Technical characteristics of the A 320. Airbus A320. Photo. Video. Interior layout. Characteristics. Reviews. Technical characteristics of the Airbus A320 aircraft

In the mid-1980s, the first aircraft of the narrow-body aircraft family rolled off the assembly line of the Airbus aircraft manufacturing concern. In Russia, this aircraft is used by Aeroflot and Ural Airlines.

Airbus A 320-100/200

This aircraft was created for medium and short-haul airlines.

It is a twin-engine low-wing aircraft with a swept wing, single fin vertical tail, with turbofan engines located under the wing.

Today the aircraft is very popular among airlines.

History of creation

This model was specially developed as the main competitor to the most popular aircraft in the 80s. Boeing 727 and other popular models from this company.

The plane was planned to be created on the same scale as the competitive model; it would be the most modern and more advanced both in terms of economy and the availability of different passenger capacities.

Main characteristics

The European airliner has earned special attention due to several of its differences from similar models.

An advanced feature, by 1980s standards, of the Airbus A320 was its fly-by-wire control system and cockpit.

Most of the instrument panel in the cockpit is occupied by six cathode-ray screens, displaying information about the current position of the aircraft.

Such screens replace mechanical pointer instruments. The standard steering wheels were also replaced.

They were replaced by side handles - sidesticks.

They are located on the sides of the cockpit, so that the commander, sitting on the left, has the handle on the left, and the co-pilot, sitting on the right, has the handle on the right.

Lower deck cargo capacity has also been increased, as have the loading hatches. At a speed of 840 km/h, the airliner can cover distances of up to 4900 km.

Production points

The A-320 aircraft first took to the skies on February 22, 1987, and was put into operation in 1988. This model is being produced and modernized very actively today.

At the beginning of 2016, during the entire production period, about seven thousand models were manufactured, and the number of orders exceeded tens of thousands.

The A-320 model served as the basis for the production of other models.

In 1994, the A321 aircraft was developed with a capacity of up to 220 people without division into classes, then in 1996 - the A319 with 116 passengers on board, and then the A318 in 2003, with a capacity of 107 to 132 people.

These aircraft were produced exclusively at factories in Toulouse until 2008, but then, due to increased demand, another factory was opened in the city of Hamburg-Finkenwerder, where all further production was carried out.

In addition, in 2011 an installation line will open in China, where it is planned to repair up to 4 machines per month.

Today production also takes place in China. Even in Russia, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant produces components for these models.

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Another popular airliner from AIRBUS is the A330-200 model. This plane was also designed to be worthy competitor Boeing aircraft - model 767-300ER.

This is a wide-body passenger aircraft capable of flying medium and long distances.

Production of the A330-200 began at the end of 1995. It was first flown into the sky on August 13, 1997, and was admitted to passenger transportation only in April 1998.

The model A330-300 was taken as a basis for the construction of this model. A similar wing is used here, and the fuselage is shortened by almost 6 meters (10 sections).

Passenger capacity in three classes can be up to 253 people. The keel was also enlarged.

The greatest competition for the Boeing 767 was created by this particular model, and even the Boeing 787 model, released after, was called by AIRBUS just a response.

There are several aircraft models:

  • modernized A330-200 models are a cargo version first created in 2001;
  • released only in 2009 A330-200F;
  • the increased take-off weight model A330-200HGW, deliveries of which began in 2010;
  • military aircraft A330-200 MRTT/FSTA.

The cargo model, after its development, was not in demand for another 8 years. The carrying capacity of such a vessel ranged from 65 to 70 tons of cargo, with a flight of 5950 to 7400 km.

There is a universal loading system on the upper deck of the aircraft, which has not previously existed on any aircraft.

The company also offered an option to re-equip passenger liners this model in cargo. The A330-200 HGW model made it possible to create more effective competition for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

The increased maximum take-off weight (5 tons) is used to increase the flight range by 560 km, or to increase the load on the vessel to 3.4 tons.

