Lemurians are giant people

People's ability to believe in miracles has long been a reliable source of income for various types of scammers. This time the forger was not chasing a long dollar - he worked for the love of art...

In this article I would like to analyze in detail the fairly large-scale falsification of the last decade. Its essence is that archaeologists allegedly find the remains of giant people all over the Earth, up to 2, 3, 4 and even 10 meters tall. This has become a tasty morsel for lovers of various kinds of sensations and conspiracy theories. Many sites, starting with those who simply love sensations of any kind (very “yellow” sites), and ending with creationist sites, are actively publishing more and more new photographs of the “remains” found, “exposing the theory of evolution official science“showing these very “photos” of giants. Immediately, lovers of everything mystical and mysterious began to put forward versions that it was he who built the pyramids, placed the stones of Stonehenge - in a word, created all the ancient Wonders of the World, which were supposedly beyond the power of an ordinary person.

It is not surprising that in our time people believe, to put it mildly, unreliable rumors. I want secrets, I want riddles, even where there are none. What is surprising is not that there are lovers of sensations, but how many of them there are. By typing the query “giant skeleton” into Google, we will see a sea of ​​sites where photographs of “remains” are posted; hundreds of people enthusiastically write in the comments: “now I believe!” and curse modern science for hiding the truth.

Adding powder to the fire is the fact that in some religions and myths of antiquity giants and giants are mentioned. “So here it is, the lost link!” - gullible people exclaim. Meanwhile, using false facts to prove any hypothesis, even the most correct one, can only ruin both your reputation and the credibility of the hypothesis.

Let's look at what these amazing “photos” are and where they came from. Let's start with the very first and most famous of them.

Return to the valley of the giants is a photo montage depicting an archaeological excavation of a giant humanoid skeleton, which took third place in the 2002 graphic design competition “Archaeological Anomalies 2”, which was held on the website www.worth1000. com. . Shortly after publication, the photo was widely circulated on the Internet and, with accompanying articles, was published by some media mass media as proof of the existence of an ancient race of giants, references to which are contained in the Bible and the myths of many peoples. After the misunderstanding was discovered, the author of the photomontage, known under the pseudonym IronKite, gained some fame in the communities of graphic designers and researchers of anomalous phenomena.


In 2004, a photograph from an archaeological excavation of a giant humanoid skeleton circulated on the Internet and some print media. Based on the size of the archaeologists’ figures in the same photograph, the length of the skeleton was estimated at 18-24 meters. The first online reports claimed that the discovery was made in the desert in western India by a National Geographic expedition. According to the source, the excavation area is cordoned off by the Indian army, and all details are classified. The report also spoke of the discovery of stone tablets with ancient inscriptions in Sanskrit, according to which the skeletons belonged to the mythical giants Rakshasas, who challenged the gods and were destroyed by them.

Another version of this story was published on April 24, 2004 in the Bangladeshi newspaper The New Nation. According to this newspaper, the discovery was made in the desert in southeastern Saudi Arabia by a Saudi Aramco search team searching for natural gas deposits. It was also claimed that tablets with inscriptions in Arabic were found in the burial, according to which the remains belonged to representatives of the ancient Aad tribe, descendants of the Old Testament prophet Noah mentioned in the Bible and the Koran. The tribe defied the plans of Allah and was destroyed by him. The location of the discovery was cordoned off by Saudi troops; the photo was taken from a military helicopter.

Similar articles were published in the March 2007 issue of the Indian magazine Hindu Voice, published in Mumbai, and subsequently in several other print media.

An elementary examination of the photograph made by the center for the study of paranormal phenomena Rationalist International discovered that there are no independent sources of information about the find, and the photograph itself bears traces of software processing using a graphics editor. The most obvious sign of a fake was different direction and the intensity of the shadows cast by the giant skeleton and its surrounding objects. A more detailed study showed that the photo is a montage of fragments of several images. Apparently, it was a photograph of a real archaeological excavation, with an enlarged image of a human skeleton embedded in the central part.

Subsequently, the source of the photomontage was identified.

Society spokesman James Owen conducted the investigation. And I found, pardon the pun, “where the legs grow from” on this skeleton.
As the investigation showed, the photograph of the giant came from the famous website worth1000.com, where a graphic design competition called “Archaeological Anomalies” was held. The goal of the competition participants was to create images illustrating fictional archaeological finds. The site publishes works of various types, ranging from frankly humorous to high-quality imitations of photos of archaeological excavations. The author of the work is a Canadian illustrator known under the pseudonym IronKite (Russian: iron kite), told National Geographic magazine in an email that he did not intend to mislead anyone. However, the image fell on fertile ground - many have no doubt that giants once lived on Earth.

