Map of Yuzhnouralsk from satellite. Map of Yuzhnouralsk from satellite - streets and houses online. Satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk - Russia

On the page there is an interactive satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk. More details on +weather. Below are satellite images and real-time search Google Maps, photo of the city and the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, coordinates

Satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk - Russia

We observe on the satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk exactly how the buildings are located on Energetikov and Sportivnaya streets. Viewing a map of the area, routes and highways, squares and banks, stations and terminals, searching for an address.

Presented here in mode online map of the city of Yuzhnouralsk from a satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the streets are. Parkovaya and Kuibysheva. Using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and its view from space. We recommend changing the scale of the diagram +/- and moving the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, views of Zavodskaya and Mira streets. The page contains detailed information and photos of all local objects in order to show the required house in real time on a map of the city and the Chelyabinsk region in Russia.

A detailed satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk (hybrid) and the region is provided by the Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 54.4467,61.2589

Map of Yuzhnouralsk from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk online in real time. A detailed map of Yuzhnouralsk was created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible, the satellite map of Yuzhnouralsk allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and sights of Yuzhnouralsk. The map of Yuzhnouralsk from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Yuzhnouralsk is a very young city, which was built immediately after the war during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. Only in 1963 it was given city status. Previously, this place was the site of the Nizhneuvelsky fort, built in the 18th century. The city is located 90 kilometers from Chelyabinsk, under whose regional jurisdiction it is located. Yuzhnouralsk was built on the banks of the Uvelka River and the Nizhneuvelskaya railway station is located next to it.

Now it's real modern city, having a population of about 40 thousand, next to which lies the huge Yuzhnouralsk reservoir. Despite its youth, this city became the center of industry throughout Southern Urals. In addition to the Yuzhnouralskaya State District Power Plant, the city is home to porcelain, reinforcement and insulation factories, and mechanical repair factories. The local radioceramics plant and metal structures plant are known not only in the Urals, but also beyond its borders. The bulk of the entire population works at mechanical engineering and energy enterprises, which are the main industries in Yuzhnouralsk.

Housing construction is progressing at a high pace in the city; this city ranks first in terms of housing growth rates. The city's infrastructure is well developed: Yuzhnouralsk has a large number of banks, seven pharmacies and two clinics, eight cultural institutions, such as the city house of culture, a museum and a library. There is a sports school in the city.

A distinctive feature of the city is the abundance of monuments to Lenin, which still stand on Leninsky Komsomol Square, at the entrance of one of the factories and on the alley. The monument on the square has gigantic dimensions - its height is about 13 meters.
There are two Orthodox churches in the city. Since Yuzhnouralsk was built at a time when communists ruled the country, no churches were planned in the city. Temples of the Intercession Holy Mother of God" and "Transfiguration of the Lord" appeared only a few years ago.

In the vicinity of Yuzhnouralsk there are a large number of sanatoriums, one of them, “Ural”, is popular not only among local residents. People from other regions also come here to relax. Here lies the Kichiginsky forest, which is a natural monument.

> Chelyabinsk region > map of Yuzhnouralsk from Yandex

Below you will find a map of Yuzhnouralsk provided by Yandex. If the quality does not seem sufficient to you, switch to another one from google. If it is of poor resolution, it means the species are of better quality in

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You need to know this

Although the satellite map is centered on Yuzhnouralsk, you can see any city in the world.

Since there may be several cities in the world with the same names, it is advisable to indicate the name of the region. For example, to find a satellite view of Yuzhnouralsk, it is advisable to write: Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Yuzhnouralsk(although the country can be omitted).

You can also see larger objects, such as regions, districts, countries and even the entire globe.

When searching for some regions or areas, it is advisable to clarify the request and indicate the country.

The Yuzhnouralsk map makes it possible to find even a specific address. The more detailed it is, the more accurate the result will be.

It is interactive. This means that you can look not only at the search object itself, but also at the areas around it. Interactive map Yuzhnouralsk is even more convenient in that it allows you to explore the city on different scales, as well as use different types review.


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