“Superjet” beats “Embraer” or “Bombardier” - Yuriy Slyusar. Why the multibillion-dollar Russian deal with Iran is falling through What types of combat aircraft will be purchased as part of the new state arms program

In the history of modern Russian aviation, 2017 will remain a landmark year for its events and their subsequent impact on the development of the domestic aviation industry. The most important was the first flight of the new Russian medium-haul passenger airliner MS-21-300. This event was awaited with excitement. Almost a year passed from the moment the plane rolled out of the assembly shop to its first flight, and now, on May 28, 2017, the plane with the “black” wing took to the skies.

But first things first.

Moscow Aerospace Salon MAKS-2017

In 2017, the 25th anniversary air show was held not at the end of August, as usual, but in July, which was due to the Army 2017 forum being held in August, and the participants simply physically would not have had time to transport and install stands and an exposition with one sites to another. Well, for the visitors of MAKS 2017, such a postponement was only beneficial - the weather in July in Moscow is much more stable and comfortable than at the end of summer.

This year, the key exhibits of the exhibition were full-scale models of the automatic interplanetary stations Luna-24 (1976) and Luna-25 (Luna-Glob). Also, visitors were presented with models of orbital astrophysical observatories of the Spectrum series and spacecraft of the Elektro and Arktika meteorological satellite systems. Guests of the exhibition saw the layout of the space warhead consisting of the head fairing of the launch vehicle, the Fregat-SB upper stage and spacecraft"Electro-L".

During MAKS-2017, visitors saw the latest multi-role fighter MiG-35, the modernized military transport helicopter Mi-171Sh-VN, and the Arctic helicopter Mi-8AMTSh. More than 150 samples of military, civil and dual-use products were shown by the Almaz-Antey East Kazakhstan Concern.

At the static exhibition, in addition to the “regulars” of the air show, this time one could see an all-composite biplane, developed and built at SibNIA named after. Chaplygina - TVS-2DTS. The legendary attack aircraft from the Great Patriotic War Il-2, restored there in Novosibirsk, a new training aircraft with a forward-swept wing, developed at the SAT-SR-10 design bureau, the premiere demonstration of the Yak-152 training aircraft took place.

Al-Fursan Aerobatic Team, UAE

The flight program of the air show was bright and eventful. In the sky one could see the Il-2, which was piloted by the director of SibNIA Vladimir Barsuk, new items - the same SR-10 and an all-composite aircraft for Agriculture MVEN T-500. The crews of the Russian Knights aerobatic team demonstrated their skills on Su-30SM aircraft, which replaced the Su-27 veterans. Maneuverable combat at low altitudes was demonstrated by pairs of Su-35 and PAK FA.

And of course, an unforgettable impression was left by the aerobatic team from the United United Arab Emirates"Al-Fursan", which decorated the sky of Zhukovsky with colored smoke.

In the fall, it was officially announced that MAX would remain in Zhukovsky, because... in the Patriot park and at the airfield in Kubinka, where they intended to move the air show, the existing infrastructure does not meet the requirements of a large international aerospace exhibition, and its preparation practically from scratch requires large financial costs.

civil Aviation

Sukhoi Superjet 100

Ten years ago in 2007, the first prototype Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft was rolled out. In 2017, the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur produced 34 Superjets, and 30 aircraft were delivered to customers. According to the unofficial registry Russianplanes.net, 33 aircraft were produced and the same number were transferred to customers. In just ten years, KnAAZ produced more than 150 SSJ100 aircraft.

Statistics by year of release according to Russianplanes.net:
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
Released 2 2 2 5 12 24 35 18 19 33 153
In operation 1 - 1 1 7 20 33 18 19 33 133

As of December 2017, 109 SSJ100 aircraft operate flights for Russian and foreign airlines, as well as government agencies. The aircraft are operated by Aeroflot, Gazpromavia, Yakutia, Yamal, IrAero, Azimuth airlines, as well as by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SLO Russia, RusJet and abroad by Interjet (Mexico), CityJet (Ireland), the Royal Thai Air Force and government agencies of Kazakhstan:

  • Aeroflot - 38
  • Interjet - 21
  • Gazpromavia - 10
  • Yamal - 8
  • IrAero - 7
  • Yakutia - 5
  • Brussels Airlines - 5
  • Azimuth - 4
  • SLO Russia, Thai Air Force and Russian Emergency Situations Ministry - 2 aircraft each
  • CityJet, RusJet, ComLux Kazakhstan and the Border Service of Kazakhstan - 1 aircraft each.

Another 24 aircraft are listed at JSC GSS - these are experimental aircraft, flying laboratories and aircraft that have not yet been transferred to customers.

In 2017, Belgian Brussels Airlines became another European operator as part of a wet lease from CityJet, and in September a new Russian operator of the SSJ100, Azimuth Airlines, began operating.

In 2017, additional fuel tanks were certified, which made it possible to increase the flight range of the business version of the SSJ100 to 7,000 km.

The next milestone in the work to expand the operating conditions of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 was the certification of the B100 modification with increased engine thrust, which improves the take-off characteristics of the aircraft, providing airline operators with new opportunities. Such characteristics of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft may be of interest to customers from Western Europe for flights from short runways, including at airports located within the city.

SSJ100 board RA-89079 of Azimut airlines at Sochi airport. December 2017

In 2018, a version of the Superjet with horizontal saber wingtips is expected to be certified and receive EASA certification for a steep glide path landing at an angle of 5.5 degrees, almost double the standard glide path angle of 3 degrees.

On December 21, testing of aircraft 97006 with ridge tips began, another aircraft (aircraft 97003) is being tested under a steep glide path landing program. These improvements are expected by the Irish company CityJet. In 2017, this customer was supposed to receive 6 aircraft, but deliveries are delayed until certification is completed, because... While the SSJ100 cannot fly to London City Airport, which is one of the priority destinations for the Irish airline.

In the summer of 2017, the news went unnoticed that UAC had entered into a contract with Zambia for the supply of five Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in 2018. One of the aircraft will be a VIP version for the head of state, and four for the development of a local civil airline.

In 2017, SSJ100 aircraft were supplied mainly to leasing companies VEB-Leasing (for Aeroflot) and State Transport Leasing Company (Yamal, Azimut, IrAero). In July, as part of MAKS 2017, a contract was signed with Aeroflot airline for the supply of an additional 20 SSJ100 aircraft by the end of 2018, the first deliveries under this contract have already begun.

Initially, 38 Superjets were planned to be released in 2018. In December 2017, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov announced that 30 aircraft would be produced. It is likely that the reduction in plans is due to the SCAC’s existing backlog of aircraft in storage.

As mentioned above, on May 28, 2017, a new Russian airliner MS-21-300. This event is significant for several reasons.

Firstly, the aircraft is in the same niche as the most common families of aircraft today, the A320/A321 and B737. The MS-21 faces serious competition on the domestic Russian market, not to mention the international one.

