Rest in Kastropol (Beregovoe). Resorts of Crimea: Beregovoe (Big Yalta) Beregovoe Yalta Crimea

:  /  (G) 44.408889 , 33.906944 44°24′32″ n. w. /  33°54′25″ E. d.(G)

44.408889° s. w. 33.906944° E. d. Former names
before - Kastropol Square 26.85 km² Population 478 people () Timezone +380-654

UTC+2 , in summer UTC+3 Telephone code Beregovoe(previously Kastropol; Ukrainian Beregove, Crimean Catholicate. Kastropol) is an urban-type settlement on the southern coast of Crimea on the Black Sea coast, part of the Simeiz village council of the Yalta city council. Better known under the historical name Kastropol (the name Beregovoe is not used anywhere except in official documents,

geographical maps

and encyclopedias). Geographical division The village is divided into two historically formed parts: Upper Kastropol, located to the west, and

Nizhny Kastropol

or simply Kastropol, located to the east. Upper Kastropol and Iphigenia rock.

In Upper Kastropol there is a residential one-story estate building, a large VIP residence, as well as an Orthodox church (UOC), consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Near the temple there is mineral spring. Below the level of the buildings of Upper Kastropol above the sea is located rock Iphigenia mountain range 120 high and 450 long along the sea edge, it is a cape separating Kastropol from the village of Oliva. The base of the rock is a volcanic cone composed of deposits of volcanic ash (tuffs) with inclusions of volcanic bombs dating back to the volcanism of the Upper Jurassic period (150 million years ago). The rock massif is divided by a steep gorge-fault into two parts - the eastern, called Iphigenia itself, and the western, also known as

Dragon rock ; the top of the latter is covered with characteristic stone peaks. On the eastern top of the rock there is a monument in the shape of a cross. Towards the slope

eastern peak

Iphigenia, at level 50 below its highest point, from the rear (relative to the sea) side, a turn of the Upper Kastropol serpentine approaches. From here, along the flat part of the rock, it is not difficult to climb to an unequipped observation deck at the cross monument.

In Nizhny Kastropol there is a private development aimed at renting to vacationers, as well as a seaside resort area. This zone consists of a group of buildings of the boarding house "Kastropol", the beach of this boarding house, several hotels and mini-hotels, several VIP-level estates.

In addition, between Lower and Upper Kastropol there is a kilometer-long zone of forest of the sub-Mediterranean type. In the forest zone grow Crimean pine, Scots pine, blunt-leaved pistachio, thorny tree, evergreen cypress, common juniper, Cossack juniper, Crimean cistus, Pontic broom, etc. The lower above-beach terrace of the forest area has been actively used for tented seaside recreation for many years under control Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve. Despite its protected status, the forest zone of Kastropol has been actively built up with complexes of hotels and mansions since the 2000s.

Below the eastern part of the forest area there is a small pebble public beach. From the east it is limited by a cape separating it from the beach of the Kastropol boarding house. To the west of the public beach there is a scattering of very large (2-5) stone blocks. This inaccessible and little-visited block placer has been used for many years by lovers of nude recreation, mainly for couples and families, but also for individuals.

Mountains above Kastropol

North of the Sevastopol - Yalta highway rises above Kastropol Kastropol Wall or Kastropolsky edging- one of the western parts of the rocky cliffs of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla facing the sea. The relative height of the rocky wall reaches 200, its upper line from sea level reaches a height of 600-950. In the east, the border of the Kastropol wall is the fault of Mount Morcheka, popular among climbers, in the west - a natural and historical monument - the Shaitan-Merdven pass. In literature, the Kastropol Wall and the Baydar Wall, located west of Shaitan-Merdven, are often combined under a single name Baydaro-Kastropol wall.

In the east of the Kastropol Wall, an old path fortified with pavement runs along the slopes of Mount Morcheka Kerezla from the village of Opolznevoye (Kikeneiz) to the yayla. The vast Morcheki massif is directly adjacent to the western edge of the edge of the yayla by a pointed rock Kastropol Mountain height 954.6 m (44°25’20" N, 33°54’22" E).

2300 m west of the Kastropol Mountain in an amphitheater-depression on the edge of the edge of the yayla there is a rock Balchikh-Kaya 945 m high (44°25’29" N, 33°53'27" E), cut into two parts by a fault; Passive TV signal reflectors are installed on both parts of Balchikh-Kai. Another 500 m to the west, after a sharp decrease (to an altitude of about 850 m), there is a swampy pond; above it, in the dry bed of the watercourse, there is a well Balchikh-Kuyu. From here to Upper Kastropol 1800 m due south. Further 800 m to the southwest on the edge of the edge of the yayla there is a trapezoidal rock Merdven-Kayasy height 856.2 m (44°25’20" N, 33°52’25" E)

Further to the west, over a distance of 1500 m, there is a sharp decrease in the edge of the edge of the yayla (by 250 meters in height), ending in a wedge-shaped cliff Isar-Kaya about 600 m high. On the site at the top of Isar-Kaya, excavations took place in 1966-67. foundations of 7 towers from medieval times were discovered.

350 m west of Isar-Kaya there is the Shaitan-Merdven passage with a height of 578 m.

Transport infrastructure

Travel to Beregovoe is possible along two serpentine descents adjacent to the Sevastopol - Yalta highway. The turns to these serpentines are located 51 and 53 km from the Sevastopol railway station (34 and 32 km from the Yalta bus station, respectively). Both turns to Kastropol are connected to Yalta, Sevastopol and Simferopol by bus. At the same time, the name Beregovoe is not used at bus ticket offices (the stops are called Verkhniy and Nizhny Kastropol, the first of them is closer to Sevastopol, the second is closer to Yalta).

There is no regular transport to the village itself.

During the summer season there are daily tourist routes sea ​​boats starting from the pier of the boarding house "Kastropol" or entering it, directed to Cape Aya and other attractions of the southern coast of Crimea.

In Upper Kastropol, pedestrians can shorten the turns of the serpentine road along a poorly preserved multi-span staircase built in 1960. In the past, a staircase led to the seashore at the Iphigenia rock. Nowadays, the remains of the lower flight of stairs rest against the fence of a private territory located under the rock.

Social infrastructure

The village does not have its own authorities and law enforcement, medical care (including no pharmacy points), cemeteries, or street lighting. There is a post office. Local residents serve government agencies Simeiz and Yalta.

There are two permanent stores and a mini-market in Nizhny Kastropol. During the summer season, numerous retail outlets and cafes also open on the territory of the Kastropol boarding house and the nearby beach promenade.


Ancient history

According to legends recorded by local residents at the end of the 19th century, before the creation of the fortress, approximately in the 7th century, an Orthodox monastery was located near the Iphigenia rock. The same legend claimed that the monastery was dedicated to the memory of martyrs crucified on this rock to intimidate sailors around the 3rd century. n. e. by Roman authorities during the persecution of Christians. No documentary or material evidence of this legend has yet been found. However, it was precisely this that served as the basis for the construction of the now existing monument-cross on the top of the Iphigenia rock.

Russian Empire period

In 1924, on the site of most of the estate and park of D. Pervushin’s estate, two sanatoriums for teachers were created. In the city they were united into the boarding house "Kastropol".

An episode of the Great Patriotic War is associated with Upper Kastropol. In December 1941, here, on German-occupied territory, a reconnaissance group of sailors from the Soviet Black Sea Fleet under the command of midshipman F. Volonchuk landed and operated. In memory of this raid, a memorial plaque was installed on the slope-reinforcing slope of the Yalta-Sevastopol highway near the turn to Nizhny Kastropol in May 1978.

In 1960, one of the filming locations for the film “Amphibian Man” was located in Kastropol - V. Korenev, Anastasia Vertinskaya and other artists worked here. In 1986, part of the filming of the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If” took place under the slope of the Iphigenia rock - V. Avilov, E. Dvorzhetsky, M. Boyarsky, G. Yungvald-Khilkevich and other filmmakers worked here.

In 1971, the village of Kastropol was renamed Beregovoye.

The resort area is protected by the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains from the cold north-eastern and northern winds. Rich natural vegetation (coniferous and deciduous trees) is combined with parkland; Evergreen trees and shrubs predominate.

and encyclopedias). Geographical division The village is divided into two historically formed parts: Upper Kastropol, located to the west, and

In Upper Kastropol there is a residential one-story estate building, a large VIP residence, and an Orthodox church built in 2010, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. There is a mineral spring near the temple.

In Upper Kastropol there is a residential one-story estate building, a large VIP residence, as well as an Orthodox church (UOC), consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Near the temple there is mineral spring. The mountain range, 120 m high and 450 m long along the seashore, is a cape separating Kastropol from the village of Oliva. The base of the rock is a volcanic cone composed of deposits of volcanic ash (tuffs) with inclusions of volcanic bombs dating back to the volcanism of the Upper Jurassic period (150 million years ago). The rock massif is divided by a steep gorge-fault into two parts - the eastern, called Iphigenia itself, and the western, also known as mountain range 120 high and 450 long along the sea edge, it is a cape separating Kastropol from the village of Oliva. The base of the rock is a volcanic cone composed of deposits of volcanic ash (tuffs) with inclusions of volcanic bombs dating back to the volcanism of the Upper Jurassic period (150 million years ago). The rock massif is divided by a steep gorge-fault into two parts - the eastern, called Iphigenia itself, and the western, also known as

There is an Orthodox cross on the eastern top of the rock. A turn of the Upper Kastropol serpentine approaches the slope of the eastern peak of Iphigenia at level 50 below its highest point from the rear (relative to the sea) side.

eastern peak

In Nizhny Kastropol there is a private development, as well as a seaside resort area. This zone consists of a group of buildings of the Kastropol boarding house, several hotels and mini-hotels.

In addition, between Lower and Upper Kastropol there is a kilometer-long zone of forest of the sub-Mediterranean type. In the forest zone grow Crimean pine, Scots pine, blunt-leaved pistachio, thorny tree, evergreen cypress, common juniper, Cossack juniper, Crimean cistus, Pontian butcher's broom, etc.

According to legends recorded by local residents in late XIX centuries, before the creation of the fortress, approximately in the 7th-10th centuries, an Orthodox monastery was located near the Iphigenia rock. The same legend claimed that the monastery was dedicated to the memory of martyrs crucified on this rock to intimidate sailors around the 3rd century. n. e. by Roman authorities during the persecution of Christians. No documentary or material evidence of this legend has yet been found. However, it was she who served as the basis for the construction of the current cross on top of the Iphigenia rock.

Kastropulo is one of the best estates here due to its proximity to the sea, the beauty of the location and the quality of the land for vineyards. There is no doubt that there was once a fairly significant settlement of the ancient Greeks here. Proof of this, in addition to the name indicating the existence of a fortress in it, are the traces of a fortification noticed by Academician Köppen on a rock approaching the sea itself and the discovery in the ground of clay amphorae or enormous jugs in which the ancients preserved their wines. Residents of the former Tatar settlement of Mikhalatki, who have now moved to Turkey, told me that according to the legend passed down to them from their fathers, Kastropulo was abandoned by the Greeks at the time when Christians left the Crimean Khanate for the Mariupol steppes; that this settlement was extensive before Turkish rule on the southern coast, but subsequently, when the Turkish agis began to treat them cruelly and interfere with the free exercise of worship, the oppressed could only pray in a cave and were glad to leave their homeland at the first opportunity. According to the same Tatars, the surroundings of Kastropulo under the Greeks were incomparably richer in all kinds of vegetation and abounded in grain grain, which is no longer sown here at present. From them I also learned that the cave that served as the Temple of the unfortunate Christians and to this day presents traces consistent with legend, and is located in the rock opposite the villages of Mikhalatki and Kuchuk-koya, located a short distance from Kastropulo.

On the military topographical map of Major General Mukhin in 1817, the tract is also simply indicated Castrop. In 1823, the Kastropulo estate was acquired by a representative of one of the richest families in Russia - Nikolai Nikitich Demidov - with the aim of turning it into an “economy” (a separate economic unit) of experimental viticulture. In savings for a short time More than 20 thousand vines of French and Spanish origin were planted, wine cellars were dug into the slopes, and mass production of barrels was established.

After the death of N. N. Demidov (1828) Kastropulo was the joint estate of his sons-philanthropists - Kursk governor Pavel Nikolaevich Demidov and Anatoly Nikolaevich Demidov (Prince San Donato). In 1837, Kastropulo was visited by the natural history expedition of Anatoly Demidov (the group of scientists was led by a professor at the Paris Mining school F. Le-Ple), who left short description savings By personal decree of Nicholas I of March 23 (old style), 1838, on April 15, a new Yalta district was formed and the village was transferred to the Derekoi volost. On the map of 1842, Kastropol is indicated by the conventional sign “small village”, that is, less than 5 households.

According to the division of the Demidovs' property in 1861, Kastropulo went to the son of P.N. Demidov - Pavel Pavlovich Demidov (Prince San Donato), later the mayor of Kyiv. According to "List populated areas Tauride province according to information from 1864", compiled based on the results of the VIII audit of 1864, Kastropol is a proprietary Russian economy, with 1 courtyard and 7 inhabitants, at the Kuyme stream. On three-verst on the map of 1865-1876, small villages are indicated separately Kostropol and Demidov's dacha.

In 1873, P. P. Demidov-San Donato sold Castropulo to the Russian diplomat Baron Karl Karlovich Toll, who transferred the estate to his daughter Margarita (in marriage - Izvolskaya). After this, the name of the village of Kastropulo was transformed into Kastropol by analogy with urban names of Greek origin common in the southern Russian region [ ] . On verst On the map of 1889-1890, the Nizhny Kastropol estate is indicated on the site of Beregovoy.

In 1882-1892, Baroness M.K. Toll lived on the Kastropol estate last years life organizer of one of the first Communities of Sisters of Charity in Russia Marfa Sabinina; Here she wrote autobiographical “Notes”. In those same years, M. Sabinina’s friend and colleague in charity matters, the maid of honor of the imperial court, Baroness Maria Fredericks, often visited Castropol. On the initiative of M. Sabinina, at the expense of M. Fredericks, a portable Orthodox church was built and consecrated in Kastropol (soon, however, moved by the will of the patrons themselves to Feodosia, where it served as the basis for the construction of the Kazan Cathedral).

In 1924, on the site of most of the estate and park of D. Pervushin’s estate, two sanatoriums for teachers were created. In 1960 they were united into the Kastropol boarding house. According to, as part of the Kikineiz village council Yalta region, there were two farms: Kastropol with 19 households, of which 5 were peasants, the population was 36 people, of which 32 Russians, 31 Crimean Tatars, 1 Ukrainian and Kastropol Nizhny (3 households, 11 Russian residents).

List settlements Crimean ASSR according to the All-Union Census of December 17, 1926

An episode and other filmmakers are associated with Upper Kastropol.

The mild climate of the Mediterranean type does not differ significantly from the climate of Yalta (see also in the station Southern Coast of Crimea and Simeiz). Natural and climatic conditions are favorable for climatotherapy of chronic respiratory diseases, functional diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and for climatic prevention. The beach of small pebbles and sand (length approx. 2 km) is convenient for thalassotherapy.
There are boarding houses “Kastropol”, “Krivoy Rog Miner”; A sanatorium complex is being built.

Travel to Beregovoe is possible along two serpentine descents adjacent to the Sevastopol highway, Cape Aya and other attractions of the southern coast of Crimea.

In Upper Kastropol, pedestrians can shorten the turns of the serpentine road using a poorly preserved multi-span staircase built in 1960. In the past, a staircase led to the seashore at the Iphigenia rock. Nowadays, the remains of the lower flight of stairs rest against the fence of a private territory located under the rock.

The village does not have its own authorities and law enforcement, medical care (including no pharmacy points), cemeteries, or street lighting. There is a post office. Local residents are served by government agencies in Simeiz and Yalta.

There is one permanent store and mini-market in Nizhny Kastropol. During the summer season, numerous retail outlets and cafes also open on the territory of the Kastropol boarding house and the nearby beach promenade.

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The southern coast of Crimea is still one of cultural centers, with beautiful architectural monuments, museums, roads laid by the Romans, an area with amazing diversity. The village of Beregovoe, better known as Kastropol, is divided into two parts: the upper - residential with estate buildings and the lower - the resort itself, where housing for vacationers is mainly offered. While relaxing in Beregovoe you will find little interesting: the Iphigenia rock, the Devil's Staircase pass, the Isar-Kaya fortress. There are also small cozy pebble beaches in Beregovoe. The resort is located almost in the center between Yalta and Sevastopol, beach season lasts from June to September. This perfect place For beach holiday And educational tourism. Unique walking tours around the area start from here. Crimean mountains, there are many rocks with varying levels of difficulty for lovers of rock climbing and extreme rope jumping, so a holiday in Beregovoe is suitable for everyone. At your service sea ​​travel on a yacht, souvenir shops, restaurants. Children will be delighted by the best water park in Crimea, “Blue Bay”, located ten kilometers away in the village of Simeiz. The clearest sea, rugged rocks, beautiful nature and the warm sun will give pleasure to everyone who pays attention to Kastropol resort.

Beregovoye is a small village located 35 kilometers from Yalta. Tourists choose this place for clean beaches, silence and low prices. The village is divided into two parts: the upper part, where many locals live, and the lower part, where most vacationers prefer to settle.

Attention! Beregovoe on South Coast Crimea is often confused with the village of the same name near Feodosia. To avoid confusion, Beregovoe in the region Big Yalta often called by its former name - Kastropol.

Beaches of Beregovoe

The beaches in Beregovoe are pebbly. A small public beach is located in the east of the village. Behind it is the beach belonging to the boarding house "Kastropol". These beaches are equipped. To the west are small wild beaches with pebbles and huge boulders. Nudists like to relax there.

Beregovoye Climate

Beregovoe has a mild subtropical climate, characteristic of all South Coast Crimea: not cold (about +8...+10°C) winter quickly changes in early spring. Holiday season begins in June (some daredevils swim as early as May, but the water is still cool) and ends at the end of October.

Sights of Beregovoe

Having climbed to the upper part of the village (it is often called Upper Kastropol), you can visit the Orthodox Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. There is a mineral spring next to the church.

Between Beregovoye and the village of Oliva there is a picturesque mineral spring 120 meters high. On its eastern part there is an Orthodox cross, near it there is Observation deck.

Entertainment in Beregovoe

It is convenient to travel from Beregovoe hiking through the surrounding mountains. Fans of mountaineering and rock climbing can train on rocks of any difficulty level.

Pleasure boats depart from the pier at the Kastropol boarding house in the summer.

10 kilometers from Beregovoe is located water park "Blue Bay".

Hotels in Beregovoe

In Beregovoe you can rent a hotel room, rent a house, apartment or room in the private sector. In general, accommodation is cheaper than in Yalta.

Since Beregovoe belongs to the Greater Yalta region, you can book accommodation in hotels and sanatoriums in this village in the “Yalta Hotels” section on the website.

How to get to Beregovoe

At the Yalta bus station you need to take a bus or minibus, heading towards Sevastopol through Beregovoye, and get off at the “Nizhny Kastropol” (or “Upper Kastropol”) stop.

By car you need to drive along the Sevastopol - Yalta highway and turn onto the serpentine descents at the 34th or 32nd km from the Yalta bus station or at the 51st or 53rd km from railway station Sevastopol.


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