Conspiracies help on how to become a mermaid or not. 3 Ways to Be a Mermaid - wikiHow

But in old legends and folk tales these fairy creatures dream of becoming real girls, they suffer greatly from their fate and they would probably be very surprised if they suddenly found out that someone wants to turn into a mermaid: on a full moon, these beauties often killed young guys on the shore of a reservoir, because they really dreamed of love , yearned for her and believed that this feeling would arise in the soul of the young man.

Mermaid Power: Fact or Fiction?

Old legends do not deny that the power of a mermaid really exists, but in return they are forced to pay high price- these creatures are incapable of loving, they cannot evoke this feeling for themselves.

But still, many young girls today continue to dream of experiencing at least once in their lives this state of extraordinary strength and ease in controlling the elements, which became available to the girls from the series “H2O Just Add Water” after they experienced the power full moon

Each of us can believe or not that these fairy-tale creatures exist, but there are many legends and spells from old fairy tales about how one turns into a mermaid.

How to turn into a mermaid

How to become a mermaid for real. The most reliable way is to swim on a full moon in a pond in which the full moon is reflected. If you manage to swim along the lunar path, this ritual also promises vigor and good health, which will be given by the power of the full moon.

Ritual according to folk customs. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, girls must weave large green wreaths covering their faces. They let down and comb their long hair, weave an arch from green birch branches, through which they need to pass three times towards each other and. This is how the power of a mermaid comes to them. Girlfriends must hold hands throughout the holiday and be sure to swim in the pond, after which the girls comb each other’s hair with beautiful combs and sing melodious songs. When the holiday ends, the wreaths are unraveled and floated down the river, and my hair is braided. Thus ends the ritual. It is believed that after this the girls quickly find. The power of the full moon is not needed for this ritual.

How to become a real siren mermaid. The real undines are found in the cold lakes of Scotland - it is enough for a girl to be on any body of water, where, according to the assurances local residents, these fabulous creatures live, and when she asks them to accept her into their flock, she immediately becomes a mermaid. This is how it is told in local legends.

True, all the methods that describe how to become a mermaid only work when the girl sincerely believes in her destiny. But isn't she wrong? What if its purpose is not the cold light of the moon, but the warmth of the sun's rays?

Probably each of us, mermaid lovers, has thought about how to become a mermaid for real. With a tail and magical power.
I'll tell you how to do it and make your cherished dream come true))

You can become a mermaid at home and of course in such a way that real mermaid She accepted you into her ranks. however, the second option is more complicated.

We will try to become her at home)

Method one

We will need:

- pelvis
- salt
- candle
- silver pendant
- magic spell

To become a mermaid using this method, you need to fill a basin (or pan) with water at 12 o’clock at night on a full moon, add salt (you can use sea salt, you can use regular salt), light a candle and place it in the middle of the basin.
Then you need to read the spell, BUT it must be composed independently!!! In the spell you need to name the desired power, the desired tail and its color.
You also need to say what kind of mermaid you will be: half human, half mermaid (that is, you will be able to live on land and in water + have strength); fully mermaid (mermaid with tail forever + strength); a person with strength (you will not have a tail, but you will have strength as in H2O), a mermaid without strength (no strength, but you have a tail).
When you have composed a spell and written it on a piece of paper, read it loudly and expressively three times. you have to think about every word you say
then, when you have read it, put the silver pendant in the water and blow out the candle!
hurray, we completed the ritual!!!
Now we put this basin with water, salt and the pendant under the bed and go to bed.
In the morning you will feel a headache and possibly nausea.
But after a week, you will start to get scaly skin on your feet!
don’t be afraid, then she will appear only then and only then when you are in the water (but this also depends on what kind of mermaid you have become)

Second way:

This method is much easier

We go out onto the balcony on a full moon when the moon is at its zenith.
Then we shout: Hurray! I became a mermaid with a tail (green, yellow, orange, blue)... colors, with miraculous powers... (freezing water, boiling water, controlling water).
Then we run to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.
Hooray! Now you are a mermaid, but your powers and tail will not appear immediately, but only on the next full moon.

