their loved ones. Large Austrian church officials are still buried there. The true decoration of the cathedral is the largest organ in Austria. And the only bell installed above the cathedral is one of the largest in Europe. There are observation platforms on the towers of St. Stephen's Cathedral.

    Stefansplatz itself.

    St. Stephen's Cathedral, address:

    The famous Vienna Cathedral is located in central region on Stefansplatz street, building 1. Getting to the Cathedral is very easy. You need to get to the very central Vienna metro station Stephansplatz and follow the signs to the city.

    St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, opening hours:

    The cathedral opens unusually early in the morning and closes late in the evening.
    Opening hours are from 6 am to 10 pm.
    On Sundays and holidays The cathedral opens a little later, from 7 am. On Sundays, people flock to the Cathedral to listen to Sunday Mass.

    St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, official website:

  7. Plague Column Vienna

    Another landmark of Vienna on the city square near St. Stephen's Cathedral is the Plague Column or the Plague Monument in Vienna.

    Europe, in principle, suffered greatly from the plague, and Vienna lost a third of its population from this plague scourge. In the Middle Ages, medicine was powerless against the plague, and sanitary and hygienic standards of life were far from modern standards. And people had only one hope in the Lord God. And when the epidemic subsided, people erected such plague columns as gratitude. In 1678, the plague was raging in Europe. The first wooden Plague Column in Vienna did not help at this place; the epidemic took over the entire city. The new stone column took more than ten years to build. Gradually, the epidemic receded, and at the beginning of Graben Street in the center of the Austrian capital, a composition in the Baroque style with a statue of the Virgin Mary remained standing, as a thank you to the Lord for deliverance from the plague.

    From the square in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral we walk along Kärntnerstrasse. The street is wide, on both sides there are shops, cafes, souvenir shops. Beautiful, of course. But in principle, it’s just a central street; it feels like there are a lot of tourists. At the end of Kärntnerstrasse on the right we see the building of the Vienna Opera House.

  8. Opera House in Vienna

    The Opera House in Vienna is well known among music lovers and connoisseurs; it had the status of a court theater even during the ruling Habsburg dynasty. The building was built in 1861. And the acoustic capabilities of the hall are still recognized today as one of the best in the world.
    The opera house offers tours for tourists. You can get acquainted with the interior and even see how the scenery is being assembled for the upcoming performance. Tours are held daily and last about an hour.

    Ticket prices for performances vary greatly: from several tens to several hundred or thousand euros per ticket. You also need to know that the letters indicate the categories of performances: A - the most expensive productions, where stars of the opera stage participate, B - these are medium in price: the main part of the repertoire, C - for lovers of light performances, tickets here are the cheapest. There is an opportunity to save on tickets. To do this, you need to approach the opera house one hour before the performance. At this time, cheap (2.5 €) tickets are “thrown away”. These tickets are for standing room, their number is limited. And, judging by the reviews, it is better to come for standing tickets not an hour in advance, but two or five, it depends on the popularity of the performance.

    But during the warm period, from May to October, there is an opportunity to see what is happening on the stage of the opera house on the big screen right here, next to the building. To do this, seats are installed in front of the large screen.

    By the way, there is paid parking next to the theater, so arriving by car should not be a problem...

    Opera House in Vienna, official website

    The season at the Vienna Opera is long, almost ten months. The repertoire includes many different musical works. In general, Vienna and music are two inseparable concepts. Sounds and melodies classical music accompany you everywhere. Even on the rides in Vienna's Prater Park, classical music is played before turning on the speed or starting the most “scary” part of the test.

    Brahms, Schubert, and Haydn lived and created their great works in Vienna. Mozart in Vienna is actually national symbol. The words of the Austrian anthem are set to Mozart's music from the Masonic Cantata. I read that Mozart was one of the Freemasons. The city even preserves the house where the great composer lived. He is next to, through the arch. Mozart in his letters called Vienna the most the best city peace. In Vienna, hotels, liqueurs, perfumes and even Mozart candies are associated with the name of Mozart. These chocolates, syrup and mixed nuts were created a hundred years after the composer's death, at the end of the 19th century.

    I also cannot help but mention Johann Strauss, an Austrian composer. We are most familiar with Strauss's waltzes. Viennese waltz, Viennese waltzes are quite stable phrases. Strauss's waltzes are performed at the opera house in Vienna during an important social event - the Vienna Ball. How important this event is can be judged by the fact that even the President of Austria may be present. And there is even a rehearsal for this grandiose performance. Men in tailcoats, ladies in beautiful ball gowns. Austrians of any income buy ball gowns to attend one of the string of balls. From the beginning of November until the end of winter, such events take place throughout Vienna, but the most important is the Vienna Opera Ball. So, dresses can be bought both in a cool boutique and in local second-hand ballrooms, for every taste and budget. People from different countries.

