Japanese flight attendants. Japanese flight attendants turn to prostitution due to low wages

This night a flight from Khanty-Mansiysk landed at Sheremetyevo Airport. He delivered passengers of an aircraft to the capital, which one of the passengers tried to hijack on the way from Surgut to Moscow. This happened 30 minutes after takeoff. The man demanded to send the plane to Afghanistan, saying that he had weapons and would use them if the crew did not change course.

Failed hijacker. The flight attendants reported the details of what happened on board in Moscow. The flight attendants said that the attacker showed no signs of alcohol or drug intoxication.

Eva Krajicek, senior flight attendant: “The speech was coherent. There was no smell of alcohol. He wasn't drunk. After landing, while we were waiting for the special services, he looked out the window. We told him that now there would just be refueling so that we would have enough fuel to reach Afghanistan. So he calmed down, looked out the window, didn’t talk to anyone, and apparently fell asleep.”

After the requirement to change course, the crew decided to land the plane. , intelligence officers. Now he faces up to 12 years in prison for attempting to hijack an aircraft. None of the passengers were injured, but several people turned to psychologists for help.

Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia: “During the flight, he tried to break into the pilot’s cabin and demanded to change the plane’s course. The aircraft commander decided to fly forced landing in Khanty-Mansiysk. The suspect has been detained. This is a 41-year-old resident of Surgut, Pavel Shapovalov, who was previously convicted of damaging property.”

Shapovalov found it difficult to explain the reasons for his action. When asked why he wanted to go to Afghanistan, the man said: “It’s not as simple as it seems at first.

The air fighter, who tried to turn around the Surgut-Moscow flight, was taken into custody for two months, and then could be sentenced to 12 years in prison. In Khanty-Mansiysk, the judge, reading out the case materials, said that Shapovalov was frightening the plane crew. Relatives of the air hooligan in a village near Surgut recall that he behaved strangely from time to time, but never drank. And seven years ago I was put on trial for the first time for breaking glass in a relative’s house.

During the selection of a preventive measure in the courtroom, only journalists were listening. None of the relatives from neighboring Surgut came to talk with Shapovalov.

The Khanty-Mansiysk District Court arrested Pavel Shapovalov until March 22. Under the article - "hijacking an aircraft with the use of violence" - he faces up to 12 years behind bars. According to lawyer Shapovalov, his client still cannot explain the motives for his action.

“He says: he just went to the toilet, walked back to his seat, a flight attendant was standing. Why and why and for what purpose I approached her, I cannot explain,” said Pavel Shapovalov’s lawyer Evgeny Zherdev.

“He told me that he had an official message for the ship’s commander and that he was demanding a change of course. There were no signs of alcohol intoxication. He behaved appropriately,” said flight attendant Maria Nikulina.

“Having received information from the flight attendant, we decided together with the Aeroflot control center to land at the nearest airfield in order to save the ship and passengers. We did not have time for emotions and feelings,” explained the commander of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft, Rustam Tsybakin.

In the air rowdy's home village of Ugut near Surgut, they still can't believe what happened. Shapovalov's mother says that it was probably some kind of cloudiness. According to her, this has happened to Pavel before.

“He says something wrong, some kind of gibberish. Awards, he says, where is my award, crosses, that I earned at the front. That’s what happened,” the woman said. that Pavel did not warn anyone about his trip to Moscow; his relatives were sure that he went to look for work in Surgut.

"Yes, he took a minibus at five in the morning, got on, went to minibus, went to look for work, I was expecting him home in the evening.”

On last place work - in the Yugansky Nature Reserve, where Shapovalov worked as a forester, and then he was fired for absenteeism; they speak of him as a closed person with his own oddities.

“In winter, he got off a snowy road. He could have followed his steps back. And he was sitting in tights under a tree,” said the director of the state nature reserve"Yugansky" Evgeny Strelnikov.

Former colleagues also claim that Shapovalov did not drink at all, even at banquets he was seen only with juice. Alcohol was not found even now during the examination.

According to the results of the examination, no alcohol or drugs were found in his blood.

When applying for a job, he provided all the necessary certificates and updated licenses, that is, he recently passed the necessary medical examination without any problems. Searches were carried out in the house where Shapovalov had lived for the last three years - no weapons or ammunition were found there.

Japanese flight attendants have long been the talk of the Internet. What these poor girls do not tolerate due to the fact that they once chose the difficult profession of flying. Flight attendants from Japan are just like the priestesses of a beautiful geisha: these slept on some kind of “forks”, walked around with real plaster on their faces, and for the sake of fame, they undressed and photoshopped, whatever they want...

Needless to say: popularity is hard work. I have to. Not so long ago, for example, the entire Internet was making an indignant noise about the fact that Japanese flight attendants began to complain about their skirts being too short: they are forced to walk, barely covering the place where their legs grow. Well, the evidence was presented then! There are still photos circulating online in which supposedly Japanese flight attendants, with legs that are atypically straight and long for this nation, present evidence of “bullying” by their employers.

Japanese flight attendants

In general, it’s surprising: all airlines pay great attention to the image of flight attendants, and the uniform, in particular. Famous designers are attracted, the national flavor is used. But for some reason it was the Japanese who achieved the greatest recognition. Why are we worse? - Chinese or Korean women might be indignant. But, no: it is the Japanese flight attendants who excite the male gender like no other.

They don’t ignore such a sexy element of the flight uniform as the flight attendant’s cap. So much so that enterprising businessmen are selling costumes of Japanese flight attendants with caps even in adult stores.