Military aircraft A330-200 MRTT/FSTA - translated into Russian MRTT - multi-role transport refueling aircraft, FSTA - future refueling aircraft, which was later renamed KC-30.

If you are planning to fly on one of these planes in the near future, it would be a good idea to find out how the seats are arranged and which ones are the most comfortable.

Today, airlines that have purchased this or that airliner have the right to decide for themselves where to place business class and how many seats to allocate, but still, there are All modernizations have something in common.

So, in the nose of the plane, after the cockpit, there is a toilet and a kitchen. Next, there is one entrance on each side of the board.

Then, after the partition, most often the first three rows are allocated to business class passengers. Next are the economy class seats.

In the area of ​​9-10 rows there are 2 emergency exits. At the rear there are toilets, entrances on each side and a large kitchen.

Interior diagram of AIRBUS A 330-200

There are several configurations of such an airliner, but the most commonly used is a two-class cabin that can accommodate 300 people and a three-class cabin with 253 seats.

In addition to the toilet and kitchen, there is a wardrobe in the bow. From rows 1 to 6 – business class. Emergency exits are located between the fourth and fifth rows.

Between 23 and 24 rows There are emergency exits and toilets. Toilets and a kitchen are located at the rear of the board.

Of course, not everyone can afford a seat in business class, but consider best place, based on your character, habits, as well as your physiological indicators It will only be a plus and will help you endure the flight calmly.

What are the best criteria for choosing seats on an airplane?

  1. Range of the upcoming flight. This can be either a positive or negative indicator. If the place is near a window, it is certainly nice to admire the view of the clouds from the window. If the flight is short, nothing and no one will spoil the pleasant flight, but if the flight turns out to be long, then every time you need to get up from your seat you will have to disturb the neighbors sitting closer to the exit. The same applies to seats near the aisle - you will have to get up often. For seats in the middle, which are present on A 330 aircraft, you will have to let your neighbor through or ask him to stand up.
  2. Places near toilets– most often they do not bring much pleasure to passengers during the flight. Very frequent movement of people, often the appearance of queues, as well as the possible occurrence of an unpleasant odor can spoil the mood. In the A 320 liner, there is also such an inconvenience as the impossibility or limitation of the backrest. It cannot be folded back due to the nearby partition.
  3. Close location of seats to emergency exits on an A 320 aircraft will not be a positive factor when choosing a seat. Although in such places additional legroom is created, and you can easily get up from your seat without disturbing your neighbors. But in some cases, it is also impossible to recline the seat back or this function will be partially limited, and there are no armrests on the seats near the escape hatch itself. In the 24th row of the A 330 aircraft, the presence of an emergency exit in front of it will only be an advantage for free movement, but the disadvantage of these seats will be the presence of a toilet. There are also rules according to which people with children and animals, people with disabilities and elderly people are not seated in these seats.
  4. The place in front of the partition in the airliner But the 330 will not be the most comfortable; it will restrict the movement of passengers, while in the three hundred and twentieth such a partition is distant from the seats.
  5. Seats in the bow will have advantages in service. Here you will be able to choose dishes from the available assortment, while in the tail section you have to take what is left. Often, fastenings for baby bassinets are installed near such places, and a restless child during long flight may interfere with rest or work.
  6. Seats at the back of the plane are considered statistically the safest. About 67% of all passengers who managed to survive the accident were sitting in the rear.
  7. When choosing a seat on A 330, it is important to remember that at the tail of the side it begins to narrow starting from the 33rd row. The seats are moved slightly into the aisle and passengers or flight attendants passing by can touch the seats or the people sitting on them.

Gallery A320

Airbus A320 - a family of medium-haul narrow-body commercial aircraft developed by Airbus in the mid-1980s. The family includes airliners, A320 and, as well as modifications of ACJ - business jets based on them. The aircraft are produced at four factories: in Germany, France, China and the USA.

The first in the family to enter the market in 1988 was the A320, the base for all models. In 1994, the A321 appeared, and then smaller versions of the A319 (1995) and A318 (2003). The A320 was the world's first commercial aircraft to use a fly-by-wire control system and a joystick instead of a steering wheel.

