A story about my city. How can you tell a good story about your city in English? Several interesting essays

Pupils of the senior group already have a fairly rich sensory experience, developed imaginative thinking and understand well that a variety of objects and phenomena of the surrounding life can be depicted in a drawing, for example, clothes, shoes and hats. Preschoolers already have a range of skills that allow them to create beautiful and interesting compositions on various topics. They find it easy to draw objects of various shapes (round and rectangular) and decorate them with intricate details.

Drawing on the topic “Clothes, shoes and hats” in the senior group: understanding the aspects

If in the middle preschool level the children drew clothes, shoes and hats mainly according to a ready-made template, then in the older groups they themselves draw and paint its silhouette.

Children 5–6 years old already have a fairly developed sense of shape, color, and proportion. Looking at a piece of clothing, they quickly determine its shape and recreate it on a piece of paper. In addition, they have no difficulty in drawing things from memory or from an idea.

Children of this age successfully master compositional skills: they place an object on paper according to its proportions: for example, if it is a long sundress or dress, then the sheet of paper is positioned vertically, but if the object is elongated in width (a pair of mittens), then horizontally.

The children's knowledge of basic colors is consolidated, they recognize new colors (purple) and shades (lilac, light green, etc.) and actively use them in their works. Children distinguish between dark and light tones, pale and saturated. Note that the teacher should draw the attention of preschoolers to the fact that not only multi-colored compositions look attractive, but also single-color ones (sometimes this can make the drawing more expressive). However, when drawing clothes, the teacher does not impose his opinion on the children: he gives them the opportunity to express their own preferences.

Drawing clothes, shoes and hats, although it relates to subject matter, is in fact very closely intertwined with decorative drawing: after all, kids not only depict dresses, boots, mittens, but also decorate them with a variety of, sometimes intricate, patterns.

When drawing wardrobe items, we mainly use a standard base (A4 sheets of paper). When painting with paints, it is tinted in pale pastel shades. As for ready-made templates, they are offered to children only if the emphasis in the lesson is on decorating clothes with some specific pattern (for example, when depicting the clothes of the ancient Slavs or if the topic is designated “Fabric Painting”).

Here, first of all, the decorative skills of preschoolers are assessed. We also note that working with templates is also more appropriate when teaching children with mental retardation.

If group work is expected, the teacher prepares a large template and the required shape in advance.

Preschoolers color the elements to their liking

A blank that several preschoolers will fill in with details

As for drawing tools, in the senior preschool level children are provided not only with colored pencils and paints (gouache and watercolor) - wax crayons and a simple graphite pencil are often used (graphic compositions).

Drawing techniques and techniques to use IN senior group all visual skills are further improved. The most key ones are the different positions of the pencil and brush depending on the drawing techniques.

When painting large details, the tool leans more towards the paper - the strokes are wider. When drawing small elements, the brush or pencil should be held almost vertically, closer to the base. All these techniques develop ease and freedom of movement, which makes it possible to express creative imagination. Pupils of the senior group also practice the skill of regulating pressure on a pencil.

Drawing light lines makes it possible to draw a more accurate, realistic shape, adjusting it as necessary. On the other hand, clear lines are necessary to obtain intense color.

If in the middle level children depicted objects of complex shapes, dividing them into simpler component parts, now the teacher teaches them to draw a contour with one line.

Additional types of visual activity used when drawing wardrobe items, the relevance of an individual approach

The depiction of clothes, shoes and hats is largely decorative drawing, so the use of various additional types of decoration would be very appropriate here. This can be an application using both conventional and non-traditional materials. For example, a hat drawn and colored with pencils will be decorated with paper geometric shapes, and a coat painted with gouache can be glued to real plastic buttons.

Drawing organically combines with appliqué

The appliqué elements made from fabrics look interesting in the picture. For example, the drawn girl is wearing a glued-on fur coat made of velvety material, which is decorated with paper buttons.

A fur coat made of soft fabric is pasted onto a drawn silhouette of a girl.

For decorative purposes when drawing clothes, it is quite possible to use plasticine, forming various elements of the pattern from it.

