The best time to buy a car: does it exist? Life hack: when is the best time to buy a tour abroad?

The residential real estate market is quite dynamic - housing prices, the number of offers and demand for apartments depend on many factors. If you are a buyer who needs to know when is the best time to buy an apartment, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the peculiarities of supply and demand for residential real estate. We'll talk about them.

In fact, experts say that there are always profitable offers on the market, and if you wish, you can find an inexpensive apartment that meets the buyer’s requirements at any time of the year. But the seasonality factor still takes place. Let's try to analyze it.


According to real estate market experts, a buyer can always find a good deal. But impartial statistics show that the cost of housing is greatly influenced by the time of year. Let's try to figure out when it is more profitable to buy an apartment in winter or summer.

Definitely, the most profitable time to purchase an apartment is winter, namely January. At this time, the real estate market is accumulating great amount offers, but there are clearly not enough buyers. Therefore, sellers are forced to reduce the price of the apartment in order to attract potential buyers.

This fact is due to the fact that almost half of January is holidays and weekends. At this time, people spend time on vacation abroad, celebrate Christmas and New Year holidays with their families. Banks are closed, limiting the pool of buyers to those who have cash and do not plan to use mortgage funds. So few people are involved in buying real estate.

So you can take advantage of the situation and find quite cheap options. Thus, if you want to buy an apartment as cheaply as possible, do it in January.

Buyer demand for residential real estate also falls in May, which accordingly forces sellers to make significant discounts. This is because May is the start time summer holidays, final exams, preparation for entrance exams. Adults with children at this time are concerned with completely different problems, and buying an apartment fades into the background. So here is another answer to the question: when is it more profitable to buy an apartment in St. Petersburg - in May - June.

But in the fall, the peak of consumer demand for residential real estate increases sharply. People who have had a rest in the summer begin to actively search for an apartment to buy and purchase housing for their student children who have gone to study in another city. Therefore, the number of profitable offers is rapidly decreasing, and the number of buyers is increasing. Of course, sellers immediately raise prices. Thus, it is unlikely that it will be profitable to purchase real estate in the fall.

Regardless of the time of year, decide how much money you are willing to spend on purchasing an apartment and how long you can wait. If your budget is limited, but time is of the essence, you can wait for “your apartment” - sooner or later, profitable offers will appear.

Advice: if you looked at the apartment, you liked it, you have all the documentation and you are convinced of the seller’s honesty - do not delay the conclusion. While you are thinking, the “delicious” option will go to another, faster and more savvy buyer. Remember, truly profitable offers do not stagnate for a long time - your thoughts can lead to the fact that there are several buyers for the apartment, and the seller will increase the price, realizing that the demand for his housing is great.

When is it more profitable to buy an apartment in a new building? The sooner, the better. If you are not ready to take risks and participate in shared construction, try immediately after the delivery of the house. The fewer unsold apartments remain, the higher the developer will raise prices for them. This is especially true for construction companies with an excellent reputation and many years of experience.

(Peter Greenberg). It's based personal experience formulated several tips regarding the day and time of purchasing air tickets, which may help you save a couple of tens of dollars.


Air tickets usually go on sale 330 days before departure. According to many travelers, it is best to book tickets 8 weeks – 2 months before your trip.

Greenberg believes that the optimal time to buy an air ticket is 45 days. Six weeks. And that's why:

The number one mistake many tourists make is taking too much... early booking. If your trip does not fall on high passenger days, such as Christmas, then you have a much better chance of saving if you buy tickets 45 days (for domestic flights) and 60 days (for international flights) before departure.

Outside the 45-day window, airline computer programs cannot calculate the current cost, but form it based on last year's passenger traffic. If a year ago the flight was full, then this year the price will be high. But this year there may be a price collapse (there is unrest in Bangkok - people are not going to Thailand), so by booking tickets more than 45 days in advance, you risk overpaying for last year's forecasts.

In addition, Greenberg notes how important it is to “play around” with departure dates. If you are not strictly tied to a certain number, then you can save a significant amount of money. Peter advises flying in the middle of the week, when most flights, except for business destinations, are practically empty, which means their tickets are cheap.

At what time?

As for the ideal time and day of the week to buy an air ticket, Greenberg calls - Wednesday, 1 am.

If you want to buy cheap air tickets, then there is an hour for this. This is Wednesday, 1:00 (one in the morning). But it is important to monitor the time zone of the place where the airline is located - exactly an hour must pass from the moment the day changes according to their time.

