Corpses of Ukrainian nationalists. Bandera atrocities. Volyn massacre. The tragedy of Janova Dolina

In the ranks of the Ukrainian rebels there are mainly radical nationalists from Galicia. These are three regions: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and southern Ternopil. During the Great Patriotic War, an entire division of Ukrainian volunteers from these places - it was called “SS-Galicia” - fought on the side of the Third Reich. Today guys from the same region are also against Russia. What are radical Ukrainian nationalists capable of? In the USSR, many documents on this topic were classified, and not only documents - the topic itself was banned, so as not to cast a shadow on the Soviet idyll of a friendly family of nations. What is happening in Ukraine now needs to be explained with the help of historical examples.

One morning in March 1942, a detachment dressed as SS troops entered the village of Velevshchina in northern Belarus. His fighters communicated, however, not in German but in pure Ukrainian language. The 201st police battalion was commanded by the then little-known future hero of Ukraine, Roman Shukhevych. The punishers, having arrived, immediately got down to business. Shukhevych himself set an example.

“They shot both children and adults. Some were thrown alive into a pit,” said Velevshchina resident Natalya Sadovskaya.

The 201st battalion was far from the only Ukrainian formation that participated in the extermination of the inhabitants of Belarus. By the beginning of 1942, the fascists formed several dozen Ukrainian police battalions. And in total, during the war years, more than 20 thousand Ukrainian nationalists participated in punitive operations against civilians in Belarus.

The dispatched punitive forces did not shy away from the bloodiest work - they raped, killed and robbed. They are responsible for thousands of villages burned in Belarus. Khatyn became a sad symbol of the war crimes of Ukrainian nationalists.

It was already burned by other Ukrainian punitive forces - from the fraternal 118th police battalion, formed in Kyiv in the fall of 1942.

“The Ukrainian nationalist organizations in this battalion are from the Bukovinsky Kuren. A monument to the Bukovynsky Kuren was erected in Chernivtsi, and this is another evidence of what is happening in Ukraine. They took part in punitive operations, and now they are extolled as if they were heroes,” - noted the chief archivist of the National Archives of Belarus Vyacheslav Selemenev.

By that time, the heroes from the 118th Ukrainian battalion had already become famous for the murders of Jews and the mass execution at Babi Yar. So prepared punitive forces came to Khatyn.

Residents of Khatyn - young and old - were herded into a barn, covered with straw and set on fire. 149 people burned in the fire, 75 of them were children. Those who tried to escape from the inferno were shot with a machine gun by the battalion chief of staff, Grigory Vasyura.

The case of SS Hauptsturmführer and punisher Grigory Vasyura, a native of the Cherkasy region, is still classified as “top secret”. In total - 17 volumes. Under the yellow roots are the crimes of not only Vasyura himself, but also dozens of other Ukrainian nationalists.

After the war, Vasyura became deputy director of one of the large state farms in the Kiev region, loved speaking to young people as a war veteran and even demanded an order for himself. It was then that the punisher was exposed.

The trial of Grigory Vasyura took place in 1986 at the Dzerzhinsky KGB club of Belarus. All meetings were open, and any resident of the republic, in which every third Belarusian died during the war, could attend them.

According to the court verdict, Vasyura was shot, but many Ukrainian punitive officers escaped responsibility. Another battalion executioner, Vladimir Katryuk, fled to Canada, where today he lives in perfect health and breeds bees.

However, after the liberation of Belarus, tens of thousands of punitive forces did not emigrate anywhere. In the north of the republic they organized a gangster underground. Among the most odious organizers of the Ukrainian gangster underground in Belarus was a certain Taras Borovets. He even assigned the rebellious territory a loud name - “Polesskaya Sich”.

“By the time of the liberation of Belarus in July 1944, about 12-14 thousand members of the armed underground continued to operate on its territory. From 1944 to 1952, the region was a war zone. We are talking about thousands of dead civilians, military personnel, and police officers,” - explained the head of the department of the Institute of National Security of Belarus Igor Volokhonovich.

It was possible to completely eliminate the Ukrainian gangster underground in Belarus only in the mid-50s, but the spiritual heirs of the nationalists all these years did not give up hope for historical revenge.

1997 Center of Minsk. Nationalists from Ukraine, under the flags of UNA-UNSO, are trying to organize mass unrest in Belarus, calling for a coup d'etat. The methods have been proven: clashes with the police, mass fights, overturned cars. The leader of radical nationalists Oleg Tyagnibok praises the punishers from the police battalions operating on the territory of Belarus.

“At one time, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, well-known to all historians, Roman Shukhevych, aka Taras Chuprinko, stated the following: “We must be infinitely cruel. Only through cruelty can we come to power. If we destroy half of the population of Ukraine out of 40 million inhabitants, history will forgive us,” said Georgy Sannikov, an employee of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR in 1952-1956, a participant in the anti-terrorist operation in Western Ukraine.

On the territory of Belarus, the UNA-UPA carried out two and a half thousand acts of sabotage. Most of the punishers escaped responsibility, and some still live safely in the territory different states, including Ukraine.

The frightening extremism of the unrest in Ukraine, which the West prefers not to notice, is increasingly being talked about in Israel. Nationalists from the shock troops sometimes openly demonstrate their anti-Semitic beliefs.

“When you see what is happening in Ukraine, it’s hard to believe. Anti-Semitism should never be forgiven. Never,” says Naomi Blumenthal, member of the Israeli Knesset.

“In the history of Ukraine there were Babi Yar, Treblinka and many other places where Jews were killed. It is imperative to support the police, which must suppress such manifestations and establish order and law,” says judge, former prisoner of the ghetto and Bergen-Belsen camp David Frenkel .

“When I hear about such manifestations of anti-Semitism, I remember the words of the Prophet: “We are all responsible for each other.” The pictures of what is happening in Ukraine speak for themselves. We were sure that this horror would never return. Freedom and democracy are not anarchy and permissiveness,” noted Israel’s Chief Rabbi David Lau.

Volyn massacre(Polish. Rzez wolynska) (Volyn tragedy, Ukrainian. Volinska tragedy, Polish. Tragedia Wolynia) - genocide against Poles, Jews, Russians. Mass extermination (by Bandera) by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army-OUN(b) of the ethnic Polish civilian population and civilians of the above-mentioned nationalities, including Ukrainians, in the territories of the Volyn-Podolia district (German: Generalbezirk Wolhynien-Podolien), until September 1939, which were under Polish control, which began in March 1943 and reached its peak in July of that year.

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volyn, occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out mainly by militants of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, who sought "clear" territory of Volyn from the Polish population. Ukrainian nationalists surrounded Polish villages and colonies and then began killing their civilians. For approximately twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943 to the morning of July 12, the UPA launched attacks on 176 settlements...

