Prince's castle in Gagra. Palace of the Prince of Oldenburg: a dream of an ideal world. New Gagra on the Baltic

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    The Prince of Oldenburg Castle, built by the talented architect I.K. Lyutseransky in 1902, is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the Art Nouveau style on the territory of Abkhazia. Initially, in a building erected on a mountainside near the mouth of the Joekwara River, there was summer residence Prince of Oldenburg - a relative of Emperor Nicholas II and a major public figure who took on the difficult work of improving the Black Sea coast. The prince dreamed of turning the picturesque area into a resort area where his compatriots could improve their health at a reasonable price, so the first thing he did was order the swamps to be drained and a park to be established, which later received the name Primorsky. The implementation of grandiose plans was prevented by the war: the prince was urgently summoned to St. Petersburg, from where he later emigrated to France. With the Bolsheviks coming to power, the castle received the status of a boarding house and was renamed “Chaika”. After the collapse of the USSR, the building fell into disrepair, was looted and survived a fire that destroyed part of the structure. It is currently leased to a private party who is planning a complete restoration of the property.

    What to see

    The road to the castle passes through the picturesque Seaside Park with many rare plants and trees that fill the air with an amazing fragrance. Periodically along the way there are recreation areas with fountains and benches, where you can sit and watch the dance of crystal clear streams. Visitors are greatly delighted by the pond where live herons live: they are not at all afraid of people and calmly react to camera flashes.

    Opposite the entrance to the park there is the Gagripsh restaurant, famous for the fact that it was here that the Prince of Oldenburg announced the decision to create resort area. The past of the establishment is inextricably linked with the past of the castle and the city as a whole, so it is definitely worth a visit, if not for the delicious food, then at least for the opportunity to capture the unique interior. The restaurant building resembles a classic London train station with a built-in clock. Once inside, you can examine the mechanism of the device in detail - it is always open for viewing. The restaurant's balconies offer stunning views of the city and the sea. It’s hard to believe that this structure is over 100 years old: it was brought from Paris in 1902 and assembled on site without a single nail. I. Bunin, M. Gorky rested and created within its walls, and F. Chaliapin performed.

    The building of the Gagripsh restaurant is more than 100 years old: it was brought from Paris in 1902 and assembled without a single nail.

    Having paid tribute to “Gagripsh”, we enter the territory of the park and, after getting lost a little, we come out to the ruins of the castle. The once beautiful building with snow-white walls, a falcon tower, balconies with carved railings and a sloping tiled roof is now abandoned, and it is unsafe to be in it. Here and there the road is blocked by collapsed ceiling beams, but this does not stop the especially brave: they rush to the second floor, from where an amazing view of the surrounding area opens. In some places, ornate patterns are still preserved on the floor, and the fireplaces that were damaged by vandals have not lost their beauty and grace, despite the inscriptions covering them and a thick layer of dust. Looking at the remains of its former luxury, I want to believe that the current owner of the castle will do everything possible to restore this unique monument architecture with a rich past.

    Practical information

    The castle is located near the final stop of city minibuses. You can get to it on foot or by cable car from Primorsky Park. Considering the current state of the castle, access to it is limited, so you can visit it on your own or as part of an excursion conducted for visitors to the Gagripsh restaurant.

    Restaurant address: Gagra, st. Nartaa. Opening hours are from 11:00 to 0:00. The average bill at the establishment is 2000 RUB. Prices on the page are for June 2018.

    Another amazing place in Gagra - the castle of Prince Oldenburg. Every tourist who comes to Gagra should visit there, because this castle is the initial step in the history of the development of Gagra. Like any tourist, I was attracted to this castle by its interesting history, architecture and picturesque surroundings. If you are vacationing in Gagra, then you should definitely take a walk to the castle of Prince Oldenburg. Now I’ll tell you how to get to it without difficulty.

    How to get to the castle

    So, the very first question is how to get there?

    The castle of Prince Oldenburg is located in the old part of the city of Gagra. It is located near the Zhoekvara River, on the slope of Mount Mamzyshkha. If you want to take a walk and relax, then next to the castle there is a magnificent Seaside Park where you can enjoy the surrounding nature.

    Thus, you can get to the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg:

    History of the Prince of Oldenburg Castle

    The castle begins its history with one of the most noble families of Oldenburg. What kind of dynasty is this?

