This Indian businessman deserves the title of 'Boss of the Year' and here's why. This Indian Businessman Deserves the Boss of the Year Title and Here's Why an Indian Businessman Gifted His Best Employees 1,260

Moreover, in honor of the main Indian holiday Diwali, which is celebrated this weekend (symbolizing the victory of good over evil, the rise from spiritual darkness), Mr. Dholakia presented his subordinates with another 400 apartments and a lot of all kinds of precious jewelry.

The awards are presented in recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication of our employees over the past five years.

In total, 5,500 employees will receive valuable gifts, for which Hare Krishna Exports will spend $7 million. It is worth noting here that in India it is customary to give something to employees of enterprises on the occasion of Diwali. But usually company management confines itself to boxes of sweets.

Savjibhai Dholakia

However, since 2012, Hare Krishna Exports has been donating cars. Moreover, if in 2012 only three cars were donated, then in 2014 there were already 491 cars and 207 apartments.

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Bouncers for export

The employees of Hare Krishna Exports will remember this Indian and Hindu holiday of Diwali for a long time. Its head, businessman Savji Dolakia, gave them an incredible gift: the best employees received 400 apartments and 1,260 cars.

The company successfully supplies diamonds to more than 70 countries around the world. And this is not the first time that its manager, Savdzhi Dolakia, has rewarded his employees with substantial gifts.

So, in 2014, the billionaire was already giving away apartments, cars and jewelry to hundreds of employees. According to him, the company aims to provide each of its employees with their own home and car within the next five years.

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In July 2016, the diamond magnate became famous for another extraordinary act. He sent his 21-year-old son Dravya, who is studying business management in the United States, to look for work in a small Indian town. The guy was allowed to take only three sets of clothes with him, hygiene supplies and NZ in the amount of 7 thousand rupees (approximately 6.6 thousand rubles). His task was to find himself in unfamiliar city work and housing.

“I come from a wealthy, privileged family whose members are accustomed to getting whatever they like, regardless of the price. On this trip, I had to understand how others get money and how ordinary people live. It was very important for me to check what I’m really worth,” Dravya himself said about this.

The best boss in the world still exists! The owner of the Indian diamond export company H.K. Exports" Savji Dholakia is known not only for his billion-dollar fortune, but also for his extraordinary generosity.

Recently, the head of the diamond empire presented generous gifts to his best employees: jewelry, as well as cars and even apartments. Of course, many people do this large companies, but hardly anyone does this on such a scale as Savji Dholakia - hundreds of people received gifts at the same time.

Moreover, this was not a one-time venture. It turns out that over the past few years the billionaire has donated 400 apartments and 1,260 cars to his employees, and this is just the beginning. Over the next 5 years, the company plans to provide housing and cars to absolutely everyone who works there.

This is how the presentation of gifts took place during the national holiday Diwali - Savji’s subordinates will probably remember this day for a long time.

“This is one of my favorite photographs,” says the billionaire. “All of us at H.K. work to see those smiling faces every day.”


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