When turning right, ensuring traffic safety. Driving around corners. When riding on a flatbed truck, are passengers allowed to stand, sit on the sides or on a load above the sides?

1. When riding on a flatbed truck, are passengers allowed to stand, sit on the sides or on a load above the sides?

  1. Allowed.
  2. Permitted only to persons accompanying the cargo.
  3. Permitted if the vehicle speed is no more than 30 km/h.
  4. Prohibited.

2. Which courtyard can you enter in this situation?

  1. Turns into courtyards are prohibited.
  2. Just into the courtyard to the right.
  3. Just to the left into the courtyard.
  4. At any.

3. Which of the following signs prohibits the further movement of all vehicles without exception?

4. What do these signs indicate?

  1. The permitted speed is no more than 40 km/h on wet surfaces.
  2. Recommended speed 40 km/h in wet conditions.
  3. The recommended speed is no more than 40 km/h only during rain.

5. Are you allowed to stop at this place?

  1. Allowed.
  2. Allowed without entering the sidewalk.
  3. Prohibited.

6. What should the driver do when switching such a traffic light?

  1. When the red signal turns on, turn right, giving way to other road users.
  2. When the green signal turns on, continue moving only to the right.
  3. The above actions are correct in both cases.

7. The hazard warning lights on a towed motor vehicle must be switched on:

  1. Only in conditions of poor visibility.
  2. Only in dark time days.
  3. In all cases where towing is carried out.

8. Is the driver of a small bus obliged to give way to a passenger car?

  1. Must.
  2. Is not obliged to.

9. Is it possible for you to make a U-turn at an intersection while driving in reverse?

  1. Can.
  2. It is possible, as long as it does not interfere with other road users.
  3. It is forbidden.

10. At what maximum speed do you have the right to continue driving a truck with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons?

  1. 60 km/h.
  2. 70 km/h.
  3. 90 km/h.

11. Are you allowed to overtake in this situation?

  1. Allowed.
  2. Permitted only if the tractor speed is less than 30 km/h.
  3. Prohibited.

12. In which of the following places can you park the bus?

  1. Only in.
  2. B or V.
  3. In any.

13. You intend to drive through the intersection in the forward direction. Who should you give way to?

  1. Tram and car.
  2. Only by tram.
  3. No one.

14. When entering an intersection you:

  1. Must give way to both vehicles.
  2. Must give way only to cars.
  3. You have an advantage over both vehicles.

15. Who do you have to give way to when turning left?

  1. Only by bus.
  2. Passenger car only.
  3. Both vehicles.

16. Are you allowed to stop on the highway to the right of the line marking the edge of the roadway?

  1. Allowed.
  2. Permitted only in case of a forced stop.
  3. Forbidden.

17. What requirements are mandatory for organized transportation of a group of children?

  1. The bus must be marked with “Transportation of Children” identification signs.
  2. The driver must have experience driving a category “D” vehicle for at least 1 year out of the last 3 calendar years.
  3. Children must be accompanied by accompanying persons.
  4. All the above requirements.

18. It is prohibited to operate a bus if the parking brake system does not ensure that the bus remains stationary when equipped on a slope:

  1. Up to 16% inclusive.
  2. Up to 23% inclusive.
  3. Up to 31% inclusive.

19. When turning right, traffic safety is achieved by turning along the trajectory shown:

  1. On the left picture.
  2. On the right picture.
  3. In both pictures.

20. How to determine the presence of a pulse in the victim’s carotid artery?

  1. Three fingers are placed on the left side of the neck under the lower jaw.
  2. Three fingers are placed on the right or left side of the neck at the level of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (Adam's apple) and carefully moved deep into the neck between the thyroid cartilage and the muscle closest to the cartilage.
  3. The thumb is placed on the neck under the chin on one side of the larynx, and the remaining fingers on the other side.

8.1. Before starting to move, change lanes, turn (U-turn) and stop, the driver is required to give signals with light direction indicators in the appropriate direction, and if they are missing or faulty - with his hand. When performing a maneuver, there should be no danger to traffic or interference with other road users.

The signal for a left turn (turn) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The brake signal is given by raising your left or right hand.

8.2. The turn signal or hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and cease immediately after completion (the hand signal may be terminated immediately before the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Signaling does not give the driver an advantage or relieve him from taking precautions.

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road - to pedestrians and cyclists whose movement path he crosses.

8.4. When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

8.5. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver is obliged to take in advance the appropriate extreme position on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction, except in cases where a turn is made when entering an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

If present on the left tram tracks in the same direction, located on the same level with the roadway, left turns and U-turns must be made from them if signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or markings 1.18 no other order of movement is prescribed. In this case, there should be no interference with the tram.

(see text in the previous edition)

8.6. The turn must be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of roadways the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.

8.7. If the vehicle, due to its size or for other reasons, cannot make a turn in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 Rules, it is allowed to deviate from them provided that traffic safety is ensured and if this does not interfere with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning left or making a U-turn outside an intersection, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to oncoming vehicles and a tram in the same direction.

