Diocletian baths. The Baths of Diocletian in Rome is a huge complex for water treatments. What to see

Museum of the Baths of Diocletian is one of the four buildings that houses the National Roman Museum. Other places are as follows: Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Palazzo Altemps, Balbi Crypt. Post about the museum of Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, where, through the museum route, you can relive the history, myths and everyday life in Rome.

Initially Baths of Diocletian were a colossal imperial-era thermal complex built between 298 and 306 AD, covering an area of ​​over 13,000 m2.

According to legend, the baths were built by Christians condemned to death. They accommodated more than 3,000 bathers at a time, approximately twice the number of people for which the Baths of Caracalla were designed. They took 10 years to build, compared to the 5 years it took to build the Baths of Caracalla. The thermal baths had three thousand baths and three spacious pools with clean, clear water.

During the Empire, the baths were open to men as well as women and children, and even a very modest fee of one quadrant was sometimes covered by the generosity of the emperor or some rich man, who could take upon himself the entire cost of visiting the baths for a period of one day to one year. The Romans went to the baths to meet others, to walk and chat, some to play ball and other games, others to experience more intense physical activity such as wrestling, or to watch others do it, and of course to get cool in summer and warm in winter. Cold baths were located in the frigidarium - a cool room in the bathhouse; there was also a warm room, or tepidarium, and a heated room, calidarium, where there were warm baths and hot steam to induce sweating, as in our modern Turkish baths. The room was even hotter, laconic, and was used mainly by the sick. Heat was provided by a fierce fire under the floor, lit by slaves, using large quantities of wood.

Bathers could enjoy any or all of them in turn and in any other order. Now there is little left of the former glory of the thermal baths, but they still excite our impressions. The same feelings overwhelm you when you see it.

Today it is the site of the National Roman Museum, founded in 1898. Its archaeological heritage is one of the richest in the world, coming from various collections and partly consisting of finds found in the baths. Within the thermal complex, Michelangelo skillfully placed the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in the Renaissance style, which was desired by Pope Pius IV in 1561.

In the monastery courtyard, created by Michelangelo, more than 400 sculptures of all types belonging to Roman masters are exhibited (architectural finds, marble groups and statues, sarcophagi, altars of donations).

The branch of the museum in the Baths of Diocletian was conceived to introduce the beginning of Roman history.

It contains an extensive epigraphic section demonstrating the emergence of the Latin language through texts written in various media dating back to the 8th century BC. until the 4th century AD

Baths of Diocletian (Terme di Diocleziano)

Ancient Rome is a mysterious and surprisingly developed world. From a technical point of view, in his time he had no equal. Take, for example, the thermal baths, which were supplied with water through underground aqueducts (water pipelines). These were not just baths, but entire complexes. One of them is the Baths of Diocletian.

Historical reference

The construction of the baths began in 298. In 303, they already rose in all their glory and were consecrated, receiving the name in honor of Diocletian. The structure was so huge that it could accommodate 3,000 people at the same time.

During the invasion of the Vandals and Goths, the Baths of Diocletian continued to partially function. But in 537, the invaders destroyed the aqueduct that supplied water to the baths, and devastation befell them. In 1566, by order of the Pope, the baths began to be restored. Michelangelo took part in the work. He turned the central hall into the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli.

But then a whole period of desolation followed again. So baths gradually became a source of cheap material for the construction of other structures. The Baths of Diocletian suffered the most in the period from 1586 to 1589, when the villa was being built for Pope Sixtus the Fifth.

In 1889, part of the Baths of Diocletian was turned into a museum. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the Roman authorities decided to finally make these baths a monument ancient architecture and history. Today it houses the National Roman Museum.

Curious facts

In the Baths of Diocletian there were beautiful gardens. They were decorated with pavilions and fountains. The complex also included a gymnasium, meeting rooms, a library, a steam room, recreation rooms, rooms with cold baths, a swimming pool, and an amphitheater. All this had a very rich decoration.

Modern excavations have established that the baths were not built from scratch - before that, there were even more ancient buildings there, which were demolished. Water entered the Baths of Diocletian through one of the branches of the Marcius Aqueduct.

Architectural features

These baths are an example of ancient architecture. They borrowed enough large area, covering over 13 hectares. The construction was based on the design of two previous baths - those of the emperors Trajan and Caracalla.

What can you see?

Today you can see the ruins of the main building from Republic Street. One of the asps has been preserved as the entrance to the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, which Michelangelo converted from the central hall of the baths. Another part became the National Roman Museum. People simply call it the Thermal Baths Museum.

Several round halls (presumably 1-2) were rebuilt in the Basilica of San Bernardo alle Terme. A fragment of another similar room can be seen between Via Viminale and Piazza Cinquecento. There are also unused parts of the Baths of Diocletian in the form of ruins. They are located a few streets away from the National Roman Museum, which houses such masterpieces as:

  • strong fighter;
  • Throne of Ludovisi;
  • Gallus killing his wife;
  • Discus thrower, etc.

Helpful information

How to get to the thermal baths? By metro – to the Republic station (Repubblica), then – 5 minutes on foot; to Termini station, and then 10 minutes on foot.

Visiting time: daily - 9:00-19:45, except Monday (this is a day off). The ticket office closes at 19:15.

Price entrance ticket: full adult – 7 euros.

Address: Rome, Via Enrico de Nicola, building 79.

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The ruins of ancient Roman baths - the Baths of Diocletian - were erected in the distant years 298-305 AD. IN modern Rome these ancient baths belong to. In addition to the baths, the museum includes three more objects, located separately: , Balbi crypt and.

