Application for an unaccompanied child Aeroflot. Abroad without parents: independent flight of a child and accompanying service on the plane. It depends on such factors

On airplanes different airlines the world practice of transporting children without parents. Each carrier can independently adjust the generally accepted rules for the flight of minors.

Rules for flying unaccompanied children

On board the most popular aviation company Russia - Aeroflot allows children to fly unaccompanied by adults after reaching 12 years of age. You can read more about the rules for flying children with this airline.

Primary requirements:

  • An unaccompanied child arrives at the airport with parents, guardians or other authorized persons of adult age, who undertake to remain with the child in the terminal building until boarding the flight.
  • A child without parents can only travel by regular flights Aeroflot. On routes with transfers and connections, mandatory accompaniment of the small passenger is required.
  • Upon arrival, the child must be met at the airport by adult relatives, guardians or other trusted persons.
  • A child travels alone on an adult ticket purchased at a standard fare. He, like other passengers on the flight, is provided with free meals and other services provided.

Child escort service by Aeroflot employees

Aeroflot airline provides paid service– accompanying a minor on board the aircraft under the supervision of experienced personnel. Under these conditions, it is allowed to transport the child to connecting flights and with transfers at intermediate airports.

Tariffs for escort services:

  • accompanying a child throughout Russia costs 3,400 rubles;
  • flights to near and far abroad countries – from 40 euros.

This service is provided to children from 5 to 12 years old. At the personal request of parents, airline employees are ready to supervise the flight of teenage children - from 12 to 16 years old, inclusive, for a certain fee established in the carrier’s tariff plan.

You can read about the nuances of flying with a baby on an Aeroflot plane.

Instructions for parents on ordering the service

You can order the “accompanying a child” service at the permanent offices of Aeroflot and at specialized agencies that sell tickets for flights of this carrier.

For registration escort services required:

  • original birth certificate of the minor passenger;
  • a document confirming the relationship, guardianship and other rights of an adult applicant for a child sent on an unaccompanied flight;
  • fill out an application and a form where you need to indicate the details of the accompanying adult and the person meeting you at the arrival airport;
  • international passport and visa for the child if you plan to fly on international flights;
  • a receipt confirming payment for the ordered service.

At the place of arrival, the child must be met at the airport by an adult, whose details are initially indicated in the application from the parents/guardians/trustees. The person meeting the minor passenger is required to present a passport or other identity document.

Sample application

Aviation companies around the world create all conditions for a comfortable and safe flight for passengers with minor children, as well as for young travelers going on a flight without parental accompaniment. Under the supervision of experienced airline staff, your children will be transported to their destination with the responsible handover of the minor to the meeting person specified in the parent/guardian application.

Thanks to the service of accompanying children on an airplane, you don’t have to worry about how to send your child to study, to grandma or just friends in another city or country. Before deciding to send your child on a trip this way, familiarize yourself with the nuances of the service.

Who can use the service

As a rule, the option is available for ordering a ticket for children from 5 to 12 years old. Some airlines allow such tickets to be issued to teenagers from 16 years of age to adulthood.

How to arrange support

Registration is permitted to the child's official representatives: guardians, trustees, parents and adoptive parents.

Note! Registration by brothers or sisters or grandparents is not permitted.

Before booking tickets, check whether the airline provides this service, as not everyone supports this feature. You must book your ticket no later than 36 hours before departure.. This is due to the fact that the company allocates places for children in advance. As a rule, from four to six places are designed for these needs. Also, when purchasing, immediately indicate that you intend to use support.

It is also important to choose direct flights without transfers. If you need to travel to the next point of departure, the carrier refuses to provide the service. The service will be provided if the transfer is made at the same airport.

What to do if you want to send your child abroad? Accompaniment can only be issued if the parent provides a statement stipulating his permission for the child to travel. The document must be presented to the airport in original and must be certified by a notary.

Required documents

If you wish to arrange a flight for your child, you must provide the following documents:

  • metric certificate;
  • internal passport;
  • foreigner for flights to other countries;
  • the itinerary receipt can be provided both in printed form and electronically;
  • when traveling abroad, medical insurance is also included;
  • visa;
  • an extract from the illness card or a prescription from the attending physician, if the child is bringing medications with him.
Note! If you issue an air ticket accompanied by company employees, then the ticket is purchased at full price, regardless of the age of the child. Benefits excluded.

