Night flight on an airplane. Airplane pilot and movement in space

Night flight on an airplane

For many people on planet Earth, the biggest fear is the fear of loneliness. Each of us wants to find a soul mate, each of us wants to love and be loved. And if God has rewarded you with a loved one, then life undoubtedly takes on meaning. The point is at least to give joy to a loved one. Our Corporation of Vivid Impressions exists precisely for this! Every day we help you give your loved ones happiness! Every day we organize new and original dates to surprise you and your loved ones!

Today we present to your attention a new, completely sensational, romantic date that will not only please your soulmate, but will give you a huge range of positive emotions and leave unforgettable impressions for a lifetime! Love gives you wings, so we invite you to fly on your wings of love and on the plane that our company provides for you so that you can truly surprise your loved one!

This romantic date is truly grandiose, as it is at the same time extreme, romantic, original and very touching. Flights operate in the evening and at night, as night is definitely the time for love and romance. Departures operate from Kronstadt from 20.30 to 23.00. It is possible to choose the duration of the flight: 15, 30 and 60 minutes of happiness at altitude. Flying over the earth, you have the opportunity to admire Vasilievsky and Krestovsky Islands, fly to the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter and give each other 1000 kisses and enthusiastic exclamations!

Just imagine how grandiose, unusual and exciting your marriage proposal will be during such an overnight plane flight! Well, what really takes your breath away awaits you at the end of the romantic flight! The highlight of this date is the glowing “I LOVE YOU” sign on the runway. The plane is already landing, your heart is beating so fast that it seems that it is about to jump out of your chest... and here are the cherished words that greet you! Of course, you will receive a “Yes!” in response to your proposal. and you will never forget this bright and happy day in your life.

Call our consultants and get more detailed information about this extreme romantic date and book such a plane flight as a gift to your loved one! Add extreme and vivid impressions to your relationship, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR LOVE...

The SAKE OF LOVE company provides flight certificates for a period of 3 months, in case of a flight postponement due to weather conditions.

Have you already gone to the cinema and cafe, or maybe even started a family? It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been together for a few days or years – give your loved one an air ride for two and get ready for enthusiastic thanks and unforgettable moments.

5 reasons to please your soulmate:


First or not, it’s definitely the best in life. After such a surprise, the opponent will be defeated, and the beauty’s heart will be yours alone.

Relationship anniversary

Divide the sky into two - the next date will remain bright, exciting, unforgettable in memory and in photographs.

Valentine's Day

A huge red ball will tell your feelings better than any valentine. Admit it and don’t doubt it - she will say “Yes!”

Wedding celebration

Strengthen your alliance under the clouds and receive blessings from above. Start your family album with pictures in the sky, not banal photos in the registry office.


Does your other half dream of having a good time? What if from the ground? Be on top - give her or him a romantic balloon flight.

Cost: for 2 people – 20,990 rubles, for 3 people – 22,990, insurance included.
Flight time is 1 hour, the entire program is 4–5 hours.

As it will be?

1. We will meet you at the flight area; if necessary, you can order a paid transfer from Moscow.
2. We will prepare the balloon, at which time you will have the opportunity to take photographs.
3. We will conduct pre-flight briefing.
4. Let's go on a flight hot-air balloon in the shape of a heart for 1 hour.
5. After the flight, you will receive a solemn initiation into aeronauts, a buffet with champagne and chocolate, as well as the presentation of a commemorative certificate.
6. At this point the adventure can be considered complete - go home.

Romantic flight in company loved one lasting from 15 to 55 minutes with a variable degree of difficulty depending on the wishes of the passengers. An unforgettable and exciting experience is guaranteed!

And also this perfect place and a great idea for a romantic marriage proposal!

Just call the manager and warn him. And you will be able to agree on an unforgettable and original script..

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We have a wealth of successful experience in such events. Surprisingly, among the clouds, all the little things and grievances are very quickly forgotten, the partners quickly tune in to a romantic mood and the mood improves.

What else do you need to please your loved one?

At this point, most of you have a question. Why flights and by plane? It's simple!

Proven to be moderate thrill, plus the beauty of nature, especially from a bird's eye view, promote the production of special hormones - pheromones. A little too much extreme or not enough romance and everything is lost.