Here is a direct link to the work itself with Giants by IronKite on the website worth1000.com

Soon one of the original photographs was discovered, which served as material for editing. It was taken on September 16, 2000 in the town of Hyde Park, New York, where a paleontological group at Cornell University led by Professor John Chiment was excavating the remains of a mastodon aged 14 to 11 thousand years

The National Geographic Society, created back in 1888 in the USA, is one of the oldest in the world. Since that time, it has been publishing the famous National Geographic magazine. And now, keeping up with the times, he also publishes news on the Internet every day on his National Geographic News portal.
Society is the most authoritative organization. They trust her. This is why there are a lot of people who believe that the photos of a giant skeleton that have been circulating on the Internet for several years are authentic. They excite the imagination and make one believe in conspiracies of scientists against civilization. After all, the discovery of the gigantic skeleton is “hung” specifically on the geographical society. Allegedly, its specialists participated in the excavations.

Any sane person can easily guess that the photos are fake, says National Geographic News illustration editor Sebastian John. “However, we regularly receive requests in the hundreds by email from all over the world. Like, tell me, what kind of skeleton is this? Is it true that they found it? Where is he now? Is it hidden from prying eyes?

National Geographic could not resist, and in 2007 published a refutation of these photographs - but things are still there. More and more “remains” are being created, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they tell me: “Well, look, there are so many photographs! It can’t all be fake!” Alas, all this is really the fruit of the creativity of people who masterfully (and sometimes very poorly) use Photoshop. And the beginning of this story surprisingly coincides with the publication of creativity on worth1000.com. The multitude of photographs can easily be explained by the multitude of “workers” looking for “remains” in the Photoshop environment.

The pioneer IronKite seems to have attracted followers. And now the Internet is full of giant skeletons.

These classic "photos of giants" are now literally circulating from one yellow site to another, via email, blogs and forums to excite the imagination of the ignorant man in the street.

Many do not doubt the authenticity of the images. In fact, the "giant skeleton" is not a photograph of a real discovery. However, observations show that high quality fake images, coupled with vaguely plausible explanations that accompany them, are apparently enough to convince many recipients that the “discoveries” are genuine.

By the way, IronKite’s work was even shown on YouTube. The video's creator is using IronKite's giant skeleton, along with other dubious images, as "proof" that giants once lived on Earth. The well-documented image deception, in addition to the number of logical flaws, has caused the episode to be bagged by YouTube users.

Even if you believe that a race of giants existed on Earth, you can be sure that these photographs do not reflect some of their remains. They take their original origins from the Worth1000 competition, and the image's status as a purely fictional "archaeological discovery" is understandable.

Not only do objects cast shadows in different directions, but the skeleton does not fit into the panorama of the image at all due to the difference in angles. The skeleton lacks perspective, most likely due to the fact that the source was a photograph of an ordinary skeleton, shot vertically, while the landscape in which it was placed was shot at an angle with perspective.

A giant Atlas skeleton has been found in the ocean again!

1. The color border on the left side of the photo immediately catches your eye. The skeleton is simply pasted onto a background with a coral reef.

2. The lower right part of the school of fish is translucent - this indicates a low professional level of the photoshopper. Instead of carefully cutting out the fish onto a new layer, he applied feathering and reduced the layer's opacity.

3. And as always, symmetry violations. The size of the skull is disproportionate to the size of the femurs. Apparently, to emphasize the size of the skeleton, the skull was enlarged.

A seasoned photoshopper who knows his job worked here. He burned himself out of ignorance of the anatomy of the human body. The vertebrae are too large for the size of the skull.

The edges of a black and white image of a skeleton pasted into the pit can be clearly seen. In addition, the quality of the source image with skeletons is much worse than the main image, this is especially noticeable when enlarging

Verdict: a good craft in Photoshop.

Allegedly, various finds of giant skulls, which themselves are very mediocre fakes, when compared with images, provide more information

This is the same normal size skull, if we take both skulls and compare them as shown in the picture, we will see that they are identical. Even if we imagine for a second that these are the same excavations, then why did the skull change its size by 3 times? .

On the left in the photograph, the skull is larger than the sitting person, and if we take into account that the person is closer to us than the skull, then in reality the skull would be even larger.
On the right we also see a skull, but this time it is significantly smaller than a sitting person, while the skull is in the foreground, if it is placed next to a person it will be 2 times smaller.

In the left picture, the skull literally sank into the plane of the earth; the frame hanging in the air is no less smiling. Besides, where has it been seen that unique finds are literally trampled under boots?

Verdict: not the best fakes of a giant, using an ordinary skull.

Considering the various options for fake giants, I became curious if I could repeat something similar using only the most basic skills in the graphics program Adobe Photoshop. I decided to create several similar images.