When registering for the service, the parent also fills out a number of papers provided by the airline. This includes data:

  1. About parents and their child;
  2. Contacts for communication;
  3. Information about who will meet the child.

Airline employees can help you fill out the documents.

Service cost

The ticket will cost 100% of the adult fare. This pricing policy is supported by most Russian and foreign airlines. Not long ago the rules of the S7 carrier changed. Since 2016, the company has been charging an additional fee for the service provided.

Now they will charge 3,000₽ for Russian flights and 50 EUR for foreign trips. Accordingly, sending a child to grandma in Russia will cost 6,000 rubles round trip, and 100 EUR abroad.

For example, UTair does not charge extra money for transportation, Aeroflot has had similar fees for several years.

What is included in the service

Accompanying a child on an airplane includes supervising him during the entire flight, landing and arrival at the destination. Let's look at each stage in more detail.


The first stage is accompanied by the issuance of a cover sheet at the airport building. The document contains information about the flight attendant who will supervise the young traveler. Data about the employee who will meet the child at the destination is also entered there.

Each child is given a bag containing an accompanying sheet. According to airline regulations, it should be hung around your neck and kept until the end of the flight.

At the airport, an accompanying person - an airline employee - helps the child go through all stages of check-in. He checks his luggage and escorts him on board. In this case, children are escorted into the cabin to board earlier than other passengers.

In airplane

During the entire flight, the flight attendant bears full responsibility for the safety of the child. Her responsibilities include helping to buckle up and explain the rules of behavior on the plane. Employees are trained to communicate with young children, answer their questions, and provide play sets for children. If necessary, a staff member will take the child to the toilet.

When the plane comes in to land and the passengers are getting ready to leave, the flight attendant takes the children out of the cabin last.

Additionally, you can enable baby food. This will save time on getting ready, and you also won’t have to put liquid in your son or daughter’s hand luggage. Fresh and healthy food for children is provided on board.


After arriving at the destination airfield, the airline representative is required to check the identity of the person meeting you. The child will be transferred only after being convinced that the receiving party is the person who was announced upon departure.

There are situations when they don’t come to meet the child. In this case, the airline contacts the parents and clarifies how to proceed. If the greeter is delayed, staff will stay with the child until the person reaches the airport.

Flights with transfers require that a company employee be assigned to the child at each stage of the trip. While waiting between flights, the child will be taken to a playroom or VIP room, where he can relax or have a snack.

Accompanying children on different airlines

Depending on the airline, the conditions of escort and the cost of air travel may vary. Let's consider several popular carriers and the nuances of providing the service.


Features of support in S7:

  1. After small passengers board the plane, an S7 employee notifies parents.
  2. In situations where it is not possible to contact the meeting person or the child’s parents/guardians/trustees, the last resort is to send him to the departure airport under the supervision of airport staff.
  3. The list of documents is identical to the papers given in the section “ Required documents" You can make an application and complete it at S7 offices or at the Contact Center.
  4. The application for transportation, which is issued in offices or at the airport, must be signed by the parents.
  5. For international flights, a notarized consent from both parents for departure must indicate the timing of the child’s departure from the country, as well as the destination - the country to which the child is going.
  6. In S7, the service can be purchased for children from 5 to 16 years old. It is not available to teenagers 17 and 18 years old.
Important! The company provides the service only on direct flights without transfers.


In the Russian company, the age limits are even stricter. Children from five to 12 years old are accepted. However, at the request of the child's representatives, the company can provide accompanied travel for children under 16 years of age. Who can apply for transportation?

  • parents;
  • guardians;
  • adoptive parents;
  • trustees.
Remember! The service is only available on flights numbered SU 6001-6999.

In "Russia" escort is also subject to an additional fee. In this case, a ticket for a child must be issued at 100% payment, without benefits.

Children who can provide confirmed advance reservation ticket, as well as a check for payment for escort services.

With the Rossiya company, you can register a child for an accompanied flight only at the check-in counter, unlike other air carriers, where the service can be arranged in all kinds of offices and branches.