Secondly, MS-21 is the first Russian civil aircraft with a completely composite wing, horizontal and vertical tail. It has a larger fuselage diameter, is lighter and cheaper than its direct competitors. Improved fuel efficiency due to high aerodynamic quality and cabin comfort comparable to wide-body long-haul airliners make the MC-21-300 attractive to airlines. At the end of 2017, the order portfolio for the aircraft amounted to 315 aircraft, including prepayments for 175 aircraft.

Uncertainty about the timing of the start of full-scale serial production is caused by new anti-Russian sanctions from the United States, which will come into force in February 2018. The Russian civil aircraft industry is closely connected with defense enterprises - SSJ100 with the Sukhoi Design Bureau, MS-21 with the Irkut Corporation, which produces the Yak-130 and Su-30SM aircraft. Both the Superjet and MS-21 contain a large number of components and assemblies from Western suppliers. The supply of such components may be in question.

"The situation is completely unpredictable for us, but we rely on reason. We wanted to create a product for the global market. On this moment all partners fulfill their obligations to supply parts and systems for the MC-21,” Kirill Budaev, vice president of the Irkut corporation, told Aviation week.

In 2017, from June to October, the MS-21-300 RA-73051 underwent two stages of factory development tests, during which 20 flights were performed. On October 17, the plane flew to Zhukovsky near Moscow, where development of the aircraft’s systems continued and tests to obtain an airworthiness certificate will be carried out.

Simultaneously with the flight tests, TsAGI conducted purging of a model of the airliner with PD-14 engines, as well as static and strength tests. During the first such test in April 2017, the load on the wing console caisson was brought to the limit - with “upward bending”, until the structure was destroyed. When approaching 100% of the calculated maximum load, the caisson collapsed. Its design has been modified, resulting in an increase in wing weight by approximately 25 kg. In December, during repeated tests, the caisson collapsed at a load of 131% of the calculated load.

As a result, it was experimentally confirmed that the structure has an additional margin of safety in relation to the design loads - this will ensure the safety of the composite wing during aircraft operation.

During testing of the composite stabilizer caisson, artificial damage was caused to part of the frame of the caisson's upper panel and it was tested for residual strength. The area under study withstood all the stated loads. Next, the damage was repaired, and as part of repeated-static tests, the caisson was subjected to bending deformations. The data obtained will make it possible to determine the characteristics of the residual strength of the element of the future aircraft in case of repair. A total of 60,000 cycles are planned at 50% of the design load.

At the very end of December 2017, the third certification stage of flight testing of the PD-14 engine began; a type certificate is expected to be received in 2018 Federal agency air transport(Rosaviation).

The first MS-21-300 aircraft with a passenger cabin and interior installed inside is planned to be produced in September 2018. This will be the third prototype that will be demonstrated to potential customers.

At the end of December, it was decided that the first serial MC-21-300 airliner would be transferred to Irkutsk and begin operation at IrAero Airlines; initially, all the first aircraft were to go to Aeroflot.

In January, the second flight prototype of the MC-21 will be transferred to the IAZ flight test station, and four more prototype airliners are being built. 2018 will be full of aircraft testing on the ground and in the air; towards the end of the year, assembly of the first production aircraft will begin.


The program to resume production of the domestic wide-body long-range aircraft Il-96-400M, launched in 2016, continued its implementation.

According to the UAC forecast prepared for the MAKS-2017 air show, Russia will need 115 high-capacity aircraft by 2036. Of these, 80 boards have from 200 to 325 seats and 35 aircraft with a capacity of more than 325 passengers. The Il-96-400M should partially replace foreign-made aircraft with more than 325 seats. In a one-class layout it is designed for 436 passengers, in a two-class layout - for 386 and in a three-class layout - for 315 people. The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft will be no less than 270 tons, the flight range with a payload of 41 tons will be no less than 9 thousand km.

In February 2017, UAC and AK named after. Ilyushin signed a contract to carry out development work to create a modernized passenger plane Il-96-400M. According to the terms of the contract, a prototype aircraft must be manufactured for flight testing. It is planned that it will take to the skies for the first time in 2019. It is planned to spend more than 4.7 billion rubles on the construction of a prototype of the Il-96-400M aircraft.

At the beginning of spring, it became known that instead of PS-90A1 engines, four modernized PS-90A3M turbofan engines would be installed on the aircraft.

A production modernization program has been launched at VASO. The start of serial assembly of Il-96-400M aircraft is planned for 2020, in the interests of all civil aviation It is planned to produce 6 cars.

At the end of the year, it was decided to make a contribution of 3.595 billion rubles to the authorized capital of the UAC to modernize the Il-96-400M aircraft, and STLC to allocate 4 billion rubles for the purchase of two Il-96-400M aircraft, the commissioning date is 2021 . The estimated cost of purchasing the aircraft will be 14 billion rubles, including 200 million rubles from extra-budgetary sources.


The first prototype of the Il-114-300 should be built in 2018. Flight tests are planned to begin towards the end of the year. The aircraft will immediately be equipped with TV7-117ST engines instead of the previously planned TV7-117SM. From 2021, production aircraft will begin to arrive at airlines. In just 10 years - from 2021 to 2029 - it is planned to produce about 100 cars.

Three aircraft plants will be involved in the construction of the Il-114-300: Nizhny Novgorod Sokol, Voronezh VASO and the RSK MiG aircraft plant in Lukhovitsy. The Sokol plant will produce fuselage compartments, the Voronezh aircraft plant will produce the wing, and final assembly will be carried out in the Moscow region.

Government spending on the Il-114-300 project is planned to be distributed as follows:

  • for work to launch serial production of Il-114-300 at aircraft factories - 26.7 billion rubles
  • for development work, including modification of the TV7-117SM turboprop engine - 14.5 billion rubles until 2020.
  • for the implementation of the program to create a system after sales service– 9.6 billion rubles
  • for technological re-equipment of production - 2.6 billion rubles
  • for leasing and financial support of Il-114-300 operators - about 26 billion rubles.
  • Total: about 80 billion rubles.

In December, the first stage of flight testing of the TV7-117ST engine, which began on September 12, was completed. About 20 flights were carried out, based on the results of which in mid-January 2018 CIAM will prepare a conclusion on the possibility of installing the TV7-117ST on the first prototype Il-112V aircraft. The tests were carried out on the Il-76LL flying laboratory. The experimental engine was installed on one of the pylons instead of the standard unit. The aircraft with the installed engine was demonstrated at the MAKS-2017 static exhibition.

TV7-117ST on the Il-76LL flying laboratory. MAKS-2017 / (c) Andrey Velichko, Russian Aviation

At the Production Complex No. 1 (PC No. 1), a branch of JSC RSK MiG in Lukhovitsy, a representative office of PJSC Il was opened, and preparations for the assembly of the Il-114‐300 began. The creation of a permanent center of PJSC "Il" is necessary to coordinate work between specialists of the MiG Corporation and engineers of "Il".

In March 2017, PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and China Corporation civil aircraft industry» (COMAC) has established a joint venture to develop, manufacture, market and after-sales support a long-range wide-body aircraft (LWB). At the end of September, the ShFDMS family received official name CR929. The basic version of the wide-body long-range aircraft will be designated CR929-600, the junior version - CR929-500, and the senior version - CR929-700. The aircraft will contain up to 50% composites.

