All tram routes. The most interesting routes for me. What else is being prepared

Without interrupting their work for the traditional weekend, already on Saturday the cars of the Moscow tram route № 20 back on line. They took passengers along the new route. And this is only the first step in adjusting the next group of metropolitan rail routes.

“Twenty” was the first to be changed

From December 23, 2017, the tram route № 20 "Art. Ugreshskaya - Kursky Station" has been seriously updated. It was switched to daily operation, service intervals were reduced, and the last flights began to depart two and a half hours later.

But the main thing is the change in route. Traffic on the section from the Museum named after. Andrey Rublev to Ugreshskaya MCC station filmed. Instead, the cars are directed along Andronevsky Proezd and Volochaevskaya Street to Krasnokazarmennaya Square. Departure from Kursky Station daily from 5:36 to 23:36, from Krasnokazarmennaya Square - from 5:48 to 23:48. Movement intervals are nine minutes, in the early morning and late evening hours - up to 12 minutes.

Route popularity № 20 significantly decreased a decade and a half ago after the opening of the first stage of the Lublin metro line, which ended in 1999 with the launch of the Dubrovka station. Traffic intervals on the route during certain hours gradually increased to 40 minutes. At the same time, the connection between Volochaevskaya Street and Kursky Station and the interchange hub of three stations of the Moscow Metro turned out to be in demand every time it spontaneously arose during temporary changes in tram routes. Locals They have been asking for a long time to make a permanent route for them, but they were finally heard only very recently.

Changing route № 20 - only the first in an already planned chain of optimizations of eight metropolitan tram routes, which have already been approved in the city register of routes.

Immediate plans

It has already been decided that the route № 3 “Balaklavsky Ave. – The Chistye Prudy metro will be extended along Chertanovskaya Street to the final station “Ulitsa Akademika Yangelya” along the night route No. 3n, now operating six nights a week, except the nights from Sunday to Monday. At the same time, the production of wagons on the route will cease № 16 "St. Academician Yangel – Serpukhov Val.”

The routes will mutually exchange their final stops. №№ 34 “16th Parkovaya St. - Novogireevo" and 36 "Children's sanatorium - 3rd Vladimirskaya street." Route № 34 will be shortened to 3rd Vladimirskaya Street, and the route № 36 , on the contrary, will be extended to the final station “Novogireevo”.

It is planned to shorten the tram route to the Semenovskaya metro station instead of the Partizanskaya metro station № 32 "Etc. Enthusiasts - Partizanskaya Metro. And the route № 12 "Etc. Enthusiastov - 2nd st. Mechanical Engineering", on the contrary, will extend along Entuziastov Highway, Ave. Budyonny, Izmailovskoe highway, st. Izmailovsky Val, Shcherbakovskaya St., 2nd St. Izmailovsky Menagerie to the Partizanskaya metro station.

After the change, route cars will be able to drive closer to the lobby of the Sokolniki metro station, where it was in early December. № 25 "Ostankino - Sokolnicheskaya outpost." The route will be extended along 2nd Polevoy lane, st. Stromynka, Babaevskaya st. and st. Sailor's Silence to Bolshoy Matrossky lane. with a turn through the tram depot named after. Rusakova.

The route will be slightly straightened № 46 "Metro Boulevard Rokossovsky - Metro Proletarskaya." His entry to Malaya Semenovskaya Street, Semenovsky Lane will be canceled. and Izmailovskaya st. when going to the Proletarskaya metro station.

What else is being prepared?

Mass deliveries of three-section 71-931M Vityaz-M cars, of which there were already 110 in Moscow by the end of 2017, are encouraging metropolitan transport workers to review the Moscow tram route network. Capacious carriages are sent to routes with high passenger traffic. After the complete transfer of the tram depot named after. Bauman to service the “Vityaz”, they will begin to arrive at other depots – Oktyabrskoye and them. Rusakova. The separate network of the Krasnopresnensky depot, which previously received 70 Pesa cars, will remain unchanged for now. And on the main network, the appearance of new cars will cause inevitable changes in routes. Some of them will even change their depot of registration - it will depend on the type of rolling stock.

