White speleologist from Sablinsky caves. White speleologist - guardian of the Sablinsky caves White speleologist

Visions of a white caver

Stories about the white caver are especially common in places where there are natural caves or abandoned artificial underground corridors, such as salt mines.

Explorers of various types of dungeons often like to talk about the white speleologist. It is believed that this ghost maintains order and deals very harshly with those who do not adhere to the unspoken laws adopted among speleologists.

It is believed that there is a very high probability of seeing a white speleologist in the Sablinsky quarries, well known to St. Petersburg residents, located several tens of kilometers from the Northern capital.

A rather interesting story related to the appearance of a white speleologist in these places was told by Yuri Lyakhnitsky, who devoted many years to the study of caves and dungeons. Here is his short story: “Once upon a time, a certain extreme sports enthusiast decided to wander through the caves alone. And since this happened in winter, all entrances to underground labyrinths were covered with ice. The unlucky speleologist slipped and rushed into the depths of the cave at great speed. At the very bottom, he hit his head on a stone wall, broke a cervical vertebra and died instantly. Someone unknown buried him in the gallery of the cave called “Pants”, and fixed a cross on the grave mound. And yet, since that time, the ghost of a white speleologist has been wandering through all the caves.”

But the mysterious ghost of the caves not only hovers carefree in the underground labyrinths, but sometimes also does truly evil deeds. Here, for example, is what he arranged for a 16-year-old boy who decided to take a solo excursion to the Sablinsky stone galleries. For this purpose, he chose the Pants Cave, that is, exactly the one where the white speleologist was buried.

What happened underground is unknown. But the frivolous boy was found barely alive from fear almost at the very end of the ten-kilometer labyrinth. He could not say anything intelligible, but only talked about some strange cloud, similar to the figure of a man, which pursued him until he lost consciousness. They say that after this incident, an inscription appeared over the grave of the white speleologist: “Vengeance awaits everyone!”...

Some psychiatrists believe that the cause of strange visions may be the special chemical properties of cave air

There is also information about the existence of the ghost of a speleologist in the New Athos cave, which is located in Abkhazia.

So, one day a group of Moscow speleologists, after many kilometers of trekking, decided to rest in the cave’s cavern hall. It should be noted that previously, most speleologists adhered to an unwritten rule, according to which it was forbidden to take out deposits, crystals, cave pearls and other interesting rarities from the dungeons as souvenirs. The only exceptions were samples that were later used as objects of geological research.

But one of the expedition members, let’s call him Sergei, found himself in such an amazing and mysterious world, there was a desire to have some cave curiosity in memory of this trip.

Already in the tent, he told his comrades that he had found several amazingly beautiful corallites - special formations that looked very similar to sea corals. They were so magnificent that he didn’t even realize how they ended up in his jacket pocket. Everyone wanted to sleep, so they didn’t try to prove to Sergei that he had broken the unspoken law.

Suddenly, from the opposite side of the hall, about fifty meters from the tent, strange sounds were heard. The dream passed instantly. And strange sounds were approaching. Now everyone could clearly hear someone’s confident tread in them.

The bravest of the group pushed the tent flap aside and directed a powerful flashlight beam into the cave darkness. However, he did not find anything suspicious. The “steps” also froze at this time. But as soon as the light went out, they again broke the silence of the cave.

“Most likely, this is a white speleologist,” someone from the company said in a hoarse voice. “He doesn’t like it when his property is stolen.”

The footsteps died down near the tent. An icy wave of fear washed over the group members. Several seconds passed. And suddenly a strange sound was heard again, but now it was already moving away from the speleologists’ overnight stay.

And the next day, barely waking up, Sergei, frightened by the night’s incident, took the corallites to the grotto, in which he broke them out...

There is also a white speleologist in the Zhiguli Mountains. He is kind by nature and often helps cave explorers in trouble. There are even several interesting stories about this.

Here's just one of them.

A group of speleologists climbed from one difficult cave to the surface. Everyone had already left the dungeon, and only one member of the expedition could not get to the exit. And suddenly the man heard someone’s voice: “Stand on my shoulder. Just be careful not to crush your neck!”

And soon, thanks to timely assistance, the speleologist found himself on the surface. And then he noticed that the whole group was fully assembled. It turned out that he was the last to leave the cave. This means that someone unknown helped him. But who? The conclusion was clear: a white speleologist.