The Gate 2 design stage has been completed. The key result of the work at this stage was obtaining an overview of the aircraft's engineering concept. In 2018, it is planned to begin the phase of identifying and selecting suppliers of AC systems and equipment.

Frigate Ecojet

In 2017, the concept of the promising wide-body aircraft "Frigate Ecojet" changed dramatically. Due to the lack of modern civil engines with a thrust of 18-23 tf on the market, the company decided to redesign the aircraft with four PD-14 engines. In July 2017, Fregat Ecojet and UEC Aviadvigatel began developing the project. The updated version of the aircraft was named FreeJet.

FreeJet wide-body aircraft concept

The excess thrust generated by the use of the new power plant created the conditions for the implementation of the principles of a “more electric aircraft” and a number of other advanced design solutions. The preliminary design of the Fridget aircraft was announced at the MAKS 2017 air show.

By December, the conceptual design was completed - finite element models of a high degree of detail were developed, a weight summary of the airframe structures was compiled, a production design for the aircraft's unit assembly was detailed, and a digital model of the aircraft was created. It is planned to determine the technical appearance of the aircraft in 2018.

In 2017, a contract was concluded between State Transport Leasing Company and Ural plant civil aviation for the supply of five 19-seater L-410 UVP–E20 aircraft, the cost of one aircraft is 400 million rubles. In 2018, the construction of a production site for the unit-by-unit assembly of these aircraft will be completed and the assembly of the first batch will begin in the same year; from 2019, the aircraft will be supplied to customers, in particular to State Transport Leasing Company.


In 2017, VASO transferred to the Russian Aerospace Forces two An-148-100E passenger aircraft - these are aircraft with registration numbers RA-61731 and RA-61732. They became the 11th and 12th An-148-100E aircraft, built under a contract for the supply of 15 An-148-100 aircraft, signed by VASO (without UAC participation) with the Russian Ministry of Defense in May 2013.

Samara OJSC Aviakor - Aviation Plant did not deliver a single new An-140-100 turboprop passenger aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2017, and, apparently, there will be no further deliveries of these machines, despite the nominally remaining order for five units for the Russian Aerospace Forces . The total number of An-140-100s received by the Ministry of Defense in 2009-2016 reached nine units (five in the Aerospace Forces and four in the Naval Aviation of the Navy).

Special and transport aviation


For 2016-2017 JSC Aviastar-SP (Ulyanovsk) has not taken off a single new Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft. In fact, the implementation of the contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense dated October 2012 for the production of 39 Il-76MD-90A aircraft stalled after the delivery of the first aircraft in early 2016. This is explained by the fact that the plant is preparing to launch a new production line for assembling these aircraft; its installation should be completed at the beginning of 2018. The new line will allow the production of up to 18 cars per year, versus three on the one that existed before the modernization.

In January 2017, TsAGI tested the static strength of the Il-76MD-90A wing console. The new modification of the wing is distinguished by the use of long panels and stressed fasteners in the design, which can significantly increase the durability of the structure and ensure the tightness of the fuel tanks.

Il-76TD-90VD in Antarctica


In 2017, at the Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov (a branch of PJSC Tupolev) for the Ministry of Defense, under a 2015 contract, two special-purpose aircraft-control center Tu-214PU-SBUS were built. Aircraft with registration numbers RA-64529 and RA-64530 are at the testing stage.

Three more aircraft for the Ministry of Defense, which will replace the Tu-134, Tu-154, and Il-62M being withdrawn from the military department’s fleet, will be built by order of the UAC, the contract amount is 13.6 billion rubles.


In 2017, TANTK named after. Beriev handed over two Be-200ES amphibious aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. One of them is the first production aircraft of this type, built in Taganrog. The third aircraft, RF-31140 (serial number 305), performed its first flight on November 27 and is preparing to be handed over to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In 2018, TANTK plans to increase the production of Be-200 amphibious aircraft to six aircraft.

On November 18, the A-100 Premier long-range radar detection aircraft, created on the basis of the Il-76MD-90A, made its first flight.


On November 29 in Ulyanovsk, at the Aviastar-SP plant, the Il-78M-90A tanker was transferred to the flight test station. This is the first tanker manufactured in Russia; previously these aircraft were produced at TAPOiCh. The first flight of the aircraft may take place before the end of spring 2018.

Read also: The first stage of flight testing of the TV7-117ST engine has been completed


The first flight of the LVTS Il-112V was planned no later than July 1, 2017. However, it did not take place due to the unavailability of the aircraft. In August 2017, it was reported that all preparatory work for testing the Il-112V aircraft was almost completed, but as of January 1, 2018, the aircraft had not yet left the assembly shop and had not been transferred to the LIS. This delay is likely due to the unavailability of the TV7-117ST power plant, the first stage of flight testing of which was completed in Zhukovsky in December 2017.


In June 2017, the Il-214 aircraft (MTA/SVTS) received the official name Il-276. The aircraft will be equipped with PD-14 engines, production will be organized at Aviastar-SP JSC in Ulyanovsk. There are no plans to resume cooperation with India on this aircraft.

Military aviation

In 2017, the total number of combat and combat training aircraft transferred under the State Defense Order to the Russian Aerospace Forces and Navy decreased, which is primarily due to the completion in 2016 of contracts for the supply of MiG-29SMT and MiG-29KR/KUBR fighters, and the cessation of supplies of Su-30M2 fighters , as well as with a decrease in the pace of deliveries of Yak-130 combat training aircraft. At the same time, deliveries of the main modern combat aircraft Su-30SM, Su-34 and Su-35S were maintained at the now standard level.

In total, according to known data, in 2017 the Russian Armed Forces received 43 new production combat aircraft - these are 17 Su-30SM, 16 Su-34, ten Su-35S and six Yak-130 combat training aircraft.

At the very end of 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel that 139 combat aircraft were produced during the year, without specifying the types of aircraft. Probably, the Deputy Prime Minister had in mind aircraft that had already left the assembly shops, but had not yet been delivered to customers, as well as aircraft intended for delivery to foreign customers.

Deliveries of combat aircraft in 2008-2017

Type 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
MiG-29STM - 28 - - - - - 4 12 -
MiG29UMB - 6 - - - - - 2 - -
MiG-29KR - - - - - 2 8 10 - -
MiG-29KUBR - - - - - 2 2 - - -
Su-27SM3 - - 4 8 - - - - - -
Su-30M2 - - 2 2 - 3 8 3 2 -
Su-30SM - - - - 3 14 21 27 17 17
Su-34 1 2 4 6 10 14 18 18 16 16
Su-35S - - - - 2 8 24 12 12 10
Yak-130 - 3 6 3 15 18 20 14 10 6
Total 1 39 16 19 29 61 101 90 69 49

In 2017, the Russian aviation industry 33 new combat aircraft were delivered abroad:

  • 15 MiG-29M/MiG-29M2 to Egypt
  • 6 Su-30MKI(A) to Algeria
  • 2 Su-30SM to Kazakhstan
  • 10 Su-35 to China
  • 3 Yak-130 to Myanmar.