Why exactly the night from Tuesday to Wednesday? Greenberg explains: Most airlines offer discounts on tickets between Sunday evening and Monday evening. This means that passengers have a day to redeem them. On Tuesday, at midnight, tickets booked but not redeemed are again entered into the airlines' computer systems.

However, Peter Greenberg warns that to use this trick, you should call the carrier and book a ticket over the phone, not over the Internet.

You will learn even more about the tricks of airlines, as well as hotel booking services, in the article by Lifehacker editor Slava Baransky -.

Any official employee is entitled to annual basic paid leave. Some people prefer to take it in the summer, some take a vacation in the winter, and some even take money instead of a vacation. When you are planning a vacation, it is important not only to focus on the price of tickets, but also to consider what month your vacation falls on. After all, it depends on how much money you get!

Don't take vacation in May and January

Rule one: in months in which there are many non-working holidays, the amount of vacation pay will be less. On the contrary, if there are many working days in a month, then more money will be credited. Why is this happening? The fact is that if there are many holidays in a month, then the “cost of a working day” increases. According to the Labor Code, non-working holidays They are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are not paid, but they increase the duration of rest.

Thus, the most unfavorable months for vacation are May and January - there are many holidays and few working days. And the best time to rent is in July and August - no holidays, so the budget won’t suffer at all.

Don't split up your vacation if you want to get good vacation pay.

The second rule is that you should not divide your vacation into parts. Everyone knows that the vacation of an ordinary Russian employee is 28 calendar days. According to the Labor Code, one of its parts must be at least 14 calendar days. As for the remaining 14, the law does not regulate how they can and cannot be divided. Those who like to rest longer know how to organize this: by taking (with the consent of the employer) a vacation from Monday to Friday (for 5 working days), the employee actually rests the whole week and thereby “saves” himself 2 days of vacation. By repeating this again (again, if the company does not object), the employee again saves 2 days of rest - thus being able to rest for almost a week more! However, many employers do not like these tricks, so they include weekends as vacation.

In addition, this trick also has a disadvantage - not everyone knows that weekends adjacent to vacation are not paid. If you take vacation from Monday to Sunday, then you will receive vacation pay for the weekend too. The difference can be significant.

Don't go on vacation before the award

Thirdly, it is important to understand that the amount of vacation pay depends on your income for Last year. Thus, holiday pay will be higher if you received bonuses. An employee’s sick leave naturally reduces his income, and therefore his vacation pay.

Vacation pay is calculated as follows: the accrued salary for 12 months (this includes salary and bonus) is divided by 12, the result is divided by another 29.3 (this is the average monthly number of calendar days). We get the average earnings for 1 day. Now we multiply it by the number of vacation days (calendar, of course). So you can roughly estimate how much you will receive.

Just don’t forget that when calculating average earnings, only working days are taken into account, and if during the last 12 months you went on vacation or were on sick leave, then all the so-called vacation and sick leave money will not be included in the calculation of the average salary for 12 months. And the result in this case will be divided in accounting not by 29.3 days, but by the average number of days that will remain without sick leave and vacation. In general, if you are promised a bonus, then it is better to go on vacation after receiving it - then the amount of your vacation pay will be greater.

Many people who want to stop being pedestrians and switch to “wheels” are interested in the question of when is the best time to buy new car. And this is just one of all the most relevant ones. What kind of car should it be, what should you look for when choosing, is it better to take it from a showroom or used... in general, there are a lot of questions. And each of them should be answered.

Best time

So, people who are wondering when is the best time to buy a new car should know that there are certain months for purchasing a car that are more profitable than others. January and February - here they are. If a person wants to buy a car at the lowest price, then he should focus on these months. But this rule only applies if you plan to purchase a new car from a dealership. However, this is not discussed now.

Why exactly January and February? The explanation is simple and clear. It is during these months that the demand for cars, according to statistics, is least. But before New Year holidays It is large enough, and therefore the cost is appropriate. And if you really want to do it for yourself or really dear person gift in the form of a brand new car on the occasion of December 31, then it’s worth taking care of the issue early. In a couple of months, because prices are rising significantly.

But after the January weekend, you can go to the car dealership and rejoice at the fallen prices. Dealers simply have no other choice - in order to sell cars, they are trying to somehow attract their customers, and therefore lower the cost.


Another interesting nuance regarding the topic of when is the best time to buy a new car. Let’s say a brand new model has come out, released by some popular concern. She is as attractive and desirable as possible. In addition, many car enthusiasts were waiting for her! Accordingly, the cost of this car will not be small. And what to do if a person whose budget is somewhat limited was also waiting for the release of this car, but when it appeared in showrooms, it turned out that he “didn’t have enough” for it? There is an exit. And the trick is how to spend the accumulated amount and not go into debt for the sake of a long-awaited new item. True, there are also victims. And this is the time. We need to wait a year. What's the point?

Everything is extremely simple. Prices in showrooms are being reduced for last year's models. The excitement is passing, the main batch of cars is being sold out. But the rest also need to be sold. And, accordingly, dealers again reduce prices. Very easy. Statistics have shown that the discount on a car produced a year or more ago is approximately 8-10% of the total cost. This is a good saving, considering how much “long-awaited” models from famous companies now cost!

Problem of 2016

And now a little about the sad. As we all know very well, in 2014 the dollar “went up” sharply. Just like the euro. More precisely, the ruble began to “fall”. In general, this is not as important as the fact that car prices began to increase sharply. After all, the vast majority, and what can I say, all the cars, with the exception of those produced by AvtoVAZ, are foreign! German, American, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Asian... Accordingly, the exchange rate has increased - and so have the prices.

Take, for example, one of the most luxurious business sedans available today. This is a Mercedes in a W222 body. In 2013, everyone was talking about this car. And at that time, at the exchange rate of that time, it cost 8 million rubles. Now this car will cost almost twenty 20 million rubles! This difference really makes you feel bad.

So, that’s why many wealthy people began to invest their money - some in real estate, and some in cars. As a result, at the end of 2014, incredible queues formed in all dealer centers in Russia. Buying a new car has become almost an end in itself for them. That's why the warehouses were empty in a couple of weeks. And even last year's cars were sold at a higher price than before. So this is why many analysts argued that now is not the best best time for purchasing cars. Better to wait it out.

When should you not buy a car?

Now it’s worth talking about when buying a car at a car dealership can be a bad idea. There is such a time too. The worst season to buy a car is... spring. All! And March, and April, and May. There's a reason for that too. Nature comes to life, the snow melts, and people, realizing that the roads have become “normal,” go to the dealership to buy a brand new car. Statistics show that this is indeed the case. Demand is increasing almost exponentially. In some places there is even a shortage of certain models. So buyers can forget about gifts and discounts. Therefore, if you don’t want to fight for the car remaining in the showroom and overpay, it’s better to wait a little.


June, July, August... This is the best time to buy a new car! Oddly enough, but January and February and summer are the periods when you can see discounts and an abundance of models. The reason is extremely simple - the vast majority of Russians go on vacation. So they don’t care about purchasing new cars. This is not the best time for dealers - they need to make discounts, arrange promotions and promise gifts to attract the buyer and convince him that he needs this car. Moreover, many experts advise visiting different salons - checking prices, talking with managers and consultants, maybe someone will be more accommodating than competitors.

And at the end of August, an increase in demand is already beginning to be observed. So a person who wants to buy a car has two months “to make it in time.”

Purchasing a used car: advantages

So, when it’s cheaper, we figured it out. Now it’s worth saying a few words regarding the purchase of cars that have already, as they say, been driven. Most The best way to save money is to buy such a car. Many people will start saying - but this is a used car, they’ve already used the car, but what if something happens... So, it’s worth clarifying something.

No one claims that you need to take a car from the 60th year of production (although there are such connoisseurs). Take, for example, the Audi A5 of the past, 2015. 225 horsepower, Quattro, automatic transmission and all the options that could be useful. Such a car in the showroom will cost at least 2.5 million rubles. But you can search for advertisements and find a person who bought this car, but is now urgently selling it - he needed money, is moving... there may be different reasons. The important thing is that he gives away this completely new Audi, with a minimum mileage of 5-20 thousand kilometers, for an amount that is half a million less than the established amount. And the car will truly be in perfect condition. If anything, you can check it at a service station before purchasing to identify hidden damage.

The best time for used purchases

So, now, in continuation of the previous topic about used cars, we should talk about when it is cheaper to buy a car. One advantage of making a deal with the owner, and not with the salon, is that the person will not be guided by the seasons. That is, even before the New Year, when dealers have a peak high prices, you can find an advertisement in which the owner is selling a car for quite low price. This is a clear plus.

