Family education. Family education Heavenly blue laughs

The azure of heaven laughs,
Washed by the night thunderstorm,
And it winds dewy between the mountains
The valley is a light stripe.

Only higher mountains up to half
Fogs cover the slope,
Like air ruins
The magic of created chambers.

Analysis of the poem “Morning in the Mountains” by Tyutchev

Tyutchev's poetry is complete and diverse. It contains philosophical concepts, artistic features, and an unusual expression of thought. Much of his poetry is occupied by nature. For Tyutchev, human existence is just a small part of nature, a moment before a huge element. Tyutchev’s work is filled with these philosophical thoughts, and the poem written in sonorous iambic, “Morning in the Mountains,” is no exception.

The writer’s worldview worships nature and its existence, which is why there are such images in the poem. She is free and her soul is shown in the work, she is, first of all, alive and the poet feels and understands this.

For Fyodor Ivanovich, nature is animated and endowed with human emotions - “Azure laughs”, “... the valley / Winds”, “The fogs cover...”. The work makes a reference to the past: thanks to a night thunderstorm, the valley seems brighter and more joyful to the lyrical hero than usual.

But the hero’s whole gut strives upward, to the mountains: where sky blue, where mists cover the slope, where magical ruins rise. For the lyrical hero, these ruins represent perfect world, where only nature reigns and man is not able to get into it. And yet the poem does not have a pessimistic connotation, because for the writer the very observation of this great nature is already bliss. Therefore, the entire poem is a declaration of love to nature, reverence for its divinity and holiness.

In such a poem, which can also be called a “study from life,” the poet is presented to the reader as a seeker. He is looking for philosophical meaning in human life, the universe and the external world - these are, as it were, signs of this universe.

The artistic features of this work include many epithets, thanks to which vivid images are created: heavenly, light, airy, night. There is also an antithesis between heaven and valley: the earthly world, where the hero resides, and the magical world, where he cannot get to. The poetry of the text is full of colors with pure shades of blue and white. Color helps the poet emphasize the romantic mood of the lyrical hero, who is under the spell of this panorama.

In Tyutchev’s work, poetry reaches sophistication and, as Afanasy Fet said, rises to ethereal heights. He is often called the “singer of nature” and for good reason! His works are still unconditionally appreciated in our time, and his poems are given the epithet “brilliant.”

The beauty of nature often inspires writers and poets. Great attention is always paid to its description. The authors try to convey the splendor of the surrounding nature as expressively and accurately as possible. A clear proof of this is F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “Morning in the Mountains,” written in 1829.

All our attention is focused on the description of nature, which is glorified by the poet in all its glory. Tyutchev emphasizes the blue of the sky after the rain that fell at night, admiring its enchanting purity. Then he turns the readers' gaze to the fog, half hiding the mountains. But these mountains are so large that no fog can conquer them or hide them from prying eyes.

To convey the magic of nature in this wonderful moment, Tyutchev uses various artistic means. In the very first line we find personification (“Azure…laughs…”). This gives readers the idea that the weather is good during the morning hour. Describing the valley, Fyodor Ivanovich adds epithets (“... a bright stripe”, “... higher mountains”). A special magic is conveyed by comparison and metaphor (“Like airy ruins / Chambers created by the magic”). This is how the author writes about fog covering the slopes of high mountains. All of the above-described means of expression help to create magnificent images in the imagination of readers, to feel the peace of nature at this hour. The rhyme in the poem is cross.

This poem by F.I. Tyutchev allows us to see the incredible landscape of the mountains, even when we are very far from them.

The azure of heaven laughs,

Washed by the night thunderstorm,

And it winds dewy between the mountains

The valley is a light stripe.

Only half of the highest mountains

Fogs cover the slope,

Like air ruins

The magic of created chambers.