Since preschoolers in the older group already differ from each other in the level of development of artistic abilities, it is quite possible for them to individualize tasks according to the degree of complexity.

A well-prepared child can be offered to decorate his drawing in any of the ways listed above, or offered another sheet of paper or a template to create a new composition (on a different level).

Specific options for compositions within the theme “Clothes, shoes and hats”

In the first half of the year (October), pupils of the senior group are invited to draw on the theme “Girl in an elegant dress.” However, here attention is paid not so much to the shape and decoration of clothing, but to the transfer of the correct proportions of the human figure. By the way, a little later, in December, the sculpture “Girl in a Winter Coat” is carried out.

It is advisable to periodically offer preschoolers images of individual items of clothing. This should be drawing according to the season (for example, in winter - mittens, a hat, coat, in autumn - a dress, in spring - a sundress). Some topics, for example those affecting the clothing of the ancient Slavs, are appropriate at any time of the year.

Let us indicate specific options for classes within the topic:

  • "House of Models" (or "Atelier").
  • “Clothes of the Slavs” (“What they wore in Rus'”).
  • “Dressy boots” (“Boots for a doll”), “Felt boots”.
  • “Coat for a doll” (“Fur coat for a doll”).
  • "A smart dress for mom."
  • “My hat” (or the “Hat and mittens” set).
  • “Beautiful mittens” (“Mittens for the Snow Maiden”).

If desired, you can also organize a group project, for example, “Beautiful Warm Scarf.” Children are divided into subgroups of approximately seven people. The teacher offers each of them a large base in the form of a scarf and separate paper fragments that compose it like a puzzle. Each child paints his own element, and then they are glued to the base - you get an original multi-colored accessory.

The accessory is made up of separate paper fragments

Another original option

Possible options for a motivating start to a lesson: looking at pictures, talking about issues, a fairy tale, a poem, etc.

Although pupils of the senior group already clearly separate educational activities from games, the playful motivation for drawing is still important for them.

And the teacher should not forget about this when thinking through the structure of the lesson.

The following options can be suggested. For example, there is crying outside the door. It turns out that it is Katya the doll is crying - she goes to visit and wants to give her friends dresses, but they are ugly. The children's task is to decorate monochromatic silhouettes.

A cat in boots may come to visit the kids because he has had some trouble - his favorite boots are torn, even the soles have fallen off. And it’s cold outside, your paws are cold, and you can catch a cold. The kids will be happy to make new beautiful boots for the cat, and before that they will also tell him about the most different types of shoes.

The soft toy acts as a guest who comes to preschoolers

Another example of motivation is when the phone rings. This is the old forest man calling from the forest. He just can’t find his felt boots - neither under the stove, nor under the bench - they are nowhere to be found. How can he now walk through the forest, walk around his possessions? Of course, he still has sneakers, but it’s better if the guys give him new beautiful felt boots.

The teacher tells the children that every year fashion designers organize a show of their new clothing collections. Children are invited to transform into designers and create their own original models to give to their dolls.

By the way, before this, it would not be superfluous to tell children about other professions related to the production of clothing: cutter, seamstress, ironer, fabric artist.

A textile painting lesson can begin with the children carefully examining their clothes, as well as the outfits of the teacher and classmates. It is noted that some have plain fabric, others have ornaments (stripes, checkered patterns, plant motifs). After a short discussion, the guys create their own unique pattern on their clothes. Since children 5–6 years old already perceive cognitive information well, it can be included in the lesson. For example, you can tell preschoolers Interesting Facts from the life of the ancient Slavs. It turns out that they dressed the newborn in a shirt that was sewn by the most

old woman

in family. It was believed that in this case the child would live long. Parts of the parents' clothes were used as diapers so that the baby would inherit their good qualities.