Unsuitable for Vityaz operation, the oldest surviving tram depot named after. Apakova will continue to work with traditional single-section cars and coupled cars based on the Tatra T3 model. “Short” cars will also be worked on at the site of the Tramway Repair Plant, which is being returned to work.

And for work with new modern cars, another territory occupied by the Logistics Base of the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans” on Ugreshskaya Street will be adapted. A tram maintenance and repair facility will appear here, with a storage area for 150 three-section trams. Project financing is included in the Targeted Investment Program of the city of Moscow. A competition for the design of a new transport facility has already been announced.

Mass production of three-section cars with high current consumption in the capital requires ensuring a stable power supply and modernizing the contact network. To identify “weak points,” Mosgortrans ordered work to calculate the power supply of the contact network. However, not a single applicant showed up for the competition held in December. The capital's tram operators revealed plans for further changes in routes to the competition participants. All calculations needed to be done for a promising route network, which even included some areas just being prepared for construction.

Thus, according to preliminary information, from the side of Akademika Yangelya Street to Biryulyovo-Zapadnoye they are going to redirect the route instead of the Moskvoretsky Market № 1 , and to connect with areas closer to the center, extend the route from Balaklava Avenue № 49 .

They want to leave the routes unchanged No. 4 (right And left), 7, 11, 13, 14, 26, 29, 35, 36, 37, 39, 47. Routes may be redundant in the new network No. 2, 9, 20, 32, 34k, 38, 40, 45, B– they are compensated by other variable routes. Some of them will almost double in size.

The longest route (26.9 km long) should be № 12 . It will connect 16th Parkovaya Street and Cheryomushki, completely absorbing the route № 38 . The route in the projected network will be slightly shorter (23 km long) № 25 . According to preliminary information, in this form it will connect Medvedkovo and Kursky Station, passing through Oleniy Val Street, Baumanskaya and Volochaevskaya streets and absorbing part of the route routes No. B And 45 .

The length of the route will change slightly № 8 – from 9.9 to 9.4 km. Previously, it was planned to run it from 3rd Vladimirskaya Street instead of Novokonnaya Square to Kursky Station along the restored line, but the decision to revive this line has so far been blocked by local social activists.

Route № 19 from Kalanchevskaya Street instead of Novovorotnikovsky Lane they will be directed to Tverskaya Zastava, and the route will be extended along its old route № 50 . Such measures will make it possible to refuse to use the route № 9 . Route № 24 from Kursky Station, instead of Novogireev, it will only go to Entuziastov Proezd. The route will be shortened even further № 34 - instead of the previous 17.7 km from its route, only 8.06 km will be left, which is approximately equal to the distance along the route of the current route No. 34k from 16th Parkovaya Street to Malaya Semenovskaya Street. Route routes will become longer №№ 43 (18.2 km instead of 15.4 km), 46 (17.0 km instead of 16.7) and A(16.0 km instead of 10.2).

Note that with the existing network, “Annushka” will not be able to increase in size that much. The location of all existing tram rings allows you to organize a route of either greater or lesser length. Apparently, plans for the legendary capital route were also drawn up taking into account new construction (the line on Academician Sakharov Avenue, or a turn from the center to Novospassky Bridge on Paveletskaya Square).

Vityaz-M cars are going to be used to fully equip the routes №№ 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 26, 36, 37, 39, 50 . The remaining routes on the main network will continue to be operated by single carriages. And only on the route № 1 will maintain the operation of couplers of two Tatra T3 type cars in a multi-unit system.

However, it is known that the more long-term plans are, the more all kinds of changes can occur with their implementation. Therefore, with greater confidence we can expect in the coming months only those changes that are already included in the city register.

Let us remember that in September tram service to Tverskaya Zastava and three auxiliary tram routes were opened in Moscow.

