Reviews drowning

Drowning is a pathological condition that occurs when liquid, most often water, enters the respiratory tract and lungs. Drowning very often causes death, the time of which is determined by a number of external factors and the state of the victim’s body.

Causes of drowning

The only cause of drowning is asphyxia, which occurs as a result of liquid entering the respiratory tract, as a result of which a person is unable to inhale a new portion of air. Factors predisposing to drowning are alcohol intoxication, failure to follow safety precautions when near bodies of water, injuries to divers, and changes in water temperature.

Types of drowning

There are 3 types of drowning:

  1. True drowning. The main sign of this drowning is fluid entering the lungs. In this case, swelling of the lung tissue occurs, irreversible destruction of its structure.
  2. Asphyxial or false drowning occurs when a person falls into water. However, water does not penetrate into the lungs due to pronounced spasm of the vocal cords. Death occurs as a result of suffocation.
  3. Syncopal drowning is characterized by almost instantaneous death due to reflex cardiac arrest. One of the signs is the absence of attempts by a drowning person to get out of the water.

Drowning assistance

Any person can provide assistance in case of drowning; the likelihood of a favorable outcome depends on the time that has passed between drowning and the start of assistance measures - the less time has passed, the greater the likelihood of the drowned person surviving.

First aid for drowning

Help begins with removing the patient from the water. This is taught in lifeguard courses; no medical education is required. As soon as a person is removed from the water, the mouth, lungs and stomach should be emptied of water. To do this, use a finger wrapped in any material to free your mouth from mucus, saliva, dirt and anything unnecessary. Then you should turn the person over on his stomach or place his chest on the rescuer's knee. Intense pressure on the back should free the lungs from the water that has entered them. Pre-medical assistance is carried out by any person who has knowledge of its provision.

First aid for drowning

Primary medical care consists of performing a complex of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which involves performing chest compressions and artificial ventilation. To carry out a massage correctly and effectively, the victim is placed on a hard surface and begins to press intensely on the middle of the sternum with clasped hands. The frequency of compressions is 80-90 per minute, and the depth of compression of the sternum is 6-8 cm.

Cardiac massage is alternated with mechanical ventilation. To perform this behavior, the head is thrown back, the lower jaw is extended and air is blown through the victim’s mouth or nose. Ideally, resuscitation should be carried out by at least two people, but if there is only one rescuer, then for every 30 sternum compressions there should be 2 breaths.

Specialized medical care for drowning

Resuscitation in case of drowning is carried out until the arrival of emergency medical services, whose employees will certainly continue to provide assistance to the drowned person. At the same time, their capabilities are much greater. First, they will perform tracheal intubation, which will provide more effective ventilation. The victim will be connected to a ventilator, through which he will be ventilated with an oxygen-enriched breathing mixture.

Further therapeutic measures for drowning are aimed at restoring cardiac activity. Doctors will catheterize the veins, and if necessary, the central veins, through which pacemaker drugs - adrenaline, prednisolone - will be administered.

The further task of the ambulance in case of drowning is to transport the patient to a medical facility, where he will be placed in intensive care for intensive care.

Prognosis for drowning

The outcome of drowning depends on several factors and their combination. The worst prognosis is in the following cases:

  1. Stay under water for more than 25 minutes.
  2. Stopping respiratory or cardiac activity.
  3. The presence of cyanosis - blue discoloration of the skin.
  4. Lack of consciousness throughout the entire period of assistance.

The most favorable prognosis is determined if the victim was under water for less than 10 minutes, in the event of “dry” drowning, and also if, after the start of assistance, breathing was restored and the person regained consciousness.

First aid for drowning


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