Vegetables on the grill baked on coals, how to deliciously cook vegetables - grill

Baked vegetables on the grill or charcoal grill are an excellent alternative to shish kebab or an addition as a side dish. The peak of popularity in preparing this dish occurs in the summer, when we most often go out into nature.

Due to the fact that vegetables are accessible and varied, you can bake them in any quantity, season them with spices and seasonings, marinate them to your taste and create unique bright compositions on a skewer.

Not only vegetarians will appreciate this delicious dish. But others will also enjoy the variety of bright colors and tastes. And besides the fact that vegetables can be pickled, cooked over coals with a smoky aroma, they become unusually tasty and aromatic.

A wide variety of vegetables can be baked as a whole (cleaning them later and cutting them, as for preparing ajapsandal), or skewered, after cutting them into small portioned pieces. You can pre-marinate (sometimes simple spices with sunflower oil are enough). It’s better to top it with aromatic dressing or sauce after cooking.

As a rule, vegetables are baked after preparing kebabs, when the coals are barely smoldering and the heat is not intense. Well, if they burn strongly, the coals can be extinguished with water or sprinkled with coarse salt. If these rules are ignored, the vegetables will be severely burned on the outside and may remain raw on the inside;

Small potato tubers, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, zucchini and zucchini, onion and garlic halves, juicy tomatoes, mushrooms, corn cobs are ideal for baking;

It is best to serve vegetables whole, on a large platter, decorated with lettuce leaves. Or peel them and make a spicy salad out of them. Thick sour cream with squeezed garlic cloves and chopped fresh herbs works well as a sauce. Tomato or cheese sauce will also go well with many vegetables.

Before cooking, it is advisable to keep the vegetables in the sauce for a while. For example, for any mushrooms, ordinary mayonnaise (can be replaced with thick sour cream), salt, black pepper and Provençal herbs is ideal. Most vegetables only need to spend 20 to 35 minutes in the sauce for them to be completely soaked and saturated with the aroma of the marinade.

There are several liquid bases on which marinades are based:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Wine, beer or fruit juice;
  • Mineral water and vinegar, lemon juice.

As seasonings you can use:

  • Honey and mustard;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Red (hot) and freshly ground black pepper;
  • Thyme and rosemary;
  • Dill and parsley, basil;
  • Sweet or smoked paprika;
  • Thyme, mint, sage;
  • Ready-made spices and seasonings.

Vegetable kebab - a simple recipe for cooking vegetables on the grill

A classic vegetable kebab will fit perfectly into the composition of an outdoor table, become its bright decoration and will be enjoyed by all those invited to a picnic.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 small eggplant;
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini with thin skin;
  • 2-3 sweet bell peppers;
  • 3-4 ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 red sweet onions;
  • A large pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper;
  • 50 ml. any sunflower oil;
  • Fresh herbs for garnishing the dish.


Rinse the eggplant and zucchini in running water, cut off the ends and cut into discs (circles) about 2 cm thick.

Ripe tomatoes are cut larger, but sweet peppers must be cut in half. Remove the seeds with the stem and cut each half into 4 pieces.

As for onions, if the turnips are small, they can be cut into rings, but if the onions are large, then proceed in the same way as with bell peppers. Then it will not fall off the skewer at the most inopportune moment.

Place the vegetables in a convenient container, season with salt and pepper and season with vegetable oil. Let the vegetables stand for a while, alternately thread them onto a skewer and bake over the coals until cooked.

A chic, spicy addition to barbecue: baked vegetables on the grill (video)

This kind of appetizer will always be a hit with lovers of picnics and outdoor cooking. And it turns out to be quite inexpensive and very tasty.

Cooked vegetables on the grill are served as a side dish for shish kebab of any type of meat, fish or poultry or baked potatoes over coals. This appetizer is prepared quickly. It doesn’t require much fuss, and you can experiment with marinade and sauces as you please, surprising your friends.

Good luck and all the best!


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