The third method is the most difficult

We will call a mermaid to turn you into a mermaid

You need to prepare well. Here's what you need to do to get strength... and a tail.

1.You need a bowl of boiled water (heat it an hour before the full moon, let it cool).
2.When it is exactly 23.10 (December 31), go to the window and dip the fingertips of your right hand into the water.
3. Without removing your hand from the water, say: “Give me the power of a mermaid” 3 times.
4.Dip your left hand into the water and say the same spell 3 times. Then there should be ripples across the water.
If there are no ripples, it means you have angered the spirit of the mermaid.
then the mermaid spirit comes and turns you into a mermaid!
5. After a few minutes or hours, you will feel that your head is starting to hurt. This is a good sign - it means transformation is underway...
6.After five minutes of pain, you will have strength.
Good luck.

I haven’t tried this method yet so I’m not sure if it works or not.

Method four

How to become a mermaid right now?

The most reliable way is considered to be swimming in a river or lake during the full moon. The full moon reflected in a lake or river is your chance for transformation. But, if you are under 20 years old, then you can only do this with an adult or with your best friend. Otherwise there will be no effect, just wake up the evil spirit....

Method five

How to become a mermaid without a full moon?

Take a regular (small) sheet of paper. Apply toothpaste to it and place it on the edge of the bathtub. Cast a spell, which again you need to come up with yourself (see above). Turn on the water. Turn off the light. Close the door and call the mermaid 3 times. When she comes, ask her for the tail. After that, the sheet of toothpaste must be burned and the ashes poured onto your feet. The tail will appear in 3-4 hours.

Method six

Home method

Fill the bathtub with water, add regular white sea salt, light the candles. When you add salt, say to yourself the spell “Ordinary water - become sea water!” . The spell must be cast three times. After immersing yourself in the bath, close your eyes and say the following spell 3 times: “Sea powers!” I ask you to fulfill one of my wishes! Let me be half man, half fish! May I become a mermaid every time I dive into the water!” After casting the spell, you need to lie in the bathroom for a little while, then get out of it, blow out all the candles and go to bed. Perform this ritual once a week! Transformation will take time

Method seven

How to call a mermaid to your home so she can give you strength and a tail!

A ritual from an ancient book.
To carry out this calling ritual, you will need a large basin and a certain amount of clean water taken from an open body of water, for example, from a spring or lake. Pour water into the prepared vessel, turn off the lights in the room, light a natural candle. Now you need to sit on your knees near a basin of water and say the words three times: “Mermaid, come!”
After some time, if you do not feel the presence of a spirit, try the water in the basin with your fingertips; if the liquid becomes warmer, it means that the spirit has visited you. After this, you can ask the mermaid to grant one wish and pay for its fulfillment with a lock of your own hair.

Method eight

How to become a mermaid in the bath

If you still haven’t been able to call a mermaid, then use the following methods, they are very simple. Find fish scales and your hair, then cut out a small rectangle from colored paper. Wrap everything in this sheet and burn it, but keep the remaining ashes. After this, wait until the full moon and dilute the ashes in drinking water, then drink the contents, go to the mirror and say the spell three times: “I will become a mermaid!” Without wasting time, take a bath and go to bed, and in the morning you will become a mermaid.

I do not advise you to do this method, because it seems to me that it is terrible to drink ashes from scales and cardboard.

Method nine

A way to become a mermaid using a spell.
Early in the morning, before sunrise, draw spring water, throw into it three of your hair, a sage leaf, three fish scales and the ashes of your burned loved one, your poem about love, say the magic words “Sun, sun, turn away, you are a little mermaid, wake up” and pour out the water - if the water is immediately absorbed into the ground, it means you will soon turn into a mermaid. And every time the water touches you, you will become a real mermaid. If water does not soak into the ground for a long time, it means that you won’t be able to become a mermaid this way.