But it’s still better to deal with this issue at a time of year when it’s warm outside and there’s no slush. These are comfortable conditions in which you can examine the car in detail. But there is a definite advantage to buying in winter. For example, a potential buyer can observe with his own eyes how the car starts in the cold season.

In general, there are advantages here too. But which one to buy and when is an individual matter.

Popularity Factor

A very ambiguous moment. And we should talk about it when talking about when it is more profitable to buy a new car.

So, in Russian Federation the most popular (as of 2015) are the Lada Granta, Kia Rio, Hyundai Solaris, Renault Duster, Volkswagen Golf, Volkswagen Polo, Renault Clio, Ford (F- series), “Chevrolet Silverado” and “Dodge RAM”. In theory, these cars have become popular because they attract attention with their quality, appearance, efficiency and price. However, dealers also need to make money, so, noticing increased interest in the models, they begin to gradually increase prices. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

A completely separate story regarding premium cars - that is, all cars produced by such iconic concerns as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, Rolls-Royce ”, “BMW”, etc. This is a brand and quality that has been proven over the years, for which you have to pay. So to the question: “When is the best time to buy a car from well-known brands?” No answer. It was, is and will always be expensive.

Looking forward to the future

Talking about how to save money on buying a car, when you can actually get discounts, and what you need to do in general, you cannot help but touch on another interesting and relevant topic. It can be called this way: “Forward-sighted saving”. Many people should know that when they buy a car, they, as they say, take responsibility “for what they bought.” The machine requires deposits. New - rarely (but no one canceled oil and fuel changes with washing), used - more often. Although not a fact! New “Ladas” are, in fact, “piggy banks” into which you need to constantly invest. But the good old “Germans” (“Volkswagens”, “Audis”, “Mercedes”, “Opels”), even from the 90s, will serve as long as they left before.

Therefore, you need to buy a car based on the criteria. For some people it is important that the car is beautiful. To the other - so that it is comfortable. Still others pay attention to the number of “horses”. Fourth - on reliability and safety. The rest - for everything taken together. But it is also important to take into account fuel consumption (gasoline prices are rising by leaps and bounds), repairs (one small part for an elite Mercedes can cost the same as a used Moskvich) and maintenance. In general, the choice is everyone’s, but it should be done wisely.

Articles and Lifehacks

Of course, everyone knows the saying that it is better to prepare a sleigh in the summer. Popular wisdom also applies if the user is concerned about when is the best time to buy a smartphone?. This will allow him to save a lot, especially when purchasing an expensive model. So it will turn out much cheaper if you choose the right time to buy it.

Demand creates supply. However, the manufacturer does not forget to increase the cost of its goods. So, air conditioners are most expensive in the summer, boots in the winter, and so on. The same applies to smartphones, the demand for which grows, for example, during the New Year holidays.

Why do you need to know when is the best time to buy a smartphone?

So, the biggest reason to be aware of the best shopping season is the savings opportunity mentioned above.

Some users, whose budget is not so limited, care not about the price, but about the novelty of their mobile device. They buy smartphones, and suddenly it turns out that new products are no longer so relevant, despite the high cost. This category of consumers also needs to be known best season for purchase.

New products are often released in mid-autumn - early winter. Thus, the long-awaited iPhone 6 smartphone should appear in September, although it is only February.

When is the best time to buy a smartphone?

Prices for mobile equipment change constantly, as manufacturers regularly update their lineup by releasing new devices. Many of them are evolved versions of their predecessors.

So, when is the best time to buy a smartphone? Undoubtedly, you need to wait some time, because immediately after the release of the next new product, it is offered at the maximum price.

If you want to save money, at this moment it is best to purchase the previous model from the manufacturer.

Over the course of the year, the price of a new product gradually decreases, up to the point that it drops by 15%. Analysis of the mobile technology market allows you to carefully monitor the trends that are observed in the market every year.

To begin with, it’s worth saying that prices for cellular devices decrease most at the end of the 3rd – beginning of the 4th quarter, that is, around September.

It is worth saying that it is at this time that pre-holiday shopping begins in the West, that is, sales before Christmas and New Year. In this regard, the cost of mobile devices is decreasing in the domestic market. And it was at this time that users who had just purchased in supermarkets or salons mobile communications, a lot.

In our country best period purchases of smartphones are various pre-New Year promotions.

Those users who are more interested in the relevance of a particular model are advised to periodically monitor new products on the relevant sites in order to always be aware of the development of the mobile industry.


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