Important! The child's representative accompanying him to the airport building must be there until the plane actually takes off from the airfield.


The company accepts children for transportation with a flight attendant aged from 5 to 16. The airline strongly requires that in case of traveling abroad, check with the official representative office of the country the requirements and current legislation. Perhaps there are some restrictions and nuances. For example, providing additional documents.

Aeroflot points out that it cooperates with a number of companies to provide the service. This means that, by agreement, the airlines listed below can transport children with the current Aeroflot regulations. However, age restrictions at partner companies may vary. This information should be checked on the website. Partners:

  • Rossiya (flights SU5950-SU6999);
  • Adria Airways;
  • Bulgaria Air;
  • Aurora (flights SU5400 - SU5799);
  • Air Baltic.

The company's personnel undertakes to assume responsibilities for the child's registration, while on board, and during connecting flights.

Small passengers are allowed to carry luggage according to tariff plan ticket When accompanied, a ticket is purchased as for an adult passenger and is paid 100%. Children's discounts do not apply to the service.

How much does the service itself cost? The company has set the following tariffs:

  1. For flights operating within cities Russian Federation, the fee will be 3,400₽;
  2. For international flights there is a fee of 40 EUR.

Payment in euros is calculated at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank. The company updates the rate once a week.

Note! During connecting flights, you can order food and drink for your child.

The table shows prices for additional meals while waiting for the next plane:

Discounts do not apply to additional meals while waiting. Payment for international flights is also carried out at the current rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

The person indicated in the application who will meet the child provides an identification document. In this case, it is necessary to have a photograph for verification by the flight attendant.

Unlike other companies, at Aeroflot the child is not given a handbag with an accompanying sheet, but a plastic tablet. It contains the same employee information as other carriers. The tablet with documents is placed on the child at the time of registration and is not removed until the meeting with an authorized representative at the destination.

Due to safety requirements, children are not provided with seats in the row near the emergency exit.

October 24, 2016, 1:54 am

How to send a child alone on a plane? What documents are needed to fly children without adults? There comes a time when parents are faced with this question and choose airlines that offer a service for accompanying children on the plane.

At what age can a child fly alone?

Airlines have different conditions for flying an unaccompanied child. Usually, from the age of 12, a child buys an air ticket at full price, and he has the right to fly independently without accompanying adults.

It is always necessary to note on the ticket that the child is flying unaccompanied.

Children from 5 to 12 years old are prohibited from flying unaccompanied by adults. Therefore, foreign airlines and Russian air carriers, “at the request of workers,” have long established a service for accompanying children on the plane. Some companies even provide it for free as a bonus, and some low-cost airlines, unfortunately, do not have it.

Transportation of unaccompanied children is an interesting term found on airline websites. It is there that you will learn that some airlines allow children to fly alone only from the age of 15, while others can organize accompanying children from 2 years old.

For approximate data from the rules for air travel for unaccompanied children from Aerofolt, see below >>

How to send a child alone on a plane?

Already at the stage of booking air tickets, you need to check with the carrier company: does the child require an accompaniment, does the air carrier have such a service, does it apply only to direct flights, or does it also apply to flights with transfers? Is it cost effective or is it worth changing airlines?

When flying children without parents, the ticket is paid without discounts at the adult fare. Additionally, if necessary (for children up to 18 years old), an accompanying service is paid for. The number of unaccompanied children on board the aircraft is limited (usually no more than 4 people), so it is better to arrange the service in advance at the time of purchasing the ticket.

What is included in the service of accompanying a child on an airplane?

If a child is flying alone, he can only be checked in for the flight directly at the airport terminal. An airport employee picks up the child, goes through all types of control with him and escorts him on board the plane. Until the aircraft takes off, the accompanying person usually needs to be present in the terminal building.

On the plane, the flight attendant will pay special attention to the person being accompanied. If the flight has a transfer, then at the connecting airport the young passenger is taken to a children's room or VIP room. Together with the child, without waiting in line, airline employees go through all the formalities (including receiving his luggage) and hand him over to the greeter at the arrival airport.

Airline regulations vary. The escort service may not be available on flights with transits and transfers. The age range for those accompanied may vary slightly. Some airlines take the child’s passport for the duration of the flight, others put all the documents in a special bag and hang it around the child’s neck. Be sure to check with the airlines for information.