They killed everyone - women, old people, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, chopped with axes, sawed with two-handed saws, their eyes gouged out, their stomachs ripped open. Then the corpses of the destroyed Poles were buried somewhere in the field, their property was robbed, and their houses were finally set on fire. In place of the Polish villages, only charred ruins remained.

They also destroyed those Poles who lived in the same villages as the Ukrainians. It was even easier - there was no need to gather large detachments. Groups of OUN members of several people walked through the sleeping village, entered the houses of the Poles and killed everyone. And then local residents buried the murdered fellow villagers of the “wrong” nationality.

The photo above was taken almost 70 years ago. The child in the photo is 2 years old Czeslava Chzanowska from the village of Kuty (Kosovo Ivano-Frankivsk district region, Western Ukraine). An angelic-looking child looks into the camera lens...

It is her last photo. In April 1944, the village of Kuty was attacked by Bandera. sleeping Cheslav I was stabbed to death with a bayonet in my baby's crib at night. For what? — Because she was not Ukrainian.

2 year old Czeslaw Chrzanowska pierced with a bayonet. And the 18-year-old Galina Khzhanovskaya Bandera's men took with them, raped and hanged at the edge of the forest. In the picture above - Galina Chrzanowska, a village girl in a national shirt, smiles broadly at the camera. Why was she raped and hanged? - For the same thing. He was not Ukrainian.

All non-Ukrainians in the village of Kuty were subject to extermination. There were about 200 of them - Poles and Armenians. Yes, yes, Armenians. There was such a small national minority in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Polish Armenians. They lived in the Carpathians since the Middle Ages. They don't live anymore. Everyone was slaughtered along with the Poles in 1944, when the Volyn massacre reached the Carpathian region.

There were mixed families in the village of Kuty. At the Pole's Francis Berezovsky I had a Ukrainian wife. And my wife has a nephew who is a Bandera member. Francis Berezovsky cut off the head, put it on a plate and presented it to his wife as a “gift”. It was presented by her nephew. After these abuses, the woman went crazy. A local Uniate priest was involved in inciting the massacre among Bandera’s followers.

All of the above is one of the episodes. This is ethnic cleansing Western Ukraine from non-Ukrainians in 1943-44. Mainly they slaughtered Poles (there were the most of them), and a bunch of others. The purge was carried out by militants from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). That's what they were called - Rezuny. For what? Why does independent Ukraine need residents of non-Ukrainian nationality?

Why does Bandera’s Ukraine need this Polish family Kleshchinsky ( cut out 08/16/1943 in Podyarkov, Lviv region)?

Or this Polish woman Maria Grabovskaya with her 3-year-old daughter (killed by Bandera on November 10, 1943 in the village of Blozhev Gorna, Lviv region)?

Or this Pole Ignacy Zamoyski With daughter 15 years old. On January 22, 1944, they were strangled with a noose in the village of Busche, Berezhansky district, Ternopil region.

On the same day, January 22, 1944, in the village of Bushche Bandera killed and this one woman with 2 children(Polish Popel family). But they themselves are to blame. All three of them were of the wrong nationality.

But the Polish one Shayer family, mother and two children, cut out in his home in Vladinopol in 1943. Three of the more than 80,000 victims of the massacre.

August 30, 1943 UPA gang under the command Ivan Klimchak by nickname "Bald" slaughtered the Polish village of Volya Ostrovetskaya.

Rezuny killed 529 people, including 220 children. Pole Heinrich Klock miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and was mistaken for dead. Next to him, over the corpse of a village resident Maria Esinyuk sat her 5 year old son, and asked my mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was no longer there. A Bandera man approached the boy and killed with a shot to the head.

In the photo - victims of the Bandera massacre in the Polish village of Germanovka, Luts district ka, November 28, 1943:

The logic of genocide - children cannot be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis from the UPA learned this from the Germans. Same gang leader "Bald", which cut out the village of Volya Ostrovetskaya, before joining the UPA, he was a policeman. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Schutzmannschaft battalion (“security police”, punitive forces). The “commander-in-chief” of the UPA, Roman Shukhevych (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

In the photo Latach district Zalishchiky region. Ternopil. Karpiaków family, on which the UPA committed murders on December 14, 1943. Maria Karpiak– 42 years old, mother; Joseph– 23 years old, son; Ivan– 20 years old, son; Vladislav– 18 years old, son; Sofia– 8 years old, daughter; Sigmund– 6 years old, son:

Another striking episode of the “national liberation” struggle, the village of Katerynovka, May 1943:

The girl in the center Stasia Stefanyak was killed because of his Polish father. Her mother Maria Boyarchuk, Ukrainian, that night killed Same. Because of my husband. Mixed families aroused special hatred among the Rezuns.

In the village of Zalesie Koropetskoe (Ternopil region) on February 7, 1944 there was even more terrible incident. A UPA gang attacked the village with the aim of massacring the Polish population.

About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn, where they were burned alive. One of those killed that day was from a mixed family - half Pole, half Ukrainian. Bandera's men set a condition for him - he must kill your Polish mother, then he will be left alive. He refused and was killed along with his mother.

The UPA cutters used simple available tools. For example, a two-handed saw:

From the testimony of a witness Tadeusz Kotorski, resident of the Polish village of Ruzhin (15 km from Kovel):

“On November 11, 1943, our self-defense group in the colonies of Ruzhin and Truskoty fought off attempts by the UPA group to break into these villages. The next day we left Truskot. There Stefan Skowron, 18 years old, an orphan and a good friend of mine, was seriously wounded in the leg. We provided him with possible first aid, and he asked us to leave him near the house of our neighbor Gnat Yukhimchuk. The next day, Stach Szymczak went to pick up Stefan. It turned out that he was no longer alive. He had a r The stomach is ripped apart, all the insides are pulled out, the eyes are gouged out, and the shoes are taken off their feet. Soon his brother Sigmund identified these boots on a village resident Lubliniets Lenke Aksyutiche.

The death of Ukrainians was a big tragedy for me. Ivan Aksyutich And his son Sergei in the fall of 1943. A man in years Aksyutich Ivan he lived well with his neighbors, did not enter into any political intrigues, and had the courage not to support Ukrainian nationalists. They killed him in the village of Klevetsk with nephew Leonida, which is for uncle chose a terrible death - sawed up a living body with a saw . His son Sergei OUN members shot«.

Bandera Lenka Aksyutich, which the witness describes, is a typical UPA rebel. He found a wounded Pole, ripped open his stomach, took out his entrails, and took off his boots. His Ukrainian uncle, who did not support Bandera, was sawed alive with a saw.

A two-handed saw takes a long time. The ax is faster. In the photo - hacked to death Banderaites Polish family in Matsiev (Lukovo), February 1944. There is something lying on a pillow in the far corner. It's hard to see from here:

And there lie severed human fingers. Before their deaths, Bandera tortured their victims:

Ukrainian nationalists wanted non-Ukrainian nationalities to die in agony.