Tram - one of the types public transport in cities. Refers to rail transport running on electric traction. The name "tram" comes from the English combination of the words "car" (trolley) and "path". Trams move along certain routes and only along those streets where special tram rails are laid. Overhead contact voltage is used as a power source.

What is a tram?

The tram is one of the first types of urban transport. It appeared in the first half of the 19th century. The first carriages were horse-drawn. Electric traction began to be used only at the end of the century before last. The first city where the tram became widespread was Berlin. In the first half of the 20th century there was active development tram transport, but after World War II it became less popular. In the 70-80s of the 20th century, a certain renaissance occurred, which was associated with technical improvements and the fight against air pollution. Recently, the popularity of trams in the world has sharply decreased.

Trams can be electric, horse-drawn, diesel, gasoline, steam, etc., but the first option is the main one. The remaining types are not currently used.

Tram station

This is a special organized place that is intended for boarding and disembarking people from public transport, in this case the tram. In addition to a sign indicating the tram stop, it is equipped with a canopy and benches. It may also contain a map of tram routes, schedules and numbers of cars stopping on it.

In large cities, outdoor advertising is a common attribute, and there may also be a ticket sales point. Stopping cars in such places is prohibited.

Stop sign

The sign is installed to increase awareness among drivers and passengers. There are certain numbers on the tram stop road sign - 5.17. In relation to such stops, slightly different rules apply. road rules. This concerns traffic rules along the tram stops. The fact is that the tram can stop right in the middle of the street, which is used for car traffic. In this case, a yellow zigzag line is drawn on the road near the tracks. It stipulates that the driver, if a tram with passengers stops, must wait until they get off and cross the road, and only then the car can move on.

However, it may move slowly if people are not walking, but it will be safer to wait until the passenger drop-off/pick-up process is complete.

The remaining rules are the same as for other public transport stops.

Tram in Moscow

The tram appeared in Moscow in 1899. In 2018, there are 48 routes and 5 depots operating in the city. There are 2 tram networks in total: the main one and the northwestern one. There is no rail connection between them. The total length of tram tracks in Moscow is 418 kilometers. The length was slightly less in 1926 (395 km).

The tram network reached its greatest development in the early 1930s, when the routes of this type of transport covered almost the entire city. Including its outskirts. In 1934, the tram was considered the most important means of transport in Moscow. Of the four million urban population, 2.6 million used the tram to get around. The total length of the lines was approximately 560 km.

Since 1935, urban transport has been diversified. At first, the reduction of tram lines was associated with the development of the metro, and then the trolleybus. Some lines were moved to secondary streets. In particular, the paths that passed near the Kremlin and part of the paths going to the city outskirts were removed. In the 50s, the dismantling of tram tracks on some routes was associated with the construction of highways. In the late 60s and early 70s, the closure of lines led to the separation of its north-western part from the main tram network.

The removal of routes continued into the 80s, but it was combined with the construction of new sections.

Market period

Since the mid-1990s due to expansion road network and an increase in the number of road transport, there was an active reduction in the number of tram routes in Moscow. The total length of the tracks decreased from 460 to 420 km. In the late 90s, as the main vehicle Only 150 thousand people used the tram. In the mid-2000s, its total share in urban passenger traffic was about 5 percent. Nevertheless, in some areas it was the main mode of transport.

During the reign of Sergei Sobyanin, from 2012, the tram network began to expand. Some routes were opened, extended or restored. In 2017-2018 More new lines are being introduced. The tram fleet is being significantly updated.

Features of the Moscow tram network

The tram network of the city of Moscow consists of parts that are loosely connected to each other, one of which is completely separated from the rest. There are 4 such units: Apakovskaya, Yauzskaya, Krasnopresnenskaya and Artamonovskaya.

The oldest stop in Moscow

During the existence of the Moscow tram, stops have changed many times and changed their appearance. One of the few exceptions is the Krasnostudenchesky Proezd station. There is a reconstructed 19th-century pavilion here, dating back to when there was a real village in the area.

Now there are high-rise buildings around, and in the pavilion itself there are kiosks. It is likely that it will soon be replaced (or has already been replaced) with a regular stop, which will lead to the loss of this object.