Take a wooden comb and go to the bathroom, call the little mermaid and when you smell the fish, say the spell - “Little mermaid, please turn me into a mermaid. Give me the power to control water!”

Method ten

To become a mermaid, you need to eat fish before going to bed and then drink rainwater. Then say the spell: “Aru dy mermaid taruya” and go to bed. the next morning a very beautiful tail will grow. Only unfortunately (or fortunately?) he will remain forever...

That's all.

Thanks to everyone who read this. I tried hard.

Thanks everyone, bye!)

How to become a mermaid without a full moon? Today, there are many ways that will allow you to receive the power of a magical creature at any time of the month, regardless of whether you are affected by the moon or not.

How to become a mermaid without a full moon?

Almost everyone who has ever been interested in the topic knows methods that will help you become this entity in reality on a full moon, because these water spirits, like no other, depend on the phase of the moon and receive their power from moonlight.

This is true, but in fact there are rituals thanks to which you can transform without even using the power of a given luminary. There are several common methods:

Each of the proposed methods is effective in its own way, but also has many disadvantages. For example, a demon may simply not accept your payment and become angry that you needlessly disturbed his peace.

A powerful witch can curse you, but there is no guarantee that you will have to wander around in the guise of a little mermaid. Maybe the sorceress will turn you into a gnome, a werewolf, or cast an evil eye.

Still, the most proven method of turning into a mermaid is transformation during the full moon. In order to perform the ritual yourself, you need to take:

  • a gift (this can be a product made of shells, corals, silver);
  • some water;
  • 9 candles;
  • small coins.

When there is a full moon in the sky, go to the pond exactly at 12 o'clock at night. Initially put on the decoration that you have prepared. Important: the reservoir should only be natural. Place all 9 candles on the sand, light the first one and, going into the water up to your shoulders, say:

Spirits of water, I call you, hear my call. I (name), blessed by heaven, washed with water, came to pray for help. Take me into your service, bestow me with magical powers, accept my gifts, for I am giving you what is dear to me. Don’t drive me away, don’t reject me, accept me among your mermaid sisters, change my appearance. Moon, illuminate me, water, wash me, sisters, take me to you!

After this, you should go ashore, light the next candle, go into the water again and cast a spell. Repeat the manipulation exactly 9 times. When the last candle is lit, take off your necklace and place it on the surface of the water. At the same time say:

Take away my human form, just as you take away my gifts.

Standing already on the shore, throw everything into the prepared coins into the water and leave. At dawn, come to the ceremony site and see if the candles have burned out. If at least one of them does not burn out completely, then you will not receive power.

At home, it’s quite easy to summon a mermaid and even turn into one. However, not all rituals may be as safe as they seem. If you decide to opt for the safest ritual possible, then arm yourself with a large container of clean water.

You will need to go outside at night (you can stand on the balcony, it is important that the following condition is met) and place the container with the liquid so that the moon is fully reflected in it. Bend over the container and say:

The light of the moon illuminates me, mother water washes me (at this moment, scoop up the water with your left hand and wash your face). Mermaids, mermaids, spirits of the seas, lakes, rivers, oceans, I appeal to you all. Hear me. Give me magical power, make me a mermaid, because no one but you will help me.

Read the spell exactly 3 times, after which you should bathe in the used water. Now you need to take another container of water and place it in the same place so that it is saturated with the magic of the Moon throughout the night.

It is advisable that this time the container be as large as possible, since you should wash your face with this water for 7 days. In exactly a week you will gain a real magical gift.

If we talk about turning into a mermaid without a full moon, then such a ritual will probably be the simplest and most effective. To perform the ceremony in advance, prepare a silver bowl, infused water, shell beads and 5 wax (but not church) candles.

A special liquid is used in the ritual. Be sure to collect it before sunrise from a stream or river. For 7 days before the ceremony, infuse it in a red container and say the following text over it 3 times a day:

Water, mother, give me strength, give me wisdom, make my cherished dream come true.