They burned this Polish woman’s body with hot irons and tried to cut off her right ear:

During the Bandera massacre, sadism towards the victims blossomed at its most magnificent. In the picture below is a victim of an attack by a UPA gang on passenger train Belzec - Rawa-Russka June 16, 1944 The attack was carried out by a gang Dmitra Karpenko by nickname "Hawk".

Karpenko-Yastrub- Bandera “hero”, awarded the highest award of the UPA - the Golden Cross “For Military Merit”, 1st degree.

On June 16, 1944, his gang stopped a passenger train in the Rava-Ruska area and sorted the passengers according to their nationality (Poles, Ukrainians and Germans were traveling there). After which the Poles were taken into the forest and killed.

The Polish woman in the photo below was also on this “death train”. Her stomach was torn open, her hand was cut off with an ax:

Bandera atrocities. Belzec, region, Rawa Ruska district, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944:

Polish village of Lipniki (Kostopol district, Rivne region), March 26, 1943. At night, this village was attacked by a gang under the command of the sadistic UPA Ivan Litvinchuk by nickname "Oak". A wild massacre began. These non-humans killed 179 people, including 51 children. Among the dead - 174 Poles, 4 Jews and one Russian woman. In the photo: victims of the Lipniki massacre in a mass grave:

That night, the future first cosmonaut of Poland almost died at the hands of the non-human UPA Miroslav Germashevsky. He was 2 years old. His family arrived in Lipniki at the very beginning of 1943, hoping to hide from the Bandera terror that was flaring up in Volyn. There was a village full of such refugees. The Germashevskys were sheltered in his house by a local Pole, Jakub Warumser. Bandera’s men burned the house, Varumzer’s head was cut off, and Miroslav Germashevsky’s grandfather was killed with 7 bayonet blows. The mother grabbed 2-year-old Miroslav and ran across the field towards the forest. They started shooting after her. She fell and lost consciousness from fear. They decided they had killed her.

An hour later she came to her senses and was able to hide in the forest. Then the shock subsided a little and she realized that she had lost the child on the field. Dropped it while running. In the morning, the father and older brother rushed to look for little Mirko. The entire field was strewn with corpses. Suddenly, the brother saw a black bundle in the snow and in it was a child who showed no signs of life. At first they thought that Miroslav was frozen. They brought the package to the village and began to warm it up. Suddenly the child stirred and opened his eyes. Miroslav survived and became the first Polish cosmonaut.

In the photo below: Miroslav Germashevsky(left) and a peasant from Lipniki Jakub Warumser(on the right), whose head was cut off by Bandera’s killers:

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. Resident of the Lipniki colony - Jakub Warumser without a head, the result of a massacre committed under the cover of darkness by OUN-UPA terrorists:

Another victim of the Lipniki massacre - 3-year-old Janusz Bielawski. What degree of military merit did the UPA Rezun deserve for this kid?

Now many lies are emerging about how the UPA supposedly fought the German occupiers.

March 12, 1944 a gang of UPA militants and the 4th police regiment of the SS division "Galicia" together attacked the Polish village of Palikrovy(former Lviv voivodeship, now the territory of Poland).

It was a village with a mixed population, approximately 70% Poles, 30% Ukrainians. Having kicked the residents out of their houses, the police and Bandera began to sort them according to their nationality. After separation Poles - they were shot from machine guns. Was 365 people were killed, mostly women and children.

In the photo below: Palikrovs, March 1944, a child next to his mother. The mother was killed during the massacre carried out by the UPA and punitive forces from the Ukrainian SS division “Galicia”:

On February 9, 1943, Bandera members from the gang of Pyotr Netovich, under the guise of Soviet partisans, entered the Polish village of Parosle near Vladimirets, Rivne region. The peasants, who had previously provided assistance to the partisans, warmly welcomed the guests. Having feasted to their fill, the bandits began to rape and kill women and girls:

One night, Bandera’s men brought a whole family from the village of Volkovya to the forest. They mocked unfortunate people for a long time. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut her stomach, tore out the fetus from it, and instead stuffed a live rabbit into it. One night, bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Over 100 peaceful peasants were killed within 1.5 hours. A bandit with an ax in his hands burst into Nastya Dyagun’s hut and hacked to death her three sons. The smallest one four-year-old Vladik, cut off the arms and legs.

One of the two Kleshchinsky families in Podyarkov was martyred by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. The photo shows a family of four - spouses and two children. The victims' eyes were gouged out, they were hit on the head, their palms were burned, they tried to chop off their upper and lower limbs, as well as their hands, they had puncture wounds all over their bodies, etc.:

TARNOPOL Tarnopol Voivodeship, 1943. One (!) of the trees on a country road, in front of which the thugs and sadists of the OUN-UPA hung a banner with the inscription translated into Polish:

"The road to independent Ukraine."

And on every tree on both sides of the road the executioners created Polish children were so-called “wreaths” - murdered children were tied to a tree with barbed wire:

From the interrogation of Bandera:

“The old ones were strangled, and small children under one year old were strangled by the legs - once, they hit their heads on the door - and they were done and ready to go. We felt sorry for our men that they would suffer greatly during the night, but they would sleep off during the day and the next night they would go to another village. There were people hiding. If a man was hiding, they were mistaken for women..."

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. The corpses of Poles - victims of the massacre committed by the OUN - UPA - were brought for identification and burial. Behind the fence stands Jerzy Skulski, who saved his life thanks to the firearm he had:

POLOTS, region, Chortkiv district, Tarnopol voivodeship, forest called Rosohach. January 16 - 17, 1944. The place from which 26 victims were pulled out - Polish residents of the village of Polovtse - taken away by the UPA on the night of January 16-17, 1944 and tortured in the forest:

From the interrogation of Bandera:

“..In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member, Motrya. We took her to Verkhovka to old Zhabsky and let’s get a heart from a living person. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand and a heart in the other, to check how long the heart would beat in his hand...”

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. View before the funeral. Polish victims of the night massacre committed by the OUN-UPA brought to the People's House:

The Volyn massacre began on February 9, 1943. with an attack by a UPA gang on the village of Paroslya, where about 200 Poles were killed. The organizers of the Volyn massacre were the leaders of the UPA - Roman Shukhevych, Mikola Lebed and Roman Klyachkivsky.

However, while carrying out the massacre of the Polish minority in Western Ukraine, the Rezunov leaders forgot about something. About the Ukrainian minority in South-Eastern Poland. Ukrainians lived there among the Poles for centuries and at that time they numbered up to 30% of the total population. The atrocities of Bandera’s killers in Ukraine came back to haunt Poland and local Ukrainians. Although, maybe the UPA leaders were counting on that?

Spring 1944 Polish nationalists carried out a series of retaliation actions against Ukrainians in South-Eastern Poland. We got hurt, as usual, innocent civilians. According to various estimates it was between 15 and 20 thousand Ukrainians were killed. The number of Poles - victims of the OUN-UPA is about 80 thousand people.

