Are there direct flights? To Kyiv with a transfer: how much do air tickets to Ukraine cost now? The Red Sea is no closer

A lesson that power cannot learn

Ekaterina Vinokurova about the Kremlin’s long friendship with political radicals

Alexander Kalinin / YouTube

This morning, the head of the Christian State organization, Alexander Kalinin, was detained. There is a possibility that representatives of this organization are behind some of the latest antics against the film “Matilda”, including: throwing Molotov cocktails at the studio of the film’s director Alexei Uchitel, setting fire to cars near the office of Uchitel’s lawyer, calls and letters threatening arson to cinemas, etc. Further.

Let me make a reservation right away: there is not the slightest reason to assume that this organization and its participants are the only ones behind the extremist events of recent weeks. For example, a lone radical drove into a cinema building in Yekaterinburg with the aim of setting it on fire. The hysteria surrounding the release of this film was largely provoked by State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya. Subsequently, she declared her condemnation of radical methods of struggle, but at the same time she did everything in the public space to ensure that the degree of confrontation reached precisely the level of radicalism. This affected too wide a circle of “radical Orthodox believers” who felt last years too freely, since the article in the Criminal Code about insulting the feelings of believers gave them the opportunity to be offended by literally anything, and then demand the imprisonment and bans of anyone and anything. In recent years, the government has relied on radical conservative groups, as it was situationally necessary for it to combat the dominance of the liberal trend in the media and cultural space.

Let’s not utter platitudes here like “but everyone was warned”, “we played it out” and “the state’s flirtation with the radicals will inevitably hit the state.” Let’s not even remember the generally similar story of BORN (“Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists”), when some of the nationalists fed by the Kremlin, used to fight opposition nationalists, decided that their native state would forgive them everything and went to kill (among the victims of BORN is a lawyer Stanislav Markelov and Novaya Gazeta journalist Anastasia Baburova).

Something else is more interesting. A few days ago, during a rally of Alexei Navalny’s supporters in Omsk, at the same time, a rally of regular opponents of the film “Matilda” took place in this city. As a result, in Yandex.News this led to a funny juxtaposition: the message “Alexey Navalny announced the largest rally in the history of Omsk” was located exactly above the heading “A rally of opponents of “Matilda” was held in Omsk” - as if against “Matilda” Navalny’s supporters were just holding a rally. It can be assumed that in the minds of many ordinary people the two rallies were confused.

As expected, on September 22 at 18:00, Navalny’s supporters will hold a rally in Novosibirsk. At the same time, the Novosibirsk mayor's office intends to organize a screening of the film "Matilda" in a small cinema. Minus a hundred movie lovers at the rally will certainly not make a difference, but it is obvious that the purpose of this screening is different: opponents of “Matilda” will probably want to organize some kind of protests of their own in front of the cinema, which will partially supplant Navalny’s rally in the overheated information agenda.

There is nothing new in such tactics for our government - it’s not even a classic spoiler technology (once, for example, six or seven “Russian Marches” took place simultaneously in Moscow on one day), but an oversaturation of the agenda. And in general it would be worth shrugging your shoulders and passing by. If not for one circumstance.

The Russian government cannot learn the same lesson for years, despite the fact that it is repeated from cycle to cycle.

You cannot fight radical extremists with one hand and use them for your own purposes with the other. “Your” nationalists can hold a rally-concert in order to draw the public away from the action of “opposition” nationalists taking place at the same time. However, at this sanctioned rally there will be a young man with a gun in his backpack.

Radical believers will be very useful to you in punishing Pussy Riot, in condemning the presumptuous liberal public, which goes to uncultured performances and does not respect the values ​​of the ordinary Russian person. They will also be useful in the fight against Navalny.

But the arson of cinemas will continue, the cause of the “Christian State” will be picked up by other groups (and most likely, they were picked up a long time ago).

In recent weeks, the authorities have found themselves in a similar dual situation in connection with rallies of Russian Muslims in support of the Rohingya people in distant Myanmar. The police, who harshly suppress any opposition protests, were embarrassed to disperse the protests near the embassy. And even when in St. Petersburg Muslims organized an unauthorized picket right on Palace Square, 60 people were detained, but released simply after checking their documents. No overcrowded paddy wagons, no thousands of fines. The Kremlin’s thesis that any public actions must be carried out in compliance with the law ceased to work as soon as the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, came out in support of the Rohingya.