Looking at the clothes of those times, it was possible to determine what position a person occupied in society, what his age was, and it was possible to say for sure whether a woman was married or not. National clothing of Slavic women The children will be interested to learn about the history of felt boots - a traditionally Russian type of footwear (foreigners buy them as souvenirs). They were also called pimas, wire rods, chesankas. There is no better shoe for severe frosts. Valenki saved Russian people more than once, for example, during the Great Patriotic War. Without them it is difficult to imagine development

Far North . Nowadays, felt boots inspire fashion designers, and they create real works of art based on them. Note that the theme of felt boots is connected big number The hero of the work recalls that his grandfather always wore felt boots. It even seems to the boy that everything in the world has an end, except for them. One day the old man's legs became very painful. The doctor advised him not to go fishing anymore because he couldn’t get his feet wet. But the grandfather could not give up his favorite pastime, and began to put on felt boots in the water. This caused the aches in my legs to go away, but my felt boots were cracked from constant friction on the water pebbles. The people around began to tell my grandfather that it was time to throw out his felt boots, but he didn’t listen to anyone. But one winter, my grandfather got sick, forgot to take off his felt boots and climbed onto the stove in them. The ice in the cracks tore the wool and the felt boots turned to dust. Out of frustration, the grandfather threw one felt boot into the bushes and gave the other to the hunter. In the spring, when the birds began to build nests, they took apart grandfather’s felt boots into shreds. And for a long time the hero of the story, when walking through the forest, came across bird nests with a felt bedding. The felt boots turned out to be truly immortal.

Illustration for the story by M. Prishvin

This good story not only reinforces children's knowledge about traditional Russian shoes, but also leads them to the idea that everything in the world is interconnected.

We also recommend modern short tales about felt boots and other shoes. In Lydia Kovaleva’s fairy tale “Felt boots and galoshes,” two types of shoes argued, standing in the hallway, which of them was more important. When the felt boots went for a walk, they plopped into a puddle, got wet and began to look sloppy. And the galoshes, when they slipped and also fell into a puddle, began to look like an old boat. So the two things realized that they should complement each other.

The photo serves as an illustration for the fairy tale by Lydia Kovaleva

In the fairy tale by Dmitry Ushakov“Valenok, Boot and Shoe” shoe items also could not decide which of them people needed more. The felt boot was soft and kind. The boot, made of good leather, was very important. The shoe was light, elegant and used to being admired. And then the cold winter came - and all the people put on warm and practical felt boots. When spring came, it was time for boots. And in the summer, when it got hot, people switched to shoes, sandals and sandals. Felt felt thoughtful, Boot frowned, and Shoe just spread her hands. And only the Shoemaker, who was passing by, resolved their dispute - he said that everyone is irreplaceable in their own time of year.

After reading this fairy tale, you can invite the children to draw any item of footwear that is mentioned there and decorate it to their liking.

At the beginning of drawing, the teacher can compose a mini-story about some item of clothing according to a specific plan:

  1. Color of clothes.
  2. The fabric from which it is made.
  3. What parts does it consist of?
  4. What time of year is it intended for?
  5. Is this item for a boy or a girl?
  6. How to care for these clothes.

You can play the word game “Fourth Odd” with your children: the child must find a word that is not related to clothing:

  • Shirt, jacket, slippers, dress
  • Suit, fur coat, scarf, boots
  • Sundress, skirt, trousers, hat
  • Sweater, jacket, shoes, shorts.

Here are also riddles about seamstress tools that can be used in class:

  • On one finger
  • The bucket is upside down. (Thimble)
  • I am a one-eared old woman.
  • I'm jumping on the canvas
  • And a long thread from the ear,
  • Like a cobweb I pull. (Needle and thread)
  • He floats on clothes
  • Like a hot steamer.
  • All the linen has become amazing
  • Very smooth and beautiful!
  • A reliable friend for laundry
  • Electric….. (iron)
  • Two rings, two ends,
  • And in the middle there are carnations. (Scissors)

We offer physical education on the topic “Wardrobe Items”, which can be used in classes in the senior group:

This dress is for Natasha -4 turns left and right, hands on the belt
Red peas4 jumps on both legs
And the dress has two pockets“draw” two pockets on the stomach
Let's hide our palms in themput your palms on your tummy
These pants are for Ilyushastomp twice, with the right foot, then with the left foot
Grandma sewed it from plushshow how grandma sewed
Ilya goes for walks in them,
He's big like you and meraise their hands up, stretch on their toes
Here are the boots for Marinkastomp twice, with the right foot and then with the left foot
Not shoes, but pictures4 rhythmic jumps on both legs
To go for walks in them,walk in a circle holding hands
Run, jump and play pranks.run in a circle, do 2 jumps on both legs

Outdoor game - dance “Little feet are dancing”

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Savelyeva O. "House of Models"

Educational objectives: introduce preschoolers to the profession of a fashion designer, teach them to create their own clothing models, based on templates, and decorate them to their liking.
Developmental tasks: consolidate knowledge of wardrobe items.
Educational tasks: to cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to see beauty in the world around us.
Integration educational areas : “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Demo material: attributes for the game “Atelier”, “Clothing Store”.
Handout: sheets of tinted paper according to the number of children, templates for parts of clothing, watercolors, sippy cups, brushes, coasters, napkins.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher informs the preschoolers that a model house is opening in their group. The specifics of the profession of fashion designer are discussed, the teacher talks about the people who still work in the studio.
Children are encouraged to become fashion designers and create a collection of clothes for the fashion house. These can be things for all occasions: for work, leisure, sports or holiday outfits.
Independent activity for preschoolers, followed by a fashion show. The teacher announces the name of each fashion designer, and he presents his outfit (tells what fabric it can be sewn from, how it is decorated).
After the lesson, all work is documented in a fashion magazine.

Kanareikina M.L. "Dress for Mom"
(drawing with wax crayons)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads poems by G. Demykina about her mother:

  • I can't even count my mother's dress.
  • There is blue and there is green,
  • There is a blue one with big flowers -
  • Each one serves the mother in its own way.
  • She goes to work wearing this.
  • In this he goes to the theater and on visits,
  • She sits in this, busy with drawings.
  • Each serves the mother in its own way.

The children discuss the poem, as well as the question: why does mom need different outfits?
The teacher invites the children to draw a festive dress with an unusual pattern for their mother. There is a discussion on the topic: what an elegant dress should look like. Children express different opinions: lush, long, with a bright pattern, “like a princess.” The teacher tells preschoolers what parts the dress consists of: bodice, skirt, collar, belt. Possible elements of the pattern are discussed: stripes, dots, circles, curls, etc.

Physical education is carried out:

  • Mom needs to rest. (stretch)
  • Mom wants to sleep.
  • I walk on tiptoes. (Walking on toes)
  • I won't wake up mom.
  • I'll slip into the kitchen (mincing step)
  • I’ll start making a gift.

Children begin coloring dress templates. First, you need to circle them to create a silhouette on a sheet of paper. Along the way, the teacher explains how to draw folds on a skirt with a pencil.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and imagine how happy their mother was with such a wonderful gift.

Lapsakova V.« Boots for cats»

A toy Puss in Boots comes to the children's group and is in trouble - his favorite boots are torn. And it's cold outside. The teacher explains to the children that the cat wore his boots both in winter and in summer - so they became leaky.
Children guess riddles about different types shoes and introduce the cat to them:

  • 1. If the rain doesn’t bother you
    We run briskly through the puddles.
    The sun will begin to shine
    We should stand under the coat rack. (Rubber boots).
    2. We don’t go outside either in summer or in winter.
    But you won’t take a step without us when you come home. (Slippers).
    3. Neither boots nor boots
    Feet get very warm
    We run in them in winter
    In the morning to the garden, then home. (Felt boots).
    4. What's on your feet in summer?
    It's hot in summer boots,
    To make your feet happy
    I'll wear... (Sandals).
    5. The leg quickly dives into them
    After all, there is no heel or fastener. (Flip flops).

The following questions are discussed: why are so many different shoes needed? Is it okay for little girls to wear heels to the party? How to choose the right shoes?

The dance game “Little Legs Are Dancing” is held.
Didactic game “Repair Shop” - assemble puzzles with images of boots (4 subgroups of children).