At the end of 2016, 7,421 aircraft of the family were delivered, of which 7,101 aircraft are in operation. The order portfolio amounts to more than 5,600 aircraft. In 2016, a new generation of the family was introduced to the market: .


By the 1980s, this issue had already become pressing. The old European aircraft were already outdated, and the American ones, due to the virtual lack of competition, developed slowly. Many European manufacturers were working on the issue of creating a new generation aircraft, and the development of technology, theoretically, made it possible to create a very progressive machine. Consolidation into the Airbus concern allowed them to share risks and try to enter the most massive niche of the aviation market.

Initially, the program was called JET (Joint European Transport) and was initiated in 1977. The work base was the British Aerospace research center in Weybridge, UK. It was planned to create an aircraft with a capacity of 130-188 seats and equipped with two CFM56 engines. It was decided to create three modifications: SA1, SA2 and SA3 (SA - Single Aisle - one passage in the cabin). In parallel, Airbus conducted research on almost the same aircraft A319, A320 and A321. Some time later, after the British returned to Airbus, the JET project became the basis for the A320 family.

In 1981, the project was officially named A320. It was the SA2 version that was supposed to become the base for the entire family. The concern actively collaborated with the American Delta Air Lines in developing airline requirements for the future aircraft. The A320 was supposed to carry about 150 passengers over a distance of 3,440 kilometers. The fuselage diameter also had to be larger than that of the Boeing 737.

One of the main trump cards of the future airliner was to be a fly-by-wire control system - the first in a commercial aircraft. This system not only simplified production and reduced the weight of the aircraft, but also increased control reliability, and therefore flight safety. Besides, new complex control involved abandoning the classic steering wheel and switching to a joystick. Subsequently, a similar scheme was extended to all Airbus models.

The engines took quite a long time to select. Even options for engines with an open rotor were considered, but the developers considered it too exotic. The CFM56 engine was chosen - the most optimal at that time. Later, the IAE V2500 engine, created by International Aero Engines, an association of Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, JAEC (Japanese Aero Engine Corporation), Fiat and MTU Aero Engines, also appeared.

Production of the A320 did not begin immediately for a number of reasons. Firstly, each country participating in the concern wanted to place the final assembly on its territory. Moreover, it was not so much about money as it was about prestige. Another major dispute was the division of labor between countries in the production of components and in R&D. There were issues of subsidies, contractors, and so on. As a result, prototyping did not begin until 1984, when the production chain was finally approved.

Work began to boil only after Airbus received orders for 96 aircraft from 5 airlines from Europe and the USA. The first A320 was unveiled to the public in 1987 in a colorful ceremony attended by senior politicians and celebrities. On February 22, 1987, the plane took off for the first time. A year later, the A320 received a type certificate from European aviation authorities (at that time this organization was called JAA - Joint Aviation Authorities). Deliveries began at the same time to the first customer - Air France.

As of 2009, the full production process for one A320 took about 8 months. The aircraft are assembled at production sites in Toulouse, France, Hamburg, Germany, Tianjin, China and Alabama, USA. Dimensional parts of most aircraft are transported by transport. At the beginning of 2017, Airbus produces about 50 aircraft of this model every month.

The Airbus A320 is the most popular European aircraft. Skyships channel video


A twin-engine low-wing aircraft with a swept wing, single-fin vertical tail, and turbofan engines located under the wing.

A special feature of the Airbus A320 is its technically advanced cockpit and fly-by-wire control system (and this was in the 80s). Instead of mechanical dial instruments, information about the position of the aircraft and the state of its engines and auxiliary systems was displayed on six cathode-ray screens, occupying most of the instrument panel. In addition, classic airplane steering wheels have been replaced with sidesticks. The control system is electronic - influences on the controls are processed and transmitted to the engines and hydraulics via a computer.