In very rare cases, if there is no meeting person, air carriers can take the child to the desired address. In other cases, airlines contact the accompanying adults and send the child back.

Registration of the service: necessary documents

Parents (or other legal representatives of the child) can apply for the service upon presentation of their passport and child’s birth certificate.

The application for transportation, as well as the Application for the provision of services, are filled out and issued directly at the air ticket offices of the carrier company when purchasing a ticket.

In an Aeroport

Online registration is not available for unaccompanied minors. To register, you must arrive at the airport in advance and with a full package of necessary documents.

  • birth certificate for flights within Russia (passport, visa, power of attorney from both parents and other documents for flights abroad),
  • travel documents,
  • completed application forms and applications with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of those who will meet and accompany the child,
  • receipt for payment for support services,
  • for the accompanying person - his identity document.

The person meeting the child at the airport of arrival must have an identification document with a photo. The details of the person meeting you are verified with those indicated in the documents for accompanying the child.

To enter and exit another country, as well as transit, other documents may be required; before traveling, you must obtain information about them from the Consulate of the relevant state.

Aeroflot service for accompanying a child

Aeroflot provides an escort service for children aged 5 to 16 years. Moreover, the company’s staff will not only take care of the child going through all formalities at airports and will be responsible for him on the plane, but will also help the accompanied young passenger on a connecting flight.

From: Nikolai Nikolaevich Lukyanov

06/22/21012 I sent my child just like you by arranging for this escort service. . .

June 22, 2012 Hello!!! Very disappointed with Aeroflot and the company's services. . . Ashamed. . . You do a very bad job gentlemen, very bad!!! And why aren’t you ashamed!!! And to your employees, you indifferent people, if you don’t deliver what you promise, your price is three kopecks. . . It's a mess in the company, it's a mess!!! Namely, because of the sloppiness and irresponsibility of your employees, the flight attendant of flight 1103 on 15.25 from Krasnodar on June 22, 2012. To Moscow - Sheremetyevo terminal - d, who lost my child today upon arrival in Moscow - Elizaveta Lukyanova, following the transit route: Krasnodar - Moscow - Sheremetyevo - Beirut, receiving her in Krasnodar, my - unaccompanied child and signing for him in the application for an unaccompanied child. I’m even afraid and don’t want to assume bad possible development scenarios then further developments, if only my daughter, who had never traveled independently before, had not gotten out of this situation by leaving without proper and paid escort from your plane and on her own, without anyone’s help, having found her terminal “f” and unhindered Having passed all the control points and border guards and customs, I came to board my next flight 510 Sheremetyevo - Beirut, departure 21.35 June 22, 2012. And all this despite the fact that my daughter was a passenger of the Aeroflot company, special, increased attention, with payment for one escort segment of 40 euros, and four such segments, i.e. 160 euros, so tell me: “what are we paying you for?” money!!! For what!!!
For the fact that you lost her - my child and she was left alone, in a strange and unfamiliar place to her, and no one knew that such a child existed, flew in and is in the terminal - d. For the incompetence of your employees, their indifference, and sloppiness, right???!!! Then, how I should have rested calmly in the room for unaccompanied children and enjoyed your service of accompanying the Aeroflot company at all stages of its so-called “safe” flight. And we spent two hours talking on the phone trying to figure out where our child was and how we could help her and why there was no accompaniment and a simple sign on the child himself - where were the conditions you promised me when I filled out an application to accompany an unaccompanied child, where???!!! Calmness, comfort and pleasure from the flight and your accompaniment???!!! Where!!!??? I will file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office and I will file a lawsuit against you, don’t hesitate!!! You assured me of the safety of my child and deceived me; the negligence and sloppiness of your employees must be punished. Such unfortunate workers have no place in the company. And this fact is nothing more than a crime.
Unbearable stress for both parents and child. I will definitely demand compensation from your company, including moral damages. And let the prosecutor’s office also sort it out and punish all those who allow this: “the fish rots from the head”!!! Once such an event takes place. . . This means that the managers did not organize proper order and smooth work on the ground!!!
Hero city of Novorossiysk. Lukyanov N. N. And here I sent my letter - to whom: saveliev - [email protected]
Date: sat, 23 Jun 2012 01:07:36 0400

You can order the service of accompanying a child on an airplane from most air carriers. This is convenient when you need to send a minor without parents or anyone else. Before using such a service, you need to study the rules for transporting children.

