Time in Paris is now. Alice Clover - Midnight Paris time. Amazon What time is it in Paris

Time zone of Paris is UTC + 1 hour. The time difference between Paris and Moscow is minus 2 hours. Here you can find out what time it is in Paris. Exact time in Paris online:

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Paris is located in the UTC + 1 hour time zone. Paris time is 2 hours behind.

Distance from Paris to Brussels- 305 km.

Distance from Paris to London– 453 km.

Distance from Paris to Berlin– 1050 km.

Distance from Paris to Prague– 1035 km.

Distance from Paris to Moscow- 2843 km.

Distance from Paris to Kyiv– 2400 km.

Population of Paris: 2 million 258 thousand people.

Paris telephone code: +33 1.

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport(Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport) Code: CDG: B.P.20101, 95711 Roissy Charles de Gaulle, France. Help desk phone number: +33 1 70 36 39 50.

Paris Orly Airport(Paris Orly Airport) Code: ORY: Orly Sud 103, 94396 Orly Aerogare, France. Telephone help desk: +33 1 70 36 39 50.

Paris Beauvais Airport(Paris Beauvais Tille Airport) Code: BVA: Helpline: +33 892 682 066.

Sights of Paris:

As you know, everything in the world has its own rules. AND Paris not an exception. This is why, if you are planning to go to this romantic capital, then you need to find out at least the most important rules behavior so that no unforeseen situations or troubles occur. You should remember that you are traveling to another country, where there is a different culture, another nation, etc.

So, the first rule will be: do not rent a car, since due to numerous traffic jams, moving through the narrow streets of Paris will be very problematic. Perfect for getting around the city would be better suited metro or bicycle - this type of transport is very popular there.
Further. If you want to stay at a hotel, it is better to book a room in advance, even before your arrival. This is because the situation with hotels in Paris not entirely simple - you simply won’t be able to quickly rent a room the way you can do in Russia.

Don't forget about food. It is better to buy them in markets than in the largest supermarkets. On the market, prices are much lower and the range is much higher. Those who want to save money should purchase a special card after arrival, which allows you to travel on all types of public transport at reduced rates, and also gives a discount on visiting various cultural places and attractions.

After ten o'clock in the evening, the sale of alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited in supermarkets and shops, but in small shops and kiosks they “know nothing” about these rules.

Many, if not all, nightlife venues are open until seven in the morning, but alcohol can only be sold until five in the morning.
Never forget about tips! This is a tradition in all hotels Paris. If you don’t leave them, you may even be scolded for it!
It's best to go to Paris in the period from early spring to mid-summer. At this time there are quite a lot of tourists there and there is a high probability that you will meet compatriots there.

Weather in Paris

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Paris, France - general information

The length of an earthly day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis, and is 24 hours. A consequence of the rotation of the Earth is both the change of day and night, and the fact that when moving from west to east by 15° longitude, the local solar time
, determined by the apparent position of the Sun, increases by 1 hour. Formal language is used in everyday life local time
, which differs to a greater or lesser extent from the solar one. The entire surface of the Earth is divided into time zones (in other terminology - time zones). Within the same time zone, the same time is used. The boundaries of time zones are determined by considerations of convenience and, as a rule, coincide with interstate or administrative boundaries. The time difference between adjacent time zones is usually one hour, although in some cases the time in adjacent time zones differs by two or more hours. There is also a time shift of 30 or 45 minutes.

For most countries, the entire territory of the country is within the same time zone. The territory of countries extending from west to east over a considerable distance, such as

Alice Clover

Pages: 80

Year of publication: 2016

Russian language

Started reading: 535


"I lost myself. I don’t understand anything at all about reality... As it turns out, I don’t know myself at all. Sometimes I am not me at all. And tonight revealed to me a new, innermost, mysterious side of me... And now I understand that I cannot even predict my actions. It turns out that you can expect a lot from me... It is possible that my thought is very strange and leads to indignation, but I am glad about it. I'm glad I outdid myself. I won’t hide it, it scares me... But it also brings me true pleasure, which not many can experience in life... I don’t hide the fact that I turned out to be much worse, even bad... I’m not at all the same, I’m not like the way my close people and even myself see me. In my soul there is a lot of room for lies, pain, betrayal. I didn’t expect from myself that I could change my mind so quickly... Apparently spontaneity is my spark...”

I started planning a trip to Paris two years ago, when my girlfriend mentioned that it is very romantic when they propose in Paris, it was probably a hint =) and I remembered it. I was very confused and tried to focus all my attention on developing the plan, thought through every little detail, and, of course, took into account the time difference between Moscow and Paris.

In summer, time in Paris is an hour less than in Moscow, despite the fact that the difference in time zones is -2 hours. The reason for this is that in Russia the transition to winter and summer time, but in many European countries there is no, including Paris.

The change in time zones is easy to explain - the Earth rotates around the Sun, since our Planet is round, light cannot fall on its entire area at the same time. For convenience, they came up with a change in time zones so that sunrise and sunset for people would occur at the same time, regardless of where they live.

I have several lifehacks for travelers:

  • choose a non-stop flight;
  • calculate your arrival time; if you land in the morning, you will have an extra day ahead;
  • sleep before the road and on the plane; for a sound sleep, take earplugs, an airplane pillow and, if necessary, sleep glasses;
  • I always throw several packages of bp noodles and a travel kettle into my suitcase, since it’s not always possible to find a place to eat;
  • In Paris, it is customary to tip only taxi drivers +10% on the meter; in restaurants and cafes they are already included in the bill price, so there is no need to leave a tip.

The history of this city dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. It was founded by Celtic tribes. But the Celts, in the fight against the Romans in the middle of the 1st century AD. e. were defeated, and Paris came under the jurisdiction of Rome.

For the vast majority of tourists, Paris occupies a special place. “See Paris and die” - This phrase is not just words! It is impossible to visit Paris once and not get sick of Paris - this lovely city, with its world-famous theatres, museums, boulevards, numerous cafes with buns and roasted chestnuts, Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower, and many other attractions.

Although Paris is the capital of France, we must pay tribute to the French - they did not turn the city into an ultra-modern metropolis. Paris is characterized by low-rise buildings, which gives it a special charm. For reference: since the great restructuring of the city in the mid-19th century, by and large, not a single name of the street or boulevard has changed. This city seems frozen out of time.

You can just walk around the city, or visit the Eiffel Tower, and you will feel the unforgettable spirit of Paris everywhere. Here the time difference with the world time is +1 hour in winter, and +2 hours in summer.

The city is located great amount attractions. It takes a lot of time to list them. For example, the world famous Louvre, which opened its doors at the end of the 18th century. This is one of the world's largest collections of works of art from ancient times to masterpieces of the mid-19th century. For example, the great paintings “Venus de Milo” and “Mona Lisa” are exhibited in the Louvre.

I would also like to note that the Invalides House is located in the very center, and the military museum located in it, where the remains of the great Napoleon are located. Not far away is the famous Pantheon, where many famous Frenchmen who left their mark on the history of France are buried. A very large number of Paris attractions are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. You can talk about Paris for as long as you like, but it’s like the proverb: it’s better to see once!

Paris is located in a temperate climate zone. In this case, there are two opposing phenomena. On the one hand, proximity to the sea creates humid and warm air masses, and on the other hand, very often there is a breakthrough of cold air from the north. But, nevertheless, the climate in Paris can be called warm and moderate. For example, snow here is quite rare (about 10 days a year). There are also very few days with negative temperatures. The amount of precipitation is quite high - every third day of the year.


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