The teacher invites the children to become fashion designers and come up with new beautiful boots for the cat.
At the end of the work, the cat thanks the children and returns back to the fairy tale.

Moiseeva L.M. "We are Slavs"

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher talks with the children about their appearance and how boys and girls differ in appearance. Pictures depicting a girl and a boy, a man and a woman, and grandparents are considered.
One picture shows children in different national costumes. Children are encouraged to find Russian National Costume. The teacher tells the children that they are also Slavs, and today they will draw themselves in a Slavic costume.
The teacher reminds children of the techniques for drawing a human figure. He asks the children to imagine themselves next to an old hut, on a green lawn. The girls are dressed in sundresses, and the boys are in wide trousers and shirts. There are bast shoes on my feet.
Independent work of children. Analysis of drawings.

Examples of completed student work with comments on the completion of the work

Children love to come up with their own unique patterns. The “Dress with yellow and blue ornament” is simply and tastefully designed. A blouse in an ethnic style looks stylish (drawing “Beautiful Blouse”).

Photo gallery: Fabric painting

Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor

Pupils of the senior group create very original clothing models: tops and breeches, decorated with a golden strap, look stylish. Charming outfit – “Dress with puff sleeves.” Many young “fashion designers” have developed beautiful models of open sundresses (“Fashionable sundress”, “Sundress with fringe”). They captivate with the cheerful “Skirt and Top” colors.

Photo gallery: house of models

Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor

Young artists always try very hard when they create works as gifts for loved ones. Thus, the pattern of large flowers looks very bright and attractive in the photo exhibition “Festive Dress” and “Elegant Dress”, and the “cage” print will never go out of fashion.

Photo gallery: dress for mom

Watercolor drawing

Watercolor drawing

Preschoolers love to draw mittens or color their ready-made templates. The charming pattern is composed in the composition “Beautiful Ornament”: a combination of stripes, dots, herringbones, wavy lines, chains. The mittens in the drawing “Winter Motifs” and “Mittens for the Snow Maiden” are designed in the New Year’s style. Spring motifs are presented in the work “Mittens with floral patterns.”

Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing

A whole range of felt boots for every taste is presented at the photo exhibition “Favorite felt boots”. They are decorated with snowflakes, bells, other intricate flowers, cherries, and even such an unusual design as a traffic light. The children showed their creative imagination to the fullest.

And the boots at the photo exhibition “Oh, yes boots!” they look simply fabulous. We see the most intricate patterns, including even imitation lace.

Photo gallery: shoes

Watercolor drawing

Watercolor drawing

Very realistic men's shirts in ethnic style are presented in the works “Men's Shirt” and “Kosovorotka”. The sundress in the drawing “Slavic Clothes” turned out to be charming. We see variations on the theme of the Dymkovo sundress in the compositions “Dymkovo Sundress” and “Sundress of the Dymkovo Young Lady.” A very interesting photo exhibition is presented at the stand “What did people wear in Rus'”: luxurious shawls, cute hats, and good old felt boots.

Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Pencil and felt-tip pen drawing

Drawing wardrobe items in kindergarten is a very fascinating topic, which in the older group moves on to new level. Children depict clothes, shoes and hats very realistically, giving them the most unusual colors. After all, kids love to transform into representatives of various professions, in particular, into a fashion designer.

Objectives by educational area

Artistic and aesthetic area of ​​development

  • develop the ability to draw in an unconventional way with “cotton swabs”;
  • to form an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world

Cognitive area of ​​development

  • consolidate the idea of ​​spring and its signs;
  • to form cognitive activity through experimentation;
  • develop auditory attention through the ability to follow the teacher’s verbal instructions

Speech area of ​​development

activate children's speech

Physical development area

develop fine motor skills of the hands;

- develop motor activity

Social-communicative area of ​​development

- develop emotional responsiveness;

- develop communication and interaction of the child with peers and with adults.