The largest action was the attack of the detachment Home Army to the village of Sagryn (Poland, Lublin Voivodeship) March 10, 1944 AK-sheep killed about 800 Ukrainians, burned the village. In the photo: Home Army soldiers against the backdrop of the burning village of Sagryn:

Also Sagryn: a Pole from the Home Army near the corpse of a murdered Ukrainian.

The second major episode was the massacre in the village of Wierchowina (Lublin Voivodeship), June 6, 1944. The village was attacked by militants of the NSZ (People's Forces of Zbrojny), an ultra-right underground organization that competed with the AK. 194 Ukrainians were killed. In the photo below - the village of Verkhovyna, Soviet officers (Eastern Poland at that moment was occupied by the Red Army) are investigating the massacres of Ukrainians in the village:

Soviet power, established in liberated Poland by the Red Army and the Polish Army, did not allow the nationalists to organize full-scale actions of revenge against the Ukrainians for Bandera’s atrocities. However, Bandera’s killers achieved their goal: relations between the two nations were poisoned by the horrors of the Volyn massacre. Their further living together became impossible.

On July 6, 1945, an agreement “On population exchange” was concluded between the USSR and Poland. 1 million Poles left the USSR for Poland, 600 thousand Ukrainians went to reverse direction(Operation Vistula), plus 140 thousand Polish Jews went to British Palestine.

It’s a paradox, but it was Stalin who turned out to be the man who resolved the national issue in Western Ukraine in a civilized manner. Without cutting off heads and disemboweling children, through population exchange. Of course, not everyone wanted to leave their homes; relocation was often forced, but the basis for the massacre was eliminated.

But with the UPA rebels, the Soviet authorities, as well as the authorities of post-war Poland and Czechoslovakia, launched an irreconcilable war. We have already spoken above about the horrors of the Bandera massacre in the village of Volya Ostrovetskaya on August 30, 1943. More than 500 people were killed, including a 5-year-old boy who sat next to his mother’s corpse and asked his mother to get up and go home. The leader of the UPA gang, Ivan Klimchak, nicknamed “Bald,” who organized all this, hardly thought that he would ever have to answer for what he had done.

In Poland the Volyn massacre is remembered very well.
This is a scan of the pages of a Polish book:

A list of ways in which the Ukrainian Nazis dealt with civilians:

Driving a large, thick nail into the skull of the head.
Ripping off hair and skin from the head (scalping).
Carving of an “eagle” on the forehead (the eagle is the coat of arms of Poland).
Eye gouging.
Circumcision of the nose, ears, lips, tongue.
Piercing children and adults through with stakes.
Punching a sharpened thick wire right through from ear to ear.
Cutting the throat and pulling out through the hole of the tongue.
Knocking out teeth and breaking jaws.
Tearing the mouth from ear to ear.
Gagging of mouths with tow while transporting still living victims.
Rolling the head back.
Crush the head by placing it in a vice and tightening the screw.
Cutting and pulling narrow strips of skin from the back or face.
Broken bones (ribs, arms, legs).
Cutting off women's breasts and pouring salt on the wounds.
Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
Piercing a pregnant woman's stomach with a bayonet.
Cutting open the abdomen and pulling out the intestines of adults and children.
Cutting the abdomen of a woman with an advanced pregnancy and inserting, for example, a live cat instead of the removed fetus and suturing the abdomen.
Cutting open the abdomen and pouring boiling water inside.
Cutting open the belly and putting stones inside it, as well as throwing it into the river.
Cutting open a pregnant woman's belly and pouring broken glass inside.
Pulling out veins from groin to feet.
Placing a hot iron into the vagina.
Inserting pine cones into the vagina with the top side facing forward.
Inserting a sharpened stake into the vagina and pushing it all the way down to the throat.
Cutting a woman's front torso with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
Hanging victims by their entrails.
Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina or anus and breaking it.
Cutting open the belly and pouring feed flour inside for hungry pigs, who tore out this feed along with intestines and other entrails.
Chopping/knife/sawing off arms or legs (or fingers and toes).
Cauterization of the inside of the palm on a hot stove in a coal kitchen.
Sawing through the body with a saw.
Sprinkling hot coal on bound feet.
Nailing your hands to the table and your feet to the floor.
Chopping an entire body into pieces with an ax.
Nailing the tongue of a small child, who later hung on it, to the table with a knife.
Cutting a child into pieces with a knife.
Nailing a small child to a table with a bayonet.
Hanging a male child by his genitals from a doorknob.
Knocking out the joints of a child's legs and arms.
Throwing a child into the flames of a burning building.
Breaking a baby's head by picking him up by the legs and hitting him against a wall or stove.
Placing a child on a stake.
Hanging a woman upside down from a tree and mocking her - cutting off her breasts and tongue, cutting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives.
Nailing a small child to a door.
Hanging from a tree with your feet up and scorching your head from below with the fire of a fire lit under your head.
Drowning children and adults in a well and throwing stones at the victim.
Driving a stake into the stomach.
Tying a man to a tree and shooting him at a target.
Dragging a body along the street with a rope tied around the neck.
Tying a woman's legs and arms to two trees, and cutting her stomach from the crotch to the chest.
Dragging along the ground a mother with three children tied to each other.
Confining one or more victims with barbed wire, watering the victim every few hours cold water in order to come to one’s senses and feel pain.
Burying alive up to the neck in the ground and later cutting off the head with a scythe.
Ripping the torso in half with the help of horses.
Tearing the torso in half by tying the victim to two bent trees and then freeing them.
Setting fire to a victim doused in kerosene.
Placing sheaves of straw around the victim and setting them on fire (Nero's torch).
Impaling a baby on a pitchfork and throwing him into the flames of a fire.
Hanging on barbed wire.
Ripping off the skin from the body and pouring ink or boiling water into the wound.
Nailing hands to the threshold of a home.

Illustrations from a Polish book:

In 1944 the former policeman and rezun were overtaken by a well-deserved bullet from the NKVD. The corpse of “Lysy” was hung for public display in Shatsk (Volyn region). Below is his posthumous photo. As they say, a dog's death is a dog's:

In 1950, the “commander-in-chief” of the UPA Shukhevych also received his bullet:

The territory of Poland was also cleared of ghouls. In the photo: Poland, 1947, a Polish officer interrogates captured Banderaites:

Czechoslovakia, 1945 These rezuns also fought back. Look at their faces - they are all cut from the same log:

Destroyed OUN security service assistant Ivan Diychuk, nicknamed “Karpatsky”in the village of Tatarye, Transcarpathian region:

Polish monument to the victims of the Volyn massacre. The inscription below translated into Russian sounds like:

“If I forget about them, you, God in heaven, forget about me.”

I'm raising the post again!

The events described took place more than half a century ago.
This post was not created to incite hatred towards Ukrainians, forcing us to project long-standing evil onto modern people. It only shows how brutality accompanied fascism and how FEAR turns people into beasts.