The first major modification of the base aircraft was the A321 version, also known as the A320 Stretched, A320-500 and A325. Development of this version began in 1988 after receiving orders for 183 units from 10 airlines. The new aircraft was practically no different from the base A320, except for the lengthening of the fuselage and minor changes in the wing design (double-slotted flaps and other winglets with an increase in wing area by 4 sq. m.). The fuselage was lengthened by 6.94 meters. Due to elongation passenger compartment I also had to add two exits in the central part. Maximum take-off weight increased by 9.6 tons.

Production of the new version was established at a plant in Hamburg, while the basic A320 was produced in Toulouse. The A321 made its first flight in 1993. Two aircraft took part in the tests: one was equipped with CFM56 engines, the second IAE V2500.

The second version of the A320 was a reverse modification - the shorter A319. Like other versions, it was created according to the concept of a 130-140-seat aircraft, once known under the symbol SA1. It was the smallest aircraft ever built by Airbus and the consortium was initially skeptical of it, keeping it only as the A320M-7 project, where "-7" meant the A320 minus 7 fuselage sections. However, after the success of the 320 and 321 models, it was decided to put this version into production, making it direct competitors to the younger Boeing models /. 4 sections in front of the wing and 3 sections behind the wing were removed, shortening the fuselage by 3.73 meters. The number of emergency hatches above the wing was also reduced from 4 to 2. The lightweight aircraft did not need high thrust and the engines were somewhat derated.

Production of the aircraft was established at a plant in Hamburg, in the same place where the A321 was made. The aircraft made its first flight in 1995 and a year later the first A319s were transferred to the Swissair fleet. In 1997, the A319 broke the range record for its class, flying 6,645 kilometers nonstop from Hamburg to Winnipeg, Canada.


The A318 aircraft was created in the mid-1990s as a result of joint work between the Chinese AVIC, Singaporean STA, Italian Alenia and Airbus. The goal of the AE31X project was a small 95-125-seat aircraft or two aircraft of these capacities. The aircraft was equipped with DFM56, P&W PW6000 and Rolls-Royce BR715 engines.

In the end, it was decided to use the A320 airliner as a base. Work on a completely new aircraft was discontinued in 1998. Work continued in the early 2000s. It is ironic that Airbus was simultaneously developing the smallest aircraft in the line, the A318, and the largest aircraft in the line, the . The aircraft first took off in 2002 and began being delivered to customers in 2003.

A320 E Enhanced family(improved family)

The A320 Enhanced family is the result of large-scale work to modernize all manufactured models of aircraft in the family. Improvements affected a number of engine systems, aerodynamics (new wingtips - sharklets), weight reduction and passenger compartment design (ergonomics, LED lighting, touch screens for passengers, etc.). The updated A320 series began to be delivered in 2007.

A320 NEO New Engine Option

The A320NEO is a logical continuation of the series of family upgrades and its largest part. Improving these aircraft became a necessity caused by the emergence of new airliners of a similar class: Canadian, Russian and Chinese. In contrast to the improvements of the Enhanced family series, the NEO modification meant the remotorization of aircraft and their equipment with the most advanced this moment engines in this class: CFM LEAP-1A and Pratt & Whitney PW1100G. These engines are 14-16% more economical than their predecessors, and this made it possible to increase the payload weight by 2 tons or, by adding more fuel, increase the range by 950 km.

Scheme Airbus cabin A320

Type long-haul passenger aircraft
Modification A318 A319 A320 A321
Power point 2 x PW6000A
(10.8 tf each)
2 x IAE V2500A5
(12.23 tf each)
2 x IAE V2500A5
(14.99 tf each)
Maximum number of passengers 132 156 186 236
Service ceiling 12,500 m
Range of flight 5,750 km 6,950 km 6,100 km 5,950 km
Maximum take-off weight 68 t 75.5 t 78 t 93.5 t
Cruising speed 829 km/h
Wingspan 34.1 m 35,8
Wing area 122.4 m2
Length 33.84 m 37.57 m 44.51 m
Height 12.56 m 11.76 m

Quantity seats on the Airbus A320 (Airbus A320) varies (depending on the model and configuration) from 150 passengers in a two-class cabin (2+2 seats in business class and 3+3 seats in economy class) and up to 180 people in one -class cabin (more detailed information You can see the characteristics of the airliner, as well as its diagrams here -).