The Moscow metro is open daily from early morning until late at night. Trains do not run for only a few hours a day due to routine technological work at stations and in tunnels. The duration of train service intervals varies depending on the day of the week and time of day. During peak hours, the frequency of trains does not exceed 90 seconds, which is an absolute record among all metro systems in the world.

Detailed station schedules can be found on the signs at the entrance to the lobbies, as well as on the official website of the Moscow Metro. Here you can also see the departure schedule of the first and last trains from each station.

The map of Moscow metro lines can be viewed in the lobbies and at metro stations, railway and bus stations, in the Moscow Metro application, as well as on the official website of the metro and on the portal.

Moscow monorail transport system is part of the metro. The monorail route runs from Timiryazevskaya station to Sergei Eisenstein Street. You can find the monorail train schedule on the portal.

2. Scheme, operating hours and schedule of MCC trains

Trains on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) run from 05:30 to 01:00. At the MCC stations there are transport hubs that connect the metro, and.

You can pay for travel to the MCC using any city ticket (“United”, “90 minutes”, “Troika”) at metro rates. You can also enjoy all the benefits of social cards.

When transferring from the metro to the MCC and back within 90 minutes from the moment of the first pass, the additional trip is not charged.

3. Routes and schedules of urban ground transport

Moscow city ground public transport operates daily from early morning until late at night. You can view the schedule of buses, trolleybuses and trams at all stops, as well as on the website. The route schedule of private carriers is also available on the portal. In October 2016, a new ground transport network, Magistral, was launched in Moscow. New routes of buses, trolleybuses and trams pass through the center of Moscow and main transport routes. To know detailed information You can learn about the new Magistral transport network, its routes and timetables at.

You can also familiarize yourself with the ground transport traffic pattern in the center of Moscow and semi-express routes, which provide high-speed transport links between remote areas and the city center.

Build a travel route to your destination depending on public transport schedules and workload highways you can use the interactive service on the main page of the portal, and you can find out about the current tariffs for travel on surface urban public transport on the official website of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

4. Night public transport routes

For the convenience of Muscovites and residents of other cities employed in the capital's continuous cycle enterprises, there are also night routes of buses, trolleybuses and trams.

Their geography is formed in such a way as to cover transport links from the city center all administrative districts.

Night land transport starts operating after 23:00 and runs until 5:00 am, in addition there are 24-hour routes. The movement interval is no more than 30 minutes.

5. International and intercity bus routes

Familiarize yourself with international and intercity bus routes (between Moscow and major cities other regions) messages are available at bus stations and bus stations from where buses depart, as well as on the official website of Rosavtotrans.

Between Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region there is a network of bus routes and minibus taxis. They depart from bus stations and bus stations located near metro stations. Familiarize yourself with the traffic plan commuter buses and minibus taxis, as well as a list of routes, is available at the points of departure and at.

Majority bus routes, connecting Moscow with cities and large settlements Moscow region, served by State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto. You can find out more about the list of routes, as well as the possible transfer scheme in the Moscow region, on the carrier’s official website.

6. Traffic patterns and schedules of electric and long-distance trains

The schedule of commuter electric trains running between Moscow and the Moscow region is designed in such a way that the first trains from the region arrive in the capital before the opening of metro stations. The last trains depart for the Moscow region around midnight to provide transportation for citizens working the evening shift. Suburban electric trains run in 11 directions, originating in all railway stations Moscow.

You can get acquainted with the route map and schedule of suburban electric trains at train stations, stations and stopping points in the capital region, in cars directly along the route, as well as on the official websites of the Central Suburban Passenger Company, which ensures the movement of electric trains in all directions except Leningrad, and Moscow-Tver suburban passenger company operating in the Leningrad direction.

On the suburban railway transport on weekdays there is a technological break necessary to carry out work on inspection and routine repairs of the track and related infrastructure.

For travel on suburban trains in the Moscow region, there are three categories of single tickets: full, reduced and children's tickets. When traveling within the city of Moscow, the cost of travel by train is fixed and does not depend on the distance of the trip.

