How to get to Vnukovo airport by public transport. How to get to Vnukovo airport by public transport How to get to Troparevo station

Troparevo Park (Moscow) is located in the southern part of the capital, in the Troparevo-Nikulino and Teply Stan districts. Getting there is easy. You can from the Teply Stan metro station, then either on foot or by minibus 94 to the Troparevskaya Street stop.

There is another option for getting to Troparevo Park. From the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station by buses No. 667, 520, also to the Troparevskaya Street stop. The forest park is famous for its size - 5,190,000 sq. m. The park itself is divided into two parts by Leninsky Prospekt.

How the park was formed

The name of the park came from the village, on the site of which the Troparevo district is now located. At first it was called the South-Western Forest Park, as it was located in a large forest area, stretched to the Ring Road and went to the Moscow region. By the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, namely on May 7, 1961, the second part of the park was laid. When designing, it was planned to design the central part as a round platform, from which six alleys emanate to other corners of the forest park. And the perimeter should have been 15 sites of the union republics.

From the Ochakovka River they wanted to create a system of ponds measuring 200,000 square meters. m. But, unfortunately, not everything came to fruition. The park was well landscaped; at least 40,000 trees were planted. Even moose could be found on its territory. The park is currently surrounded residential buildings, but this does not bother the animals, and they still live in the park area.

History of development

Further development of the park took place already in 1975. Then, between the districts of Teply Stan and Konkovo, the Troparevo recreation area was formed. A pond appeared on Ochakovka, the area of ​​which was 30,000 square meters. m. In memory of the Fifth Moscow Rifle Division, which was formed here in 1941, an obelisk and a memorial bunker were erected.

In 1997, the park was renewed again. A summer stage was built, and ceremonial events such as City Day, Maslenitsa and other large-scale holidays are still held on it. Fairs are held and artists perform. And since 2008, Troparevo Park, photos of which are presented in this article, has become famous for hosting the Wild Mint folk music festival here. And this despite the fact that in 2002-2003 a source of radioactive radiation was discovered here. On this moment this place is fenced.

Improvement of the park

The park was improved in 2006-2007. There were entrances to the territory, playgrounds for children and sports, and paved paths. We also thought about birds. Enclosures appeared on the side of Leninsky Prospekt. Motor vehicles do not enter the park; this is prohibited.


The park's attractions include the Kholodny spring, over which the famous chapel of Sergei of Radonezh was built. Eat sand beach With developed infrastructure. It is located on the coast of an artificial dam of the Ochakovka River. On the beach there are rental boats, catamarans, and toilets. All safety measures have been observed. There is a rescue station, a police station and a medical care. The children were also taken care of. A “paddling pool” was built for bathing children, and there is a wooden children’s playground.

Things to do

People also come to the park just to look at the ducks or fish for crucian carp or perch. For lovers of an active lifestyle there is Volleyball Court, shooting range You can ride a horse. And in winter there is an ice skating rink. There are also special picnic areas with barbecues, tables and benches. For those taking walks in the park, there are places to rest - benches, next to which there are bins and feeders that squirrels like to visit. They also don't mind eating out of hand. There is also an area for dogs, which is fenced off to ensure safety. In the summer it is nice to ride a bike or roller skate on the paths in the park. There are places for snacks.

Heritage of nature

What can be said about Troparevsky Park as a natural area? More than 150 species of plants grow here, most of which are planted by humans. The park is also rich in inhabited animals. There are about 70 species. Birds that are often seen include thrush, oriole, nightingale, mockingbird, tree pipit, and, of course, tits, sparrows, and in winter, bullfinches.


If we talk about the pond, then this is the heart of the park. Favorite place for recreation not only for Muscovites, but also for visitors. The water in it is under control and meets all standards. Therefore, it is safe to swim here. There are huts with changing rooms on the beach. And in winter this is a favorite place for “walruses”.

Although there are those who doubt the sanitary standards of the reservoir. And that’s why not everyone decides to swim here. But even so there is something to do. You can take walks along the pond by boat or pedal boat. After all, the beauty of nature provides complete relaxation. And all vacationers are monitored by lifeguards. Or you can play volleyball. There are even competitions held here.

Vnukovo - large Russian airport international format. It ranks third in terms of the number of passengers served. Located in Moscow, 30 km from the cultural center of the capital and 11 km from the Moscow Ring Road. From here they run daily regular flights, and low-cost airlines fly. You can get to it by Aeroexpress, public by land transport, by taxi, your own car, or create a combined route (metro + bus). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. The cheapest option would be to get to Vnukovo by public transport, but getting there is not always convenient and fast.

