Indicators BIC dk 03 ilts description tez. Small entertainments of Bolshaya Berestovitsa. How we hung out in the border outback. The centers of culture waited for money

The laboratory of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation (hereinafter referred to as LI and NI) is part of the accredited testing laboratory center of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Sakhalin region" LI and NI has a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and a license for the right to conduct radiation monitoring of sources of ionizing radiation at facilities in the Sakhalin region.

The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment: spectrometers, dosimeters, radiometers. To measure physical factors, the laboratory has everything necessary and modern equipment, including for measuring microclimate, illumination, vibration, noise, etc. LI and NI fully carries out the work necessary various enterprises, organizations and institutions to meet sanitary and labor legislation on radiation safety and production control.

LI and NI specialists travel at the request of the customer at any time convenient for him. The number of customers of LI and NI services includes state, municipal and private enterprises, organizations, institutions, as well as individuals. Specialists of the laboratory of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation monitor physical factors dangerous to humans:

Vibroacoustic factors:

noise is constant and intermittent;

local vibration;

general vibration;

Microclimate parameters:



air speed;

thermal radiation.

Light environment parameters:

natural lighting (daylight factor);

artificial lighting;

illumination pulsation coefficient;

Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation:

electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz);

electromagnetic fields at the PC user's workplace;

electromagnetic fields in the radio frequency range;

electrostatic fields.

Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation of the optical range:

laser radiation;

ultraviolet radiation.

Radiological studies:

determination of specific total alpha and beta activity of natural waters;

determination of natural and man-made radionuclides in environmental objects;

determination of radon in water and indoor air;

radiation control.

Conducting laboratory measurements of physical factors on various objects of non-ionizing and ionizing nature, objects of the environmental and industrial environment:

  1. Food products and food raw materials (measurement of the content of man-made radionuclides: cesium-137, cesium-134, strontium-90)
  2. Drinking water from natural sources (well) (determination of specific total alpha, beta activity, radon-222)
  3. Drinking water of centralized domestic water supply and decentralized water supply (determination of specific total alpha, beta activity)
  4. Water of open reservoirs (determination of specific alpha, beta activity), including sea water (determination of specific total beta activity)
  5. Waste water after purification (determination of specific total alpha and beta activity)
  6. Construction materials and their components (determination of the effective specific activity of natural radionuclides: radium-226, thorium-232, potassium-40)
  7. Mineral and organic raw materials (determination of the effective specific activity of natural radionuclides: radium-226, thorium-232, potassium-40)
  8. Forestry products (radionuclides: cesium-137, strontium-90)
  9. Metal products (ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap, etc.) - equivalent dose rate.
  10. Soil, as well as soils and bottom sediments (specific activity of radionuclides: cesium-137, cesium-134, radium-226, thorium-232, potassium-40)
  11. Premises of residential and public buildings (microclimate, illumination, noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, gamma background)
  12. Enterprise workplaces (microclimate, electromagnetic radiation, illumination, noise, infrasound, vibration, laser radiation, ultraviolet radiation, equivalent dose rate, X-ray dose rate, radioactive contamination)
  13. Land at the stage of pre-design surveys, residential, public and industrial facilities before and after reconstruction, upon completion of construction (electromagnetic radiation; noise, infrasound, search gamma survey, measurements of radon-222 flux density from the ground surface, equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of radon in premises)
  14. Determination of surface contamination with alpha- and beta-active radionuclides of objects: workplaces, containers, containers, equipment and vehicles.
  15. Measuring the flux density of alpha, beta and neutron radiation from objects with radioactive contamination

The head of the Chernyanovsky village council, Alexander Skripka, says that even in the summer it was dangerous to conduct classes here. The roof was leaking and the wiring was shorted. The local center of culture warmed its guests only in the figurative sense of the word. The building was damp and the roof was in disrepair. For a long time, the recreation center was in a deplorable state. Now it’s dry here, and most importantly, it’s safe.