In January 2017, a bright presentation of the new light multirole fighter MiG-35 took place in Lukhovitsy near Moscow. During the year, its factory flight tests took place, ending in December. State tests of the aircraft will begin in January 2018. The MiG-35 was demonstrated at the static exposition of MAKS-2017 and took part in the flight program of the Army-2017 forum.


During 2017, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAZ) transferred 17 multifunctional two-seat Su-30SM fighters to the Ministry of Defense. Of these, 12, built under contracts in 2012, entered the Russian Aerospace Forces, and another five were delivered under separate contracts for the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy.

Novosibirsk Aviation Plant named after V.P. Chkalov, 16 Su-34 front-line bombers were delivered to the Russian Aerospace Forces. Ten of them entered the 277th Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Mixed Aviation Division of the 11th Red Banner Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Eastern Military District at the Khurba airfield (near Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk region). Another six Su-34 aircraft, transferred to NAZ at the end of 2017, are intended to begin rearmament of the 2nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 21st, stationed at the Shagol airfield (Chelyabinsk) and now equipped with Su-24M2 front-line bombers.

At the end of 2017, the total number of Su-34s built under all contracts, including seven prototypes and pre-production models, reached 114 units. Thus, the Su-34 became the first “post-Soviet” combat aircraft manufactured for a domestic customer in quantities of more than 100 units.

Modernization of the Su-34 will begin in 2018. We are talking about expanding the combat capabilities of the aircraft compared to the basic version.


In 2017, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarin (KnAAZ) transferred ten Su-35S fighters to the Russian Aerospace Forces. They were built by KnAAZ as part of a five-year contract concluded in December 2015 between the Russian Ministry of Defense and Sukhoi Company JSC for the supply of 50 Su-35S fighters.

Previously, the Sukhoi company successfully implemented the first contract of 2009 for the supply of 48 Su-35S fighters to the Russian Ministry of Defense. All 48 aircraft built by KnAAZ were delivered to the Aerospace Forces from the end of 2012 to the beginning of 2016. Thus, the total number of Su-35S received by the Russian Ministry of Defense at the end of 2017 amounted to 68 aircraft.


In 2017, IAZ supplied the Russian Aerospace Forces with only six Yak-130 combat training aircraft. The aircraft entered service with the 200th training aviation base in Armavir ( Krasnodar region), providing training for the restored Krasnodar Higher Military aviation school pilots (KVVAUL) named after A.K. Serov.

However, further transfer of the Yak-130 to the Russian Aerospace Forces has stalled. Although from June to November 2017, eight more Yak-130s were flown at IAZ for the Russian Aerospace Forces (serial numbers from 1404 to 1411), however, none of them were delivered and at the end of the year all these aircraft remained in Irkutsk. Perhaps this is due to the next modifications to aircraft of this type after two flight accidents with the Yak-130 took place on the same day, June 21, 2017.

With the transfer of six Yak-130 aircraft to the Russian Aerospace Forces in 2017, the total number of production aircraft of this type delivered to the Russian Ministry of Defense reached 95 units - of which 12 of the first two series were built at the Nizhny Novgorod Aviation Plant Sokol OJSC, and another 83 - at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant.

Read also: The fifth-generation fighter Su-57 completed its first flight with a second-stage engine

In 2017, the promising T-50 front-line aviation complex received the Su-57 index. During the year, three final flight prototypes of the aircraft took off:

  • T-50-9 - first flight April 24
  • T-50-11 - August 6
  • T-50-10 - December 23.

Previously, from 2010 to 2016, seven flight prototypes of the T-50 were submitted for testing. In total, 9 aircraft were involved in flight and ground tests in 2017.

December 5 at the Leningrad Institute named after. MM. Gromov, the Su-57 fighter (PAK FA T-50) tail number 052 with a 2nd stage engine (product 30) made its first flight. The new engine was installed in one of the aircraft's engine nacelles instead of the standard AL-41F1. Analysis of test results and refinement of the engine will be carried out between 2018 and 2020. State tests are planned for 2020.

The first pilot batch will consist of 12 aircraft; in 2018, the Aerospace Forces will receive no more than three fighters. Pre-series production of the Su-57 is scheduled for 2019. Previously, the start of deliveries was planned for 2017.

The joint Russian-Indian FGFA aircraft project is in an uncertain state. During the year, there were conflicting reports from India regarding the Indian side's readiness to continue participating in the project. With a high degree of probability, the project may be activated closer to the end of the year, when preliminary test results of the Izdeliye 30 engine appear. The lack of an engine for the FGFA aircraft hinders the development of the project, because For India, the presence of a modern fifth-generation engine is one of the main factors in continuing work on this aircraft.


The Tupolev Design Bureau has completed the development of design documentation for a modified version of the Tu-22M3 bomber - Tu-22M3M. Deep modernization of the aircraft in service will begin in 2018. The Tu-22M3M will receive modern high-precision weapons, its electronic equipment and engines will be the same as those of the newest Tu-160M2.


On December 16, at the Kazan Aviation Plant named after Gorbunov, a deeply modernized Tu-160M ​​aircraft with serial number 804 was rolled out to the flight test station - the first prototype manufactured under the program for resuming production of the bomber in the Tu-160M2 version. The first flight of the aircraft will take place before the end of January 2018.

Rolling out the Tu-160M2 prototype from the final assembly shop

In 2018, the long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces will receive six modernized Tu-160M ​​strategic missile carriers. In 2017 there were three. To carry out tasks in the Syrian Arab Republic, strategic aircraft Tu-160, Tu-95MS with the use of high-precision weapons and modernized Tu-22M3 aircraft with the use of aerial bombs were used. The total flight time in long-range aviation was more than 20 thousand hours. The average flight time per crew is more than 120 hours.

In 2018, at least two divisions of naval aviation and air defense forces Pacific Fleet will be united in the army with headquarters in Kamchatka. The tasks of the new unit will include monitoring the air situation in Kamchatka, Chukotka and the Arctic region. The new army will include aviation units, anti-aircraft missile and radio technical troops. The area of ​​responsibility of the operational association will be the entire space from the Northern Kuril Islands to the Arctic Wrangel Island - in fact, the entire northeast of the country.

In 2018, the Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Western Military District will receive about forty Su-34, MiG-31 (after modernization), Su-35S and Su-30SM combat aircraft.

In connection with the defeat of the main forces of ISIS (banned in Russia) and the liberation of almost the entire territory of Syria from them, since December 11, the Russian Ministry of Defense has carried out a significant reduction in the Russian military group. December 12 and 13 about the arrival of: Su-34 front-line bombers at the airfield in the Khabarovsk Territory, MiG-29SMT fighters - in Astrakhan region. At the same time, the withdrawal of the long-range aviation strike group from Mozdok (the closest Aerospace Forces airbase in Russia) of Tu-22M3 missile-carrying bombers began. They were also sent to places of permanent deployment in Kaluga, Irkutsk and Murmansk regions. The withdrawal from combat of a significant part of the aviation that participated in the Syrian campaign was possible only under one condition - these forces are not needed to provide military support to Damascus, and Moscow does not foresee sudden uprisings of jihadists in Syria, which means that some solid results have been achieved agreements with those who have powerful influence on the Syrian opposition.