How to get to Vnukovo Airport by bus

It is easier to get to the airport using a combined route. First, arrive at the desired metro station, and then board the desired bus.

From Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station

To find bus stop, from where routes run in the direction of Vnukovo, get off the train (1 car), find the underground passage and go right, go along it and go up the left stairs. The stopping point is located 20 meters along Vernadsky Avenue.

  • City bus No. 611 travels according to a standard schedule with an interval of 11 minutes, stopping at each stop. It goes to the Vnukovo plant, and you need the Airport stop, so don’t miss the desired destination. If in doubt, ask the driver for help to make the necessary stop at the right place. Travel time takes at least 30 minutes excluding traffic jams.

IMPORTANT: take the bus marked “To Vnukovo”. Some 611 routes follow the village's Central Street and do not approach the airport terminals.

  • City bus No. 611-s operates in express mode, travel time is reduced to 25 - 30 minutes due to the fact that stops are made only on request. Walks at intervals of 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Minibus No. 611-f drives the fastest, the journey takes 20-25 minutes. But it runs from 9 am, and the last bus on this route ends the working day at 20.00.

Bus 611 schedule:

From Troparevo metro station

It is located next to the Yugo-Zapadnaya along the Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro. It was put into operation in 2014 and made it possible to remove the load from the former terminal station. From here you can take the same routes as from Yugo-Zapadnaya.

The bus stop is 10 meters from the metro exit. When you arrive at the station, enter from the last car of the train. Find an underground passage on the right and go through it. Then you rise to the surface of the earth along the right stairs.

From Rumyantsevo metro station

From here you can get to Vnukovo by city bus bus number 611 . The journey will take 20 – 25 minutes. The stop is located at the eastern exit of the metro.

From Salaryevo metro station

This station has been in operation since 2016 and is now final destination Sokolnicheskaya metro line. From here you can get to Vnukovo Airport:

  • by buses No. 611, 611-s and 611-k ;
  • by bus No. 911 (goes to the Vnukovo plant, get off at the “Hotel” stop, from where it is 150 meters to the airport terminal).

Get out of the metro, the boarding stop is across the street (you need the second stop, it’s easy to find your way, as there are boards everywhere with information about routes and bus schedules).

Bus 911 schedule:

City transport runs from 05:30 to 01:00. The fare is 50 rubles.

The commissioning of new metro stations makes it possible to get to Vnukovo Airport faster and more conveniently. The stations are located outside the Moscow Ring Road, where traffic jams are much less. Your journey will be more convenient and faster if you take the metro to Salaryevo and from there take the bus.

How to get to Vnukovo airport by minibus

The difference between minibus taxis and city buses is that they are comfortable, with fewer seats and get there faster. Ford minibuses are common on the routes. They also depart from specific stops that must be reached first.

  • Minibus No. 45M follows from the metro station Southwestern. It will take you to the airport in 15 – 20 minutes. The fare is 150 rubles. There is an additional charge of 10 rubles for baggage transportation. They run from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Minibus No. 705M follows from the metro station Oktyabrskaya. It runs along the entire Leninsky Prospekt and stops only on request. It will take about 35 - 40 minutes to get to the airport. To find a bus stop you need to get out of the metro. There is only one exit - up the escalator, which is 25 meters to the right.
  • Minibus No. 526 travels from Teply Stan metro station. It stops at every stop, so the ride takes a long time - 2 hours without taking into account traffic jams.
  • Minibuses without numbers . You can sit down at any time minibus, where there is a sign “Vnukovo”. But some of them go to the village of Vnukovo, so do not forget to check this point with the driver and ask to stop at the Airport stop.

You can also get to Vnukovo by public transport from the village. There are buses No. 32, No. 272, and also routes 611, 611c, 611k (along Central or Vokzalnaya streets).

How to get to Vnukovo by Aeroexpress

Connoisseurs of comfort can quickly and conveniently get to the airport by high-speed electric trains. Travel time is 35 minutes. Aeroexpress trains depart from Kievsky railway station with an interval of 1 hour.

IMPORTANT: on some days there are no tickets for the Aeroexpress from 11.00 to 13.00. Please take this into account when planning your trip.

This quick way get to the place, eliminating traffic jams and guaranteeing timely arrival at the destination. But tickets are expensive, the standard price for an adult ticket is 420 rubles (travel for children under 5 years old is free upon presentation of the child’s birth certificate).

Train schedules and fares can be found on the official Aeroexpress website at

You can get to Vnukovo public transport, or you can take a taxi or your own car. It all depends on price, time availability, your initial location and time of day.