History of the Baths of Diocletian

The Roman emperor Gaius Diocletian wanted to build the largest baths, which no others could compare with. This is how the baths appeared total area which, together with the gardens, occupied about 13 hectares.

Since 537, after the destruction of the aqueduct by the Ostrogothic king Vitiges, the baths no longer functioned as intended.

In 1563, on behalf of Emperor Pius IV, Michelangelo carried out a large-scale reconstruction of the Diocletian Baths. So the caldarium term was reincarnated into a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, angels and martyrs. The building of the Carthusian monastery was built. Thanks to such diligent reconstruction, these ancient Roman baths have survived to this day much better than others.

The Baths of Diocletian could simultaneously accommodate up to 3 thousand people. Very extensive gardens were decorated with fountains and pavilions. On the territory there were halls for holding meetings and sports exercises, and there was a library.

Museum at the Baths of Diocletian

Since 1889, the baths have housed a collection of Roman and Greek art. Overall, there is a lot to see and admire.

In the Baths Museum you will see not only Michelangelo’s masterpieces brought to life in the church and monastery, but also ancient statues, sarcophagi, reliefs, altars, tombs and much more.

How to get there

The Baths of Diocletian in Rome are located next to the Republic Square. Opposite Rome's main train station, Termini.

Working hours: The thermal baths museum can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 to 19:30. The ticket price is 7 euros. Persons from 18 to 25 years old – 3.5 euros. On the first Sunday of every month, admission is free for visitors under 18 years of age. The ticket price includes admission to the rest of the National Museum of Rome. The ticket is valid for 3 days.

Unfortunately, only ruins remain of many ancient sights of the capital of Italy, but even what has survived and been restored amazes tourists with its scale. The Baths of Diocletian are the name of the ancient Roman public baths. This is a whole complex of structures that have never been equal in size and technical equipment in the empire.

The history of the creation of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome

By order of Emperor Diocletian, the construction of baths in " eternal city"began in 298. Seven years later, the complex was completely finished and consecrated in honor of Caesar. The structures were located on a huge territory of 13 hectares and could simultaneously accommodate about three thousand visitors. The Roman Baths of Diocletian included three thousand baths and three large pools, the water of which was supplied from underground aqueducts.

The interior decoration of the complex was no less luxurious:

  • unique mosaic floors;
  • marble cladding;
  • babbling fountains;
  • statues of gods.

Termi Diocleziano was a favorite holiday destination for the Romans. They performed not only the functions of baths, but also served as cozy place for communication, a hotbed of social and cultural life Rome. Entry was allowed to all free citizens. On the territory of Diocletian's baths, fountains, marble sculptures were built, and gardens with pavilions were laid out. There were also meeting rooms, a library, an amphitheater and a gymnasium.

The legend says that the Baths of Diocletian in Rome were built by Christians condemned to death and the construction of the complex took 10 years. During the Roman Empire, baths were open to men, women and children. The Romans came to the complex to relax, relax, chat with each other or take a walk. More active townspeople visited the Baths of Diocletian to play sports games and engage in wrestling.

The baths had several rooms for different types of procedures:

  • taking cold baths in a cool room (frigidarium);
  • hot, like modern saunas;
  • warm, to preheat the body.

In the mid-16th century, the Goths destroyed the Roman aqueduct, and the Baths of Diocletian fell into disrepair. Over time, the complex began to deteriorate, until in 1563, by order of Pontiff Pius IV, the famous Michelangelo transformed the building. The cozy monastery courtyard, designed by the architect, now houses more than 400 exhibits from the times of imperial Rome and many ancient sculptures.

Baths of Diocletian at present

At the end of the 19th century, part of the complex was reconstructed. Currently, this part of the Baths of Diocletian houses the National Museum of Rome. Its archaeological heritage is considered one of the richest in the entire world and consists of finds found in the baths, as well as various collections of Roman and Greek art. On the territory of the baths, Michelangelo harmoniously placed the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, built in the Renaissance style.

The Palazzo Altemps, in addition to the Baths of Diocletian, is one of the main sites national museum Rome. There are 104 sculptures from the ancient era, collections belonging to Cardinals Ludovisi, Altemps and the Princes of Mattei. The palace was built according to a design by Melozzo da Forli in the 15th century on the Campus Martius near Piazza Navona.

Another remarkable palace was erected by the architect Camilo Pistrucci in 1883-1887. On the ground floor there is a numismatic collection, on the other three there are antique paintings, sculptures and mosaics. Particularly memorable are the frescoes with painted birds, trees and flowers from the winter triclinium, which previously decorated the villa of Augustus’s wife, Livia. The pride of the national museum is considered to be works from the Villa Farnesina and sarcophagi. “Gal Ludovisi” is also a must-see at the Baths of Diocletian in Rome. This is a marble copy of a large triumphal monument, showing the scene of Gall killing his wife. The sculpture is filled with expression and is made with complete detail of what is happening.

How to get to the Baths of Diocletian

The complex is located on Via Enrico de Nicola (Enrico De Nicola). Most convenient way to get to the Baths of Diocletian - use the metro. You should get off at one of the stations - Termini or Republic (Repubblica), and then walk a few hundred meters. Another option to get to the ancient Roman baths is to take a bus (there are several routes) to the Cernaia stop.

Tourists can visit the Baths of Diocletian in Rome on any day except Monday. Opening hours from 9.00 to 19.45. Please note that the ticket office closes half an hour before the complex closes. Not far from the ancient Roman baths is the Baroque church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, which will also be attractive to tourists.


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