More than 48 thousand military personnel of the Russian Army received combat experience in Syria. 80% of operational-tactical and 90% of army aviation crews have 100 - 120 combat missions. In total, Russian Aerospace Forces aviation carried out 34 thousand combat sorties over two years.

Training and sports aviation

In the spring and summer of 2017, preliminary tests of the Yak-152 training vehicle were carried out. In the fall, two aircraft participated in state tests at GLITs (Akhtubinsk). Both Yak-152 aircraft took part in the MAKS-2017 air show. The first aircraft with tail number 01 took part in demonstration flights, and the second aircraft with tail number 02 was demonstrated in a static parking lot.

In 2018, it is planned to produce more than ten cars at IAZ.

2017 was not full of news on the new jet trainer SR-10. The aircraft participated in the MAKS-2017 flight program, and its flight tests continue in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. By the end of 2018, the first batch of aircraft will be produced at the Smolensk Aviation Plant, and by the end of the year it is expected that the SR-10 will be adopted by the Aerospace Forces as a secondary training trainer in the 2nd-4th years of flight schools.

In 2017, KB SAT began designing the heavy attack UAV AR-10 "Argument" based on the SR-10. According to technical data, "Argument" will be able not only to carry out air strikes as an attack aircraft and hit enemy ships, air defense systems (air defense) and armored vehicles, but also to intercept enemy drones.

At UZGA (Ekaterinburg), the production of light Austrian multi-purpose aircraft Diamond DA42T has been established; in 2017, three aircraft were delivered to Aerospace Forces educational institutions. In 2018, state joint tests will be completed; plans for 2018 include 17 aircraft, and 15 more in 2019. In total, 35 aircraft will be delivered by the end of 2019.

The flight training system for combat aviation pilots will be structured as follows: Diamond DA42T/Yak-152 aircraft - initial flight training for cadets, SR-10 - intermediate flight training in the II-IV courses, and the third stage - Yak-130 in the final year.


A joint venture for the production of Ka-226T light helicopters has been registered in India. Russian Helicopters, together with Rosoboronexport JSC, will organize deliveries to India and localization of production in this country of the Ka-226T helicopter and its modifications in the amount of 200 units, with at least 140 units of them to be produced at the joint venture’s facilities in India.

In 2017, the Aerospace Forces received 12 Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters.

All 29 helicopters to be delivered in 2017 for use in air ambulances were transferred to STLC. The contract for the supply of medical helicopters was concluded at the end of 2016. A total of 29 were contracted aircraft: 6 Ansat helicopters, 10 Mi-8MTV-1 and 13 Mi-8AMT. Next year the holding should supply STLC with 31 more cars.

During the year, UTair-Helicopter Services JSC received six new multi-purpose Mi-8AMT helicopters, two of which are equipped with medical modules.

In 2017, in accordance with government contracts, the Russian Ministry of Defense and other government customers received Ka-52, Mi-35M and Mi-28N combat helicopters, Mi-26 transport helicopters, and Mi-8 multi-purpose helicopters. For the first time, shipborne Ka-226T helicopters and Mi-28UB combat training helicopters (8 machines) were delivered.

In November-December, 10 Ansat-U training helicopters arrived at the training aviation base of the Air Force Academy named after. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, stationed in the Saratov region.

* * *
The first deliveries of the Mi-28NM combat helicopter to the troops will begin at the end of 2018.

The Russian Helicopters holding company State Transport Leasing Company, within the framework of the international aerospace salon MAKS-2017, entered into an agreement for the supply of 30 helicopters in 2018. In accordance with the signed agreement, in 2018, STLC will be supplied with twelve Mi-8AMT helicopters produced by the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, as well as six Mi-8MTV-1 and twelve Ansat helicopters produced at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

Also at MAKS 2017, three contracts were concluded with United Helicopters International Group, under which 10 helicopters will be delivered to Chinese operators in 2017-2018. United Helicopters will receive 5 Ansat light medical helicopters, three Mi-171 transport helicopters and two Ka-32A11BC firefighting helicopters for subsequent delivery to operators in China.

In 2017, 5 Ka-32A11BC helicopters were delivered to various Chinese customers. In addition, contracts have been concluded for the supply abroad of five more helicopters of this type. As part of the signed agreements, Ka-32A11BC helicopters will be delivered to Thailand and Turkey for the first time.

In total, 214 new helicopters were delivered in 2017, including about 100 in the interests of Russian security forces, of which 72 were supplied to the Ministry of Defense. Another 70 helicopters were transferred to the Ministry of Defense in 2017 after undergoing major repairs. More than 70 helicopters for civilian use, which go to both Russian and foreign markets, 29 helicopters for air ambulances, etc.

In 2018, the Russian Ministry of Defense is scheduled to supply about 60 new helicopters, including more than 30 Mi-8 helicopters as part of formalized joint decisions on early delivery.

Air transportation

In 2017, one company left the market and one company appeared. In the fall, due to numerous long flight delays, the Federal Air Transport Agency, from October 27, limited the validity of the operator’s certificate of the VIM-Avia airline. Another airline, Azimut, began transporting passengers from Rostov-on-Don in September, and a little later, from Krasnodar. As of January 1, 2018, the airline’s fleet included four regional SSJ aircraft 100. Azimuth’s plans for 2018 include expanding its aircraft fleet and flight geography.

Tigerplane and Superjet at Vnukovo airport

During the year, Russian carriers served more than 105 million passengers. Previously, passenger traffic reached its maximum in 2014 and amounted to 93.2 million passengers. In 2016, about 88.6 million people were transported; in 2017, the growth of passenger traffic was 18.5%.

International transportation for 11 months increased by 33.4%, of which between Russia and foreign countries outside the CIS the growth was 39.4%, between Russia and the CIS countries - 8.5%. The growth of transportation within the country was 10.7%, on local routes the number of passengers transported increased by 2.3%.

Almost all Russian airlines showed an increase in passenger traffic in 2017. The top five at the end of 11 months is as follows:

  1. Aeroflot - 113.8%
  2. Russia - 141.0%
  3. Siberia (S7) - 103.7%
  4. Ural Airlines - 124.0%
  5. UTair - 109.1%

Highest growth rates passenger transportation for January-November 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, the following companies achieved results (in descending order of passengers transported):

  • Azur Air - 161.1%
  • North wind - 195.5%
  • Red Wings - 172.5%
  • Royal Flight - 152.1%
  • Saratov Airlines - 158.1%
  • Eye Fly - 178.2%
  • IrAero - 159.8%

The number of passengers carried by the following airlines decreased:

  • Gazpromavia - 97.7%
  • Komiaviatrans - 74.4%
  • Polar Airlines - 95.3%
  • Orenburg International Airport - 84.3%


The largest airport in Russia in terms of the number of passengers served is Sheremetyevo. In 2017, the airport served 40 million people. Also, large-scale reconstruction is actively ongoing at Sheremetyevo: Terminal B is being built; by the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, an underground inter-terminal passage will be commissioned, which will connect the South and North terminal complexes. Construction of the third runway continues. The two existing runways are located very close to each other and, taking into account flight safety requirements, cannot simultaneously operate for takeoff/landing. Because of this, in difficult weather conditions(snow, fog) a large number of planes accumulate in the waiting area for landing. The third runway, which should be launched by the start of the football championship, will increase the airport's capacity and eliminate queues of planes in the air.