  • The advantages of public transport are low cost, the disadvantages are long travel times and the risk of getting stuck in traffic jams;
  • The advantages of Aeroexpress are speed, the disadvantages are price;
  • Pros of a taxi - you can leave at night, cons - price (average cost 900 rubles);
  • pros own car– convenient, free, disadvantages – you need to solve the problem of parking at the airport, and there is a risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam.

Always remember that check-in for flights ends 30 - 40 minutes before departure. The registration process and screening take about 20 minutes. Therefore, you need to arrive at the airport no later than 1 hour before the departure of your flight, and it is better to have a reserve of 2 hours. Plan your routes in advance, learn in advance how to get to Vnukovo by public transport, where to buy tickets at a discount and how to pay for travel profitably. Don’t hesitate to ask passers-by for help if you have difficulty finding one or another stop or don’t know how to get to the desired metro station.

Troparevsky Park is one of the most cozy and beautiful places recreation in the south-west of Moscow. It is located next to Ostrovityanova Street and is divided into two parts by Leninsky Prospekt. The park was founded in the 60s of the last century and was originally named in honor of the XXII Congress of the CPSU. Later it was renamed Troparevsky after the neighboring district. Locals usually call this place simply “the recreation area.”

Get to the park By public transport it is very easy - you need to get to the Konkovo ​​metro station, go out onto Ostrovityanova Street, and either walk or take any bus or minibus 2 stops towards Leninsky Prospekt. You can also get to the metro " Teply Stan", go out onto the street of the same name, and walk or take any transport to the "Park Troparevo" stop.

The park was created on the basis of a forest area, which in those years continued to the ring road and further into the Moscow region. A central square with alleys branching off from it was built, and about 40 thousand different trees were additionally planted. In the first years of the recreation area’s existence, you could find not only squirrels or hares, but even moose. Now Troparevo Park is surrounded on all sides by residential areas and, of course, there are no large animals there anymore. Currently, the park is home to squirrels, moles, and there are hares and weasels.

In addition, there are many different birds that people love to feed. local residents. In 2002, the territory of the park was recognized as a specially protected natural area and transformed into the Teply Stan landscape reserve. All trees are under supervision, old and diseased trees are removed in a timely manner, and planned planting is carried out.

The forest in the reserve is mixed, there is a birch and pine grove. There are many bird feeders in the park, and a special “bird town” has even been created not far from the central square. In addition, special enclosures were made to house ornamental birds. All visitors, and especially children, love to visit this “bird zoo” and watch the life of birds.

Every year the park becomes more beautiful, well-groomed and comfortable for visitors. All paths are paved, there are many benches and gazebos for relaxation, beautiful bridges across ponds, and modern playgrounds have been built. It is clear that they constantly monitor cleanliness and order here.

A small river, Ochakovka, flows through the park. In 1975, a dam was built on it and a fairly large pond was formed, which immediately became the center of the park and a favorite vacation spot for residents of neighboring areas. You can swim in the pond, so in summer its banks turn into a real crowded beach. There are locker rooms and a special paddling pool for children. Rescuers constantly monitor order on the water.

Many wild ducks have chosen this pond to raise their offspring. In spring you can often see numerous families with small ducklings on the water. And by autumn, these kids grow up and fly away to warmer climes with their parents. All year round, fishing enthusiasts come to the pond to fish. Here you can find crucian carp, bream, roach and even perch. On the shore there are two small changing rooms and entrances to the water. In winter, in these places, two large holes are cut into the ice for swimming "walruses".

During the warmer months, you can rent a pedal boat or a boat. A walk along the lake will bring great pleasure to both children and adults. Trees, reflected in the water, create an incredibly beautiful sight.

Nearby is the Kholodny spring, over which the consecrated chapel of St. Sergius of Radonezh was built. Many Muscovites living nearby come here for water, considering it healing.

In the summer, the central square of the park offers a variety of attractions for children. You can take your child for a ride in an electric car or even on a live horse. There is a paintball club with its own fenced area. Many playgrounds provide space for kids to play. In addition, in Troparevo there are specially designated places for playing beach volleyball and even competitions in this sport are held.

In 1997, a large summer stage was built, where various events are held. Usually, City Day, Maslenitsa and other folk holidays are widely celebrated in the park - amateur groups are invited, fairs are organized, and concerts of professional artists are held.

There is something to do in the park in winter. You can walk or go skiing or skating. Snow-covered trees and clean frosty air - what else is needed for happiness? Next to the open stage there is a rather high slide. In winter it turns into an entertainment center and is usually noisy and fun. Many children and even adults ride here on sleds, snow scooters and inflatable balloons.

The park is beautiful at any time of the year. All visitors can have a wonderful rest here, walk with their children, breathe fresh air, play sports and improve their health.


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