Equipment: story pictures “Signs of Spring”, pictures of shoes, a paper doll with pictures of clothes, shoes (boots, felt boots), a basin of water, a silhouette of boots, cotton swabs, gouache.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time


Look! On the street spring!
And everything woke up from sleep!
The snow is melting, the streams are running,

The sound of “Burbling Streams” is turned on

The birds are singing songs.

The sound of “Birdsong” is turned on

Spring has come to us

She's very warm.

  1. Conversation about the signs of spring

Educator: So Misha decided to go outside. Let's tell him about spring.

  1. Didactic game “Continue the sentence using the pictures”

Educator: It's shining outside in spring

Children: (Sun)

Educator: The sun is very warm and melting

Children: (Snow)

Educator: Green appears

Children: (Grass)

Educator: And the first ones bloom

Children: (Flowers)

Educator: It drips in the spring

Children: (Rain)

Educator: And they appear on the roads

Children: (Puddles)

  1. Dressing the doll

Educator: Guys, Misha loves to walk. But he doesn't know what to wear. Let's help him, tell him what to wear. You need to wear it for a walk. The teacher shows pictures of trousers, jackets and hats in turn.

Children:(Pants, jacket and hat)

Educator: There are a lot of puddles on the street and shoes should not get wet. Should Misha wear boots or felt boots? The teacher shows pictures of boots and felt boots

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, let's check it out.

  1. Experimenting with water.

Educator:(Take a bowl of water). Let's take felt boots and rubber boots. Let's check if all the shoes are dry. (Children touch shoes) If we put it in water, which shoes will remain dry? (The teacher puts felt boots and boots into the basin, then the children touch the shoes)

Children:(children's answers)

Educator: So should Misha wear rubber boots or felt boots?

Children:(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, in the spring you need to wear rubber boots.

  1. Physical education minute

Mishutka has boots, ( stomped 4 times)

So that your feet don't get wet in them (jumping in place)

Top - top, stomp, (stomp their feet one by one)

Oh! Boots! Like toys. (Legs are alternately put forward.)

  1. Productive activity. (Drawing with cotton swabs)

Educator: Mishutka has boots, but he doesn’t like them. They are yellow, but he would like multi-colored ones. Let's decorate Misha's boots. Sit on the chairs. ( Children sit on chairs) Here is a boot, take a cotton swab and dip it in gouache, then decorate the boot with gouache, like this. Look how beautiful the boot turned out. Guys, and now you. Take a cotton swab, dip it in gouache and decorate the boot. (Children take a stick, dip it in gouache and decorate the boot)

Educator: Guys, Misha really liked the boots. He will definitely go for a walk in them.

Larisa Mayorova
Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the middle group. Topic: “Boots for a centipede”

Program content: teach children paint straight lines from left to right, circles consisting of two semicircles, dots (draw with cotton swabs) ;

strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, paint with gouache without mixing paints; develop fine motor skills of fingers, ability paint on the proposed form, follow it (top, bottom, left, right);

cultivate perseverance, the ability to complete a task, the desire to engage visual activities.

Material: two paintings with image of centipedes(one without boots,sample drawing, handout paper cut into shape boot, gouache, brushes, glasses of water, cotton swabs.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, she came to visit us from a fairy forest centipede:

Early in the morning along the path

Came to kindergarten centipede

She woke up before everyone else

She put on her shoes before everyone else

Pulling on forty legs

Forty little boots.

Educator: Guys, centipede we really liked it here group and she decided to invite her friend to us - centipede to play and have fun with such wonderful guys. But what a nuisance - my girlfriend doesn’t have boots!

The poor thing centipedes

Feet get wet in the rain

How to help centipede?

After all, she needs it so much boots!

Educator: How can you help? centipede?

Children offer draw boots as a gift for the centipede.

Educator: Today in your work you will draw both familiar elements and learn draw new ones, with which you can decorate your drawings.

The teacher demonstrates sample drawing. Survey sample.

Educator: Guys, look at what I drew the boot. What pattern elements do you like best?

(children's answers: flower, lines, dots - if the children did not name all the details of the pattern, then the teacher, with the help of leading questions, pays attention to them)

Where is the flower? (in the middle)

What color are the petals?

