There is a pillar reaching to the sky, And on it is a tent - a canopy, A pillar of red copper. Riddles about the New Year tree, garlands and toys There is a pillar to the sky

“Stars in the sky” - Let's look at the electric stove. The starry sky is mysterious and mysterious. The work of our astronomers was excellent. Stars”, which is filled in by the end of the lesson. So are the stars. Misha Karnyushin will introduce you to the next constellation. -And this is what a star map looks like. As you can see, it is very important for people to know what is happening on the Sun.

“Metal copper” - The role of bronze was especially great. The main role of copper in plant and animal tissues is participation in enzymatic catalysis. First, Cu2O oxide is formed, then CuO oxide. The simple substance copper is a beautiful pinkish-red ductile metal. Sea water contains approximately 1·10-8% copper. The ingestion of copper salts into the body leads to various human diseases.

"Copper Chemistry" - Products. Granulated silver. Application of copper. Thermal conductivity. Ni Al Cu Mg Li. “Copper” - from the Latin “medalino” - mine. Introduction of a new topic. Self-propelled cutter. The ore is fed to the processing plant. "Copper". Structure. Plastic. Plan. Nickel plant. Copper nuggets. Nickel shot.

“Pillars Reserve” - Grandfather. Most of the plantings were selectively felled in the 40-50s. The raccoon dog is acclimatized. Purpose of creation. Lion Gate. The fauna of the reserve is not rich. Flora. In total, 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been recorded. Among the 8 forest-forming species, pine (41%) and fir (28%) predominate.

“Celestial Sphere” - March 21 is the day of the vernal equinox. Horizontal coordinates. Equatorial coordinates. Celestial sphere. December 22 is the winter solstice. Celestial meridian. S is the south point. Axis of the world. R - North Pole peace. Elements of the celestial sphere. Vernal equinox point. Azimuth varies: from 0° to 360°.

“Starry sky around the world” - When do stars appear in the sky? By size. To be continued. All stars visible from Earth are included in constellations. Constellation map. The vast starry world. Content: Universe or Space. Scientists count 88 constellations. And temperature. How do we see stars? Huge fireballs. What are stars?

1. The five brothers are inseparable,
They are never bored together
They work with a pen
Saw, spoon, axe.

2. We stand on them and dance.
Well, if we order them,
They carry us running.
Tell me, what are their names?

3. The potty is smart
Seven holes in it.

4. They were sewn well from leather,
Now we can walk in them.
And along the slushy road -
Our feet won't get wet.

5. And it shines and glitters,
It doesn't flatter anyone
And he will tell anyone the truth -
Everything will be shown to him as it is.

6. The little pebbles hid
In furry bags:
Four together
One on a pole.

7. I was walking along the road,
I found two roads
Yes, I went to both.

8. I’m sitting on horseback,
I don't know who
I'll meet an acquaintance -
I'll jump off and pick you up.
(A cap).

9. If I put it on, it will bring the rim together,
If I take it off, it will fall like a snake,
Doesn't provide warmth
It's cold without him.

10. Surrounded by a stone belt
Hundreds of cities and villages.

11. Pout, don’t pout,
Go over your head
Dance all day long
And you will go to rest.

12. Amazing carriage –
Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he
He holds them with his hands.

13. Wonderful house - runner,
On your eight legs
Day after day on the road.
Runs along the alley
Along two steel snakes.

14. You ask the driver:
He'll get you there in no time
To a precisely specified area.

15. Crowded, noisy, young.
The city rumbles underground,
And at home with people here
They are running along the street.

16. It has two wheels
And the saddle on the frame,
There are two pedals at the bottom,
They spin them with their feet.

17. Tall trees are longer,
Small blades of grass below.
With her the distances become closer,
And the world opens up with her.

18. The canvas, not the path,
A horse is not a horse - a centipede
It crawls along that road,
She carries the entire train.
(Rails, railway).

19. Doesn't bark, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.

20. It’s not the sea, but it’s worried.
(Niva, grain field).

21. Runs in galoshes
Faster than a horse.

22. Not a bee or a bumblebee, but buzzing,
The wing is motionless, but flies.

23. He lived a long time,
He fed many
Fell - disappeared -
Nobody collected it.

24. It can be deep
It can also be small.
However, this is not a river.
Curious what?

25. I was free-flowing,
Then viscous
Got caught in the fire -
Became soft.

26. Wheat caftans,
There are boars in caftans.

27. Children love it very much
Chill in a bag.
Chill, chill,
Let me lick you once!
(Ice cream).

28. On a spoon
Mitroshka is sitting,
Dangling my legs.
(Pasta, vermicelli).

29. Lives in the sea, in the river,
Often flies across the sky.
How bored she gets of flying -
He falls to the ground again.

30. What is poured into the frying pan?
Yes, they bend it four times?

31. The ring is not simple,
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy,
For everyone to enjoy...
What a delicious meal!

32. Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch
Adults love me
And little children.

33. Not a root, but in the ground;
Not bread, but on the table;
And seasoning for food,
And control over microbes.

34. Thick and yellow-skinned,
Spends his entire life lying down.

35. Blue uniform,
Yellow lining
And in the middle it’s sweet.

36. Turnips sister
It's sharp on the tongue.

37. Berries are not sweetness,
But it’s a joy to the eye,
And the gardens are a decoration,
And the blackbirds have a treat.

38. Three sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns red,
The other one turns white
The third one turns black.

39. There was a green leaf -
Became black, languid,
The leaf was jagged -
The leaf became tubular.
He was on Lozin -
He stood in the store.

40. No arms, no legs,
Crawling onto the batog.

41. Ermoshka is sitting
On one leg
He has a hundred clothes on,
And all without fasteners.

42. The red boot is burning in the ground.

43. Grandfather laughs
His fur coat is shaking.

44. Yegor lies under the boundary,
Covered with a green veil.

45. Yellow chicken
Sulks under the tyne.

46. ​​Worth a freak
In the middle of the garden
Evil for everyone
And everyone is nice.

47. I'm like the sun
And I love the sun
I turn after the sun
I head my own.

48. Round, not a ball,
With a tail, not a mouse,
Yellow like honey
But the taste is not the same.

49. Grandfather is sitting
Dressed in seven fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

50. There is a pillar to heaven,
And on it is a tent-canopy;
Chiseled red copper pillar,
And the canopy is through, green.

51. Red cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day long,
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun.

52. On the field there is a pipe
Yes, a brush.
There is cereal on the shelf
Yes, a bowl.

53. In spring – green and fluffy,
In summer it is yellow and ruffy.

54. They planted a seed,
We raised the sun.

55. In the field by the path
Earrings are swinging
And each one is gold,
Pinned on a branch.

56. The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail,
All you need is a red nose.

57. I’m growing up to everyone’s surprise,
Tall, slender, beautiful.
I hide it in light gloves
Golden cobs.

58. A girl is standing in the rye -
Green skirt;
And the head is white,
It was like being in a mill.

59. In an open field - not in a forest
I’ll save some twigs:
So that the family gets dressed,
To eat deliciously
To keep the house warm.

60. Black, small crumb,
They'll collect a little
They will cook in the water,
Whoever eats it will be praised.

61. The light-light entered the damp earth,
I found a blue hat.
Grew from the ground -
The whole world dressed.

62. Like in a field on a mound
There is a chicken with earrings.

63. They beat me, they beat me,
They cut, they turn,
But I still endure
And I cry with all good things.
(The land is arable).