Alexander Skripka talks about the progress of the renovation (Photo by Anatoly Zhalnin)

Almost 1.8 million rubles were spent on major repairs of the roof and renovation of part of the facade. Most of the funds (almost 1.5 million rubles) were allocated within the framework of the United Russia party project “Culture small Motherland" The district budget added a little more than 320 thousand rubles.

The contractors completed the new roof in less than three months. In addition, we managed to save on the auction and used these funds to carry out partial repairs of the facade, as well as replace the entrance group.

New roof of Chernyanovsky Palace of Culture

“It would be nice to do some renovations in the auditorium and the foyer. Next year we’ll try to get involved in the project again and bring the building, as they say, to fruition,” dreams the village head.

Guests were greeted with bread and salt

The centers of culture waited for money

According to Sergei Ranchin, director of the Tambov district House of Culture, of which the cultural center in Chernyany is a branch, thanks to the party project in Pritambove it was possible to renovate five clubs. And this is just for the summer. A new roof has appeared on the Houses of Culture in the villages of Malinovka, Streltsy, Belomestnaya Kriusha, and Goreloye. The administration of the Tambov region supported the project, allocating funds for the repair of three more recreation centers.

The head of the district, Alexey Borodin, also came to the Chernyany House of Culture to personally evaluate the quality of the work. I didn't come empty-handed. The head, in a solemn atmosphere, presented the group with a musical gift from the district House of Culture and administration - a new button accordion - an instrument without which it is difficult to imagine a real folk choir.

Gift from the head of the district

Centennial gift

In the Tambov region, you probably cannot find a person who has not heard of the Chernyanovsky Folk Choir named after M.N. Mordasova. This is one of the oldest rural amateur choirs in Russia. His work is known not only in our region, but also beyond its borders. On the eve of the choir's centenary, the renovation of the Chernyanovsky Palace of Culture is a great gift for the choir. In addition, children from a music school, sports section, vocal studio and other groups study at the House of Culture. The library is also located here. For the two thousand population of the village council, this is a big event. After all, all major events of the village take place within these walls.

Young singers at the festival (Photo by Anatoly Zhalnin)

As the residents themselves admit, the House of Culture is the soul of Chernyany, the center of social and cultural life, a place of meetings and communication. The local government plans to reconstruct the main village square near the recreation center, which will become another recreational place for villagers. The documents for these works have already been collected, says Alexander Skripka.

In the two years that he has headed the village council, a lot has been done. The roof of the local school has been thoroughly repaired, street areas have been landscaped, rural roads have been filled with crushed stone, and a lot of “little things”, as the head says. Of course, there is no less to come, but the main thing is that problems are solved and are not put off on the back burner.

To make the village cleaner, everyone is on a cleanup day!

So on the day of the opening of the recreation center in the village, they were putting in order another culture - an ecological one - the general cleaning of the roadside area was in full swing, the residents were clearing out spontaneous landfills.

And on the way to the school there will now be a flashing LED traffic light. It was installed as part of the municipal program “Improvement and development of the network highways Tambov region" for 2014-2020."

In the village, everything and everyone is in plain sight. A new lantern has appeared, a new fence along the cemetery - these are events for the villagers. And the fact that under the new roof of the local House of Culture has become more comfortable - and even more so.

We recently visited the east of Belarus and saw how the Mstislav youth were hanging out. It's time to play with contrasts: we went to the Polish border itself and burst into the raves of Bolshaya Berestovitsa. Moreover, they decided not to stop only at city glamor and visited a rural disco, where five hundred people gather during the season. A story about small entertainments in the border hinterland - in the material

Experienced people say that with the most high point In Bolshaya Berestovitsa you can smell zurek and see racks with cheap toilet paper. We didn’t check this story because we arrived in the border regional center with other goals: to have a blast at the local discos and see how the local youth are having fun.