Volyn massacre (Polish: Rzez wolynska) (Volyn tragedy, Ukrainian: Volinska tragedy, Polish: Tragedia Wolynia) - an ethno-political conflict accompanied by the mass extermination (by Bandera) of the Ukrainian insurgent army-OUN(b) of the ethnic Polish civilian population and civilians of other nationalities, including Ukrainians, in the territories of the Volyn-Podolia district (German: Generalbezirk Wolhynien-Podolien), until September 1939, under Polish control, which began in March 1943 and reached its peak in July of the same year.

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volyn, occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out not by the Nazis, but by militants of the Organization
Ukrainian nationalists who sought to “cleanse” the territory of Volyn from the Polish population. Ukrainian nationalists surrounded Polish villages and colonies and then began killing. They killed everyone - women, old people, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, and chopped with axes. Then the corpses of the destroyed Poles were buried somewhere in the field, their property was robbed, and their houses were finally set on fire. In place of the Polish villages, only charred ruins remained.
They also destroyed those Poles who lived in the same villages as the Ukrainians. It was even easier - there was no need to gather large detachments. Groups of OUN members of several people walked through the sleeping village, entered the houses of the Poles and killed everyone. And then local residents buried the murdered fellow villagers of the “wrong” nationality.

This is how several tens of thousands of people were killed, whose only guilt was that they were not born Ukrainians and lived on Ukrainian soil.
Organization of Ukrainian nationalists (Bandera movement) /OUN(b), OUN-B/, or revolutionary /OUN(r), OUN-R/, and also (briefly in 1943) independent-power /OUN(sd), OUN-SD / (Ukrainian Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Bandera Rukh)) is one of the factions of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Currently (since 1992), the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists calls itself the successor of the OUN(b).
In the course of the “Map” study conducted in Poland, it was found that as a result of the actions of the UPA-OUN (B) and the SB OUN (B), in which part of the local Ukrainian population and sometimes detachments of Ukrainian nationalists of other movements took part, the number of Poles killed in Volyn amounted to at least 36,543 - 36,750 people whose names and places of death were established. In addition, the same study estimated from 13,500 to more than 23,000 Poles whose deaths were unclear.
A number of researchers say that probably about 50-60 thousand Poles became victims of the massacre; during the discussion about the number of victims on the Polish side, estimates were given from 30 to 80 thousand.
These massacres were a real massacre. An idea of ​​the nightmarish cruelty of the Volyn genocide is given by a fragment from the book of the famous historian Timothy Snyder:
“The first edition of the UPA newspaper, published in July, promised a “shameful death” for all Poles remaining in Ukraine. The UPA was able to carry out its threats. For approximately twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943 to the morning of July 12, the UPA launched attacks on 176 settlements... During 1943, UPA units and special detachments of the OUN Security Service killed Poles both individually and collectively in Polish settlements and villages, as well as those Poles who lived in Ukrainian villages. According to numerous, mutually corroborating reports, Ukrainian nationalists and their allies burned houses, shot or chased inside those who tried to escape, and killed those who were caught on the street with sickles and pitchforks. Churches filled with parishioners were burned to the ground. To intimidate the surviving Poles and force them to flee, the bandits displayed beheaded, crucified, dismembered or disemboweled bodies.”

Even the Germans were amazed at their sadism - gouging out eyes, ripping open bellies and brutal torture before death were commonplace. They killed everyone - women, children...

The genocide began in the cities. Men of the “wrong” nationality were immediately taken to prison, where they were later shot.

and violence against women occurred in broad daylight for the amusement of the public. Among the Banderaites there were many who wanted to get in line/take an active part...

She was lucky... Bandera's men forced her to walk on her knees with her hands raised.

Later, Bandera’s followers “got a taste for it.”

On February 9, 1943, Bandera members from the gang of Pyotr Netovich, under the guise of Soviet partisans, entered the Polish village of Parosle near Vladimirets, Rivne region. The peasants, who had previously provided assistance to the partisans, warmly welcomed the guests. Having eaten their fill, the bandits began to rape women and girls.

Before being killed, their chests, noses and ears were cut off.
Men were deprived of their genitals before death. They finished off with ax blows to the head.
Two teenagers, the Gorshkevich brothers, who tried to call real partisans for help, had their bellies cut open, their legs and arms cut off, their wounds generously covered with salt, leaving them half-dead to die in the field. In total, 173 people were brutally tortured in this village, including 43 children. When the partisans entered the village on the second day, they saw piles of mutilated bodies lying in pools of blood in the villagers’ houses. In one of the houses, on the table, among scraps and unfinished bottles of moonshine, lay a dead one-year-old child, whose naked body was nailed to the boards of the table with a bayonet. The monsters stuffed a half-eaten pickled cucumber into his mouth.

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. A resident of the Lipniki colony - Yakub Varumser without a head, the result of a massacre committed under the cover of darkness by OUN-UPA terrorists. As a result of this Lipniki massacre, 179 Polish residents died, as well as Poles from the surrounding area seeking shelter there. These were mostly women, old people and children (51 - aged from 1 to 14 years), 4 Jews and 1 Russian in hiding. 22 people were injured. 121 Polish victims were identified by name and surname - residents of Lipnik, who were known to the author. Three aggressors also lost their lives.

PODYARKOV, Bobrka County, Lwów Voivodeship. August 16, 1943. The results of torture inflicted on Kleshchinskaya’s mother, from a Polish family of four.

One night, Bandera’s men brought a whole family from the village of Volkovya to the forest. They mocked unfortunate people for a long time. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut her stomach, tore out the fetus from it, and instead stuffed a live rabbit into it. One night, bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Over 100 peaceful peasants were killed within 1.5 hours. A bandit with an ax in his hands burst into Nastya Dyagun’s hut and hacked to death her three sons. The youngest, four-year-old Vladik, had his arms and legs cut off.

One of the two Kleshchinsky families in Podyarkov was martyred by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. The photo shows a family of four - spouses and two children. The victims' eyes were gouged out, they were hit on the head, their palms were burned, they tried to chop off their upper and lower limbs, as well as their hands, they had puncture wounds all over their bodies, etc.

The girl in the center, Stasia Stefaniak, was killed because of her Polish father. Her mother Maria Boyarchuk, a Ukrainian, was also killed that night. Because of the husband... Mixed families aroused special hatred among the Rezuns. In the village of Zalesye Koropetskoe (Ternopil region) on February 7, 1944 there was an even more terrible incident. A UPA gang attacked the village with the aim of massacring the Polish population. About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn where they were burned alive. One of those killed that day was from a mixed family - half Pole, half Ukrainian. Bandera's men set a condition for him - he must kill his Polish mother, then he will be left alive. He refused and was killed along with his mother.

TARNOPOL Tarnopol Voivodeship, 1943. One (!) of the trees on the country road, in front of which the OUN-UPA terrorists hung a banner with the inscription translated into Polish: “The Road to Independent Ukraine.” And on every tree on both sides of the road, the executioners created so-called “wreaths” from Polish children.

