Distance around the shartash. The Tour de Chartache will become an annual event: how I burned calories in pursuit of Evgeny Kuyvashev. Leonid Rapoport, Minister of Physical Education and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region

On January 19, in the military town of Sosnovy Bor near Ulan-Ude (Buryatia), a ninth-grader from school No. 5 attacked seventh-grade students with an ax. According to the Baikal-Daily portal, at 9:35 (4:35 Moscow time) Anton Bichivin set the office on fire with a bottle of flammable liquid, and then attacked the children with an ax.

Six students aged 13, as well as a teacher of Russian language and literature, 41-year-old Irina Ramenskaya, were injured. “I was teaching a lesson, the door opened, something was thrown into the office. They hit me in the head. I started to take the children out, and when I jumped out, I saw that a man with an ax had attacked the children. Many were simply bleeding to death. I didn’t see who was throwing, but Anton stood before my eyes with an axe. I don’t know who threw it at me,” the teacher said.

According to the Mash telegram channel, Bichivin planned his actions in advance with Ilya Sedov and Alexander Rogalsky. However, the Investigative Committee stated that the attacker acted alone.


In the office, the attacker stabbed himself in the chest and jumped out of the window. He has now been taken to the Republican Clinical Hospital. “The suspect has been identified and detained. He is in the hospital with a wound because he tried to commit suicide. Now investigative actions are being carried out at the scene of the incident,” said Svetlana Petrenko, representative of S.K. Russia.

“In the military hospital, primary care was provided - the children were brought to a transportable state. And now they have all been transported to the Emergency Hospital in Ulan-Ude. One girl suffered a traumatic amputation of her second finger. One boy has head injuries, his back and limbs are damaged,” said the Minister of Health of Buryatia Dambinima Sambuev.

In Buryatia, a teenager attacked his school and stabbed students. A total of seven people were wounded, including the attacker. It is known that the guy had a knife, a hatchet and a Molotov cocktail with him. He was also helped by two accomplices; they managed to escape, but were later detained.

School attacker Anton B., photo was taken four years ago. Photo: social networks

9th grade student Anton entered the school and immediately went into the office where 7th grade classes were held. Right from the doorway he threw a Molotov cocktail. A fire started. The children ran away and panic began.

The teacher who was teaching the lesson rushed at Anton to protect the children. He hit her on the head with an ax and then began attacking the children.

The regional government explained how the attack took place. According to preliminary data, at 09:35 three young people entered school No. 5, located in the village of Sosnovy Bor in the city of Ulan-Ude. At school they put on masks, and the attackers threw a Molotov cocktail into the Russian language and literature classroom, where 7th grade students were having a lesson. After schoolchildren and a teacher began to run out of the burning classroom, the attackers who were watching them at the exit began to inflict bodily harm on them.

As one of the school students, seventh-grader Kirill, told RIA Novosti, he was sitting in class when the attack occurred. The teacher ran in and said that there was an evacuation, the children thought it was for training purposes.

Going downstairs, the schoolchildren saw a girl with a cut cheek, and another student had an injured arm. “My friend was reciting a poem in class, the teacher told him to sit down, after which they threw a Molotov cocktail,” the student said.

He said that all the children went out into the yard, stood there for about 10 minutes, after which they all ran. Someone shouted that the attackers had a gun. However, according to the boy, there were no shots.

He also recounted the words of Stanislav, his friend, who was in class at that moment. “I was reciting a verse, they told me to sit down because I knew it well. If they hadn’t told me, and I would have finished speaking, I simply wouldn’t be here now... All this happened in my class. “A Molotov cocktail was thrown into my class,” the student said.

A third suspect in an attack on a school in Buryatia has been detained. This is Ilya S. The police believe that the three teenagers planned the action

Another student said that ninth-graders attacked after throwing a Molotov cocktail, knocked the girl to the floor and hit her in the head. According to the student, there were two attackers, they were from the same school.

Almost immediately after the attack, the Ministry of Emergency Situations evacuated more than 500 students and employees of the educational institution from the school building in the Sosnovy Bor microdistrict.

Investigation department for Oktyabrsky district The Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Buryatia opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 30, paragraph “a”, “c”, part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted murder of two or more persons committed against minors).

The attacker is in the hospital. He tried to commit suicide by cutting himself with a knife. Then the ninth-grader jumped out the window; The fall was softened by a snowdrift. After this, the student was detained by law enforcement officers.

According to doctors, three children delivered to them are in serious condition. One girl has an open head injury, another child has a finger amputated. All of them are seventh grade students.

According to one version, the motive for the attack on the school could have been the poor performance of one of the suspects. According to the Mash telegram channel, 9th grade student Anton B. could have organized an attack because of a bad grade in the Russian language class. An unsatisfactory grade meant automatic exclusion from the exams.

This is the second time an educational institution has been attacked this week. On Monday, at Perm school No. 127, former and current students staged a stabbing. They attacked the teacher and fourth-graders. As a result, 15 people were injured. The suspects were arrested and charged under the article “Attempted murder of two or more persons.”

Teacher of secondary school No. 11 in the city of Kattakurgan, Samarkand region B.D. on the morning of December 25, she was found near the school gate with injuries inflicted by an ax. One of her colleagues reported this to Ozodlik on anonymous terms.

– In our area near the reservoir there is a village called “Stalin”, now this place is called the “Guzal” mahalla. A man from this mahalla was in a civil marriage with one of the teachers at our school. The woman was divorced from her first husband. At 9 o'clock in the morning, strong screams were heard near the school. When we ran out into the street, we saw that our colleague was lying in a pool of blood near the school gate. Then they found out that her common-law husband inflicted injuries on her with an ax, and then ran away,” says the Kattakurgan school teacher.

Investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Kattakurgan, Jalol Suyunov, told our radio that a man suspected of committing a crime has already been detained.

– Suspect M.P. was detained on December 26, a preventive measure in the form of detention was applied to him. But the most important thing is that the woman remained alive, she was hospitalized in the hospital. A criminal case has been initiated against the detained man under Part 2 of Article 104 (“Deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm”). According to currently available information, he was prompted to commit a crime by a feeling of jealousy, the investigator said.

According to a doctor at the Kattakurgan City Hospital, who asked not to disclose her name, the school teacher is in the traumatology department.

“The man injured her with an axe. There are injuries on her face; she has an injury to her nose and face. There are deep injuries on the right elbow, left elbow, hip and knee. The main thing is that the vital organs are not damaged. Currently, her health condition is satisfactory,” the doctor said.

For last year Ozodlik reported several crimes in Uzbekistan in which an ax was used as a crime weapon.

On October 30, the director of secondary school No. 15 in the Urgut district of the Samarkand region was killed with an ax. Eyewitnesses said that Anvar Yunusov, who worked as a school director and at the same time as a farmer, was hacked to death by a neighbor. The conflict between the men arose over the land issue.

In August of this year, a resident of the Kattakurgan district of the Samarkand region, Bakhtiyor Shukurov, who five months ago hacked to death with an ax his older brother and his wife after a family dispute over real estate, was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

And on February 17, a 46-year-old resident of the village “Katta Polvon” in the Jalakuduk district of the Andijan region, Zh.T. killed his 54-year-old sister Zh.Sh. with an ax in the head.

In April 2018, a resident of the Navbakhor mahalla in the Yazyavan district of the Fergana region hacked to death with an ax his 56-year-old father, without sharing his house.


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