64. Usan lives in a field -
The mustache is longer than itself.
While young -
Golden mustache,
And how will it grind -
The color will change.

65. In the field there is a stamen -
Golden top.

66. Fedosya stands -
Hair disheveled.

67. What a lady,
Very pretty:
Sits on a spoon
Dangling legs.

68. The child is wrapped up
A hundred diapers.

69. Both red and sour -
She grew up in a swamp.

70. In spring – bleached,
In summer - green,
In autumn - red-hot,
In winter - vaunted.

71. Alyonka is sitting
In a red shirt;
Who is walking by -
Everyone will bow.

72. Dressed like a hedgehog,
And it crawls like a snake.

73. Green on top,
Red below
It has grown into the ground.

74. It grew - red,
Blossomed - white,
And he removed the grain -
Almost black.

75. Many hands,
And one leg.

76. It grows in spring,
Blooms in summer
In autumn it crumbles,
In winter he sleeps.
And the flower is like honey,
Treats the flu
Coughing and wheezing.

77. Bright, sweet, poured,
The cover is all gold.
Not from a candy factory
And from distant Africa.

78. Leaves – with gloss,
Berries - with blush,
And the bushes themselves -
Not higher than a hummock.

79. Green berries,
And praised by everyone;
Grow with bones
Hanging with tassels.

80. Round, like a ball,
Red as blood
Tastes like honey.

81. "Cat grass" -
Correction for patients:
Spine for the first aid kit
To help the heart.

82. There is a lasso on the knot
Holding a suitcase.
The lid opened -
Everything unraveled.

83. Grows by the river
Buckwheat brother,
Only with bitterness
Only with pepper;
He will put out the pain,
And it will dry out the cut.
(Knotweed, knotweed, bird buckwheat).

84. What kind of fruit? –
A box with a secret,
The seeds look like glass.
All transparent, all pink.
You'll shake it - how strange it doesn't sound.

85. Sticks out like a bump
Round like a barrel
Looks like oak,
It tastes like honey.

86. There is a crooked and horned root,
Rich in healing power.
And maybe two centuries
He's waiting for a man
In the thicket of the forest,
Under the cedar pine.

87. Famous around the area
Green beauty:
A sundress is like a bell,
Dragging along the ground,
Hat - with edge,
With a sharp tip.

88. The girl came out to marvel at the spring,
They sat down in a crowd just above the water:
Feet are swimming in the river,
Hands splash in the water,
The hair falls from the shoulders,
The earrings hang and sway.

89. I crawled out of the tiny barrel,
Sent roots and grew up,
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small.

90. Caught on twigs
"Magpie glasses" -
Black heart,
Red layering,
At the top there are clusters,
And below are nails.

91. They came to us with melons
Striped balls.

92. There is fruit in the garden,
He's sweet like honey
Blush like a roll,
But not round like a ball -
It's right under your leg
Pull it out a little.

93. The dress is lost - the buttons remain.

94. In the spring of Mother I am in a colored dress,
Stepmother in winter - in a shroud alone.
(Bird cherry).

95. Spring blooms,
In summer I bear fruit,
I don’t fade in the fall,
I don't die in winter.
(Fur tree, pine tree).

96. The pillars stand white,
Their hats are green.

97. Not my dear mother,
And she gave me a gift.
(Apple tree).

98. Soft, not fluffy,
Green, not grass.

99. They fly, spin,
They lie down on the ground.
They don't get up from the ground
And then they disappear.
(Tree leaves).

100. It has grown and grown,
It came out of the bushes,
Spun at the tip
The red girls loved it.

101. Moved at the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
He took off and flew away.

102. Over the water, over the water
Standing with a red beard.

103. Nobody scares, but everyone trembles

104. Forest grass - carved foliage,
Doesn't boast about branches
But he is proud of his ancestors -
The mighty giants
With dense crowns.

105. Big-eyed, toothy,
The tail wags,
It hunts in the ocean.

106. I am a fish. But if I admit it,
Then by weight I can
Don't be afraid to compete
And with a shark it’s fine.

107. Who deftly jumps through the trees
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter?

108. Above the flowering fields
I don't get tired of flying.
In the dark sky in the evenings
I sing well with my tail.

109. Water masters
They build a house without an axe.
House of brushwood and mud
And a dam.

110. It’s like a glider is flying down,
Living creatures, picking up carrion.
Champion and tall.
Name that bird!
(Bearded man).

111. I like the dense forest,
I became friends with him forever,
But on branches, but on twigs,
I never sit down.

112. Gray bird,
Small bird,
You always turn your neck
Is there a need for this?

113. He looks like a shepherd.
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack the sheep!

114. All my life I carry two humps,
I have two stomachs!
But every hump is not a hump, it’s a barn!
There's enough food in them for seven days!

115. Just before the bad weather,
Before the rain pours,
Rushing river water
I'm starting to feel sick.

116. I love to sing in the dawn silence
And I am in love with my song.
So I don't hear anything
Whenever I start drinking.

117. Early in the morning, hot afternoon,
Just before evening
My tail flashes brightly
Golden light.

118. He wanders importantly through the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds.

119. On a day both clear and unclear,
Climbing into the wilderness and shadow,
What kind of animal is its coloring
Does it change many times a day?

120. He's not averse to the chicken coop
Host all night.
Who could guess
What kind of predatory animal is this?

121. I am with the February burning wind
I'm in a hurry to fly around my region.
Seven multi-colored vests
I always wear it on myself.

122. Not a person, but talking.

123. A bird flies from above
And there are plenty of chickens below.

124. White bird
Circling over the sea.

125. She had a saw in her mouth.
She lived under water.
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
And now she’s fallen into the cauldron.

126. Runs among the stones,
You can't keep up with her.
He grabbed the tail, but - ah! –
She ran away with the tail in her hands.

127. Sometimes in the forest, sometimes in the middle of a grove
With a snort I fly up -
And then I look very much
To the sparkling fireworks.

128. Two antennas on the top of the head,
And she sits in the hut,
He carries her on himself,
It crawls very slowly.

129. I live in warm waters,
Born and raised in them.
Of all the earth's animals
I have a bird's nose.

130. Surprising the clucks of tap dancers,
Jays, orioles, black whales, tits,
Fashionable hairstyle
Only I wear birds.

131. The snake and I are terribly similar,
We're both blacker than coal
It's all curling up, I'm curling too,
Guess who I am?

132. Lives in the forest,
Hoots like a robber.
People are afraid of him
And he's afraid of people
Silent during the day, screams at night.

133. He has little wool,
But among the polar ice
His fat is like a blanket
Protects from cold weather.

134. Less tiger, more cat,
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger!

135. Lies under the fence
And wags his tail
Or even in a dirty puddle -
And it doesn’t bother me at all.

136. He doesn’t mind sleeping all day long,
But as soon as night comes,
He sparkles and sings,
He doesn't let people sleep.

137. The back is greenish,
The tail is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

138. He comes every year
To where the house awaits.
He can sing other people's songs,
But it still has its own voice.

139. Let me be a small bird,
I, friends, have a habit -
When the cold starts,
Straight from the north - here.

140. Flies all night -
Gets mice
And it will become light -
Flies into a hollow.

141. I don’t like to live idle,
At five o'clock I get up:
Then I plant cedars with my beak,
Those are oaks in a deep forest.