And, meanwhile, these are not the kind of girls you can meet on flights Japanese companies. Humble, hardworking, smiling: Chihiro Yamaguchi is one of them. A flight attendant for Japanese airlines JAL, who is over 35 and still working. Although, everyone knows that a girl’s flying career is as short as her modeling one. But not for those who know how to take care of their appearance, have impeccable manners and perform their duties well.

Chihiro lives in Tokyo. She's finished prestigious university majoring in English Philology and Literature. Discipline and a high culture of service are what made Chihiro an exemplary flight attendant, who is set as an example for newly hired girls. The job of an airplane owner is physically difficult: there are overloads and dry air on board. And you have to keep a smile on your face all the time. Flight attendants are often told that this causes wrinkles to form prematurely. But Chihiro knows how to deal with it. Firstly, you need to constantly drink water. According to her, it is not the volume of liquid drunk that matters, but the regularity.

Japanese flight attendants

By the way, when the JAL airline switched to new Boeings, the conductors were most happy about this: the fact is that the air humidity here is 20% higher than on old planes.

Japanese flight attendants constantly use hand cream. At home, after the flight, Chihiro always turns on the humidifier. She also regularly visits Gym. In particular, it pumps up the abdominal muscles: they must be toned in order to maintain posture.

Those who want to work as a conductor on board must be in excellent health. Varicose veins in the legs often develop in this profession. It is connected not only with the need to constantly go back and forth. Pressure drops during takeoffs and landings have a very negative impact. Chihiro is predisposed to varicose veins, but she has little secret shaped like a golf ball. She does the following exercise with him: she rolls the ball with her foot back and forth - from the toes to the heel and back. Two to three minutes on each leg - and blood circulation is normalized.

Very often, when I read about any Japanese manners, I end up on websites/videos/courses where they refer to flight attendants and their dexterity, or the flight attendants themselves teach people etiquette. If you think about it, you can understand the roots of Japanese respect for this profession. But it is still unusual to read their advice... There is too much dissonance - girls and ladies, often even without higher education, teach newcomers from large international corporations business etiquette!

Educational books from flight attendants.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m Russian. Or in the requirements for flight attendants... After all, they often look something like this:
· citizenship of the Russian Federation or Belarus;
· age 19 - 30 years;
· education not lower than secondary vocational;
· English language proficiency at the Pre-Intermediate level;
· Knowledge of an additional language is welcome (Armenian, Spanish, ...)
· girls: height 160 - 180 cm, clothing size up to 46;
· boys: height 170 - 185 cm, clothing size up to 54;
· ability to swim, vision up to -2.5;
· having a valid passport.

Or even like this:
· communication skills;
· Goodwill;
· desire to work with people;
· knowledge in English at a basic level;
· education not lower than complete secondary education.

That is, everyone who is more or less healthy and young is hired. No special skills are needed, and special ones will be taught in three-month courses. That’s why I often see myself and my friends treating them as low-skilled personnel. Although with a deservedly good salary, everyone agrees that the work is hard.

In Japan, the prestige of the flight attendant profession is very high! The requirements for an applicant are not very different from ours, but the training they receive in manners is amazing. Naturally, they also know the safety rules and know how to evacuate passengers, that is, their main responsibilities. But you must agree, emergency situations happen quite rarely, but you have to serve tea and communicate with passengers every day. It is the daily duties that the Japanese pay special attention to. Therefore, flight attendants are taught to speak correctly and beautifully, serve food correctly, dress correctly, smile correctly, comb their hair and makeup... Probably, from my past posts you have already realized that all this knowledge is not at all superfluous for samurai.


ameblo.jp www.recordchina.co.jp

Accordingly, after several years of working in the sky, flight attendants' etiquette skills start to slip away. Often former flight attendants even open their own courses! Where they don’t forget to indicate who they worked before. They are also called in international companies conduct a lesson for beginners on beautiful makeup “from flight attendants”, on manners of behavior “from flight attendants”, on polite speech “from flight attendants”, etc.

Signature on the website: " JAL?" Let's learn to behave like a JAL flight attendant.

Very often, the work of a flight attendant is too romanticized: distant countries, meeting people, good mood, perfect uniform. But not everyone will think that this profession is also dangerous. And the point is not that you have to fly above the clouds. Most often, the danger comes from passengers. Read on in the review about the heroic flight attendants who managed not to get confused in a difficult situation and fulfill their duty to the end, even at the cost of their own lives.

Nirya Bganot

Nirya (Nirja) Bganot - Indian air hostess, which saved 360 passengers. 23-year-old Indian flight attendant Nirja (Neerja) Bganot sacrificed her life to save 360 ​​passengers. This happened in the Pakistani city of Karachi. The PAN AM 73 plane was hijacked by radical Islamists. The flight attendant was unable to immediately warn the pilots. They evacuated through the escape hatch so that the plane could not be lifted into the air. Nirya herself remained in the cabin of the plane. The terrorists demanded to bring the passports of all passengers in order to execute the Americans. The brave flight attendant hid the documents of people who had US citizenship in the garbage chute and under the seats. Thanks to this, they remained alive. When the Pakistani police began the assault, and the terrorists began to fire back, Nirya managed to independently evacuate the passengers from the plane. She already wanted to get out herself, but at the last moment she saw three more children in the cabin, hiding under the seats. While the flight attendant was taking the children out, the Islamists noticed them and started shooting. The girl covered the kids with herself and received mortal wounds. With the last of her strength, she got the children out of the plane and then died


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