“The old ones were strangled, and small children under one year old were strangled by the legs - once, they hit their heads on the door - and they were done and ready to go. We felt sorry for our men that they would suffer greatly during the night, but they would sleep off during the day and the next night they would go to another village. There were people hiding. If a man was hiding, they were mistaken for women...”
(from interrogation of Bandera)

Prepared “wreaths”

But the Polish Shayer family, a mother and two children, was massacred in their house in Vladinopol in 1943.

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. In the foreground are the children - Janusz Bielawski, 3 years old, son of Adele; Roman Bielawski, 5 years old, son of Czeslawa, as well as Jadwiga Bielawska, 18 years old and others. These listed Polish victims are the result of a massacre committed by the OUN-UPA.

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. The corpses of Poles - victims of the massacre committed by the OUN - UPA - were brought for identification and burial. Behind the fence stands Jerzy Skulski, who saved his life thanks to the firearm he had.

POLOTS, region, Chortkiv district, Tarnopol voivodeship, forest called Rosohach. January 16 - 17, 1944. The place from which 26 victims were pulled out - Polish residents of the village of Polovtse - taken away by the UPA on the night of January 16-17, 1944 and tortured in the forest.

“..In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member, Motrya. We took her to Verkhovka to old Zhabsky and let’s get a heart from a living person. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand and a heart in the other to check how long the heart would beat in his hand. And when the Russians came, his sons wanted to erect a monument to him, saying he fought for Ukraine.”
(from interrogation of Bandera)

Belzec, region, Rawa Ruska district, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944. You can see the ripped open belly and entrails, as well as a hand hanging from the skin - the result of an attempt to chop it off. The OUN-UPA case.

Belzec, region, Rawa Ruska district, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944.

Belzec, region, Rawa Ruska district, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944. Place of execution in the forest.

LIPNIKI, Kostopol County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. View before the funeral. Polish victims of the night massacre committed by the OUN-UPA were brought to the People's House.

In Poland the Volyn massacre is remembered very well.
This is a scan of the pages of a book. A list of ways in which the Ukrainian Nazis dealt with civilians:

. Driving a large, thick nail into the skull of the head.
. Ripping off hair and skin from the head (scalping).
. Carving of an “eagle” on the forehead (the eagle is the coat of arms of Poland).
. Eye gouging.
. Circumcision of the nose, ears, lips, tongue.
. Piercing children and adults through with stakes.
. Punching a sharpened thick wire right through from ear to ear.
. Cutting the throat and pulling out through the hole of the tongue.
. Knocking out teeth and breaking jaws.
. Tearing the mouth from ear to ear.
. Gagging of mouths with tow while transporting still living victims.
. Rolling the head back.
. Crush the head by placing it in a vice and tightening the screw.
. Cutting and pulling narrow strips of skin from the back or face.
. Broken bones (ribs, arms, legs).
. Cutting off women's breasts and pouring salt on the wounds.
. Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
. Piercing a pregnant woman's stomach with a bayonet.
. Cutting open the abdomen and pulling out the intestines of adults and children.
. Cutting the abdomen of a woman with an advanced pregnancy and inserting, for example, a live cat instead of the removed fetus and suturing the abdomen.
. Cutting open the abdomen and pouring boiling water inside.
. Cutting open the belly and putting stones inside it, as well as throwing it into the river.
. Cutting open a pregnant woman's belly and pouring broken glass inside.
. Pulling out veins from groin to feet.
. Placing a hot iron into the vagina.
. Inserting pine cones into the vagina with the top side facing forward.
. Inserting a sharpened stake into the vagina and pushing it all the way down to the throat.
. Cutting a woman's front torso with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
. Hanging victims by their entrails.
. Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina or anus and breaking it.
. Cutting open the belly and pouring feed flour inside for hungry pigs, who tore out this feed along with intestines and other entrails.
. Chopping/knife/sawing off arms or legs (or fingers and toes).
. Cauterization of the inside of the palm on a hot stove in a coal kitchen.
. Sawing through the body with a saw.
. Sprinkling hot coal on bound feet.
. Nailing your hands to the table and your feet to the floor.
. Chopping an entire body into pieces with an ax.
. Nailing the tongue of a small child, who later hung on it, to the table with a knife.
. Cutting a child into pieces with a knife.
. Nailing a small child to a table with a bayonet.
. Hanging a male child by his genitals from a doorknob.
. Knocking out the joints of a child's legs and arms.
. Throwing a child into the flames of a burning building.
. Breaking a baby's head by picking him up by the legs and hitting him against a wall or stove.
. Placing a child on a stake.
. Hanging a woman upside down from a tree and mocking her - cutting off her breasts and tongue, cutting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives.
. Nailing a small child to a door.
. Hanging from a tree with your feet up and scorching your head from below with the fire of a fire lit under your head.
. Drowning children and adults in a well and throwing stones at the victim.
. Driving a stake into the stomach.
. Tying a man to a tree and shooting him at a target.
. Dragging a body along the street with a rope tied around the neck.
. Tying a woman's legs and arms to two trees, and cutting her stomach from the crotch to the chest.
. A mother and three children, tied together, are dragged along the ground.
. Tying one or more victims with barbed wire, pouring cold water on the victim every few hours in order to regain consciousness and feel pain.
. Burying alive up to the neck in the ground and later cutting off the head with a scythe.
. Ripping the torso in half with the help of horses.
. Tearing the torso in half by tying the victim to two bent trees and then freeing them.
. Setting fire to a victim doused in kerosene.
. Placing sheaves of straw around the victim and setting them on fire (Nero's torch).
. Impaling a baby on a pitchfork and throwing him into the flames of a fire.
. Hanging on barbed wire.
. Ripping off the skin from the body and pouring ink or boiling water into the wound.
. Nailing hands to the threshold of a home.

Today, instructions for the Ukrainian media for May 9 have leaked online - how to cover the events of the Second World War, and the recently finally rehabilitated OUN-UPA.

The main messages are that Ukraine was liberated from the Nazis not by the Soviet Army, but by the Ukrainian people, and much of the credit for this went to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Bandera). In addition, they recommend focusing on the number of Russians who fought in the ROA (Vlasovites), and on Russia’s deliberate underestimation of the role of the Ukrainian people in the victory in World War II (that’s right - World War II, WWII cannot be used).


I won’t publish everything, I think the essence is already clear... Plus, the Ukrainian authorities recommend proceeding from the fact that “May 9 is not a Victory Day, but first of all a lesson for Ukraine, Europe and the whole world,” and also call for equalizing Putin’s Russia and Hitler’s mode.

