Gardenia plaza resort 4 sharm el sheikh. Tours at Gardenia Plaza Resort. beauty and health

Do you want a truthful comment on this hotel from experienced tourists? Then here it is.
We go to Egypt up to four times a year. We've been to different hotels and have something to compare with. So here it is.
The area is large and quite green
There are slides
Three pools
The rooms are huge, 105 square meters, three-room, and smaller, one-room, but quite normal.
There is animation at the hotel
Half an hour of free billiards and exercise equipment per room
The gym is good
Near the highway to Naama and Old city
All good
Drinks from 10 to 24 hours without problems
New pier on the beach. Sustainable. Wood.
The bay is windless (almost) there are no waves
There is a toilet on the beach
Check-in to rooms is only after 14.00 (this is true in many hotels)
Check-out is strictly at 12.00 (otherwise they will take money almost hourly)
They won’t provide you with breakfast on the first day and lunch and dinner on the last (for the money)
The rooms are shabby, with rather broken plumbing
Huge queues in the canteen (including crowding and swearing from all nationalities, by the way, many Swedes)
There are no tablecloths on the tables, nor are there cloth napkins
Toothpicks? Probably somewhere, but, as in the joke, sorry, I’m busy
Constant shortage of glasses, cups, spoons, salt shakers (pepper shakers in abundance, as well as old pepper shakers of any nation)
Not enough fruit
There are not enough places in the canteen, even with an additional floor
Any drinks - only one glass per person (ONLY ONE)
In bars, drinks are almost under the supervision of a bartender (only drink in the bar, you can’t even go to the pool)
Arrogant staff. To all nations. (there was even a fight between the bartender and some girl with pools of blood and the police, the bartender threw a glass at the girl)
The rooms are cleaned exactly at the moment when you are sleeping or doing something (which is always different time) And there are no signs like DO NOT DISTURB
Problem with delivery to and from the beach. The bus runs on a schedule like every hour, but this schedule is quite arbitrary (inshaAllah)
There are not enough seats on the buses (there are two of them). Accordingly, crush - swearing - fights (I'm not kidding)
The bus may not come for beachgoers who can’t fit on the buses (then, in an hour or two, it will come, they waited like that)
The beach is now a complete construction site with mountains of garbage and sun loungers between these mountains
There really aren’t enough sunbeds, so we sprint off the bus with the same crushes, swearing, fights (I’ll keep silent about umbrellas)
Fishless-corralless bay (to the corals to the right, walk 15 minutes through the Coral Sea and Baron cordons)
There is no entertainment on the beach, including aerobics-gymnastics-volleyball-football-buchi-games-dancing). There is nothing at all.
The animation is stupid (maybe they will change it). A Russian boy constantly walks around stoned (no matter what) and, sometimes, some Arab crawls out. great fun in the evenings - like Miss Hotel (very lousy, there is something to compare with) or cinema (cinema, maybe Arabic)
The slides are paid (4 bucks for a couple of hours according to the schedule).
That's probably all.
I’ll say right away that we didn’t take part in any swearing, crushing, or fighting (from the outside it looks more interesting). If the disadvantages don’t bother you, go with confidence. True, according to any Zabugorsk websites, this hotel is ranked as a top three. That means it should cost like three. We paid $502 for two people for the week. This, of course, includes flights and ALL.
Enjoy your holiday!