And our plane is the most suitable for this. Light and fast multi-role aircraft Sokata TV10 with spacious and comfortable interior and an experienced pilot at the controls. When necessary, they will support the conversation and show all the beauty. And if anything happens, they tactfully remain silent, as if they are not here at all. Aces of heaven and psychology.

So this is a great gift for two for a wedding, anniversary or for a marriage proposal!

We offer you routes to choose from: (prices are for renting the entire aircraft)

20 minutes - 5000 rub. (walking)

Flying near the airfield allows you to see the surroundings from a bird's eye view

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30 minutes - 6500 rub. (BEST PRICE!) 7000 rub.

40 minutes - 8500 rub.

Extraordinary flight beautiful route is waiting for you in this romantic trip. After takeoff, our path will lie to the real natural monument “The Source of the Oredezh River in the Dontso tract.” The main feature of this lake is that the water in it is completely transparent, turquoise in color. Those who have at least once seen the crystal-clear emerald-turquoise waters will certainly be imbued with love for these places and will remember with trepidation the route taken. Flight altitude up to 900 meters.

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The most beautiful flight attendants, a dizzying view from the work window, sunsets and sunrises at an altitude of 10 thousand meters above the ground, new countries, cities and time zones. And these are just the bonuses that civil Aviation presents it to his workers, who can be seen from the outside. What is it really like?

Brought up in the best domestic traditions - “you’re a boy, which means no snot” - our pilots diligently avoid any sentimentality. When asked a direct question about the romance of flying, they get off with the hackneyed “it’s just a job.”

Some even jokingly call themselves “minibus driver.” Like, what's wrong with this: he took passengers, took them from point A to point B, dropped them off, picked up others, and flew back. There's just one inconsistency: minibus drivers usually drive along the same route, and there is a certain logic to this. If a person knows his direction perfectly, why throw him back and forth? And the pilots themselves do not seem to understand the logic of the managers who draw up work plans for airlines. Today you fly from Belgorod to Arkhangelsk, and tomorrow from Moscow to Vladivostok. Not to mention the rest Earth. And even if there is no access to international flights yet, what does one flight cost, say, to Sakhalin, where a week-long trip as a tourist would cost tens of the average Russian salaries?
However, we are talking about romance, not money.

« Our romance, for example, lies in our involvement in all this. A large, complex, expensive plane. A huge system that provides flight. Passengers with their joys, worries and fears. And you're in charge.
Romance is in flying over places that I had previously seen only through the eyes of Sienkiewicz or received an A for them in geography. Romance - in the request to the dispatcher to fly to the left of the highway for five miles, so that the passengers on the left side in the turn would have a magnificent panorama of Malta.
Romance is in the shouts of Hurray! from the cabin and splashes of mineral water and champagne after your announcement about the passage of the equator. Romance is in a beautiful girl asking if the commander wants more coffee».

About the uniqueness of the moment

When civil Aviation just spreading its wings, it was an admirable symbiosis of madness and courage. Boundless freedom reigned in the sky: if you were lucky enough to get off the ground, you were free to fly wherever and however you wanted. There's no one around anyway. From the height of today's experience, it's scary to even imagine what the pilot of the small single-engine aircraft Spirit of St.Louis Charles Lindbergh, in 1927, decided to be the first in the world to fly “over a puddle,” as pilots call it today Atlantic Ocean.

There were no means of communication or GPS navigators, and the pilot could only rely on his own eyes. What do you see when there is water around, again water and again water? With such initial departures from America, he could have missed not only France, but also Europe in general, and no one would have been surprised.

Then planes began to fly more often, passenger seats they have more, and the responsibility is higher. Therefore, today the entire sky over the planet is lined with so-called air routes. And this is by no means the shortest straight line between the two cities, as it would be logical to assume from the outside. This is a route from any point of which, if something happens, the plane, even if all four engines fail (fortunately, the world civil aviation does not know such examples), can plan to an alternate airfield.

This fact is the most favorite objection of pilots in response to the phrase about the romance of freedom in the sky. “We don’t fly as we please, but along routes,” they say, and they forget to add that such a route is not a highway fenced with barriers. Avoiding a thunderstorm, changing flight levels depending on the temperature outside, fuel reserves or a thousand other reasons, asking the dispatcher to “straighten” to catch up on time - all these are quite common situations on any flight. This means that you can fly the same route for the hundredth time, but the hundredth time it will be different.

« Of course, the route will change, the weather will change, nothing will be repeated exactly, but this is the magic of the Pilot’s work - not entering the same river twice».