    This branch begins with a small branch, namely with the Holstein-Gottorp family of the Oldenburg family. Once they were excellent rulers of this small possession, and a little later the glorious county of Oldenburg was formed. If we recall the history of the Romanov dynasty, then Prince Alexander Petrovich was their closest relative. Thus, the great-grandson of Emperor Paul was Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg.

    One of his most important decisions is the establishment of a unique resort on the Gagra coast. In those days it was called the second Nice. It is here that the prince decides to begin building his castle. The architect I. Lucerne was appointed to supervise all construction work, since he was very educated and loved new styles and trends in the art of that time. Therefore, the castle was built in a completely new and unique Art Nouveau style. This was very atypical for that time!

    The palace was finally completed in 1902. And the next year, a wonderful vacation spot was built near the castle - the Primorsky Park.

    A variety of bushes and trees from all over the world were brought and planted here. Cypress trees, date palms, cork oak, pink olendras, magnolias, araucarias and many, many others.

    During Soviet rule, the house of the Prince of Oldenburg was converted into a sanatorium named after. Stalin, it was here that the entire Soviet elite came to rest.

    Somewhat later it became known as the “Chaika” sanatorium.

    The castle fell into the combat zone during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict (1992-1993) and was very badly damaged. Walking past it, you can see traces of bullets and other projectiles. But the palace survived and has survived to this day.

    Description of the castle

    And so we arrived at the castle of Prince Oldenburg. Immediately noticeable is the huge stone structure with a bright red tiled roof.

    Every tourist wants to look at it not only from the outside, but also to take a walk inside the castle itself. I note that this must be done very carefully, since it is in disrepair.

    Still, we took a chance and went into the castle itself. I immediately drew attention to the rooms that once shone with expensive decoration with paintings still remaining on the walls, beautiful columns near the landing, fireplaces and windows of different shapes and sizes.

    Unfortunately, we were only able to walk through a few rooms; the rest were completely destroyed. Peeling paint, debris and broken glass indicate that urgent repairs and restoration are needed.

    Extreme seekers can be advised to get to the round window and watch the area from the top Old Gagra. From there it opens beautiful view to the sea and the city itself!
    When we left the castle, we were immediately struck by the picturesque tower called Sokolnichnaya. In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful buildings of the castle. It is clearly visible from anywhere in the Old Gagra area, especially from the embankment. They say that it was from this tower that the prince once hunted local birds.

    Excursions to the castle

    The Gagrypsh restaurant sometimes conducts excursions to the castle for its guests. Its approximate cost is 700-1000 rubles. May be on different days (they may change, so you need to check with the organizers).

    Those who want to save money can get to the castle on their own. Many travelers come here on their own to admire the beauty.

    It is worth clarifying a very important point. Since the castle is in disrepair, it is now officially closed for excursions (except for excursions for guests of the Gagrypsh restaurant). However, no one forbade anyone from entering the territory of Oldenburg Castle.

    Therefore, if desired, tourists can even go up to the top floor. True, I did not do this for security reasons.


    We were very pleased with our trip to the castle of Prince Oldenburg! Despite the fact that today it is in a very poor condition. We, like every tourist visiting the castle, believe that one day it will be transformed and shine like in the old days. Then you will be able to see all its original beauty both inside and outside!

    restaurant "Gagripsh" and Primorsky Park in Gagra

    The beauty of the Abkhaz land, glorified by poets and writers, attracted many: travelers, adventurers, romantics, invaders, ordinary people seeking better life. After Russia's victory in the Russian-Turkish wars, a new type“guests” are active Russian generals and statesmen. One of them was a member of the imperial family Prince of Oldenburg.

    More than a century has passed since the time when he, fascinated by the climate and picturesqueness of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, got the idea to turn it into a “domestic Nice”, making popular place rest of the Russian aristocracy. And he almost succeeded! Appeared in the mountains prince's castle, in Gagra – a park, and then... However, let's talk about everything in order.

    The Russian government began to consider the Black Sea coast as a resort area late XIX century. At that time, there were few coastal cities in Russia, and the capital’s nobility vacationed in Europe - on Cote d'Azur in France, on the waters in Germany and on the beaches of Italy. Victory in the last Russian-Turkish war gave the empire the most beautiful Black Sea lands. They were in a subtropical climate zone, very close in its characteristics to the Mediterranean. In addition to the climate and beautiful scenery, in the new possessions of the Russian crown a lot was discovered mineral springs and deposits of healing mud. A specially created commission examined everything Black Sea coast and came to the conclusion that there is no better place for “Russian Nice” than Gagra. There is nothing surprising here: average annual temperature+16°C, the mountains come close to the shore, forming a unique mountain-sea microclimate.

