Mountains of Crimea. General description. The highest mountains of Crimea

May 2014

Note: Greek translation indicated in green

AVINDA(Avunda) is a mountain on the Main Crimean Ridge, the highest point of Nikitskaya Yayla (1474 m). Rising on the territory of the Crimean nature reserve over the Gurzuf mountain-seaside forest amphitheater.

AVRORINA(Monastery Burun) rock is the central, southern spur of Cape Ai-Todor, closing the Yalta Bay of the Black Sea and the Yalta mountain-seaside amphitheater from the west. The steep (60 m) Aurorina rock is the southernmost spur of Ai-Todor. In the century before last, scientists discovered the remains of ancient church Fyodor Tiron, and it is from here that the toponym came - Ai-Todor, which means Saint Fyodor. On Aurora Rock there is the widely known “ bird home", a picturesque small castle with an unusual location, the image of which has become one of the symbols of Crimea.

AGARMYSH- Yaylinsky plateau-like mountain range - a landscape in the east of the Main Crimean ridge, on the border with the Crimean forest-steppe foothills, near the city of Old Crimea. Length 9, width - up to 6 km. Highest points: Mount Bolshoi Agarmysh - 723 m, Mount Maly Agarmysh - 664 m, Yamantash - 650 m, Bald Agarmysh - 518 m, Spire - 491 m, Bochenki - 424 m.
The area of ​​the Agarmysh karst forest-steppe landscape is 35 square meters. km. It is composed of limestones, karst landforms are developed: funnels, caves - Bottomless Well (43 m), Fox Tail (17 m) and the memorial cave named after. M.V. Lomonosov (length 268 m, depth 121 m, area 260 sq. m).

ADALAR- rock-islands in the Gurzuf Bay of the Black Sea, at a distance of 400 m from the coast. They rise 35-48 m above sea level. They are composed of limestones (Yaylin outliers moved from the mountain ridge to the sea). Numerous seabirds live here. Complex natural monument local significance(reserved since 1964; area 0.1 sq. km).

AY-IORI- (St. George) - a rock in the Alushta amphitheater-forest landscape of the Crimean forest-shiblyak sub-Mediterranean region. Intrusion of volcanic rocks. Height 572 m. The slopes are covered with oak and beech forest.

AI-NIKOLA— (St. Nicholas) is a mountain within the boundaries of the Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve (near the village of Oreanda). The rocky limestone massif is the Yailinsky outlier. Height is 389 m. The slopes are covered with a mixed pine-oak forest with the participation of a relict evergreen tree, small-fruited strawberry and evergreen shrubs: Crimean cistus, Pontic broom, red pyracantha. At the top of the mountain is a 1000-year-old strawberry tree. The Kurchatovskaya tourist-ecological trail is laid along the slope.

AI-PETRI— (St. Peter) is the mountain peak of the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla on the Main Crimean ridge north of the city of Alupka. Height is 1234 m. The jagged rocks of the peak, composed of reef limestones, reach 20-30 m (weathering figures). It drops steeply to the south, towards the Black Sea. Near the top there are numerous forms of karst relief, a large massif (614 hectares) of hornbeam-beech forest (since 1973, within the boundaries of the Yalta mountain forest nature reserve).

AKBULAT-BOTH(Akbulatoba) is a mountain of the Kerch shrub-steppe hills (Leninsky district) in the area adjacent to Cape Chauda. Height 51 m. The massif closes the arc of the Feodosia Bay of the Black Sea from the east. At Cape Chauda, ​​unique geological deposits of the Chauda basin, the predecessor of the Black Sea, about 1.8 million years old (a natural monument) have been preserved.

AK-KAYA(Akkaya) - mountain, natural monument.
1) A rocky, pyramidal peak in the east of the Inner Ridge of the Crimean forest-steppe foothills, near the city of Belogorsk. Height 343 m. It is composed of white limestones and marls. As a result of erosion and weathering, grottoes and niches were formed on the slopes, and at the foot - screes and block heaps (chaos).
2) “MOUNTAIN AKKAYA” is a complex natural monument of republican significance (since 1981). Area 30 hectares. A unique landscape and archaeological area is protected, where more than 20 sites of Paleolithic man have been identified. In total, more than 400 species of vascular plants live here, including several narrow endemics (Lagozeris purpurea, Rumia critmofolia, Pallas sainfoin, Crimean astragalus, etc.).

AK-YAR(Akyar) is a mountain in the southern longitudinal valley of the Crimean forest-steppe foothills (left bank of the Belbek river; Bakhchisaray District Council). Height 742 m. Steep south-eastern slopes. Broad outlook on the surrounding deciduous forests and bushes.

(Alchak-Kaya) is a cape in the east of the Crimean forested sub-Mediterranean region. Pushed into the Black Sea between Sudak and Kapsel bays. Height 157 m. Reef mountainous massif with a flattened top and steep slopes. The limestone strata contains an abundance of calcite veins. Noteworthy is the original weathering form - the Aeolian Harp Grotto. The cape is covered with steppe vegetation. The Alchak-Kaya nature reserve is located here.

ARARAT- a mountain in the northeast of the Kerch Peninsula, 5 km south of Lake Chokrak (Leninsky district). One of the highest mountains on the Kerch Peninsula - 175 m. A well-separated sloping ridge in relief, composed of limestone and covered with shrub-steppe vegetation.

ARDI-KAYA(Ardikaya) is a mountain on the southern macroslope of the Main Crimean Ridge, 2 km north of the village of Shchebetovka. Height 384 m. An isolated mountain range covered with forest and shrub vegetation.

ASCETI- (ascetic) - a mountain located on the Black Sea coast, 2 km east of the entrance to Balaklava Bay. It is separated from the existing one by the Shaitan-Dere ravine. west of the mountain Serf. On the slope of Mount Asceti there is a spring called Kefalo-Vrisi or Mane Tunero, the water of which supplied the Cembalo fortress. This Greek name for the mountain is associated with the legend of an ascetic hermit who once lived on it. Another name for the mountain is known - Spilia (cave).

AT-BASH(Atbash) is a mountain on the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla of the Main Crimean Ridge, at the south-bank edge of the plateau. Asymmetrical pyramid. Height 1196 m. Composed of limestone. From the top there is a wide panorama of views of the South Coast, Yaila and the foothills.

AYU-DAG(Ayudag) is a mountain, the largest intrusive massif in Crimea. Located in the Alushta area. Made up of volcanic rocks. A dome-shaped peak, flattened towards the Black Sea. Height 571 m. On the rocky slopes there are outcrops of light green gabbro-diabase (the stands on Red Square in Moscow were built from Crimean diabase), and stone chaos. The absolute age of diabases is 161 million years. More than 40 mineral species are known on Ayudag. The slopes are occupied by sub-Mediterranean forest: 577 species of vascular plants are found here (one of the centers of phytodiversity in Crimea). 44 species of flora and 16 species of fauna are listed in the Red Book. Ayudag is a landscape reserve of national importance (527 hectares).

Translation from Crimean Tatar:

Biyuk- big
Burun- nose
Kaya- rock
Kuchuk- small

If you have ever vacationed in Crimea, then mountain Crimea definitely left it with you indelible impression. And if you dare to conquer them, you will fall in love with them irrevocably! Let's find out which Crimean mountains are the most picturesque and which are the largest!

If you have been to Crimea at least once, then the Crimean mountains probably left an indelible impression, especially if you see them for the first time. And when you start conquering the Crimean mountains, you simply fall in love with them!

All researchers Crimean mountains note that they form three parallel ridges and have a direction from the northeast of the peninsula to the southwest, and are separated by two longitudinal valleys.

The most high mountains Crimea

For those who are interested in the highest mountains, we have compiled a small hit parade of them:

1. Roman-Kosh, 1545 meters - The gentle peak of the main ridge in the west of the Babugan plateau
2. Demir-Kapu, 1540 meters - The gentle peak of the main ridge, located on the Gurzuf plateau
3. Zeytin-Kosh, 1537 meters - The gentle peak of the main ridge in the south of the Babugan plateau
4. Kemal Egerek, 1529 meters - The gentle peak of the main ridge, adjacent to the Yalta plateau
5.Eklizi-Burun, 1527 meters - The peak rises above the upper plateau of Chatyr-Dag

The tallest does not mean the most beautiful. Now we move on to the main thing - a review of the most beautiful mountains on the Crimean peninsula.

Mount Ai-Petri (South Coast, Yalta region)

One of the most famous mountains Crimea Ai-Petri got its name in honor of St. Peter. Back in the distant Middle Ages, a temple was erected on its top. Surprisingly beautiful trees grow on the slopes and slopes. coniferous forests, which distinguish Ai-Petri from other mountain ranges of Crimea.

Batiliman tract (Southwest of Crimea)

The Batiliman tract is a picturesque coast covered with coniferous forest. The tract is located in the very west of the South Coast and reaches 650 meters. The local air has a unique smell of juniper, and the sound of cicadas against the backdrop of the majestic energy of everything that the eye catches creates the atmosphere of an African safari.

Many believe that Batiliman occupies a firm place not only in the list of the most beautiful mountains of Crimea, but also in the top five best places peninsula in general.

Mount Karadag ( Eastern Crimea, Feodosia district)

In the mountains of eastern Crimea between Feodosia and Sudak, the ruins of the volcanic massif Karadag, which translated means “Black Mountain,” rose above the surface of the sea. In addition to picturesque views, tourists are also of great interest in the bizarre natural coastal rock formations, among which the Shaitan-kapu (Golden Gate) rocks stand out. Devil's Finger, Leo, Ivan the Robber and others.

A visit to Mount Karadag is only possible with excursion group, starting from the Biostation in Kurortnoye. For trying independent trip local rangers issue hefty fines to the reserve.

Mount Demerdzhi (Eastern Crimea, district B big Alushta)

On the eastern outskirts of Crimea there is Mount Demerdzhi, famous among tourists, the slopes of which are dotted with bizarre natural stone sculptures, a little reminiscent of either an animal or people, but more reminiscent of towers and columns.

The flat area of ​​the summit is covered with thick grass, so conducive to a serene rest. In the west from Demerdzhi you can see Bear Mountain, a little further in the bluish haze you can see the jagged crown of Ai-Petri, and in the east you can see the outlines of the flat and long Cape Meganom.

Chatyr-Dag (South Coast, 10 km from the sea)

Among lovers of the Crimean mountains, Chatyr-Dag occupies a special place. The fact is that the Chatyr-Dag massif is separated from the neighboring mountains and at the same time it seems as if it towers over the entire Crimean peninsula.

Another distinctive feature of Chatyr-Dag is a large number of underground karst cavities, forming caves, wells and mines, the total number of which reaches 140 pieces.

In addition, it is very popular among fans wildlife Other mountain formations are also used - Mount Koshka, Mount Karaul-Oba, Mount Sokol, Mount Mithridates, Mount Paragilmen, Babugan-yayla, Fatma-Koba, Mount Klementyeva (Uzun-Syrt), mountain range Boyka, Mount Kastel and many, many others.

For a long time, I have been wondering what peaks are among the five highest mountains of Crimea. The situation in this matter is ambiguous. If we take the heights and maps, we get the following list:

  • Roman-Kosh – 1545 m, Babugan plateau
  • Boynus Tepe – 1542 m, Babugan plateau
  • Demir-Kapu – 1539 m, junction of Gurzuf and Nikitskaya villages
  • Uchurum-Kaya – 1538 m, Babugan plateau
  • Tas-Tepe – 1538 m, Babugan plateau.

These are the highest peaks of Crimea. But as can be seen from the list, almost all the peaks (except Demir Kapu) are located nearby, on the same plateau. In addition, the height difference between them is no more than 60 meters, and the distance is no more than 2.5 km.

In fact, it turns out that if you climb one of these peaks (except Demir Kapu), then in order to visit the remaining three you will need no more than an hour. And about 2 – 3 hours more to get to Demir Kapu itself.

Thus, it turns out that in one day of light, you can “take” all 5 highest peaks of Crimea. Below in the article I will also give options for routes along which you can make such a triumphal procession.

But I believe that this list, although formally correct, and even represents a certain kind of sporting interest, nevertheless, I propose another version of the 5 highest Crimean peaks.

From the list above, all four peaks (except for Demir-Kapu) are located on the same mountain range and are small hills, so I propose to leave only one peak from this four, the highest mountain of Crimea - Roman-Kosh (1545 m).

Now the list is completely different and, in my opinion, is of much greater sporting interest.

  • Roman-Kosh (1545 m) – Babugan plateau
  • Demir-Kapu (1539 m) – the junction of Gurzuf and Nikitskaya villages
  • Zeytin-Kosh (1537 m) – Babugan plateau
  • Kemal-Egerek (1529 m) – Yalta yayla
  • Eklizi – Burun (1527 m) – Chatyr-Dag

Although this list also includes two mountains on the Babugan plateau (Roman-Kosh and Zeytin-Kosh), the distance and elevation difference between them are significantly different from the peaks of the first list, and the views from these peaks are completely different, which was the right for me , to include Zeytin-Kosh in the top 5 of our list.

You can also climb the first four peaks in one hike, but this task will be much more difficult than in the first case. Well, in order to collect the top five for your collection of mountains, you will need at least two hikes. But this is already possible with strong luck, because... Even on Roman-Kosh, not everyone can climb the first time.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the peaks of Roman-Kosh and Zeytin-Kosh are located on the territory of the Crimean Natural Reserve, visiting which is prohibited. Passes are not issued there, so everyone who wants to climb these mountains climbs there at their own peril and risk, including the author of this article.

Brief description of the vertices

1) Roman-Kosh– 1545 m. This mountain is the highest peak of Crimea, which is why it is interesting for many tourists. The shortest and easiest way to Roman-Kosh from Krasnokamenka, whoever is interested can read the detailed information in this article

On my own behalf, I’ll add that Roman-Kosh personally didn’t impress me at all. This mountain has neither steep cliffs (Roman-Kosh is a failed volcano, formed as a result of swelling of the earth's crust under the influence of magma, which is why the slopes of this volcano have rather gentle slopes), nor stunning views of the sea, and access to it is officially prohibited.

Here is a video from the top of Roman-Kosh:

But, nevertheless, I have already visited this peak twice, including in winter (for those interested, here is the report of the winter ascent to Roman-Kosh)

And now I plan to make a night ascent to it through the entire Babugan plateau, simultaneously visiting all the highest peaks of the plateau, both from the first list and from the second (except for Eklizi-Burun).

I believe that all the following peaks on the list are much more interesting in terms of views than Roman-Kosh. BUT... There is nothing higher than Roman-Kosh in Crimea! That is why Roman-Kosh will always attract the attention of tourists, despite any prohibitions...

2) Demir-Kapu 1539 m — is located at the junction of two yayls: Nikitskaya and Gurzufskaya. The shortest route from Yalta is along the Uch-Kosh gorge, but this is not the easiest way, since the gorge is quite difficult to climb, especially in winter.

You can also climb the Balanyn-Kayasy ridge, starting from Yalta. In this case, you can immediately climb Mount Kemal-Egerek and descend along the Uch-Kosh gorge. Here detailed description this route.

The third option is from Krasnokamenka, without going to Roman-Kosh. In this case, you can go to the Arbor of the Winds and, if you have any strength left, also to Kemal-Egerek, and go down to Yalta along the Balanin-Kayasy ridge.

The views from Demir Kapu, of course, cannot compare with the Ai-Petri panoramas, but nevertheless, they are quite interesting. And if you take into account the fact that you can climb the mountain by one route and descend by another, this hike is very interesting and worthy of your attention.

I climbed Demir Kapu twice, and it turned out that both times were in winter. Here detailed reports my ascents to this peak.

3) Zeytin-Kosh (1537 m) – Babugan plateau. Zeytin-Kosh is very similar to his higher brother Roman-Kosh. The views are not the most gorgeous, although they are interesting in their own way.

When climbing this peak, plan to visit Roman-Kosh on the same day.

Route options: there are two optimal options from Krasnokamenka and Maly Mayak through the town of Paragilmen. It is optimal to combine these routes with one path going up and the other going down. But do not forget that you are on the territory of a nature reserve, entry to which is prohibited.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the combined option requires at least minimal experience from the tourist. If you don’t have this, then I advise you to go down the same path you came up, or use the services of a guide.

4) Kemal Egerek (1529 m) - Yalta yayla. I recommend this peak to everyone. Excellent panoramic views. In clear weather you will see both Sevastopol and Simferopol. From the mountains you will be able to see: Ai-Petri, Boyko, Eklizi-Burun, Demir-kapu...

What can I say, just watch this video:

Entrance to this stunning peak is not prohibited, which is also a plus. You can climb here both along the Uch-Kosh gorge and along the Balanyn-Kayasy ridge.

Ideally, combine these routes and go up one path and go down another... By the way, this combined route is in our program, and if you do not have confidence in your abilities and sufficient tourist experience, then feel free to sign up for a hike with us. Details HERE.

5) Eklizi – Burun (1527 m) - Chatyr-Dag. Despite the fact that this mountain is at the end of our list, I would recommend it as one of the first to visit.

Firstly, the route to this mountain is absolutely not difficult (unless you take into account that you have to overcome the height of a 258-story building - 775 m), and secondly, you will see gorgeous views of Alushta and the Black Sea, the Babugan plateau and vast forests of the Crimean Nature Reserve.

This is also a mountain, unlike Roman-Kosh, it goes down a steep cliff and makes you clearly understand that you are not just somewhere, but at a height of one and a half kilometers...

There are several options for climbing this peak, but the simplest and most convenient for most tourists is the climb from the Angarsk Pass through Bukovaya Polyana. Here's the detailed one

This concludes this article. As you can see, we got two different lists 5 highest peaks of Crimea. Therefore, I would like to know your opinion which of these lists should be considered the most correct and interesting...

The author of this article successfully completed climbing the peaks of the second list and before writing this article he was absolutely sure that he had completed climbing the top 5 peaks of Crimea. But, having started work on this article, and shoveled through a heap of maps and articles on Crimea, it turned out that there are at least two versions of such lists.

Therefore, I came to the conclusion that in order to completely complete the “5 highest peaks of Crimea” program, you need to climb all the mountains from both the first list and the second, and only then boldly move on to the 10th of the Caucasus.

I will start from Maly Mayak. I plan to climb Zeytin Kosh (1537), Boynus Tepe (1542), Uchurum Kaya (1538), Roman Kosh (1545), Tas Tepe (1538), Demir Kapu (1539) and Kemal Egerek (1529 ) in the listed sequence.

Thus, I plan to effectively close my list by climbing 7 of the 8 highest peaks in one day. When I finish it, I'll be sure to post a report. I plan to descend along the Balanin-Kayasy ridge. The approximate length of such a route is 30-35 km, the climb is 1500 meters, the drop is 1500 meters.

I would like to say a few words to those who want to repeat. If you don’t know your way around this area, it will be quite difficult, because these mountains are very similar to each other and to succeed you need to know them well, or use GPS, which in itself is not so interesting.

In order to complete the first list in one day, an early start is necessary. You can start either from Yalta (Uch-Kosh gorge) or from Krasnokamenka. But it seems to me that it is better from Krasnokamenka and as early as possible in order to get past Babugan to the foresters... Preferably either alone or in a small, quiet and fast group.

If from Krasnokamenka, then your route looks like this: Krasnokamenka - Gurzufskoe saddle pass - Tas-Tepe - Roman-Kosh - Uchurum-Kaya - Boynus-Tepe - Gurzufskoe saddle pass (for this you need to go back) - Arbor of the Winds - Demir-Kapu - Uch-Kosh - Yalta. The route is not easy, but very interesting.

Here is a detailed description of the route at

And here is a video of a winter one-day hike through the Uch-Kosh gorge to the Arbor of the Winds:

I hope this article will be useful and interesting for you. Share your thoughts on which list should be considered correct.

Crimea is famous for many attractions, a special place among which is occupied by the majestic picturesque mountains. They were formed as a result of the rise of the seabed, which is confirmed by their plateau-like structure. The tops of the mountain range do not have peaks that are difficult to reach. This is due to their structure, consisting of soft limestone, subject to destruction under the influence of the external environment. The highest mountain in Crimea is located on the extreme massif of the Babugan-yayla ridge.

Roman-Kosh - the highest mountain in Crimea

Although Roman-Kosh is the most high mountain Crimea, it is difficult to see from afar, since it merges with other peaks of the Babugan-yayla massif. The mountain rises 1545 m above sea level. It is located near the coast, due to which a significant difference in height is noticeable.

The eastern slope of the mountain is distinguished by a karst landscape. When the snow melts, stormy streams rush down this slope, eroding the limestone. Powerful streams are resisted by harder rocks, in which voids form. Thanks to this phenomenon, the slope is rich in grottoes, mines, caves and other karst cavities.

It is not possible to accurately determine the origin of the name of the mountain. Some sources claim that Roman-Kosh in translation means upper rest. But the version according to which the name comes from a Tatar expression meaning “forest pastures of shepherds” seems much closer to the truth.


In the forests located at the foot of the mountain, you can admire rare plant species. They were preserved thanks to the efforts of the staff of the Crimean Nature Reserve. The forests often contain coniferous trees and beech. You can admire the perennial birch trees in the relict grove located on the northeastern slope of the mountain.

Dense forests are found closer to the base of the mountain. As the height increases, they thin out and turn into solitary trees. The peak of Roman-Kosh is covered with steppe grasses, extremely resistant to harsh mountain conditions.

Animal world

In the forests located near Mount Roman-Kosh you can find quite a lot of species of animals. The traveler's eye will be pleased here:

  • deer;
  • roe deer;
  • mouflons;
  • various bird species including the rare Pied Rock Thrush.

Hunting in the reserve is strictly prohibited, so the animals are not very afraid of people and allow you to get close to them.

Climbing Roman-Kosh

There is no exact information about who was the first to conquer this peak. Today, many tourists cannot deny themselves the pleasure of climbing the highest mountain in Crimea. On the way here you can find the purest springs with very pleasant-tasting water. Limestone is an excellent filter, so the melt water that seeps through the layers of rock is strikingly clean.

You can climb to the top of the mountain along several roads, each of which has its own attractions. Quite often people go to Roman-Kosh by mountain biking. From forest clearings that are used as observation platforms, offers a charming view of others Mountain peaks. If you examine the landscapes through binoculars, you can admire the blue expanses of the sea.

The most massive ascent of Roman-Kosh was made in 1966. Pioneers vacationing in the Artek camp coincided with the XV Komsomol Congress. On the highest mountain There were 1,200 people staying in Crimea at the same time. To perpetuate this event, a pedestal with a bust of Lenin was installed at the top. Soon the monument was dismantled, and a wooden cross rose in its place.

You can conquer Mount Roman-Kosh only at a certain time. Quite often, when planning to climb to the top, tourists are faced with signs prohibiting passage. If you ignore these warnings, you may stumble upon foresters who will not miss the opportunity to fine violators.

The Crimean Mountains are a combination of massifs that are different in height, structure and characteristics. There are small hills, ideal for hiking excursions and luxurious photo sessions in the lap of nature, and the highest peaks, which can only be conquered with the help of special equipment.

The Crimean mountains are conventionally divided into the Outer, Inner and Main ridges, which stretch from north to south, separated by two long valleys. The northern peaks have gentle slopes, but closer to the south the character of the rocks changes dramatically: they become steep and precipitous.

See where the most beautiful and interesting mountains Crimea on the map of the peninsula:

Strange figures can also be seen among the rock groups on the surface, some even have their own names - Tron, Falcon, Ivan the Robber, Gingerbread Horse.

The name of the massif is translated from Tatar as “Black Mountain”. Apparently, it was given back in those days when the slopes consisted of pure volcanic rocks. Now everything has changed there. Over time, nature endowed Kara-Dag not only with picturesque forms, but also populated it with life. The diversity of flora is not just great: rare and endangered plants are found here, and pistachios and junipers, revered by clergy in ancient times, grow on the slopes.

Where is it located: Crimea, Feodosia urban district, between the village of Koktebel and the village of Kurortnoye

Height: 577 meters

Geographic coordinates: 44.915633, 35.224202

Mount Kastel - a failed volcano

There are many massifs of similar origin in Crimea. Once upon a time, magma, trying to get out of the depths, was unable to break through the earth's firmament. Sections of the bark swelled, forming stone “bubbles.” This is how Mount Castel appeared. It is located in southeastern Crimea, near the resort of Alushta. The name has a Greek basis; literally translated, the word means fortress.

The surface of the peak is almost flat, its height reaches 439 m. The slopes are steep, covered with dense vegetation, consisting mainly of deciduous and coniferous trees. A special feature of these places is a plant listed in the Red Book - anogramma thin-leaved - a fern that grows only in this area. The rock composition is dominated by gray granite. The slopes are dotted with battlements and ditches. It was their appearance that made it possible to give the name to the rock.

At the top in the Middle Ages there was a fortress. According to legend, Mount Kastel in Crimea was last stronghold defenders of the principality of Sugdea against the advancing Genoese. The remains of the fortress have not been preserved, since it was built without the use of mortar.

Location: Crimea, Alushta urban district, Vinogradny village

Height: 439 meters

Geographic coordinates: 44.638921, 34.386636

Krestovaya Mountain is a unique natural monument

Mount Chatyr-Dag in Crimea is located in the vicinity of Alushta and belongs to the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains. In fact, it is a powerful two-level yaila, stretching from north to south for 10 kilometers. Chatyr-Dag received its name due to its unusual shape, reminiscent of a huge tent. Thanks to its impressive size, it is clearly visible from hundreds of kilometers away, and the highest point of the massif, Eklizi-Burun (1527 meters), is one of the top five highest peaks Crimean peninsula.

But the main treasure of Chatyr-Dag is its fantastic caves, decorated with stalactite-stalagmite masterpieces and bizarre draperies of wall formations. This is where the famous Marble Cave is located - one of the 5 best in the world.

Location: Crimea, Simferopol district, village. Marble Fox Bay. Strong winds blow with gusts almost around the clock, which significantly complicates movement around the massif. But below, near the coast, it is always quiet, calm and very cozy.

A sad legend says that a long time ago wild goats lived on these slopes. The clever and accurate young man Ali came to hunt them. One day he met a monk on his way who said that today it was forbidden to kill living beings. And the incredible happened: every time, pointing the weapon at the goat, the hunter began to have visions. He imagined either his mother or his sister. Frightened, he fled. It was not seen again, and this ridge was named “Echki-Dag”, which literally translates as “Goat Mountain”.

Location: Crimea, Sudak urban district, regional landscape park Fox Bay - Echki-Dag

Height: 670 meters

Geographic coordinates: 44.906280, 35.121852


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