Discounts for schoolchildren on air tickets per year. Are parents with many children entitled to discounted plane tickets? When can I carry it for free?

In 2019, the Russian government will provide schoolchildren with discounts on air tickets. Similar discounts will be provided to children aged 10-17 years. Most airlines will provide these. Currently, most airlines are ready to accept students, providing up to 90% discounts on tickets.

The discount applies only to tickets in economy class. When purchasing a luxury air ticket, parents will be required to reimburse the difference from the cost of an economy class ticket to the selected flight class. But such offers cannot be found in every airline. Private companies have the right not to create benefits. Only those airlines provide and will provide in 2019 discounts for schoolchildren on air tickets with which the state has signed a contract.

When a student buys a plane ticket, he must provide a certificate from his full-time educational institution. It must contain information about the educational institution. Additionally, a passport or birth certificate will be required. The above documents will also be checked before boarding. Such measures are necessary to prevent fraud.

Who gets the benefit?

Discounts on air tickets will be provided to schoolchildren aged 10-17 years. In this case, they must be accompanied by an adult: a parent, teacher or coach. Children can fly without adults only if they have a notarized permission from their parents or legal representatives, which states that they do not mind solo flight child. At the same time, a child is prohibited from traveling abroad without adults.

Benefits for schoolchildren on air tickets in 2019 provide a discount of more than 10% of the ticket price. U different airlines your conditions and requirements for providing a discount. Most of the companies on this list will provide a 50% discount on 1 ticket next year.

However, some airlines allow the sale of tickets at a 90% discount. In this case, the following condition must be met: availability of a supporting document with the seal of the institution and the signature of an authorized person. Without a certificate, schoolchildren will not have the right to fly with benefits in 2019.

How has the size of the benefit changed over the past 3 years?

People first started talking about discounted flights in 2015. From that year until now, the amount of discounts has remained virtually unchanged. Every year the number of airlines that are ready to sell discounted tickets for students aged 10-17 years is growing.

Conditions for purchasing tickets for schoolchildren:

  • presence of a passport or birth certificate;
  • availability of a valid certificate from the school.

When purchasing tickets online, you can take advantage of last minute offers on certain flights. In this case, the ticket price will cost 5% of the full cost. When purchasing a ticket at the airport ticket office, special offers cannot be combined. Students will be able to choose only one of the options.

In 2017, discount plane tickets for schoolchildren were sold from September 1 until the end of May. IN summer time no benefits were provided to schoolchildren. Some airlines gave a 50% discount on tickets if the student's age did not exceed 12 years.

Since 2018, some companies have been providing discounts on tickets not only to schoolchildren, or schoolchildren up to 10 years old inclusive. When buying a ticket for a child, each carrier offers a discount. Only the interest rates differ: 25-90%. The biggest discount is for a child aged 0 to 2 years. Here parents pay only 10% of the adult ticket price. However, a separate place for the baby is not provided.

If the child's age is between 2-12 years, the discount is 25-50%. The percentage of the discount depends on the conditions of a particular airline. At the same time, discounts can also be obtained on expensive fares, including business class. Schoolchildren will also be able to take advantage of the youth discount if they are over 12 years old. The upper age limit depends on the carrier's policy. If we talk about the size of the discount, it varies between 10-25%.

What is the size of the discount for schoolchildren on air tickets in 2019?

In 2019, the average discount on air tickets for schoolchildren will be 50% of the ticket price. At the same time, some airlines are already ready to sell tickets at a greater discount. The government is regulating this issue, actively seeking to increase the number of airlines that will be able to provide benefits to schoolchildren next year.

The discount will be valid only for the period the child is actually studying at school. It will be valid for the academic year: from September 1 to May 31. In some regions, the period for preferential purchases of plane tickets for schoolchildren has been extended until mid- or late June.

How to get discounts for schoolchildren on air tickets in 2019

In 2019, the process of obtaining a discount on an air ticket for schoolchildren will be carried out upon provision of a certain list of documents: the student has a certificate from a general education institution and a passport (birth certificate). The discount is valid during the academic year, but can be extended by decision of the Regional Administration. Airlines advise parents to check in advance until what date the benefit is valid.

Russian schoolchildren will be able to travel in 2019 with a discount only in economy class. To purchase plane tickets from increased level comfort, they will have to pay the difference in price from economy class to the corresponding class.

The Russian government is trying in every possible way to make the life of its citizens much easier and better by providing a list of the most diverse benefits. Naturally, only designated persons and categories of citizens are eligible for these discounts. There is also a special list for schoolchildren, as well as many for their parents.