    Biography of the Prince of Oldenburg

    On January 9, 1901, by his decree, Nicholas II ordered the construction of a climate station in Gagra (as the resorts were then called) and appointed him as construction manager Alexander Petrovich OldenburgPrince of Oldenburg. Alexander Petrovich - a descendant of the dukes Holstein-Gottorp, close relatives of Peter III and Catherine II. He was the great-grandson of Paul I. The prince had a military education, served in the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, participated in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878, and besieged Plevna. Since 1896, he “sat” in the State Council and was a senator.

    At court, the prince was not particularly favored: he was considered an eccentric, at the same time active and active, and therefore dangerous. His energy and selflessness are proverbial. Alexander Petrovich was a big fan of progress, supported scientific and charitable institutions, and communicated widely with famous doctors and scientists. However, conservative Russian society perceived his ideas as unworthy of an aristocrat and too bold.

    Together with his wife Eugenia, daughter of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and the Duke of Leuchtenberg, he organized Women's Paramedic Courses and opened a Vaccination Station at his own expense. At the end of the 1880s, at the Holy Trinity Community of Sisters of Mercy, he created the first research center in the field of biology and medicine in the Russian Empire - the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Alexander Petrovich despised drunkenness, fighting against them with all his might in his position as Chairman of the Russian Temperance Society. He hated laziness, worked tirelessly himself and did not let others down.

    Climate station, restaurant "Gagripsh" and castle

    And it was precisely such a person who was entrusted with the difficult task of transforming the backyards of Russia. Construction began in the fall of 1901 climate station in Gagra. More than seven million rubles were allocated from the treasury for its needs.

    took up the new business with his characteristic enterprise and energy, and two years later the official opening of the new resort took place. Along with it, electric lighting, telephone, telegraph and running water appeared in Gagra. Alexander Petrovich decided to turn Gagra into a Russian Monte Carlo, to make it a high society resort. He built a hydropathic clinic and castle on the seashore, mansions and villas, restaurants and hotels. A road was built into the mountains, to the “Alpine Gagra”, and the city was decorated with a picturesque Seaside Park. On its 14 hectares, exotic plants from different parts of the planet amazed with their rare species: fan palms from China, date palms from Canary Islands , coconut - from; South America... A unique system of ponds of different sizes appeared in the park, connected by small streams. Swans gracefully glided along the water surface of the ponds, and peacocks strolled importantly along the shady alleys.

    Opposite the park there was one that still exists today restaurant "Gagripsh"- emblem of Gagra. In 1902, it was assembled in Europe, and then disassembled and transported to the Caucasian shores. The stage of this establishment, assembled without a single nail, remembers the performances of F. Chaliapin, and people loved to dine at its tables M. Gorky, A. Chekhov, I. Bunin.

    The enthusiasm of the Prince of Oldenburg turned out to be contagious: rich people flocked to Gagra, like to the New Riviera. Mass construction of mansions and dachas began. The resort became fashionable, and Russian nobility began to visit it. In 1911, the first foreigners came here - German tourists... Everything in the city was under the watchful eye of the Prince of Oldenburg. In his Mercedes, he drove around the resort every day, observing discipline and delving into all matters - both large and small.

    To supply catering establishments with fresh food, fruits, vegetables and grapes Prince of Oldenburg organized a real agricultural enterprise on his estate “Otradnoye”. Gagra became the prince's favorite toy, his dream come true, an earthly paradise. But the happiness he carefully built turned out to be fragile: in 1914, with the outbreak of the First World War, Alexander Petrovich recalled to St. Petersburg, appointing him to the post of Supreme Chief of the sanitary and evacuation unit. He never returned to Gagra... On the eve of the October Revolution, the Prince of Oldenburg emigrated to Finland, and after some time moved to France. He died in September 1932 on the Cote d'Azur, in Biarritz, far from the shore of his dreams, built with his own hands.

    Address: Prince of Oldenburg Castle, Old Gagra, Gagra, Abkhazia. Coordinates: 43.325583; 40.225367.