When the water and all other attributes are ready, in the middle of the night, pour the liquid into a silver bowl, place candles around it and light them one by one. Take a necklace, pass it over each candle and dip it into the liquid three times. At the same time say:

Grant me strength, amulet. Grant wisdom and prudence. Protect me from all evil and increase my mermaid power.

As soon as the words are spoken, drink water and wash your face with it. Do not take the necklace off yourself anymore, as it is your amulet and your magical abilities are stored in it. No one should touch it, much less wear it.

The surest way to become a real mermaid right now at home.

Currently, many girls are fans of the excellent teen series “H2O”. However, simple love led to the fact that most of them wanted to turn into charming mermaids of water with real strength, adults and graceful, captivating with their beauty and flexibility.

How to become a mermaid during a full moon

This sacrament will really help you turn into a mermaid with a tail during the full moon:

First of all, to become a mermaid at home, you need to wait until the moon enters the full moon phase. Next, having chosen a favorable day, you should go out onto the balcony, holding a full bucket of water in your hands. You need to turn it towards the moon so that it is reflected in the water surface. Afterwards, you should pour over your body without pouring out the contents of the ladle completely. Subsequently, you need to wash your face with the remaining water and refill your body (drink it).

There is also an opinion that in order to easily and quickly become a mermaid right now with a tail, only one glass of water in which the water is reflected is enough. Its contents should be roughly divided into two parts: the first - to wash, and the second to drink.

However, we can speak with the greatest confidence about the sacrament of swimming (of course, on a full moon) in a river pond or lake. It is easy and quick to turn into a real mermaid with strength if the moon is reflected in the water surface.

Now a simple way to become a mermaid with a tail without a full moon at home. To transform into a mermaid you will need a small container of water and a wooden comb. You need to go out onto the balcony at night, put the comb in the water and, while closing your eyes, ask the mermaids for magical power that helps control water and ice. Then you need to take the comb out of the container and, without opening your eyes, comb your hair.

It’s no secret to anyone that the best time to turn into a mermaid without a full moon is in the summer when it’s warm. Girls who want to become “residents of water” should stay in it as often as possible. This means that swimming in lakes or rivers should become a habit (and one that will bring incredible pleasure). A girl’s skin must get used to the effects of water as quickly as possible in order to become a real mermaid at home.

It is important to train your body to hold your breath for a long time. However, you should be very careful in this matter. You can also try swimming cross-legged, as real charming little mermaids with a tail do.

How to become a mermaid with strength like in h2o

Here's an easy way to transform a mermaid into h2o.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that any myth is incredibly beautiful and attractive as long as it is a myth. So in this case - any attempt to turn yourself into an inhabitant of the water depths is just another exciting game that makes life more interesting. However, I would still like to wish great luck to those girls and women who, no matter what, do not give up on their strong desire to become a real mermaid with the power of h2o and use all methods in order to make their incredible dream come true as accurately and quickly as possible. We wish you success in your transformation!

Transformation video into a mermaid with power

Many girls, after watching the series “H2O”, want to learn ways - how to become a mermaid. Indeed, it turns out that in order to turn into a mermaid you don’t have to drown, you can become one quite easily, and how much strength and magic this promises.

You can swim the fastest, turn water into ice on the fly, read minds and sing beautiful mermaid songs in a gentle voice.

If you seriously decide to get a mermaid tail, then you need to perform several rituals and methods. We will describe in detail all the necessary steps for this and you will know how to become a mermaid.

Read carefully, and most importantly, each method must be performed exactly.

The magical method or How did Cleo, Emma, ​​and Rikki become mermaids in the movie “H2O: Just Add Water”?

On a full moon they came to an island; there was a volcano on the island, as everyone thought, but the mouth of this volcano actually turned out to be the path to an underground lake. The girls were in this lake, which turned out to be shallow, and the light of the full moon fell on them. After that, every time water hits them, they become mermaids, and when the water dries up, they become people again. It's very cool to become a mermaid only when you want it. Sometimes you can become a mermaid in a second and even without a full moon.
Real mermaids have nothing in common with the mermaids of this series.