What shape is the middle of the flower?

Where drawn green straight line?

Which side of the flower? a leaf is drawn? What colour is he?

After the demonstration, with the help of leading questions together with the children, we repeat the sequence of execution drawing.

Before the beginning drawing carry out a finger test gymnastics:

Two centipedes ran along the path

(children imitate running with their hands, quickly moving their fingers)

They ran and ran and met each other

(join hands)

They hugged each other like that

That's how they kissed each other

(each finger catches the other, like a hook)

They hugged each other like that

(hands in "lock")

That we barely separated them

(disconnect with force, unclench "lock")

Next, the teacher invites the children to the tables. After the children have sat down, he offers to take the brush correctly (three fingers) and in the air draw"smile" For centipedes(draw arcs from left to right - several times).

Before the beginning drawing The teacher expresses the hope that everyone will try and that everything will work out for the children, and wishes them success.

During drawing The teacher provides control and assistance to the children.

Lesson summary: an exhibition of children's works, gives a positive assessment to all works, expresses wishes for success in the future and thanks on behalf of centipedes for such wonderful gifts.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Boots for the cat”
Program content: expand children's ideas about the diversity of fairy-tale characters, enrich children's speech (selection of adjectives and verbs for nouns); consolidate the ability to finish drawing an unfinished object, improve the skills of using various materials when filling a stencil (tampon, roller, cellophane, crumpled paper, dry brush); cultivate a desire to help and care for others. Equipment: cards with images of cats, colored pencils, stencils of boot figures (different), brushes, a toy cat.
Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet. Conversation: “What day is it today?” Children’s answers: Sunny, snowy, joyful, cheerful, and so on. Meowing is heard from behind the screen. Educator: Oh, guys, who do we have there? Children: A cat! Appears from behind the screen toy cat. Cat: Hello, guys! Children say hello.
K: Guys, I got lost and accidentally came to you... Q: Where are you from, kitty? Where do you live?
K: I don’t remember! I was running away from evil dogs and forgot everything out of fear!
Q: Guys, can we help the cat remember where he lives?
Q: What can a cat do?
D: Sleep, catch mice, eat, hunt, etc.
Q: Guys, what fairy tales do you think have a cat in them?..
Q: What did the cat do in these fairy tales? (discussing fairy-tale cats)
There is a knock on the door, they bring a letter from the postman Pechkin.
Postman Pechkin: Hello, guys! You know, I lost my cat. Have you seen him? D: We have! Q: We have one cat, but we don’t know if he’s yours? But he himself doesn’t remember. Kitty, look who's looking for you?
The teacher takes out a picture of a sailor suit from the letter and shows it to the cat.
PP: Exactly, this is my cat! Q: What is the cat’s name, children? D: Matroskin the cat! Q: Matroskin, why did you run away from Pechkin? K: You know, I remembered! I'm not Matroskin, I live in a different fairy tale. I have a big castle there, where an ogre used to live, but I outwitted him and now I am the master of the castle. And I didn’t have a sailor suit, but I was wearing boots. But my boots got lost when I was running away from the dogs, and I don't feel comfortable walking without boots.
Q: Guys, do you understand what fairy tale our cat is from and what his name is? (Puss in Boots)
Q: Guys, let's help Puss in Boots and draw him new beautiful boots! Here are photos of the cat and stencils of different boots.
Don’t worry, cat, we’ll draw you new beautiful boots now!
At the end of the lesson, the cat evaluates the drawn boots.

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Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children in speech therapy preparatory group(6-7 years old) on the topic “Puss in Boots”. This material will be useful for teachers and speech therapists of the speech therapy preparatory group. This is a summary of an individual speech therapy speech lesson aimed at practicing the correct pronunciation of the sound [r] in children’s speech.

Summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory speech therapy group on the topic: “Puss in Boots”

Integration of educational areas:“Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Physical education”, “Socialization”.

Target: sound automation [r]


Educational objectives:

Clarification of articulation;

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound [r] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.