142. She rewarded everyone, but ruined everything.

143. Even though I look like a bird,
I'm not familiar with heights.
There are wings, but only still
I always walk.

144. The little animal is jumping,
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.

145. I love to rush like an arrow,
I strive to outrun all the birds!
But I can't get up from the ground,
If I just land.

146. I am alone in the vast seas
I'm not afraid to brag
Because I am healthy fat
I share with people the most.

147. I am the most thrifty of all:
I, friends, have a cheek
Like a nut bag
Or, say, a duffel bag.

148. - Why are you, my friend, prickly?
- This is me just in case:
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears.

149. Who is wearing a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking.

150. At the zoo, in the stillness of the waters
A white bird is swimming.
Her look, the arch of her back -
Everything about her is of wondrous beauty.

151. A ball rolls through the forest,
He has a prickly side
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

152. Not a bird, but with wings.

153. He is tall and spotted
With a long, long neck.
And he eats leaves -
Tree leaves.

154. He builds his nest in the field,
Where do plants grow?
His songs and flight
Entered into poems.

155. Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

156. Hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are many legs,
But he can’t run

157. There is a rope lying down,
The cheat hisses.
It's dangerous to take it -
It will bite. Clear?

158. Without hearing the ocean water,
Not knowing the expanse of the sea,
In the distant African steppe
The sea vest is frolicking.

159. Bearded, maned, hardy,
I’ll bend the willow into an arc in an instant.
And throw up the stump with your horns
I can do it higher than a tree.

160. Through the sea-ocean
A miracle giant is swimming,
Hiding my mustache in my mouth,
They stretched it out for a mile.

161. The pike would immediately suffocate
Without water on the shore,
I'm in an empty pan
I can live for a day or two.

162. Not motors, but noise,
They are not pilots, but they fly,
Not snakes, but stings.

163. The fanged beast,
Instead of legs - flippers,
The tail drags on the ice,
The beast is not afraid of frost!

164. I work in an artel
At the roots of a shaggy spruce.
I drag a log over the hills -
It's bigger than a carpenter.

165. Is it winter or autumn outside?
In the depths of the native river
We wear vests proudly
Like dashing sailors.

166. Two, three kilometers
I rise and spin.
From this enormous height
I can even see a mouse.

167. This is what an obsession is:
Of the animals we are the only ones
From childhood, from birth,
As one, we are all mute.

168. Without opening the beak at all,
In the joyful circle of birds,
Just inflating my throat,
I can sing better than anyone.

169. What kind of bird is this circling?
Near the herd by the swamps?
The mouth - the net is not at all narrower -
The midge is filled with fear!

170. Who is jumping there, rustling,
Does it gut pine cones with its beak?
In a clear, clear voice -
- Cool! Cool! Cool! - sings with a whistle.

171. Having adopted the custom from birds,
I'm in the river grass thick
I'm building my nest like a bird,
Under high water.

172. He walks around arrogantly, puffing himself up.
(Turkey, turkey).

173. Quick jump,
Warm fluff
Red eye.

174. What kind of bird -
Doesn't sit on eggs
Snooping around other people's nests,
Doesn't he know his children?

175. I’ll eat a worm, drink some water,
I'll look for bread crumbs,
And then I'll lay an egg,
I'll treat the kids.

176. Our fur is very durable, valuable,
A fur coat has been valued for a hundred years.
He once instead of money
Spread throughout Rus'.

177. I surprise a lot of people
Because I'm in the forest region
Only one of the birds is molting
Your fur coat for the winter.

178. Made a hole,
I dug a hole
The sun is shining
But he doesn't know.

179. People live under water,
Walks backwards.

180. He will weave, he will weave,
He sits and waits for prey.

181. The fisherman stood in the water all day,
I filled the bag with fish.
Having finished fishing, he took the catch,
He rose up and was like that.

182. There are musicians in this choir
Everyone is in tailcoats, like dandies,
But the choir sings terribly.
The choir needs a conductor.

183. I drink blood, but I give life.

184. Over the mountains, over the valleys
He wears a fur coat and a caftan.

185. Lives in hot countries,
And in cooler ones - in zoos.
And he is arrogant and boastful,
Because the tail is beautiful.
He admires them himself
And shows us.

186. Tail tucked, I spend the night in the ice,
I can stand any frost.
I'm wandering around the north
In a warm blue fur coat.
(Arctic fox).

187. I wake everyone up on time,
At least I don’t wind the clock.

188. No one has seen him,
And everyone has heard.
Without a body, but lives,
Without a tongue, he screams.

189. The ball is not big
Doesn't tell you to be lazy
If you know the subject,
The whole world will show it.

190. The white pebble melted,
He left marks on the board.

191. Although I’m not a laundress, friends,
I wash it diligently.
(Eraser, eraser).

192. There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
From year to year, from class to class.

193. In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case).

194. Without wings, but flies,
Without a tongue, but speaks.

195. New house I carry it in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

196. How boring, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own.

197. What kind of water is only suitable for reading and writing?

198. Live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

199. In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.

200. Black ink,
How they are strung
Foma stared -
Got smarter.

201. I'll catch a goose,
I'll put you in the water,
I will drive them
He will talk.

202. Guess what kind of thing -
A sharp beak, not a bird,
With this beak she
Sows - sows seeds.
Not in the field, not in the garden -
On the sheets of your notebook.

203. On the ABC book page
Thirty-three heroes.
Every literate person knows.
(ABC, alphabet).

204. Now he gets fat, now he loses weight,
It screams throughout the whole house.

205. Smart Ivashka,
All my life in one shirt,
It will pass along the white field -
Every trace will understand him.

206. Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

207. Grew up in the forest,
There's a sign on the wall,
Cries in my arms,
Whoever listens jumps.

208. Without a face in a guise.

209. Downhill - horses,
There are pieces of wood up the hill.

210. Two stripes on the snow
I leave it on the run.
I fly away from them like an arrow,
And they are after me again.

211. Green meadow,
A hundred benches around.
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets.

212. On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for regimental battles
No cartridges, no bayonets.

213. Oh, there's a lot of snow!
I'm bringing out my friend horse,
For the rope-bridle
I lead him through the yard,
I'm flying down the hill on it,
And I drag him back.

214. There is noise on the mountain,
It's silent under the mountain.

215. Not a beast, not a bird,
The sock is like a knitting needle
It flies and squeaks,
He sits down and is silent.

216. No arms, no legs
It crawls on its belly.

217. A bunch of piglets are lying,
Whoever touches it will scream.

218. In an empty hollow there are a hundred houses, a hundred boilers,
In the middle there is a fair.

219. The carpenters walked without axes,
They cut down the hut without corners.

220. Martin walked,
You see,
I thought a little
He climbed like a cat.
(Beetle and log).

221. A bullet flies, buzzes,
I'm sideways, she's behind me,
I'm in another, she's behind me,
I'll grab it! And what is it?

222. There are many, many threads,
But it won’t roll into a ball,
He won’t sew his own clothes,
But the fabric always weaves.
(Spider and web).