In principle, there is nothing new - Kyiv continues to impose a mutilated version of history on Ukrainians and promote Russophobia. Actually, this is why it was necessary to glorify the chronic Russophobes Bandera, who allegedly fought simultaneously against two totalitarian regimes (Soviet and Nazi) for an independent Ukraine. But it is very difficult to reconcile the incompatible, 6 million Ukrainians who fought against the fascists in the ranks of the SA, and 300 thousand Galician nationalists who fought with the Germans against the Soviet Union, i.e. AGAINST YOUR PEOPLE. That is why we have to lie so much and ignore historical facts.

Let me remind you that the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists have been proven in trials, just as their direct connection with the Nazis has been proven (this exists great amount photo and video confirmation, see below). In contrast to this, the German archives do not record ANY FACT of serious clashes between Bandera’s followers and the Nazis, except for minor skirmishes, which the Germans themselves characterized as rare and not worthy of attention.

In 1941, Galicia greeted the Germans with flowers, bread and salt, and ceremonial parades; Ukrainian nationalists were promised an independent Ukraine, so they not only welcomed the Nazis, but also actively joined the police and regular military formations. On the very first day of the creation of the SS Galicia, more than 20 thousand Ukrainians voluntarily signed up for it, and within a week another 40 thousand had sold their applications.

Photo chronicle: Galicia meets the Nazis, and SS volunteers Galicia

A little about the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism and the slogans that are chanted today

Taken almost one after another from the Nazi...

And how these slogans were used by the “fighters against Nazism” of that time

In addition to the SS Galicia division, there were other formations of Ukrainian nationalists that, until 1943, clearly fought as part of or in direct interaction with the Germans:

Battalion Nachtigall(German: “Nachtigal” - “Nightingale”)

A unit formed primarily from members and supporters of the OUN(b) and trained by the military intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of Nazi Germany, the Abwehr, for operations on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. Which was headed by . It was Nachtigal, together with German troops, who took part in the invasion of the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, acting as part of the Brandenburg regiment. On the night of June 29-30, 1941, the battalion was the first to enter Lviv.

Now Ukrainian propaganda is trying to portray Shukhevych like this

In the uniform of a UPA warrior and Ukrainian symbols. But in reality it was like this

Battalion Roland(German: "Roland")

Formed in 1941 with the sanction of the head of German military intelligence V. Canaris for training and use as part of the special reconnaissance and sabotage formation “Brandenburg-800” during the German attack on the USSR. Subordinate to the 2nd Department of the Abwehr Office (Amt Abwehr II) (special operations) under the Wehrmacht High Command.

Unlike Nachtigall, its personnel were largely represented by Ukrainian emigrants of the first wave. In addition, up to 15% were Ukrainian students from Vienna and Graz. A former officer of the Polish army, Major E. Pobiguschi, was appointed commander of the battalion. All other officers and even instructors were Ukrainians, while the German command was represented by a communications group consisting of 3 officers and 8 non-commissioned officers. The battalion's training took place at Zaubersdorf Castle, 9 km from Wiener Neustadt. In early June 1941, the battalion departed for Southern Bukovina, and then moved to the Iasi region, and from there through Chisinau and Dubossary to Odessa, operating as part of the 6th Wehrmacht Army in the territory of first Western and then Eastern Ukraine in June −July 1941.

In October 1941, "Nachtigall" and "Roland" were redeployed to Frankfurt an der Oder and sent for retraining for use as security police units.

But soon sobering up came - the Ukrainian state, which Bandera’s supporters proclaimed on June 30, 1941 in Lvov, lasted only 17 days, after which Bandera was arrested, and Hitler essentially declared Ukraine his colony, in which nationalists were assigned only police functions.
At the end of 1942 and the beginning of 43, some of the Galician nationalists (OUN b, followers of Bandera) “kicked up”. Refusing to follow orders from the Germans. Nominally, the reasons were the deception with independent Ukraine (a year and a half later), and the terror that the Germans inflicted on the civilian population, incl. and in the territory of Galicia. They drove them to Germany, took away food and livestock, without really understanding where the owner was fighting - in the Red Army or in the SS... But the main reason was that the Germans were losing the war, there was no longer any hope not only for an independent Ukraine, but even for some privileges in the Nazi...
Having refused to carry out direct orders from the Reich, the OUN-UPA, from the point of view of the Germans, became gangs of Ukrainian nationalists (that’s what they were called in reports), but there was no reason to destroy them, just like the OUN-UPA, there was no reason to start a war against the Nazis , they would thereby take the side of the Union, which by that time was already winning. And in Soviet Ukraine, nothing awaited them except camps.

Actually, the UPA itself appeared only in February 1943. Help

February 17-23, 1943 in the village. Ternobezhye, on the initiative of Roman Shukhevych, held the III OUN conference, at which a decision was made to intensify activities and begin an armed uprising.

The majority of the conference members supported Shukhevych (although M. Lebed objected), according to whom the main struggle should not be directed against the Germans, and against Soviet partisans and Poles - in the direction already carried out by D. Klyachkivsky in Volyn.

At the end of March 1943, supporters and members of the OUN who served in German paramilitary and police forces were ordered to go into the forests along with their weapons. According to the order intercepted by Soviet partisans, the actual beginning of “the formation of the Ukrainian national army at the expense of policemen, Cossacks and local Ukrainians of the Bandera and Bulbovsky direction” occurred in the second decade of March 1943.

The ranks of the future UPA in the period from March 15 to April 4, 1943 were replenished from 4 to 6 thousand members of the “Ukrainian” police, whose personnel in 1941-42 were actively involved in the extermination of Jews and Soviet citizens

From that moment on, the UPA nationalists allegedly ceased to submit to the Germans, and further fought against them and against the Soviet regime. Although, as I wrote above, there is no evidence of large-scale military operations of the UPA against the Germans, some minor skirmishes (the release of relatives of those driven away to work, the defense of their own homes, property, attacks on food warehouses/carts) cannot be considered as such, this forced measures of self-survival.
Even in the collections of documents “UPA in the world of German documents” (book 1, Toronto 1983, book 3, Toronto 1991), compiled by the descendants of nationalists who emigrated to Canada (and therefore hardly impartial), there are very few examples of clashes between the UPA and the Nazis, and most of them are like this

Negotiations with one of the nationalist gangs not far from Rivne brought the following results: the gang will continue to fight against Soviet bandits and regular units of the Red Army. She refuses to participate in battles on the side of the Wehrmacht, as well as to surrender her weapons... In recent weeks, the actions of Ukrainian gangs have been directed not so much against the Wehrmacht as against the German administration. Ukrainian gangs still oppose Polish, Soviet gangs and Polish settlements.

Actually, the UPA is against regular Soviet army didn't fight. By this point, they were living the dream of the mutual destruction of the Soviets and the Reich. Meanwhile, they themselves were concerned about their own survival and continued the work that they began under the leadership of the Nazis - the genocide of the civilian population, primarily supporters of the Soviet Power, and the ethnic cleansing of Poles and Jews, including jointly with the Nazis. Let me give you a few episodes:

The tragedy of Janova Dolina

On the night of April 22-23, 1943 (on the eve of Easter), detachments of the 1st UPA Group under the command of I. Litvinchuk (“Dubovoy”) entered the village. Yanovaya Dolina and began to set fire to all the buildings. Some of the residents died in the fire, those who tried to get out were killed.

