Video: Hunting a hare in winter

Hunting is a favorite pastime for many men. But to become a really good hunter, you need to know some secrets and features. This article will allow you to learn about the main secrets of hare hunting. Before you go hunting, you need to study all the habits of hares, since these animals are very shy, and catching them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Hunting is a favorite pastime for many men. But to become a really good hunter, you need to know some secrets and features. This article will allow you to learn about the main secrets of hare hunting. Before you go hunting, you need to study all the habits of hares, since these animals are very shy, and catching them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Hares are very cowardly and cautious animals, and also very fast. Due to the fact that they have rather large ears, they are able to hear any, even the slightest rustle in the forest.

In addition, hares can easily confuse their own tracks so that a novice hunter is unlikely to be able to track the animal the first time. Even experienced hunters cannot always quickly untangle hare loops.

The favorite habitat of hares is forests, as well as open areas with complex terrain, with thick and tall grass and small ravines. Animals like to arrange their roosts in such places, and hunters are able to find prey faster by preying on such places. Hare hunting, as a rule, begins from the moment the first snow appears. This period is the most successful and there is a high probability of quickly finding the animal.

A little about hares

There are two breeds of hares - hare and hare. Only experienced professional hunters are able to distinguish the tracks of a hare from a hare. The hare's paw is more elongated, while the hare's, spoiled, is rounded.

It is also worth considering the fact that while running, hares extend their hind legs higher than their front legs, which is why they manage to confuse the tracks and lead the hunter in a completely different direction.

You can meet brown hares mainly in fields, steppes, and meadows. They love mostly flat terrain. White hares, on the contrary, are more willing to settle in forests where there is a lot of vegetation and they can easily camouflage themselves. These two types of hares still have one common feature - they are able to bury themselves completely in the snow, so that only their nose is visible.

Hunters prefer to hunt hare, since it is much more difficult to catch hare; it confuses its tracks more thoroughly.

For a hare hunt to be successful, the hunter must be patient. This activity is suitable for hardy people who can shoot accurately and are willing to spend several hours on their feet. If you are just a novice hunter, you need to pay special attention to your equipment before heading into the forest.

It is imperative to have warm and comfortable clothes with you, which should also be functional.

If you don't manage to catch the hare the first time, don't be upset. Enjoy the hunting process itself, gain experience and skills.

Features of winter hare hunting

Winter hare hunting with tracking means searching for the animal along a fresh footprint left in the snow. This hunting process is most effective when the first snow falls, on which the hare's tracks are best visible. If you find fresh tracks (clear and not crushed by snow), then with a high probability you can find where the animal has settled down. During the search, the most important thing is not to scare off the hare. If you find a nest, it is important to know how to approach it correctly. Hares usually sit with their muzzles turned towards the wind so that it does not blow against their fur.

Therefore, you need to approach the bed against the wind so that the animal does not see you and run away.

Tracking a hare is not so easy, and when running it can reach speeds of up to sixty kilometers per hour. So, having missed the animal once, you are unlikely to be able to catch it again.

Types of hare hunting

Collective. Before you go hunting with friends, you should study the area and decide on a direction. The distance between hunters should be between fifteen and thirty meters. Thus, a hare can be detected faster, since it can get up from its prone position and give itself away. Collective hare hunting continues, as a rule, until dusk.

Hunting with a dog. The purpose of this hunting method is to lift the hare and lead it towards the hunters. This method of catching a hare is not so common, since you have to run a lot through forests and fields and it is not a fact that you will be able to make a successful shot and return home with the prey.

Hunting with tracking. We have already mentioned this method. The main thing here is to untangle the hare's tracks and discover the place of the bedding. This method, it is worth noting, is very exciting. Sometimes the hare confuses its tracks so much that it is impossible to find the animal’s location. This method of hunting is suitable for experienced hunters who, over many years of practice, have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge.

At the beginning of winter, it is best to hunt a hare with a dog. The reason for this is the low level of snow cover, which perfectly absorbs the odors of various animals. The dog can easily pick up the scent and lead you to the hare's resting place.

When hunting with a dog, be extremely careful not to accidentally shoot it.

If you decide to go hunting with your friends, then the main rule in this case is keeping your distance. Do not come within one meter of another person. Also be extremely careful when shooting. To lure the animal, you can use various treats in the form of carrots, cabbage leaves, clover and many other goodies.

It is important to know that at dawn hares like to go out to feed without much fear. Therefore, if you decide to spy on an animal, then it is better to do it at such an early time. Don't forget to take care of your appearance. Try to be as invisible as possible. If you find an animal, try to be motionless, if possible, hide behind a tree, large bush or any other secluded place so as not to scare off the hare.

Sunny and calm weather is not the best time to go hare hunting. And the most unfavorable weather for such activities is rainy weather, since it is at such times that hares become more cautious and timid, and it is almost impossible to make an accurate shot during the rain.

If you nevertheless decide to hunt a hare in rainy weather, then we recommend that you look for the animal in the plowed land. It feels great in wet stubble.

The best time to shoot is when the hare stands on its hind legs. It is important for the hunter to have time to shoot at this moment. The main thing is not to scare off the animal, especially if you are hunting in creaky snow. Any careless movement - and all surveillance will be in vain, the hare will run away upon hearing the slightest rustle.

How to untangle hare tracks

As a rule, hares come out to feed at night or early in the morning, so it is advisable to start hunting them at this time. During the daytime, hares usually sleep, but before they climb into their bed, they carefully confuse their tracks.

To discover the location of a hare, you do not need to follow all the tracks, but look for a fork. Experienced trappers are able to quickly untangle hare tracks, despite the many loops.

Hares confuse their tracks in different ways, but the entrance to the nest is not so difficult to detect. As a rule, the tracks leading to the hare's habitat look like uniform dents, not chaotic. If you find tracks that repeat every three meters, then you are probably on the right track.

In frosty weather, catching a hare is quite difficult. During this period, the animal practically does not let anyone near it. Also, a windy day will not be very successful for hunting, since the snow may simply cover up the hare’s tracks and it will be difficult for you to discover where the animal is hiding.

If you managed to raise the hare, but accidentally scared him away and were unable to fire a shot, then next time we advise you to return to the same place. There is a high probability of finding this slant again, since hares very rarely change their roosting places.

How to target a hare

In the case of a group hunt, it is important to choose the right location. Remember that the hare always runs diagonally from the field and leaves the territory only through a corner.

That is why try to stand on the corner of the field to be able to catch the hare.

If you take a lying position, and the hare runs straight at you, you should not stand up suddenly and scare the animal. Let him come as close to you as possible. When the hare sees you, it will run in the opposite direction, and then you can shoot after you, it is important not to miss.

If a hare runs away from you, aim for its ears, and if the animal runs straight at you, aim for its front paws.

Before you go hunting, carefully study the area where eared animals live. Learn to recognize hare burrows - they have special edges.

If you decide to go hunting in the fall, then in this case it is better to use the approach method. Remember that during this period of the year it can be quite difficult to detect the animal, since it has a gray-brown color and blends in with the surrounding foliage. When approach hunting, you should carefully study those places that hares usually love very much - these are various areas with dense vegetation, small ravines, open areas with difficult terrain.

Use our tips, and you will be able to return from the hunt empty-handed. Learn the hare's habits, learn how to shoot accurately, and be patient before you go hunting.

The hare hunting season begins in November and lasts until early January. The hare is a very cunning and fast animal, so for a successful hunt you should gain experience, because this animal is capable of deceiving even experienced, professional hunters.

Video: Hunting a hare in winter

Video about Hare Hunting with hounds

Video about winter hare hunting


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