Therefore, in order to accurately advise best places in the A320, you need to know information about the exact aircraft you are going to fly on.

Attention, friends! We have analyzed the seat layouts, and also noted the best seats in the cabin on A320 aircraft largest airlines Russia:

If your airline is not on the list, don’t be upset, there are general selection tips that can help you choose a good seat.

The best seats on the plane
Anna Morozova, editor-in-chief

The first example of an Airbus A320 configured with 180 seats in a single-class cabin.

Advantages and disadvantages of passenger seats - the best seats in the Airbus A320 cabin.

Places 1-29, A and F: They are located near the window, which you can look out of during the flight (depending on the weather and time of flight). No one will bother you when sitting down or getting up from your seat. Also, people passing along the aisle and flight attendants are not disturbed.

These places have one drawback - it is difficult to get up from it, you will have to disturb the neighbors.

Places 1-29 B and E: There is no direct access to the window, but you can still look out of it. People scurrying along the aisles and flight attendants with carts do not bother you.

Places 1-29 C and D: It is easy to leave your place, for example to go to the toilet. Also, tall people can stretch their legs into the aisle.

Disadvantages: no access to the window, you will have to let two neighbors through if they want to get up. Also, flight attendants with trolleys and passengers passing through the cabin may be disturbed.

Seats in the 1st row. The first row always has a number of advantages and disadvantages, depending on what is more important to you when you make your choice.

Advantages: No one will throw their chair back at you. You will receive all drinks and food first. The distance to the partition or wall can be significant for the legs. You will be the first to exit the aircraft.

Disadvantages: The distance to the wall/partition may be insufficient.

There is enough room for your knees, but you won’t be able to stretch your legs and stretch them.

Some people are not very comfortable looking at the wall in front of them for the entire flight.

The first seats are most often occupied by passengers with children. You risk finding yourself next to a baby who will cry the entire flight.

The tables, which are usually located in the back of the chair in front, are located in one of the armrests. Because of this, the armrest does not move, and the seats may be slightly narrower.

12 and 13 row They have an advantage over everyone else, since they are located next to the emergency exit. Because of this, there is additional legroom in front of them.

However, there is a high probability that the seats in row 12 either do not recline, or have a limitation in this.

Seats in the 11th row a little worse than the standard ones, since there is an emergency exit right behind them, because of this, they most likely either do not recline or have a limitation.

Seats in the last row, 29/30 Not only are they closest to the toilets and kitchen, but the seats most likely do not recline. In general, definitely not first class. You will be accompanied throughout the flight by the sounds of the tank being released and the slamming of doors.

Seats at the front of the plane have several advantages.

First— you will be the first to get what the flight attendants treat you to during the flight. It happens that towards the end of the salon some drinks run out and you have to be content with what is left.

The Airbus A320 is a passenger jet airliner with a narrow fuselage and the first aircraft to use a fly-by-wire control system. It belongs to the short- and medium-haul type. Serial production of the A320 began in 1988. The airliner is extremely popular among airlines. Until 2017, about 8 thousand vehicles were produced, of which 6.5 thousand are still in use.

A320 versions

The first version of the Airbus A320-100 airliner, developed in the 80s of the last century and produced in limited quantities: only 21 aircraft. The fact is that almost immediately the A320-200 model was developed, which became the leading modification of the Airbus. This aircraft is equipped with additional fuel tanks to increase its flight range. Its variations A 320-212, A320-214, A 320-232, A 320-231 did not undergo significant changes in flight characteristics. The updates concerned mainly the internal configuration.

In the early 2010s. As a result of a deep modernization of the A320, the newest ultra-modern Airbus A320neo aircraft appeared, which made its first commercial flight on January 21, 2016 with Lufthansa.