As you can see, creating something like this is not difficult

Note: “Photos of giants” floating around the Internet are distinguished by their individuality. You won't find a "photo of a giant's skeleton" taken several times from different angles. Single images everywhere. I can’t believe that such a unique find was taken only once from one position. This once again confirms the individuality of the work on producing “photographs of giants.” The creators from the site Worth1000.com simply did not have the goal of misleading the public, so each of them limited themselves to a single work. It is not surprising that the network does not have diverse images of at least one giant, “shot” from different angles. Moreover, creating such an image is much more difficult.

Another fact is not in favor of the giants. Giant human bones are not exhibited in any museum in the world. But enthusiasts led by historian Michael Baigent, author of the acclaimed book “Forbidden Archaeology,” blame representatives of traditional science for this. They say they hid unique finds on purpose. Farther from sin. Because otherwise we would have to change our views on evolution, and on the entire history of mankind.

The entire absurdity of this “argument” can be realized after reading the article
Pseudoscience as it is

Often from parascientific works one can learn about certain “forbidden” discoveries that pose a threat to established ideas and are therefore hidden from the public.
Without exception, all such messages are fiction. A researcher who stumbles upon something truly remarkable will strive to report his discovery in order to immortalize his name for centuries. If for some reason he delays publication, envious colleagues will certainly not miss the opportunity to attribute the discovery to themselves. Even if the government intervenes, for some reason wanting to hide the truth, then unfriendly states, having found out the secret with the help of their intelligence services, will immediately stop this attempt.

And yet there is something gigantic in museums - teeth. They look almost human, but are 6 times larger than ours. First discovered in 1935 by the Dutch paleontologist Koenigswald in... one of the pharmacies in Hong Kong. According to estimates, their owners should weigh 350-400 kilograms.
Many “giantists” still “show off” these teeth, attributing them to mythical giants - the predecessors of people. However, it is known that in 1956 in South China, in Guangxi province, archaeologists dug up three huge jaws with exactly the same teeth. And they determined that they belonged to apes - the so-called Gigantopithecus. Yes, these primates were huge - almost four meters tall. Sort of like mini King Kongs. But not by people.

What about myths?

Giant enthusiasts continue to trumpet the former existence of giants; they first of all refer to countless myths. Naturally, it is difficult to find a people who would not have written legends about giants - just listing their national names would take up an entire book page.
What about myths? Here are lines from the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth...”
Elsewhere in the Bible, the “report” of the spies sent by Moses to Palestine is given: “... There we saw giants..., from a giant race; and we were... before them like locusts...”.

Another argument is the strange cyclopean buildings. And the most amazing of them is the Baalbek Terrace in Lebanon, located about a hundred kilometers from Beirut. At its base, archaeologists discovered monolithic stone blocks measuring 21 by 5 by 4 meters. Some weigh 800 tons. And they are fitted so neatly that it is difficult to even insert a needle between the edges. Who else but the giant tilers was able to lay them?

However, according to skeptics, Baalbek is not the best argument in favor of the existence of giants, says anthropologist Andrei Grinevsky. - Yes, no one can yet explain how the 800-ton stone blocks were laid. But it is naive to assume that they were carried by 20-meter giants. With such growth, a maximum of six people can grab the monolith. Total, more than 100 tons “per brother”. Don't pick it up.

There are huge footprints - the most famous of them is located in South Africa. It was found by local farmer Stoffel Coetzee at the beginning of the last century. The “left foot print” is imprinted into the almost vertical wall to a depth of approximately 12 centimeters. Its length is 1m 28 centimeters. They claim that it was “inherited” by a man about 10 meters tall. Came here hundreds of millions of years ago, when the rock was soft. Then it froze, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.
In my opinion, the footprint only looks like a human one. But there are no undeniable signs. It could have been left behind by a stone that later fell out. And a dinosaur.

What if giants really lived on Earth?

Excavations indicate that there was a time when giants lived on Earth. And not lizards, but mammals. Some became extinct long ago - during the last ice age. Others - much later - about a thousand years BC. And people could see them
Giant short-faced bear,
living in Alaska and Chukotka, reached almost 5 meters if he stood on his hind legs. By the way, I ran on them at a speed of almost 70 kilometers per hour.

The 5-ton giant sloth was no less fast-moving than the bear.

And beavers and rats grew to the size of the current hippopotamus. In a word, gigantism is not alien to nature. So why should people be an exception?

The answer lies in the very structure and proportions of the human body. If you look at typical representatives of giants (dinosaurs, elephants and others), they all have one thing in common: a horizontal spine, a relatively small head, and the center of mass is concentrated in the lower part of the body.

