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Why is it good to go barefoot?

This article describes the main health benefits of walking barefoot.

1. Correct formation of bones, muscles and ligaments of the foot. Physiological development, and as a result - the correct, beautiful shape of the feet. Prevention of flat feet and other orthopedic disorders (all kinds of curvatures, clubfoot, valgus...).

2. Healthy condition of the skin of the soles. If in shoes the feet constantly sweat and the skin becomes weak, loose, easily susceptible to all sorts of diseases, for example, fungal, then bare feet are usually dry, constantly ventilated and often exposed to direct sunlight - and these are conditions unfavorable for any infection. And the skin becomes stronger and cleaner (this does not mean that it is much thicker and rougher, as many people who do not walk barefoot themselves mistakenly think). The excess keratinized layer of dead epidermal cells is naturally erased, and a healthy layer of young cells takes its place. In this sense, asphalt works better than pumice. But don’t be afraid, you won’t rub it into holes unless the skin on your heels is completely soft. A protective layer of skin is naturally necessary, and walking barefoot allows you to regulate its condition.

3. Blood circulation in the lower extremities, that is, legs, and therefore the whole body is stimulated. In free legs, blood circulates freely, and temperature and other contrasts further enhance this effect. In addition, the elasticity of blood vessels develops, which is the best prevention of many diseases, for example, varicose veins. Additionally, blood pressure is stabilized.

4. Normal water-salt balance is maintained. Excess salts, along with sweat, are naturally excreted through the skin of the soles, but there is no hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) characteristic of shod feet. In general, one of the arguments of our opponents is that “your feet stink.” Of course it stinks when they suffocate in their shoes. Bare feet do not stink because sweat does not stagnate on them. The bad smell is created by microbes that develop in a favorable humid environment, that is, in shoes. Why is this so, see above, point 2...

5. Thermoregulation of the whole body develops; due to better blood circulation, the feet warm up better in cold weather and cool down in hot weather. On a hot day, walking barefoot is much easier, even on hot surfaces. All the same, excess heat is removed from the body.

6. Due to various tactile influences, the nervous system is stimulated. Impulses from the nerve endings on our soles are transmitted throughout the body. On the one hand, sensitivity develops, but the pain threshold increases. When a person gets used to walking barefoot, he no longer jumps in pain on every pebble or twig, as would happen if he took off his shoes for the first time. This has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system. Even on mental activity, but this is a separate topic...

7. The emotional pleasure of walking barefoot is a fairly strong positive feeling. A feeling of harmony, unity with the surrounding nature. Such a positive background is necessary for health. Many diseases develop precisely from a bad mood...

8. The hardening effect has already been said, but I will repeat it. Many of our people felt by their own example that they began to catch colds less often. The body's immune defense is trained.

9. Shoes do not always fit perfectly on the feet; many people are used to wearing them in, but their feet become injured, scuffs, calluses, etc. occur. For this reason, some people cannot afford, for example, long-term hiking and some types of physical activity. Worn legs greatly limit a person’s capabilities; I don’t think anyone will argue here. If you remove your shoes in time, these troubles can be avoided.

10. The issue of static electricity requires further study, but it is clear that isolation conditions are unnatural for the body. In nature, all living organisms are “grounded” naturally. The unnatural accumulation of static charge cannot but affect the body; it is obvious that this effect disrupts normal life processes.

“Is it true that walking barefoot is very beneficial?”

Indeed, walking barefoot on wet grass is very beneficial, but walking barefoot on a tiled floor is very harmful. In order to figure out what is good and what is bad, let’s turn to specialists for help.

What's good about walking barefoot?

It is known that there are a lot of biologically active points and zones on the surface of the foot. Walking barefoot allows you to activate many active zones on the foot and thus have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Thus, walking on wet grass relieves stress, has a positive effect on your psychological mood, and even gives you confidence in the future. Regular walks without shoes on warm earth and hot sand help prevent the occurrence of stroke, heart attack, angina pectoris and hypertension.

Doctors advise alternating walking on grass with walking on sand or pebbles. This is a great opportunity for acupressure performed with the help of nature itself. Walking on wet grass is especially useful, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s dew, recent rain, or an artificially watered lawn in your garden. This very beneficial exercise for the body will not only improve blood circulation, but also have a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body as a whole.

Modern orthopedists claim that 90% of the adult population has flat feet to a greater or lesser extent, i.e. foot deformity. To correct the situation, it is extremely useful to walk barefoot on embossed soil, which causes the muscles that hold the arch of the foot to reflexively contract, thereby strengthening them. Coarse sand, smooth pebbles, even fir cones will do. If it is not possible to walk barefoot outside the city, you can set up a wellness area at home - fill a basin with a wide bottom with clean sand or pebbles (you can even buy special smooth pebbles for an aquarium), pour warm water and “walk” in the basin, every evening for 20 minutes .

Walking barefoot in water (at room temperature) has a wonderful effect on the body; this procedure hardens the entire body, activates blood circulation, improves the functioning of the bladder, kidneys and nervous system. Surprisingly, this simple exercise relieves headaches, makes breathing easier and improves sleep.

You can walk on water in a regular bathtub in your apartment. And if you lower the water temperature by a degree every three days, then, in addition to the results described above, you can also increase the body’s resistance to colds. It has been noticed that people who have been hardened for more than a year become immune to the flu, and even during seasonal epidemics.

What's bad about walking barefoot?

It is better not to walk barefoot in clearings with very tall and thick grass. Firstly, ticks and other insects love such places, and secondly, there is a great danger of accidentally stepping on a broken bottle or a rusty nail.

You cannot immediately throw yourself barefoot onto frozen ground or snow; such a rash act will cause severe stress for the body, which will result in kidney, throat and nose diseases. Alternatively, frostbite on the foot or toes. In order to walk barefoot in the snow for medicinal purposes, quite a long and thoughtful preparation is required.

It is strongly recommended not to walk on tiles or porcelain tiles without shoes; this is undoubtedly a beautiful, but cold floor will contribute to hypothermia of the foot and, as a result, will provoke diseases of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system.

Synthetic carpets, linoleum, everything that can accumulate static electricity also has a bad effect on human bioenergy. Therefore, walking barefoot on linoleum at home is much worse than walking on the same linoleum at home in slippers. Keep this in mind. The most ideal surfaces for walking barefoot are parquet, cork floors or carpets made from natural materials.

Well, as for barefoot travel on hot asphalt, in addition to a foot burn, such a walk can provoke a hypertensive crisis or even an attack of suffocation.

Hello, friends! Perhaps you will agree that if each of us knew how his body works, in what environment it is easier for him to be, what is really more comfortable for him, and what is more beneficial, then we would treat many things in life completely differently. Often, elementary things carry the deepest meaning, and sometimes even sacred secrets of preserving and strengthening health. Such secrets include the secret of hardening the body by walking barefoot.

From this article you will learn the benefits of walking barefoot and what you need to consider to achieve a good result. You will also learn about different types barefoot walking and its features.

The secrets of barefoot walking and the benefits of it

Our body is so unique that until now scientists have not yet been able to unravel many of its secrets. But at the same time, much is already known. For example, the structure of our feet and special biologically active points on them.

Indeed, the secret of hardening the body through walking barefoot is quite simple. These points are a collection of nerve endings that are directly connected to the internal organs. They are responsible for stimulating their activities. When a person comes into contact with a certain surface with his bare feet, these active points are irritated. Of course, contact will be more useful if it is carried out with natural materials.

In addition, temperature stimuli play a special role. There is an opinion that walking on a cold floor is a very harmful procedure and that you can easily catch a cold and get sick. But this is a problem specifically for unseasoned people. The fact is that we are accustomed to walking in shoes and a higher temperature is the environment in which our feet are comfortable, but not the whole body.

Therefore, whenever you have the opportunity to walk barefoot on a wooden floor, sand, grass or just the ground, be sure to use it. This will have a positive effect on your health.

Walking barefoot is especially beneficial for women who wear high-heeled shoes. Walking barefoot helps increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the legs. In addition, strengthening the ligaments helps avoid the development of flat feet and other deforming joint diseases. By regularly walking barefoot for a certain distance, you can develop a graceful and beautiful gait, strengthen your spine and maintain health for many years.

It is not unimportant that this type of hardening helps to develop resistance of the legs to the development of infection, including fungal infections. We can say that this type of hardening is a good helper for.

In short, the benefits of walking barefoot are as follows:

  • immunity and overall energy increases;
  • mood improves, stress, apathy, and blues go away. The nervous system becomes more resilient;
  • sleep improves, insomnia goes away;
  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood pressure is normalized;
  • hormonal balance is strengthened;
  • thanks to strengthening the immune system and improving the functioning of internal organs, various inflammations on the skin are reduced, many chronic diseases go away;
  • vision improves;
  • legs (feet, ankles, calves) are strengthened.

Of course, to achieve this, walking barefoot once a year will not be enough. It is also advisable to walk on different surfaces. But remember that all barefoot walks should be carried out carefully, and you should prepare for them psychologically and physically in advance. When walking, there is a risk of foot injury; you should always remember this and only walk barefoot in proven places.

Methods of hardening by walking barefoot

How nice it is to come home, having taken off your shoes that are tight and tired from a whole day of work, to feel freedom and an influx of fresh strength. Of course, humans are not naturally designed to wear shoes, but the technogenic world dictates its own rules. Sometimes you really want to give up everything, return to nature and live according to biological rhythms. I want to walk on the silky grass of serene morning meadows, feel the cool dew under my bare feet. By the way, after this, fatigue is relieved almost instantly and very soon you can return to your favorite activity.

So, barefoot walking can be divided into the following types:

  • Barefoot on the grass
  • Walking barefoot on sand and pebbles
  • Walking barefoot in the snow

And now in more detail about each type.

Barefoot on the grass

Walking barefoot on the grass is one of the natural and ancient ways to improve health. Of course, you need to be prepared in advance for cold dew. You can start training directly at home, simply by walking barefoot on the floor, regardless of its temperature, or by pouring cold water on your feet.

We must remember that cool and damp grass will have an invigorating and stimulating effect, while soft and dry grass will have a calming effect. After the procedure, it is advisable to rub your feet with a towel and put on dry shoes.

The time must be regulated as follows: if you feel sufficient discomfort from the cold, you must stop the procedure. The fact is that you should not keep your feet in extreme cold for more than 5-7 minutes. Even for a seasoned person this will not bring much benefit.

Barefoot walking on sand and pebbles

Walking on sand and pebbles plays an equally important role for health. By burying our feet in the sand, we train both muscles and tendons. The irritating effect of sand on nerve endings is invaluable. Moreover, both cold and hot sand is useful. Walking time is not limited. But you still need to calculate your strengths and capabilities. The principle “Less is better” works here. You also need to maintain consistency and systematicity. For the first procedures, 10-15 minutes is enough.

Pebbles are a natural massager for our feet. It massages the small muscles of the feet, strengthening them and removing harmful toxins. In addition, the joints are strengthened and warmed up, their performance increases, and toxins are removed. This is a good way to reduce stiffness in the joints of the feet. The duration of this procedure should start with 5-7 minutes a day. Otherwise, severe pain may occur from the pressure of the pebbles on the soft tissues and the procedure will seem painful.

Walking barefoot in the snow

And of course, the most effective method is walking barefoot in the snow. You need to carefully prepare for this technique; without good training, you can easily develop a sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. You should walk on soft, freshly fallen snow. Walking, standing or sitting is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Walking barefoot in the snow should start with 2-3 minutes a day, adding a few seconds every day. Afterwards, be sure to rub your feet with a dry terry towel and put on your shoes. In autumn, instead of snow, you can walk on frost, from 2 to 30 minutes.

Walking barefoot is a very strong emotional charge for the body, in addition to strengthening it physically. It takes our thoughts to the distant past. To that serene barefoot childhood where everyone was happy. All this helps us get rid of impending problems and negative thoughts, immerse ourselves in a world of calm and balance. Let walking barefoot, the benefits of which you now know, give you health and a good mood!

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Walking barefoot is good for the whole body

Unfortunately, we rarely remember the useful habit of walking barefoot. And this simple activity is an effective way to harden and improve health. Summer is a good opportunity to take off your shoes and wander barefoot in the countryside on the grass or on the hot sand on the beach

Walking barefoot is a kind of massage session for almost all reflex points. For example, a tiny area in the middle of the foot is believed to be responsible for the heart and liver, a point in the middle of the heel for the lungs, and the area under the balls of the feet for the rest of the internal organs. Therefore, walking without shoes is a simple and inexpensive way to improve your condition.

The positive effect occurs due to compliance with the rhythm. We unconsciously move forward first our right leg and left arm, then vice versa. This crossover stimulates electrical activity in the brain, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This is why walking barefoot is especially recommended for neuroses, depression and overwork.

Doctors also recommend that anyone who suffers from flat feet take off their shoes as often as possible, since walking in this manner helps strengthen the ligaments, bones and muscles of the foot, which is a good prevention of any orthopedic disorders.

Experts also advise women who like to show off their heels to go barefoot as often as possible. Barefoot walking improves the elasticity of the blood vessels of the lower extremities.

Among other things, walking barefoot, thanks to the stimulation of certain areas, hardens and, as scientists have proven, helps normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Through the pores in the feet, harmful substances and toxins are removed from our body.

During the heat, doctors advise forgetting about slippers at home; this will help you endure the heat more easily, due to the fact that excess heat is removed from the body through the feet.


This useful activity has contraindications: diabetes, gout, rheumatism, chronic kidney disease, cracked skin of the feet and fungal diseases.

Where to go barefoot.

Walking barefoot is not beneficial on any surface. Ideally, when possible, it is best to wander through the dew, for example, early in the morning at the dacha. This way you will give your body a great gift. Dew helps to cope with many diseases; this process perfectly calms the nerves and charges you with a good mood.

Do not wipe your feet after this activity; the moisture should dry on its own. After 15-20 minutes of barefoot walking, put on dry socks and put on your shoes. It is advisable to walk like this for 10 minutes to warm your feet. Such cooling and warming of the feet helps stimulate reflexogenic zones and improve blood circulation.

It is also useful, especially for diseases of the genitourinary system, to walk on hot sand or pebbles. Pebbles are a natural massager that helps strengthen foot muscles and remove toxins. If the stones are wet, this is a good way to harden them. Sand affects our nerve endings.

But at home you need to be careful when walking barefoot. If you walk on a tiled floor, you can get hypothermia in your feet. Warm floors don't help either. Surprisingly, but true: walking on heated flooring in an apartment is no less harmful. The thing is that when the feet are constantly warm, the body's thermoregulatory abilities are weakened and any accidental cooling of the feet threatens to catch a cold.

First steps barefoot.

Start this practice with ten minutes, gradually bringing it to half an hour. Five minutes a day is enough to walk on pebbles if you do not want to suffer from the pain that occurs after the pressure of the pebbles on soft tissues.

Having become an experienced “barefoot”, you can then practice your activities in the autumn forest, or maybe you will go even further, daring to wander for a couple of minutes in the snow in winter.

Don't be afraid of getting an infection. According to dermatologists, there is a greater risk of developing fungus in pampered feet, which often sweat in shoes. But, of course, you need to watch your step so as not to inadvertently get injured.

Remember that the main key to success is regularity. Walking barefoot twice a year will not bring any benefit; it should become a habit. If you feel discomfort, stop this activity immediately; even experienced tramps should not keep their feet in the cold for more than five minutes.

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Many mothers from childhood allow their child to walk on the floor without socks, because this has a beneficial effect on joints and ligaments. In fact, walking barefoot is not always beneficial. If a person walks without shoes on the morning grass, then this activity is very beneficial for his feet. But if he walks barefoot on a tiled floor, it is very harmful to his feet.

When is walking barefoot beneficial?

There are a large number of active points on the human foot. There are also special zones that such walking helps to activate. If the points and zones are well developed, then this will only affect the body in the best way.

If a person decides to walk through the morning dew, it relieves stress very well and improves his mood. Walking on the grass gives a person confidence and positivity for the rest of the day. It is also useful to walk bare feet on warm sand or earth. This helps the human body prevent heart problems.

The best thing for your feet is to alternate walking on grass and sand; you can also walk on pebbles. This alternation helps to perfectly stimulate all points, and this massage is done free of charge by nature itself. Walking on the grass has many useful benefits; you don’t have to wait until the morning to feel the dew; you can walk on an artificial lawn that has recently been watered.

Statistics show that almost ninety percent of the adult population suffers from flat feet. Flatfoot is a foot deformity that is very difficult to correct. Walking barefoot on natural soil can help with this; the more textured it is, the better for your feet. The soil helps a group of leg muscles contract, which in turn will greatly strengthen them. For good foot muscle function, you can use spruce cones, coarse sand and smooth pebbles.

If a person cannot go out of town and walk barefoot, then this can be done at home. How to make such a zone at home:

1. Take a basin with a wide bottom;
2. Take coarse earth or smooth stones into this basin;
3. You can purchase special aquarium stones; they are well suited for foot massage;
4. Pour warm water into a basin;
5. Every evening, walk around in the basin for twenty minutes.

How does walking barefoot in water help?

Orthopedists advise getting a special wide pelvis at home and moving your feet through the water. The water should first be at room temperature. It helps improve blood circulation and nervous system function. The exercise is quite simple, you need to put your feet in the water and make movements on the surface of the water, a very pleasant and useful procedure.

This exercise helps relieve headaches and ease breathing. If you do this procedure before going to bed, the person will sleep much more peacefully. You can do this exercise in the bath. A gradual decrease in water temperature will have a good effect on the legs. For example, after a few days, reduce the temperature by one degree. This helps not only improve the functioning of the body, but also develop immunity to colds.

Walking in cool water helps a person to harden. After such procedures, the body will resist colds well. It has already been proven that this procedure can make a person not susceptible even to the flu, which in modern world very relevant, especially when the season changes.

When is walking barefoot harmful?

If there is a clearing with tall grass in front of a person, then you should also not walk on it barefoot. In such places, ticks and other blood-sucking insects like to sit and wait for their prey. Tall grass does not show what is hidden in the clearing, where there may be fragments from a bottle or protruding wire.

You can’t walk on frozen ground or snow right away with your bare feet, because it will be stressful for the body. You need to get your feet used to the cold gradually. If an unprepared person starts walking barefoot in the snow, believing that it is good for his feet, then most likely he will suffer from kidney inflammation or catch a cold. If you walk for a long time, you can get frostbite on your toes, which is definitely not considered healthy for your feet. You need to prepare for a very long time for this method of foot treatment.

A tiled floor can also have a bad effect on the body, because in this case the floor is cool for the feet. This may affect the functioning of the genitourinary system. Also, you should not walk on linoleum without socks or slippers, because static electricity accumulates, and it primarily affects a person’s biological energy. It’s better to walk at home in slippers on the same linoleum. It is very useful to walk barefoot on parquet and carpets made from natural materials.

You should not walk not only on cold, but also on hot surfaces, for example, on hot asphalt, because you can get a foot burn. Walking on such asphalt can cause a person to begin to choke and experience a hypertensive crisis. All diseases in a person come from his feet; if you take proper care of them and approach treatment wisely, you can improve the condition of the entire body.


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