Layout of the passenger cabin of the Airbus A320

Anyone who is about to fly on this Airbus is undoubtedly concerned about the question of what the passenger cabin of the A320 looks like? In its segment, it is distinguished by its spaciousness and roomy niches for placing hand luggage. The cargo deck has a large capacity. The aircraft has different configuration options for the passenger cabin, which can accommodate up to 180 people. However, more often an airbus has two classes of service: business and economic. The business sector can be designed for:

  • 8 seats (EasyJet carrier),
  • 12 seats (Russia Airlines),
  • 20 seats (at Aeroflot).

Thus, the total number of seats can be reduced to 134, and the capacity of the economy sector accordingly to 114.

Airbus A320 passenger cabin diagram

Economy class

Economy seats start in rows 3, 4 or 6. They are located immediately behind the business sector partition. When eating, passengers in these seats use folding tables. The seats are arranged in a “3x3” type. They can have a width of 43.2 cm and 45.7 cm. If the seats are narrow, then the passage between the seats is quite wide and amounts to 63.5 cm. This creates additional convenience for passengers occupying seats on the edge. They will not be touched by people passing by. The economy class cabin has two bathrooms, which are located at the end of the cabin immediately behind the last row.

Business Class

From 1 to 2 (in other configurations there are 3 or 5 rows) there are business seats of the “2x2” type. Wide seats (57 cm), an almost horizontally reclining backrest, and a footrest create comfortable flight conditions for passengers in this class of service. The distance between the rows is more than half a meter, so a passenger who wants to take a nap will not cause inconvenience to the people sitting behind him, even if he reclines the back of his seat at the maximum possible angle.

Best places

  • seats C and D on the Airbus A320-214 are located in close proximity to the toilet;
  • Most people are not very pleased to see a wall in front of them (at a distance of 1 -1.5 m) for several hours.

6th row (in other trim levels 3rd or 4th row) - these are the first economy seats. They have larger area for feet, and for passengers traveling with children under 2 years old, this is the most comfortable row because:

  • cradles are attached to the wall in front;
  • other passengers will not be disturbed here: there is no reclining seat in front, and technical rooms (toilet and kitchen) are located at the end of the plane.

Photos of the salon

The 13th row (10 or 11 in terms of other trim levels) also has additional legroom, since here the seats are located immediately behind the emergency hatch. However, the A320 has two escape hatches, and the second is located directly behind the 13th row, limiting the recline angle of the backrest.

The greatest comfort in the economy class cabin, of course, is found in row 14 seats (11 or 12 in other trim levels). Their legroom is increased due to the emergency hatch, and the reclining angle of the seat is not limited. However, according to existing air transportation safety rules, seats in front of emergency hatches cannot be occupied by children, pregnant women, disabled people and passengers transporting animals.

Main characteristics

Advanced technologies for the end of the last century radically changed the equipment of the A320 airliner:

  1. In the cockpit dashboard with arrows was replaced by an electronic one, which was equipped with beam displays (then they were replaced by LCD monitors).
  2. The flight of the A320 aircraft is controlled by convenient side handles instead of a steering wheel. The trajectory set by them is first analyzed by the on-board computer, and only then fed to the steering planes.
  3. Electrical remote control allowed the aircraft to be flown by a crew of only two pilots, as control of the aircraft became much easier.

The A320 also has other less striking, but still significant characteristics: an increase in the number of doors: 4 passenger exits and the same number of emergency exits.

Design features

The Airbus 320 is a monoplane with a low-swept wing with engines located underneath it.

Capacity, dimensions, weight

A 320 can accommodate 180 passengers, while the maximum payload of the aircraft is 16,600 kg.

The length of this aircraft is 37.57 m, while the length of the passenger cabin is only 27.5 m and the width is 3.7 m. The wing span of the airliner is 34.1 m. They are quite thin and have improved aerodynamics, which contributes to economical fuel consumption and reducing inductive reactance. Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to operate the A320 with new aerodynamic Sharklets - wingtips.