How to become a mermaid the old fashioned way?

Legends say that mermaids not only had fish tails, but also had fish heads and no souls. All mermaids dream of turning into ordinary girls and it would be very strange for them to find out that someone seriously wants to know how to become a mermaid. Mermaids were ready to do anything to fall in love, so young men very often died near lakes and reservoirs where green-haired beauties lived. When killing a young man, the mermaids believed that at the moment of his death, love would awaken in their souls, but this happened very rarely.

True, the girls who learned how to become a mermaid and visited them at the holidays, after that, wanted to return. The Rusalya state gives a certain strength, but these
creatures are not people; real feelings and emotions are alien to them. Love for them is an unattainable dream; they are not capable of strong, deep feelings.
During the holidays, people looked with apprehension at the girls dressed as mermaids; they were creatures from another world. There were rituals where
they chased people, and it was considered a bad omen if a person was caught by a mermaid, this promised illness or troubles. In some
provinces, on the contrary, it was believed that this promised him wealth.

Many girls wanted to know how to become a mermaid, at least for the duration of the holiday. This made it possible to experience one’s detachment from the human world, to experience
feel real mermaid sadness and laugh heartily with your little mermaid friends, flirting with people and scaring them. It was considered very interesting that
After this, the girls quickly found grooms and got married. As if in contact with lifelessness and melancholy, they
filled with the desire to live, to go through their earthly path. Apparently, in reality it turned out to be not so great, because the girls actually
began to feel a longing for the world of people, their desire and interest in human affairs.

How to become a mermaid according to ancient Russian customs?

During the holidays, girls dressed themselves in abundant green wreaths, which almost
completely covered their faces. Next, they wove green gates from birch branches, and walked through these gates towards each other and three times
kissed. This was a rite of worship. Then the little mermaids stayed together throughout the holiday. If the action took place in the warm season, then they
It was necessary to take a dip in a body of water - in a river, in a lake.

During the cold season at Christmas, if such games were held, it was usually done indoors. It was enough for the girls to simply
slightly wet your clothes, hands and face. Also, in order to become a mermaid, you had to let your hair down and not comb it. And only then
The married girls took out combs prepared in advance and scratched each other's hair, sang a lot, mostly sad songs.

In the Chernigov province they played mermaids and Semik. On this holiday, many wreaths were woven; the weaving ceremony was considered a meeting with a mermaid. At the end
During the holiday, wreaths were woven or floated on water, girls braided their hair and became people again. This ritual was called seeing off the mermaids.

Method 1. How to become a mermaid without a full moon.

There are special ones on planet Earth, anomalous zones, in which it is very simple to become a mermaid and without a full moon. All these anomalous zones are described in detail in fairy tales. The most famous of them are the moors and lakes of Scotland.

There, any girl, if she only wanted to become a mermaid, could turn into one any day. But she must have unrequited love.

For only a suffering heart could turn an ordinary girl into a mermaid. The character of the mermaid is well described - they love no one except the one who broke their heart and take revenge on the young men, luring them into a quagmire and drowning them. Mermaids have the power of attraction; they are capable of bringing a young man into a pool at a distance of several hundred kilometers and destroying him.

Method 1.1. How to become a mermaid. The real one.

You need to be in Scotland. Ask the locals where mermaids are, or undines according to them, and go to those places. At the same time, if you have never had a first love, you won’t be able to become a mermaid, however, if your heart is broken (for real), then becoming a mermaid is a couple of trifles. At this point you will need to find a bright red flower (no matter what, but bright red) and take it to the place where the mermaids gather. But first, filling it with burning tears, the mermaids acutely feel truth and untruth.
And if the council of mermaids agrees to accept you into their flock, then you will become a mermaid even without the full moon.

Method 1.2. How to become a mermaid using a spell.