  9. City Hall in Vienna

    After visiting the building of the Vienna Opera House, we headed to one interesting place, which was suggested to us by the landlady. We didn’t include it in the Vienna inspection program for three days, because we simply didn’t know about it.

    So, we go down the metro to Karlplatz station. The entrance is opposite the Opera House. We're going to the Town Hall. It is located in the central district of Vienna - the Inner City, metro station Rathaus, line U2. And back to the center from the Town Hall we took tram number 1, the stop is next to the Town Hall, across the park, there is no need to cross the road.

    The City Hall building in Vienna, built at the end of the 19th century, is a striking example of neo-Gothic architecture. At the top there is a figure of a standard-bearer guard in appropriate ammunition and armor, 3.5 meters high. By the way, the City Hall in Vienna does not belong to the church. The city burgomaster (mayor) works here, and members of parliament and the municipal council sit here. Completely social events are held in the interior spaces - concerts, exhibitions, receptions, balls. There is even a restaurant in the Town Hall building. It is aimed more at tourists, with prices like this: apple strudel and coffee 8 euros.

    It turns out that since 1991, almost every day in the warm season at 21.00 near the Vienna Town Hall, musical films, opera and ballet performances and other works of art have been shown on a large 23 m wide screen installed right next to the Town Hall.

    These events attract local residents, and city guests. The shows are different every day. We had a hard time finding free places in the established summer amphitheater on the street. Moreover, many, even if there are free seats, sit specifically on the grass. I honestly don’t know the name of the operetta that was broadcast on the screen, and it was in German.

    I just looked and caught the atmosphere that filled this place. The audience is completely different: from students in appearance to intelligent, gray-haired elderly couples. Well, the sales area here is smart. Immediately behind the amphitheater there is a park with fountains - Rathauspark, where various cafes set up their tents, and the air smelled of sausages, coffee and beer. This is the smell of Austria.

    Such performances at the Town Hall are very comfortable, and this is exactly what you need to see in the evening in Vienna. And in winter, one of the oldest Christmas markets and an ice skating rink operates in front of the Town Hall.

    In the evening, in the apartment, we caught ourselves thinking that familiar melodies of classical music were spinning in our heads. How else? Music is everywhere in Vienna.

Charming Vienna

So, you have arrived in Vienna, and most likely landed at Vienna Airport, located in the town of Schwechat. The journey to Vienna is approximately 30 minutes.

How to get to Vienna from Schwechat Airport

If no one meets you. You take a taxi (the cost of travel to the city is approximately 40-45 euros) or you can use regular buses, which follow to 3 points in Vienna:
- Morzinplatz/Schwedenplatz. Departure from the airport at 01:20 at night, at 02:50 at night, then from 04:50 - every 30 minutes until nightfall. Travel time is 20 minutes.
- Westbahnhof (via Vienna Meidling Station). Departure from the airport at 6 am to 24:00, every 30 minutes. Travel time to the station. Vienna Meidling – 30 minutes, to the western station – 45 minutes.
- Donaumarina, Hotel Hilton Danube, Kaisermuhlen Vienna Int. Centre, Julius-Payer-Gasse, Donauzentrum, Kagraner Brucke. Departure from the airport at 07:10 am until 20:10, every hour. Travel time is from 17 to 42 minutes.

You will probably stay in a hotel that you booked back in Russia.
Do you know where you want to stay? (Vienna hotels)

If you are visiting Vienna for a short time, we offer a program that allows you to see the sights in three days...
By the way: having a Vienna ticket, you can take advantage of many benefits.

What is a must-see in Vienna? For example in 3 days...

Day 1: Romantic Imperial City

Very detailed map of the city center, with the location of the main attractions...

Before lunch: Getting to know the city
Start your stay in Vienna with a tour. Is waiting for you sightseeing bus, operating on a “hop-on-hop-off” system, which allows you to get on and off exactly where you find it interesting. Stops are located at the main attractions of the city.

Or take a guided walk through the old town to see old houses and tranquil courtyards, wander through idyllic alleys and immerse yourself in times gone by. Then experience the splendor of a bygone era at the Hofburg Palace - the Treasury with the Imperial Crowns, the Imperial Apartments and the Silver and Cutlery Collection. Or take a look at the State Opera House, visit the Tomb of the Emperors in the crypt of the Capuchin Church, or visit one of the symbols of Vienna - St. Stefan.
For lunch, try Viennese cuisine in one of the small restaurants, so-called "beiseli", in the old part of the city; In summer, the best place is to go to the "schanigarten", as in Vienna they usually call the tables of an open-air restaurant. Some hotels in Vienna also offer very good Viennese cuisine.