223. Lives in the corner,
Spins yarn
Thinner than his yarn -
You won't find it on sale.
(Spider and web).

224. It curls around the nose,
But it’s not given into your hands.

225. In the fall he will climb into the crack,
And in the spring he will wake up.

226. I didn’t count versts,
I didn’t travel on the roads,
And I've been overseas.

227. Who has a mustache longer than his legs?
(At the cockroach).

228. Not the sun, not fire, but shining.

229. Small but agile,
Wherever he happens, he commands,
He will go into the tent -
The hero will turn over.

230. Flew through the forest,
Fell into the water
Dangling in the water
And it remained dry.

231. I found a ball, broke it,
I saw silver and gold.

232. Scarlet cap,
Non-woven vest,
The caftan is speckled.

233. White as snow,
Puffed up like fur
Walks with shovels
And he eats with horns.

234. Blacksmiths forge in the middle of the trees.

235. Silent during the day,
At night he screams.

236. Pied quack
Catches frogs.

237. Crying in the swamp,
But it doesn’t come from the swamp.

238. Black, agile,
The krak screams, the enemy of worms.

239. Whiter than snow, blacker than soot,
Above the house, below the grass.

240. Front awl,
Behind the wheel,
I'm small myself
And I've been overseas.

241. A rope stretched across the sky.

242. Mother, I don’t know father,
But I often call
I won't know the children
I'll sell it to strangers.

243. Hornless cow,
The forehead is wide, the eyes are narrow,
Doesn't graze in the herd
And it’s not given into your hands.

244. Not a tree, but a bit knotty.
(Deer, his antlers).

245. Under the oak tree, under the leaf
He curled up and curled up into a ball.

246. Matryona sits wet,
She doesn’t speak - she’s still tolerant,
And when the speech begins,
It will take all the frustration.

247. Under the bridge, bridge
A weight with a tail lies
Neither take nor lift,
Not to put it on a cart.

248. At the little cattle
One hundred silver coins on the back.

249. The king called me,
The sovereign called
For dinner, for lunch:
- I'm not that kind of person
I don't walk on the ground
I don't look at the sky
I don't count stars
I don't know people.

250. Princess Olena walked around the city,
I dropped the keys.
I saw the moon, the sun had risen.

251. In the evening it flies to the ground,
Night is coming on earth,
In the morning it flies away again.

252. An owl is flying
Across the blue sky
Wings spread out
The sun was covered up.

253. Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't float
But you can’t walk.

254. Fur coat is new,
There's a hole in the hem.
(Ice hole).

255. Not a precious stone, but glowing.

256. No legs, but walking,
No eyes, but crying.

257. Bulan horses are running,
All the reins are broken,
Neither sit down nor stroke,
Not to hit with a whip.

258. Black sable wool,
The eyes of a falcon are clear.
(Cloud with thunderstorm).

259. The eagle bird is flying,
Brings fire in his teeth
Fires arrows,
Nobody will catch her.

260. The ox shouted to a hundred villages,
For a thousand cities.

261. Knocking loudly,
Screams loudly
And what he says, no one can understand,
And the wise men will not know.

262. First shine,
Then a crash
Behind the crackling is a splash.
(Lightning, thunder, rain).

263. A lanky man walked,
I got stuck in the cheese.

264. Shirt on the street, sleeves in the hut.
(Ray of the sun).

265. Thin, tall
Fell into the sedge
I didn’t come out myself
And he brought the children out.

266. Large, fractional frequent,
He watered the whole earth.

267. The forest has grown, all white,
You can't enter it on foot,
You can't enter on horseback.
(Frosty pattern on the window).

268. The golden bridge spreads
Seven villages, seven miles.

269. Climb through the window,
It will stretch like cloth
You can't drive away with a pestle,
Neither a whip nor a pole.
The time will come -
He will leave on his own.

270. We cry without him,
And how will it appear?
Let's hide.

271. Round face, white face,
Looks in all the mirrors.

272. On the high road
A steep-horned bull is walking,
He sleeps during the day
And the night is watching.

273. Neither to heaven nor to earth.
(Falling star).

274. I’ll look out the window:
Worth a turnip basket,
I'll look into something else:
It's worth the whip with an arc.
(Sky, stars, month).

275. The wolf came
All the people fell silent.
The bright falcon has come,
All the people went.
(Day and night).

276. The bird waved its wing
And covered the whole world with one wing.

277. Born at dawn,
The more I grew,
The smaller it became.

278. The peahen has arrived,
Sat on the lava
Let down her feathers
For any potion.

279. I’ll lay down the matting,
I'll sow peas
I'll put a roll,
No one can take it.
(Sky, stars, month).

280. The mother is angry, but she covered the children
Until the red day, a duvet.

281. She was white and gray-haired,
A green, young one came.

282. From gate to gate
A golden pike lies.
(Ray of the sun).

283. The golden grain scattered by night,
We looked in the morning - there was nothing.
(Stars on the sky).

284. An old man who was one year old came out, waved his sleeve,
And twelve birds flew in,
Each bird has four wings,
Each wing has seven feathers,
Each feather is black on one side and white on the other.
(Year, months, week, days and nights).

285. Annual bush
Every day a leaf drops.
A year will pass -
The entire leaf will fall off.

286. On the throne, wearing a green crown,
The king is sitting in the sunshine,
And the red cheeks shine with importance.
The wind blew, the throne tilted,
The king was surprised and fell off his throne.

287. Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head:
They just hang out in the garden
Green heels.

288. Reed girl, wearing a green headscarf.
The rain is pouring - she is having fun,
Not afraid of rain.

289. These piglets
Grew in the garden:
Pointed noses
Crochet ponytails.

290. My daughter went out into the field,
Thick as a barrel.
A little bunny ran by -
The stump remains.

291. Fat guy Chernomor
I went to Mother Earth,
I found thirty brothers.

292. The golden head is large, heavy,
The golden head lay down to rest:
The head is large, but the neck is thin.

293. A spider dreams at night
Miracle Yudo for a bitch.
Long tail and two wings.
Arrives - things are bad,
Tell us quickly
Who is dangerous to spiders?

294. He spends his whole life at sea,
Although he is not a fish at all.
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
For which we thank him:
It would be cramped on land
From such a huge carcass!

295. The calves are smooth
Tied to the garden bed.

296. I dragged a fox out of its mink by its curly tuft.
It feels very smooth, tastes like sugar, sweet.

297. Turn the circle,
A distant friend will speak.

298. Without wings, without body,
It flew a thousand miles away.

299. There is a button on the head, a sieve in the nose,
One hand, and that one on the back.

300. Without arms, without legs, he crumbles noodles.

301. Doesn’t take anything for himself,
And he gives it to others.

302. Struggling, yelling,
Doesn't let sleepyheads sleep.

303. He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn’t eat anything.

304. There are four legs under the roof,
And on the roof there is soup and spoons.

305. There was a white house,
Wonderful house.
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so
Fluffy and golden.
(Egg and chicken).

306. If only pine trees and ate
They knew how to run and jump,
They would have rushed away from me without looking back.
And they wouldn't meet me again,
Because – I’ll tell you, without bragging,
I am steely and angry, and very toothy...