The German garrison stationed in the village - a company of Lithuanian auxiliary police under German command - was in the village during the attack, but did not leave its location. The nationalists did not attack the garrison. The police did not try to oppose the nationalists, and opened fire only when the nationalists approached his location.

As a result of the action, between 500 and 800 people died, including women and children. Many were burned alive

The tragedy of Guta Penyatskaya

As of the beginning of 1944, the village of Guta Penyatskaya had about 1,000 inhabitants. Locality Guta Penyacka supported Polish and Soviet partisans in their actions to disorganize the German rear.
On February 28, 1944, the village was surrounded by the 2nd police battalion of the 4th regiment of the SS Volunteer Division "Galicia" with the support of the local UPA and was completely burned - only the skeletons of stone buildings remained - a church and a school. Of the more than a thousand residents of Guta Penyatskaya, no more than 50 people survived. More than 500 residents were burned alive in the church and their own homes.

The Tragedy of Podkamen

On March 12, 1944, a unit of the SS division “Galicia” entered the town of Podkamen under the pretext of searching for weapons and partisans. On the eve of the Polish self-defense of the town, an attack by a UPA detachment was repelled.
The SS Galicia soldiers who entered the territory of the monastery began to kill all the Poles who had taken refuge on its territory. Others, searching the place, demanded identification from the people they found. Whoever had it indicated in his “ausweiss” that he was a Pole was killed. Those who could prove the opposite were left alive... During the action, soldiers of the 4th regiment of the SS Volunteer Division "Galicia" with the participation of UPA units killed more than 250 people...


There are many such examples, and they all confirm the cooperation of the UPA with the Nazis, including with the SS Galicia, which continues to fight as part of the Wehrmacht.
And by the way, the SS Galichna, which Ukrainian propaganda very rarely mentions, was also largely staffed by Galician nationalists, incl. and members of the OUN. The division was created in March 1943, and as they say, at the urgent requests of the patriotic public, I quote:
At the beginning of March 1943, in the newspapers of the district of Galicia, the “Manifesto to the combat-ready youth of Galicia” was published by the governor of the district of Galicia, Otto Wächter, which noted the devoted service “for the good of the Reich” of the Galician Ukrainians and their repeated requests to the Fuhrer to participate in the armed struggle, - and The Fuhrer, taking into account all the merits of the Galician Ukrainians, authorized the formation of the SS Rifle Division "Galicia"»

I wrote above that in the first week after the publication of the manifesto, 60 thousand volunteers applied to the division, and in total - about 80 thousand. It should be added that the SS Galicia was involved in punitive operations not only on the territory of Ukraine, but also in Slovakia and Yugoslavia. More information about their “exploits”.

Separately, in the activities of the Galician nationalists, one can highlight the genocide they committed against the Poles. According to various sources, from 30 to 60 thousand people were killed, mostly women and children of the elderly (Poland insists on the figure of 100 thousand). Now Kyiv is trying to justify the “Volyn Massacre” by saying that the Poles also killed ethnic Ukrainians. This is true, but on their part it was a retaliatory measure, in the hope of thereby pacifying Bandera’s supporters and stopping the massacre on the territory of Galicia, and the number of victims is completely incomparable.

Volyn Tragedy (Massacre)

There are many similar facts of UPA crimes (), and it makes no sense to reject them. By separate photo, modern followers of Bandera give refutations (they were filmed in the wrong place, or did not die at the hands of Bandera’s followers), but only a few refute them, and there are thousands of documents.
Attempts to attribute all this to the lies of Soviet propaganda are also untenable - the facts are confirmed by Polish, German, and Israeli historians.

And finally, a little video, for those who have the time and desire to understand the topic thoroughly.

Chronicle. SS Division Galicia. Colomia. Hutsuli

Followers of Bandera, OUN UPA, SS division Galicia (from 8.30 minutes photo and video chronicle)

OUN-UPA, Facts of History Today and the Past!

German State channel: Bandera collaborated with the Nazis and was involved in the extermination of Jews

VOLYN without a statute of limitations - a film about the crimes of the OUN-UPA

POLICEMAN (2014) BANDERISTS. UPA Army. Hard to watch, but useful. 16+

Galician nationalists clearly fought on the side of Nazi Germany while they believed that Ukraine would be given to them for this, while they were used mainly to perform police functions and in punitive operations AGAINST THE CIVILIAN POPULATION, including AGAINST UKRAINIANS.
From the fact that they wanted to get Ukraine, it does not follow that they fought for freedom for the Ukrainian people; 2-3 years before these events they were citizens of Poland, and before that for hundreds of years they were part of Austria-Hungary, which suited many of them.
It’s scary to imagine what would have happened if Germany had won that war and kept its promise to give power over Ukraine to the Banderaites, and what fate would have awaited the families of those 6 million Ukrainians who went to fight in the Red Army, what would have awaited the Russians, Poles, and Jews living in Odessa , Kharkov, Donetsk... However, it is not difficult to imagine this, looking at the photos published above, and remembering Babi Yar in Kyiv, where, with the active participation of nationalists, from 70 to 200 thousand racially incorrect townspeople were shot.

This terrible photo shows Kyiv, September 1941. Babi Yar. A mother, a second before death, hugs her child. The man in the SS uniform who will kill her and the child in a second or two is not German. He is Ukrainian, or more precisely, a native of Western Ukraine, from Zhitomir. He served in the Galicia division, and since 1943 he participated in the work of the Einsatz groups.
Where do such details come from? Almost from himself. This photograph was confiscated by the partisans along with documents and an army badge. They seized it when they searched his body.

Bandera's supporters hoped to get Ukraine for themselves from the hands of the Nazis, but when they were denied this, they still considered them their allies.
In addition, by mid-1944 the Nazis were ousted from Western Ukraine - Bandera’s supporters were no longer physically able to fight against them.
To be fair, it should be noted that Bandera’s hatred of the Poles and the Soviet regime did not appear out of nowhere - it was preceded by the Polish-Ukrainian War, the forced Polonization of Galician Ukrainians, then the deportation of 200-300 thousand nationalists and their families, accompanied by an orgy of the NKVD officers. All this can, to some extent, explain why Galicians greeted the Nazis as liberators, but this cannot justify the inhumane reprisals against women, elderly people and children.
And of course, Ukrainian nationalists did not fight against Nazism, or even more stupidly, against totalitarian regimes. Some of them fought for their own, racially pure Ukrainian Reich, others for the German one...

To write the article, only sources were used that confirmed the information with documentary evidence: Wikipedia, materials from the book of the Polish historian Alexander Korman “Genocide of the UPA”, the Canadian collection “UPA in the world of German documents”.


It might be useful to read: