Presentation on the topic "Ancient Greek wonders of the world." Presentation on the topic "Ancient Greek wonders of the world" Presentation on the 7 wonders of ancient Greece

Architecture and sights of Greece so saturated that the traditional concept of seven wonders cannot be used. Here is the Parthenon, the statue of Zeus, the Temples of Artemis and Apollo, the Palace of Knossos, the Mycenaean Walls, the Erechtheion, the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, the Monastery of St. Peter, the reconstructed ancient stadium in Athens.


Located on the island of Crete. This landmark of Greece is better known under the name “Labyrinth of the Minotaur”. The palace is built from different types stones, it is huge in scale. The complex surrounding it still looks like a labyrinth. Members of the king's family and retinue, along with servants, lived in it. Each apartment had bathrooms, kitchens, workshops, storage rooms, etc. Everywhere was maintained in order and made beautiful. On the walls there are frescoes depicting scenes of the life of the ancient Greeks. Already in those days, water supply and sewerage worked perfectly.

Archaeologists of the 20th century discovered the landmark. Arthur Evans has been excavating for over 30 years. The palace occupies a huge area, about 15 thousand square meters. It has over one and a half thousand rooms and premises for various purposes. They are connected by numerous corridors and stairs. The lighting was an interesting solution. There are windows everywhere, as well as small light wells for natural sunlight. The unique door system only helps a lot of light enter the rooms and halls of the palace.

Almost a hundred out of a huge number large premises intended for ceremonial receptions and feasts. Archaeologists discovered such thoughts as a throne room, a theater that could accommodate more than half a thousand people, treasuries, and ritual accessories.

Walls of Mycenae

They are gigantic. The construction of this architectural monument is attributed by the Greeks to the legends of the Cyclops. The stones from which the walls are constructed are quite impressive in size. The height of the walls reaches 8 meters, width - 5. This attraction is decorated with stone lions. They have long been a protective talisman of the Greeks.

It is located on top of the Acropolis. The temple was built in honor of Athena herself around 400 BC. BC. The eyes of architects from all over the world are struck by the unique style of the monument. Its highlight was the oblique construction method. Straight lines cannot be found here, even if you try very hard, this even applies to columns. Many centuries earlier, a statue of Athena was installed in the temple, made of elephant bone and gold (there was more than a ton of it in the figure). It reached a height of over 10 meters. The monument has not survived to our times.

The structure on the sacred hill is about 30 meters wide and about 70 meters long. During the construction of the Parthenon, the architects instructed workers to grind the marble blocks so that they were identical in size. The blocks were fastened with staples and lead filling.

The decorative composition of the temple is replete with scenes from the great Athenian festival. On the pediments is the birth of Athena, her war with Poseidon. Then you can see pictures of battles with the Amazons, Centaurs, and scenes of the fall of Troy. Some of the compositions were transported to a museum in England.

Erechtheion Temple

It is located slightly north of the Parthenon, and is made in the Ionic style. Built in the 5th century BC. The design is very original, and in the decoration of the columns the figures of beautiful maidens - Caryatids - become recognizable.

A temple was erected in Arcadia in honor of Apollo. It was built later than the Parthenon, and has a unique structure that rotates (it rotates about half a degree every year). Externally, the temple is decorated in Doric style, and inside – in Ionic style. True, tourists will definitely be presented with one of the columns in the Corinthian style. The robbers did not ignore this architectural monument. Now many of the sculptures discovered later are housed in the British Museum.

Theater of Epidaurus

This is a classic of Greek cultural buildings. There are no such acoustics as here anywhere in the world. The sound is reflected from the stone so that even a quite quiet conversation can be clearly heard. Special resonators are used. They are built into the walls, but are pre-tuned to a specific wavelength.

The construction of the architectural monument was completed in the 2nd century BC. It was discovered at the end of the 19th century. In Epidaurus there are clearly demarcated: stage, spectator seats, orchestra pit. Almost all of this is perfectly preserved, except for the stage, which is surrounded by ruins.

The theater is huge. The Greeks dedicated its construction to the god Dionysus. Next to the building there is a large music treatment center. The architect of Epidaurus is Polykleitos. Under his leadership, more than 50 rows of stone seats were built for spectators. Over 10 thousand people were accommodated here. The stage was two stories high. The theater still operates today. It was restored in the mid-20th century.

The Holy Mount Athos is noteworthy.

Every tourist strives to visit here to visit the Monastery of St. Paul. It is located on a steep slope along with 15 chapels. It was built around the 14th century. Since then, the monastery has been restored several times after fires.

The statue is included in the official list of wonders of the world. This is the figure of the ancient Greek god Helios. According to ancient Greek mythology, he patronized the island of Rhodes. The majestic monument took more than 10 years to build. Archaeologists testify: the statue stood on a hill. They built it right on the spot where it was supposed to be located. Gradually erecting from the feet, the wooden frame was sheathed with bronze. There were piles of stones inside. Approximately 200 tons of bronze were needed for the cladding. After standing for just over half a century, the figure was destroyed by an earthquake. 10 centuries have passed since then. When Rhodes was captured by the Arabs, they decided to sell the giant statue. Almost a thousand camels carried it. According to legend, if the Colossus is restored, Rhodes will be hit by a strong earthquake that will destroy the island.

Architects do not abandon plans to recreate the sculpture. The first project was proposed by German authors in 2008, the second in 2015. But construction has not yet begun. Nowadays, the ancient figure of the Colossus, very much reminiscent of the American Statue of Liberty, has not been preserved.

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Ancient Greek wonders of the world Temple of Artemis Statue of Zeus Lighthouse of Alexandria Seliverstova Irina Alekseevna, history teacher, State Educational Institution NPO 29, Sarapul.

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7 Wonders of the World The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. e.. All the miracles were on the island of Samos.

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7 Wonders of the World Historians associate the classic list with the empire of Alexander the Great

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Statue of Zeus For more than 300 years, Olympic Games in Greece. They were very popular among the people. They were held in honor of the god Zeus. But the main temple in honor of Zeus was not built. In Greece, donations began to be collected for the construction of this temple. Construction began in 470 BC. e.

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Statue of Zeus The construction of the temple took about 10 years. But the statue of Zeus did not appear in it right away. The Greeks decided to invite the famous Athenian sculptor Phidias to create a statue of Zeus.

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Statue of Zeus According to legend, when Phidias finished his work, he asked: “Are you satisfied, Zeus?” In response, there was a clap of thunder, and the floor in front of the throne cracked. For seven centuries, Zeus, smiling benevolently, watched the athletes, until in the 2nd century. n. e. there was no powerful earthquake that severely damaged the statue

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Statue of Zeus After the Olympic Games were banned, thieves stripped the statue of Zeus, stealing gold and ivory. All that remained of the famous sculpture of Phidias was taken from Greece to the city of Constantinople, but there the wooden sculpture burned down during a strong fire. Thus the third wonder of the world perished, but the Olympic Games, founded, according to legend, by the Thunderer, were restored in late XIX centuries and now gather athletes from all over the world, ready to measure their strength in the most different types sports.

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Alexandria Lighthouse The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Alexandria. This busy port was founded by Alexander the Great during his visit to Egypt in 332 BC. e.

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Alexandrian lighthouse Faros lighthouse consisted of three marble towers standing on a base of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular and contained rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the upper tower. The upper tower was shaped like a cylinder, in which a fire burned, which helped the ships reach the bay safely.

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Alexandria Lighthouse By the 12th century AD. e. Alexandria Bay became so filled with silt that ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse fell into disrepair. The bronze plates that served as mirrors were probably melted down into coins. In the 14th century, the lighthouse was completely destroyed by an earthquake.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus In honor of Artemis, the inhabitants of Ephesus built a huge temple near the city, on the site where the sanctuary of the Carian goddess of fertility was previously located, which became one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus Funds for the construction were donated by the famous rich man, the Lydian king Croesus. The design of the temple was developed by the architect Khersiphron from Knossos. During his time, the walls of the temple were erected and a colonnade was installed. After the death of the architect, the construction was continued by his son Metagenes, and the architects Paeonius and Demetrius completed the construction.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus When the completed huge white marble building opened before the eyes of the townspeople, it aroused surprise and admiration. Unfortunately, no one knows exactly how the temple was decorated. It is only known that the best craftsmen took part in the creation of the sculptural decoration of the temple. Greek world, and the statue of the goddess Artemis was made of gold and ivory.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus Inside the temple was decorated with wonderful statues by Praxiteles and reliefs by Scopas, but even more magnificent were the paintings of this temple

1 option

1.What did the ancient Greeks call themselves and why?

2. What is a policy?

3.The main philosophical idea of ​​the inhabitants of Ancient Greece.

4. What is an order?

5. Find out the order by description:" TO The columns rise straight from the pedestal. They have no decorations except fluted stripes and vertical grooves. "

6. What are the names of columns made in the shape of a woman’s figure? What order do they belong to?

7.Who was the main architect and sculptor of the “upper city” in Ain?

8.What does "mean" in Greek? upper city"?

9.In what order was the Parthenon built and to what deity is it dedicated?

10. What ancient Greek philosophers do you know?

11. Who was the first to describe and systematize the ancient Wonders of the World?

12. List all the Wonders of the World.

13. This Miracle was erected as a tombstone for the Carian ruler by his wife, Queen Artemisia

14. Which Wonder of the World was called “Twice Winged” and why?

15. In which city was the temple statue of Zeus installed?

16. Where was the first list of Wonders of the World discovered?

17.Complete the Arabic proverb: "

18. Find out the Wonder of the World by the description: “A slender young god, sculptured in full height, held a torch in his hand. Ships sailed between the legs of the statue. For only 65 years it stood in its place: in 222 BC it was destroyed earthquake. The fragments of the sculpture were transported on 900 camels."

19.What was the name of the woman for whom the hanging gardens were built?

Independent work on MHC by topic

"Architecture of Ancient Greece. 7 Wonders of the World"Option 2

1. Who is Hellen and why did the ancient Greeks reverence him so much?

2. The main philosophical idea of ​​the inhabitants of Ancient Greece.

3.List the types of orders.

4. What is a capital?

5. Find out the order by description :" The columns of this temple are taller and thinner. Below it is raised above the pedestal. The fluted grooves on its trunk are more frequent and flow like folds of thin fabric. And the capital has two curls. "

6. What are the names of columns made in the shape of a man’s figure? What order do they belong to?

7. Whose huge statue adorned the “upper city”?

8. In what order was the temple of Nike Apteros (Wingless) built and why is it called that?

9. According to the ancient Greeks, it was on the site of this temple that a dispute took place between two deities for dominion over Athens. Who were these gods and what is the name of the temple?

10. What ancient Greek sculptors do you know?

11. List all the Wonders of the World.

12. In which city was the list of ancient Wonders of the World discovered and who compiled it?

13.What Wonders of the World have survived to our time?

14. Find out from the description: “On the top of it a fire was constantly burning, the light of which was amplified by metal concave mirrors, and was visible at a distance of 60 kilometers. The wood for the fire was delivered up the spiral staircase on carts drawn by mules. It was destroyed by an earthquake in the 14th century.


15. Which Wonder of the World was a gift to your beloved wife? What was the name of this king?

16. Find out the Wonder of the World by the description: “The huge white marble temple was framed by 127 columns 18 meters high. Inside there was a statue of the goddess of fertility, made of gold and ivory. In 356 BC, one vain resident of the city, Herostratus, set fire to the temple, deciding In this way, to become famous and perpetuate their name, the sanctuary was rebuilt, but in 263 it was destroyed and plundered by the Goths.