Its commercial weight also depends to a certain extent on how much the aircraft itself weighs. Thus, the maximum takeoff weight of the A320 is 78 tons, the landing weight is 66 tons, with a low dead weight of the aircraft - 42,100 kg.

Flight data

The A320 can reach speeds of up to 890 km/h with a take-off speed of 240 km/h. It is capable of covering distances of up to 6,150 km with a maximum flight altitude of 11,900 m, but not every airfield can accommodate this airbus. Landing strip must correspond to the minimum length of its take-off distance, which is 2090 m. The design of the aircraft assumes fuel consumption at cruising speed (840 km/h) of 2,600 l/h. At the same time, the volume of fuel tanks is 24,210 - 27,200 liters.

The history of the Airbus A320

The Airbus Industry A320 first took to the skies in 1987. It passed tests quickly enough, without any complaints, and was certified. The first customer of the developed airbuses was the famous European airline Air France. And in the early spring of 1988, the A320 airliner made its very first regular flight.

Since then the car has been improved several times. The A320neo is a representative of the new generation of narrow-body long-haul airliners. On September 25, 2014, the a320neo was tested for the first time. By the end of the year the car was certified. This required lifting the airliner into the sky 600 times. The total flight duration was 1,700 hours.

Where is it produced?

Components produced at Airbus factories are transported to Toulouse for final assembly of the A320. In order to financially improve the company, in 2007 the production of the A320 was transferred from France to Germany, and additionally production of these machines was established in China. Also in 2010, an agreement was concluded for the production of components for the airliner at the aircraft plant in Irkutsk.

Cost of different models

How much an Airbus A320 costs depends on the year of manufacture, modification and wear and tear of the car and varies from 65 to 105 million dollars. So board a320-200 2002. with a total flight time of 26,435 hours can be purchased for $70,000,000, and a used modernized A320neo: for $102.8 million. New airliners are much more expensive. For example, the just released a320-214 will cost the buyer $93.9 million or more (specific features only increase the cost of the car), and the a320neo will cost $107.3 million.

Last year, Airbus received a huge number of orders for 1,619 airliners with a total value of $240.5 billion.

News, modernization, prospects

The a320 has a great future. Such airbuses are in demand in the passenger aircraft market. According to a long-term thirty-year forecast made by by Boeing, global airlines need 38,050 new aircraft, including 26,730 narrow-body aircraft.

The modern, modernized A320neo of various configurations is especially popular among airlines. And although in air parks The leading companies in the segment of medium-haul aircraft are still dominated by the A320-200 of all modifications; the future still lies with a new version of this airliner.

Watch the video about the history of creation Airbus aircraft A320

The Airbus A320 is a narrow-body passenger aircraft developed by Airbus. Serial production of the aircraft has continued from 1987 to the present day.

Overview of the interior and layout of the best seats

The Airbus A320, with a two-class passenger cabin layout (business and economy), can accommodate 150 passengers.

The business class cabin accommodates (according to the passenger cabin layout) six seats, occupying rows with numbers from 1 to 3. There is a wider (compared to the economy class cabin) central aisle, and the seats are arranged in a “2-2” pattern. Business class is located in the bow of the passenger cabin of the Airbus A320, has softer seats and a slightly more varied menu than for economy class passengers. The distances between the seats are large, which ensures proper rest for the legs even for tall people.

The best seats in business class are in the second row, especially the window seats. The seats in the first and third rows are somewhat unfortunate. This is explained by the fact that the seats in the first row, although they have more legroom, are at the same time located directly next to the toilet and utility rooms. This feature causes sometimes heavy traffic here, which can seriously interfere relaxing holiday. The third row seats are located close to the partition separating the business class cabin from the economy class. The movement of staff and noise coming from economy class can also cause some inconvenience.

Behind the business class cabin is economy class with a narrower central aisle and seats arranged in a 3-3 configuration. Economy class seats are occupied (according to the diagram) by rows numbered 4 to 27.