The locals welcomed us cordially and promised to show us the central rave of Berestovitsa, but still advised us to also stop by Olekshitsy - an urban-type village, where people even come from Grodno on weekends, such dances there. We decided: why not? And in the end, they compared a city party and a rural disco in contrast.

“Who, are you modest?”- the red-cheeked guy waves his hand and looks at his neighbor at the table. "Modest!"- Without taking her eyes off, the girl looks at him intently and drinks from the glass. White. Semi-dry.

The roadside cafe “At the Viking” is shining with lights; today the Olekszycki people make money here for the entire working week.

Somehow, suddenly, in a huge “tavern-type” hall, a conflict breaks out, the boys begin to move benches back and forth, heated by the warmth of their buttocks. Two police officers are watching what is happening from the “hallway” with parental affection. Someone in the hall shouts offendedly: “Boys, there is half an hour left before closing, no need to argue!”

The boys immediately fall silent, take their seats and continue the feast.

“Can I have some music?”- someone shouts from behind the counter. Music does not happen - there is a special place for this in Olekszycy. Outside, the dog waits for his owner and looks into the night. The owner finishes his drink and gets ready for the Olekszyce rave.

Once upon a time, there was a disco in every large village in the region, but gradually the clubs withered away, and when minors were prohibited from prying their noses into nightly events, the fountain of fun at parties finally dried up. Only the discotheque in Olekszycy survived. Although this is not a disco at all, but “dance evenings for adults” - that’s what it says on paper.

Still on the doorstep country house culture we are greeted by its permanent leader. Vladimir Nikolaevich came here as a distributor thirty years ago and still works as a director, entertainer, DJ and many others - the full list of duties, positions and areas of responsibility is probably written on many pages and is unlikely to fit into one short report.

- There was no time limit - they danced until the last person left. We had our own ensemble, guitars - they played until five in the morning. Then they caught the Polish wave on the radio and copied it onto a reel to play at a disco. And there were people!..- Vladimir Nikolaevich finishes the ritual of preparation for the disco in his office. Sitting nearby is another old resident of the House of Culture - Fedorovna. Together, cultural workers have been entertaining locals for ten years.

- We don’t have the concept of “disco” - it’s considered “dance evenings for adults.” Therefore, the DJ is not intended - there is no such bet. Fedorovna, artistic director, sells tickets. I play music.

On a typical day off, about 40 people come to Olekshitsy - from neighboring cities and sometimes from Grodno. The regional center is 30 kilometers away - it’s more profitable to get in a car and five of you come to a village dance for 2.5 rubles per entry than to hang out in an expensive regional center. But in the summer, on big holidays, Vladimir Nikolaevich takes the equipment outside. And then the whole area was already buzzing - it used to be that 500 people would hang out at such raves.

- Once the neighbors complained that the child could not sleep. We did this the next time at the club. And they installed double-glazed windows,- Fedorovna laughs.

Closer to one o'clock in the morning the first visitors appear at the club. Vladimir Nikolaevich “turns on” the disco ball, stands on workplace and plays music on the laptop. Dressed up girls in heels become beautiful New Year trees in the middle of the hall and caulk the old parquet floor.

- What else should I do?- the lively little girl smokes on the porch of the House of Culture. - I work in Grodno and go to Malaya Berestovitsa to visit my parents on weekends. You sit at home with them, and at night you meet with friends. First the bar - then here.

The guys assent and then start an eternal conversation about salaries, parties and the general futility of existence. The conversation turns out to be sad, and its content has long been known to everyone, so there is no point in retelling the essence.

Another hour later, as if on cue, carriages appear in front of the cultural center, in which they finish what they didn’t finish at the bar. Viking's closed, and the whole crowd immediately moved here. The very next second, the girls on the dance floor are angrily telling love to hell, and the boys are clapping their hands and running outside to smoke - to catch up and talk.

Fedorovna sits at the cash register and checks documents.