The conversation is about providing discounts on tickets at airports, in a situation where a student needs to fly to another region of the state and can only use an airplane. The cost of tickets is a rather expensive transaction for many residents of our country, and on an ongoing basis, and in fact, this is why the country has rolled out benefits specifically in providing discounted tickets for schoolchildren who study in distant regions of Russia.

Typically, discounts in this region are provided exclusively to children over 10 years old. Benefits provide the purchase of discounts on tickets to any region of the state, and only in the ordinary class of the aircraft. In addition, schoolchildren who have disabilities and cannot travel for a long time using other modes of transport can also enjoy increased discounts.

Discounts for schoolchildren on air tickets

Discounts for them are approximately 70 percent per ticket. It is also worth saying that not all companies provide benefits for schoolchildren, but only those with which the state has signed agreements, since most air operators are private; they have the right to simply refuse to sell tickets to a schoolchild under benefits. A list of airline operators that provide such benefits can be purchased at the educational institution with documentation that the student can purchase such discounts from the country. Certificates are required to purchase discounts and must be shown to cashiers at the time of ticket purchase along with your birth certificate.

When checking your ticket before departure, you must also show identification documents and a document from your place of study. This was created in order to avoid scams from people who have the opportunity to take advantage of school documents to receive discounts on tickets. Even guardians can do this and details before the introduction of similar laws.

In addition, it is worth remembering that discounts can only be purchased during the legal time of year, more precisely from September 1 to May 31.

Such benefits can be purchased by certain categories of people. Schoolchildren fall under the provided category.

What can schoolchildren expect?

This year, a schoolchild who must get from one region of our country to another, and if this is possible only by air, then the organization will provide him with a discount. As usual, for various citizens of the state, air tickets are extremely expensive.

And consequently, the country decided to introduce discounts for school-age people on air tickets who are studying in other regions of the state. As a rule, only children who have reached the age of fifteen can purchase benefits.

You can get a discount only for a standard class on an airplane, however, you can fly to any region of the state. But schoolchildren who have a level of disability and cannot travel by other means of transport for a long time can apply increased discounts. Discounts for similar people may exceed seventy percent of the price of the ticket itself.

However, not all airlines can provide discounts for schoolchildren. Private organizations may deny various discounts and benefits to children. Only those airlines that have entered into their own contracts with the state can provide discounts.

After the student has been issued discounts at his school, he will be given a list of airline information and will be able to familiarize himself with it in more detail. All these documents and certificates must be provided to the cashier after you purchase an air ticket, and then you will receive a discount.

Before boarding the plane, the child will be checked for a ticket, a certificate of discounts and a document that proves his identity. All this is done with the goal of avoiding fraud. Because some people may deliberately use schoolchildren's certificates and get on the plane.

You need to know that only at a certain time a student is able to apply his own discounts and benefits. And actually from the first of September until the 31st of May. School-age children cannot purchase discounts on any state vehicles in the summer. Plus, before that, you can ask about benefits directly from the airlines, indicating the exact age of the student.

Because it sometimes happens that some airlines have their own discounts for students. Of course, age does not have to exceed 12 years, and some airlines can provide a fifty percent discount.

Plus before this there is a discount for students and young people.

The discount on air tickets for a particular category of citizens is determined by the airline itself that arranges the flight. However, according to the government, in 2018 discounts will be provided for flights both within Russia and outside the homeland.

Discounts for children depending on age

Children 10-17 years old will be able to receive a discount from 10 to 90%; the discount policy, as well as the requirements and conditions for their provision, are determined by the air carrier. Currently, the standard discount is 10%; Aeroflot and a number of other airlines provide this benefit. We are talking exclusively about economy class, but if the student’s family chooses increased comfort in flight, you will have to children's ticket pay the difference between an economy class ticket and the selected class.

Infants under 2 years old, without occupying a separate seat, have a 100% discount on air travel, this is very convenient.

As for children 2-10 years old, the airline sets a discount for this category, but, as a rule, it does not happen less than 10%.

How to get a discount

When purchasing a ticket at the ticket office, you will need a certificate certifying that the student is undergoing full-time education, as well as a passport - domestic or foreign - depending on the country of destination. Please note that the discount is usually valid during the academic year - from September 1 to May 31.

The regional policy of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation stipulates a longer period for receiving the discount - until the end of June.

Discounts for youth over 16 years old

There are special ones that are accepted all over the world, often they apply to students over 16 years of age, but there are other options. To buy a ticket at this rate, you will need a membership card (plastic card or identification number) of the International Student Union or another similar organization. The discount can be 25-50%.