Afternoon: Imperial Splendor
Spend half a day on Schönbrunn: visit the palace, the former summer residence of the Habsburgs, with its luxurious rooms.

Wander through the spacious Palace Park. View the magnificent carriages from the Historic Carriage Collection. Or admire exotic plants in the Palm Conservatory. On Glorieta you can have a cup of coffee while enjoying stunning views of the city.
This was our first trip to Austria and its capital - Vienna. Since Vienna is full of attractions and museums, you should plan at least a week to explore it. We only had 3 full days

, during which we were able to walk around the historical center and look into a couple of museums.

I must admit that I was not prepared for the fact that there are so many places to see and visit in Vienna. I received basic information about Vienna on the official website of Viennese tourism I looked at the list of attractions, prices for entrance tickets, opening hours of museums and the calendar of events. We didn’t have any booklets or guides for Vienna; I expected to pick them up at the information center upon arrival. Vienna centers tourist information

located at the airport, at the railway station, we went to the central one at Albertinaplatz. The most useful thing we managed to get was a map of Vienna and a magazine in Russian, “Vienna Now or Never.” If you are traveling to Vienna for the first time, it is better to sightsee systematically. To walk around the historical center of Vienna, use my map with descriptions. Walking routes in Vienna 2 routes for 2 days. The number of monumental buildings in Vienna is amazing. The Austrian Empire in its heyday created real masterpieces of architecture. Most of them are built around the perimeter "» - Garden Ring Ringstrasse street

. You can go around this ring by tourist tram or, as we did, by two regular city trams (No. 1 and No. 2 with a transfer). For trips around Vienna and sightseeing, I advise you to buy Vienna card . We had one like this tourist map

for 3 days (72 hours). I considered the benefits of using it in the article Vienna Card or Vienna Public Transport Pass? In addition to architecture,. Here you will have to choose, since visiting large museums takes a lot of time, and entrance tickets are not cheap. We chose the Belvedere and the Sigmund Freud Museum. Initially, I wanted to spend more time in parks and outside, but we were unlucky with the weather - half of our stay in Vienna was raining and strong winds were blowing. In such cases, a trip to the museum becomes especially desirable.

Gazebo consists of 2 parts: Upper and Lower. We bought a combined ticket. It seemed to me that all the most interesting things are in the Upper Belvedere. Particular attention is drawn to the room with the famous painting by Gustav Klimt “The Kiss”. This painting is displayed on a separate completely black wall, the gold colors shine against this background. I love the impressionists, so it was interesting to see paintings by Monet and Van Gogh. We bought a fan with a fragment of a Klimt painting in a museum store.

Sigmund Freud Museum is located in his former Viennese apartment. I wanted to go to this museum because I studied the theory of psychoanalysis at the Faculty of Psychology of the University. When the Nazis entered Vienna, Freud, being a Jew, was forced to leave for England. He took the entire contents of his apartment with him to London. Freud traveled a lot; in one of the rooms there are excerpts from his letters home from different countries. At the entrance to the museum they give an audio guide, there is a Russian language.

Among the sights of Vienna, the most memorable visit was Karlskirche. Admission ticket Quite expensive (€10.00), but we had a 50% discount with the Vienna Card. Inside you can climb to the very top, to the frescoes. There is an elevator built right in the middle of the church, and a staircase leads from the top platform to the dome.

Another one interesting church - Peterskirche. On weekdays at 15:00 it gives free organ concerts. We came and listened to the organ and choir for an hour. Donations are left at the exit (optional), but I think this is a mandatory thank you for the wonderful concert, you can donate any amount at your discretion. I really liked it.

From what else must do in Vienna: drink coffee with Zaher cake, have lunch in Heuriger, try ice cream in Eissalon.

3 days is very little for Vienna. I would like to come again and not rush anywhere.

Its history is surprisingly rich. The Romans, barbarians, and knights brought special notes to the sound of Vienna. This European capital has been through a lot. All this was reflected in her image, which is captured in the photo by each of her guests.

Graceful park ensembles, museums, galleries - these are not all that make up the flavor of the ancient place. Vienna managed to preserve its identity. Thanks to the diverse opera houses, solemn churches, monumental avenues, elegant squares, the city amazes with its richness. However, even such a multifaceted Vienna could not avoid standards and stereotypes. The city is often associated with coffee, schnitzel and apple strudel. On the streets of the city there are many cozy cafes offering these delicacies. This European capital is often associated with the names of Strauss and Mozart. However, this is precisely what brings special charm and sophistication to her image.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Vienna?

The climate of Vienna is called subalpine, that is, temperate. Summer here is quite long and hot. As for the winter months, they are cold. Vienna traditionally receives a lot of snow. However, a peculiar business card European capital is the predominance of winds.

Concerning tourist season, then, according to reviews from travelers, it starts in April. Its duration is quite long - until mid-autumn. It is believed that the best time to walk around Vienna, explore its streets and see its sights is in early autumn or late spring.

Prices for tours to Vienna

When going to Vienna, it is worth considering that the cost of the tour may vary. It all depends on the season. Naturally, during the high season, ticket prices will be slightly more expensive. Many tourists look for hot deals, but using them is not always profitable. Early booking- this is the most acceptable option. It allows you to find the most profitable flights, calmly pack your suitcase, complete all the documents and choose a hotel room.

Types of recreation. What to do in Vienna?

Vienna is unique place. Thousands of tourists come here every year not only to see with their own eyes the ancient sights, the history of which goes back several centuries. Shopping in the Austrian capital is especially profitable. Once in this city, around the boutiques and shopping centers Even those travelers who are indifferent to new things are definitely worth a stroll.

Deserves special attention local kitchen. When you come to Vienna on vacation, you shouldn’t deny yourself tasting traditional Austrian delicacies.


Vienna has many shops. You can buy luxury items there. Brand boutiques are concentrated within the Graben, Lohlmarkt, Karntner Strasse. Other streets full of boutiques and sales centers include Landstra, Favoritenstra, Mariahilfer and Meidlinger Hauptstra. Design outlets are located on Margaretenstrasse. The Samstag boutique is especially popular among young people.

Antique lovers can find a lot of interesting things in the Dorotheum. It is considered the largest auction house in Europe.

Gastronomic tourism

Vienna's calling card is rich coffee. All bars, restaurants and cafes serve the most unusual varieties of tart drink. To experience the entire culinary flavor of the city, it is worth visiting a local sandwich shop. The ancient spirit of Trzesniewski is indescribable. It's also worth checking out the shanigartens. These open cafes have a special charm. Staying there is incredibly relaxing.

Culinary tourism is incomplete without taking a look at the heurigers. These city restaurants are presented in the format of wine taverns. Many of them are located on the outskirts, as well as in the areas of Stammersdorf and Grinzing.

Vienna is a city full of attractions. Once here, you shouldn't stay in hotel apartments, although local hotels quite up to the level of decorating the city. Numerous sightseeing tours tours of the Austrian capital will be unforgettable. It will seem difficult to get around all these objects during one trip of standard duration.

Beaches and their types

There are many beaches in the capital of Austria. The oldest of them is called “Gänsehäufel”. It is located on the old Danube. Many beaches are located on the Danube Island. They are all different. Among them there are pebble, sandy, and even grassy ones. However, they all differ in convenience and coziness.

Here you can rent a boat, surfing equipment, and a pedalo. Vienna's beaches are also equipped with restaurants and cafes. By the way, there is also a nudist beach in the Austrian capital.

The sandy beach is located not in the capital itself, but in Baden. It is not just a recreational facility, but a whole complex of entertainment.

Sights of Vienna

Since the Austrian capital has a long history, it offers travelers a special perspective. Here you will find it interesting to take a look at the numerous museums, galleries and theaters. Each of the attractions is unique and has a special history. It is not surprising that tourists who have once visited Vienna return here again to explore every corner of the city.


The luxurious and sophisticated palace complex is located in the heart of Vienna. It was built in the 18th century as summer residence famous commander. The complex was created in the spirit of exquisite Baroque. It is decorated with a marble gallery and luxurious frescoes. The palace has luxurious apartments, a classic stable and a huge hall.

Vienna Woods

Visit Vienna Woods assumes large-scale excursion route. It involves a visit to the Cistercian monastery, Lichtenstein ( medieval castle), the village of Mayerling, where there is a hunting lodge belonging to the Habsburg dynasty. You can also explore the Helenenthal valley and take a walk along the underground lake.


The key attraction of Vienna is the Hofburg. This is the residence of the Habsburgs, which they visited in winter. Today, this landmark is designated as the official residence of the current president of the country. The complex is striking in its scale. On the territory of the residence there are 2,600 rooms, apartments and halls. What’s remarkable is that modern tourists can admire the iconic landmark in almost its original form, which has survived to this day since the 19th century.


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