F. Tyutchev wrote the poem “Morning in the Mountains” in 1817-19. He devoted an entire era to poems about nature in the years 1827-30. The theme of the poem is landscape. It describes clear blue skies and a beautiful, crisp morning after a thunderstorm. Usually, mountain peaks it is invisible due to fogs and clouds, but now, after a thunderstorm, the air is transparent, and only the very peak of the mountain is not visible. And this peak, like an aerial ruin, is covered with this fog. When writing, the author uses literary, book vocabulary and artistic style. The work uses archaism: “chambers” - a house, a palace, a magnificent building, a rich room, a medieval hall. The poem is filled with feelings, moods of admiration and contemplation. It is divided into 2 stanzas. The first tells about the amazingly clear sky and the light-radiant valley, and the second tells about fabulous fogs over the mountains. But only the first stanza has a complete thought, unlike the second, and the second is its lyrical continuation. The meaning of the stanzas is compared. And the second stanza is certainly significant for a more complete disclosure of the idea of ​​the poem. The work uses iambic 4-foot and cross rhyme. Many epithets are used, for example, “by the magic of chambers created,” metaphors are also used: “As if<...>ruins of chambers created by magic." The personification used is: "Azure<...>laughs<...>washed<...>, And<...>the valley winds<...>". The author also resorted to comparison: "<...>fogs cover the slope, as if<...>ruins of chambers created by magic." The indirectly expressed position of the author is similar to the position of the lyrical hero on whose behalf the story is told. This work evoked in me feelings of my insignificance before nature and kinship with it, its beauty.

The azure of heaven laughs,
Washed by the night thunderstorm,
And it winds dewy between the mountains
The valley is a light stripe.

Only half of the highest mountains
Fogs cover the slope,
Like air ruins
The magic of created chambers.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Morning in the Mountains”

Landscape paintings, built along the poet’s favorite vertical, are determined by two natural dominants - the sky and the mountains. The image of distant peaks is associated with the impeccably white mountain world, which opposes the “suffocating earthly” existence. A similar antithesis is modeled in the poem “Snowy Mountains,” the original edition of which included the analyzed text. The “low world” appears passive, “half-asleep” and exhausted, while the “icy heights” are full of life - mysterious, “fiery”, inaccessible to the human mind.

“Morning in the Mountains” of 1829 reveals the traditional figurative structure of Tyutchev’s natural sketches: the peaks are surrounded by a bright “blue sky”. The latter is characterized by an unusual personification, which gives the landscape detail the ability to feel human emotions - to laugh. The "light strip" of the valley between the mountains reflects the magnificence of the blue sky. In the poetic text there is a laconic reference to the past: a thunderstorm passed at night, and therefore the morning panorama looks especially clear, clean, and expressive.

The gaze of the lyrical hero-contemplator again rushes upward, to the slopes of the “highest mountains” covered with clouds. The work ends with an emotional dominant - a lush comparison of accumulations of fog with the weightless “ruins” of a palace erected by magical power.

The poetic text features color vocabulary with pure shades of blue and white. She maintains the enthusiastic romantic mood of the lyrical “I”, enchanted by the opening panorama.

Not always an image mountain ranges is outlined by landscape issues. It is logical that the ideal space of “inaccessible communities” becomes a refuge for unearthly beings - heavenly angels. This is evidenced by the lyrical subject of the late poem “Even though I built a nest in the valley...” It is significant that the human soul strives upward, wanting to free itself from the “thick layer” of earthly vanity.

The ambivalence of the image of distant peaks is manifested in the work "". The anthropomorphic night image of the mountains generates “icy horror” from the heart of the lyrical “I”. It is characteristic that the cloudless azure, which delighted the hero’s gaze during the day, here becomes a frightening “twilight” that supports the motives of death and chaos. The “disastrous spell” dissipates with the rising of the sun, which hides the duality of the world model in daylight.

The azure of heaven laughs,
Washed by the night thunderstorm,
And it winds dewy between the mountains
The valley is a light stripe.

Only half of the highest mountains
Fogs cover the slope,
Like air ruins
The magic of created chambers.

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