18. The funerary complex at Halicarnassus was the tombstone of which Carian ruler. 19. Complete the Arabic proverb: "

Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time itself is afraid..."

Sayfutdinova Alina

Project work in computer science


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Presentation on the topic: Seven Wonders of the World

Introduction. 7 Wonders of the World Seven Wonders of the World (or Seven Wonders of the World Ancient World) - a famous list of the most famous sights of ancient culture. Compiling a list of the most famous poets, philosophers, generals, great kings, as well as monuments of architecture and art is a traditional “minor” genre of Greek Hellenistic poetry and a kind of exercise in rhetoric. The choice of number itself is sanctified by the most ancient ideas about its completeness, completeness and perfection; the number 7 was considered the sacred number of the god Apollo (Seven against Thebes, Seven Wise Men, etc.). Like collections of sayings of famous sages, collections of anecdotes and stories of wonders, essays on the Seven Wonders of the World were popular in ancient times and included descriptions of the grandest, most magnificent or technically most amazing buildings and monuments of art. That's why they were called miracles.

Evolution of the list The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. e.. All the miracles were on the island of Samos. This listing consisted of three wonders of the world: Later the list expanded to seven wonders. In the 3rd century BC. e. a new list of miracles has appeared. Historians consider its source to be a small poem by Antipater of Sidon (English) (there is also a version that it was written by Antipater of Thessalonica): 1] I have seen your walls, Babylon, on which there is room for chariots; I saw Zeus at Olympia, the Miracle of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the colossus of Helios and the pyramids - the work of many and hard labors; I know Mausolus, a huge tomb. But as soon as I saw Artemis’s palace, its roof raised to the clouds, Everything else faded before him; Outside the boundaries of Olympus, the Sun does not see beauty equal to it anywhere.

The first wonder of the world is the Colossus of Rhodes - a giant statue (about 36 meters) of the ancient Greek sun god Helios, which stood in port city Rhodes, located on island of the same name in the Aegean Sea, Greece.

The first wonder of the world He stood on a white marble pedestal, leaning slightly back, and intensely peered into the distance. The statue of the god stood right at the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes and was visible from the nearby islands. The statue was made of clay, had a metal frame at its base, and was covered with bronze sheets on top. To work on the image of the god directly at the site of its installation, Hares used an original technique: with the gradual elevation of the sculpture, the earthen hill around it also rose; the hill was subsequently torn down, and the statue in its entirety was revealed to the astonished inhabitants of the island. The production of the grandiose monument required 500 talents of bronze and 300 talents of iron (about 13 and about 8 tons, respectively).

The second wonder of the world The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus - one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was located in greek city Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor. The first large temple was built in the middle of the 6th century BC. e., burned by Herostratus in 356 BC. e., soon restored in a rebuilt form, in the 3rd century destroyed by the Goths. According to legend, Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, Artemis took care of everything that lives on earth and grows in the forest and field.

The second wonder of the world The width of the Temple of Artemis was 51 meters, length - 105 m, height of columns - 18 m. The roof of the temple was supported by 127 columns installed in eight rows. According to legend, each of these columns was a gift from one of the 127 kings. In 263, the sanctuary of Artemis was sacked by the Goths. Currently, on the site of the temple there is one column restored from the rubble.

The third wonder of the world Pyramids at Giza Egyptian pyramids - the greatest architectural monuments Ancient Egypt, among which one of the “seven wonders of the world” is the Pyramid of Cheops. The pyramids are huge stone structures pyramidal in shape, used as tombs for the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

The Third Wonder of the World According to some researchers, a large pile of wheat became the prototype of the pyramid. According to other scientists, this word comes from the name of a pyramid-shaped funeral cake. A total of 118 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt (as of November 2008). In the above-ground part of these buildings there were chapels and rooms with burial goods, and in the underground part there were the burial chambers themselves. When mentioned Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, mean the Great Pyramids located in Giza, near Cairo. But they are not the only pyramids in Egypt. Many other pyramids are much less well preserved and now resemble hills or piles of stones.