The legs of a typical mammal support the weight of its body, and as the animal's mass increases, the strength of the support must correspondingly increase. Let us assume that all the linear dimensions of the animal have doubled. The mass of such an enlarged animal will then increase 8 times, i.e., like a cube of linear dimensions, which should affect the strength of the supporting structures. To prevent these structures from collapsing, their cross-sectional area must increase in proportion to the eightfold increase in load, but if all dimensions are simply doubled, the cross-sectional area of ​​the bones will only increase by a factor of four. This is clearly not enough, and in order to support eight times the increased weight, the bones must increase disproportionately.

A threefold increase in linear dimensions gives a 27-fold increase in mass, and the cross-sectional area of ​​the bone must be increased by a factor of 27.

Measurements of the ultimate strength of mammalian bones of different masses from 0.05 to 700 kg (14,000-fold difference) did not reveal any significant differences (233 ± 53 MN/m2 in small animals and 200 ± 28 in large animals) (Biewener, 1982) .

Moreover, the mass of a mammal’s skeleton does not fit into schemes that take into account only gravitational loads. During movement, forces always arise due to acceleration or braking, which twist and bend the skeleton, and its elements must withstand these forces and not break primarily under the influence of bending.

Those. if a person has linear dimensions of 20 meters (i.e. more than 10 times larger than normal), then his volume (and mass) increases 1000 (10 cubed) times, i.e. it weighs about 80 tons (80,000 kg). And this is not compatible with life, because he will simply be crushed (even in a supine position, the chest will collapse) under our gravity.

Thus... Yes, there may be giants, but they will not look like people, and their skeletons will not look like human ones. Let's give another simple example. If a person with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 80 kg is quadrupled to 720 cm, then his weight will be 5120 kg, and bones with such dimensions in human proportions will be optimally adapted only to 1280 kg, that is, the additional mass above the optimal will be 3840 kg (i.e. the area the cross-section of the bones will increase by 16 times, but the body weight will increase by 64 times), the bones simply cannot withstand such an overload, this is equivalent to the fact that a person 180 cm tall and weighing 80 kg, with the same muscles and bones, will hang a load of 240 kg for life, and what will happen to his joints and spine? What I mean is that with gigantic sizes, the cross-section of the bones should be proportionally much larger, depending on the magnification factor. Therefore, if there were human giants, then their skeletons will look completely different from the photoshopped photos from the sites of Photoshop enthusiasts. That's all. Well, the skeletons of giants were actually found - these are dinosaurs that, despite such dimensions, had powerful bones and could not do without a tail, and their center of gravity was completely different, as was the principle of constructing a skeleton for such a mass.

What do giants get sick with?

In ancient times, myths and legends associated high growth with some kind of superpowers, and “giants” have always enjoyed great respect. However, according to doctors, high growth can result in poor health, and this is especially true for women. The tallest woman in the world, Sandy Allen, recently died at the age of just 53 - and she, alas, suffered from many chronic diseases.

American Sandy Allen's height was 2 meters 32 centimeters - that is, three centimeters higher than the famous Chinese basketball player Yao Ming.

She was only slightly inferior to the other tallest people in the world - Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik (2 meters 53 centimeters) and Tunisian Radhuan Charbib (2 meters 36 centimeters). The cause of Allen's death is still unknown, but in the hospital where she was, she was given numerous dangerous diagnoses.

These include diabetes, susceptibility to infections and kidney failure. Besides, it was difficult for her to walk, so last years She spent her life in a wheelchair.

A person is destroyed by gravity - after all, his muscles and bones are simply not adapted for such growth. In such people, the proportions of the skull are disturbed, the feet and hands increase to enormous sizes, the tongue becomes huge - and because of this, giants very often suffer from shortness of breath.


Today, on the Internet, it is not difficult to come across sites full of bright headlines about the discovery of the millennium, about a hidden sensation. Demand creates supply. People believe, to put it mildly, unreliable rumors that excite the imagination. I want secrets, I want riddles, even where there are none. What is surprising is not that there are lovers of sensations, but how many of them there are.

However, if you carefully approach the issue of giants under consideration, carry out an analysis of information and elementary logical calculations, an unambiguous conclusion arises that, for certain reasons, the existence of people of gigantic stature is simply impossible, it is not surprising that there is no real evidence of the former existence of giants. Just myths, dubious evidence and fraud.

This is confirmed by the finds of archaeologists - ancient written evidence, structures of amazingly huge sizes that have survived to this day, Cyclopean ruins all over the world and colossal boulders. These buildings and processed stones of incredible size are simply incompatible with the physical capabilities of a person of our time.

