Check out the translation of the idiom. What is check-in and check-out? Examples of using this phrase

Hi all! I can't start writing until I say hello. In this short article, I will tell you about a popular phrase in spoken English that you have undoubtedly heard many times. The phrase is “Check this out.” Do you know what it means?

Translation of the phrase "check this out" in English.

“To check something out” is a great phrase if you want someone to know more about something. In Russian we usually say: “Hey, this is a great deal!”, “To get acquainted with something,” etc.

Examples of using this phrase.

Let's take examples:

Hey Jack, check this out! It seems to be a good website!

(Hey Jack, check it out! I think it's a cool site!)

I've found this book! I'll check it out in awhile.

(I found this book! I'll check it out in a while)

It's such a wonderful movie! Check this out!

(This is such a great movie! Watch it!)

Using this phrase with animate nouns is not entirely correct. She is more concerned with some information about things.

I checked your letter out. It's very good!

(I studied (read, looked through) your letter. It’s not bad!)

I’ll check your new project out tomorrow.

(Tomorrow I will get acquainted with your project)

Okay, here are some more examples:

I’ll check your report out and tell you about my opinion.

(I will read your report and give my opinion)

Hey, I found a new restaurant! Let's check this out tonight!

(Hey, I found new restaurant! Let's go there in the evening!)

I saw your message and replied. So, check mail out.

(I saw your message and replied to you. So check your mail)

That's it, now you know the meaning of the phrase “Check this out”. It is very good and light.

I hope the post was useful to you.

Keep learning English and take care of yourself!

» How to translate Check this out into Russian?


check, check
write out

to check out an alibi — confirm the alibi
to check out of a hotel — check out from the hotel
to check out of a motel — leave from the motel
check out a library book — get a book with a library subscription
check out — check in when leaving work at the end of the working day; (colloquial) check it out
check out hardware — check the design
check out system — control system
clear check out status — allow module changes; canceling the "check out" status
verification check out

Hey, check out that car!

Hey, check out that car!

Does his story check out?

Is his story confirmed?

You must check out the hotel by 10 a.m.

You must leave the hotel before 10 am.

I'm afraid old Charlie has checked out.

I'm afraid old Charlie has already given up.

The library allows you to check out six books at a time.

According to the rules of this library, you can take no more than six books at a time.

On vacation you want to relax and forget about everything. Moreover, this desire appears already upon entering the travel company. But it’s too early to relax! To avoid unpleasant situations, we advise you to think through everything to the smallest detail: when is the best time to go on vacation and with whom? , To what country , to which company ask for help, etc.

Among other things, it’s worth getting acquainted with nearby tourist terms, which tourism managers operate and on the knowledge and understanding of which your peace of mind on vacation depends. Unfortunately, most of these terms are in English, and therefore not all of us understand them. Let's look first at those concepts that can add a fly in the ointment to your wonderful vacation, check-in and check-out.

What do you need to check-in at the airport?
Translated from in English it means registration, recording. The first time you encounter check-in is at the airport - this is the so-called check-in counter. What should you be prepared for at this moment? You must have with you everything necessary for registration: a passport, an air ticket and the luggage itself. Here, an unpleasant moment for someone may be the inspection of luggage and hand luggage: It is done manually, on a first-come, first-served basis. You may be asked to remove your shoes and have your clothing checked. Don’t let this bother you: all this is being done for our safety.

What do you need to check-in at the hotel?

In addition to checking in at the airport, you will have to check in at the hotel. At the hotel, you need to go to the reception board (in our opinion, the check-in counter) and present your passport, as well as all the documents that you received from the travel agency: voucher; a so-called hotel voucher on company letterhead, which indicates the name of the hotel, dates of entry and exit, hotel category and what meals you paid for; insurance certificate, which subsequently remains with you.

When you check-in and receive your keys, please ensure that the meal and room you are allocated matches the type of booking confirmed by the travel agency. All information about this must be indicated in the voucher, on the basis of which you are actually accommodated.
If you have any questions, they should be resolved immediately at the reception with a representative travel company who met you at the airport.
When checking in, don’t forget to ask what time the bus will pick you up on the day you leave the hotel.

Your check-in worries are over. And now it begins unforgettable vacation. You will resolve all issues related to organizing excursions or solving everyday issues with a representative of your travel company, who must leave you a contact phone number. Also, as a rule, in the lobby on the 1st floor of the hotel there is a tour operator stand with useful information and recommended excursions, which can be ordered from a company representative.

How to avoid problems when checking out of a hotel?
Well, the vacation has come to an end, and we need to get ready to go home. In order not to spoil the impression of your vacation, you need to clearly understand what a check-out, or checkout time, is. Don't believe it if your travel agent tells you that you can occupy the room until the taxi/bus arrives to take you to the airport - that's a mistake! Exists international rule checkout time for all hotels: the tourist must vacate the hotel room exactly at 12.00, regardless of what time his flight departs. Don't be upset, taxi/bus ( transfer) you can wait in the hotel lobby. You should not prove that you are right by convincing the hotel manager that you paid for 10 days and 9 nights and have the right to stay in the room “until the bitter end.” This, alas, will lead nowhere. You do not pay for the number of planned days (let's say 10, 24 hours each), but for the actual stay at the hotel from 12 noon on the day of arrival to 12 noon on the day of departure (as indicated on the booking sheet and voucher).

Please note: if you arrive at night and wish to check in immediately, you will be required to pay for the additional night you arrive. Your right is to wait in the hotel lobby until 12.00 the next day, but I think this is unlikely to suit you. Exactly the same rule exists for departure: exactly at 12.00 you must vacate your room!

It happens that hotels accommodate vacationers halfway, and if the flight home is very late and the hotel has available rooms, they can confirm a late check-out for you. Its cost, as a rule, is half the price of a night's stay. Therefore, when booking a tour, do not forget to check with the travel agency manager about the departure time and (if necessary) the possibility of ordering a late check-out. This is especially convenient and important if you are vacationing with children.

If you take into account all of the above, I think your vacation will give you only positive emotions. Happy travels!


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