Construction of the T2 terminal and the third runway continues at Domodedovo Airport. The terminal should begin serving passengers by the start of the 2018 World Cup. After the commissioning of the new T2 segment and taking into account the implementation of the ongoing project to expand the T1 terminal segment, the area of ​​the airport complex will almost double - to 500,000 sq. m. m. The total capacity of terminals T1 and T2 will be more than 45 million passengers per year. This figure will put Domodedovo in the top ten airports in Europe and in the TOP 30 airports in the world. After the commissioning of T2, in terms of terminal capacity, Domodedovo will become comparable, for example, to Heathrow Airport (London) and will exceed the size of passenger terminals at such leading European airports as Munich and Zurich.

Superjet airline "Azimuth" on the apron of the new Rostov airport "Platov"

At the end of the year, it was launched, built from scratch in an “open field” new airport Rostov-on-Don - "Platov". The base carrier of the new airport was the Azimuth airline, which operates flights to St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Samara and others, bypassing Moscow. The Rostov city airport will be decommissioned in the future, and its territory will be integrated into urban development for housing and social infrastructure.

The final stage of construction is new terminal airport in Simferopol. At the end of the code, the builders closed the building's thermal loop. Installation of equipment, apron and station area is underway. The launch of the terminal is scheduled for the end of spring - at the beginning of the new tourist season. The airport is also reconstructing the second runway, which is now used as a taxiway. Equipment for radio technical support of flights is being purchased for 69 million rubles.

In mid-January 2018, the renovated Saransk airport opens. On December 28, an S7 Airlines (Siberia) plane landed at the airport. On January 14, 2018, Saransk will host the first regular flight, which will be operated by Pobeda Airlines, then two days later - from January 16, S7 will begin flights to the capital of Mordovia.

On December 26, 2017, the opening ceremony of the new passenger terminal took place International airport Krasnoyarsk Since December 22, the airport's press service has not used its former name "Emelyanovo". There have been no official announcements about the name change.

The Superjet 100 manufacturer is waiting for permission from the US Office of Foreign Assets Control OFAC, which is part of the structure, to supply aircraft to Iran. Meanwhile, European and American aircraft manufacturers, unencumbered by such restrictions, have already signed contracts worth billions of dollars with Tehran. I understood the causes and consequences of the current situation.

Sanctions forever

The manufacturer of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner will be able to negotiate more substantively with Iranian airlines only after receiving approval from the American side, UAC told Lente.ru.

“Due to the presence of American components in the SSJ100 aircraft, we are preparing documents for submission to OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) - the foreign assets control body of the US Treasury - to obtain approval for the supply of SSJ100 to Iran,” the UAC explained, but details, including the timing of obtaining permits, were not shared. Thus, the entry of the SSJ100 into the Iranian market has been delayed indefinitely.

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a regional aircraft developed and produced by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company with the participation of Alenia Aermacchi. The basic version has a range of 3048 kilometers, and the LR modification has a range of 4578 kilometers. The aircraft is capable of carrying from 75 to 95 passengers.

Back in February 2016, the vice president of UAC estimated the potential market in Iran for regional aircraft such as the Superjet at 100 units. And in February 2017, the Russian Minister of Energy, co-chairman of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission on the Islamic Republic’s readiness to buy 12 SSJ100 aircraft in the near future.

The US OFAC division is a key structure monitoring compliance with sanctions, including against Cuba, Iran, North Korea and other states. The lawyer of the Delovoy Fairvater bureau explains that the delivery of aircraft without OFAC approval threatens to aggravate the foreign policy situation and deteriorate diplomatic relations between countries. In addition, violators of sanctions prohibitions may be fined. Thus, the French bank BNP Paribas had to pay $9 billion for transactions in the interests of clients from Iran, Sudan and Cuba. The paradox of the situation is that the sanctions that formally prevented the supply of Superjet with American components were lifted from Iran back in 2016, which was officially announced by OFAC itself.

Photo: Alexander Kryazhev / RIA Novosti

While the State Air Force is waiting for a response from the US Treasury, competitors of domestic aircraft manufacturers are already taking their place in the sun. In December 2016, Airbus signed the largest contract with the Iranian authorities, totaling $18 billion, involving the delivery of 100 aircraft. At the same time, the American airline reached an agreement with Tehran: it would sell 80 airliners to Iranian carriers for $16.6 billion.

The largest foreign customers of the SSJ 100 are the Mexican Interjet (30 aircraft) and the Irish CityJet (15 aircraft). The total portfolio of firm (with an obligation to purchase) orders for the SSJ 100 is 206 units - almost the same as for the MS-21, which has not yet entered mass production. According to the SCSS, there are currently 102 Superjet aircraft in operation.

Iran's population is only half that of Russia. At the same time, Iranian airlines operate just over 100 aircraft, the average age of which exceeds 25 years. The junior partner of the Industry practice of the NEO Center consulting group, citing expert data, assesses the additional need of the Iranian market for passenger planes in 400-500 units. Therefore, he believes, even taking into account the large order from Airbus and Boeing, the Iranian market still cannot be considered saturated.

Ace in the hole

The share of imports in the supply of materials and goods for the SSJ100 for the nine months of 2016 amounted to 72 percent, including engines, which account for about 34 percent of material costs in the cost structure of the aircraft, according to the financial report of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft. It is also noted that the company is taking measures to import substitution of some systems and equipment for the SSJ100.

“Superjet uses a number of key systems manufactured by American corporations: Hamilton Sundstrand - avionics, Goodrich Corporation - wheel brakes and brake control, Parker - hydraulic system, Honeywell - auxiliary power point. The choice of suppliers is determined by the quality of products, accumulated competencies, and terms of cooperation,” says Demin. The aircraft is also equipped with European components: Thales supplies the avionics, the engine is manufactured by PowerJet (and the French Snecma). The final assembly of the engine is carried out in Rybinsk. Demin notes that Hamilton Sundstrand, Parker, Honeywell are suppliers of GSS's key competitors in the segment of aircraft with a capacity of 61 to 120 seats - Embraer and Bombardier. So far, domestic manufacturers, in his opinion, are inferior in quality, manufacturability and reliability of many systems, and the replacement process is too long and expensive.