The best seats for economy class are the fourth row. This is explained by their some distance from the noisy middle and somewhat more legroom for passengers. The seats located at the very end (row 27) are not the best for economy class. Their inconvenience lies in the close proximity of the toilet and utility rooms, which can cause a lot of inconvenience. When booking tickets, these less-than-ideal seats should be avoided if possible.

Airbus A320 variants

Today there are 4 variants of the Airbus A320: A318, A319, A320 and A321.

The Airbus A318 is the most compact of the entire A320 family: its passenger capacity ranges from 107 people in a two-class version to 132 people in a single-class version. One of the most important qualities of this airliner is that it can take off from shorter runways.

It is also worth noting that it was on the Airbus A318 that the advanced on-board systems that are now equipped on all aircraft of the A320 family were first installed.

Commercial use of the aircraft began in 2003.

The Airbus A319 is a slightly shortened version of the Airbus A320 due to the removal of the last two rows passenger seats in the economy class cabin. This allows the aircraft to use a shorter runway. The basic model has a passenger capacity of 116 people, but there is also another version that can carry up to 156 people.

Operation of the A319 began in 1996.

The Airbus A319 has the following modifications:

  • Airbus A319LR - the main difference from the base model is additional fuel tanks, which allow increasing the flight range to 8000 km.
  • Airbus A319CJ is a business modification with an increased flight range.
  • The Airbus A320 is a narrow-body aircraft with a maximum passenger capacity of 180 people. Commercial use has continued since 1988.
  • The Airbus A321 is an extended version of the Airbus A320 with increased passenger capacity (up to 220 people). The aircraft is a medium-range aircraft (flight range is up to 5950 km). In operation since 1994.

A320 specifications

Structurally, the Airbus A320 is a low-wing aircraft. The wing is swept. The plumage is vertical, single-finned. The power plant of the Airbus is represented by two turbofan engines, the brand of which depends on the aircraft model.

The Airbus A320 was created as a replacement for the obsolete A300 aircraft of the Airbus concern, as well as to compete with the Boeing 727 and Boeing 737 aircraft that were gaining ground at that time (mid-1980s). The main innovation was a complete modernization of the on-board electronics, as well as an improved instrument panel: cathode ray tubes were used instead of dial gauges.

Another important difference between the A320 family and earlier aircraft is Airbus is that instead of standard steering wheels for pilots, a side stick (side control stick) was used, which, coupled with modern electronics at that time, made it easier to control the aircraft and limit its crew to two pilots.

Flight characteristics of A320 family aircraft:

Airbus A318-100Airbus A319-100Airbus A320-200Airbus A321-100
Length, m31,4 33,8 37,6 44,5
Wingspan, m34,1
Fuselage diameter, m3,95
Cabin width, m3,7
Height, m12,5 11,8 11 11,8
Area of ​​bearing surfaces, m²122,6
Max. take-off weight, kg68 000 75 000 77 000 93 500
Minimum runway at maximum take-off weight, m1355 1950 2090 2180
Cruising speed840 km/h or 0.78 M
Passenger capacity107 to 132116 to 156140 to 180170 to 220
Flight range, km5950 6850 6150 5950
Fuel capacity, l24 210 from 24 210from 24 210from 24 050
up to 30 190up to 30 190up to 30 030
Passenger doors4 4 4 4
Emergency exits2 2 4 4
Practical ceiling, m12 000
Fuel consumption, l2400 2600 2700 2900
Engines2 CFMI CFM56-5B each 105.9 kN or 2 Pratt & Whitney PW6000A each 96 kN2 CFMI CFM56-5B each 104.5 kN or 2 IAE V2500-A5 each 104.5 kN2 CFMI CFM56-5B each 118 kN or 2 IAE V2500-A5 2 IAE V2500-A5 each 118 kN2 CFMI CFM56-5B each 142.3 kN or 2 IAE V2500-A5 each 146.8 kN


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