Some eyewitnesses say that they met a white speleologist in a quarry near Moscow called Syany. They saw him appear directly from the stone wall of the drift and extinguish or, on the contrary, light the torches with the help of which the speleologists illuminated their way.

Many speleologists claim that an underground ghost sometimes appears in caves Central Asia. It can be seen especially often in the Chil-Ustun cave, or Forty Columns, the main attraction of which is petrified trees. It is believed that it often saves the lives of speleologists.

Samarkand speleologists were once convinced of this. One day in the middle of the night they were awakened by sounds similar to human footsteps approaching their temporary camp. The guys turned out to be not timid. They immediately picked it up and turned on their powerful flashlights. But they saw no one, although footsteps were still heard. True, now they were moving away. Then the speleologists, obeying an incomprehensible internal stimulus, rushed in pursuit of either an animal, or a man, or a ghost.

It was at this moment that a collapse occurred at the entrance: stone fragments weighing hundreds of kilograms fell onto the sleeping bags. There is no doubt that if the travelers had not woken up in time and ran out to the sound of strange steps, they would have been killed by huge boulders.

These are the stories. Just a few of them are described here. Although speleologists know them much more. Because in almost every famous caves has its own white guardian.

Of course, all these stories could not appear out of nowhere. And although many of them are fictitious, there is nevertheless some truth in these stories. This means that experts have a question: what do people actually encounter in underground labyrinths?

Judging by the stories, speleologists and adventure lovers meet in caves with the ghosts of people who died there. And there are quite a lot of hypotheses explaining the appearance of ghosts. And we have already talked about them.

But it is likely that cave ghosts are associated with specific phenomena characteristic only of dungeons.

It should be noted that any cave has a very definite effect on the human psyche. Silent silence, almost absolute darkness, constant temperature and still air largely block any tactile sensations.

It is clear that after 1.5–2 hours of staying in such conditions, a variety of hallucinations may appear. Including the image of a man in white.

One hypothesis suggests that hallucinations can also be caused by infrasound, which, for example, appears in caves as a result of the movement of water in underground rivers or minor movements of soil.

And some psychiatrists believe that the cause of strange visions may be the special chemical properties of cave air. After all, natural gas compounds that provoke hallucinations in people have been known for a long time. Perhaps they are what cause the unusual effects of consciousness.

It is possible that the appearance of ghosts is also provoked by electromagnetic vibrations, which lead to the appearance of light phenomena, or phantoms, easily mistaken for a white speleologist.

For example, geophysicist, candidate technical sciences V. Bondarenko wrote that more than once in the caves of Crimea and the Urals he saw quickly moving luminous pillars and bundles. With a sufficiently developed imagination, frightened people could easily mistake them for the ghost of a white speleologist.

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In any region where there are mountains or abandoned dungeons, there will be people who are ready to talk about meeting with a “white speleologist.” He restores order and sometimes severely punishes those who, having penetrated the underground labyrinths, violate their unwritten laws.

Sablinskie caves

Most often, the “white speleologist” is encountered near St. Petersburg in the famous Sablinsky quarries. More than 10 man-made caves stretch along the valley of the Tosna River, formed after the extraction of quartz sand for glass factories. Sablinsky quarries are perhaps the most picturesque artificial caves in Russia. The combination of white and red sandstone walls and greenish limestone composing the vaults gives them amazing color. After sand mining stopped in 1924, water entered the quarries. She formed several deep lakes covering many hundreds of square meters.

This is how geologist and famous cave expert Yuri Likhnitsky from St. Petersburg tells the story of the appearance of a “white speleologist” in the Sablinsky quarries: “Many years ago, a certain gentleman decided to explore the caves alone. It was in winter, when the entrances to the underground cavities were covered with solid ice. The would-be speleologist slipped and drove down at great speed, hitting his head on the wall of the catacomb, he broke his cervical vertebra and died instantly. the spirit of the “white speleologist” hovers throughout all the caves.”

The mysterious creature of the Sablinsky caves not only hovers around, but also jokes. Moreover, they are evil and deadly. So, recently a 16-year-old boy decided to climb stone labyrinths alone. He chose the "Pants" cave for a walk - the same one where the grave of the "white speleologist" is located. As a result, the frivolous brave man was found barely alive in the farthest corridor of the ten-kilometer labyrinth. After this incident, an inscription frightening “underground tourists” appeared over the grave of the “white speleologist”: “Vengeance awaits everyone!”

New Athos

There is also a “white speleologist” in the New Athos cave located near the Black Sea. True, no one knows where his grave is. An old legend says that even before the revolution, a certain daredevil decided to penetrate the “heart” of the mountain. I collected ropes in the village, took candles with me and climbed to the very top. Here there is a sinkhole known to all surrounding residents that goes deep down. The brave guy began to descend.

At first people heard his voice, then there was silence. He never appeared in the light of day again. Many years later, it was through this failure, turning into a whole cascade of wells, that speleologists first descended into the underground system, consisting of huge halls and narrow galleries, covered with amazingly beautiful stone deposits. When the number of speleological groups that visited the New Athos cave exceeded a couple of dozen, rumors spread among speleologists about a “white speleologist” protecting its beauty from plunder. Members of one Moscow group (which, I confess, included me) say that they staked out the road for a day and eventually set up camp in the Collapse Hall of the New Athos Cave.

At that time, enthusiasts of underground adventures had an unwritten law: drips, crystals, cave pearls and other curiosities of the underground world should not be taken out of caves. An exception was made only for samples taken for geological research. But the photographer Sasha, who first found himself in the most beautiful of the caves of the Caucasus, became greedy.

Already lying in the tent, he boasted of several magnificent corallites - cave formations very reminiscent of sea corals. Like, he accidentally knocked them over with his helmet; if you don’t leave such beauty underfoot, they’ll definitely trample them. Everyone wanted to sleep for a long time, and there was no strength to argue with the “robber”. Suddenly, at the other end of the hall, about fifty meters from the tent, some noise was heard. Everyone instantly woke up from their slumber in the cave, except for the speleologists, there was no one there.

The noise came closer, someone's confident steps could be clearly heard. One of the Muscovites opened the tent's canopy and shone a powerful flashlight into the darkness. A beam of light ran across the floor of the cave, “feeling” every suspicious place, but found nothing. The lantern went out, and distinct footsteps were heard again. “Probably, this is a “white speleologist,” Valera, an expert on the underworld, said lazily. He doesn’t like it when caves are robbed.” The steps stopped a few meters from the tent and then began to move away. In the morning, the frightened Sasha hurried to take the corallites to the grotto where they had been broken out.

Caucasian residents have another version of the appearance of a “white speleologist” in their caves. In a mountain village located near the Kellasuri River, there lived a shepherd who grazed a flock of sheep in the mountains. While the sheep grazed on the lawns, he liked to climb the nearby rocks. One day the young man came across a cave that no one in his village had heard of, and decided to explore it. He fell in love with this cave and looked into it almost every day, each time discovering unexplored corners in it.

Once, guests from the capital appeared in the village and asked to introduce them to the mountains. The elder gave them that same shepherd boy as their guide. For several days the young man showed the guests beautiful waterfalls, steep cliffs, deep gorges, and then decided to show off “my” cave. After wandering around it for several hours, the guests were about to go back, but then someone wanted to inspect another well. The boy began to descend first. He was already at the bottom when a stone fell from the wall and broke his leg. The capital's visitors told the boy that they would go to the village for help.

They threw down a backpack with a supply of food, drink and candles for several days, and left. But on the way they changed their minds: who knows how the mountaineers will react to their action? After all, in fact, the boy was abandoned alone in the mountains. As a result, the guests considered it best to quickly pack their things and quietly leave the village. The next morning the boy's mother sounded the alarm. The villagers searched all the caves and tunnels. They searched for several days, but in vain. And then the boy’s friend remembered the cave that he loved to go to.

They examined every corner of it and found a coil of rope and an untouched backpack in one of the wells. And the young man himself disappeared. Since then, a “white speleologist” has appeared in the caves of the Caucasus. He. helps the lost and despairing, becomes a guiding light of salvation. However, he hates people who are capable of abandoning his comrades in trouble. They will die from hunger and darkness, from fear and loneliness.

There is a “white speleologist” who helps cave explorers in the Zhiguli Mountains who find themselves in trouble. Experienced cavemen love to tell newcomers stories about unexpected help that sometimes saved their lives. Here's one such story. A group of speleologists was emerging from a not very complex cave. Everyone was already on the surface. Only one guy couldn’t get to the exit - it was too high. And suddenly someone’s calm voice said: “Stand on my shoulder, just don’t crush my neck!” The young man, thanking the invisible savior, safely climbed to the surface. And only at the top I saw that the whole group had already risen. He was the only one left below! Who helped him remained a mystery until the guys remembered the “white speleologist” and the strange pillars of light that sometimes burst out from the bottom of the wells. What if this glow from the caves is a sign of his presence?

Alexander the Great Gorge

The “white speleologist” can also be found in the Central Asian mountains. Not far from the city of Andijan, in the limestone massif there is a deep gorge. An ancient legend says that once King Alexander the Great himself, having encountered this obstacle on the way of the army, split the massif with his sword and made a road. At the same time, he unsealed the entrance to a cave with petrified trees Chil-Ustun (Forty Columns). The entrance to Chil-Ustun is located at an altitude of a quarter of a kilometer, almost at sheer cliff. However, the trail is not overgrown. There is an ancient belief that if sins are heavy, they will be thrown into the abyss. Anyone who walks along the steep rocky slope and returns to the foot unharmed will have all bad deeds forgiven.

However, woe to the climber who decides to spend the night under the stone arches of Chil-Ustun! Granting atonement for sins, the Almighty will doom him to remain in the cave forever, turning him into its invisible guardian. Samarkand speleologists were recently convinced that such an invisible guardian really exists. In the middle of the night they were awakened by footsteps approaching their cedar mountain camp. People jumped up and turned on their flashlights. No one came into the light, and the footsteps began to move away. When the researchers tried to catch up with the person leaving, a collapse occurred at the entrance. Blocks weighing hundreds of kilograms fell onto the spread sleeping bags. If the travelers had not woken up and jumped out in time to the sound of footsteps, everyone would have died.

Podmoskovnye Syans

There are about a hundred old underground quarries in the Moscow region, but the “white speleologist” is found only in one in Syany, the length of which is more than 40 kilometers. There is even a grotto called “White”, and in it there is a stone grave with the inscription: “White is among us.” Among Moscow speleologists, you can find many eyewitnesses who say that they met a “white speleologist” coming out of the stone walls, blowing out or, conversely, lighting candles.

In December 2000, several people immediately saw a “guy in white” emerging from one wall of the “RF” drift and then entering another stone. Here, another group heard a heart-rending female scream from a grotto adjacent to the drift, where there was no one.


What do people still face underground? Legends and eyewitness accounts would seem to indicate that underground adventure seekers encounter the ghosts of people who died in caves. And there are many hypotheses that explain the very existence of ghosts: here are “etheric bodies”, and “memory of place”, and energy essences, etc. But it is quite possible that what was seen in the caves is a material phenomenon that has not yet received a proper scientific explanation.

It is probably associated with fluctuations in physical, including electromagnetic, fields, which can cause light effects mistaken for ghosts and the “white caver.” Geophysicist, candidate of technical sciences V. Bondarenko wrote that he more than once saw moving vertical luminous pillars and ropes in caves in the Crimea and the Urals, which quickly changed along underground corridors. With a lot of imagination, frightened people could easily mistake these extraordinary phenomena for a “white caver.”

"Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism" No. 23 2013

It is impossible to imagine the natural habitat of man without sunlight, but this does not mean that man has refused to explore the world of the underground.

Here are the famous ones Sablinskie caves near St. Petersburg they are not empty: they are chosen by speleologists, tourists, lovers of esotericism and... ghosts. The most famous inhabitant of this underground kingdom is White speleologist.

Just 40 kilometers from St. Petersburg along the Moscow highway, and you find yourself in an amazing scenic spots Sablinsky nature reserve. Here, on an area of ​​220 hectares, unique for the plains are concentrated
terrain reliefs - canyons and waterfalls. And along the bank of the Tosna River there are entrances to the famous Sablinsky caves.

All of them are of artificial origin and were formed as a result of the extraction of quartz sand on the banks of Tosna. Even 150 years ago, during the time of Catherine II, the glass industry began to develop in Russia, and intensive development of quartz sand has been carried out in Sablino since 1860.

It was hard labor, when sand was carried in baskets to the mouth of the mine and sent along the Tosna River to glass factories. Later, trolleys appeared, and the sand was sent to the railway station. Three wagons of sand were mined per day, and workers were paid 80 kopecks per day.

This is how the Sablinsky caves appeared - ancient mine workings resembling adits. The method of sand extraction here was special - chamber-and-pillar, when during excavation, pillars-columns were left as fastenings, which alternated with the chambers where the main extraction was carried out.

The sand was mined of excellent quality, and the famous imperial crystal was made from it, which received the most high marks at international exhibitions. One of the most respected clients was the court of His Imperial Majesty. In 1924, the last miner left the caves, and Mother Nature began to work on them.


Currently there are four in Sablino large caves— Levoberezhnaya (“Trash”), “Pearl”, “Pants”, “Rope”, as well as several smaller caves: “Trekhglazka”, “Beach”, “Dream”, “Santa Maria”, “Count’s Grotto”, “ Fox holes." All caves look very colorful due to the fact that the walls are made of white and red sandstone, and the vaults are made of green glauconitic limestone.

The so-called “Trash” is rich in underground lakes up to three meters deep and with an area of ​​many hundreds of square meters. These lakes are unique in their own way, and all thanks to anomalies associated with water filtration. For example, Pearl Lake either lasts for years or disappears within a day. There are floods here, and they start so abruptly that if this happens, you need to get out of here quickly, otherwise there will be trouble.

In general, Sablinsky caves are famous for their unpredictability. So, for example, sometimes spontaneous changes in the configuration of underground rooms occur, passages appear or disappear, and collapses occur. But these are flowers. After several hours of being in caves, hallucinations can easily begin: some people are “lucky enough” to hear distant female voices, others imagine different melodies.

One of the speleologists claimed to have heard a male choir singing the song “Varyag”. Experienced speleologists say: it’s better not to wait for visual hallucinations; once they come, they may never leave. But this is far from the only danger that awaits neophytes in the dungeon.


The most famous underground character of the Sablinsky caves is the so-called White speleologist. They say that this is not at all an ethereal shadow like other, often harmless, ghosts. The white speleologist keeps order in the caves and mercilessly deals with those who disturb their peace, coming here “with his own charter.” One day, a teenager decided to walk alone through the labyrinths of the “Pants” cave, where, according to legend, the grave of the White speleologist is located.

The invisible lord of the cave lured the guy into the farthest corridor and confused him. As a result, the boy got lost and was never able to get out of the trap. Only a few days later, a group of rescuers discovered a barely alive teenager and helped him get out. What did the young dungeon explorer do wrong? They say he decided to smoke there, but the cave spirit didn’t like it.

The story about the White speleologist has become overgrown with fables and legends over the years; it is now difficult to figure out what is true in it. It all started with the fact that a certain dungeon lover decided to go down into the caves alone. It was winter, when the entrances to the underground cavities were covered with solid ice.

The unfortunate speleologist slipped and went down at great speed. Hitting his head against the wall of the catacomb, he broke his cervical vertebra and died instantly.

It is not known who buried him in the underground gallery of the “Pants” cave and placed a metal cross on the grave mound, but since then speleologists have made sure that there is a helmet on the grave, and on the mound itself - matches, lighters, cigarettes, money and even a flask with water. You cannot touch these things, because they belong to the White Speleologist.

Despite the restless spirit of the Sablinsky Caves, they are very popular. The St. Petersburg School of Speleology was even opened on their basis. Schoolchildren, geologists and geographers undergo internships here. But inexperienced neophytes will not even step foot into the dungeon without the supervision of experienced adult comrades. One story is passed down from mouth to mouth.

One day, the scientific supervisor responded to the persistent requests of the students to arrange a meeting with the unknown. At the bottom of the gallery the man placed an overturned bucket and a lit candle on it.

The observers sat to the side and stared at the fire for half an hour. Suddenly the bucket tilted, confident, quick steps were heard, and the candle suddenly floated through the air. Crowding each other, everyone who was underground jumped out like a cork. Since then, no one has had the desire to disturb the spirit of the Sablinsky Caves in vain.


In the foreseeable future, Sablinsky caves will become a place of unique scientific experiments. One of the remote underground galleries will be isolated from the outside world, which will allow scientists to observe the natural flow natural processes happening underground.

Why were the Sablinsky caves chosen as the site for the scientific experiment? The location of the Sablinsky caves is unique in itself. 500 million years ago there was an ocean shore here, and therefore now animal fossils are often found on natural limestone slabs. Scientists hope to discover many more interesting and unknown things here.

Sablinsky caves also have a special temperature regime: all year round the air temperature there is at 7-8 degrees Celsius. This circumstance largely explains the special love that representatives of the animal world have for these caves: bats and butterflies gather here for the winter.

The atmospheric regime in the cave is such that what speleologists set for the last New Year the tree retains its appearance for almost a whole year. Perhaps observations of the processes occurring in the Sablinsky caves will allow scientists to open new horizons in science and technology.



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