When traveling from Moscow to stations in the Moscow region and back, the fare is calculated according to Learn more about the boundaries tariff zones on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region you can ticket offices at train stations and stations, as well as on the website, on other routes - .

">tariff zones.

Also for the convenience of passengers using commuter trains daily, several types have been developed With a list season tickets, operating in all directions except Leningrad, can be found on the website JSC "Central Suburban Passenger Company" The list of subscription tickets for trains in the Leningrad direction is presented on the website.

">subscription tickets, varying by the number of trips, days of the week and travel distance. You can use the tariff calculator to choose the most optimal type of subscription ticket.

With travel rules suburban electric trains, plying in Moscow and the Moscow region, can be found on the official websites of carriers operating at the capital's railway junction: OJSC Central Suburban Passenger Company and OJSC Moscow-Tver Suburban Passenger Company.

View the train route map long distance possible at train stations, stations and stopping points in the capital region and on the website

I discovered that if you have an unlimited metro pass and ground transport, the metro is not always the fastest and most successful way to get around Moscow. It is more convenient to combine all transports. Let's see how the tram compares favorably with its transport counterparts.

Study period: it extended from 05/10/2017 to 07/11/2017 (I didn’t study the route to Krylatskoye, then I’ll take a ride, not on purpose)

Pros of the tram

  • Sometimes convenient routes. Tram rails sometimes they can connect the points you need with a shorter route
  • Stability of movement. Trams do not get stuck in traffic jams; they have separate tracks. Sometimes they stand at traffic lights, but in general they are more in motion
  • Aesthetics. The metro runs underground, where it is not as interesting outside the window as outside the tram window, especially in clear weather
  • Comfort. A tram rides smoother than a trolleybus or bus. Generally.
  • Railroading. For railway lovers: the tram is more railway than the metro
  • Environmental friendliness. The tram is healthier: it runs on electricity, so it doesn’t stink of gasoline or exhaust fumes

Tram route map

The most interesting routes for me:

They turned out to be B, 3, 7, 24, 46, 50, 11-half from Ostankino, 6 from Sokol to the Moscow Canal, 27, 17, and, judging by the water capacity around, you will like 31, 28 in Krylatskoye (but this is not checked I will, I will leave it to those who wish).

Moscow tram routes:

Tram A - Metro Chistye Prudy - Kaluzhskaya Square

The center of Moscow, interesting. But he got caught during road repairs. There were times when I had to stand in a traffic jam with cars.

Tram B - Sokolnicheskaya Zastava - Kursky Station

Interesting. To Kursky railway station.

Tram 1 – Moskvoretsky Market – Academician Yangel Street

Tram 2 - Metro "Semenovskaya" - Children's sanatorium

Subjectively, I didn’t really like the route. And chats in the lineup. I understood why the corners of trams are cut off, so that the cabin and stern are narrow - on turns, oncoming trams would collide at the corners if the trains were rectangular. The final stop “Children's Sanatorium” is a perfect place to start a bike ride around Losiny Island.

Tram 3 (longest route at night 18.7 km)— Metro “Chistye Prudy” — Balaklavsky Prospekt (at night - Academician Yangel Street)

24/7, runs at night. Today it is the longest tram route in Moscow at night: the travel distance is 18.7 km, the total time (taking into account the night interval) is 1 hour 22 minutes.

Tram 4L - Metro "Ulitsa Podbelskogo" - Sokolnicheskaya Zastava - ring

Tram 4pr - Metro "Ulitsa Podbelskogo" - Sokolnicheskaya Zastava - ring

Tram 6 - metro station "Sokol" - Bratsevo ( Tram 6k - Eastern Bridge - Bratsevo)

Modern new compositions with accordion. From Sokol to the Moscow Canal is interesting. The journey to Tushino is already monotonous and takes a long time.