The executive director of the Airport agency believes that technically Russia will be able to replace American components, but Iran will not wait. In addition, he notes, the volume of the transaction for the supply of aircraft to the Islamic Republic “will not allow for the recoupment of investments in this kind of import substitution,” and for narrow-body medium-haul aircraft in Russia “it will be difficult to catch up with the division of the market.” But the SSJ100 has a chance to find its own niche, since it does not actually overlap with Airbus and Boeing, which produce capacious long- and medium-haul aircraft. True, the need for cars with up to 100 seats is lower than for 150-200 local airliners, adds Panteleev. “All world manufacturers are fighting for the supply of even one single aircraft. Here we can talk about dozens of cars. With an annual production program of SSJ100 of about 30 units, this is very serious,” the expert emphasizes.

Alor Broker analyst Kirill Yakovenko believes that after the lifting of sanctions, Tehran could use contacts with Sukhoi Civil Aircraft as a bargaining chip to bring down the price of American and European aircraft. Iran, according to Yakovenko, took the most profitable path for it: the country’s old aircraft fleet consisted of Airbus and Boeing, pilots and personnel were accustomed to them, and infrastructure was created for these types of vessels. For the SCAC, in his opinion, the sanctions “actually put an end to the possibility of unhindered expansion into the Iranian market in the absence of competition from the two leading aircraft manufacturing corporations.”

Vladislav Masalov

Russian officials and aircraft manufacturers do not hide the fact that in terms of promotion abroad they have high hopes for the new short-medium-haul airliner. The aircraft developer already has foreign customers under so-called soft contracts (with the possibility of purchase in the future), the terms of which the company does not disclose. The aircraft is announced as a competitor to the latest Boeing-737 MAX and Airbus A320neo. Whether he will be able to successfully compete with them is difficult to say. One can only hope that the dependence on foreign partners will be lower, if only because when installing a domestic PD-14 engine, the aircraft will be only 40 percent “imported.”

Addition: After the publication of the material, the SCAC clarified to Lenta.ru that the application regarding the supply of Sukhoi Superjet 100 to Iran has already been sent to OFAC and is under consideration. “The time frame for its consideration is individual for each case and is not regulated by OFAC,” the company representative added.

“Today, Western manufacturers have operational reliability indicators exceeding 99%, despite the fact that they operate not 100 aircraft, but thousands. We are talking about the fact that the SSJ-100 should compete with them, but at the same time we are also seeing a drop in performance,” says Roman Gusarov, editor-in-chief of the Avia.ru portal. Direct competitors of the Russian short-haul airliner are Embraer-190/195 and Bombardier CS100.

According to Gusarov, the decrease in operational reliability Russian plane may be due to the fact that the manufacturer cannot maintain it at the same level when the number of machines in commercial operation increases. This opinion is confirmed by research data, according to which Aeroflot, the largest buyer of the SSJ-100 (there are 30 in its fleet), has one of the lowest operational reliability indicators - 95.81%. At the same time, for example, the Thai Royal Thai Air Force has 100% operational reliability for its two aircraft.

Editor-in-Chief of the Aviatransport Review magazine Alexey Sinitsky also believes that the GSS “clearly has room for improvement.” He notes that the SSJ-100 fleet has grown by almost a third, including due to new buyers, for example, the Irish airline CityJet.

An Aeroflot representative did not comment on the reliability indicators of the SSJ-100, noting only that the airline is “in constant contact with the manufacturer,” expresses “its wishes” and points out “places that require special attention from the developer.”

“There is no direct connection between the operational reliability indicator and flight safety for the passenger,” clarifies Roman Gusarov, explaining that the reliability indicator will decrease as a result of both serious breakdowns and “a simple burnt-out light bulb.” Alexey Sinitsky shares the same opinion.

Behind Last year there have been several reports of technical problems with the SSJ-100. In January 2017, Yakutia Airlines reported that it had discovered a stabilizer defect on two of the four SSJ-100 aircraft in its fleet. Previously, Aeroflot faced similar problems and canceled a number of flights because of this.​

The issue of the technical reliability of the SSJ-100 was considered at the level of the head of government in June. As a result, Dmitry Medvedev ordered the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Air Transport Agency and the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), together with Aeroflot, to develop a set of measures to improve the technical indicators of serviceability and flight hours of the SSJ-100 to “correspond to world standards.”

GSS will produce another 600 SSJ-100 for the Russian and global markets by 2036. ​The results of the study by GSS and Alenia Aermacchi are unlikely to affect sales of the aircraft, Gusarov notes. “Currently, sales of SSJ are exclusively due to government support programs. It’s cost-effective for [airline] companies,” he says. In July, Aeroflot signed a contract to purchase 20 of these aircraft.

In 2017, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) produced 34 Russian regional aircraft SSJ 100. This is almost 55% more than in 2016. The previous record for the rate of production was recorded in 2014, when 37 SSJ 100 were produced .

At the same time, at the end of the year, the State Air Force delivered 30 SSJ 100s. The aircraft were mainly transferred to lessors VEB-Leasing (began supplying aircraft of this type to Aeroflot under a contract for 20 aircraft) and the State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK). The latter carries out the transfer of SSJ 100, including for Yamal, Azimut and IrAero airlines.

Note that Azimuth is a new operator of the SSJ 100, which began operating in the second half of 2017, and builds its fleet only on machines of this type. The SCAC also reminds that Brussels Airlines became the new foreign operator of the Russian aircraft this year, which took the aircraft on a wet lease basis from the Irish CityJet. By the way, this year in Europe the commercial operation of SSJ 100 aircraft, capable of taking off from shortened runways, began (we are talking about the B100 option, which provides for the installation of engines with increased thrust).

As for the delivery of the SSJ 100 to end users, it is known that in the first half of the year six machines were delivered to the State Aircraft. Then the manufacturer explained such a small number of deliveries by the peculiarities of the schedule, according to which the bulk of the aircraft were planned to be delivered in the second half of the year. It was not specified who exactly accepted the six aircraft, but from open sources it follows that over six months at least 13 new aircraft produced by the GSS were put into commercial operation: four by IrAero (RA-89075, RA-89076, RA-89077, RA- 89078), six aircraft - Yamal (RA-89068, RA-89069, RA-89070, RA-89071, RA-89072, RA-89073), three aircraft - CityJet (EI-FWF, EI-FWE, EI- FWD). In the second half of the year, SSJ 100 was received by Aeroflot (five aircraft), Azimut and Yamal (one aircraft).

At the beginning of this year, the previous leadership of the State Aircraft System noted that in 2017–2019. the manufacturer plans to deliver up to 40 SSJ 100 aircraft per year. About 35 of them will be new aircraft, 5 - resource ones. As for sales plans for 2018, in December 2017, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov reduced this forecast from 38 cars to 30.

Since the rollout of the first SSJ 100 prototype, which took place 10 years ago, the GSS has produced more than 150 aircraft. As of December 2017, more than 100 Russian aircraft are in operation by Russian and foreign airlines, as well as government agencies. In total, aircraft of this type performed over 240 thousand commercial flights with a duration of more than 370 thousand liters. h.

“The total demand in the segment of 100-seat aircraft in the period 2017–2036 may exceed 2,300 aircraft. In the next five years, it is planned to deliver about 170–180 aircraft, including business versions, with the expectation of delivering 35–40 aircraft per year ", the State Air Force said in a statement.