The fourth wonder of the world The lighthouse of Alexandria - one of the 7 wonders of the world, was built in the 3rd century BC. e., so that ships could safely pass the reefs on their way to the Alexandria Bay. At night they were helped in this by the reflection of flames, and during the day by a column of smoke. It was the world's first lighthouse, and it stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 AD. e. was severely damaged by the earthquake.

The fourth wonder of the world The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea. Its construction was supposed to take 20 years, and it was completed around 283 BC. e., during the reign of Ptolemy II, king of Egypt. The construction of this gigantic structure lasted only 5 years. The Faros lighthouse consisted of three marble towers. The total height of the lighthouse is 120-140 meters, its light was visible at a distance of 60 km. The lower part was a tetrahedral prism 60 meters high. Various equipment was stored in the interior, and a flat roof, decorated in the corners with huge statues of Triton, served as the basis of the middle part. The upper (third) part of the lighthouse was built in the form of a cylindrical colonnade - 8 columns carried a dome topped with an 8-meter bronze figure of the ruler of the seas, Poseidon (or a statue of Zeus the Savior).

The fifth wonder of the world, the Halicarnassus Mausoleum is a tombstone of the Carian ruler Mausolus, built in the middle of the 4th century BC. e. by order of his wife Artemisia II at Halicarnassus

The fifth wonder of the world, Pliny the Elder, describes this structure as follows: From the south and north, its length is 63 feet, from the front and back it is narrower, the total length is 440 feet, it reaches a height of 25 cubits, surrounded by 36 columns. This coverage was called pteron. The reliefs were made from the east by Scopas, from the north by Briaxides, from the south by Timothy, and from the west by Leochares. Even before they finished their work, the queen died. ...a pyramid rises above the pteron. At the top there is a marble quadriga, which was created by Pytheas. Together with it, the entire structure reaches a height of 140 feet

The sixth wonder of the world Hanging Gardens of Babylon In architectural terms, the Hanging Gardens were a pyramid consisting of four tiers-platforms. They were supported by columns up to 25 meters high. The lower tier had the shape of an irregular quadrangle, the largest side of which was 42 m, the smallest - 34 m.

The sixth wonder of the world The pyramid resembled an ever-blooming green hill. Pipes were placed in the cavity of one of the columns, through which water from the Euphrates was constantly supplied by pumps to the upper tier of the gardens, from where it, flowing in streams and small waterfalls, irrigated the plants of the lower tiers. There is a version that the gardens were not named after Nebuchadnezzar’s beloved, who actually had a different name. They say that Semiramis (as she was pronounced in Greece) was precisely the Assyrian ruler who was at enmity with the Babylonians.

The seventh wonder of the world The statue of Olympian Zeus is the work of Phidias, an outstanding work of ancient sculpture. The Olympic Games have been held for over 300 years. They were very popular among the people. They were held in honor of the god Zeus. It was located in the Temple of Olympian Zeus, in Olympia - a city in the region. The Greeks considered those who did not see the statue of Zeus in the temple unfortunate...

Conclusion Seven Wonders of the World or Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Mentions of the Seven Wonders appear in the writings of Greek authors, starting from the Hellenistic era. You had to know them already at school; scientists and poets wrote about them. The text of one Egyptian papyrus, which was a kind of educational manual, mentions the names of famous legislators, painters, sculptors, architects, inventors, which must be memorized, and then the most large islands, mountains and rivers and, finally, the seven wonders of the world. The “selection” of miracles occurred gradually, and some miracles replaced others.

Thank you for your attention!!! The presentation was completed by: Alina Sayfutdinova, student of grade 9A. Checked by: computer science teacher N.A. Morgunova. Teacher-consultant: Yadykina N.A.


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