Tram 7 - Metro station "Rokossovskogo Boulevard" (until 2014 "Ulitsa Podbelskogo") - Metro "Novoslobodskaya"

It goes smoothly, especially the first half of the way from the Rokossovsky Boulevard metro station.

Tram 8 – Novokonnaya Square – 3rd Vladimirskaya Street

Tram 9 – Metro “Belorusskaya” – MIIT

Tram 10 – Metro “Schukinskaya” – Tallinskaya street

Tram 11 - Ostankino - 16th Parkovaya Street

The first half is interesting, where there are small streets and Izmailovsky Park. Along the straight, long Pervomaiskaya Street it’s no longer particularly interesting.

Tram 12 - Entuziastov Passage - 2nd Mashinostroeniya Street

From Enthusiastov Highway to Dubrovka.

Tram 13 - Kalanchevskaya street - Children's sanatorium

It’s also not particularly interesting, it goes along a straight big street to 3 railway stations.

Tram 14 – Kaluzhskaya Square – Metro “University”

Tram 15 - Metro Sokol - Tallinnaya Street

Tram 16 – Serpukhovsky Val Street – Academician Yangel Street

Tram 17 – Ostankino – Medvedkovo

A pleasant route with new trains. I rode sitting sideways, like on the subway. Comfortable, you can do business on the road.

Tram 19 – Kalanchevskaya street – Metro “Novoslobodskaya”

Tram 20 - Kursky Station - Ugreshskaya Street

Tram 21 – Metro “Schukinskaya” – Tallinskaya street

Tram 23 – Metro “Sokol” – Mikhalkovo

Tram 24 – Kursky Station – Novogireevo

From Kursky Station I drove back to Lefortovo Park.

Tram 25 – Ostankino – Sokolnicheskaya Zastava

Tram 26 – Kaluzhskaya Square – Metro “University”

The residential areas are not very interesting. The tram I came across is not very new, although it has electricity, it smells of technical substances, which makes you feel sick and nauseous.

Tram 27 – Metro “Voikovskaya” – Metro “Dmitrovskaya”

Nice route. There is greenery, the streets are small, it does not go along the main road.

Tram 28 – Metro “Sokol” – Marshala Zhukov Avenue

Tram 29 – Children's sanatorium – Bogorodskoye

Tram 30 – Mikhalkovo – Tallinskaya street

Tram 31 – Metro “Voikovskaya” – Marshal Zhukov Avenue

Tram 32 – Passage Entuziastov – Metro “Partizanskaya”

Tram 33 – Metro “Rokossovsky Boulevard” – Sokolnicheskaya Zastava

Tram 34 - 16th Parkovaya Street - Novogireevo

Tram 34k - 16th Parkovaya Street - Semyonovskaya metro station

Tram 35 – Novokonnaya Square – Nagatino


Tram 36 – Children's sanatorium – 3rd Vladimirskaya street

Tram 37 - Kalanchevskaya street - Novogireevo

Tram 38 – Metro “Proletarskaya” – Cheryomushki

Tram 39 – Metro “Chistye Prudy” – Metro “University”

Tram 40 – Ugreshskaya Street – Novokonnaya Square

Tram 43 – Metro “Semyonovskaya” – Ugreshskaya street

Tram 45 – Sokolnicheskaya Zastava – Novokonnaya Square

Tram 46 - Metro "Rokossovsky Boulevard" - Metro "Proletarskaya"

It’s nice from Ilyich Square to Proletarskaya - such a calm section.

Tram 47 – Kaluzhskaya Square – Nagatino

Tram 47k – Nizhniye Kotly – Nagatino

Tram 49 – Balaklava Avenue – Nagatino

Tram 50 - Kalanchevskaya Street - Entuziastov Passage

This is more interesting. In general, routes along small streets are more interesting and beautiful. Look for these.

Results: To summarize, I would like to say that riding trams is a pleasant experience from time to time. They generally run smoother, especially in the north, where there are new trains. At first I assumed that it would be faster to travel by trams. It turned out that this is not so. In most cases, the meter will come out faster. Also, the ground public is more cheerful and positive than the crowds in the subway.


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