- When the ban on visiting minors was introduced, the number of people dropped sharply. The graduates have graduated from school, but they don’t have the right to go dancing. Girls at 16 start dating guys: they can walk on the street, but they are not allowed to visit us. They stand on the porch - you can't go inside. And this is the age to meet and fall in love.

Vladimir Nikolaevich masterfully manages the playlist. Behind Loboda, Monatik begins to circle the audience, heels are lowered onto the chipped stairs of the parquet, boys, beautifully draped with curtains, spy on the dances.

Another minute - and now he is gloomily howling about the Matrang jellyfish, drunk without wine, Yegor Creed complains to his mother about love madness, and Katya Ivanchikova commands everyone to smile and drills into the eardrum with an ultra-loud throat.

Particularly active dancers kick off their tired heels and increase the dynamics of the dance. The amplitude of hip movements, the area of ​​contact with the dance floor and the general freedom of movements increase, so that by Despacito the warm-up part of the disco comes to an end and the most active party-goers move into the phase of desperate body movements.

- You see, there’s nothing to do. There is nowhere to go - everyone comes here,- the guy who just made waves on the dance floor confesses. - And the music here is good. Better than in Grodno.

The DJ, who has thoroughly studied the range of hits on the market, plays Drunk Groove - the most eloquent characteristic of any disco. Here the phrase also works, and the dance floor is carried away on a fascinating audio journey, in which each of us feels the spell “a little bit, a little bit.”

A little time passes, and an older audience appears in the hall, for whom Leps is given. Leps rips his throat out and announces that he is raising his hands. The youth does not protest and obediently dances to Grigoriev’s songs.

- Hands!- Vladimir Nikolaevich shouts into the microphone. The dance floor raises its hands and begins to dance.

At this time, Bolshaya Berestovitsa is preparing for Saturday night. Green lanterns, densely placed along the roads, are an exceptional decoration - as if a modest locality will turn into a large-scale venue for a huge acid rave.

In general, locals are not offended by concerts with a serious sign. Recently, for example, Igor Nikolaev came here for a concert. True, the public was left with an aftertaste - someone even says that a double was staying in the regional center, because the artist stayed overnight in a local hotel and did not go to Grodno. And this Nikolaev seemed to be shorter in stature, and his beard was somewhat different from the beard of the real Nikolaev. In short, only Lieutenant Colombo can now understand this situation. And the public did not lose out and had already forgotten the arrival of the artist, who 20 years ago gave solo performances at Madison Square Garden, and now storms the halls of Bolshaya Berestovitsa.

Now young people are “warming up” before dancing in a restaurant that party until two in the morning. By the way, he almost killed the disco, but its organizers managed to come to an agreement.

- If a restaurant is open until two and a disco until two, then who will go dancing?- Anton, who is responsible for parties at RDK, explains the simple philosophy of life. - If we had a bar, it would be a different story. And so... In general, the police were against dancing until four, because then they would need to be on duty there until that time. But the administration made concessions - now we dance until four, and people from the restaurant come to us.

The restaurant is located in the very center of the city, next to the emergency church of the 17th century and the infernal Lenin. Right now there is a slow-burning family drama going on, which, like a Brazilian TV series, is being watched by everyone present. And near the club so far there are only small companies that are waiting for “movement”.

- There was a time when there were already three discos: “Platform”, a disco in a club and a restaurant!- Anton recalls. - Then gradually everything died out, and only ours remained. In the summer, up to a hundred people come, but now, in the off-season, there are 40. Although there are plenty of young people. There's also a local DJ - he graduated from college and is now assigned to a collective farm.

A guy in a Supreme T-shirt starts a disco in a spacious room where the wall is decorated with the optimistic slogan Life Is Music. “Everything rests on these”- RDK employees say about him when it comes to money. Like, he works not for a salary, but for an idea. In general, there is tension with salaries in the region.


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