    Gagra was founded by Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg, who was a prince and member of the imperial house. While traveling around the Caucasus, he fell in love with Abkhazia for its warm and mild climate. Oldenburgsky I also decided that this area would be perfect for creating a Black Sea resort city. He sought to establish a worldwide famous resort, which was supposed to “catch up” with Nice in terms of fame. Quite quickly, Gagra became a vacation spot for representatives of the Romanov dynasty, their closest relatives and close associates. The local climate was used to treat many diseases, including respiratory ailments - this was also facilitated by the fact that eucalyptus trees were planted here by order of the prince. Microparticles released by trees, in combination with sea air, had a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body, especially the respiratory system. Eucalyptus trees helped dry out the swampy area where Gagra and the Seaside Park were built.

    History of the castle construction

    The prince ordered the construction of a castle for his family. The construction work was led by the architect I. Lucerne. He had enormous knowledge in architecture and was open to new trends in this field. As a result, to implement the project for the construction of the castle complex, the specialist chose the Art Nouveau style, which was completely new at that time. Thanks to this, the original palace was built, which has a tiled red roof, where fireplace chimneys can be seen. The facades are decorated with balconies and a tower where the Prince of Oldenburg always sat. The palace is located in a very beautiful area known as Old Gagra. The architect managed to enhance the effect of the building by erecting it on a mountain, next to which the Joekwara river flows into the sea.
    The castle belonged to the family until the advent of Soviet power, after which it was subject to nationalization. The same fate befell the climatic resort, which became the territory of the Chaika health resort (another name for “Stalin”). The elite rested in the sanatorium communist party. For such a long time, only cosmetic repairs were carried out here. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the health resort lost its significance, vacationers stopped coming here, so the castle gradually began to fall into disrepair, and the area around it fell into disrepair.
    The war of the early 1990s also had a negative impact on the attraction. between Georgia and Abkhazia. Military operations were ongoing in this area, so soldiers from both armies plundered the prince's former residence several times. The structure was partially burned due to shrapnel shells and fires. Now the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg is just a sad monument to a bygone era. The tiles are gradually falling off the roof, the beautiful stained glass windows have been broken for many years, the walls are painted, and the paint on them has faded and peeled off. The internal situation has also changed greatly since the last party officials left.

    Infrastructure around the castle

    Others were built not far from the imperial building. important objects. Thus, thanks to the efforts and financial support of the prince, a telegraph, lighting, water supply and a technical school, called subtropical, appeared in Gagra. Somewhat later, the opening of a climate station took place, the location for which was chosen in the Gagripsh restaurant.

    Tourist features attractions

    All these buildings from the beginning of the 20th century are monuments and important tourist sites, open to visitors at any time of the year. They are able to tell about the history of the formation and development of the city, the role of the Oldenburg family in its emergence. Unfortunately, the prince's castle does not enjoy such tourist fame, although it is quite an attractive place to visit. In many excursion bureaus, tourists and guests of Gagra ask to show them the complex, the roof and tower of which peek out from behind the trees. But excursions here are prohibited due to the building's state of disrepair.

    The Prince of Oldenburg stood, lost in thought, over the pond in the Gagrinsky park,
    like Peter over the waters of the Baltic Sea. He stood leaning lightly on a stick
    a huge, still lean, despite his age, body.
    Alexander Petrovich was not in a good mood. With vita together with the adjutant, in
    number of six people, standing side by side on a long and wide, like
    Petersburg Avenue, park alley, with her whole pose she expressed her readiness
    rush to carry out any of his orders, as well as run away in all directions

    Fazil Iskander. "Sandro from Chegem"

    The Prince's Plan

    More than a century ago, a member of the Russian imperial family, Prince of Oldenburg, fascinated by the beauty and climate of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, got the idea to develop these places in order to make them as popular among the domestic aristocracy as French Nice. The idea was almost a success, the prince even built himself a castle in the mountains, but soon a revolution broke out... However, first things first.

    Oldenburgsky Alexander Petrovich
    1844 - 1932

    History of the Gagra resort

    Reliably famous story Gagra begins for us in the 2nd century BC. In these distant times, there was a city called Triglyph, founded by Greek merchants who colonized these shores in search of new lands and new treasures. Then he bore the Roman name Nitika, then the Byzantine Trachea, later Kakara and Hackers, the Venetian Contesi (“harbour”) and Kakura, the Persian Derbent (“iron gate”) and the Turkish Badalag (“ high mountain"). This place, as you can see, seemed like a tasty morsel to everyone, although by the time Russia’s turn came to raise its flag here, the coast turned out to be completely swampy. Malaria was so rampant here that A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, who was exiled to the Caucasus called Gagra “a coffin for the Russian garrison.” However, happy times have come in the Russian history of Gagra.