Science does not give us a clear and intelligible explanation of how such huge structures could be built. Perhaps the easiest way to explain this phenomenon is that in ancient times there were giant creatures who erected statues in accordance with their height. Otherwise, how could such giant sculptures and architectural structures? Where did the grandiose Karnak, the famous Stonehenge and the so-called “hanging” stones in Salisbury come from? And who created the seids and Cyclopean ruins on Kola Peninsula, huge statues of pharaohs, the mysterious Sphinx, incredible Egyptian and South American pyramids? There are many, many such examples that can be given.

For example, at the very base of the Baalbek terrace, which is located in Lebanon, there are 3 blocks, weighing 800 tons each. These blocks are fitted to each other with incredible precision, down to negligible fractions of a millimeter, and this is simply an impossible task even for modern construction technologies. And in order to move just one such block just a little, it would be necessary to attract forty thousand people to the simultaneous effort.

Back in the 19th century, it was mentioned that archaeologists and ordinary residents found huge human remains. And these days we are often informed about finds in different parts of the world. globe skeletons of people of abnormal growth.

So, in 1821, in the state of Tennessee, in the USA, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were found, under which there were two human skeletons; their height reached 2.15 meters. And in Wisconsin, in 1879, during the construction of a granary, workers found huge skull bones and vertebrae.

In 1877, in the state of Nevada, near the town of Evreki, in a hilly and deserted area, gold miners accidentally saw the bones of a man’s shin and foot, darkened with age, grown into the rock. The remains were taken to the city, where paleontologists measured the length of the bones from the foot to the knee. It turned out to be about 97 centimeters, which means that a person with limbs of this size had a height of 3 meters! And the age of the quartzite where the bone was found is about 185 million years.
Similar discoveries were also made on other continents, in different parts of the planet. In Egypt, in 1890, archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus. It contained a clay coffin with a two-meter mummy of a woman with a small child.

In Australia in 1930, near Basarst, while mining jasper, prospectors quite often found fossilized imprints of giant human legs. Anthropologists have named the race of giant people whose remains were found in Australia Meganthropus. The height of people of this race ranged from 2.1 to 3.65 meters.

In Central Africa in 1936, anthropologist and paleontologist from Germany Larson Kohl discovered the skeletons of gigantic people near Lake Elizi. A dozen men were buried in a common grave. The height of these men reached 3.75 meters.

When exploring the same area in 1985, an anthropological expedition carried out excavations at a depth of about 3 meters from the surface of the earth. Researchers from Australia discovered a fossilized molar among a variety of remains. Its height was 6.7 and its width was 4.2 centimeters. The owner of a tooth of this size was at least 7.5 meters tall and weighed 370 kilograms. The age of the fossils was 9 million years.

In some regions of Armenia, eyewitnesses still live who claim that quite often the ordinary population discovered ancient human remains that were several times larger than the usual size of a person.

A very interesting discovery was made by archaeologists in Georgia, in the mountains Borjomi Gorge. Huge human bones were discovered here; their age was 25 thousand years. By all parameters, it can be argued that the height of these giant people could reach 2.5-3 meters.

In the mountains of Eastern Georgia, in 2000, two travelers found a cave in which they found skeletons up to four meters in size. Near one of the skeletons there was an unusual huge stiletto made of an unknown metal.

There is also evidence that during the Second World War in Poland, during the burial of those executed, a fossilized skull was found, whose height was 55 centimeters, and this is almost three times the size of the skull of a modern person. The giant to whom the found skull belonged had very proportional features and was no less than 3.5 meters tall.

At the beginning of 2007, almost the whole world was shocked by what British paleontologists found in the Gobi Desert. A human skeleton was discovered here, whose height was approximately 15 m (!). The rock in which scientists found fossilized remains is 45 million years old.

From all the above facts, it seems that the traces of giant people are by no means fiction, because evidence of their existence is available in almost all parts of the world. Naturally, if we consider each find or message separately, they will seem like fiction, a mystery or a miracle. However, if all the facts and information are put together, a completely different picture emerges. Perhaps it is worth studying all this information, drawing scientific conclusions and generalizations?

The Bible, Vedas and myths of various peoples mention a race of giants who once inhabited our planet. Ancient legends say that these were Atlantean giants who relied on their physical strength and challenged higher beings or God. For which the heavens punished this race by wiping it off the face of the Earth. Many "grammarists" who wished to interpret sacred texts literally, constantly sought evidence for these quotations. From time to time, people came across huge vertebrae or fragments of other large remains. These finds gave food for speculation that these were giant human skeletons.

Adherents of the extraterrestrial (extraterrestrial) hypothesis also made their contribution. But the public’s interest in the ancient giants was further fueled by pseudo-scientific publications, which from time to time published articles about supposedly sensational discoveries. In order not to be branded as unfounded, they also published photographs from the discovery site, which clearly showed the skeletons of giant people. The photos showed the resting remains of a well-preserved giant, and next to him were small figures of archaeologists. Based on the average height of modern people looking at such a photograph, one can easily imagine the height of the deceased - about 20 meters.

However, a strange trend is alarming. Despite various regions, in which the skeletons of giant people were allegedly found - India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Greece, South Africa, Portugal and Kenya all followed the same pattern. The remains were stumbled across by chance, during geological exploration or while laying roads. The military immediately arrived at the excavation site, cordoned off the region and hid the find from the eyes of the general public. Therefore, in the hands of scientists there was no other evidence left except for a photograph taken from a helicopter.

At the same time, both articles and photographs allegedly confirming the findings multiplied. The gigantic ones were either three meters, then eight, then a record 24. Moreover (as if photographs were not enough) clay tablets began to be found at the burial sites - either in Sanskrit or in Arabic - stating that the giants belonged to one or another mentioned in Vedas or Bible. The inscriptions, naturally, were also confiscated by the evil military, who for some reason were interested in hiding the historical truth.

Finally, National Geographic conducted its own investigation of one of the images in 2007. It turned out that the background for the excavations, during which giant human skeletons were found, was an archaeological expedition from Cornell University. However, in fact, in the town of Hyde Park, New York, on September 16, 2000, scientists did not find the remains of ancient giant, and fragments of the skeleton... of a mastodon that lived 13 thousand years ago.

Soon the author of the “sensational photograph” was discovered. It turned out to be a certain Iron Kite. Moreover, this man did not want to mislead anyone. He simply submitted his photomontage to a graphic design competition held by one of the websites. And he even won an award there - third place. Various Photoshop masters took part in the competition, presenting their works to the jury - from frankly funny to such “almost serious”. In 2007 the National Geographical Society issued a statement that no remains of giants had been found, that giant human skeletons were a myth and a falsification of esotericists.

October 24, 2013

Five meter skeleton

Children's fairy tales, legends, ancient books and manuscripts excite our imagination with descriptions of creatures of gigantic size. Large skeletons from archaeological excavations are indisputable evidence of the existence of giants.

People were described by ancient historians. The Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, a thousand years ago, spoke about a five-meter skeleton he saw among the subjects of the Khazar king.

Russian ancient chronicles tell about a four-meter giant warrior who stood up to defend the fatherland on the Kulikovo Field.

Russian writers Korolenko and Turgenev say that in the museum of the Swiss city of Lucerne they saw a five-meter skeleton found in 1577 by the doctor Platner in a mountain cave.

Historical chronicles continually recorded information about the discovery of unusual human remains.

Large skeletons 215 cm long were found during construction in 1821 in the USA in Tennessee, and in 1885 in Pennsylvania.

In 1971, in Queensland, a farmer plowing a field found a large fragment of a human jaw with five centimeter teeth.

But these are not the biggest skeletons yet.

In 1899, in Germany, miners found the fossilized remains of giants almost 240 cm tall.

In Australia, a race of giants discovered during excavations was called Meganthropus. Mega-people had the largest skeletons found on the mainland - almost three and a half meters. Just imagine the 67cm molar found by scientists in 1985! True, the owner of such a jaw lived a long time ago, almost nine million years ago.

Similar mega-people also existed in China. Fragments of jaws and teeth confirm the fact that such people should have risen 3-3.5 meters above the ground.

3.6 meters

Cases of finding imprints of huge feet are not uncommon. In 1979, a 17cm toe print was found in the Blue Mountains. If the skeleton of the owner of these fingers were found, it would be almost six meters in length. But not far from Malgoa, three footprints of a giant’s steps were discovered. The human foot was 60 cm long and the step width was 130 cm.

In 1877, gold miners in Nevada used pickaxes to cut out part of the foot, including the shin and kneecap, from the rock. Size - almost a meter from knee to foot. That is, the owner of the bones had to be 3.6 meters tall.

Large human skeletons were found by the German anthropologist Larson Kohl. In Central Africa, on the shores of Lake Elizi, he dug up a mass grave of 12 men, ranging in height from 3.5 to 3.5 meters.

There is documentary evidence of the discovery of a human skull in Poland during World War II, three times the size of an ordinary skull.

In the diamond mines South Africa in 1950, part of the skull was found. The diameter of the skull was 45 cm. It was a very ancient inhabitant of the planet. The age of the find is almost nine million years.

In 2008, near the city of Borjomi, Georgian archaeologists found the skeleton of a three-meter man.

In 2005, burials of people were found in the Sahara that had fairly large skeletons; the height of the people exceeded the two-meter mark.

120 centimeter human bone

A fossilized 120 centimeter human bone was found in Turkey. The owner of such a leg had to be five meters tall.

In the Netherlands in the 17th century there lived a woman nicknamed "The Big Maid". Her documented height was 254 cm. In the 19th century, the peasant of the Vitebsk province Fyodor Makhnov had a height of 285 cm.

People who had large skeletons also existed in modern times. The Dagestan giant of the last century Osman Abdurakhmianov had a height of 207 cm, the Frenchman Rene the Giant had a height of 224 cm, the American Robert Pershing Wadlow had a height of 272 cm, the basketball player Jorge Gonzalez had a height of 231 cm. The Turkish farmer Sultan Kesen had a height of 251 cm.

Numerous artifacts prove that in addition to giant people, there were animals of enormous size.

Their large skeletons can be seen in museums around the world. A huge dinosaur skeleton was found at the beginning of the last century in Africa. It is mounted and displayed in the Berlin Museum.

The largest dinosaurs - diplodocus and futalognokosaurs - surpassed the modern giant blue whale in size. His life-size skeleton can be seen in the Museum natural history in Santa Barbara (USA).

Representatives of the fauna also have large skeletons, which for various reasons have “outgrown” their relatives: a giant horse from Belgium named Radar; the huge Big Chilly Cow; a very large rabbit named Emmy, 1.5 cm long; a giant pig from China with a waist circumference of 2.3 cm and fourteen centimeter tusks.

The incredible largest skeletons of birds, animals, prehistoric dinosaurs, footprints of people - giants in the world's museums - the indisputable fact that legends about giants consisted of real facts, and not from fiction.

People are giants. Do you think this is a myth or reality? In the article we will analyze the findings and compare the facts, which will help solve this mystery or get very close to the result.

The existence of giants is evidenced by finds of bones of unusual sizes around the world, as well as myths and legends living mainly among American Indians. Scientists, however, have never paid enough attention to collecting and analyzing this evidence. Probably because they considered the existence of giants impossible.

The book of Genesis (chapter 6, verse 4) reads:“At that time there were giants on the earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to bear children to them. These are strong people who have been famous since ancient times.”


The most famous of the giants described in the Bible is the warrior Goliath of Gath. The Book of Samuel says that Goliath was defeated by the sheep shepherd David, who later became king of Israel. Goliath, according to the biblical description, had a height of more than six cubits, that is, three meters.

His military equipment weighed about 420 kg, and the weight of the metal spear reached 50 kg. There are many stories among the people about giants who were feared by rulers and leaders. Greek mythology tells the story of Enceladus, a giant who fought Zeus and was struck by lightning and covered by Mount Etna.

In the fourteenth century, the skeleton of the supposed Polyphemus, the one-eyed king of the Cyclops, was discovered in Trapani (Sicily), 9 meters long.

The Delaware Indians say that in the old days east of the Mississippi there lived giant men called Alligewi who would not allow them to pass through their lands. declared war on them and eventually forced them to leave the area.

The Sioux Indians had a similar legend. In Minnesota, where they lived, a race of giants appeared, which, according to legend, they destroyed. The bones of giants are probably still in this land.

Trace of the Giant

There is a deep imprint of a man's foot on Mount Sri Pada in Sri Lanka. gigantic size: It is 168 cm long and 75 cm wide! Legend says that this is the trace of our ancestor - Adam.

The famous Chinese navigator Zheng He spoke about this find in the 16th century:

“There is a mountain on the island. It is so high that its peak reaches the clouds and the only imprint of a man’s foot can be seen on it. The recess in the rock reaches up to two chi, and the length of the foot is more than 8 chi. They say here that this trace was left by Saint A-Tan, the forefather of mankind.”

Giants from different countries

In 1577, huge human bones were found in Lucerne. The authorities quickly convened scientists who, working under the guidance of the famous anatomist Dr. Felix Plater from Basel, determined that these were the remains of a man 5.8 meters tall!

36 years later, France discovered its own giant. His remains were found in a grotto near Chaumont Castle. This man was 7.6 meters tall! The Gothic inscription "Tentobochtus Rex" was found in the cave, as well as coins and medals, which lead to believe that the skeleton of the Cimbri king was discovered.

Europeans who began to study South America also talked about huge people. South part Argentina and Chile were named Patagonia by Magellan from the Spanish "pata" - hoof, because tracks resembling large hooves were found there.

In 1520, Magellan's expedition encountered a giant in Port San Julian, whose appearance was recorded in the journal: “This man was so tall that we only reached him to the waist, and his voice sounded like the roar of a bull.” Magellan's men probably even managed to capture two giants, who, chained on the deck, did not survive the journey. But because their bodies stank horribly, they were thrown overboard.

British explorer Francis Drake claimed that in 1578 he South America got into a fight with giants whose height was 2.8 meters. Drake lost two people in this battle.

More and more researchers encountered their giants and the number of documents on the topic grew.

In 1592, Anthony Quinett summarized that the height of known giants is, on average, 3-3.5 meters.

Giant Man - Myth or reality?

When, however, Charles Darwin arrived in Patagonia in the 19th century, found no trace of the giants. Earlier information was discarded as it was considered to be greatly exaggerated. But stories of giants continued to come from other regions.

The Incas claimed, What giant people descend from the clouds at regular intervals to live with their women.

It is often difficult to tell the difference between a very tall person and a giant. For a pygmy, a person with a height of 180 cm is probably a giant. However, anyone over two meters tall should be classified as a giant.

That's exactly what he was Irishman Patrick Cotter. He was born in 1760 and died in 1806. He was famous for his height and made his living performing in circuses and fairs. His height was 2 meters 56 centimeters.

At the same time, he lived in the USA Paul Bunyan - Lumberjack, about which there are many legends. According to them, he kept elk as pets, and when he was once attacked by a buffalo, he easily broke its neck. Contemporaries claimed that Bunyan was 2.8 meters tall.

There is also a very interesting document in the English archives, namely, "The History and Antiquities of Allerdale." This work is a collection of folk songs, legends and stories about the Cumberland and tells, in particular, about the discovery of huge remains in the Middle Ages:

“The giant was buried at a depth of 4 meters in what is now farmland, and the grave was marked with a vertical stone. The skeleton was 4.5 meters long and was fully armed. The sword and ax of the dead man lay near him. The sword was more than 2 meters long and 45 centimeters wide.”

IN Northern Ireland there are 40,000 closely spaced conical pillars driven into the ground with convex and concave ends, which are considered natural formations. Old legends say, however, that these are the remains of a colossal bridge that connected Ireland and Scotland.

In the spring of 1969, excavations were carried out in Italy and 50 brick-lined coffins were discovered nine kilometers south of Rome. There were no names or other inscriptions on them. All of them contained skeletons of men with a height of 200 to 230 cm. Very tall, especially for Italy.

Archaeologist Dr Luigi Cabalucci said the people died between the ages of 25 and 40. Their teeth were in surprisingly good condition. Unfortunately, the date of the burial and the circumstances under which it occurred were not established.

Where do giants come from?

So, the number of finds increased, and in different countries. But the most intriguing question is “where do they come from? giant people"remains unanswered.

French writer Denis Saurat has formulated a fascinating version. Thinking about what might happen if some other celestial body began to approach Earth, he concluded that the effect of such an event would be a sharp increase in the gravity of our planet.

The tides would be higher, meaning land would be flooded. Another, less well-known consequence of this state of affairs would be gigantism in plants, animals and humans. The latter would reach a height of 5 meters. According to this theory, the size of living organisms increases with increasing radiation, in this case cosmic radiation.

“Increased radiation, including cosmic radiation, probably has two effects: it causes mutations and damages or transforms tissue. Some illustration of the theory and the effect of radiation on growth may be the events of 1902 in Martinique, where Mount Pelée erupted, killing 20,000 people in St. Pierre.

Immediately before the eruption began, a purple cloud consisting of dense gas and water vapor formed over the crater of the volcano. It grew to an unprecedented size and spread throughout the island, whose inhabitants were not yet aware of the threat.

Suddenly, a pillar of fire 1,300 feet high shot out from the volcano. The fire also engulfed the cloud, which burned at temperatures above 1000 degrees. All the inhabitants of St. Pierre died, with the exception of one, who was sitting in a prison cell protected by thick walls.

The destroyed city was never rebuilt, but biological life on the island was reborn faster than expected. The plants and plants returned, but they were all much larger now. Dogs, cats, turtles, lizards and insects were larger than ever before, and each successive generation was taller than the previous one."

French authorities set up a research station at the foot of the mountain and soon discovered that mutations in animals and plants were the result of radiation from minerals released during the volcanic eruption.

This radiation also affected people: the head of the research center, Dr. Jules Graviou, grew by 12.5 cm, and his assistant, Dr. Powen, by 10 cm. It was discovered that the irradiated plants grew three times faster and reached a development level in six months. which would normally take two years.

The lizard, called the copa, which previously reached 20 cm in length, turned into a small dragon 50 cm long, and its bite, previously harmless, became more dangerous than the venom of a cobra.

The strange phenomenon of anomalous enlargement disappeared when these plants and animals were transported from Martinique. On the island itself, the apogee of radiation was reached within 6 months after the explosion, and then its intensity slowly began to return to normal levels.

Is it possible that something similar (maybe on an even larger scale) happened once in the past? Increased doses of radiation could contribute to the formation of abnormally large organisms. This theory finds some support from the fact that huge animals existed on Earth long after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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