Last minute air ticket

The greatest discount, according to statistics from the Ministry of Tourism, can be obtained by purchasing a last minute ticket, that is, almost before departure. Here the discount applies to all ages, starting from 2 years. Sometimes, if the flight is not at all full, and it is necessary to justify the cost of the flight, the company provides a 90% discount. Such tickets fly out in a few minutes; all you have to do is keep an eye on the airlines’ special offers.

The air transportation market in Russia is growing rapidly. More and more citizens are traveling, be it domestic flights or foreign trips.

But few people know that even this type of transport can be used taking into account the existing benefits. How to do this and what citizens can count on - this is discussed in our article.

Who is entitled to

The cost of an air ticket depends on large number factors:

  • flight range;
  • type of aircraft;
  • airport taxes;
  • passenger seats.

Complex calculations lead to the fact that sometimes the flight becomes very expensive. Budget airlines even save money by not paying for the boarding bridge for their passengers, but delivering them to the terminals by bus. However, absolutely everything Russian airlines offer certain discounts for passengers.

The following categories of passengers can count on preferences:

  • disabled people of groups I, II, III;
  • disabled children;
  • citizens accompanying disabled people on the road;
  • pensioners registered in the Far East and Siberia;
  • students;
  • pupils;
  • relatives of airline employees.

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Thus, for pensioners and students, individual carriers are developing discount programs that can be used throughout the year. Disabled people receive support according to the state support program.

Regulatory documents that regulate travel rules and benefits:

  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 24 of February 15, 2016;
  • air code of the Russian Federation;
  • general rules passenger transportation in air transport in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 82 of June 28, 2007.

The main benefits of airlines primarily concern citizens with disabilities. It is important to note that each ticket has a class of service. When applying for a discount on air tickets, the passenger does not lose in the level of service. On board he will be provided with hot meals and drinks in the same way as all other passengers.

Which ones are provided?

Let's start with pensioners, for whom the government has developed a successful program of discounted flights with Far East and Siberia. Discounts are provided only for retired residents registered in the relevant regions. Discounts are provided in the amount of half the cost of the air ticket.

Carriers provide benefits for Far Eastern and Siberian residents for a certain number of travel documents. Due to the fact that Russia is a large country, and the cost of a flight from the Far East to the central part can be higher than foreign flights, this program was developed. The benefit applies only to certain destinations when flying within the country.

Discounts are offered by the following airlines:

  • Aurora (Aeroflot);
  • Ural Airlines;
  • Yakutia;
  • Habavia;
  • Nord Wind;
  • Siberia;
  • Pegasus Fly.

There are also discounts for students. At the same time, most airlines rely not on the fact that the citizen is undergoing training, but on the age of the passenger. Basic discounts are provided in the amount of 25% for all citizens from 12 to 23 years old.

Aurora Airlines and other subsidiary carriers of Aeroflot provide a youth fare for citizens up to their 25th birthday.

It is worth noting that according to international rules All children under two years old travel by plane for free. For this purpose they are also issued travel document marked INF, which means baby, and do not provide a separate place other than bassinets.

However, for children aged two years and above, airlines can independently regulate their fare policy. Many carriers provide a discount for schoolchildren ranging from 25% to 50% of the ticket price.

One of the few categories of passengers who are entitled to discounts on air tickets are relatives of carrier employees. All of them are eligible for discounts throughout the year. Their size is set by airlines independently; discounts are not supported by the state.

The authorities fully control the provision of travel benefits for disabled people of all groups, as well as for persons accompanying them.

Conditions for granting the subsidy:

  • the flight is carried out for treatment and rehabilitation;
  • The discount percentage is adjusted depending on the region;
  • The accompanying person most often receives compensation payments from the state.

Carriers independently set the size of the benefit, as well as the number of discounted tickets provided. Typically the discount is about 50%. This benefit is provided entirely at the expense of the federal budget.

How to use

To purchase a discounted plane ticket, you will need to contact the airline and find out whether benefits are provided for a specific category of passengers.

You can do this in any of the convenient ways:

  • online through official websites;
  • by contacting the airline ticket office.

Many citizens today purchase travel tickets via the Internet. It's simple, convenient and saves time. The website always contains information about benefits in the section “Discounts”, “ Special offers" and so on.

Also, airline websites offer to receive a discount when purchasing by correctly indicating the passenger category.

For example, Aurora Airlines officially provides discounts for:

  • pensioners;
  • youth from 12 to 25 years old.

When choosing a passenger category, the airfare will be indicated taking into account discounts and taxes. We draw the attention of citizens traveling with children to the fact that they must issue a separate travel document for an infant and indicate that the flight is carried out with a child.