    Resort prospects of the Black Sea coast at the end of the 19th century. The Russian government became interested. There were no seaside resorts in Russia at that time. Russian nobility went to Europe for treatment and vacation - to the Côte d'Azur in France, to the Italian beauties, to Germany - "to the waters." Finally we got our hands on our own shores, beauty and mineral springs. A special commission examined the entire Black Sea coast and decided: it would not be better to find Gagra, this is where Russian Nice will be. What to be surprised: Gagra is the warmest place in the European part of the Empire, the average annual temperature is 15-17 degrees. And this despite the fact that the Alpine peaks come close to the sea in order to combine with the coastal heat to create a unique microclimate.

    And here Gagra was lucky for the second time - by the royal decree of January 9, 1901, the management of the construction of the climate station was entrusted to Alexander Petrovich Oldenburg.

    The Prince of Oldenburg, a descendant of the younger branch of the Dukes of Holstein-Gottorp, who were closely related to Peter III and Catherine II, was also the great-grandson of Paul I through his grandmother, Grand Duchess Catherine Pavlovna. He received a military education, served in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, and fought in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 - 1878, participated in the siege of Plevna. From 1896 he was a member of the State Council and a senator.

    The prince's selflessness and energy are proverbial. However, conservative Russian society did not particularly favor him - he was known as an eccentric, active and therefore dangerous. His undertakings were perceived as too bold and unworthy of an aristocrat. The prince was known as a fan of progress, paid a lot of attention to supporting science and charitable institutions, and was personally acquainted with famous scientists and doctors, including Louis Pasteur.

    Together with his wife Evgenia Maximilianovna, daughter of the Duke of Leuchtenberg and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, he created Women's Paramedic Courses and opened a Vaccination Station at his own expense.

    In 1888-1890, at the Holy Trinity Community of Sisters of Mercy, which had been under his care since 1881, he created the Institute of Experimental Medicine - Russia's first research center in the field of medicine and biology.

    The prince worked tirelessly himself and did not let others down, especially despising laziness and drunkenness - he was even Chairman of the Russian Temperance Society. And now, when they needed a person who would take on the work of transforming the backyards of the Empire, they remembered Alexander Petrovich. At the same time, evil tongues gossiped, this appointment saved the capital from the annoying reformer who was disturbing the court and shocking the royal family with his undertakings. The prince did not refuse.

    The day the construction of the climate station began (as they called it) new resort) in Gagra is considered October 14, 1901 (old style). More than 7 million rubles were allocated from the treasury for this.

    The prince set about the new business with all his energy and enterprise, so that after 2 years the official opening ceremony of the Gagrin climate station took place. A telegraph, telephone, electric lighting, and running water appeared in Gagra. The prince's concerns were aimed at establishing a high-society resort here, which could eventually compete with European ones. Nor was he put off by the idea of ​​making a Russian Monte Carlo out of Gagra, so that the gold flown by gambling Russian travelers would remain in the country.

    He built a palace and a hydropathic clinic, villas and mansions, hotels and restaurants on the seashore, paved the way to the mountains - to the “Alpine Gagra”, laid out a magnificent Seaside Park, which amazed with rare species of exotic ornamental plants. Here, on 14 hectares, date palms grew from the Canary Islands, fan palms from China, and coconut palms from South America; Syrian mallows, American magnolias, Himalayan cedars, agaves, chamaerops, lemon and orange trees, cypresses and God knows what else. Swans glided along the surface of the pools, rainbow peacocks walked along the alleys. An original system of park reservoirs was created - alternating small and large ponds connected by streams.

    Opposite the park stood (and still stands) the restaurant "Gagripsh" - the emblem of the city. By order of the prince, it was built in Norway from Norwegian pine and brought disassembled to Gagra in 1902. F. Chaliapin performed on the stage of this building, assembled without a single nail; A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, I. Bunin were here.

    Alexander Petrovich did not remain the only influential Gagra patriot for long. Very soon other smart people believed in the New Riviera. At the beginning of the 20th century, construction of dachas and mansions began in Gagra. Russian nobility gradually began to come here to the newfangled resort, and in 1911 the resort solemnly received long-awaited foreign guests - German tourists.