Early in the morning, before sunrise, draw spring water, throw into it three of your hair, a sage leaf, three fish scales and the ashes of your burned loved one, your poem about love, say the magic words “Sun, sun, turn away, you are a little mermaid, wake up” and pour out the water - if the water is immediately absorbed into the ground, it means you will soon turn into a mermaid. And every time the water touches you, you will become a real mermaid. If water does not soak into the ground for a long time, it means that you won’t be able to become a mermaid this way.

Take a wooden comb and go to the bathroom, call the little mermaid and when you smell the fish, say the spell - “Little mermaid, please turn me into a mermaid. Give me the power to control water!

Method 1.3 How to become a mermaid in appearance.

Some girls can turn into a mermaid on their own if they have the necessary qualities for this - they swim and sing well, and at the same time they like to swim and sing. Then sooner or later magical forces will pay attention to you and you will become a mermaid. Becoming a mermaid is not easy, you must have the ability. It's like trying to mind your own business. For example, it is impossible to make the Moon shine during the day, as well as the Sun to shine at night, it is possible that your destiny is not the Moon, but the Sunlight.

Legends about how to become a mermaid.

There is an ancient belief that girls who found magical gems on the lakes turned into mermaids, which appeared on the lakes very rarely. These gems were of an unusual emerald color and attracted the eye, but the most surprising thing was that not everyone saw them. Only a true mermaid could see the gem, and if she took it in her hand, she became a mermaid. Only a very unusual girl could see this gem.

There is a beautiful legend about how Princess Liban became a mermaid. She was supposed to monitor the magical spring, but suddenly the magical spring began to bubble and its waters rushed out and a flood began. The magic spring was in the castle and Princess Liban found herself under water. Only her face and chest remained on the surface. She could not get out, and since the waters were magical, her entire lower part became a mermaid and she gained immortality. After 300 years, Gongall found her and gave her the name Morgana.

Another legend about the beautiful Lorelei. She was madly in love with a young man, but he left her. The girl was so sad that she could not look at other young people, and when her parents wanted to marry her to one of them, out of grief she threw herself into the waters of the Rhine, which turned her into a mermaid. Boatmen often see her on a large rock, where she sits and combs her hair; admiring her beauty, many of them die.

Method 2. How to become a mermaid with a tail and strength.

It's actually difficult. Firstly, there must be a body of water nearby, and not just a body of water, but in which mermaids live. After all, if there are no mermaids in the pond, then the place is not suitable. Mermaids don't live just anywhere. They usually live in seas, oceans and some lakes. Unfortunately, such protected places, with magic water that can turn any girl into a mermaid is very difficult to find. At the same time, do not forget that basements, dungeons and caves are places in which it is impossible to become a mermaid. Underground water is not suitable for turning into a mermaid.

Mermaids have patrons who live near the mermaids and protect them from being discovered or from having a random girl turn into a mermaid. Agree, suddenly, out of the blue, you will become a mermaid with a tail, and with strength that you still have to learn to control. However, these patrons are swift as the winds and omnipotent, and scour the world in search of a girl who can become a mermaid. Why do they need this?

Firstly, every year there are fewer and fewer people who want to become a mermaid due to the fact that water bodies are polluted and few people want to live in the water permanently. After all, if you have a tail, live among ordinary people becomes impossible. Moreover, when cold weather sets in and the reservoir is frozen in ice, mermaids have to live under water for months. That is why there are almost no mermaids in the north.

Therefore, if you really want to become a mermaid, you should try to please the patrons of mermaids who are capable of turning an ordinary girl into a mermaid. To do this, you will have to train your abilities, especially the ability to love and forgive, believe and wait; capricious people will never become a mistress of the waters, but a kind and sympathetic girl is much more likely to become a mermaid. By the way, although the tail helps you swim more gracefully and faster, it is very inconvenient, and if you are going to be a mermaid, then it is better without a tail, or to have a tail for a while. But these are no longer real mermaids...

Method 3. How to become a mermaid without a tail, but with strength at home.

Honestly, you don't have to have a tail to have mermaid powers. This power can be trained. But this will require daily exercise and effort on your part. First you need to acquire the power of concentration. If you have a sweet tooth or love flour, you won’t turn out to be a little mermaid. You need to give up flour products and sweets, not even a little bit. You need to love fish and other seafood.

The mermaid has a strong concentration

They contribute to the strong concentration that all mermaids have. Seafood contains great amount iodine and healthy vitamins that simply saturate the little mermaid, which is why she has such superpowers. Her brain works at full capacity, and her brain can work miracles. Freeze water with one desire, including vision and sending the body the necessary frequencies that reduce the temperature of the space. Thus, the water turns into ice. You will also be able to fascinate with one glance and inspire thoughts from a distance.

The first exercise for concentration. Take a piece of newspaper measuring 10x10 cm with small newspaper text and use a pen with green paste to draw a dot with a diameter of 1-2 mm in the middle of this piece. Your task is to concentrate your attention in such a way that you learn to see only this green dot, but not see the text. The entire field around the green dot must be completely empty. After achieving such concentration, you can learn to raise drops of water and make vortices.

The second thing you will need to train is memory. If your memory is very bad and it is difficult for you to repeat 5 two-digit numbers from memory. Start small - with cards with pictures that you need to remember. Take 5 cards with different pictures and look at them for 30 seconds, then turn them face down and ask one of the adults to name one of the pictures for you - your task is to quickly find the card among all of them with the named picture.

If you show all the cards accurately and quickly, move on to memorizing the numbers, and the third stage will be memorizing the code of 12 numbers and letters. If you can do this, it means your memory is well trained. To convey thoughts to a person at a distance, you need to clearly imagine his face.

To do this, you need to start learning to remember faces. Peer into the person’s face, try to remember all his features, how the eyes are set, what kind of nose the person has, etc. You can practice on your girlfriend. Remember your friend's face, and when she leaves, try to sketch her face in the album. Then compare the image and the original. If you get better and better, you can start transmitting thoughts at a distance. This is how mermaids bring sailors and fishermen to them. By the way, this method surprisingly helps much faster.

Method 4. How to become a mermaid in a minute.

We need to find a magic mirror. You need to see your reflection in this mirror, splash river water on it and turn over your left shoulder three times. Then go into the mirror and come out of it as a mermaid. This is the easiest way of all. Just a minute - and now in front of the mirror - a real mermaid. All that remains is to find this mirror. The story goes that this mirror may not necessarily be the same as we are used to seeing it, it can be reflected in a waterfall, in general, wherever there is a body of water. You should not look for it in houses or palaces. You can ask about its location in ancient magic books.

Method 5. How to become a mermaid at home and get a mermaid answer.

You will need - a sheet of paper, a pen with black paste, blue colored paper, scissors, a glass of water, a silver spoon, a hibiscus flower, a mirror and a feather, your hair (only one!) - you can cut it off.

Instructions on how to become a mermaid:

1. Write on a piece of paper - I want to become a mermaid.

2. Then pour water onto the paper, finely chop the hibiscus flower, and pour it onto the wet sheet, then cut the blue colored paper into very small pieces, and also pour it onto the sheet.

3. Place a feather and hair on our sheet with a wish and fold the sheet into six folds, the main thing is that nothing spills out and the sheet does not tear.

4. Look in the mirror and, closing your eyes, quickly turn it over onto the paper, glass down - to your desire.

5. Now carefully put all this in a plastic bag and bury it near the pond in which you want to live when you become a mermaid.

6. After three full moons, you need to come to this place and unearth your desire. If you don't find anything, then wait for a mermaid or wait at home to become a mermaid. If you receive new instructions describing how to become a mermaid, then the mermaids allow you to do it yourself. You must follow the new instructions exactly.

By the way, most often you will find a ring that you just need to put on your hand and you will immediately become a mermaid. Therefore, now you know how to become a mermaid really quickly with a tail and strength.


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