If, when turning outside an intersection, the width of the roadway is not sufficient to perform the maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed to be made from the right edge of the roadway (from the right shoulder). In this case, the driver must give way to passing and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not specified by the Rules, the driver to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right must give way.

8.10. If there is a braking lane, the driver intending to turn must change lanes in a timely manner and reduce speed only in this lane.

If there is an acceleration lane at the entrance to the road, the driver must move along it and change lanes into the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

Ticket 16 - Question 1

Under what conditions, in cases of a forced stop of a vehicle or a traffic accident, is the driver required to wear a jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of reflective material?

1. If this happened outside populated areas.

2. If this happened in the dark or in conditions of limited visibility.

3. If the driver is on the roadway or side of the road.

4. If all the above conditions are present.

Outside populated areas at night or in conditions of limited visibility when standing on the roadway or side of the road, be dressed in a jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of reflective material (clause 2.3.4). Changes from March 18, 2018

Correct answer:
If all the above conditions are present.

Ticket 16 - Question 2

Which courtyard can you enter in this situation?

1. Turns into courtyards are prohibited.

2. Just go into the courtyard to the right.

3. Just go left into the courtyard.

4. Anytime.

On the sections of the traffic light that are not lit, the arrows are not visible, I cannot know what will be displayed there, and thus I cannot say where I will go.
On the remaining sections of the traffic light the same arrow to the right will be displayed. The same arrows are always drawn on all sections.

Correct answer:
When the green signal turns on, continue moving only to the right.

Ticket 16 - Question 7

Hazard warning lights on a towed manual vehicle must be included:

1. Only in conditions of poor visibility.

2. Only in the dark.

3. In all cases where towing is carried out.

In all cases when towing is carried out, the hazard warning lights on the towed mechanical vehicle must be turned on (clause 7.1).

Correct answer:
In all cases where towing is carried out.

Ticket 16 - Question 8

Is the driver of a car moving in the left lane obliged to give way in this situation?

1. Obligated.

2. Not obliged.

The driver of a passenger car moving in the left lane without changing direction is not obliged to give way to a car whose driver intends to change lanes to the left (clause 8.4).

Correct answer:
Is not obliged to.

Ticket 16 - Question 9

Is it possible for you to make a U-turn at an intersection while driving in reverse?

2. It is possible, if this does not interfere with other traffic participants.

3. It is impossible.

You cannot turn around in this manner, since reversing is prohibited at intersections (clause 8.12).

Correct answer:
It is forbidden.

Ticket 16 - Question 10

At what maximum speed do you have the right to continue driving outside populated areas in a passenger car?

Correct answer:
90 km/h.

Ticket 16 - Question 11

Are you allowed to overtake in this situation?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted only if the tractor speed is less than 30 km/h.

At uncontrolled intersections, overtaking is prohibited when driving on a road that is not the main one (clause 11.4). Since you are approaching an intersection of unequal roads, moving along the main road (sign 2.1 “Main Road”), you can overtake at this intersection.

Correct answer:

Ticket 16 - Question 12

In which of the following places can you park your car?

1. Only V.

2. B or V.

3. In any.

In this situation, you are allowed to park the car only in place B, since clause 12.1 of the Rules allows you to park the car on the right side of the road. According to this paragraph of the Rules, under certain conditions it is allowed to park a car on the left side of the road only in a populated area. However, sign 5.26 “End of a populated area” (on a blue background) informs that on this road, both before and after the sign, the provisions of the Rules established for driving in populated areas.

Correct answer:
Only in.

Ticket 16 - Question 13

You intend to drive straight through the intersection. Who should you give way to?

1. Tram and car.

2. Only by tram.

3. No one.

A green traffic light gives you and oncoming vehicles the right to move (clause 6.2). In this case, you must give way only to the tram, since it has an advantage over trackless vehicles (clause 13.6). An oncoming passenger car must give way to you, as it is turning left (clause 13.4).

Correct answer:
Only by tram.

Ticket 16 - Question 14

When entering an intersection you:

1. Must give way to both vehicles.

2. Must give way only to cars.

3. You have an advantage over both vehicles.

When entering an intersection with a roundabout, marked with sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, you are obliged to give way to all vehicles moving along such an intersection (clause 13.11 1).

From November 8, 2017, the rules for driving roundabouts have been changed.
The circle, by definition, is the main road, clause 13.11 1 of the traffic rules.

Entry to the circle must be made from the far right lane if there is no vehicle on it.
In populated areas, traffic in this direction is permitted in any of the two lanes, clause 9.4. You can enter the circle both from the right lane and from the left. Section 8.5.

Correct answer:
Must give way to both vehicles.

Ticket 16 - Question 15

Who do you have to give way to when turning left?

1. Bus only.

2. Only for a passenger car.

3. Both vehicles.

Since you are approaching an intersection of unequal roads along a minor road (signs 2.4 "Give Way" and 8.13 “Direction of the main road”), you must give way to both vehicles that are on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement (clause 13.9).

Correct answer:
Both vehicles.

Ticket 16 - Question 16

Are you allowed to stop on the motorway to the right of the line marking the edge of the roadway?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted only in case of a forced stop.