(published: maverick-lab )

  • 09 Jul 2019 17:58 Russia will produce another 200 Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Despite the accident of the Sukhoi Superjet 100, Russia plans to produce at least 200 more aircraft of this brand. This information is published by Reuters with reference to Industry Minister Denis Manturov. Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov during an interview given to the agency...… (+4)
  • 28 Jun 2019 15:44 Reliability and quality: Saturn has passed the next stage of the European audit of the production of the SaM146 engine - PJSC UEC - Saturn (part of the United Engine Company of the Rostec State Corporation) conducted a supervisory audit of the production of serial SaM146 engines for compliance with the requirements of the European Agency for aviation security. Inspectors visited two sites: on June 3 they...… (+6)
  • 04 Jul 2019 15:59 Severstal will receive a new SSJ 100 with winglets - At the Ulyanovsk aviation enterprise Aviastar-SP, for the first time, an interior was installed on a Russian Superjet 100 aircraft with horizontal wingtips, according to the plant’s website. Aircraft with registration number RA-89135 is intended for Severstal Airlines. The new board became the 110th...… (+6)

19 Dec 2016 21:20 Three new Superjets for CityJet, which are on the delivery schedule for 2017, are already in production and will be delivered to the carrier in the first half of next year, with two more aircraft arriving in Dublin in the second half of 2017.

November 29, 2016 Vnesheconombank (VEB), JSC Civil aircraft Sukhoi (SSU) and Superjet International (SJI) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to finance these deliveries. The memorandum provides for financing the supply of five aircraft, which will be produced by GSS and customized by SJI. The memorandum was signed as a continuation of the already implemented project of financing three SSJ100s for CityJet airline in 2016. By the end of December, the fourth Superjet should enter the airline's fleet.

The contract for the purchase of 15 SSJ100 between SCAC and CityJet, within the framework of which current deliveries are carried out, was signed in the spring of 2016. The contract also includes an option to purchase 16 aircraft.

On November 30, 2016, the State Transport Leasing Company and Yamal Airlines signed a firm contract for the carrier to purchase 13 SSJ100 aircraft. The contract signing ceremony took place as part of the Transport Week 2016 forum in Moscow. The document was signed by the General Director of State Transport Leasing Company Sergey Khramagin and the General Director of AK Yamal Vasily Kryuk.

“Yamal Airlines is our strategic partner. Back at the MAKS air show in 2015, we entered into an agreement for the supply of up to 25 SSJ100 aircraft. This year we delivered three Superjets to the airline, and by the end of the year we will deliver six more aircraft. In 2017, we plan to deliver 10 SSJ100 to Yamal,” said Khramagin.

The production program of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft plant for 2017 plans to produce 39 SSJ 100 aircraft, 35 of which have already been contracted. The maximum annual production of SSJ 100 was reached in 2014 - 35 aircraft were produced. In 2015-2016, due to changes in the macroeconomic situation, sales plans were adjusted to 17 and 18 units, respectively.

The largest Russian carrier, Aeroflot, has 30 SSJ100 aircraft in its fleet. In 2016, the average daily flight time per aircraft of this type at Aeroflot was 4 hours 57 minutes, completing 23,066 flights.

Four Superjets are operated by IrAero airlines, these are aircraft with registration numbers RA-89001, RA-89002, RA-89008 and RA-89010; previously these aircraft were operated by Aeroflot and Red Wings airlines. The operator began independent commercial operation of these aircraft on July 26, 2016. In the first quarter of next year, the airline will receive four more new aircraft, we are talking about a version of the aircraft with an increased flight range - the SSJ 100LR. The cars, which will be received directly from the plant, are planned to be used on “flights on the Irkutsk-Moscow route, flights to the south of Russia from Omsk and Irkutsk, southern China, Taiwan and, possibly, Vietnam.”

On October 21, 2016, a new Superjet 100, produced in 2016, arrived in Yakutsk from Ulyanovsk for Yakutia Airlines with registration number RA-89038 (s/n 95083) of an improved “Long Range” modification with a flight range increased to 4.5 thousand km . The cabin layout is designed for 103 seats in full economy class. This is already the fourth Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft purchased by the republic; plans include further expansion of the fleet.

The Mexican airline Interjet has 23 SSJ 100 aircraft in its fleet - it is the second largest operator after Aeroflot. The first aircraft, serial number 95023, Mexican registration XA-JLG, was delivered to the airline on June 18, 2013 and made its first commercial flight in Mexico on September 18 of the same year. As of December 1, 2016, engine No. 146137, which is installed on one of the carrier’s Superjets and is operated in high altitude and high humidity conditions, had a maximum operating time of 5,792 cycles.

In addition, Superjets are operated in a business configuration by the Royal Thai Air Force, border service Kazakhstan, special flight squad Rossiya, Gazpromavia and RusJet airlines. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations operates two SSJ 100LR aircraft with convertible cabins for the installation of medical modules.

In the second half of 2016, information appeared that Sukhoi Civil Aircraft had completed the development of a preliminary design (Gate 3) of an extended version of the Superjet - SSJ 100SV, designed for 120 passengers. In 2017, at the Le Bourget air show and at MAKS-2017, the company will be ready to present the aircraft to potential buyers. The flight range of the airliner will be 3,700 km, and the maximum take-off weight will be 55 tons.

The wing of the extended version of the aircraft will undergo significant processing. The declared aspect ratio of 10 for the SSJ 100 is one of the significant achievements of the GSS, but this is not enough for the heavier SSJ 100SV. To provide the new aircraft with the same landing speed, like the existing Superjet, the wing area will be increased, and maintaining the aspect ratio will improve takeoff efficiency in the absence of additional engine thrust.

Aerodynamic efficiency will be improved by winglets, which are currently being designed for the basic version of the aircraft - the SSJ 100 and in 2017 will be offered as a modernization of the entire existing fleet.

As of December 1, 2016, GSS delivered 105 aircraft to customers from Russia, Central Europe, Central America And South-East Asia. In 2016, GSS plans to produce 20 aircraft and deliver 31 aircraft to customers, 14 aircraft are fully completed.

  • 09 Jul 2019 17:58 Russia will produce another 200 Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Despite the accident of the Sukhoi Superjet 100, Russia plans to produce at least 200 more aircraft of this brand. This information is published by Reuters with reference to Industry Minister Denis Manturov. Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov during an interview given to the agency...… (+4)
  • 28 Jun 2019 15:44 Reliability and quality: Saturn has passed the next stage of the European audit of the production of the SaM146 engine - PJSC UEC - Saturn (part of the United Engine Company of the Rostec State Corporation) conducted a supervisory audit of the production of SaM146 serial engines for compliance with the requirements of the European Aviation Safety Agency. Inspectors visited two sites: on June 3 they...… (+6)
  • 04 Jul 2019 15:59 Severstal will receive a new SSJ 100 with winglets - At the Ulyanovsk aviation enterprise Aviastar-SP, for the first time, an interior was installed on a Russian Superjet 100 aircraft with horizontal wingtips, according to the plant’s website. The aircraft with registration number RA-89135 is intended for Severstal Airlines. The new board became the 110th...… (+6)


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