Detailed information about the flight of unaccompanied minors is contained in the airline's rules, which are available on their online resources. This can be found on the Aeroflot website in the “Reference Information” section. It also contains contact information for consultations with the carrier’s employees, and provides an online booking service, ordering a service through which is cheaper than through a cash desk.

How to order and register

Parents or guardians are allowed to place an order and check in with an unaccompanied minor. Since a limited number of seats are available for a child traveling without parents, they must be booked no later than 36 hours before departure.

  • To protect yourself from problems, you must:
  • check with the company’s employees whether it is possible to send a child without adults, because not all carriers have this service available;
  • inform before booking that the child will fly alone;

choose routes without transfers and without changing the departure airport. In the latter case, such transportation will most likely not be available.

  • Check-in for a flight can only be done at the airport in the presence of the child’s legal representative. You must have your passport and birth certificate with you. There you will need to write an application and fill out a cover letter using a special form. The documents must indicate:
  • personal data of the young passenger (full name and age);
  • the language spoken by a minor when flying outside the Russian Federation;
  • citizenship;
  • flight, departure time and route;

personal data and contacts of sending and receiving persons.

In addition to the above, the accompanying documents contain the names of the flight attendant and the carrier’s representative, who will be responsible for accompanying the children on the plane and at the airport of arrival until they are handed over to those meeting them.

Package of documents

  • To the application and cover letter you need to add a list of documents without which it is impossible to purchase the service. To allow young passengers to board a flight within Russia without parents, you will need: travel documents, including boarding pass
  • and baggage receipt; compulsory policy health insurance
  • (compulsory medical insurance);

birth certificate.

To fly abroad, a foreign passport with the appropriate visa is added to this list. All documents must be packed in a bag marked “Unaccompanied Minor,” which must be with the minor from the moment of registration until arrival at the destination.

  • When a child flies alone on a plane, the airline shares responsibility for his condition with the parents. Flight rules establish the sequence of boarding and disembarkation and regulate supervision during the flight:
  • after boarding is announced, minors board the plane first;
  • the safest and most comfortable places are provided for their placement;
  • after landing, children are the last to leave the cabin under the supervision of a flight attendant;
  • at the destination airport they are handed over to a representative of the carrier company;
  • if a transfer is planned, the accompanying person is obliged to hand over the child to the flight attendant of the next flight;
  • while waiting for a transfer, paid drinks must be provided, and when waiting longer than 6 hours - hot meals;
  • the ward must be under supervision until the moment of transfer to the greeter, who is indicated in the accompanying sheet.

If there is no meeting person at the destination, the airline representative must inform the parents and act according to their instructions. If necessary, the carrier is obliged to deliver the child to the specified address. This service will have to be paid additionally.

Acceptable age

Before ordering such a service, you need to find out at what age children can fly without adults. The general rule requires the mandatory presence of parents when flying children under two years old.

The age when a minor can fly independently ranges from 12 to 18 years, depending on the conditions of the company. Children over 5 years old can be accompanied.

Medical indications

There are no age-related contraindications for air travel. Not recommended for use by air with congenital diseases, the exacerbation of which can be caused by pressure changes. It is better to cancel the flight when viral infections that are dangerous to other passengers. For some diseases that require special nutrition, you can order it for an additional fee.

Disabled people in a wheelchair are not allowed to fly without an adult. If medications must be taken during the flight, parents should be sure that they will be taken on time without outside assistance. Usually the carrier does not take responsibility for this, which is specifically stated in the rules. You will also need a certificate confirming the need for taking the drug for health reasons.

Hand luggage and baggage

Baggage may be carried in accordance with the fare at which the ticket was purchased for a minor. More often hand luggage must not exceed 10 kilograms and 115 centimeters in three dimensions. However For your child, take luggage that he can carry without assistance. It could be a bag, or better yet a backpack, that you can put it in.


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