Developmental tasks:

Development of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

Development of fine motor skills;

Development of phonemic hearing, consolidation of the ability to determine the place of a given sound in a word;

Development of imagination, thinking, spatial orientation.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children a desire to speak correctly and beautifully, and to monitor their speech.

Lexical material:

Syllables: ra - ro - ru - ry - ar - ur - op.

Pure talk: ra-ra-ra - it’s hot outside;

Ru-ru-ru - the mole flies into the hole.

Words: rabbit, cunning, shirt, shorts, jacket, sweater, Marquis Karabas.

Offer: Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium.

Puzzles: It has wings, but it doesn’t fly, it doesn’t have legs, but you can’t catch it. (Fish)

Handout: subject pictures, labyrinths, subject pictures.

GCD move

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Today you and I will find ourselves in a fairy tale, in which we will not just be guests, but participants. The fairy tale is called "Puss in Boots".

3. Subject message.

You and I will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound [r] correctly.

4. Automation of the sound [r] in syllables.

The teacher (speech therapist) says: The father had three sons. He bequeathed the mill to the eldest. To the average donkey. And he bequeathed to the youngest...

If you want to find out what the youngest son got, read and cross out the syllables that appear here 2 times and read the word.

Syllables: ra - ro - ra - ru - ko - ro - ru - ry - ta - ry.

Child: - cat.

Educator: - Cat? What will I do with it? (thought Vanya).

Cat: “Am I really worse than a dilapidated mill and a lazy donkey?” If you want to know what I'm capable of, give me boots.

5. Automation of the sound [r] in pure tongues.

The cat went hunting. In order for the cat to catch prey, he needs to help and say the cherished words. Repeat after me:

Ra - ra - ra - it’s hot outside;

Ru - ru - ru - the mole climbed into the hole;

Ro - ro - ro - new feather;

Ry - ry - ry - red balls.

Hooray! The cat was happy that he managed to catch the prey.

6. Automation of the sound [r] in words.

A) task to develop attention.

Arriving at the palace, the cat told the king that the marquis was giving him this gift.

If you connect the letters correctly, you can read the word and find out who the cat caught and what he gave to the king.

Child: - rabbit.

B) task for the development of thinking.

The king thanked him and asked: What is the name of the marquise?

Let's help the king solve this example, and then we will find out the name of the marquise.

Child: - Karabas.

C) task for memory development.

The king and princess really liked this gift and said that they would come to visit the marquis.

Which of these buildings do you think the Marquis should have lived in?

Child: - In the palace.

Remember the location of the buildings, the pictures are mixed, put them in the same order as before.

The cat told Ivan that the king and the princess were coming to us. What to do? As soon as they see me, they will immediately understand that I am poor,” said Ivan. The cat forced its owner to jump into the river. A carriage was passing by, the king noticed that someone was drowning, and ordered help.

The cat said that this was his owner, robbers attacked him and took everything: clothes, carriage, horses.

7. Development of phonemic awareness.

The king ordered the marquis to be pulled out of the water and given clothes. Help the marquis choose clothes, put the clothes in 2 chests: the first chest is a word in which the sound [r] occurs at the beginning, the 2nd chest is the sound [r] in the middle of the word.

Words: shirt, shorts, belt, hat with feathers, jacket, sweater, trousers, gloves

The king invited the marquis to ride in their carriage. The cat ran forward to prepare for the arrival.

8. Automation of the sound [r] in sentences.

The cat ran to the palace, but the gates were locked.

Help the cat solve the riddles, and then the gate will open.

A small, remote one passed through the earth and found a red cap (mushroom).

It has wings, but it doesn’t fly, it doesn’t have legs, but you can’t catch it. (Fish)

There is a terrible cannibal in the palace, to defeat him, repeat this sentence after me, count how many times the sound [r] occurs in it.

Suggestion: Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium. (6)

Well done! You helped the cat, and he defeated the ogre. He prepared everything for the arrival of the king, princess and marquis. It all ended with a wedding!

What sound did you and I learn to pronounce correctly today? ([R])

What was the Marquise's name?

Place the letters correctly and you will find out what quality helped the cat defeat the ogre.


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