    As they say, a city cannot stand without a righteous man. Everything here was controlled by the watchful eye of the restless Prince of Oldenburg. Alexander Petrovich drove around the resort every day in his Mercedes, zealously followed discipline and order, and delved into all matters, large or small. His car with a horn that made a rooster crow (so as not to disturb the harmony of nature) could be found everywhere. Wanting to give the resort a local flavor, he ordered the use of Abkhaz toponyms in the names of boarding houses and dachas. Oldenburgsky paid special attention to supplying the resort with food, vegetables, fruits, and grapes. For this purpose, lands were created on the estates of the prince himself - “Otradny”, his wife Princess Evgenia Maximilianovna, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, merchant Igumenov on Pitsunda. Gagra became the Prince's favorite child, his dream, his earthly paradise. It seems that he was happy here with the labors and successes of his hands. In any case, everything worked out for him.

    It seemed that Gagra's future as a luxury resort was assured. But great upheavals awaited the Empire, and with it the lines of fate of all its parts were broken.

    In 1914, the First World War began. The Russians had no time for resorts, and the Prince was recalled to St. Petersburg and made the Supreme Head of the sanitary and evacuation unit. Here too, he showed himself to be an outstanding organizer - he managed to unite the efforts of various departments and authorities to prevent epidemiological diseases and brilliantly organized the evacuation of the wounded from the active army to the internal provinces. During the “Great Retreat” he managed to organize the transportation and accommodation of refugees exceptionally well.

    Alexander Petrovich did not return to Gagra. After the February Revolution in March 1917, he was forced to sell his palace on the banks of the Neva to the Provisional Government and, shortly before the October Revolution, he left for Finland. Then he moved with his family to France. I didn't sit idle. He was involved in charity work and was elected Honorary Chairman of the Transfiguration Union. Under the pseudonym "Peter Alexandrov" he published in Paris a small book of his stories "The Dream" (about the "golden" people's hearts, suddenly seeing the light after the intoxication of the revolution and passionately surrendering to Christ.) He died on September 6, 1932 in Biarritz, on the Cote d'Azur - in the distance from its shore and its Riviera.

    And the world he built continued to live. Immediately after the establishment of Soviet power in Abkhazia, Gagra was declared a resort of national importance. All palaces, boarding houses, and hotels were nationalized. By the 1930s, the resort began to operate year-round. During these same years, a resort clinic and hydropathic clinic were opened here, and a medical beach was organized for the first time in Abkhazia. In 1933, a new resort boom began. Several new sanatoriums and rest houses are being built in Gagra at once - "Ukraine", named after Chelyuskintsev, "Mayak", a rest house of the Writers' Union, a rest house named after the XVII Party Congress, etc. - good money is allocated for the improvement of the resort. The Soviet nobility and, as encouragement, ordinary workers flocked to the south. However, the new war again took away the habit of rest from the Soviet people for a long time.

    Thank God, nothing in the world lasts forever, even bad times end. A new flowering awaited Gagra. The 50s brought revitalization to these places. The sanatoriums "Gagra", "Neftyanik", "Armenia" and a children's sanatorium were built. The resort gradually grew and became accessible not only to the elite, but also to others - with trade union vouchers. The next two decades made it truly popular: new sanatoriums, a spa hydropathic clinic, and a balneotherapy clinic were built; in 1962, mineral thermal sulfate-calcium-magnesium water was brought to the surface of the earth, and the invasion of vacationers from all over the country began. 500,000 people a year, including savages!

    Gagra and the surrounding area turned into a flourishing area - of course, by Soviet standards, and not as Alexander Petrovich Oldenburg imagined: no luxury, no frills, everything is modest and cramped, as befits a Soviet unpampered vacationer. But everyone received equally the luxury of nature, sun, sea, mountains, which was not canceled by any government decrees! - flowering and exotic beauty.

    By the 90s, Gagra spread out on a narrow strip along the seashore for 7 km. This is a continuous subtropical park with fountains, ponds, and alleys of evergreen plants. The area of ​​Old Gagra is especially beautiful, where from the seashore there is a fabulous view of the mountains, gorges and bay. The image of the city was complemented by the Soviet resort style of the 50s, including the famous Gagra colonnade, built in 1951. Behind the colonnade begins a magnificent city ​​embankment 1949, decorated with exotic plants. Co observation platforms Above the city there is a magnificent view of Novaya Gagra and Cape Pitsunda.


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