307. Horns, beard, long hair.

308. A man is lying in a golden caftan,
Belted with a belt, he can’t stand up,
People are raising.

309. I’ve been wearing it for many years, but I don’t know how many.

310. What kind of simpleton lay down on his side at the door?
Does it stop your feet on the threshold, on the road?

311. In the linen country,
On the Prostyn River
The ship is sailing
Back and forth.

312. What goes on without moving?

313. House on legs,
There is a window in the middle.
The window will light up -
A movie will appear.

314. I inhale a lot of dust,
May you be healthy.
(Vacuum cleaner).

315. The Invisible Man
It sits in a box.
He plays all the time
He sings and speaks.

316. In a white chest
We store food on the shelves,
It's hot outside,
There are refrigerators in the chest.

317. Pot-bellied, nosed, sniffled, sniffled
Yes, suddenly he started singing.

318. Will be born with a beard,
Nobody is surprised.

319. I am in the notebook
Oblique and straight;
In its other meaning
I am a drawing plank.
And finally, sometimes
I'll line you up.

320. Under the ice, ice, there is a cup of honey.

321. Not snow, not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees.

322. I stand on a thick leg,
I stand on a smooth leg,
Under the brown hat
With velvet lining.

323. The baby is dancing on one leg. Who is this?

324. Eight legs are like eight arms,
Embroider a circle with silk.
The master knows a lot about silk.
Buy flies, silk.

325. On one finger
The bucket is upside down.

326. Who has one eye during the day,
Is there a lot at night?
(Near the sky).

327. One shepherd tends a thousand sheep.
(Month and stars).

328. There are exactly seven of these brothers.
You all know them.
Every week around
Brothers walk after each other.
The last one will say goodbye -
The front one appears.
(Days of the week).

329. About six legs,
About four wings
Not a beast, not a bird,
And the nose is like a knitting needle.
Who will kill him?
He will shed his blood.

330. How many ears do three mice have?

331. Seven guys on the stairs started playing songs.

332. The chock has two stoves.

333. A flock of birds is resting on five wires.

334. I have workers,
Hunters will help in everything,
A whole dozen
Faithful guys!

335. You can recognize the house without difficulty:
There is water in the four walls
And a crane at the entrance
He distributes water to everyone.
336. Hanging dumb,
Scolds a lazy person.
(Wall newspaper).

337. There is a lawn at our school,
And on it there are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess what!

338. We sit on the bow,
We look at the world
Let's hold on to our ears.

339. The little blue tit dressed the whole world.

340. The animal is about an inch, and the tail is about seven miles.
(Needle and thread).

341. Day sleeps, night watches, dies in the morning, another takes over.

342. The oyster bird looks at the wind, flaps its wings, without moving.

343. She feeds the whole world, but she herself does not eat.

344. The rooster is tall, it’s a lot to bow.

345. They live quietly by the water,
They eat bugs and midges.
They don't harm the kids,
There is no harm from cats.
(Toads, frogs).

346. Grandfather got angry and grabbed hold of grandma.

347. A woman is sitting in the beds, all in patches; whoever looks at her will cry.

348. No windows, no doors, the room is full of people.

349. The empty hen made a nest with a yard, herself in the nest, the egg outside.

350. Small, remote, he went into the ground and found a white book.

351. Small, remote, went into the ground, found little red riding hood.

352. The head is eaten, the body is thrown away, and the skin is worn.

353. The beluga fish wagged its tail: the forests slept, the mountains rose.

354. Around the clock, not a month; green, not an oak forest; with a tail, not a mouse.

355. There is a tree, a Khan’s tree, a Shamakhan dress, angelic flowers, devil’s claws.
(Rose hip).

356. In the underground thistle is shaking its beard.

357. All the corporals threw off their caftans,
One corporal did not take off his caftan.

358. There is a tree: the cry calms, the light instructs, the sick heals.
(Birch: gives tar, splinter and birch bark).

359. One damned tree makes noise without wind.

360. The young lady is wearing forty shirts, the wind is blowing - her back is bare.

361. White as snow, green as an onion, nimble like a demon, and loves the forest.

362. He was neither born nor baptized, but everyone is amazed that the devils are afraid of him.

363. When it flies, it howls, and when it sits, it digs.

364. There are wings - they don’t fly; there are no legs - but you won’t catch up.

365. Eagle wings, elephant trunks, horse breasts, lion legs, copper voice, iron noses; We beat them, and they shed our blood.

366. Sweep, sweep - I won’t sweep; I carry it, I carry it, I can’t bear it: when the time comes, it will go away.

367. We have a basket full of turnips under our window.

368. The black cow conquered the whole world.

369. Blooms without blossom (fern),
stands without an answer (horse),
without roots (stone),
above the forest (month),
more often groves (stars), incessantly (river),
without change (God's will).

370. Three hundred and sixty-five jackdaws, fifty-two falcons, twelve eagles, golden pine, dry poppy seed.

371. There is an old oak tree, and on that old oak tree a spindle bird sits;
no one will catch her: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden.
(Heaven and sun).

In any reference book we will find a simple interpretation of what we call a lighthouse. Of course, this is a structure on the seashore and on the open sea, equipped with a strong source of light to guide passing ships. Lighthouses seem to have the same purpose, but they are all surprisingly different. Each has its own appearance, character, history, its own secret and its own destiny. The fate of the Ladoga lighthouses was determined by the lake itself.

Let's look at the sailing guide: “... from south to north about 115 miles, width 75 miles. Total length coastline is about 620 miles. The area of ​​the lake is 18,400 square kilometers.

The depth in the middle part of the lake is 60-75 meters. In the northern part of the lake, depths of more than one hundred meters prevail... The average number of days with storms in the open part of the lake reaches 3-8 per month, and the wave height is 4-6 meters. The maximum wind speed reaches 34 meters per second..."

Like this: the lake is a match for the sea. That is why on the shores and islands of Ladoga, lighthouses have become loyal friends of captains. In the middle of the last century there were only five of them: one brick and four wooden, shining with a constant white fire.

In 1873 at artificial island, formed by ridges with stone, a wooden tower-type Torpakov lighthouse with a fire height of eight meters is being erected. On Suho Island in 1891, a brick lighthouse with a light height of 27 meters was built, which still exists today. Already at the beginning of this century, according to the design of engineer S. G. Vrublevsky, 5 more brick lighthouses were erected: Bugrovsky (1906), Osinovetsky (1911), Tabanovassky (1912), Svirsky and Storozhensky (1914). They were not inferior to the best lighthouses Western Europe. Osinovetsky and Storozhensky had a height of 70 and 71 meters. The lighthouses were equipped with kerosene-heat lamps and the most advanced lighting equipment.

I have long had a desire to go sailing through the Ladoga lighthouses. And so it came true: I was invited to the motor ship “Norilsk” of the Nevsko-Ladoga technical section of the Volga-Baltic waterway named after V.I. Lenin by the most experienced Ladoga captain Nikolai Aleksandrovich Tabunov, who spent more than thirty years serving on the lake.

The story about this journey, I hope, will be useful to amateur boaters in the Ladoga basin.

Was the nut shining?

He was simply necessary here - on this island, four thousand years ago, stuck in the throat of the Neva. Once upon a time a fortress grew here. Her story is instructive, in many ways mysterious, rich and entertaining, so much so that it is appropriate for serious historical novelists to turn to it. This is what I thought when the Norilsk, having passed the walls of the citadel scarred by time and war, entered the Koshkinsky fairway and rushed into the lake.

Of course, there had to be a lighthouse on this island,” said the captain. - They swam on the lake since ancient times, and when a way out of it into another sea was found, a new waterway opened. The island, of course, is also a signpost, but move away from it a little to the east and it will disappear from view. There must be a sign on it for visibility!

When planning a trip, you always worry not only about equipment, maps, directions, but also about any information. I got one too. And he knew that back in the 15th century, the Russian city fortified on Orekhovoy Island was a very busy port. Back in 1426, Dorpat officials sent messages to the Novgorod port authorities in Oreshek about the safety of navigation. What is a port without a lighthouse?! The thought that he might not exist haunted me. And confirmation was found.

It is known that the first lighthouse in Russia was built in 1702 at the mouth of the Don to ensure the safety of the Russian fleet's passage to Azov. It was a tower, on the top of which a fire was lit.

The oldest lighthouse in the Baltic, Tolbukhin, was built on the orders of Peter I: “To make a stone hill (lighthouse) with a lantern on the Kotlinskaya spit.” True, due to urgency, they built a wooden tower first; August 19, 1719 and is considered the founding of the lighthouse. It was named in honor of Colonel F.S. Tolbukhin, who commanded the detachment that in 1705 defeated the Swedish landing force that landed on Kotlin Island. A lantern structure was installed on the tower, in which wax candles were lit, and, since 1923, oil lamps.

The wooden tower existed for just under a century. In 1810, according to the design of the famous architect A.D. Zakharov (creator of the Admiralty building), a round stone one was erected instead. They installed a device that gave color-changing light and increased its range. By the way, N.A. Bestuzhev, who then served as assistant director of the Baltic lighthouses, took part in the installation of the apparatus. It is also known that after the uprising on December 14, 1825, Bestuzhev fled to the Tolbukhin lighthouse, from where he tried to escape to Sweden, but was captured.

Just don’t think that what was said is not relevant. Peter the Great went to the Baltic through Shlisselburg, fought this fortress, cared about its revival, and, by the way, also worked on the construction of a lighthouse tower. Historians and archaeologists who carried out research and excavations in the Oreshek fortress, at one of the corners of the citadel, discovered the foundation of the Clock Tower - the tallest on the island. She, undoubtedly, was one of the lighthouses of Ladoga.

In archival materials from the time of Peter I we read: “...the architect Ivan Ustinovich was ordered to be in Schlüterburch to work on the stone barracks.” This was written in 1719, when the Moscow architect Ivan Grigorievich Ustinov arrived on Orekhovy Island and worked very thoroughly here. Already in 1720, he was ordered: “ complete the money yard, to cover the entire fortress with a vop-gang (bypass of the walls), to pass a canal through the castle, to reinforce the bell tower (Clock Tower), to repair the walls around the inside and outside.”

So, Clock tower was!

A few years later, Ustinov, “the fortification colonel and architect Domenico Trezzini” arrived on the island. He had a lot to do here. In his diary in 1725, the chamberlain Berchholtz, who examined the Clock Tower, wrote: “... the emperor built it on purpose to be able to survey the fortress and the surrounding areas.”

You know, the tower was high. Visible from afar from the lake. As the contemporaries of the “fortification colonel” claim, the Clock Tower in Shlisselburg resembled the Church of the Epiphany in Kronstadt, as well as Peter and Paul Cathedral. A twenty-meter spire was also installed on it, the installation of which was supervised by “the master of splicing and carpentry, Bergman von Bales.” And Russian craftsmen helped him. And they helped, apparently, quite well: “... Ivan Fedorov and his comrades, who turned to the Schlutelburg fortification for raising and decreeing stone tower wooden bell tower... for their brave and superior work I will pay in addition to the salary for the work of money.”

...Yes, there was a lighthouse on Oreshka. And let’s hope that when the fortress is restored, a guiding spitz will grow above it again...

There was a pillar up to the sky

The Koshkinsky fairway remained behind the stern. And now Norilsk is heading to Careggi Island.

But what is this! ... A pillar of fire shot up to the sky. To the low black night sky. From the side of Ladoga, from the shore, from the streets and alleys of the Petrokrepost, from behind the walls of Oreshek, it seemed that the cold depth of Ladoga itself gave birth to a hot column. On our ship, experienced river people said definitely: the Karedzhi lighthouse is burning. The fire brought people to despair: even the helicopters would not have time to extinguish it. The anger also simmered because there was no time to catch the one who gave birth to the flame and gave it free rein. It was clear to everyone: the ancient wooden lighthouse, which had been spared by years and thunderstorms, would burn down. Even the thunderstorms of the Great Patriotic War. The Karedzhi lighthouse was one of the landmarks on the Road of Life.

Couldn't you save it? We had to! How? If we speak in the language of inventory records, then this: “the Kareggi lighthouse is on the balance sheet of the Nevsko-Ladoga technical section of the Volga-Baltic waterway named after V.I. Lenin.” That's who to blame for this loss!

Petro-fortress watermen knew the value of the people's goods, like all zealous people. A keeper was on duty at the lighthouse. His service seemed simple in appearance. It would seem, watch the fire, guard the property, and in rare cases, in the hopeless fog, ring the signal bell.

No matter how it is. The Karedzh “small town” was chosen by free fisherwomen for their crafts. They approached a sandy island, threw down gear, and made fires from driftwood washed up on the shore. The lighthouse keeper tried to scare them off the island: well, what a job! But no one thought anything of him. That he is alone against the crowd. The fisherwomen were chasing the poor fellow around the island and he was disgusted with such a life: there was no one to look for protection from, there was no one to rein in the mischievous people... He resigned and moved to the mainland.

The lighthouse remains in the inventory. No supervision! And already in bad weather, people who were having a good time went to hide there, rolling out logs one by one for bonfires. They did not spare the relic of the Russian fleet.

Today there is a new lighthouse on the island. It is also called “Kareggi”. New, but not like that. Iron truss with fire on top. It brings up bitter thoughts...

The weather on the island is normal

On the most detailed map Lake Ladoga You won’t immediately find the microscopic inscription - “about. Dry".

Ancient pilot manuals tell that Peter I, while exploring Ladoga, was shipwrecked on underwater rocks about thirty miles from the city of Novaya Ladoga. And he said in anger to his companions: “Let it be dry here!”

Each military or merchant ship passing through this place dumped granite stones into the waters of Ladoga. They were brought here in winter and lowered into ice holes. An island-atoll with an area of ​​two basketball courts was formed. This artificial “piece of land” has a small hidden cove, sheltered from the waves and wind by two pincer-shaped breakwaters.

Even under Peter, a sign was erected on Suho Island warning captains of danger. Now there is a thirty-meter red and white column-lighthouse, built in 1891. At the top there was first a gas lamp, then it was replaced by an electric one, and today a light installation with a radioisotope power source has appeared. “Atomic” is the name of the lighthouse on Suho. There are three such “nuclear” lighthouses on Ladoga.

We walked to Suho to honor the memory of Soviet soldiers who defended this span of Russian land from the Nazis. In the chronicle of the war, this operation is described as follows: “The island blocked access to the communications through which Leningrad was supplied. During the navigation of 1942, up to 30 enemy ships, under the cover of aviation, tried to land troops on the island. The Nazis managed to capture a section of the coast. They attacked the battery installed on Suho. Soviet planes flew out to help the island's garrison, and after a two-hour battle the enemy was driven off the island. As a result of the battle, 16 fascist ships were destroyed and one was captured.”

This is the legendary land. Or rather, torn blocks of granite. This bridgehead can be measured in dozens of steps. How was the battle going on here?! We really met the enemy face to face.

On the wall of a lonely house, where a lighthouse keeper lived in former times, and where a garrison lived during the war, the lines painted in oil paint are visible: “... 4th hour, strong hand-to-hand combat. The battery is being bombed by planes. Out of 70 of us, 13 remained, 32 were wounded, the rest fell. 3 guns, fired 120 shots each. Of the 30 pennants, 16 barges were sunk and 1 was captured. Many fascists died... Defense commander Gusev I.K. 1942.”

My longtime acquaintance Leonid Aleksandrovich Ivanov, chairman of the Council of Veteran Rivermen of the Road of Life, said:

On the second day after the start of the war, on the ship where I was the captain, I approached Suho Island. He shouted into a megaphone: “War started yesterday, turn off the lights...”

The war did not spare the island. Time, of course, smoothes out its traces, but words on a modest marble plaque, museum exhibits at the Novoladozhsky Vocational School, and a memorial on the banks of the Volkhov in Novaya Ladoga tell about Suho’s heroes...

When the Nazis attacked Sukho, recalls the former commander of the artillery unit of the gunboat Bureya, Evgeny Borisovich Silnov, our crew was repairing the ship at the pier of Novaya Ladoga, the boilers were extinguished. Having received the signal, they sounded the alarm, a tug took the canoe boat and took it to the battlefield. While we were moving, we got fuel, “heated up” the car and, leaving the tow, moved at full speed towards Suho.

We climbed one hundred and twenty-five narrow steps spiral staircase on observation deck lighthouse From here the island is essentially invisible. Even the shadow of a brick perpendicular, which does not fit on land, extends across the water. Former navigator of the gunboat “Sheksna” A.N. Sukhanov pointed to this shadow:

Approximately where it ends, the minesweeper stood, driving away the German landing flotilla with fire...

Alexey Nikolaevich connected his entire life after the war with the fishing collective farm named after M.I. Kalinin, at whose shipyards the minesweeper “TShch-100” was restored, which became a monument on Sukhanov’s initiative. In general, this man did a lot for Novaya Ladoga and the Ladoga region. By the way, he also created a yacht club in Novaya Ladoga. Having learned about the expedition to Suho, local schoolchildren yachtsmen joined it on the Seliger yacht.

Employees of the North-West Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control live on Suho today. They maintain a 24-hour and year-round weather watch on the island. Every three hours they go on air: “I am the Suho lighthouse, I am the Suho lighthouse... I am transmitting the weather report...”


Storozhensky lighthouse is almost the highest in Europe: seventy-one meters from the foot, a meter higher than Osinovetsky. Approaching this majestic structure and raising my head, as if measuring it from bottom to top, I realized what it was - “to the sky.” The top of the lighthouse is in “friendship” with the clouds.

“Four hundred steps minus one,” declared Storozhensky caretaker Valentin Ivanovich Antoshikhin, not without pride. - When I entered the service here and went up for the first time, frankly speaking, I was timid and made several stops. Now I climb two or three times a day. And he timed it on the clock: only twelve minutes are required.

The young sailors from Norilsk who were present at this conversation immediately wrapped this information in a non-existent mustache. And then they rushed along an internal stepped spiral. But no one managed less than twelve minutes.

Of course, I had no intention of competing in the speed of the ascent; I climbed all three hundred and ninety-nine steps with more than one “smoke break.” How much work and skill did people need to build such a colossus brick by brick on a deserted shore. But those who conceived and created it understood well how necessary it was.

By the way, almost all Ladoga lighthouses were made of red brick, and the outside was painted with wide signal stripes. Then someone suddenly got the idea to plaster the lighthouses both inside and out. Like, it will be “more beautiful.” The funds were spent handsomely, but soon the plaster had to be removed, as the lighthouses began to collapse. The brick, apparently, did not “breathe” and crumbled. And the plaster itself peeled off due to temperature changes and the swaying of the lighthouses. And I really felt how they can sway when I found myself on the observation deck.

Far from the shore, ships moved, seemingly like splinters. The fleet route passed there. Of course, none of the captains could even think of leaving the beaten path, taking a shortcut, approaching the shore. Everyone knew how dangerous it was. However, all the dangers are mentioned in the navigation instructions. It is also said in them about those who flew into the stones here and polished the bottom on the sand. This was the price they paid for neglecting documents. You know, Storozhensky is right here. Like Svirsky, which, if you look from the lantern of our highest lighthouse, is just a stone's throw away.

...Twenty years later

The lighthouse then faded, as a desire fades, then flared up, as pain flares up. In the darkness of a short summer night, the Svirsky lighthouse gave a signal to everyone who was rushing to the mouth of the Svir.

Another hundred meters from the shore I climbed from the motorboat onto the shaky and dilapidated boardwalks from time to time. They were built about fifteen years ago, when Norilsk delivered an isotope generator here. He was dragged along these bridges, and then mounted in the “womb” of a massive brick column. Svirsky became the first “atomic” lighthouse of Lake Ladoga. Later, the same isotope installations appeared on the lighthouses of the Sukho and Maly islands.

Warden Yuri Petrovich Bordovsky unexpectedly suggested:

Do you want to see him at work?

“I saw it at night,” I said.

“That’s at night,” the lighthouse smiled and led me up the steep steps. He got up, took his cap off his head and covered some device with it. The lighthouse lantern began to blink. “I did this for him at night,” Yuri Petrovich smiled. - It works like a clock, or maybe even more accurately... Otherwise, you know, it’s impossible: a lighthouse.

Perhaps another new product will appear on Ladoga. Knowledgeable people told us that there are more “long-range” lighthouses in nature. Research carried out at the Institute of Atmospheric Optics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician V. E. Zuev showed that the relative brightness of a laser beam (the contrast between the useful signal and inevitable dispersion in the atmosphere) is significantly higher than that of incandescent electric lamps. The laser source is visible more clearly and much further than usual. The institute's staff, together with specialists from SKB "Optika", also developed devices intended not only for piloting ships, but also for landing aircraft.

The first laser beacons are operating in the ports of the Northern Sea Route, in Igarka, Dudinka, and Dikson. In the Baltic Sea, in the port of Ventspils, a two-color beacon based on a metal vapor laser is being tested. New navigation devices are protected by more than three dozen copyright certificates.

On a desert island

Perhaps one can only be sad about the past... The captain of the Norilsk, now sailing to the north of Lake Ladoga, held out his binoculars:

On the left along the course is Maly Island. There is a lighthouse, the third one on the lake with an atomic current generator.

Sliding the eyepieces along the horizon, I noticed a piece of land slightly humped above the water, on the edge of which a red-and-white column perched.

A lighthouse and seagulls, said the captain, an uninhabited island. Unless we go there once in a while...

How can you miss such an opportunity - to visit a desert island! We went down into the boat and soon stepped onto the granite of Maly, warm from the sun. You should have heard how the seagulls raised their voices when they saw a man on the island. Many birds rose into the air, covering the high midday sky with a frequent flickering network. The birds even swooped down on us.

I walked along an uninhabited island, skirting sparse lawns with strange moss and bushes of unusually beautiful flowers. Having planted them here, nature apparently took special care to brighten up the surface with at least something ancient stone, through which crazy waves fly during storms that are not uncommon on Ladoga.

Three solid foundations were also discovered on the island. This means that there was a house here, someone lived here, where there is not even a handful of earth. Nobody can really tell anything about this today.

I even had the idea that there was a monastic monastery on Maly Island. The island of Valaam with its famous monastery is nearby, and how many monasteries were previously scattered on small islands scattered around the main one. Perhaps a monk or novice lived here, prayed to God, and at the same time kept an eye on the lighthouse. People did not live idlely in the local monastery at all; everyone was busy with some kind of work. On Valaam, which lies in fresh lake, dozens of wells have been drilled: this is in a multi-meter granite layer! A convenient road was laid in the granite; a special channel was made in the rocks, through which fish entered the inland lakes from Ladoga to spawn.

The monks were interested in local shipping. In Monastyrskaya Bay, for example, there was and still is a pier; a fairway was laid into the bay from the lake. On Nikolsky Island, which is at the entrance to the bay, there is a beacon, and on east coast Nikolsky, on a noticeable toe, something like a booth has still been preserved to this day, where in the old days the monastery tax collectors “kept watch” and collected a fee from everyone who entered the bay on the ship.

Now the waterway passing by Maly Island has become busier: ships are scurrying around every now and then. To Valaam and back. The lighthouse, indicating a safe path, remains away from the cheerful, imposing ships. Desert Island people still need it.

It's okay to be sad about the past. What's the point! Maybe the fate of the uninhabited islands is happier than their over-inhabited counterparts.

Osinovetsky, glorious

This lighthouse, on the western shore of Ladoga, has gone down in history. He is a legend. How much has he served people in his lifetime? Peaceful time, and in hard times. You can still find many traces of her in Osinovets today. Here famous military vehicles, ships, and guns are raised on pedestals. Here is the popular “Road of Life” museum. We can say that the lighthouse itself is an exhibit of this museum.

During military navigation from Osinovets and to Osinovets, caravans of ships from the Ladoga military flotilla sailed along the Bolshaya and Malaya routes of the “Road of Life” with cargo, weapons, food, and evacuees. Under fire, under Nazi bombs...

Leningrad survived, survived thanks to the “Road of Life”, the path along which was indicated by the Osinovetsky lighthouse.

Each lighthouse has its own story. It is inseparable from the history of people, from the history of the fleet. To this day, Ladoga lighthouses serve people and the fleet faithfully.

V. Nikiforov, member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR.

(River and Bridge)

I'm lying above the river,

I hold both banks.

One runs, the other lies,

The third one bows.

(River, bank, grass)

The bull is running -

Blue horn,

Runs and murmurs.

To drink - not to drink,

Pour it out - don't pour it out.

He has no arms, he has no legs

I was able to break out of the ground.

He us in the summer, in the heat of the moment,

Ice water gives you water.

Where the roots curl

On a forest path

small saucer

Hidden in the grass.

Everyone who passes

It will come, bend over -

And again on the road

I don't need any strength.

Under the sedge, on the sand,

They dropped the belt.

He's lying there - but he can't be lifted,

He runs and can't be caught.

Who runs along the mountain slopes,

Chatting with myself

And in the thick green grass

Hiding his blue tail?

I'm running like up a flight of stairs,

Ringing on the pebbles.

From afar by song

You will recognize me.

There is a trough, filled to the brim with water.

In the middle of the forest

In the middle of the field

There is a blue mirror.

And the frame is green.

Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses -

No leg support.

Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

And you can't walk.

Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly;

And, breaking on the stones,

He gets up foaming.


In depth - deep,

In width - wide,

No one salted

And salty.

There is water all around,

But drinking is a problem.

Now blue, now green,

Sometimes quiet, sometimes indignant,

Spread over half the earth,

Yachts and ships are friends with him.

wide in width,

Deeply deep,

Day and night it hits the shore,

You can't drink water from it,

Because it tastes bad -

And bitter and salty.

In the meadow on blue

The wind serves as a shepherd:

All day and night

A herd of mares grazes -

Emerald, white-maned,

Unbridled, playful.

(Sea and waves)

It goes and goes along the sea, along the river,

How will it reach the shore?

This is where it will disappear.

In calm weather we are nowhere,

How the wind blows -

We run on water.

Everyone tramples on her

And she's getting better.


Looks like a stream

Leads a passerby to the river.


He's following you,

At least it stays in place.

The horn lies on its side,

Ends in the forest and in the river.

If only this horn stood up,

I could reach the sky.

You walk - there lies ahead,

If you look back, he’s running back.

Lifeless - but it goes,

Motionless - but leading.

The edge is visible

You won't get there

You won't make it

You won't make it.


He is both in summer and winter

Between heaven and earth.

At least go to him all your life -

He will always be ahead.


They wear money

snow caps,

And the stone sides

Wrapped in clouds.

No ears, but he hears

There is no mouth, but screams,

And he knows all languages.

You shouted -

It was silent

You were silent -

It screamed.

Lives without a body

Speaks without tongue

Nobody saw him

And everyone has heard.

I hear I hear

But I don’t see.

I'll tell you everything,

I won't show you anything.

Without wings - he flies,

Without a body he lives,

Without a tongue - screams,

If you keep quiet, he will die.


In spring and hot summer

Always stands dressed.

And autumn will come -

He will throw off all his clothes.

There are many hands

And there is only one leg.

It's fun in the spring,

It's cold in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn

Warms in winter.

He's one-legged

But multi-armed.

He is a friend to the birds

And a friend to people.

One trunk

Many branches

And on the branches -

A lot of guests.

There are dense lumps on the branches -

They sleep in them

Sticky leaves.

Sits - turns green,

It flies and turns yellow,

If it falls, it will turn black.

(Tree leaf)

It will fall from a branch into the river -

But it doesn’t sink, it floats.

(Tree leaf)

Emerging from the buds

They bloom in the spring,

They fade in autumn

And they fall to the ground.

They left me in the forest -

They forced me to hang around all my life.

I'm wearing a snowy hat in winter,

In the summer - with a shaved head.

By winter all corporals

They took off their caftans,

And one corporal did not take off his caftan.

(deciduous forest and coniferous tree)

What's in summer and winter

In a shirt alone?

(Fur tree, pine tree)

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

Are there needles all year round?

(Fur tree, pine tree)

Winter and summer

One color.

(Fur tree, pine tree)

Blooms in spring

In summer it bears fruit,

Doesn't fade in autumn

Doesn't die in winter.

(Fur tree, pine tree)

In a dense forest -

Green house.

How many floors are there in the house -

He is the same age.

Coniferous clothes,

Resin leg,

furry paw,

Green hat.

There is a pillar up to the sky,

And on it is a tent-canopy,

Chiseled copper-red pillar,

And the canopy is through, green.

She has longer needles than a Christmas tree.

In summer - like pines and fir trees.

He carries sharp needles.

And when autumn comes, all the needles will drop.


Like pine trees, like fir trees,

And in winter without needles.


Bark with resin, leaf with a needle,


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