The ideal way out of the specific situation with radical “believers” and “Matilda,” it seems to me, would be to persistently invite representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church as a moderator. The state does literally everything for the Russian Orthodox Church, so there is nothing wrong with asking the Church to make a reciprocal gesture and call on people in all parishes to stop organizing protests against the release of the film “Matilda.” To save face, you can, for example, simply urge parishioners not to go to see this film (at the same time, the fullness of the cinema halls will make it possible to estimate the real, and not the fictitious, number of churchgoers in the country). The “Tsarebozhnikov” should be recognized as a destructive sect, Poklonskaya should be sent on a long international trip to establish inter-parliamentary cooperation in South America or to the penguins of Antarctica.

Natalya Poklonskaya against Yuri Chaika: the State Duma deputy recorded a special video on the occasion of the Moscow premiere of the film “Matilda”. She criticizes the position of the country's prosecutor general and her former boss, who does not take action on her complaints about the painting by Alexei Uchitel. Poklonskaya also reminded Yuri Chaika about his children’s business - these facts, as you know, were cited by Alexei Navalny in his investigation. A political observer for Kommersant FM believes that the Matilda scandal is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but Poklonskaya is looking for a new niche for herself.

Natalya Poklonskaya accused the Russian Prosecutor General of inaction regarding her complaints regarding the feature film “Matilda”. The deputy lists his complaints: okay, only extremism, so there is a whole bunch of articles - copyright infringement, financial fraud, tax evasion and even deviation from the country's information security doctrine.

In general, we can say that the eight-minute message is no longer about “Matilda,” or rather, not only about “Matilda.” It's more about life and the current political moment. By those who promote the picture of the Teacher, Natalya Poklonskaya means evil. And goodness is humble, praying people who resist all this, fighters for truth, humiliated and insulted. A comparison of cordoned-off cinemas with cultural centers “where Nazi executioners and Banderaites were tried” can perhaps be considered the main thesis of the speech.

The video mentions the children of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika - instead of fighting evil in the form of the film "Matilda", he cares about the happy life and business of his offspring. Headlines appeared: “Poklonskaya cites Navalny’s investigation.” Yes, it seems. Alexei Navalny himself commented on this: “If you throw out the talk about cordoned off cinemas and the holy sovereign, then in general the speech of a dissident turns out to be.”

It is clear that a version is immediately being born about another attack on Yuri Chaika on the eve of the presidential elections. However, for some reason, in this case, the story about another confrontation between the Kremlin towers, as well as about the union of Poklonskaya and Navalny, is hard to believe. Although, of course, anything can happen.

However, it still remains unclear main question: who is promoting Poklonskaya and what forces could be behind her? The famous journalist Maxim Shevchenko dedicated a special video to this on the Internet.

Maxim Shevchenko hints at the world behind the scenes, no more and no less, a global clerical-monarchist party that has decided to pay attention to Russia. And Poklonskaya is only a conductor of her ideas, but not a leader. This is also hard to believe. As well as her alliance with Navalny in the interests of the Kremlin towers.

Although it is noteworthy that Poklonskaya is being rebuilt: “Matilda” is just a movie, there will be a screening - and that’s it, no problem. What then to do, what to do?

And now she is already looking for a new niche in Russian politics - she debates with Ksenia Sobchak, appears as a fighter against corruption and, most importantly, constantly appeals to support groups - to letters addressed to her, of which there are already hundreds of thousands. So it looks like we are dealing with a new and still poorly understood phenomenon. And moreover, it is absolutely unsystematic, falling out of the state scenario, where everyone has their own role.

Are Egyptians waiting for Russian tourists and how many Russians continue to vacation on the Egyptian coast of the Red Sea, getting there by roundabout routes?

Vladimir Putin. Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev/Reuters

On Monday, the Russian President in Cairo will discuss security issues in the Middle East with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. One of the topics of discussion will be the resumption of air traffic between the two countries, reports RBC.

According to the source of the publication in the Ministry of Transport, air travel between Russia and Egypt (though specifically to Cairo, and not to resort towns) may resume before New Year holidays. Another close to Russian Ministry transport source said that the head of this department, Maxim Sokolov, will also fly to Egypt on December 11.

Natalia Piletskaya guide from Hurghada “Now we are waiting for Vladimir Putin to appear on the 11th. We all know about this. We hope that at least the issue regarding air traffic will be resolved. There are tourists, of course. Ukraine flew and still flies. Belarus too. But this is not only insufficient, it is generally the minimum. This cannot be taken into account. The Germans are flying. A lot of China. All countries fly except ours. So we're really, really looking forward to it. We need Russians. Of course, you can’t go anywhere without them. Our main tourist flow is 60% from Russia. We are waiting for ours, we can’t go anywhere without them. There are not many who fly through Belarus. It is very expensive. All of Russia flies through Turkey. This is the very first option that our Russia uses. Tourists loved Egypt, so they fly, nothing stops them. But they fly through something: either through Greece, or even through Poland. But the main flow goes through Turkey, so Turkish Airlines Now they make very good money from us.”

A guide from Hurghada, Mohamed Amon, is also waiting for the Russians:

Mohamed Amon guide from Hurghada “We are waiting very hard, and for a long time. We will be very glad if air traffic resumes. We have been ready for this for a long time. We welcome all tourists who come from all over the world. Of course, compared to what we had before the cessation of air traffic between our two states, this, of course, is a great loss for our economy. In principle, tourists from Russia are now coming, but through other countries. But not in such quantities as it was before the cessation of air traffic.”

They come from Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia. Lots of Chinese. Wait Russian tourists The guide in Egypt, Mustafa Elwani, has already stopped:

Mustafa Elwani guide in Egypt "From different countries tourists come from all over the world. Lots of Chinese. Ukrainians also began to come more often. And travel agencies offer tours cheaper than before. I stopped waiting for a solution regarding Russian tourists; two years have already passed. But everything will pass someday, most likely after the end of the World Cup, which will be soon.”

At the same time, at the beginning of this week, the Association of Tour Operators of Russia reported that direct flights between the Russian Federation and Egypt are unlikely to resume next year.

At the same time, the Egyptian side hopes for a different outcome, since according to the results of the draw, the Russian and Egyptian national teams were placed in the same group and will play each other in St. Petersburg on June 19.

Meanwhile, a number of experts in the tourism industry do not rule out that Moscow will meet Cairo halfway and regular flights between the capitals of the two countries will be resumed with summer schedule next year. Or Russia may allow charter flights from Egypt with football fans.

A ban on flights from Russia to Egypt was introduced after the crash of a Kogalymavia airliner plane over Sinai as a result of a terrorist attack. 224 people died in it.

The visit of the Egyptian President to Russia was supposed to be unique in the history of not only Abdelfattah Sisi himself, but also Vladimir Putin. Since Soviet times, an Egyptian friend has not been received in our country on such a grand scale. The night before, the two presidents walked along the Sochi embankment and talked with vacationers, who resolutely stated that the resorts Krasnodar region no worse than the Egyptian ones, and Putin and Sisi ended the day with an informal dinner at the Adler restaurant “Vysota 5642”.

On Wednesday the program was planned to be even more extensive, but the tragedy in Kerch forced all plans to change. Opening the meeting with the President of Egypt in a limited format, Putin was brief and did not comment in any way on the guest’s remark about the desire to reopen air traffic between the resorts of the Red Sea and Russian cities.

After two hours of negotiations on the abbreviated program, the presidents came out to reporters.

Before we inform you about the results of our work today, I would like to say that a few hours ago in the city of Kerch, a tragic event occurred,” Putin began with the most important thing. - As a result of the explosion of a prepared explosive device, people were killed and many were wounded. I want to express my condolences to the relatives of the victims and express the hope that the victims will recover as quickly as possible. We will do everything for this. It is already clear that this is a crime. The motives and versions of this tragedy are being carefully studied. In memory of the victims, I ask that you honor their memory with a minute of silence.

The hall - both delegations, Russian and Egyptian journalists - stood up. And only after that the summing up began. Putin and Sisi signed an Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Cooperation, discussed the construction of a nuclear power plant in Egypt by Russian specialists and the supply of Russian grain to the Egyptians.

First of all, I would like to mention a large contract worth 1 billion euros - passenger cars for Egypt, - the president recalled about the agreement on 1300 passenger carriages leaving for Cairo. - We also considered the issue of full-scale restoration of tourist exchanges and full air traffic.

The Egyptians held their breath at this phrase, but there was no sensation.

In April, direct regular flights on the Moscow – Cairo route were resumed; today we discussed the issue of charter flights on popular flights among Russians. tourist destinations“To Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh,” Putin said. - Our Egyptian friends are doing everything necessary to increase the level of security. We will strive to restore as soon as possible charter flights along these routes.


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