Yurga bus station information phone number. Yurga bus station. Taxi in Yurga

Here you can buy bus tickets from the bus station in Yurga, Kemerovo region.

Ticket prices displayed at time of sale include all fees. For selling a ticket via the Internet, the bus station charges a fee of 7 rubles for suburban routes And discount tickets for disabled people and 20 rubles for intercity. The commission of our website at this bus station is 7% of the cost of the bus station ticket, including the fee for transferring money through the payment system.

You can print your ticket at the bus station ticket office. You must have your ID with you. Boarding a bus using an electronic ticket is carried out provided that the passenger’s passport data matches the passport data specified in the passenger’s electronic ticket.

Tickets can be refunded before the bus departure time at the bus station ticket office and on the website. After the bus departs, return is possible only at the bus station. Refunds at the ticket office are carried out if the passport data of the person presenting the passport matches the passport data specified in the electronic ticket.

Here you can buy bus tickets from the bus station in Yurga, Kemerovo region.

Ticket prices displayed at time of sale include all fees. For selling a ticket via the Internet, the bus station charges a fee of 7 rubles for suburban routes and discounted tickets for disabled people and 20 rubles for intercity routes. The commission of our website at this bus station is 7% of the cost of the bus station ticket, including the fee for transferring money through the payment system.

You can print your ticket at the bus station ticket office. You must have your ID with you. Boarding a bus using an electronic ticket is carried out provided that the passenger’s passport data matches the passport data specified in the passenger’s electronic ticket.

Tickets can be refunded before the bus departure time at the bus station ticket office and on the website. After the bus departs, return is possible only at the bus station. Refunds at the ticket office are carried out if the passport data of the person presenting the passport matches the passport data specified in the electronic ticket.


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