Who is not afraid of heights 100 to 1. Camping on steep cliffs in Yosemite National Park, USA

Acrophobia - fear of heights is one of the most common human phobias. It is difficult to say whether this is due to an innate fear of falling or an insufficiently developed internal balance mechanism.

If you are someone who has this phobia, then the following attractions may not be for you, as these places may further aggravate your fear of heights. If you are an amateur thrills, be careful when looking down at this height.

Devil's Pool, Victoria Falls, Zambia

During the dry season, a natural notch forms in the cliff at the edge of Victoria Falls. Tourists can swim to the edge of the waterfall and enjoy the indescribable view.

Troll Tongue, Norway

This place is only open between June and September. Troll's Tongue is a protrusion located approximately 700 meters above Lake Ringedalsvatn near the town of Odda in Norway. The popularity of this place has grown significantly in last years, and more than 500 people visit it every day, many of whom dream of taking a selfie from above.

Vila Franca do Campo, Portugal

Vila Franca do Campo is one of the beautiful islands, part of the Azores Islands in Portugal. It was formed by the crater of an old underwater volcano and is shaped like a ring. The island regularly hosts extreme cliff diving competitions, Red Bull Cliff Diving, which attracts many tourists.

Edgewalk CN Tower, Toronto, Canada

Thrill-seekers might enjoy the EdgeWalk on the edge of one of the world's most... tall buildings in the world. Here you can walk along an unfenced observation platform at an altitude of 365 meters, where the only insurance is a belt with a cable.

Cycling the Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher are a series of sheer cliffs that are located in County Clare in Ireland, rising 120 meters in height. Atlantic Ocean. This is one of the most popular places in Ireland, it is visited by about a million tourists a year. Many extreme sports enthusiasts come here to ride bicycles along the steep cliffs.

Attraction "Insanity", Las Vegas, USA

The attraction is located 276 meters above the ground at the Stratosphere Las Vegas hotel and casino. It is a carousel with huge claws that carry it outside the tower and rotate at a speed of 60 km per hour.

Willis Tower, Chicago

At an altitude of 412 meters above the ground on the 103rd floor of the Willis Tower skyscraper is located Observation deck, which allows tourists to explore the surroundings while standing in a glass booth.

Mount Nimbus, Canada

Mount Nimbus is a 1,038 meter high peak located in British Columbia in Canada. The place can only be reached by helicopter. Daredevils can cross the suspension bridge here at a dizzying height.

Camping on steep cliffs in Yosemite National Park, USA

This is one of the most frightening, but at the same time exciting views extreme tourism. For some extreme sports enthusiasts, climbing is not enough and they decide to spend the night right on the steep cliffs.

Swing at the end of the world, Banos, Ecuador

"Swing at the End of the World" is a simple swing on the edge of a cliff, located near the site Casa del Arbol in Baños, Ecuador. The swing itself is located at an altitude of 2660 meters above sea level, and the steep cliff and view of the Tungurahua volcano will make you get a dose of adrenaline.

We are talking about a tribe of North American Indians that was part of the Iroquois League. The name of the tribe is Mohawk, which translates as “Mohawk” or “Mohawk.” It was the Mohawks who became one of the first Indians to settle on reservations. Having moved to Quebec, they founded a village there called Konawaga, engaged in fur mining, timber rafting, and trading in various goods.

In 1886, the Dominion Bridge Company began building railroad bridge, crossing the St. Lawrence River near Caughnawaga. Many Indians were hired as construction workers. And then it turned out that the Mohawks have no fear of heights at all. They could climb onto the bridge spans and calmly walk along them. Therefore, when the construction of the bridge was completed, they were willingly taken to other similar projects. They performed the duties of riveters and high-altitude assemblers. The number of workers was replenished by Indian communities.

However, on August 29, 1907, tragedy happened. Due to shortcomings in the project, one of the spans of the Quebec Bridge collapsed. 96 people died, 35 of whom were Mohawks.

Despite this, high-rise construction work continued to be popular among the Mohawks. They worked on almost every high-rise building built in Canada. Then the Mohawks began to offer their services in the USA, preferring large construction projects where they paid well. Sometimes in a year, teams of Mohawk workers managed to travel around 10-12 cities. They became the first builders of America's skyscrapers.

Why aren't Mohawks afraid of heights? According to one version, this was due to military ethics. According to her, the Mohawk must be fearless, which means he must get rid of any fears that prevent him from coping with the enemy. Another is related to the peculiarities of movement of the Indians of this tribe in narrow forest and mountain trails. The fact is that when walking in such places, they place their legs one in front of the other. Perhaps they use the same method in the process of balancing on building structures located at high altitudes.

Finally, this skill can be instilled in them from childhood in this way. Women of the Mohawk tribe carry their babies either on their backs, tying them to a special board, or on their hips, and this greatly trains the vestibular system, teaches them to maintain balance and feel safe in situations involving narrow spaces and heights.

Who isn't afraid of heights? and got the best answer

Answer from Lyubov[guru]
the one who loves and is in love :)
“You can know exactly or believe blindly.
Or even consider it a simple fiction,
But somewhere up there there is Seventh Heaven
Located immediately above the sixth.
God created this sky for lovers.
Creating and loving is God's craft.
So that flocks of winged ones fly under him
At the same Height, wing to wing. "
Source: Hello, Verochka!) Have a wonderful day!!!:)

Answer from Inks Bass[guru]
Bird and Dreamer

Answer from PHOENIX[newbie]
the one who forgot that he can fall!

Answer from Yoman Lyashko[active]
The one who decided to take a risk.

Answer from Sin Eater[master]
I jumped with a parachute, I know what it is... But the blessed ones, who already stand at the throne of the Most High, are not afraid of heights...

Answer from Anya Smirnova[newbie]
The one for whom everything is already lost, for the fool and for the fallen man.

Answer from Svasshtraff[guru]
Since they dragged me onto the rocks, looking down from the balcony, my limbs have not started to shake. Height is different, if high does not mean dangerous, there are safe, cozy places at height.

Answer from Alexander[guru]
There is a dulling of fear when you are at altitude for a long time.
For example, I’m afraid, but quite often I work at heights, I have to overcome myself :)

Answer from Traveler[guru]
The one who has nowhere to fall...

Answer from Konstantin Frolov[guru]
I'm afraid of heights, but one day I climbed up a rock... I decided to show off casually in front of a lady) there were eight floors there... and I had never climbed before, but I always remembered the basic rule of rock climbing - the main thing is not to look down) well, I climbed up to the seventh quickly , according to sports... and then I looked - there was nothing to grab onto... I stopped in an uncomfortable squat and thought - what to do? this one is screaming downstairs “please get down”, I think I need to climb down... well, I looked down))... and there my lady is so small standing and there are stones all around... down - it’s not real at all... and a bitch, my knees were shaking! and then my arms)) I hug the rock, in a silly way, I look up and struggle... I look at the ledge on the left, but I have to jump a little... and I don’t understand whether it will crumble or not... I jumped, got hooked, climbed out - and there is a beautiful sun there. ..

Answer from bear[expert]
someone who is not afraid to fall.

Answer from Mark Gellerstein[guru]
“Assemblers are high-altitude workers” - you can’t erase the word from the song

Answer from Anna Egorova[guru]
"Hugging the sky with strong arms, the pilot gains altitude.."

Answer from Vladimir Andreev[guru]
the one who was there - whose soul flew will never forget

Answer from Saule*****[guru]
An intelligent, brave, purposeful person is not afraid of Heights, in the good, correct understanding of the word Height.


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