From reality to fairy tale. Most likely, my review of the hotel is completely irrelevant, since I was there a very, very long time ago, in April 2004. I indicated the date of the trip incorrectly (2012), because 2004 is not there, and 2012 is listed first. This trip left me with good, warm memories. I read on the Internet that the hotel was created in 2001. It turns out that I arrived almost at new hotel , however, this is not so: along with the new buildings there were a lot of old ones. Fortunately, I got a new two-story building with eight rooms. Mine was on the 1st floor, with access to a green lawn. These buildings were lined up, as if forming a street. At the end of each street there was a small pool. But no one swam in these pools. Everything in this building was new: new furniture, a new bathroom, paintings on the walls. We ate in the old building. Dinners were under open air , it was so romantic! Every evening there was live music in the lobby - they played the violin. Yes, indeed, there is an airport nearby, planes were constantly flying, but this was the first time I saw such a number and variety of them: different in size and color. I must say that before this trip I was on a tourist package in Germany. But it's perfect! For me, Egypt was a fairy tale, so neither the distance from the beach, nor the food, nor the accommodation bothered me. Besides, I didn’t understand then that the sea could be very close to the hotel. On the first day of our stay, a woman came up to us at dinner and asked if anyone wanted to go to Cairo. Departure tonight. I immediately agreed. There were only 5 Russians on the bus, the rest were young Italians, but there were two guides. We drove to Cairo along a completely deserted road. We arrived around 7 am and went straight to the museum. That year, photography was still allowed in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. My husband went the next year. They were forced to hand over all photographs and other equipment, and everyone was searched. Then we headed to the pyramids! You won’t believe it, I stood next to them with tears in my eyes. I was shocked, I touched eternity!!! As a 3rd or 4th grade student, I saw pyramids on filmstrips. And now I'm standing next to them!!! Then a gold shop, then lunch on a Nile River pontoon at a restaurant. I really enjoyed the trip, but the Italians were tired, they were too noisy. After the trip, the beach days began. A mini bus took us to the beach, and sometimes we walked the 2.5 km to the sea on our own to watch the sunrise. And how beautiful the Red Sea is! There are so many fish there! By the way, there were two beaches, but one was very far away, few people went there. I was there once. But this is not Naama Bey! They didn't take us there. And the beach, which is closer, is covered in corals. In Hurghada they look for places where there are corals, but here there is no need to look, how beautiful it is! Believe it or not, one day a small dolphin swam past me. He was noticed at sea a long time ago and a large group of men rushed towards him. And he turned around and swam towards me. To be honest, I was scared as he sailed past me like a torpedo. I made friends with other women; then about seven of us arrived alone, that is, without families. Every evening there was a free bus into the city to the Naama Bay area - this is the oldest resort area Sharm El-Sheikh, which is both a tourist and cultural center. The bus returned to the hotel at 12 at night. The main pride of Naama Bay is the walking avenue of the same name. sparkling with neon and lanterns. Thousands of tourists walked along the avenue, it seemed as if a huge column of demonstrators was moving. They were all so different, they spoke different languages, but they were united by their vacation on the Red Sea. Then I thought: somewhere there is a war, international conflicts, but here there is peace and quiet, regardless of nationality or race. I met a young man in a fish restaurant in the city. He was from Uzbekistan, studied at a madrasah there, and worked part-time in the summer. He spoke Russian very well. The most interesting thing is that two years later I met him there again. In general, I liked the trip then. She was followed by two more: one to Hurghada, the other again to Sharm El-Sheikh. But that's another story. They say correctly, in order not to be disappointed, you need to understand what you are going for, what you are waiting for. I was delighted with the trip! But I don’t recommend the hotel, because my memories are very old, perhaps everything has changed.

We rested at the end of September - beginning of October 2014 with my husband and two children (4 years and six months). The hotel was chosen carefully. After a few days of reading reviews and sifting out all the options, I realized that it was impossible to choose an ideal hotel within our budget, I determined the basic requirements for myself: good food, a beautiful sea with the opportunity to both admire the corals (for adults) and splash around on the shore (for children), large area of ​​the hotel for walking....More ▾ We rested at the end of September - beginning of October 2014 with my husband and two children (4 years and six months). The hotel was chosen carefully. After a few days of reading reviews and sifting out all the options, I realized that it was impossible to choose an ideal hotel within our budget, I determined the basic requirements for myself: good food, a beautiful sea with the opportunity to both admire the corals (for adults) and splash around on the shore (for children), large hotel area for walking. We chose this hotel and did not regret it! Fully meets these requirements!
I want to make a reservation right away. This is a second line hotel a budget option. If YOU want the sea two steps away and the highest level of service, choose the more expensive option!!!
In order.
In almost all hotels, check-out is at 12-00, check-in is at 14-00. This is normal practice even in Europe, don’t be surprised! If you want to check in earlier, be prepared to pay extra for it. Spending 1000 or more dollars and sitting at the reception for half a day to save 10 dollars is stupid!
We arrived at the hotel around midnight and were checked in almost immediately. BUT! As we found out later, the hotel has this practice: they immediately put everyone in the very bad, furthest rooms and wait for tourists to come asking to be moved to another room. They ask for 10 dollars for this. Be prepared for this.
We booked a Standard room. Even during registration, we asked for a Family room with an additional payment, and they promised to solve it the next day. The first issue left us despondent. Very sad. But the next day we moved to another room - 2 rooms, a balcony overlooking the pool, a hallway with a refrigerator, a decent bathroom, a wide bed in the bedroom, and an extra bed for the child. The furniture is old, but everything is in good order. The renovation is far from wow, but everything is neat. We were pleased. For such a replacement we paid an additional 20 dollars.
I really liked the hotel area. Big and clean. I got up with the kids at 6 am and watched how the area was cleaned every morning. Quite green, but I would like more flowers. There are three pools, but everyone swims in two large ones. One of them has slides (the slides are open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), I rode with pleasure (but I don’t recommend riding indoors, there’s no thrill - and I skinned my elbows). There are no problems with sunbeds by the pool.
There is a small, average children's playground.
The staff... You can't call them well-trained. They try to communicate with tourists, but it doesn’t work very well. But everyone says hello. We even had a nice conversation with a few of them. Almost everyone understands Russian well. But we communicated in English.
Wi-Fi is available, but very expensive. We bought our own SIM card with very fast Internet from the guide for 15 bucks, which was enough for 10 days on Viber and VKontakte. They say you can buy it cheaper in the city.
3. SEA
This is the best part! The beach is great! Quite clean. There is a pontoon (not long!), a lot of corals and beautiful fish. And you can swim near the shore (although you are not allowed to go into the deep water from the shore). The children swam near the shore (about 70 cm at high tide and 2 times less at low tide, but during our entire vacation the tide was only 2 in the morning). You can walk to nearby beach- it's sandy. We didn't go.
There are a lot of sunbeds, there are always free ones. There are free drinks on the beach - water, cola, Fanta, Sprite. But at the end of the beach, we were too lazy to walk every time.
Road to the beach. The first 3 days we thought that there were no problems at all with the road to the beach. The bus runs every hour (except, it seems, 12-00 and 14-00). But then so many tourists arrived at the hotel, and the bus was filled to capacity. Know that if there are a lot of tourists, the bus will return a second and even a third time! We always asked if he would come back and waited 7 minutes. Peak hours are 9-00 and 13-00. If you go at 10, the bus will be half empty. 5 min drive to the beach. It's a 20-minute walk, but the road is unpleasant.
Food is solid 4. We are satisfied. There were no stomach problems in either adults or children. The choice is quite large, but we didn't eat everything. What we chose was delicious and varied! Some even gained weight during the holidays;) Fruit is a problem. Melons, oranges and dates. But only dates are tasty. Not everyone ate vegetables either, but there is always plenty to choose from! Delicious pasta and potatoes. There are always several varieties of meat, delicious chicken.
With drinks the situation is worse. Tea and coffee (I tried coffee once and didn’t want it again). Water. UPI in the morning, Fanta, Cola, Sprite in the afternoon and evening (order from the bartender, which is not very convenient). We got out of the situation like this: we took fresh lime and squeezed it into water, it was tasty and healthy :)
The dining room (you can't exactly call it a restaurant) is too small for this hotel. At the time of the greatest influx of tourists (on weekends), we had to look for a free table and stand in line for drinks.
And also. Drinks are in plastic disposable cups. And I’m almost sure that the cups are not disposable. It's very unpleasant, to be honest.
Separately about water. You're very thirsty, you can't run into the bar. There is a drinks kiosk across the street from the hotel. 1.5 liters of water costs 1 dollar. We bought it, drank it in our room and took it with us to the beach.
I can’t say anything about alcohol, I didn’t drink. My husband tried the beer once and said “ugh”. I saw that there is wine, at the bar you can order cola with brandy and a cocktail (it looks like “Sex on the Beach”).
The first three days we were glad that there were very few Russian-speaking tourists. But then they began to come in large numbers, and as a result, half of the tourists in the hotel turned out to be Russian speakers. A lot of locals came over the weekend. They didn’t bother me at all (it’s not clear why many are outraged by this fact).
A large number of tourists is felt only during lunch and dinner. And on the bus at rush hour.