Airplane pilot and movement in space

From south to north pole and around the equator. There is no corner on the planet where our valiant civil Aviation. Airplane pilot- a kind of air gypsy, only with two foreign passports: while one is in his pocket, the other is in the next embassy for new visa. And he lives, unlike the earthly gypsy, in comfortable hotels, paid by the employer.
It is estimated that a civil aviation line pilot will fly approximately 13 thousand hours over a 25-year career. At an average speed of 900 km/h (the cruising speed of a Boeing 777, for example), this is 290 orbits around the Earth!

And time travel

Admit it, who among us hasn’t dreamed at least once in our lives that there were 36 hours in a day? So, for a pilot this is not a dream, but a reality. If you take off, say, at 9 am and head west, then after 10 hours of continuous flight (remember, at a speed of 900 km/h) at your destination it will still be the same 9 hours. Magic? No, just the physics of the Earth's rotation.

« Working in aviation by default involves constant movement in space. What's there to be modest about? Not only in space, but also in time. Now I’m typing these letters on the keyboard with one finger, and the time on the clock is 16:00. But here, in Mexico, it’s 4 o’clock pm, and at home, in Moscow, it’s one in the morning and it’s already October 9».

Continuing the logical chain: if the next day you fly from Cancun at the same 16:00, you will arrive in Moscow at 6.30 am on October 10, jumping into the future by as much as half a day relative to Mexican time!

Although flights to the east are still considered the most romantic. Because if you fly from Moscow to Khabarovsk at 9 pm, then throughout the entire 8-hour flight you will be catching up with the dawn.

About girls

In fact, they are much more happy to marry oligarchs of their business class. For clarity: Roman Abramovich, Vladimir Putin, Prince of Monaco Albert Garimaldi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, actor Robert De Niro, Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, Washington Mayor Marion Barry and many others of lower rank chose their life partners from among the flight attendants. Although marriages with pilots are also not uncommon. That's not what's important. Regardless of your personal relationship, it will be they who bring coffee and cookies - the girls that 99.9% of the strong half of humanity can only dream of.

About the sky

Spaceships have long roamed the expanses of the universe, and civil Aviation and even more so has existed for a whole century. And yet, at the moment when the giant giant soars into the sky like a light bird, your breath stops. Yes, these are not the same feelings that the Papuans experienced when they saw the steel birds: huge, humming, not flapping their wings, but not falling - creepy! A modern person begins to learn physics in the seventh grade, and he can more or less imagine how he flies. But to realize that this colossus is controlled by only one airplane pilot(okay – two, although maybe one) is still difficult. This is probably where the respect lies, to say the least, that modern society has for representatives of the heavenly caste. The price of such awe is sole responsibility for several hundred passengers behind and thousands of those who remained on the ground, and do not even suspect that at that very moment, somewhere far and high, invisibly behind several layers of clouds, is flying directly overhead. tearing apart space and time, two or three thousand tons of the strongest iron. Only those who sincerely love heaven can voluntarily accept this responsibility.

« Night flight. A contradictory, multi-polar process. On the one hand, people are sleeping behind you. There are people sleeping under you too. You are supposed to sleep yourself. Like a Person. But you are a pilot and you work. A night flight is even more boring than a day flight. But!!! On the other hand...sometimes.....when you turn off the lights in the cabin and only your two CFM56 best friends are buzzing in the dark, you can see the Miracle. I spent a little and a lot of time in Yakutia, I flew as a flight attendant on the Il-62 and more northern routes, but Northern lights I saw it for the first time last night».

Finally about freedom

For those who find the previous paragraph too pretentious, it is worth reminding that the Commander of the Aircraft on board is practically a god. In all three of its guises: conscience, police and the magistrate's court. civil Aviation in this sense it is quite strict. This is later, after landing, you can complain about arbitrariness, abuse of authority and anything else. But in the air, the commander’s word is law. In the end, airplane pilot- the only civilian profession whose representatives wear shoulder straps. And not simple ones, but embroidered with gold.

« The sky is painted with patterns of footprints from our colleagues rushing to the capital. We also leave a trace. Maybe someone will admire it by walking along our highway twenty to thirty minutes later. Declining I".

Quotes used in the text
from blogs and social media profiles
active airline pilots
S7, Victory, Nord Wind and Emirates.


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