The fact is that infants (from birth to two years old) do not travel for free, but rather enjoy a 100% discount.

When purchasing a ticket, passengers with disabilities should know:

  • the accompanying person cannot be under 18 years of age;
  • a disabled child under 12 years of age can travel by air only with an accompanying person;
  • If a person has hearing or vision problems, accompaniment is strictly required.

Please remember that a person with a disability may not be allowed to board the flight upon check-in. We advise you to contact the airline directly after purchasing your ticket and communicate your preferences.

In some cases, a passenger with a disability and his accompanying person must purchase tickets for flights to places of treatment, and subsequently obtain compensation for previously spent funds. This practice is the most common. The maximum compensation amount is 50%.

Required documents

To purchase a discount ticket at the airline's ticket office or through the website, you just need to enter the details (present) of a document that gives you the right to a discount.

In most cases, this is one of the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • birth certificate.

For persons with disabilities and citizens accompanying them during the flight, a different procedure applies:

  • a ticket is initially purchased at the ticket office indicating that a person with a disability is traveling to the place of treatment;
  • After returning, the citizen or his representative applies to the social protection authority to receive compensation.

Documents that must be provided along with the established application:

  • passports of passengers or one of them (if the disabled person traveled independently);
  • document confirming the presence of disability;
  • airline ticket receipts (you can also attach used boarding passes);
  • all medical documents (copy of referral for treatment, copy of extract, certificate, etc.).

The application review period will be 7 working days, after which the request will be granted and the cost of the air ticket will be partially reimbursed. Money is transferred in the same way as other payments in favor of a citizen with a disability.

Today, all Russian airlines are private; they have the right to independently regulate tariff policies.

Most of them provide benefits for several categories of persons all year round and participate in government programs. All this is being done with the aim of increasing passenger traffic and making air transport more accessible.

Air travel has many advantages over land modes of transport. This is comfort, speed and safety. This is especially true for trips with children or when he is sent alone. Naturally, no one says that it is allowed to leave one baby on board the plane. But in Europe, the practice of flying children 7-8 years old without parents is universally accepted. It is profitable and at the same time convenient. Unlike on a train, the naughty boy won't be able to escape anywhere on the plane, and there's no risk of the child getting lost at the station.

At what age can a child fly alone?

Different airlines around the planet set their own age limits for children flying independently. If we talk about our Aeroflot, then we are talking about the age of five years and above, but children under 16 years old must definitely order a service, which has a name - accompanying a child on the plane. If desired, it is possible to order it for 16-17 year old teenagers who are flying without adults. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if a child is flying alone, then the ticket is paid for 100% of the amount.

So what is included in the service itself? At this point, your child is picked up at the airport and escorted to their seat on the plane. Also, the crew of the aircraft is also responsible. Throughout the flight, flight attendants will offer your child various cartoons and toys. When the flight ends, the child is handed over to the person meeting him. Moreover, he will have to provide his passport or other identification document.

What are benefits for schoolchildren?

Certain categories of citizens fall under such benefits. A specific list has been created for schoolchildren. Therefore, if a student needs to travel to another region of the country by plane, then he is given some discounts. As a rule, plane tickets are very expensive for many Russians. Therefore, the authorities proposed creating discounts on air tickets for schoolchildren.

As a rule, in this area discounts are given only to those children who have reached 10 years of age. Benefits can only be obtained for a regular class of aircraft, but here you can choose any region of Russia. Those schoolchildren who have a degree of disability and are unable to travel by other transport for a long time also have increased discounts for air tickets.

Reality 2017

It is worth noting that not all airlines are ready to give benefits. As for private airlines, they have the right to refuse and not give discounts on their tickets to students. These benefits are given only to those companies that have entered into an agreement with the state. Parents will be able to receive a list of these companies when issuing a certificate about the possibility of receiving discounts. They are given at the educational institution.

Such documents and certificates that confirm identity are given to cashiers during the purchase of an air ticket in order to receive a discount. They also check before boarding a certificate of benefits, an identity document and much more. They decided to take such measures in order to avoid fraud on the part of passengers who would like to use school certificates to receive discounts.

You also need to know that discounts on plane tickets for schoolchildren apply at certain times. To be precise, until May 31 and starting from September 1. Discounts in summer holidays for schoolchildren there are no provisions for any type of transport. You can ask airline representatives about possible benefits. There is also the possibility that a particular company has additional benefits for students. Of course, the student’s age should not exceed 12 years. Whereas, in some airline companies you can even get a 50 percent discount.


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