We were very pleased with our vacation! With the right approach, you can close your eyes to all the shortcomings! I repeat, those who like to grumble and complain should not even choose this hotel, but generally 4 stars and/or budget hotel! Take 5 stars and more expensive. And if you are the happy owner of an easy-going character and a positive attitude, you will enjoy your stay in this hotel!
Have a nice holiday!

Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

Hotel Gardenia Plaza


Gardenia Plaza - lovely hotel, located on the sandy coast of the Red Sea, which attracts not only warm water, but also diversity underwater world. Water activities await you on the beach, and you can have a relaxing time on sun loungers under umbrellas. The polite hotel staff will do everything to make you feel at home and make your stay carefree and memorable. For lovers active rest The hotel has a mini-football and tennis court. And for younger guests there is a children's playground. A fitness center with Jacuzzi and massage room awaits your relaxation. Billiards in the building are available for an additional fee. Laundry, dry cleaning, babysitting and doctor's services are available if necessary for an additional fee.

Location of Gardenia Plaza Hotel

The hotel is located in Shark's Bay. The hotel's 200-meter beach is just a 7-minute drive away, accessible by boat. free bus. The hotel is 4 km from International airport Sharm el-Sheikh. It takes just 25 minutes to drive to the resort center.

Rooms at Gardenia Plaza Hotel

The hotel room capacity consists of: 209 standard rooms, 45 Deluxe Superior rooms, 17 Junior Suites with one bedroom, 101 Standard Suites, 35 Family Suites with 3 bedrooms.

The rooms offer stunning views of the pool, garden and sea. All rooms are equipped with satellite TV, air conditioning, mini refrigerator, hair dryer.

Restaurants, bars

The main restaurant, Gardenia, seats 200 and offers guests a great meal with local and European cuisine. The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In the hotel bar you can have a great time sipping your favorite soft drink in the company of family or friends.

Swimming pools

The hotel has four outdoor swimming pools, one of which has waterslides, and in the other there is a jacuzzi. This is an ideal place both for relaxing with children and for relaxing sunbathing.

Hotel services

  • parking
  • laundry
  • dry cleaning
  • shop
  • car rental
  • Internet

In the room

  • room service
  • telephone
  • radio
  • TV
  • Russian TV channels
  • satellite or cable TV
  • paid minibar
  • free safe in the room
  • individual air conditioner


  • animation
  • disco
  • live music
  • billiards
  • bocce

For children

  • playground
  • animation for children
  • Children's swimming pool
  • Crib


  • sports/gym
  • table tennis
  • Beach volleyball
  • non-motorized aquatic species sports
  • motor water sports
  • scuba diving lessons

beauty and health

  • salon
  • cosmetic procedures
  • solarium
  • Fitness Centre
  • SPA-center
  • jacuzzi
  • massage
  • sauna
  • Turkish bath, hammam

Gardenia Plaza Hotel Beach

The beach line is the third. The beach is sandy. Belongs to the hotel. Entrance to the beach, sunbeds and canopies is free.

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