You can stop on the motorway to the right of line 1.2
, indicating the edge of the roadway, only in case of a forced stop, i.e. stopping the movement of a vehicle due to it technical malfunction or the danger created by the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver or passenger (clauses 16.2 and 1.2).

Correct answer:
Permitted only in case of a forced stop.

Ticket 16 - Question 17

Which of the following requirements are mandatory when transporting children?

1. Transportation of children under the age of 11 years (inclusive) in the front seat of a passenger car must be carried out only with the use of appropriate child restraint systems (devices).

3. Both requirements are mandatory.

Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and aged from 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in the front seat of a passenger car must be carried out only with the use of appropriate child restraint systems (devices); It is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle (clause 22.9).

Correct answer: clause 1.5).

Why is the content of this question and ticket 12 question 18 approximately similar, but the answers are completely different?
In this question (ticket 16 question 18) a maximum slope of 23% is defined, at which the parking brake system must ensure that the vehicle remains stationary. If the slope is more than 23%, then vehicle movement is allowed. Therefore, the correct answer here is up to 23% inclusive. In ticket 12, question 18, we are talking about 16%, but the comparison is based on other parameters (control lamp, pedal stroke). Since 16 is less than 23, the operation of a vehicle at 16% is even more prohibited.

Correct answer:
Up to 23% inclusive.

Ticket 16 - Question 19

When turning right, traffic safety is achieved by turning along the trajectory shown:

2. Place one hand on the victim’s forehead, lift the chin with two fingers of the other and, throwing back your head, lean towards his face and listen to his breathing for 10 seconds, try to feel the exhaled air with your cheek, follow the movement of the chest.

3. Without throwing back the victim’s head, lean towards his face and listen to his breathing for 10 seconds, feel it with your cheek, and follow the movement of his chest.

In a unconscious victim, breathing may not be detected due to the retraction of the tongue, blocking the flow of air into the respiratory tract. Therefore, to determine the presence of breathing, it is first necessary to restore the patient’s airway. To do this, you should put one hand on his forehead, and with two fingers of the other, raise his chin and throw back his head. Then, leaning towards his face, listen to his breathing for 10 seconds, try to feel the exhaled air with your cheek, and determine the presence or absence of movement of the chest.

Correct answer:
Place one hand on the victim’s forehead, lift the chin with two fingers of the other and, throwing back your head, lean towards his face and listen to his breathing for 10 seconds, try to feel the exhaled air with your cheek, and follow the movement of the chest.

When turning, a car experiences additional external forces, in particular centrifugal force, which are absent when driving on straight sections of the road. Centrifugal force tends to move the car towards outside from the center of the road bend. Its value depends on the weight of the car, the radius of curvature and the square of the speed. That is why, at high vehicle speeds, it is dangerous to make sharp turns of the steering wheel, performed in minimal time intervals: in this case, the radius sharply decreases, and centrifugal force increases accordingly.

There is a fair opinion that there are no two identical turns on the road. Each turn has a different radius, a different slope, a different surface, a different visibility or a different environment. Therefore, the driver must evaluate each turn and select a speed limit that ensures the safety of that particular turn, taking into account its inherent features and surprises. When turning, you should never look at the road directly in front of the car, You should look at the end of the turn or at a further visible part of the road . Then the driver will be able not only to correctly determine the turning radius, but will also see whether anyone is approaching from the opposite direction, and whether the road on his side is clear.

When driving around a turn, you must not allow yourself to slip, which could lead to loss of control of the vehicle. If a driver hears squeaking tires while turning a corner on a dry surface, it means he has reached excessive speed. You cannot cut corners; you must always drive on the right side of the road. When turning, you should not brake, change gears, or press the throttle control pedal too sharply. All this can lead to a dangerous situation.

The correct turn should be carried out as follows: before approaching its beginning, it is necessary to reduce the speed to an appropriate limit determined on the basis of experience; the beginning of the curve should be passed without increasing the speed of rotation of the engine crankshaft, but also without even braking the engine; at the same time, without jerking, gradually turn the steering wheel, accelerating its rotation as the curvature of the turn increases; from about halfway through the turn, gradually increasing the engine speed so as to exit the turn at a speed equal to the speed before starting the turn. You also need to turn the steering wheel back to the main position without jerking and gradually.

It must be remembered that, due to the inertia of the car’s movement, the turn should begin somewhat earlier than the start of the actual curve of the road, and it is also necessary to exit the turn accordingly earlier. The magnitude of this advance is determined on the basis of long-term experience. Correct execution of turns is characterized by the absence of skidding and smoothness. The steering wheel must be held with all the fingers and palms of both hands quite firmly; if possible, you should not shift your hands, but rotate the wheel without taking your hands away from it. You cannot cross your arms. If at a turn with very large curvature, for example mountain serpentines If the driver needs to change the position of one hand, it is necessary that the other hand always tightly grasps the rim of the steering wheel. It is prohibited in all cases to remove both hands from the steering wheel at the same time. One of the difficult tasks for the driver is to quickly and accurately determine the amount of curvature of the turn and hence choose a safe speed.


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